MC :: Volume #14

#1310: One page of 100,000 Heavenly Dao

Chapter 1310 one page of 100,000 Heavenly Dao 第1310章一页100000天道经 Below goods, are the last goods of this trade fair organizer sell, it may be said that next to last act major drama!” On a few words of auctioneer along with the stage, in the field the person and others concentrated to go to the stage the attention. “下边一件物品,是我们这次交易会主办方出售的最后一件物品,可谓压轴大戏!”随着台上拍卖师的一句话,场上人等都把注意力又集中去了台上。 Also is one selects female to push a car to come up high, car top head scarlet cloth, does not know that inside is anything. 又是一个高挑女子推着一辆小车上来,小车上盖着红布,也不知道里边是什么。 Below Immortal is silent does not speak, waits to announce, thought this next to last act should be the goods of some components. 下边的仙人也都是闭口不语,等待宣布,心想这压轴戏应该是有些份量的物品吧。 To thank fellow honored guests accepts this invite, gives us this trade fair to support, therefore our five big companies this time have put out treasure of the market town!” Auctioneer pages of nonsense, what did not say, causes below hiss one piece. “为感谢各位嘉宾赏脸,给我们这次交易会捧场,所以我们五大商号这次拿出了一件镇店之宝!”那拍卖师废话连篇,却就是不说何物,引得下边嘘声一片。 Said that do not keep guessing!” “说啊,别卖关子了!” „The treasure of any market town, making me and others have a look!” “什么镇店之宝,让我等看看!” The auctioneers want this effect, shows a faint smile, both hands press down clamoring of various people, opens the mouth saying that „, is patient, I also want to remove this red lid to everybody, but today's procedure is actually not this.” 拍卖师就是要这效果,微微一笑,双手按下各人的喧哗,开口道,“诸位,稍安勿躁,我也想给大家揭开这红盖头,可是今天的程序却不是这样。” Under is a hiss, but that auctioneer has waving the arms about of demeanor very much, to back one door direction one finger/refers, in mouth loud say/way, under makes me give everybody to introduce that the person of this making known, mysterious honored guest who our five big companies invited...... Immortal World zither say/way first person of Hong Mengni girl!” 下边又是一阵嘘声,而那拍卖师却是很有风度的一甩手,对走后边的一个小门方向一指,口中大声道,“下边就让我给大家介绍这个揭晓之人,我们五大商号请来的神秘嘉宾……仙界琴道第一人洪梦妮姑娘!” The Ye Kong heart said that is really Hong Mengni, this in a flash nearly ten years, does not know pitiful girl these years that this cannot speak how pass, will the brothel sell the sound, the fate? 叶空心说果然是洪梦妮,这一晃快十年了,也不知道这个不能说话的可怜女孩这些年过得如何,青楼卖音,下场怎么会好? Really, sees the door to open, goes out of two girls, front wears the element skirt, actually cannot cover up the slim and graceful moving stature. A long hair has not tied, is similar to the satin and waterfall scatters the shoulder generally. Before Hong Mengni, was more attractive, felt that the honor glows. 果然,就看见小门一开,走出两个姑娘,前边一个身着素裙,却掩不住婷婷玉立的动人身材。一头长发并没有束起,如同缎子、瀑布一般散落肩头。洪梦妮比以前更漂亮了,感觉荣光焕发。 Ye Kong thought, this girl has been in love, is the facial expression so how good? Oh, does not know that which Big Brother such his mother's good luck, is really blessing he! 叶空心想,这丫头是不是谈恋爱了,怎么气色这么好呢?唉,也不知道哪位大哥这么他娘的好命,真是“祝福”他啊! Somebody's blessing a little speaks insincerely. 某人的祝福有点言不由衷。 Back looks again, unexpectedly is the flurry girl. The Xiao Li snow also grew into the girl, unexpectedly was long is higher than Hong Mengni! However the face is unattractive. Before the flurry was the child, the face is round, was very lovable. Now Sir, the face is too round, a little looks like the sesame seed cake. 再看后边,竟然是小雪丫头。小李雪也长成大姑娘了,居然长得比洪梦妮还高!不过脸却不好看了。以前小雪是孩子,脸圆圆的,很可爱。现在大人了,脸太圆,就有点象烧饼。 Hong Mengni walks, to the stage under a people nod, is not having stage fright, has the demeanor appearance very much. 洪梦妮走出来,对着台下众人一点头,一点都不怯场,很有风度的样子。 Nearby Luo Wenhui and his Dao companion Feng Jingyi were also speaking. The Feng Jingyi startled say/way, good attractive female, is not inferior to the fairy maiden, already heard Hong Mengni color skill outstanding in both fields, sure enough.” 旁边罗文辉和他道侣冯静怡又在说话。冯静怡惊道,“好漂亮的女子,丝毫不亚于仙子,早就听说洪梦妮色艺双绝,果不其然。” Luo Wenhui sighed, was a pity pearl flees the capital.” 罗文辉却叹道,“可惜明珠蒙尘啊。” Ye Kong here Wu Yong and Kuang Peng also sighed. Although this Hong Mengni is beautiful, may actually be the prostitute child. Although earns living does not sell into servitude, but she is mortal, sooner or later must be wrested away by Cultivation Base profound male Immortal. 叶空这边吴勇和狂鹏也都是一叹。这洪梦妮虽然明媚,可却是个妓子。虽然卖艺不卖身,可她不过是一介凡人,早晚要被修为高深的男仙人霸占。 Kuang Peng opens the mouth to sigh, talked nonsense the girl helping other to sense the Heavenly Dao, but her actually why closed-door cultivation did not sense, actually went out sells the sound, can gain?” 狂鹏开口叹道,“都说梦妮姑娘助人感悟天道,可她却为何不闭关自己感悟,却出门卖音,能赚很多么?” Ye Kong actually shakes the head says with a smile, perhaps this is her cultivate way.” 叶空却摇头微笑道,“或许这正是她修炼的方式。” Sees Hong Mengni to enter the stage, Immortal somewhat are in a tumult. However what everybody cares is that next to last act treasure. 看见洪梦妮出场,仙人们有些骚动。不过大家更关心的是那件压轴宝物。 The auctioneers walk, invited Hong Mengni a scarlet cloth corner/horn, opened the mouth saying that everybody please look, this was the treasures of our market town!” 拍卖师走过去,请洪梦妮拉着红布一角,开口道,“大家请看,这就是我们的镇店之宝!” Hong Mengni element moves, pulls open the scarlet cloth, appears under the scarlet cloth, unexpectedly is a piece of yellowing page, is somewhat obsolete, has not damaged, but actually appears very motley, does not know that experienced many ten thousand years of time. 洪梦妮素手一动,将红布拉开,出现在红布下的,竟然是一片泛黄的书页,有些陈旧,还没破损,可是却显得很斑驳,不知道经历了多少万年的时光。 Before Hong Mengni comes, does not know is anything, seeing this thing to stare. However she stares greatly beautiful pupil to have a look, afterward not for shaking the head that the person realizes. 洪梦妮来之前也是不知是什么,看见此物就是一愣。不过她又瞪大美眸看看,随后不为人察觉的摇摇头。 A page appearance that this turns yellow, under immediately sound of the holding breath cold air, in these Immortal each one greedy light continually dodges, these old fogies are no exception. 这发黄的书页一出现,下边顿时一片倒吸凉气之声,那些仙人个个眼中贪婪的光连闪,就连那些老家伙都不例外。 Some people are not transparent, may more people actually know. 有人还不明了,可更多的人却已经知道。 100,000 Heavenly Dao! This is 100,000 Heavenly Dao passes through!” “100000天道经!这是100000天道经啊!” Good, this is one page that 100,000 Heavenly Dao pass through!” The auctioneer said loudly, 100,000 Heavenly Dao, are 1 million years ago ascended Divine Realm ancient times big energy, Immortal World hundred dawns fresh. This book altogether 100,000 pages, each page has recorded strength of the Heavenly Dao, the most magical thing, lies in each page of cultivate methods, according to this law cultivate, nine adults will obtain the strength of this Heavenly Dao.” “不错,这正是100000天道经的一页!”那拍卖师大声说道,“100000天道经,乃是1000000年前飞升神界的远古大能,仙界百晓生所著。此书一共100000页,每页都记载了一份天道之力,最神奇之处,在于每一页都有一段修炼方法,按照此法修炼,九成人都会得到这份天道之力。” Along with the words of auctioneer, below person also burst with joy. Must know, the person of Immortal World majors is the strength of Heavenly Dao, the strength of sensibility Heavenly Dao is a important matter, many old fogies also because of the sensibility the strength of new Heavenly Dao, causing cultivate to stagnate. 随着拍卖师的话,下边的人也都沸腾了。要知道,仙界之人主修的就是天道之力,感悟天道之力是何等重要的一件事,就连很多老家伙也是因为感悟不到新的天道之力,导致修炼停滞。 Below some people shout, 100,000 Heavenly Dao after have to be good to have bad, the strength of what Heavenly Dao are you?” 下边有人喊道,“100000天道经也有好有差,你这是什么天道之力?” The auctioneers said with a smile, „the strength of Heavenly Tribulation.” 拍卖师笑道,“天劫之力。” „The strength of Heavenly Tribulation!” Under is a sound of holding breath cold air. 天劫之力!”下边又是一阵倒吸凉气的声音。 Is Heavenly Tribulation the how formidable strength? Is the strength of Heavenly Tribulation the strength of how formidable Heavenly Dao? This absolutely is unusual High Rank the strength of Heavenly Dao! 天劫是多么强大的力量?天劫之力又是多么强大的天道之力?这绝对是一种非常高阶的天道之力! But Ye Kong feels, these five big companies are auctioning this thing to have the goal at this moment surely greatly. Is it possible that is flattering Zhou Jiajun? 叶空则更感觉到,这五大商号在此刻拍卖这玩意必定大有目的。莫非在讨好周佳俊? Really, after starting to shout out the price, several wear the mask shouted baldly most vigorously, does not know that is monk who Mani taught. 果然,开始叫价以后,就有几个戴面具的光头叫得最起劲,也不知道是不是玛尼教的和尚。 If makes that Zhou Jiajun obtain this thing, feared that crossed the opportunity of immortal tribulation to be bigger successfully!” Saying that Wu Yong is worried about. “若是让那周佳俊得到此物,怕是成功渡过仙劫的机会更大呀!”吴勇担心的说道。 Ye Kong and Kuang Peng knit the brows do not speak. They also know the matter to be serious, this thing must be helpful to Zhou Jiajun Transcend Tribulation, cannot let its obtain! 叶空狂鹏都是皱眉不语。他们也知道事情严重,这东西对周佳俊渡劫必有帮助,不能让其得到! However, these monk selling quotations with going crazy generally, a short while later have surpassed 5 million! Original Ye Kong also wants to use the iron prison mountain the government money, but now looks like, uses the government money to be insufficient! 不过,那些和尚喊价就跟发疯了一般,没一会就超过了5000000!本来叶空还想动用铁狱山的公款,可现在看来,动用公款都不够! 6 million!” “6000000!” 610!” “610!” Talks clearly!” “说清楚!” 610......” “610……” Six hundred Five Hundred Thousand!” “六百五十万!” 700, I leave 7 million!” “700,我出7000000!” In the selling quotation, the scene is everywhere intense, after crossing 5 million, the azure color of selling quotation is bald, is bringing the mask. 到处都在喊价,场面激烈无比,过了5000000以后,喊价的青一色都是光头,都带着面具。 No one knows what who represents is which Buddhism school, everybody is increasing price in any case. Some are Mani teaches the person, is the Manichaeism person. 谁也不知道谁代表的是哪个佛教流派,反正大家都在加码。有的是玛尼教人,还有是摩尼教人。 But looks like in Ye Kong, obtains baldly is not good! Is all bringing the mask, who knows that which school they are? 而在叶空看来,光头得到都不行!个个带着面具,谁知道他们是哪个流派? However Ye Kong does not have money. He has to have a look at Li Yao one of the remote place. Mr. Li big is rich, if her make a move, that this matter on proper. 不过叶空没钱啊。他只好看看遥远处的李鹞一家。李大老板有钱啊,若是她出手,那此事就妥了。 However what is strange, Mr. Li big is busy speaking with the daughter son unexpectedly, on the non- stand, as if that 100,000 Heavenly Dao is a piece of scrap paper is common. 不过奇怪的是,李大老板竟然忙着和女儿儿子说话,根本都不看台上,仿佛那100000天道经是一片废纸一般。 Mr. Li big are you so stupid? You buy now, oneself studied. After Zhou Jiajun Transcend Tribulation, you put the auction again...... This goes, did you gain in a big way are not? 李大老板你怎么这么蠢呢?你现在买下,自己学了。等周佳俊渡劫以后,你再放出来拍卖……这一来一去,你赚大了不是? However here is unable Immortal Sword to pass on book, Ye Kong does not facilitate to act, has to say to that Luo Wenhui, this Fellow Daoist, I give you 20,000 immortal jade, you help me pass on a few words......” 不过这里是无法仙剑传书的,叶空也不方便出面,只好对那罗文辉说道,“这位道友,我给你20000仙玉,你帮我传一句话……” Luo Wenhui pulls up Dao companion to stand, said, immortal, I know you not with mortal, but we are in Immortal World the smallest and weakest small fish. For 20,000 immortal jade, we offended Li Yingru Immortal Monarch a moment ago, good here is not east the emperor domain. But if I am 20,000 immortal jade offend Mani to teach or Mr. Li big again, we really acted recklessly...... Three. Said goodbye.” 那罗文辉拉起道侣站起来,道,“各位大仙,我知道你们非同凡人,不过我们可是仙界中最弱小的小鱼。刚才为了20000仙玉,我们已经得罪了黎影汝仙君,好在这里不是东帝领域。可如果我再为20000仙玉得罪玛尼教或者李大老板,那我们就真的不知死活了……三位。告辞。” Ye Kong changed the shoes a moment ago, although covered up intentionally, but several people saw. Ye Kong they are bringing the mask, but Luo Wenhui and Feng Jingyi has not worn, therefore turns head Li Yingru to look up, can look up Luo Wenhui very much easily they. 刚才叶空换鞋,虽然故意遮掩,可是还是有好几个人看见。叶空他们带着面具,而罗文辉和冯静怡没戴,所以回头黎影汝查起来,很容易就能查到罗文辉他们。 Therefore Luo Wenhui ran away first. 所以罗文辉先逃了。 Ye Kong looks, nobody helps to deliver a letter, it seems like only then please a service person help. 叶空一看,得,没人帮忙送信啊,看来只有请个服务员帮忙。 However he has not lifted the hand to call, actually the waitress walked, said, that side some people hold me to send a jade Cambodia.” 不过他还没抬手叫,却有一个女服务员走了过来,说道,“那边有人托我送来一个玉柬。” The Ye Kong heart said, I have not delivered a letter to the person, actually some people first delivered a letter to me. 叶空心说,我还没给人送信,却有人先给我送信来了。 The hand pinches jade Cambodia, the immortal knows from the fingertip emits, searches, one/1st Layer bans lightly is shoved open, back a row of small character. 手捏玉柬,仙识从指尖放出,一探,一层薄薄禁制被推开,后边一排小字。 At this time results, non- is the good fortune.” “此时得经,非是幸事。” Sees this caret-shaped, the Ye Kong heart concentrates, immediately understands. Zhou Jiajun obtains the strength of this Heavenly Tribulation at this moment is not the good deed. The strength of Heavenly Dao is not day of cultivate, at present the distance crosses the immortal tribulation for one month. Therefore Zhou Jiajun obtains the page of strength of this Heavenly Tribulation, with will not have the too big help to him, instead will make that his mind is scattered. 看见这八字,叶空心头一凝,顿时明白过来。那周佳俊此刻得到这天劫之力并不是什么好事。天道之力并不是一天修炼的,眼下距离渡仙劫一个月都不到。所以就算周佳俊得到这天劫之力的书页,拿回去对他也不会有太大帮助,反而会弄得他心神分散。 No wonder Mr. Li big remains unmoved, already thinks probably. However Ye Kong in the heart has doubts, who this oneself do send jade Cambodia is? 怪不得李大老板不为所动,大概是早已想到。不过叶空又心中疑惑,这给自己送来玉柬的又是谁呢? Asked again that waitress, waitress said that is two people, has not worn the mask, old man youngster, after they come, has stood a meeting in the entrance, probably finds the person. Afterward called the service person, making it send this jade Cambodia, but these two went out leave. What is most important, in the hand of that youngster grabs an urheen. 再问那个女服务员,女服务员说,是两个人,没戴面具,一个老者一个年轻人,他们两人进来以后在门口站了一会,好像是找人。随后就叫了服务员,让其送来这块玉柬,而这两人就出门离开了。最重要的是,那个年轻人的手里抓着一把二胡。 The waitresses spoke of the urheen, Ye Kong understand immediately. To oneself what sends jade Cambodia is Lin Mingzhi, this senior monk is also fierce very much, from these many people, can recognize itself unexpectedly. However what makes Ye Kong strange is, Lin Mingzhi does lead the apprentice to come to here does do? 女服务员说到二胡,叶空立即就明白了。给自己送来玉柬的是林铭智,这老和尚也是厉害的很,从这么多人里边,竟然能认出自己来。不过让叶空奇怪的是,林铭智带着徒弟来这里是干什么呢? Actually Lin Mingzhi is Ye Kong comes not actually, they are find the person, sees Ye Kong coincidentally. 其实林铭智倒不是为叶空而来,他们是来找人的,刚巧看见叶空而已。 Follows behind forest inscription wisdom, Wang Ruizhou is hard to take very much. The Master who oneself do obeisance did not teach himself Magical Technique, actually drew the time of zither not to oneself, all day led to bustle about, does not know that wanted to do? 跟在林铭智后边,汪锐洲很是难耐。自己拜的这师傅也不教自己法术也就算了,却连拉琴的时间也不给自己,整天带着自己东奔西走,不知道想要干什么? Master, I early had heard on this Jubao great boat what amusing has, is inferior to our amusement? Master, you looked that these waitresses are very juicy.” Wang Ruizhou walks while said. “师傅,我早听说过这聚宝巨舟上什么好玩的都有,不如我们玩乐一番?师傅,你看那些女服务员就很水灵呀。”汪锐洲一边走一边说道。 Amitabha.” Lin Mingzhi proclaimed sound Buddha saying: Buddhist should be pure in heart, how could did rash action read obscenely?” “阿弥陀佛。”林铭智宣了声佛号道:“出家人理应清心寡欲,岂能妄动淫念?” Or we go to the gambling establishment, my recent luck at games of chance is good yeah, Master, you pay the qualification, I detain, gain to the half minute, how?” Wang Ruizhou also said. “要不我们去赌场吧,我最近手气不错哎,师傅,你出本钱,我来押,赚到对半分,如何?”汪锐洲又道。 Amitabha.” Lin Mingzhi keeps, walks was also saying: Buddhist takes the wealth as the things, sources of do the ten thousand toxin, how could seek after?” “阿弥陀佛。”林铭智脚下不停,走着又道:“出家人以钱财为身外之物,万毒之源,岂能贪图?” This is not good, that is not good, no wonder your many years do not have the apprentice.” Wang Ruizhou complained, ran several steps with Lin Mingzhi, sees only front to arrive at place of the debauchery, above writes several large characters sprawling drunk beautiful woman building. “这又不行,那又不行,怪不得你这么多年都没徒弟。”汪锐洲埋怨了一声,跟着林铭智奔走了几步,只见前边来到一处灯红酒绿之处,上边写着几个大字“醉卧美人楼”。 Wang sharp Zhouxin said that this senior monk is ripe very to here path, fears is on the mouth one set, leading to arrive under this prostitute building, does not know that can bring itself to eat and drink the amusement? 汪锐洲心说这老和尚对这里的路子熟得很,怕是嘴上一套罢了,带着自己来到这妓楼之下,也不知道是要带自己吃喝还是玩乐呢? Has not actually thought that Lin Mingzhi has given him a brain pocket, said: Amitabha, the Buddhist should six quiet...... In this zither.” 却没想到林铭智啪地给了他一个脑兜,说道:“阿弥陀佛,出家人理应六根清静……在这拉琴。”
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