MC :: Volume #14

#1315: Wu Yong revenges

Chapter 1315 Wu Yong revenges 第1315章吴勇报仇上 Actually Ye Kong helps plain Taishuang one is because Hong Mengni requested, because truly is also sees this plain Taishuang and Wang Zhen zhu true feelings is touching, but actually has not thought has anything to repay. But who knows to have no interest to insert the willow tree, actually obtained the news about Wang Yue. 其实叶空帮朴太爽一是因为洪梦妮请求,而是因为确实也是见这朴太爽和王珍珠真情感人,倒没想过有什么回报。可谁知无心插柳,竟然得到了关于汪岳的消息。 The one who is most excited is Wu Yong, he initially bore the inhuman pain, enters the immortal light furnace on own initiative, five years of suffering, this traded the Cultivation Base large promotion, the behavior has avenged a grievance. But this Wang Yue in the boat, actually cannot look everywhere now, calling Wu Yong not to be how annoying? 最激动的是吴勇,他当初忍受非人痛苦,主动进入仙光熔炉,五年煎熬,这才换了修为大幅提升,所为不过就是报仇雪恨。可现在这汪岳就在舟中,却遍寻不着,叫吴勇如何不懊恼? Therefore one hear of plain Taishuang mentioned, Wu Yong asked immediately: Any situation, fast goes into particulars.” 所以一听朴太爽说起,吴勇立即问道:“什么情况,速速详细说来。” plain Taishuang still remembers that Wu Yong ridiculed the matter of his name, paid no attention to him, was said to Ye Kong: My high Lixing Piao is also the prestigious family that plants the medicinal herb, the ginseng that plants/type is Immortal World high-level medicine pill must high-quality day material treasure, ten thousand years ago has planted a red silk gauze ginseng, that is Immortal World is well-known......” 朴太爽还记得吴勇讥讽他姓名之事,不理他,却是对叶空说道:“我高丽星朴家也是种植药材的名门,种出的人参乃是仙界很多高级丹药必须的优质天材地宝,万年前种过一支红罗参,那是仙界闻名啊……” Wu Yongnu: Asked that the matter of your fleeing criminal, you said wordy these do do really?” 吴勇怒道:“问你逃犯之事,你啰啰嗦嗦说这些作甚?” A Ye Kong slightly nod, said: Korean ginseng truly becomes famous, I know in the native place...... En, you made a long story short.” 叶空微一点头,道:“高丽参确实是出名,我在老家就知道……恩,你还是长话短说吧。” Compliant.” plain Taishuang said: „Before my Piao, has magnificently, this has a real estate on the Jubao great boat, but these year of my family poor management family fortunes decline, this time is to buy the money of high-quality seed not to have, therefore in the family/home Patriarch then makes me come the real estate to hand over, changes money to buy the seed, this arrives, has run coincidentally into a customer, does not know the name, in brief is the Buddhist priest of wear cassock, his voice high-pitched and fine, vision gloomy and cold, therefore makes me have a vivid memory.” “遵命。”朴太爽道:“我朴家以前有过辉煌,这才在聚宝巨舟上有一处房产,不过这些年我家经营不善家道中落,这次更是花钱买优质种子的钱都没有,于是家中族长便让我来将房产转手,换钱回去买种子,这一来到,刚巧就遇到了一个买主,也不知姓甚名谁,总之是个穿着袈裟的僧人,他声音尖细,目光阴冷,所以让我记忆犹新。” Wu Yong nods saying: This person!” 吴勇点头道:“正是此人!” plain Taishuang continues saying: This real estate altogether sold 5 million immortal jade, my family Patriarch brought to leave majority. Mani taught the Buddhist priest only to give 4 million at that time, 1 million made me pursue in this.” 朴太爽继续道:“这房产一共卖了5000000仙玉,我家族长带着大部分离开。那玛尼教僧人当时只给了4000000,还有1000000就让我在此追讨。” plain Taishuang spoke of here to sigh deeply saying: Is my plain Taishuang is really also muddled, 1 million that pursues spends unexpectedly completely in the chief among flowers building......” 朴太爽说到这里长叹道:“也是我朴太爽实在糊涂,追讨到的1000000竟然全部都花在花魁楼……” The Ye Kong heart said that this also is really a black sheep of the family, 1 million immortal jade spend in this, but also girls cannot carry off unexpectedly. 叶空心说这还真是个败家子,1000000仙玉都花在这,还居然一个姑娘都带不走。 plain Taishuang also said: One had only known, I gave the pearl girl to buy freedom from the beginning.” 朴太爽又道:“早知如此,我一开始就给珍珠姑娘赎身了。” Said is also.” The Ye Kong nod also asked: When you last time pursues is, can once see Wang Yue?” “说的也是。”叶空点头又问:“那你最后一次追讨是何时,可曾见到汪岳本人?” „Before last time pursues is 78 day, the place in that room, that sound high-pitched and fine person gives me, I wondered at that time, the sound is how same, the look somewhat is different. Moreover he gives me the last immortal jade, urgent expels me......” “最后一次追讨是78日之前,地点就在那处房中,正是那声音尖细之人给我,我当时就纳闷,怎么声音一样,相貌却有些不同。而且他把最后一笔仙玉给我,就迫切将我赶出……” Ye Kong the great happiness, the iron prison mountain prison guard searched immediately for these days everywhere, does not have reason Wang Yue not to know, this boy hides certainly in the real estate, at this moment feared that is also in the building! 叶空顿时大喜,这几天铁狱山狱卒到处查找,没理由汪岳不知道,这小子一定躲在房产中不出来,此刻怕是还在楼中! At this time, Wang Zhen zhu girl has carried one slightly to wrap, the preparation and plain Taishuang rushed lives newly. 这时,王珍珠姑娘已经拎着一个小包裹回来,准备和朴太爽奔向新生活了。 Ye Kong said immediately: Piao innertube I show the way, relax, I will send for escorting you to leave Mani star.” 叶空立即道:“朴公子带我去指一下路,放心,我会派人护送你们离开玛尼星。” plain Taishuang to some loyalty, said: I believe the Sir to arrange, said again the Sir helps me selflessly, even if somewhat dangerous, is wants below.” 朴太爽到有些义气,说道:“我相信大人安排,再说大人无私助我,就算有些危险,在下也是愿意的。” Good!” Ye Kong assigns plain Taishuang to guide immediately, people kill to the lowest level. “好!”叶空立即命朴太爽带路,一众人直杀向最底层。 The breeze caresses lightly, the kingfisher sounds. Although this is in the Jubao great boat, but the environment actually made that with outside general, has the flowers and plants trees, has the small bridge over the flowing stream, has flickering upturned eave little building, is unique. 微风轻抚,翠鸟鸣叫。虽然这是聚宝巨舟中,可是环境却弄得和外边一般,有花草树木,有小桥流水,更有一幢幢的飞檐小楼,别具特色。 Is that.” plain Taishuang lifts hand one finger/refers by far. “就是那间。”朴太爽远远的抬手一指。 The Ye Kong vision is dense, lifts the hand to wield. Immediately 78 prison guards rushed. These prison guards are catches people the experts, broke through the track, immediately is divided into two groups, rushes to the front door, rushes to the back door. 叶空目光森然,抬手一挥。顿时就有78个狱卒奔了过去。这些狱卒都是捕人的老手,冲过小道,就立即分成两路,一路奔前门,一路奔后门。 Wang Yue, suffers to death!” Wu Yongyao the thick lip, lifts the hand, takes a life the double axe to grasp in the hand, the iron tower is ordinary, the stride rushed. “汪岳,受死吧!”吴勇咬咬厚嘴唇,一抬手,杀生双斧已经握在手中,铁塔一般,大步奔了过去。 You go to that side to be in charge building Duoduo, do not let Wang Yue they see.” Ye Kong told that plain Taishuang, actually discovered that Hong Mengni. “你们去那边管事楼躲躲,别让汪岳他们见到。”叶空吩咐朴太爽,却才发现,洪梦妮也跟着来了。 „Do you do, hides.” Ye Kong knows that Hong Mengni did not feel relieved, the racket she, lets her and flurry also leaves here. “你们来干什么,也去躲躲吧。”叶空知道洪梦妮也是不放心,拍拍她,让她和小雪也离开这边。 Then, Ye Kong and various Kuang Peng belt two prison guards, stop up by little building fence, preventing Wang Yue that guy to run away from the fence. 接着,叶空狂鹏各带两个狱卒,堵住小楼的围墙两侧,防止汪岳那厮从围墙逃走。 When everybody stands firm completely, Wu Yong then lifts the hand to knock at the door. 等大家全部站定,吴勇这才抬手拍门。 Inside some quick people asked: Who?” 里边很快就有人问道:“谁?” Wang Yue voice! 正是汪岳的声音! Wang Yuexiao thief! Grandfather Wu Yong revenges today!” Wu Yong bellows, both hands great axe even/including Lun, flip-flop the pulp that front gate chops. “汪岳小贼!爷爷吴勇今日报仇来了!”吴勇大吼一声,双手巨斧连轮,噼噼啪啪就把那院门劈的稀烂。 Inside also is really Wang Yue. Again three days are Zhou Jiajun the Transcend Tribulation days, so long as teacher old person achievement Immortal Monarch, he were thorough the security. Has not actually thought, at this time was sought unexpectedly. 里边还真是汪岳。再有三天就是周佳俊渡劫的日子,只要师尊老人家成就仙君,他就彻底安全了。却没想到,这个时候竟然被人寻到了。 Deciding is that sells the person of room!” In Wang Yueyan the anger flashes through. “定是那个卖屋之人!”汪岳眼中怒意闪过。 Wu Yongpi rotten gate, actually not being able to go in yard. Because the yard also has to ban protects. Must know, in this great boat real estate biggest laughing uproariously is safe, agreed except for the Master, no one think piggy back entry! 吴勇劈烂了门,却进不去小院。因为小院还有禁制保护。要知道,这巨舟中房产最大的噱头就是安全,除了主人同意,谁也别想非法进入! Moreover this immortal is to forbid to use majority of Immortal Technique, wants to drive out the ban, is difficult. 而且这仙阵是禁止使用大部分仙术的,想要轰开禁制,也是难上加难。 Wang Yue young child, you come out to me!” Wu Yongda axe continually chops, but in a that void piece, has the one/1st Layer tension enormous sponge to be ordinary, the axe chops above does not have any effect. “汪岳小儿,你给我出来!”吴勇大斧又是连砍,可那虚空的一片中,却是有一层弹力极大的海绵一般,斧头砍在上面根本没什么效果。 Everybody on together!” Ye Kong issues an order, the people take out the immortal artifact bombardment, a short while later, little building four sides fence gives to beat, but that is an immortal ban, they are unable to use Immortal Technique at this moment, is similar to mortal. mortal wants broken immortal, is no different than dream of a fool. “大家一起上!”叶空一声令下,众人都取出仙器轰击,没一会,小楼的四面围墙都给打烂,可那是仙阵禁制,他们此刻无法使用仙术,就跟凡人差不多。凡人想要破仙阵,无异于痴人说梦。 Haha, one group of idiots.” Wang Yuedao is also rampant, goes out from the room unexpectedly, laughs saying: Come, grasps me! Iron prison Sir mountain Yudian Ye Kong leaf, Wang is really good to be afraid! Good to be afraid!” “哈哈,一群蠢货。”那汪岳倒也嚣张,竟然从屋中走出,大笑道:“来呀,来抓我呀!铁狱山狱典叶空叶大人,汪某真是好害怕!好害怕呀!” The personal enemy who Wu Yong sees him who makes to be with one's family broken up and decimated at present, but has the one/1st Layer transparent ban unable to break, this makes him probably grasp the ear to harass the cheek anxiously, yelled! 吴勇看见弄的他家破人亡的仇人就在眼前,可是却有一层透明的禁制无法打破,这让他急得抓耳扰腮,哇哇大叫! Wang Yue also said in inside: leaf Yudian, the enemy suitable solution not suitable knot, my Mani teaches not to want with the iron prison mountain to do actually right, is inferior to this, Wu Yong loss, we illuminate compensate are. You open a price, everybody said.” 那汪岳在里边又道:“叶狱典,其实冤家宜解不宜结,我玛尼教也不想和铁狱山做对,不如这样,吴勇的损失,我们照赔就是。你开个价,大家好说。” The Ye Kong nod said: Good.” 叶空点头道:“不错。” Wang Yue great happiness, busy say/way: leaf Yudian really understands what has to done, in person outstanding! Then, must compensate how much immortal jade, Wang not counter-offer!” 汪岳大喜,忙道:“叶狱典果然识时务,人中俊杰啊!说吧,要赔多少仙玉,汪某决不还价!” Beyond Ye Kong is actually the vision one severe, said: Grandmaster Wang underestimated the person, did the immortal jade suffice? When my iron prison mountain said that lacks the immortal jade?” 阵外叶空却是目光一厉,道:“汪大师太小看人了,仙玉怎么够?我铁狱山何时说缺少仙玉?” Wang Yuedao: leaf Yudian you said compensates anything, immortal artifact immortal armor, or is other rare and precious day material treasures, medicine pill secret manual, so long as my Mani teaches, can compensate!” 汪岳道:“那叶狱典你说赔什么,仙器仙甲,或者是其他珍稀的天材地宝,丹药秘籍,只要我玛尼教有,都可以赔!” Breeze sways the Ye Kong's lower hem corner, his both eyes hold sneer slightly, every single word or phrase said: Grandmaster Wang, you to me! Blood debt, only then the blood compensates!” 一阵微风拂动叶空的衣角,他双目含着微微冷笑,一字一句道:“汪大师,你给我记好了!血债,只有血来赔!” The person on the scene and others changed countenance completely. 在场人等全部动容。 Good that said that the blood debt only then blood compensates, immortal jade, immortal treasure, medicine pill and material...... It is not good! Murder life, but also the human life, in world truth, should so! 说的不错,血债只有血来赔,仙玉、仙宝、丹药、材料……都不行!杀人命,还人命,世间道理,本该如此! Haha!” Wang Yuezhan laughs in the institute loudly, leaf Yudian, you said is very right. However, you think that you do kill to obtain me? Be honest with you, I have means to report the news to Shanghai Normal College, the person who our Mani teaches will come quickly, when the time comes, not only my assigns you unable to obtain, these immortal Yubao, you cannot obtain! You are stupid, you are doomed as futile as carrying water in a bamboo basket!” “哈哈!”汪岳站在院中放声大笑,“叶狱典,你说的很对。不过,你以为你杀得到我么?不瞒你说,我有办法给大上师发消息,我们玛尼教的人很快就会来,到时候,不但我的命你们得不到,就连那些仙玉宝物,你们也得不到!你们就是愚蠢,你们注定是要竹篮打水一场空!” The Ye Kong corners of the mouth are bringing some contemptuously, yourself are stupid, you think that our iron prison mountain doesn't have the means? You think that I beforehand haven't thought of immortal? You think that I don't have means broken immortal also to alert the enemy?” 叶空嘴角带着些轻蔑,“你自己才愚蠢,你以为我们铁狱山就没办法?你以为我就事先没想到仙阵?你以为我没有办法破仙阵还来打草惊蛇?” Wang Yue immediately one startled, in heart had an extremely dangerous feeling. 汪岳顿时一惊,心中有了一种极其危险的感觉。 Sees only the Ye Kong air/Qi to calm down idly beckons with the hand, gives me bringing the water of pouring extinguishing immortal comes up!” 只见叶空气定神闲一摆手,“给我把带来的灭仙之水都浇上去!” Extinguishes the water of immortal, is outside the iron prison mountain Tianzihao iron prison in the small lake the water, this water myriad things not fresh, is unable flying, Immortal to meet, the whole body immortal strength vanishes into mortal \; The immortal jade places, instantaneously becomes the waste jade same place \; Array Method meets, the great array immortal strength loses, is unable to revolve...... 灭仙之水,正是铁狱山天字号铁狱外小湖中之水,此水万物不生,无法飞度,仙人遇到,全身仙力消失成为凡人一个\;仙玉放在其中,瞬间成为废玉一块\;阵法遇到,大阵仙力丧失,无法运转…… Results in the command!” In these cruel prison guard hands were many a black japan bucket. This bucket has abandoned the iron prison recluse and others many thoughts. Must know that this extinguishes the water of immortal, immortal artifact meets immediately becomes every iron. If every iron stores up, can actually quick extinguish the water of immortal to turn into the ordinary every water. “得令!”那些个如狼似虎的狱卒一人手中多了一只黑漆水桶。这水桶废了铁狱山人等的不少心思。要知道这灭仙之水,仙器遇到立即成为凡铁。而如果是凡铁储存,却能很快将灭仙之水变成普通凡水。 Therefore thinks of any utensil, making the iron prison recluse and others think of every means that does not know that has traded many materials. Finally under the Ye Kong's reminder, designs a vacuum packing. Supposes Array Method in the iron bucket, lets extinguish the water of immortal not to contact the inner wall, float in the iron bucket center, near four does not depend, this can carry to use. 因此用什么器物装着,让铁狱山人等费尽心思,不知道换了多少种材料。最后在叶空的提醒下,设计出一种真空包装。在铁桶里设下阵法,让灭仙之水不接触内壁,悬浮在铁桶中央,四边不靠,这就可以携带使用了。 Crash-bang! When one barrel extinguishes the water of pouring immortal to Array Method above, sees that together transparent spot to present one dead grey, Array Method of flowing revolution, this was extinguished the water of immortal to destroy, forms the ice piece same crystal. 哗啦!当一桶灭仙之水浇到阵法之上,就看见那一块透明的部位呈现出一种死灰色,流动运转的阵法,这一块已经被灭仙之水破坏,形成冰块一样的结晶体。 Continue!” Iron prison mountain people look to have the gate, immediately pouring in one after another, sees the grayish white region to be getting bigger and bigger...... 78 barrels of pouring end, presented the region of rockery general size. “继续!”铁狱山众人一看有门,立即一桶又一桶的浇上,就看见灰白的区域越来越大……78桶浇完,已经出现了假山一般大小的区域。 In Wang Yue, surface like dying embers. 阵中汪岳,面如死灰。 Ye Kong then shouted: Wu Yong, demands payment!” 叶空这才喝道:“吴勇,索债去吧!” Wu Yong tooth bites thick lip, the vision flashes, carries the great axe stride to walk, raises legs is a foot. 吴勇牙齿一咬厚嘴唇,目光闪动,拎着巨斧大步走过去,抬腿就是一脚。 Crash-bang! That grey crystallizes disintegrates instantaneously, an iron tower man slightly lowers the head, enters in! 哗啦!那块灰色结晶瞬间散碎,一个铁塔般的汉子略一低头,走进阵内! Wu Yong, Big Brother! Forgives!” Wang Yue does not know well, runs away has no way to run away, Array Method was broken, has inferior Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal Magical Power unable to use spatially, oneself this is the dead end, must die without doubt! “吴勇,大哥!饶命啊!”汪岳知道不好,逃也没法逃,阵法又被破,空有一身下等罗天上仙法力又无法用,自己这是死路一条,必死无疑啊! Wu Yong does not pity to a Wang Yue point that kowtowing to beg for mercy, Grandmaster Wang, early knows today, regret past doings, does not know that many people kill in your hands, not only my Wu Yong today for my family member Suo Ming, for that thousand 10 million/absolutely ten thousand person Suo Ming! The boys, died!” 吴勇对磕头求饶的汪岳毫无一点怜悯,“汪大师,早知今日,何必当初,不知道多少人害死在你的手中,我吴勇今天不只是为我家人索命,也是为那千千万万之人索命!小子,死去吧!” May at this moment, the electric light shoot together from distant place, big of airborne woman drinks, holds on a minute!” 可就在这时,一道电光从远处射来,空中一声女人的大喝,“且慢!”
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