MC :: Volume #13

#1300: The axe of taking a life

The axe of Chapter 1300 taking a life 第1300章杀生之斧 Mani star. 玛尼星。 Teaches with Mani in the outside all sorts of disorder comparisons, Mani on-board is quite orderly, although Shanghai Normal College are believing in having one's wish, but they actually do not hope that the disciples on-board have one's wish in Mani. 和玛尼教在外边的种种乱象比较,玛尼星上还是比较有秩序的,大上师们虽然信奉着随心所欲,可是他们却并不希望弟子们在玛尼星上随心所欲。 In Mani star main city the grandest temple, in the Main Hall the follower crowds one another, the haze fills the air, the main hall middle is setting up a statue of wooden Grandmaster looks down the people, in the surface is not sad not happily. 玛尼星主城中最宏伟的寺庙,大雄宝殿上信徒摩肩接踵,烟气弥漫,大殿中间立着的一木大师的塑像低头看着众人,面上无悲无喜。 Behind in a main hall fine monk's room, Zhou Jiajun a Shanghai Normal College of magnificent and expensive cassock is having a smile one cup of scented tea, does not know that has come across any good deed. 大殿后边的一间精致禅房内,一身华贵袈裟的周佳俊上师正在含笑品着一杯香茗,也不知道遇到了什么好事。 In this time, outside is actually rushing to the Buddhist priest of another wear magnificent cassock, is journey Yipeng the Shanghai Normal College. 正在这时,外边却奔进来另一个穿着华丽袈裟的僧人,正是程义鹏上师。 Shanghai Normal College, you went out finally, you do not know, your closed-door cultivation these years, recently, the outside situation wind and cloud great change, taught to our Mani particularly disadvantageously!” journey Yipeng comes in oneself to sit down, took off shoes, sits cross-legged to sit to Zhou Jiajun the opposite. “大上师,你终于出关了,你可不知道,你闭关的这几年,尤其是最近,外边局势可谓风云巨变,对我们玛尼教不利啊!”程义鹏进来就自己坐下,脱了鞋,盘腿坐到周佳俊对面。 Zhou Jiajun a brow wrinkle. Although by future Yi Péng this, is today, Zhou Jiajun thought, journey Yipeng should respect his some! 周佳俊眉头一皱。虽然以前程义鹏都这样,可是今天,周佳俊却觉得,程义鹏应该更尊敬他一些! Zhou Jiajun had not said, has drunk a tea at a moderate pace, said: Yi Péng, I and other Buddhism people, what art is self-cultivation, honor or disgrace not startled, looks at you to look flustered, the footsteps are disorderly, where has our Mani to teach the imposing manner of Shanghai Normal College?” 周佳俊却也没多说,不紧不慢饮了口茶,才道:“义鹏,我等佛门中人,讲究的是修身养性,荣辱不惊,看你神色慌张,脚步凌乱,哪有我们玛尼教上师的气势?” journey Yipeng smiles bitterly saying: Shanghai Normal College, speaks any imposing manner now. Ye Kong, do you know? Is that several years ago Peng Batian makes us kill, finally was also injured Wang Yue by him, lets that Ye Kong that he runs away.” 程义鹏苦笑道:“大上师,现在还讲什么气势。叶空,你知道嘛?就是那个几年前彭霸天让我们去杀,最后还被他打伤汪岳,让他逃走的那个叶空。” Zhou Jiajun nods saying: Impression is profound, initially he was superior Golden Immortal, can injure Wang Yue unexpectedly, truly was not simple.” 周佳俊点头道:“印象深刻,当初他是上等金仙,竟然可以打伤汪岳,确实是不简单。” journey Yipeng said: You do not know, this Ye Kong may be good now, does not know that had any fortuitous encounter, during the short 67 years, broke through superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal from superior Golden Immortal unexpectedly!” 程义鹏道:“你是不知道,这叶空现在可牛了,也不知道有了什么奇遇,短短67年间,竟然从上等金仙突破到了上等大罗金仙!” „Do seven years rise three/3rd Layer? According to this speed...... It is not good, that several fellows hate the heart to be extremely heavy, think that several years later will murder those who have cheated them, Wang Yueke is well, his wound......” Zhou Jiajun the facial color concentrates, Wang Yue is his disciple, he also compares certainly to worry about. “七年升三层?照这种速度……不好,那几个家伙仇恨心极重,想必再过几年就会寻仇,汪岳可安好,他的伤……”周佳俊面色一凝,汪岳是他的弟子,他当然也比较挂怀。 Shanghai Normal College, that Ye Kong not only also the superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal issue, he was appointed by Immortal Lord as iron prison Sir mountain Yudian unexpectedly. I estimated that does not use for several years, very possible several days or within several months, will have the prison guard of iron prison mountain to ask us to trouble!” journey Yipeng smiles bitterly, said: According to news secretly, said that the secret code number secret agent of iron prison mountain has been inquiring Wang Yue news.” “大上师,那叶空还不只是上等大罗金仙的问题,他竟然被仙主任命为铁狱山狱典大人。我估计不用几年,很可能几天或者几个月之内,就会有铁狱山的狱卒来找我们麻烦!”程义鹏苦笑一下,又道:“据暗地里的消息,说铁狱山的密字号暗探已经在打探汪岳的消息了。” „?” Zhou Jiajun heard this news, thinks to have a dizzy spell, has not thought the small hatred of initially having, has blossomed unexpectedly also and borne fruit, who can think how many years small superior Golden Immortal will do in such in a big way? “啊?”周佳俊听了这一个个的消息,也是觉得头晕目眩,没想到当初结下的一个小小仇恨,竟然还开花结果了,不过谁能想到,一个小小的上等金仙会在几年内搞这么大? „A news must tell Shanghai Normal College you, original Cultivation Base crossed the immortal tribulation with your same leaf Zhenhao prison standard six months ago, Immortal World were also many male Immortal Monarch......” journey Yipeng to sigh, the heart said that if were your Zhou Jiajun achievement Immortal Monarch, our troubles have been easily solved, he also said: „When leaf Zhenhao Transcend Tribulation, I send for going, offers the big ritual to that Ye Kong, wants to win over the relations......” “还有一个消息要告诉大上师您,本来修为和您一样的叶镇豪狱典半年前已经渡过仙劫,仙界又多了一个男仙君啊……”程义鹏叹息一声,心说如果是你周佳俊成就仙君,我们的麻烦就迎刃而解了,他又说道:“叶镇豪渡劫时,我派人前去,给那叶空送上大礼,想要拉拢关系……” Zhou Jiajun is busy at asking, how?” 周佳俊忙问,“如何?” journey Yipeng smiles bitterly, I was also under the initial capital, gave me to send to the wooden spirit bead to him Peng Batian, who knew him to look that had not looked, returned the gift, but also obloquied that our Mani taught, ordering the prison guard to expel the iron prison mountain our messengers...... Oh, really lost big face.” 程义鹏又是苦笑,“我也是下血本了,把彭霸天给我至木灵珠给他送去,谁知他看都没看,把礼物退回,还大骂我们玛尼教,命令狱卒把我们的使者赶出了铁狱山……唉,真是丢了大脸。” „The Ye Kong young child, goes too far!” Zhou Jiajun threw the bowl on the table, in the heart already flew into a rage. He has subsided the anger, this opens the mouth saying: Lets Wang Yue honestly, finds a remote place to hide. Ahem, so long as waits again for a half year, I think...... The situation will have big change!” 叶空小儿,欺人太甚!”周佳俊啪地一声把茶碗扔在了桌上,心中已然是勃然大怒。他平息了一下怒火,这才开口说道:“让汪岳老实一点,找个偏僻的地方躲藏。哼哼,只要再等半年,我想……局势就会有很大改变的!” Zhou Jiajun said, on cold severe a face floated off the smile. 周佳俊说完,一张冷厉的脸上已经浮起了微笑。 A half year?” journey Yipeng stares first, immediately has thought of anything, looks at Zhou Jiajun surprisedly, said: Shanghai Normal College, you......” “半年?”程义鹏先是一愣,随即想到了什么,惊讶地看着周佳俊,道:“大上师,难道你……” Zhou Jiajun then smile nod said: Otherwise you think why I do go out?” 周佳俊这才微笑点头道:“不然你以为我为什么出关?” journey Yipeng immediately is also great happiness, cannot attend to putting on shoes, has gotten down the meditation mat hastily, is kneeling down to Zhou Jiajun, kowtows saying: Heaven has eyes, aids my Mani god, if our Mani teaches also Immortal Monarch, that iron prison mountain Ye Kong also has to reconsider the manner that treats me to teach!” 程义鹏随即也是大喜,也顾不上穿鞋,连忙下了禅床,对着周佳俊跪下,磕头道:“老天有眼,护佑我玛尼神教,如果我们玛尼教也有一个仙君,那铁狱山叶空也不得不重新考虑对待我教的态度!” Good that said! „ Zhou Jiajun nods, lifts the hand to hint journey Yipeng to get up, said: „ Can I Transcend Tribulation succeed, but how must think me to prepare. This matter first do not disclose, I also make the preparations of some Transcend Tribulation.” “说的不错!“周佳俊点头,抬手示意程义鹏起来,说道:“不过我能不能渡劫成功,还要看我准备如何。此事你先不要声张,我也去做些渡劫的准备。” Yes!” “是!” At this moment, that side Ye Kong obtained the secret code number news, said that Wang Yue hides in Mani star. But had some features to Ji little building detection, heard that this fellow moved in the eastern emperor domain recently. 此刻,叶空那边已经得到了密字号的消息,说汪岳就躲在玛尼星。而对姬小楼的侦查已经有了些眉目,听说这家伙最近在东帝领域内活动。 Ye Kong one hear, has person immediately. This line of he has two goals, one is to help Wu Yong revenges, exterminates Mani to teach the monster monk casually. Another is to go to the east rim star seeks for Lian Ruolan. 叶空一听,立即带人出发。此行他有两个目的,一个是帮吴勇报仇,随便剿灭玛尼教妖僧。另一个就是去东缘星寻找炼若兰 Arrives at the Immortal World 13 years, should arrive at meeting time!” Ye Kong sits on the vehicle of iron prison mountain, thinks secretly. “来到仙界13年,也该到了见面的时候!”叶空坐在铁狱山的车上,暗自想到。 Ye Kong this time went out led more than 20 capable iron prison mountain prison guards, the group first directly soared the Beimang star. 叶空这次出门带了20多个精干的铁狱山狱卒,一行人首先直奔北邙星。 Arrived the Beimang star, the Ye Kong Kuang Peng Wu Yong three people moved with the prison guard separately. For does not alert the enemy, the prison guard is divided into four groups, dresses up the merchant, in advance rushes to Mani star. 到了北邙星,叶空狂鹏吴勇三人和狱卒分头行动。为了不打草惊蛇,狱卒分成四组,装扮成商人,先行赶往玛尼星。 Ye Kong they first went to immortal light mountain to visit Grandma Yao Hui. Arrives here, had a good news, Yao Hui with the black water crazy python that Ye Kong leaves behind, has generated nine chief ministers of state immortal artifact! 叶空他们还是先去了仙光山拜访一下姚卉婆婆。来到这里,就有了一个好消息,姚卉用叶空留下的黑水狂蟒,制出了一把九品仙器 „To make into ten, but ten immortal artifact appear must watch the chance, it seems like does not have what chance, therefore only comes out nine chief ministers of state immortal artifact.” Grandma Yao looks like to nine chief ministers of state immortal artifact is unsatisfied. “本来想弄成十品,不过十品仙器出现要看机缘,看来是没有什么机缘,所以只出来一把九品仙器。”姚婆婆对九品仙器看来还并不满意。 immortal artifact emits, unexpectedly is a pair of quarrying a mountain great axe. The great axe handle clear like the jade, the axe body is jet black, above full is rune/symbol writing, but the axe back broad place of each only great axe inlays an eyeball type gem. Takes a quick look around, this axe imposing manner is astonishing, is competitive, actually does not lose fine. 仙器放出,竟然是一对开山巨斧。巨斧把柄晶莹如玉,斧体漆黑,上边满是符文,而每只巨斧的斧背宽阔处都嵌有一颗眼珠样的宝石。一眼看去,此斧气势惊人,霸气十足,却又不失精致。 Yao Huidao: This shaft is the skeleton refinement of black water crazy python uses, then the big python comes out also only to make two handles concise. But the axe body is refining up by the skin of crazy python, has joined many Immortal World also rare materials. As for that two gems is the both eyes of black water crazy python, its immortal strength just controls 46 Array Method that in the axe contains. This axe biggest advantage is, obtained black water crazy python strength of the part of taking a life, with person to war, so long as in dividing the opposite party, can absorb the opposite party immortal strength......” 姚卉道:“这斧柄是用的黑水狂蟒的骨骼炼制,那么大一条蟒凝练出来也只能做两个手柄。而斧体则是由狂蟒的皮炼成,其中又加入了很多仙界也难得的材料。至于那两颗宝石乃是黑水狂蟒的双目,其仙力刚好控制斧中蕴含的46道阵法。此斧最大的好处就是,得到了黑水狂蟒的一部分杀生之力,与人对战,只要劈中对方,就能吸取对方的仙力……” Wu Yongjing said: That is not the opposite party more hits is more insipid, do oneself more hit more is strong?” 吴勇惊道:“那不是对方越打越没劲,自己越打越有劲?” Yao Hui nods saying: Good, this is this axe biggest advantage.” 姚卉点头道:“不错,这就是此斧最大的好处。” Ye Kong said: „Can this axe have the name?” 叶空道:“此斧可有名字?” Yao Hui shakes the head. 姚卉摇头。 Ye Kong asked Wu Yongdao: Your giving a name character.” 叶空问吴勇道:“那你起个名字吧。” Wu Yong smiles bitterly saying: My old Wu is a careless person, wanted me saying that took a life!” 吴勇苦笑道:“俺老吴是个粗人,要我说,就就杀生!” Ye Kong said with a smile: Good! The axe of taking a life! Wu Yong meets the axe!” 叶空笑道:“好!杀生之斧!吴勇接斧!” Wu Yong the axe was already jealous, must know, he likes this aggressive thing, the Ye Kong's words that listens, received immediately with joy, are unable to put down. 吴勇早就对此斧眼红了,要知道,他就喜欢这霸气的玩意,听的叶空的话,顿时喜滋滋地接过,爱不释手。
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