MC :: Volume #14

#1301: Wu Yong vs Wu Guibao

Chapter 1301 Wu Yong vs Wu Guibao 第1301章吴勇vs吴贵宝 Was too attractive! Really while convenient! Good! Haha, old Wu my this whole life has not thought some day I can also have nine chief ministers of state immortal artifact, the nine chief ministers of state!” “太漂亮了!真趁手!不错!哈哈,老吴我这辈子都没想过有朝一日我也能拥有九品仙器,九品啊!” Wu Yong at this moment excited, nine chief ministers of state immortal artifact, is the big axe that he hopes , the excitement in heart can be imagined. 吴勇此刻可谓激动万分,一副九品仙器,又是他所期盼的大斧,心中的兴奋可想而知。 Ye Kong said with a smile, has not apologized Sister Yao Hui.” 叶空笑道,“还不谢过姚卉大姐。” Grandma thanked Yao!” Wu Yong thanks politely to Yao Hui hastily. “谢姚婆婆!”吴勇连忙对姚卉拜谢。 Yao Huidao, thanked me to make , the small leaf, I will not make this to you, even if immortal emperor Immortal Lord came, I not necessarily showed due respect for the feelings.” 姚卉道,“谢我作甚,要不是小叶,我才不会给你弄这个,就算仙帝仙主来,我也不一定给面子。” Yao Hui said, rides to put on stage make-up the wing baby to leave. 姚卉说完,骑上彩翼宝宝离开。 Kuang Peng and Wu Yong listened to this saying, winked to Ye Kong, repulsive in appearance, looks words that Ye Kong beckoned with the hand to prevent them to be going hastily to speak. 狂鹏和吴勇听这一说,都对叶空挤眼,面目可憎,看得叶空连忙摆手阻止他们将要说的话。 Do not speak irresponsibly do not let one's thoughts wander, or awfully? Sister Yao Hui helps me, that is because she will have the matter to make me help in the future.” Ye Kong hurries to say first. Must know that Grandma Yao the status is noble, cannot casual yy. “别乱说也别乱想,还要不要命了?姚卉大姐帮我,那是因为她日后有事让我帮忙。”叶空赶紧先说道。要知道姚婆婆身份高贵,可不能随便yy的。 Wu Yonggu mouth said, explained anything, we will not envy you.” 吴勇鼓嘴道,“解释什么,我们又不会嫉妒你。” Kuang Peng said with a smile, we, only then blessed you, deep blessing.” 狂鹏笑道,“我们只有祝福你,深深的祝福。” Rolling get lost/rolls, your not awfully I also awfully!” Ye becomes angry out of shame. “滚滚滚,你们不要命我还要命呢!”叶某人恼羞成怒。 Was saying, outside runs. Guarding immortal general Wu Guibao of Beimang star, he and Ye Kong shoulder to shoulder has also fought, fought the friendship to be unusual, listens hand/subordinate saying that Ye Kong came, caught up hastily, just saw Wu Yong nine chief ministers of state immortal artifact, envied awfully. 正说着,外边又跑进来一位。正是北邙星的驻守仙将吴贵宝,他和叶空也是并肩战斗过的,战友情非同一般,听手下说叶空来了,连忙赶来,刚好看见吴勇的九品仙器,羡慕的要命。 His medium Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal did not have nine chief ministers of state immortal artifact, Wu Yong medium Great Firmament Golden Immortal had. 他一个中等罗天上仙还没九品仙器呢,吴勇才中等大罗金仙就有了。 Wu Guibao sighed, „must therefore with the person, ok, Sir leaf, I resigns from office to you are the personal servant.” 吴贵宝叹道,“所以说要跟对人,算了,叶大人,我辞官给你做跟班吧。” Wu Guibao is half real , half fake, actually he is very depressed, monster one line, came back also to be approved, because has pounded to Chu Yiyi the strength of taking a life, therefore has already not won a promotion has not rewarded, but also fell a management to be ineffective. 吴贵宝半真半假,其实他挺郁闷,妖界一行,回来还被批了一顿,因为把杀生之力给楚一一砸了,所以既没升官也没奖赏,还落了个办事不力。 Ye Kong said with a smile, I do not dare to dig Northern Emperor your majesty corner, poached you, did he want the iron removal prison mountain to ask me to go all out?” 叶空笑道,“我可不敢挖北帝陛下的墙角,把你挖走,他岂不是要去铁狱山找我拼命?” The people laugh. Wu Guibao also knows not possibly, is holding appreciatively the taking a life axe, sighed, wants to try.” 众人都哈哈大笑。吴贵宝也知道不可能,只有把玩着杀生斧,叹道,“真想试试。” Wu Yong also wants to try, but Kuang Peng actually shakes the head saying that improper. First this sword does not have the eye, is not good wound to the person on one's own side. If another uses, the response that nine chief ministers of state immortal artifact provokes feared that will make many people pay attention, if spreads, unavoidably was kept thinking.” 吴勇也想试试,不过狂鹏却摇头道,“不妥。首先这刀剑无眼,伤到自己人就不好了。另一个若是使用,九品仙器引起的反应怕是会让很多人注意,若是流传出去,难免被人惦记。” The gentlemen are innocent, talent can arouse jealousy. Wu Yong medium Great Firmament Golden Immortal, if everybody know that he has nine chief ministers of state immortal artifact, Immortal that it is estimated that these take risks in desperation will have many. 君子无罪,怀璧其罪。吴勇才中等大罗金仙,若是人人都知道他有九品仙器,估计那些挺而走险的仙人会有不少。 However Ye Kong haha said with a smile, might as well, my this had a good thing but actually, whatever you contended in martial arts to try also to might as well, another advantage can also not alarm others.” 不过叶空却哈哈笑道,“无妨,我这倒有个好东西,任凭你比武中出尽全力也是无妨,另一个好处还可以不惊动别人。” Ye Kong said, immediately made Wu Gui jewelled sash they go to under the immortal light lake cultivate base, looked for a peaceful peaceful room, this took out together immortal jade rune/symbol Pian. 叶空说完,立即让吴贵宝带他们去了仙光湖下边的修炼基地,找了一处安静的静室,这才取出一块仙玉符片。 Wu Yong and the others are strange say/way, what is this?” 吴勇等人都是奇道,“这是何物?” Ye Kong said with a smile, you exited to come to know again.” 叶空笑道,“你们出去再进来就知道了。” They go out, Ye Kong then throws the immortal symbol, lifts the hand to get several Magical Formula, looked that is hanging the jade piece sends out the glare, innumerable every large or small rune/symbol writing projects. 他们出门,叶空这才扔出仙符,抬手打上数道法诀,就看那悬着的玉片发出强光,无数大大小小的符文射出。 Ye Kong sinking sound puts out character true words, opens!” 叶空又沉声吐出一字真言,“开!” Immediately, a piece of illusory image blasts out from the jade piece loudly, suddenly, the surrounding room four walls turned into the green high mountain ridge, but Ye Kong stands on the highest mountain peak, but on the mountain peak is having one large-scale to develop the martial stage! 顿时,一片幻影从玉片中轰然炸开,眨眼之间,周围的房间四壁已经变成苍翠的崇山峻岭,而叶空就站在最高的山峰上,而山峰上正有一个大型演武场! Kuang Peng and the others walk once more has been shocked, has not thought of such Pang Daxian of Ye Kong in several breaths under on the arrange/cloth. Looked again develops the martial stage function to be prepared, imposing, they yes praised. 狂鹏等人再次走进来的惊呆了,没想到叶空在几息之间就布下如此的一个庞大仙阵。再看演武场功能齐备,气势雄伟,他们都是啧啧称道。 Listened to a Ye Kong again saying, since later was the virtual shape, contends in martial arts not the deceased person, they were surprised. 叶空再一说,进入以后就是虚拟形态,怎么比武都不会死人,他们更是惊讶。 Waits for Ye Kong to emit again completely is the nine chief ministers of state and ten immortal artifact sword forests...... That three people were completely crazy. 叶空再放出全部都是九品和十品仙器的剑林……那三人全部都疯狂了。 Ten immortal artifact! Heavens ! ten, these many, I, I, can I trace?” Wu Guibao brain that sees the oversized market was at this moment remnant, goes into near the sword forest, laughing foolishly, touches embarrassed. “十品仙器天呐!十品,这么多,我,我,我能摸摸么?”见过大市面的吴贵宝此刻都脑残了,跑到剑林边,傻笑着,又不好意思去摸。 Ye Kong stands among developing the martial stage, laughs, puts out a hand to the sword forest direction, calls said that indistinct indefinite sword!” 叶空站在演武场中间,哈哈一笑,对剑林方向一伸手,唤道,“缥缈无定剑!” In the sword forest leaps together the purple immediately, turns into together the straight startled rainbow, dark blue, fell into the hand of Ye Kong. 剑林中立即腾起一道紫色,化成一道笔直惊虹,沧地一声,已经落入叶空之手。 Ye Kong said, here immortal artifact God soldiers virtual, calls one to arrive, is very convenient.” 叶空道,“这里的仙器神兵都是虚拟的,唤一声就会来到,还是很方便的。” Wu Guibao and Kuang Peng back and forth are changing the weapon, probably touches to be happy here Immortal Sword immortal Wudu. 吴贵宝和狂鹏来来回回换着兵器,好象把这里的仙剑仙武都摸一下才开心。 Wu Yong is actually indifferent, he wants to use the taking a life axe to fight urgently. 吴勇倒是无所谓,他迫切想要使用杀生斧战上一场。 Wu Guibao said with a smile, that made me play with you, just I saw these weapons, my also hand itchy very!” 吴贵宝笑道,“那就让我跟你玩玩,刚好我看见这么些武器,我也手痒的很!” Wu Yong said difficultly, I medium Great Firmament Golden Immortal, you medium Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal, has missed three levels, is not applicable.” 吴勇挠头道,“我才中等大罗金仙,你已经中等罗天上仙,差三个层次,使不得使不得。” Wu Guibao said, might as well, I do not use that high Cultivation Base, I suppress myself to medium Great Firmament Golden Immortal also and that's the end.” 吴贵宝道,“无妨,我不用那么高的修为,我把自己压制到中等大罗金仙也就是了。” Wu Guibao very much worships Northern Emperor, therefore has chosen Northern Emperor immortal artifact gold/metal scale transformation dragon Jian. Wu Yong looked, is not good, your ten immortal artifact, I nine chief ministers of state. 吴贵宝还是很崇拜北帝的,所以选择了北帝仙器金鳞化龙剑。吴勇一看,不行了,你那十品仙器,我才九品。 Wu Guibao smiles bitterly, „do that you want not to know what to do?” 吴贵宝苦笑,“那你要如何是好?” Under Wu Yongdao, I must go to the dozen!” 吴勇道,“我要去下边打!” Ye Kong and Kuang Peng looked, understood, Wu Yong is not willing in playing the martial stage fights, that is because his is the Heavenly Dao of wood, in the location even/including root grass do not have, how does he borrow the strength? 叶空狂鹏一看,都明白了,吴勇不愿在演武场内战斗,那是因为他的是木之天道,场地中连根草都没有,他如何借力? This develops the martial stage completely virtual, does not fear the destruction, therefore Wu Yong and Wu Guibao two Wu, flies above the high mountain ridge, battles. 这演武场全部都是虚拟的,也不怕破坏,于是吴勇和吴贵宝两吴,飞到崇山峻岭之上,激战起来。 Must say this Wu Yong surface gruff reality, but fights not to be silly, with the aid of the Heavenly Dao of wood, hides from the beginning, hides in the trees. 要说这吴勇表面憨实,可是战斗起来却不傻,借助木之天道,一开始就隐藏起来,躲在树木之中。 Wu Guibao fights to experience is richer, emits the immortal knowledge not to discover Wu Yong. He does not seek, calmly stands in the midair waited , your anxiously I not anxious appearance. 吴贵宝战斗经验更丰富,放出仙识没发现吴勇。他也不去寻找,就静静站在半空等待,一副你急我不急的样子。 When Wu Yongben wants while he seeks for himself to sneak attack, has not actually thought that others are motionless, like this he had no way to sneak attack. 吴勇本想趁他寻找自己时偷袭,却没想到人家根本不动,这样他就没法偷袭了。 Although Wu Guibao has not moved, but the immortal knowledge outgoing/manifestation, felt aura that Wu Yong overflows, his vision concentrates, and refers to a point going!” 吴贵宝虽然没动,可是仙识外放,感觉到吴勇泄出的气息,他目光一凝,并指一点“去!” Is ten immortal artifact, speed is really quick. The people said blink, suddenly that is slow, sufficed gold/metal scale transformation dragon Jianpao ten back and forth! 到底是十品仙器,速度真的是快。人说眨眼之间,眨眼之间那是慢的,够金鳞化龙剑跑十个来回了! Clang!” Wu Yongshuang axe leaves, supports gold/metal scale transformation dragon Jian. “铛!”吴勇双斧出,架住金鳞化龙剑。 After Wu Guibao has move, lifts hand one finger/refers, shouted, „the strength of tide!” 吴贵宝却有后招,抬手一指,喝道,“潮汐之力!” gold/metal scale transformation dragon Jian as if lived generally, resembles the ocean waves, coming one after another, sword body places prompt forward. 那金鳞化龙剑仿佛活了一般,又好象海浪,一波一波的汹涌而来,剑体一次次地向前推进。 Wu Yongshuang axe is putting up gold/metal scale transformation dragon Jian, may unable to support as the matter stands, the retreat, lost one move hastily. 吴勇双斧架着金鳞化龙剑,可这样一来就架不住了,连忙后退,输了一招。 Then he simply does not hide, raises the axe to kill directly. Wu Guibao controls Immortal Sword first by far, but like this fundamentally discovers anti- the Wu Yong two broad-ax, therefore the diving posture in the past, caught Immortal Sword, two Wu played the hand-to-hand fighting in the sky. 这下他干脆不隐藏了,直接提斧杀过来。吴贵宝先是远远控制仙剑,不过发现这样根本抗不住吴勇的两板斧,于是飞身过去,接住仙剑,两吴在天空玩起肉搏战。 However mentioned the martial arts, Wu Yong was the strong point, the immortal light furnace refining up the steel his body. Moreover such fight, the broad-ax is also more powerful than Immortal Sword, Wu Guibao thought that this way is not good, cannot struggle the brute force with him. 不过说起武道,吴勇是强项,仙光熔炉把他身体都炼成钢铁。而且这样的战斗,板斧也比仙剑给力,吴贵宝觉得这样下去不行,不能跟他拚蛮力。 Suddenly, Wu Guibao escapes hundred miles, is raising Immortal Sword, stands in a summit. 突然,吴贵宝远遁百里,提着仙剑,站于一处山顶。 Wu Yongdao, comes , to continue to hit, hits a happiness!” 吴勇道,“来呀,继续打,打个痛快!” Wu Guibao said with a smile, I did not have your brute force to be big, continued to hit, what suffering a loss was I.” 吴贵宝笑道,“我没有你蛮力大,继续打下去,吃亏的是我。” Wu Yongnu said, is not happy, just hit must admit defeat inadequately?” 吴勇怒道,“恁地不痛快,刚打就要认输不成?” Admits defeat?” Wu Guibao cold snort/hum, ejects gold/metal scale transformation dragon Jian, in the mouth shouts, dragon!” “认输?”吴贵宝冷哼一声,抛出金鳞化龙剑,口中喝道,“化龙!” Ye Kong and Kuang Peng surprised looks at that side sky, sees only that gold/metal scale transformation dragon sword golden light to be wild, each scale on sword body moves, afterward fingertip big little Longyou leave, leave the sword body, the dragonet open immediately, is getting bigger and bigger. 叶空狂鹏吃惊的看着那边天空,只见那金鳞化龙剑金光狂放,剑体上的每个鳞片都动起来,随后一条条指尖大的小龙游出,离开剑体,小龙立即撑开,越来越大。 999 real dragons, one has fully occupied that side sky, has Gold Dragon to have Black Dragon, a dense big piece. 999条真龙,一下把那边天空都占满了,有金龙有黑龙,黑压压的一大片。 Wu Guibao said with a smile, I thought how you can win, you admitted defeat as early as possible!” 吴贵宝笑道,“我看你如何能赢,你趁早认输吧!” Wu Yongyao thick lip, is the brute force sends greatly, pays no attention to Wu Guibao, inspires the both arms, exclaimed, „the Heavenly Dao of wood!” 吴勇咬咬厚嘴唇,也是蛮力大发,也不理吴贵宝,一振双臂,吼道,“木之天道!” Immediately, looked the trees that his big piece lose plant instantaneously, turn into the bright green luminous spot to enter Wu Yong Within the body. 顿时,就看他脚下大片的树木瞬间枯死,化成颗颗晶亮的绿色光点进入吴勇体内。 Today I try the gold/metal scale of Northern Emperor to melt dragon Jian!” Wu Yong has drunk one, raises the double axe to crash in the big dragon group. “今天我就来试试北帝的金鳞化龙剑!”吴勇喝了一声,提着双斧冲进巨龙群中。 Recruited massive trees vitality Wu Yong to be fierce, a pair of big axe divided to chop to cut to kill, hits these real dragons to be bruised and lacerated, called to hide in ten Immortal Sword. 吸收了大量树木生命力的吴勇勇猛无比,一双大斧劈砍斩杀,打得那些真龙都皮开肉绽,嗷嗷叫着躲进十品仙剑内。 Wu Guibao a little looked to stay, thinks daunted this fellow, has not thought that he also really dares to kill. Also, because of the special effect of taking a life axe absorption immortal strength, Wu Yong chops every time one time, the strength will increase a point, more war more is strong unexpectedly! 吴贵宝都有点看呆了,本来以为吓住这家伙,没想到他还真敢杀。还有,因为杀生斧吸取仙力的特效,吴勇每砍中一次,力量就会增大一分,竟然越战越有劲! Wu Guibao then could not endure, even if by his medium Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal Cultivation Base, wants to control these many big dragon souls is insufficient, let alone he at this moment suppresses Cultivation Base to medium Great Firmament Golden Immortal. 吴贵宝这下吃不消了,就算以他中等罗天上仙修为,想要控制住这么多巨龙魂魄都是不够,更何况他此刻把修为压制到中等大罗金仙 In addition own immortal strength unceasingly suction by Wu Yong. Wu Guibao could not control the situation, was thrown into confusion, but these big dragons did not listen to his verbal command, no matter many dragons unexpectedly Wu Yong, among them wrestled mutually. 再加上自己的仙力不断被吴勇吸走。吴贵宝控制不住局势了,手忙脚乱,而那些巨龙也根本不听他号令,很多龙竟然不管吴勇,它们之间互相扭打起来。 Wu Yongda sends the invincible might, shouts one, „the strength of wood/blockhead going crazy!” The big axe starts, runs out of layer upon layer the blockade of big dragon, arrives in front of Wu Guibao, the overhead is an axe! 吴勇大发神威,嘶吼一声,“木头发疯之力!”大斧一开,冲出层层巨龙的封锁,来到吴贵宝面前,当头就是一斧! Wu Guibao was thrown into confusion, has not thought that Wu Yonglai must be so quick, listens to he roars not to hear the strength of Heavenly Dao again...... 吴贵宝本来就手忙脚乱,没想到吴勇来得这么快,再听他吼出一个自己从来没听说过的天道之力…… I come to the end of one's destiny! Wu Guibao has a big shock, flurried did not attend to anything suppressing Cultivation Base, the medium Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal strength emitted, immortal artifact immortal armor that he carried along emitted, this resisted Wu Yong to strike. 我命休矣!吴贵宝大惊失色,慌乱中也不顾什么压制修为了,中等罗天上仙的力量放出,他自己随身携带的仙器仙甲放出,这才抵住吴勇一击。 Wu Yongda axe receives, haha said with a smile, Wu General used the Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal strength, you lost.” Then, raises big axe to fly back. 吴勇大斧一收,哈哈笑道,“吴将军使用罗天上仙的力量,你输了。”说完,提着大斧飞回。 Wu Guibao then takes back gold/metal scale transformation dragon Jian, somewhat distressedly flies, sighed, lost, has not thought that Wu Yong your brute force so is unexpectedly fierce, the strength of that crazy wood/blockhead, why did I never hear?” 吴贵宝这才收回金鳞化龙剑,有些狼狈地飞回来,叹道,“输了输了,没想到吴勇你蛮力竟然如此厉害,还有那疯狂木头之力,为何我从未听说?” Ye Kong and the others are also curious, the animal and person can be crazy, wood/blockhead how crazy, the strength of what Heavenly Dao is this? 叶空等人也是好奇,动物和人都可以疯狂,木头又如何疯狂,这是什么天道之力? Wu Yong said with a smile difficultly, I shouted randomly, frightened the person to use.” 吴勇挠头笑道,“我乱喊的,吓唬人用的。” Wu Guibao has patted his evil ways, your boy, I was really also frightened by you...... Could not see that the name was called Wu Yong, may have the stratagem bravely.” 吴贵宝拍了他一下道,“你小子,我还真被你吓到了……看不出啊,名字叫吴勇,可却有勇有谋。”
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