MC :: Volume #13

#1299: The struggle of vice- prison standard

Chapter 1299 第1299章 The struggle of vice- prison standard 副狱典之争 „The duties of these two vice- prison standards are quite important, must carefully handle affairs, I look to be inferior to the temporary vacancy.” Ye Kong opens the mouth to say. “这两个副狱典之职都比较重要,必须慎重行事,我看不如暂时空缺吧。”叶空开口说道。 Actually in the Ye Kong heart has arrangement, two vice- prison pawns however were Kuang Peng and Wu Yongmo are. However currently has an issue, Kuang Peng superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal, Wu Yong might as well Kuang Peng, if makes them make the vice- prison standard, thinks that under must say oneself appoint people by favoritism, being hard obedience. 其实叶空心中是有安排的,两个副狱典当然是狂鹏和吴勇莫属了。不过现在有个问题,狂鹏不过上等大罗金仙,吴勇还不如狂鹏,如果让他们做副狱典,想必下边就要说自己任人唯亲,难以服众。 Therefore Ye Kong prepares to empty, waits for Kuang Peng to rise again first-level, can sit. This prison standard sits is several thousand over ten thousand years, therefore has is keeping the necessity very much. 因此叶空准备空着,等狂鹏再升一级,就可以坐了。这副狱典一坐就是几千上万年,所以很有留着的必要。 However Chen Zhijie actually does not prepare to compromise today, opens the mouth saying: Sir bright mirror, these two positions are important. Iron prestige palace control the yamen of field personnel catches people permits Yinchao is , if unwatched, feared that is handles a case ineffectively, especially their side is apprehending Ji Xiaolou now, does not have a strong leader, it is estimated that is difficult the harvest.” 不过陈志杰今天却不准备妥协,开口道:“大人明鉴,这两个职位都非常重要。许银超所在的铁威殿管的正是外勤捕人的衙门,若是无人管理,怕是办案不力,特别是他们那边现在正在捉拿姬小楼,没有一个强干的领导,估计难有收获。” Chen Zhijie said that also continues saying: Another yamen must, the secret code number manage the informer of my iron prison mountain outside each star importantly, sends the information to us promptly, is similar to the binaural both eyes of our iron prison mountain, if this department is chaotic, let alone catches people, feared that somebody our was caught not to know who the opposite party is.” 陈志杰说完,又继续道:“另一个衙门还要更重要一点,密字号管理着我铁狱山在外各个星球的耳目,及时给我们送来情报,如同我们铁狱山的双耳双目,如果这个部门混乱,别说捕人,就怕某人我们被人捕去都不知道对方是谁呢。” Some truth that you said that but at present nobody.” Ye Kong returns to say. “你说的有些道理,不过眼下没人啊。”叶空回道。 How nobody, my subordinates have a high-level prison guard surnamed Zhang, just entered Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal, I thought that he can hold the post of the vice- prison standard. Also, I have a later generation, the manner also is very assiduous, can make the vice- prison standard reluctantly......” “怎么没人,我麾下有个姓张的高级狱卒,刚刚进入了罗天上仙,我看他就可以担任副狱典。还有,我有个后辈,为人也很是勤勉,勉强也能做个副狱典……” The Ye Kong heart said, day your Immortal board board, indeed I have done permits Yinchao, vacates two vice- prison standards both to do to you? The matter of this picking peach can you also do? It is not good, is not absolutely good. 叶空心说,日你仙人板板,敢情我搞了许银超,空出两个副狱典都是给你搞的?这种摘桃子的事你也做得出来?不行,绝对不行。 Ye Kong shakes the head saying: That subordinate who Chen Fuyu standard, you said that although Cultivation Base has sufficed, is the manner is extremely weak, is not suitable to be the secret code number chancellor, is less suitable the control iron prestige palace. As for your stature nephew later generation, I do not know the circumstances of the matter, can join the iron prison mountain first, inspects as the reserve cadre, then makes the assign.” 叶空摇头道:“陈副狱典,你说的那个手下,虽然修为够了,可是为人太过软弱,不适合做密字号主事,更不适合去管铁威殿。至于你那个子侄后辈,我并不知情,可以先加入铁狱山,作为后备干部考核一番,再做任用。” In Chen Zhijie heart disgruntled, the heart said how many months I juggle to try permits Yinchao to you, don't you give me to select the advantage to be good? 陈志杰心中不悦,心道我给你忙里忙外几个月审理许银超,你不给我点好处怎么行? He also said: Sir bright mirror, since the Sir takes seriously these two yamen, is determined to empty first, I have compromised means.” 他又道:“大人明鉴,既然大人重视这两个衙门,执意要先空着,那我就有个折衷的办法。” Said.” “讲。” Chen Zhijie said: I thought that now reserve is understrength, looked did not feel relieved from outside that only had means. That holds a concurrent post! These two yamen cannot stop, only then we suffered a hardship!” 陈志杰道:“我觉得现在后备力量不足,从外边找又不放心,那就只有一个办法了。那就是兼任!这两个衙门都不能停顿,只有我们这些人吃点苦头了!” His words have not said that vice- prison standard surnamed Li walks, holds the fist in the other hand saying: Sir leaf, the subordinate is willing to eat a labor, holds a concurrent post of the secret code number chancellor!” 他话没说完,那个姓李的副狱典走出来,抱拳道:“叶大人,属下愿意吃点辛苦,兼任密字号主事!” This surnamed Li with Chen Zhijie about wearing pants. These two feared that equals beforehand, first lets the Chen Zhijie lion big mouth, perhaps holds a concurrent post of the seize domination is they truly planned. 这姓李的本来就是跟陈志杰合穿一条裤子。这两人怕是事先合计好的,先让陈志杰狮子大口,兼任抢夺控制权恐怕才是他们真正打算。 Ye Kong knits the brows does not speak. 叶空皱眉不语。 Chen Zhijie said: Li Fuyu standard always gallantry, manages domestic protection yamen these many years, is conscientious, is investigating and dealing with accordingly permits Yinchao the time also to give the oversized strength, Sir, I look at the line!” 陈志杰道:“李副狱典一向忠勇有加,管理内卫衙门这么多年,也是兢兢业业,在查办许银超时候也出过大力,大人,我看行!” The Ye Kong heart said, the words were spoken by you, can I also not say good? 叶空心说,话都被你说完了,我还能说不行么? In this Chen Zhijie words has the words, we strive to you, the chefs have the advantage, can we not have? 这陈志杰话里有话,我们都是给你出力的,那厨子都有好处,我们怎么能没有? Ye Kong be forced, has to nod saying: I also think the line. Li Fuyu standard you eat a labor, manages two yamen, hopes that your two yamen both can manage well, if tired promptly told me, can not attend to one thing without losing track of another thing.” 叶空迫于无奈,只好点头道:“我也觉得行。李副狱典你就吃点辛苦,管理两个衙门,希望你两个衙门都能管好,如果累了就及时告诉我,不要顾此失彼。” Ye Kong seemingly cared that said. Li Fuyu standard actually nods saying: Relax, can be good, my in full vigour.” 叶空貌似关心地说道。那李副狱典却点头道:“放心吧,能行的,我精力旺盛的很。” Then Chen Zhijie also said: One is responsible for catches people the iron prestige palace, this yamen can be said as our iron prison mountain most important yamen......” 接着陈志杰又道:“还有一个就是负责捕人的铁威殿,这个衙门可以说是我们铁狱山最重要的衙门……” His words have not said, these prison standards each one rush competitively, holds the fist in the other hand saying: Sir, I am willing to eat a labor.” 他话没说完,那些副狱典个个争先恐后地奔出来,抱拳道:“大人,我愿意吃点辛苦。” Is willing to share sorrow for the Sir below!” “在下愿意为大人分忧!” Sir, Li has held a concurrent post of the secret code number, holds a concurrent post to catch the person yamen to be also good again, I in full vigour......” “大人,李某兼任了密字号,再兼任捕人衙门也行,我精力旺盛……” Ye Kong must spit blood, these brats meet the advantage like this to rush to be first, in full vigour doesn't go to the sufficient immortal jade? 叶空都要吐血了,这些兔崽子遇到好处就这样争先恐后,精力旺盛怎么不去充仙玉? However what surprises people are, Chen Zhijie opens the mouth to say unexpectedly: „It is not good, you are not good! Iron prestige palace such important yamen, I thinks your ability insufficiently also!” 不过让人意外的是,陈志杰竟然开口道:“不行,你们都不行啊!铁威殿这么重要的衙门,我看你们能力都还不够!” Ye Kong relaxes, listens to Chen Zhijie saying: It seems like only then the old man held a concurrent post of this yamen, oh, laborious, did not have time cultivate, was for the Sir.” 叶空才松一口气,就听陈志杰道:“看来只有老夫兼任这个衙门了,唉,辛苦啊,都没时间修炼了,可是为了大人嘛。” Ye Kong is angry, the office work field personnel were dominated by you, wasn't the father built on stilts by you? 叶空大怒,内勤外勤都被你把持,老子不还是被你架空了? Ye Kong cold -ly snorted and said: Chen Fuyu standard, I think this matter to be improper, a vice- prison standard not only control office work and control field personnel, is the iron prison mountain unprecedented, passes on to be smiled my iron prison mountain nobody?” 叶空冷哼道:“陈副狱典,我看此事不妥,一个副狱典既管内勤又管外勤,铁狱山前所未有,传出去岂不是要被人笑我铁狱山无人?” Chen Zhijie said: Sir, actually I do not think that but you look, these many people, who is more appropriate than me?” 陈志杰道:“大人,其实我也不想啊,可是你看啊,这么多人,谁比我合适呢?” The Ye Kong nod smiles, naturally has, in your front!” 叶空点头笑笑,“当然有,就在你的面前!” Chen Zhijie was startled, you?” 陈志杰吃了一惊,“你?” Ye Kong asked back: What's wrong, Chen Fuyu standard thought that I don't have this ability?” 叶空反问道:“怎么,陈副狱典觉得我没有这个能力么?” „It is not.” Chen Zhijie had thought to these two positions take before, has not actually thought that Ye Kong opens the mouth to hold a concurrent post unexpectedly. “不是。”陈志杰之前已经深思熟虑要把这两个位置弄到手中,却没想到叶空竟然开口要自己兼任。 That has to stipulate that the prison standard can't hold a concurrent post of the vice- prison standard?” “那就是有规定狱典不能兼任副狱典?” „It is not.” Chen Zhijie was disrupted the plan by Ye Kong, suddenly cannot think of answering. “也不是。”陈志杰被叶空打乱计划,一时间也想不到回话。 However that Li Fuyu standard is actually quick-witted, immediately said: Sir, this moment iron prestige palace is arresting Ji Xiaolou, this person has the strength of taking a life, is calamity Immortal World, the child's play can not......” 不过那李副狱典倒是机智,立即道:“大人,此刻铁威殿正在捕拿姬小楼,此人拥有杀生之力,为祸仙界,儿戏不得……” „!” The Ye Kong's palm of the hand claps on the tabletop, Li Fuyu standard thought that Ye can't catch Ji Xiaolou? Ye manages the iron prestige palace is the child's play!” “啪!”叶空的巴掌拍在桌面上,“李副狱典觉得叶某就抓不到姬小楼?叶某管理铁威殿就是儿戏!” Li Fuyu standard frightens immediately kneels down, said: Subordinate made an indiscreet remark, Sir leaf held a concurrent post of this iron prestige palace chancellor is natural, was not uses a talented person in an insignificant position.” 那李副狱典立即吓得跪倒,道:“属下失言,叶大人兼任这铁威殿主事是理所应当,不不不,是大材小用啊。” Did this, Ye Kong got angry, Chen Zhijie does not dare to haggle over again, was bringing the person powder hastily. 搞了这一出,叶空都发火了,陈志杰也不敢再计较,连忙带着人散了。 They walk, Kuang Peng opens the mouth to sigh: Our Cultivation Base is too low, if I at this moment am Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal, even if inferior Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal is also good!” 他们一走,狂鹏开口叹道:“还是我们修为太低,若是我此刻是个罗天上仙,哪怕是下等罗天上仙也好!” Ye Kong said with a smile: Do not be depressed, even if you are Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal, these fellows must come noisily.” Ye Kong said that and said: We must spunk up, since I said in the presence of everyone, if could not catch Ji Xiaolou to lose face.” 叶空笑道:“别沮丧嘛,就算你是罗天上仙,这些家伙也要来闹的。”叶空说完又道:“不过我们还是得打起精神来,我既然当众说了,若是抓不到姬小楼就丢脸了。” Wu Yong suddenly being startled say/way: „Can we leave here?” 吴勇突然惊道:“那我们可以离开这里了?” The Ye Kong smile nods, you felt relieved that I have assigned the secret code number to search Mani to teach Wang Yue news.” 叶空微笑点头,“你就放心吧,我已经命密字号查找玛尼教汪岳的消息了。” Wu Yong only knows, originally his aggrieved matter, Ye Kong has cared. 吴勇这才知道,原来他憋屈的事,叶空一直放在心上。
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