MC :: Volume #13

#1298: Does not have the book of character

Chapter 1298 第1298章 Does not have the book of character 无字之书 Doesn't have the book of character?” Ye Kong takes that this to curl stares. “无字之书?”叶空拿着那本古卷就是一愣。 Predecessor Immortal Lord said: This is not the non- character book from heaven, naturally, is not the too valuable treasure, this thing is an auxiliary immortal treasure, is called the transmission book. When I am young use very universally, is only with the lapse of time, the method of manufacturing vanishes, this thing also gradually consumes, Immortal World also vanished the trail.” 前任仙主道:“这可不是什么无字天书,当然了,也不是什么太值钱的宝物,这东西是一件辅助性仙宝,叫做传送书。在我年轻的时候使用很普遍,只是随着时间的推移,制作方法消失,这东西也就逐渐消耗完毕,仙界也消失了踪迹。” Transmission book?” Ye Kong is somewhat curious, does not know how this book transmits. “传送书?”叶空有些好奇,不知道此书如何传送。 You go to a place every time, can this place record in one page of books, later again want to go, so long as turned to this page on the line.” “你每去一个地点,就可以把这个地点记录在一页书卷上,以后再想去,只要翻到这一页就行了。” Originally is this.” The Ye Kong great happiness, must know Immortal World to be vast and bare, is far away, must consume in the journey frequently year and year out, if there is this thing, later may be many on the convenience. “原来是这样。”叶空大喜,要知道仙界广漠,路途遥远,经常在路途上就要消耗成年累月,若是有了这玩意,以后可就方便多了。 However Ye Kong did not feel relieved, asked: You will not harm me.” 不过叶空还是不放心,问道:“你不会害我吧。” Predecessor Immortal Lord haha said with a smile: I early have said that I am a bastard, does not have what desire, does not want to exit...... However I must remind your, this thing is only effective to yourself, cannot lead the person. Moreover, after the use, wants to use once more, must wait for three days.” 前任仙主哈哈笑道:“我早说过了,我就是一个杂种而已,没有什么愿望,也不想出去……不过我要提醒你一下,这东西只对你自己有效,不可以带人。另外,使用以后,想要再次使用,要等待三天。” Knew, no matter how, thanked.” “知道了,不管如何,谢了。” Ye Kong returns the jade board immediately, turns around to leave. However he does not think clearly, this fellow tied up in the core, how he puts down the transmission book under this jade board? 叶空随即将玉石板放回,转身离开。不过他想不明白,这家伙被绑在地核上,他如何在这玉石板下放下传送书的呢? Another issue, this walks, the under foot does not know how many jade boards has, if 11 turn, can find other treasures? 还有另一个问题,这一路走来,脚下不知道有多少玉石板,如果11翻起,是不是还能找到其他宝物呢? However Ye Kong thinks that has not gone to turn the jade board, even if can also find anything, but that is the predecessor Immortal Lord thing, others have not said give, oneself take, is not quite good., This fellow once is the silicon-based life, the intelligence quotient surely was not also low, oneself can think, he definitely already guessed correctly, should not have other treasures again. 不过叶空想想还是没有去把玉石板翻起,就算还能找到些什么,可那是前任仙主的东西,人家没说给,自己就拿,不太好。再说了,这家伙曾经是硅基生命,智商必定不低,自己能想到,他肯定早就猜到,应该不会再有其他宝物了。 Naturally, Ye Kong had not relaxed vigilantly, although this fellow is very easy to have the favorable impression, but is actually not a good person. Before these people relaxed vigilantly, believed him easily, finally does not know that died where, therefore Ye Kong was very careful. 当然了,叶空也没有放松警惕,这家伙虽然很容易让人产生好感,不过却绝不是个好人。以前那些人就是放松了警惕,轻易信了他,最后也不知道死在了哪里,所以叶空还是很小心的。 Goes out of the channel, Ye Kong notes Chen Zhijie to stare at the face to look. What starts Ye Kong not to think, afterward thinks, feared is Chen Zhijie wants from own face to see do oneself have the harvest? Is it possible that does Chen Zhijie also take the advantage of that fellow? 走出通道,叶空注意到陈志杰盯着自己脸看。开始叶空还没想到什么,后来一想,怕是陈志杰想从自己脸上看出自己有没有收获?莫非陈志杰也拿过那家伙的好处? However the matter of this not talking clearly, Ye Kong not good to investigate. However on his face is actually a tranquility, will not make others see anything. 不过这种说不清的事,叶空也不好去追究。但是他脸上却是一片平静,根本不会让别人看出什么。 10 million/absolutely do not listen to that fellow to speak...... If you thought that his ten have nine to be false, you were swindled...... Actually his ten, do not have one real, not only cannot listen, but also cannot think......” 千万不要听那家伙说话……如果你觉得他十句有九句是假的,那你就上当了……其实他十句,没有一句是真的,不但不能听,而且不能想啊……” When Ye Kong leaves the Tianzihao iron prison, the old deaf verbose words resound once again. Ye Kong listened, in the heart was also brighter. The person always greedy animal, oneself get up one time to work as, unexpectedly also believes him...... However this fellow made the skill that people were swindled too big, no wonder that many people were deceived by him. 叶空离开天字号铁狱时,老聋絮絮叨叨的话语又一次响起。叶空听了,心中也敞亮了许多。人总是贪心的动物,自己上过一次当,居然还相信他……不过这家伙让人上当的本事实在太大了,也怪不得那么多人被他骗死。 In the Ye Kong heart decided, does not arrive at the critical moment, does not use that transmission book. 叶空心中还是决定,不到关键时刻,都不用那个传送书。 Returns to the cautious punishment palace, Ye Kong to give the people to instruct that encourages, finally indicated that must improve everybody's treatment/salary, opens conceal to all prison guards, and constructs gym entertainment Room, has a vacation to the prison guard regularly in turn...... These new measures implement, these prison guards light up with pleasure, the day of this prison guard was really too bored. 回到慎刑殿,叶空又给众人训示鼓励一番,最后表示要提高大家的待遇,向所有狱卒开放藏,并建设健身房娱乐房,定期给狱卒轮流放假……这些新措施一实行,那些狱卒都喜笑颜开,这狱卒的日子实在是太无聊了。 Then, Ye Kong arranges the person to handle the matter of Qing Liewei transformation prison cell. But Chen Zhijie is actually busy trying permits Yinchao and that surnamed Wei. 接着,叶空又安排人办理卿列伟转换牢房的事。而陈志杰却忙着审理许银超和那个姓韦的。 The time like this passes by, in a flash was three months passes by. 时间就这样过去,一晃就是三个月过去了。 These days, Wu Yong somewhat has been aggrieved. 这些日子,吴勇一直有些憋屈。 Wu Yong now is the superior prison guard, medium Great Firmament Golden Immortal, hangs the silver nature crime immortal lock. In Immortal World was also No. 1 character. Others stay in the iron prison mountain can feel at ease cultivate, he is not good. 吴勇现在是上等狱卒,中等大罗金仙,项挂银质罪仙锁。在仙界也算是一号人物了。别人呆在铁狱山可以安心修炼,他却不行。 Because he must revenge! Wang Yue who Mani teaches gets off scot-free until now, does not kill this person, Wu Yongshi is not a person! 因为他要报仇啊!那玛尼教的汪岳至今逍遥法外,不杀此人,吴勇誓不为人! However Wang Yue is inferior Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal, Cultivation Base is very high, is not he can deal with. 不过汪岳是下等罗天上仙,修为很高,不是他能应付的。 But if Ye Kong and Kuang Peng act together, that was easy. Especially Ye Kong, his gold crime immortal lock, Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal can also tie up! 但是如果叶空狂鹏一起出面,那就容易了。尤其是叶空,他那金质罪仙锁,罗天上仙也可以绑的! Although Wu Yong is suppressing, but he also embarrassed looks for Ye Kong, Ye Kong just took over the iron prison mountain, the matter many does not take a seat to the buttocks, Wu Yong is really embarrassed gives Ye Kong to add to the chaos again. 吴勇虽然憋着,可他也不好意思找叶空,叶空刚接手铁狱山,事情多到屁股不落座,吴勇实在不好意思再给叶空添乱。 Also in one month, a day, cautious punishment palace. 又过了一个月,一天,慎刑殿。 In this moment palace various first mate prison standards, Ye Kong sit in the hall await the report. 此刻殿中各大副狱典都在,叶空坐在堂上听候汇报。 Chen Zhijie rubs the goat beard, goes forward saying: „ Sir leaf, permits Yinchao a case had begun to materialize. According to below these months of trying verifications, permits Yinchao crime as follows...... „ 陈志杰一捋山羊胡子,上前道:“叶大人,许银超一案已经有了眉目。根据在下这几个月的审理查证,那许银超的罪行如下……“ This Chen Zhijie with permits Yinchao is not a passer-by, now naturally is the crazy suppression, that crime more than 1000, deceive the child candy cane the matter also to write unexpectedly permits Yinchao the childhood on the difference. 这陈志杰本来和许银超不是一路人,现在当然是疯狂打压,那罪行竟然有1000多条,就差把许银超幼年骗小孩棒棒糖的事也写上来。 When Chen Zhijie reads off more than 1000, opens the mouth saying: According to investigation, this person of guilty of the most heinous crime, unpardonably wicked, the conduct extreme is bad, the evil is too numerous to mention, therefore suggested below, gives him a happiness, took the life directly.” 等陈志杰把1000多条读完,开口道:“根据调查,此人罪大恶极,十恶不赦,品行极端恶劣,罪恶罄竹难书,所以在下建议,给他个痛快,直接取了性命。” The Ye Kong heart said, you are not the good thing, you reported your enmity with my hand. Shakes the head saying: Heaven has care for all living things, Immortal Lord can not kill the day character No. 1 criminal, we must study the moral character of Sir Immortal Lord.” 叶空心说,你也不是好东西啊,你这是借我的手报你的仇。摇头道:“上天有好生之德,仙主都能不杀天字一号犯人,我们也要学习仙主大人的气量。” A Ye Kong saying, other people have opened the mouth, some said that serves on the day character on the 2nd! Also some said, does not need to trouble, took his Cultivation Base directly, making him make mortal to go! 叶空一说,其他众人都开口了,有的说那就天字二号伺候!还有的说,不用麻烦,直接取了他修为,让他做一介凡人去吧! So-called broken wall people push. permits Yinchao arrived this step, basically some people will not help him speak, him entire, making him always not probably stand up from failure. 所谓破墙众人推。许银超到了这步,基本上不会有人帮他说话,都是把他往死里整,让他永世不得翻身。 However at this time, that big chef actually sought an interview, comes in the kneeling evil ways: Sir leaf, permits Yinchao, although wicked extremely, but Cultivation to medium Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal is also not easy, asked the Sir below to him an opportunity, his crime did not work as.” 不过这时,那大厨子却求见,进来跪下道:“叶大人,许银超虽然恶极,可是修行到中等罗天上仙也是不易,在下求大人给他一个机会,他罪不当死啊。” Chen Zhijie gets angry: Homicide your older sister!” 陈志杰怒道:“他杀了你姐姐!” The chefs said: Actually I know, my Elder Sister also some mistakes.” 厨子道:“其实我知道,我姐姐也有些错的。” Chen Zhijie also said: He offended the Sir!” 陈志杰又道:“他得罪了大人!” The chefs said: I also offend the Sir, the Sir have linked me to forgive, why can't forgive my brother-in-law?” 厨子道:“我也得罪过大人,大人连我都能原谅,为何不能原谅我姐夫?” Ye Kong nods, actually very admires the courage of this chef, opens the mouth saying: Such being the case, that this, do not sentence was too heavy, goes to the Tianzihao iron prison to stay over ten thousand years.” 叶空点点头,却是挺佩服这厨子的勇气,开口道:“既然如此,那这样,就不要判太重了,去天字号铁狱呆上万把年吧。” The chefs thanked for kindness hastily. Although permits Yinchao was sentenced for over ten thousand years, will not die, Cultivation Base also retained, when he comes out, there is a ascended to become God opportunity. 厨子连忙谢恩。虽然许银超被判上万年,可不会死了,修为也保留了,等他出来,还是有飞升成神的机会。 A matter ended, the second subject was more important. 一项事情结束,第二项议题就更加重要了。 Chen Zhijie said: Catching person yamen that permits Yinchao managed, what Wei Fuyu standard management is the secret code number yamen, now they are jailed. I look arrange the new person to hold the post of this vice- prison standard.” 陈志杰道:“许银超本来管理的捕人衙门,韦副狱典管理的是密字号衙门,现在他们都下狱了。我看得安排新人担任这个副狱典啊。”
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