MC :: Volume #13

#1297: Alone visits prisoners

Chapter 1297 alone visits prisoners 第1297章独自探监 Sir, this......” Li Dongxu is somewhat anxious, after all this many for ten thousand years, no person walks to enter the channel. “大人,这……”李东旭有些紧张,毕竟这多少万年来,也从来没有人走进入通道。 What's wrong, do I have no right to enter?” Ye Kong knits the brows to ask. “怎么,我无权进入?”叶空皱眉问。 Chen Zhijie said, prison standard Sir, according to the stipulation, you and our vice- prison standards is to have the right to enter the channel, but must anchor outside internal Array Method.” 陈志杰道,“狱典大人,根据规定,您和我们副狱典都是有权进入通道的,不过要在内部阵法外停住。” Ye Kong said that such being the case, but also there is what awkwardness? You felt relieved that he cannot confuse me.” 叶空道,“既然如此,还有何为难?你们放心吧,他迷惑不到我。” „A reason......” Chen Zhijie draws Ye Kong side, in a low voice a saying. “还有一个原因……”陈志杰把叶空拉到旁边,低声一说。 Originally as we all know, inside this criminal and current Immortal Lord, that is a foe, dead enmity. A your prison standard is Uncle Hong seals, you actually visit the Uncle Hong foe now, don't you fear in the Uncle Hong heart to suspect? 原来大家都知道,里边这犯人和现任仙主,那是仇敌,死仇。你一个狱典是洪伯所封,你现在却去探望洪伯的仇敌,你不怕洪伯心中猜疑么? Also is for this reason, therefore never has the prison standard to enter the channel \; first, to fear was confused, two are to fear the Uncle Hong heart lives the suspicion. 也是因为这个原因,所以从来都没狱典进入过通道,一是怕被迷惑,二就是怕洪伯心生猜疑。 Ye Kong said with a smile, this might as well, I will explain with Sir Immortal Lord clearly.” 叶空笑道,“这个无妨,我会跟仙主大人解释清楚。” Since Ye Kong said like this, others are also speechless, Chen Zhijie does everything to please said that „, or do I accompany you to go in together?” 既然叶空这样说,别人也无话可说,陈志杰又献殷勤道,“要不我陪您一起进去?” Ye Kong beckons with the hand, I fully.” 叶空摆手,“我一人足矣。” Chen Zhijie does not want to go in, goes and does not have the advantage, perhaps invites trouble. 陈志杰也不是真想进去,进去又没好处,说不定惹祸上身呢。 At that moment, Ye Kong opens the ban on iron fence with prison Dian jade, making the people wait for outside, a oneself person walked. 当下,叶空用狱典玉牌打开铁栅栏上的禁制,让众人在外等待,自己一人走了进去。 The channel is very long, but is straight, is having the gradient of declining, the both sides wall is the non- gold/metal Feishi material makes, above really also has the moss survival. However can see under the moss to have uneven clearly, does not know that is carves the mural or rune/symbol writing, banned mostly and so on, but does not know that the critical moment can start. 通道很长,不过却是笔直,带着斜下的坡度,两侧墙壁都是非金非石的材料制成,上边竟然还有青苔存活。不过可以清楚地看见青苔下有凹凸不平,也不知道是雕刻壁画还是符文,多半还是禁制之类,只是不知道关键时刻能不能启动。 This channel looks from outside is not long, but walks is actually not general long, Ye Kong walked some little time, detects more and more hotly. 这通道从外边看不长,可是走进来却是不一般的长,叶空走了好一会,发觉越来越热。 In the Tianzihao iron prison has lock God light, in the Immortal body the immortal strength is unable to use, therefore does not have the immortal strength to protect the body, Ye Kong felt obviously that thermal energy a little cannot endure. 天字号铁狱中有锁神光,仙人身体中仙力都无法动用,所以没有仙力护体,叶空明显感觉到那热力自己都有点吃不消。 Finally, Ye Kong has come to the end of channel, the front is a leaf of giant iron gate, ten meters high, Ye Kong stands under is somewhat tiny. On the iron gate proliferates the motley trace, some places dark red, some places dark green, is very ancient, is very strange, felt that arrived at Gate of Death. 终于,叶空走到了通道的尽头,面前是一扇巨大的铁门,有十米高,叶空站在下边有些渺小。铁门上遍布斑驳的痕迹,有的地方暗红,有的地方青绿,挺古老,也挺诡异,感觉来到了鬼门关。 When Ye Kong wants finds the place to open this big iron gate, in his ear actually hears a sound. 就在叶空想要找地方打开这道大铁门的时候,他耳中却听到一个声音。 In this channel on this iron gate is safest, without any ban and institution, you uses the hand to trace it, it can open.” Predecessor Immortal Lord was speaking. “这个通道里就这个铁门是最安全的,没有任何禁制和机关,你用手摸摸它,它就可以打开。”正是前任仙主在说话。 Locks the God light, cannot use the immortal strength, if there is danger, runs away cannot escape! Ye Kong has not paid attention to him. 锁神光下,不能动用仙力,若是发生危险,逃都逃不掉!叶空并没有理睬他。 Predecessor Immortal Lord has not spoken again. However Ye Kong does not have the effect with jade sign anything of leaving prison standard, finally also only then walks, moved the big iron gate with the hand! 前任仙主也没有再说话。不过叶空拿出狱典的玉牌什么都不起效,最后也只有走过去,用手触碰了一下高大的铁门! Bang! 轰! The iron gate opens accordingly, cracks the slit that only accommodates person of passing and out. Immediately, scalding hot feeling heads on an intensely, that heat degree, making Ye Kong's breathe stagnates, in the meantime, transmits sea water great waves general thundering after the iron gate. 铁门应声而开,裂出一个只容一人进出的缝隙。顿时,一股强烈地灼热感扑面而来,那种热度,让叶空的呼吸为之一滞,同时,从铁门后传来海水浪涛一般的轰鸣。 At this time predecessor Immortal Lord also spoke, felt relieved that the coming in friend, Hong Dingfang locked me on the nucleus of center of earth, here was the lava mighty current, the natural temperature was quite high.” 这时前任仙主又说话了,“放心吧,进来朋友,洪定方把我锁在地心之核上,这里都是岩浆洪流,自然温度比较高。” The words said that this fellow spoke is always polite, was very difficult to believe, many people were killed by him. 话说这家伙说话从来都是客客气气,真的很难相信,多少人就是被他害死了。 The Ye Kong hat crown, lifts the foot to walk into. Although listened to this fellow saying that but went in really looks, was astonishing. 叶空正正帽冠,抬脚走入。虽然听这家伙说了,可是真的进去一看,还是让人吃惊的很。 Behind front door space, is vast and bare, seems hiding sea! Broad incomparable! 大门后边的空间,非常广漠,仿佛藏着一片大海!宽广无比! But in the sea, the mighty waves are turbulent, rolling mountains, but these are not the sea water, but is fiery red boiling hot lava, these lava do not know that has several thousand tens of thousands degrees, if falls, perhaps Immortal also will be gasified. 而大海中,波涛汹涌,大浪滔天,不过那些可不是海水,而是火红滚热的岩浆,这些岩浆也不知道有几千几万度,若是掉进去,恐怕就算仙人也会被气化。 However in the sea, has together the straight trestle, goes nonstop to the deep place of lava sea. By that trestle, there is together light transparent rune/symbol writing, as if the one/1st Layer pale blue glass, blocks lava, making the person pass through. 不过在大海中,却有一道笔直栈桥,直通岩浆大海的深处。那栈桥两侧,有一道薄薄的透明符文,仿佛一层淡蓝色的玻璃,挡住岩浆,让人通行。 Welcome to the sea of center of earth, friend of mine. Walks from the trestle, I live in the sea most central......” “欢迎来到地心之海,我的朋友。从栈桥上走过来,我就住在海的最中央……” If he did not speak, Ye Kong will be perhaps bolder, but this saying, Ye Kong was actually careful. This trestle alone in the lava sea, if there is an accident, cries without enough time. 他要是不说话,叶空说不定会大胆些,可他这一说,叶空却小心起来。这栈桥孤零零地在岩浆大海中,若是有个闪失,哭都来不及。 Looks at Ye Kong to be motionless, predecessor Immortal Lord said with a smile, friend, I will not harm you, I was always take pleasure in serving others, said again, my was locked firmly in the core, I had a mind , was incapable.” 叶空不动,前任仙主笑道,“朋友,我不会害你,我一向都是助人为乐的,再说了,我被牢牢锁在地核上,我就算有心,也是无力啊。” Ye Kong stands in the stack bridge approach, no longer the advance, cold -ly snorted and said, „a friend, reminding me of a famous saying, the friends are used to betray, is just applicable to you.” 叶空站在栈桥口,不再前进,冷哼道,“一口一个朋友,让我想起一句名言,朋友都是用来出卖的,刚好适用于你。” Predecessor Immortal Lord laughs, said, friend also has a motley collection, some friends are the good friends, but also some are the fake friends, has many are the fair-weather friend. Some people first time chatted with me, regarded the good friend me, the real friend, trusted me completely, therefore they died, because they were stupid and greedy.” 前任仙主哈哈一笑,说道,“朋友也有三六九等,有些朋友是好朋友,还有些是假朋友,更有许多是酒肉朋友。有的人第一次跟我聊天,就把我当成好朋友,真朋友,完全信任我,所以他们死了,因为他们自己蠢又贪心。” Ye Kong nods, you acknowledged finally you are not the real friend, you are only an evil person.” 叶空点头,“你终于承认你不是什么真朋友,你只是一个恶人。” Predecessor Immortal Lord said, is not right, actually I am not an evil person, I was too bored. Actually I also frequently do good, you know that who leaf Zhenhao did cross gathering immortal violent thing that the immortal tribulation depends upon is teaches him?” 前任仙主道,“不对,其实我也不是恶人,我就是太无聊了。其实我也经常做好事的,你知道嘛,叶镇豪渡过仙劫依靠的聚仙激物阵是谁教他的?” Is the Ye Kong startled say/way, you?” 叶空惊道,“难道是你?” Naturally, do not think that others do not dare to come to see me, actually many people obtained the advantage from here! I teach them casually a thing, they benefitted all one's life.” “当然,你别以为别人不敢来看我,其实很多人都从我这里得到了好处!我随便教他们一点东西,他们就受用不尽了。” The Ye Kong heart, leaf Zhenhao also quietly had come in great surprise, other have do not know that everyone has come quietly. 叶空心头大惊,原来叶镇豪也悄悄来过,其他还有不知道谁也悄悄来过。 Hears that sound also saying that „, I kept a big ritual actually really to you, you have not actually wanted. That ancient immortal Heavenly Dao so formidable, Hong Dingfang at this arrange/cloth next over ten thousand Array Method and bans, cannot block my immortal knowledge. Does not know that many people want to kill me, but I do not die. These are because I have the ancient immortal Heavenly Dao, you said that the strength of such formidable Heavenly Dao, why you don't want?” 就听那个声音又道,“唉,其实我真是留了一份大礼给你,你却没有要。那古仙天道是如此的强大,洪定方在这布下上万的阵法和禁制,也挡不住我的仙识。不知道多少人想要杀死我,可我就是不死。这些都是因为我有古仙天道,你说这么强大的天道之力,你为何不要呢?” Ye Kong said that „, because I do not want to be under the control of others, obtains the ancient immortal Heavenly Dao, I will enter a dark path, can never turn head.” 叶空道,“因为我不想受制于人,得到古仙天道,我就会走进一条黑暗的道路,永远不能回头。” He sighed one, you have been overanxious, actually I am a bastard, I live am very here happy, you looked that I sang to compose a poem every day, does not know that had enjoyment how. Therefore I will not force the matter that you are you not to like, will not compel you to save me to exit, Hong Dingfang puts me really personally, I not necessarily walk......” 他叹了一声,“你过虑了,其实我就是一个杂种,我住在这里很开心,你看我每天唱歌写诗,不知道有多么的享受。所以我不会胁迫你做你不喜欢的事,也不会逼你救我出去,真的,洪定方亲自来放我,我都不一定走呢……” Saying, he has cried unexpectedly, cries saying that my these concubines died, I live am also having any meaning, I exit also to have any meaning, I might as well here, for them pray for a lifetime dull mourns by the side of the coffin for them......” 说着,他竟然哭了起来,哭道,“我的那些爱妾都死了,我活着还有什么意思,我出去还有什么意思,我不如一辈子呆在这里,为她们祈祷为她们守灵……” In the Ye Kong heart sighed, but thinks immediately, this fellow can make his wife sleep with oneself, thinks again imperial concubine Feng said that this fellow prescribes medicine to her...... 叶空心中感叹,不过随即又想到,这家伙都能让他的老婆跟自己睡觉,再想想凤妃说的,这家伙给她下药…… Good, you do a bit less this set, in brief I not on your working as.” Ye Kong opened the mouth and said, idle talk did not say, actually I today, only then a matter must ask you.” “好啦,你少来这一套,总之我不会上你的当了。”叶空开口又道,“废话不说了,其实我今天来,只有一件事要问你。” Good, you asked.” “好,你问。” How you know that I am Heavenly Mandate Chosen? What is the Heavenly Mandate Chosen mission?” “你是如何知道我是天命者天命者的使命又到底是什么呢?” Predecessor Immortal Lord haha said with a smile, „, because I was also Heavenly Mandate Chosen, moreover in my ancient immortal Heavenly Dao had Magical Technique to see Heavenly Mandate Chosen.” 前任仙主哈哈笑道,“因为我也是天命者,而且我的古仙天道中有一个法术可以看出天命者。” Ye Kong also asked that you also come from Earth?” 叶空又问道,“你也是来自地球么?” Does not know any Earth, I come from Science and Technology Universe, I am a noble silicon-based life, how also did not know, the soul flew here unexpectedly, became an inferior carbon base life, was a bastard, was really laughable.” “不知道什么地球,我来自一个科技宇宙,我本身是一个高贵的硅基生命,也不知道怎么了,竟然灵魂飞到这里,成为一个低劣的碳基生命,还是个杂种,真是可笑。” Silicon-based life?” The Ye Kong heart said that indeed this fellow is an alien. Therefore Ye Kong said, I come from Earth, is Science and Technology Universe, but science and technology not developed...... What I want to ask, our these Heavenly Mandate Chosen, the soul was made, who is, why like this, will want us to do, but can also go back?” “硅基生命?”叶空心说敢情这家伙是外星人。于是叶空道,“我来自地球,也是一个科技宇宙,不过科技并不发达……我想问的是,我们这些天命者,魂魄被弄来,到底是谁,为什么会这样,要我们干什么,还能不能回去?” These issues, the fellow was also unanswerable. He opens the mouth saying that any mission, anything in the future, the bastard like me wants unable to think radically, has nothing to do with me, I mourned my imperial concubines to be good here.” 这些问题,那家伙也无法回答。他开口道,“什么使命,什么未来,象我这样的杂种根本想都不敢想,都与我无关,我在这里悼念我的妃子们就好了。” Ye Kong does not have the issue, just wants to leave, actually listened to that fellow also to speak, friend, thanked you to come to see me today, in addition the previous time matter I was sorry really very much...... Therefore I decide to give you again a gift.” 叶空也没有问题,刚想离开,却听那家伙又说话了,“朋友,感谢你今天来看我,加上上次的事我真的很抱歉……所以我决定再送你一个礼物。” Has exempted, the smallpox that you let alone, you said in brief again decorates randomly, I do not believe again, I will not listen your to take risk again.” Ye Kong beckons with the hand hastily. “免了免了,你别说了,总之你再说的天花乱缀,我都不会再相信,我不会再听你的去冒险。”叶空连忙摆手。 „, No, where does not need you to go. This gift, in your front, forward walks, relax, this trestle really not any danger, this is the ban that Hong Dingfang supposes personally......” “哦,不,不用你去什么地方。这份礼物,就在你的面前,向前走,放心,这栈桥真的没有任何危险,这是洪定方亲自设的禁制……” Ye Kong looked, believes that this trestle should not have the danger, after all this is the iron prison mountain, is the prison, is own place, does not need such to fear a prisoner. 叶空看了看,相信这个栈桥应该是没有危险,毕竟这是铁狱山,是大牢,是自己的地方,不用这么怕一个囚犯。 Steps onto the trestle, the both sides are the vast lava sea water, the fiery red monstrous waves blot out the sky to hit, magnificent incomparable, is good because of having these symbol writing barriers, walks on the trestle, is shocking but not dangerous. 走上栈桥,两侧都是浩瀚的岩浆海水,火红的巨浪铺天盖地打来,壮观无比,好在有那些符文屏障,走在栈桥上,有惊无险。 Walked a meeting, finally arrives at Mid Division of trestle, but was unable to lead the way. Here had been stopped up by pale blue rune/symbol writing, forbidding the person to march forward toward in again. 走了一会,终于走到栈桥的中部,可是已经无法前行了。这里已经被一片又一片的淡蓝色符文堵塞,禁止人再往里行进。 Looks with rapt attention, sees only the end of trestle, vaguely the small stone buildings, think that was the predecessor Immortal Lord detained place. 凝神看去,只见栈桥的尽头,依稀有一个小石屋,想必,那就是前任仙主被关押的地方了。 Was good , the friend of mine, retroceded three steps, raises your jade board, there has my small gift.” “好了,到了,我的朋友,后退三步,把你脚下的玉石板掀起来,那里有我一份小小礼物。” Although Ye Kong has a question, but depends on the word the line, opens the jade board, the under really really small holes, have a thin rope in the hole, carries the thin rope to pull under thing, an oil cloth wrapper appears in front of Ye Kong's. 叶空虽然有所疑问,可是还是依言而行,翻开玉石板,下边竟然果然有一个小窟窿,在窟窿中有一根细绳索,拎着细绳索把下边东西扯上来,一个油布包出现在叶空的面前。 Predecessor Immortal Lord said with a smile: Opens has a look, this is the good thing.” 前任仙主笑道:“打开看看,这可是好东西啊。” Ye Kong opens the oil cloth wrapper, discovered that inside unexpectedly is a book, azure Pigou curls, seems is very elegant, but other Ye Kong open several pages conveniently, he discovered with amazement, in this book unexpectedly each page is the blank, a character does not have. 叶空打开油布包,发现里边竟然是一本书,青皮古卷,看上去很是典雅,不过等叶空随手翻开几页,他惊讶的发现,这本书里竟然每页都是空白的,一个字都没有。
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