MC :: Volume #13

#1296: Also enters Tianzihao

Chapter 1296 第1296章 Also enters Tianzihao 又入天字号 Let these criminal sufficient immortal jade, not only increased the income of iron prison mountain, and makes exhaustedly these fellows, this idea was too perfect, does not know that is which senior can want to come out greatly. 让那些犯人充仙玉,既增加了铁狱山的收入,又把这些家伙弄得筋疲力尽,这个主意实在太完美了,也不知道是哪个前辈大能想出来的。 Ye Kong asked that reply that obtains said that finds out this idea is staying in the bottommost. 叶空一问,得到的回答却是道,想出这主意的就在最下边呆着呢。 Ye Kong nods, the idea that this type wicked belches smoke also only then mixed Immortal Lord can find out. 叶空点头,这种缺德又冒烟的主意也只有“杂”种仙主才能想得出。 Walks, goes to Tianzihao iron prison.” “走,去天字号铁狱。” Ye Kong thinks of that boy, does not have the mood to do an inspection again, goes to the Tianzihao prison cell to look at that impatiently mixed type, oneself almost hang in monster, this gathering place has no alternative but to look! 叶空想到那小子,也没心情再巡查下去,迫不及待去天字号牢房去看那“杂”种,自己差点挂在妖界,这个场子不能不找回来! On devil wood boat, crossed that piece to pack to extinguish the water of immortal small lake. Ye Kong has remembered anything, making Chen Zhijie try to find the solution, installs to him. 上了小木舟,过了那片装满灭仙之水的小湖。叶空想起了什么,让陈志杰想办法,给他装一些。 This extinguishes the water of immortal to be so formidable, is bringing, later is perhaps useful. At crucial moment against body, harms individual, is very good. 这灭仙之水如此强大,带着一点,以后说不定用得上。关键时候防个身,害个人,都很不错啊。 In Chen Zhijie heart disturbed, this Sir leaf is really not a good person! Others said that against person's heart must have, the heart of injuring someone cannot have, Sir leaf is good, all day keeps thinking is injuring someone. 陈志杰心中忐忑,这叶大人真不是好人啊!别人都说防人之心不可无,害人之心不可有,叶大人好,整天惦记着害人呢。 Ye Kong does not have the means that the unprincipled person were too many, you do not harm him, he harms you. Naturally, must say injures someone, most can injure someone is still staying under. 叶空也没办法,坏人太多了,你不害他,他害你。当然了,要说害人,最会害人的还在下边呆着呢。 The Tianzihao iron prison, is that appearance, gets down from the center of the lake small alcove, sees a wilderness, locks Shenhua cover San to stand alone, locks the God to be only timeless according to below Tianzihao iron prison. 天字号铁狱,还是那模样,从湖心小亭子下来,就看见一片荒漠,一把锁神华盖伞孤零零立着,锁神光亘古不变照着下边的天字号铁狱。 Saw the people to come, has knocked some little time, old deaf heard, Wu Yong did not know the condition, but also thinks that old deaf intentionally, the anger said, your this old prison guard, does not want to do, the new prison standard came to do an inspection......” 看见众人来了,敲了好一会,老聋才听见,吴勇也不知道状况,还以为老聋故意的,怒道,“你这老狱卒,不想干了是不是,新任狱典前来巡查……” Ye Kong hurries to stop, the reason saying of reason old deaf deafness, Kuang Peng Wu Yong had profound respect. Immortal World everybody is selfish, who is willing all day in locking the God under is only staying, gets so far as the deafness to be blind, perhaps old deaf is not dry, but could also not find others. 叶空赶紧制止,把原因老聋耳聋的原因一说,狂鹏吴勇都肃然起敬。仙界人人自私,谁愿意整天在锁神光下呆着,弄到耳聋眼瞎,恐怕老聋不干,还真找不到别人呢。 Ye Kong said that old deaf, although the deafness is blind, may actually be in this iron prison mountain several thousand people, Ye most respects the person! Everybody must respect him, tries to find the solution, can cure or have the means the old deaf ear to prevent to lock God light side effect, I can give to reward generously!” 叶空道,“老聋虽然耳聋眼瞎,可却是这铁狱山数千人中,叶某最敬重之人!大家都必须尊敬他,还有都想想办法,能把老聋的耳朵治好或者有办法能防止锁神光的副作用,我都可以给予重奖!” The old deaf ear is not good, listens to others to use the immortal knowledge to send greetings then hears clearly. Old deaf listened, is moved, he said, prison standard Sir, have not troubled, could not cure. I look at that old bastard in this, is I am voluntary, my three sons were killed by him!” 老聋耳朵不好,又听别人用仙识传音这才听得清楚。老聋听了,也是感动,他道,“狱典大人,别麻烦了,治不好了。我在这看着那老混蛋,是我自愿的,我三个儿子都被他害死了!” The old bastard who old deaf said was mixed Immortal Lord. Originally old deaf eldest son is a prison guard, guards that fellow, some day will listen to him saying that goes to some place, can obtain the treasure. 老聋说的老混蛋就是“杂”种仙主了。原来老聋的大儿子是狱卒,看守那家伙,某天听他说,去某个地方,就能得到宝物。 eldest son one does not return. The second son said that I must ask where my brother went to! Therefore is also the prison guard, mixed for several hundred years, becomes the prison guard in Tianzihao iron prison. 大儿子一去不回。二儿子说了,我非要问我哥去了哪里!于是也来做狱卒,混了几百年,才成为天字号铁狱的狱卒。 Also does not know that mixed Immortal Lord also said anything, the second son also lard hoodwinked the heart, where also did not know, was one does not return. 也不知道“杂”种仙主又说了什么,二儿子也猪油蒙了心,也不知道去了哪里,又是一去不回。 Three sons said, is not good, I must go! I must ascertain! 三儿子说,不行,我非去不可!我一定要去问个清楚! Therefore, three sons. Finally is unconceivable, three sons also in light of this disappear, where did not know. 于是,三儿子也去了。结果不能想象,三儿子也就此消失,不知道去了哪里。 Finally old deaf hates to this fellow extremely, this comes to request to be the person of guarding. Also is therefore, so long as enters a person every time, old deaf will remind unceasingly, 10 million/absolutely do not believe this fellow. From now, the person who is deceived to be short. 最后老聋对这个家伙恨极,这才前来要求要做看守之人。也是因此,只要每进一个人,老聋都会不断提醒,千万不要相信这家伙。从此以后,上当受骗的人少了很多。 Listens to this story, Wu Yong and Kuang Peng do not believe, is it possible that others are silly inadequate, why so believes words that this mixed Immortal Lord spoke? 听完这个故事,吴勇和狂鹏都是不太相信,别人莫非都是傻的不成,为什么都如此相信这“杂”种仙主说的话呢? However other people actually not surprised, being not infrequent that because had been swindled. Many prison guards were swindled, was not earning a living, naturally will not tell others. 不过其他人却并没有一点惊讶,因为上过当的不在少数。还有很多狱卒上了当,不过活着回来了,自然也不会告诉别人。 Ye Kong so astute capable, but also almost dies in monster. 就连叶空如此的精明干练,还差点死在妖界呢。 The group go down revolving iron stairs. Chen Zhijie said: On this day words prison cell closes is the guilty of the most heinous crime person, the crime does not have to be possible, therefore thinks of the special coffin, but in iron prison mountain present more than 1000 criminals, has the majority to detain in this. And has special slaughters the Immortal crazy demon, to have seriously violates the Immortal World principle Immortal, to have when our Immortal Lord fights to win the state power match who seizes...... In brief here person, each one monstrous crimes, does not allow to be remitted, even if arrived has detained the age limit, we must consider whether to put it to come out.” 一行人走下旋转的铁楼梯。陈志杰说道:“这天字号牢房关的都是罪大恶极之人,罪无可恕,所以都用专门的棺材装着,而铁狱山现在的1000多名犯人中,也是有大部分都关押在此。其中有专门屠杀仙人的狂魔、有严重违反仙界法则的仙人、还有在我们仙主打江山时捉到的对手……总之这里的人,个个罪恶滔天,是不允许被赦免的,就算到了关押年限,我们也要考虑是不是能放其出来。” Ye Kong nods, said: If a criminal has sentenced in 3000, now the prison term was less than 3000, whether then can handle to transfer the procedure of prison?” 叶空点头,又道:“如果一个犯人判了3000年,现在刑期已经不到3000年,那么是否可以办理转监的手续呢?” Chen Zhijie has not experienced this matter but actually, has gawked, returns saying: If normally, these person of monstrous crimes, cannot pull out the soul to refine the soul under coffin by every day the pain, how can make them enjoy happiness?” However Chen Zhijie is also an old fox, in the heart had the guess, then also said: „, If the crime is not that serious, some people is a guarantor, I think that should yes, his prison term less than 3000, go to the words prison cell after all is also natural.” 陈志杰倒没遇到过这种事,楞了一下,才回道:“若是正常情况下,是不可以的,这些人罪恶滔天,应当在下边棺材中受每日抽魂炼魄的痛苦,怎么能让他们上去享福呢?”不过陈志杰也是个老狐狸,心中已有猜测,接着又道:“不过呢,若是罪行并不是那么严重,又有人作保,我想应该是可以的,毕竟他刑期不足3000年,去地字号牢房也是理所应当。” Ye Kong nods. In the heart had the arrangement. Although he is the prison standard Sir, but words prison cell the criminals of this day are the grave offense. That Qing Liewei one brings 3000 people of ascended, this is to the enormous provocation of Immortal World principle, Ye Kong he is unable to be Qing Liewei gets free. 叶空点点头。心中已经有了安排。虽然他是狱典大人,可是这天字号牢房的犯人都是重罪。那卿列伟一下带3000人飞升,这是对仙界法则的极大挑衅,就连叶空他也无法为卿列伟开脱。 However the Qing Liewei prison term was less than 3000, that can consider. According to the stipulation, in 3000 above enters Tianzihao, that can first Qing Liewei changing to the words. Then commutes a sentence and looks, Ye Kong also calculates that made contribution. 不过卿列伟的刑期已经不到3000年,那就可以照顾一下了。按照规定,3000年以上才进天字号,那就可以先把卿列伟给转到地字号。然后减刑、照顾,叶空也算尽力了。 Naturally, this moment large military force, the Ye Kong impossible opens the mouth to say these words, behind something want to scheme, Ye Kong also fully realizes the principle of being officers. 当然了,此刻大队人马,叶空不可能开口就说出这些话,有些事是要背后图谋的,叶空也是深知为官之道的。 The Tianzihao prison cell inspection carries, even more uncomforting, here cold wind rises from all directions, in the cold wind is also mixing with the thermal energy, the sounds of some innumerable shrieking and howling wildly, making the person hear to be terrified. 天字号牢房巡视到底端,越发的让人不舒服,这里阴风四起也就罢了,阴风中还夹杂着热力,更有无数鬼哭狼嚎之声,让人听得心生恐怖。 Arrived most lower level, is a long channel. Passes a road junction iron fence, the above quarter completely grotesque rune/symbol writing, is the seal the place of day character No. 1 prisoner, outside is standing two prison guards. 到了最下层,就是一个长通道。通道口一个铁栅栏,上边刻满了奇形怪状的符文,正是封印着天字一号囚犯之处,外边站着两个狱卒。 Li Dongxu who today serves as a petty government official, he recently with Li Wen gold/metal also been tired of awfully, seeing Ye Kong and the others to arrive, the hurrying station relaxes. 今天当差的正是李东旭,他最近跟着李文金也是被烦的要命,看见叶空等人到来,赶忙站直腰。 Ye Kong asked: „Do you here guard? That criminal where?” 叶空问道:“你们就是在这里看守?那一号犯人在何处?” Li Dongxu respectful sound returns saying: Returns to the big logical expression, here guards, the day character No. 1 prison cell is the channel most in carries. However this, the criminal has the means to deliver to me the words and other in the ears, is really formidable, does not know that is what method, can break through unexpectedly layer upon layer banned.” 李东旭恭声回道:“回大人话,就是在这里看守,天字一号牢房就是通道最里端。不过就算这样,那犯人还是有办法把话送到我等耳中,实在是强大,也不知道是何种手段,竟能突破层层禁制。” Ye Kong nods, he is also the person of coming. However today arrives, he is also wants to meet this personally mixed Immortal Lord. 叶空点头,他也是过来之人。不过今天来到,他也是想要亲自会一会这“杂”种仙主 At that moment opens the mouth saying: Opens the ban, I must see him.” 当下开口道:“打开禁制,我要见见他。”
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