MC :: Volume #13

#1295: Deity training battalion

Chapter 1295 deity training battalion 第1295章天神训练营 Anything, permits Yinchao was apprehended to be jailed, most little must close in 3000!” Hears this news, eastern emperor Sikong middle is unable to believe levelly, a vice- prison standard, is ingrained in the iron prison mountain, how can because a small scandal does fall from power? “什么,许银超已经被捉拿下狱,最少要关3000年!”听到这个消息,东帝司空仲平实在是无法置信,一个副狱典,在铁狱山还根深蒂固,怎么能就因为一个小小的绯闻而倒台呢? This was too inconceivable, was too quick. 这实在太不可思议了,太快了。 The humanity of report: This Ye Kong thunder method, does not press the sign principle to play a card, these prison standards simply have not guarded, was hit by him is caught off guard, the basic revolt does not have, now hires oneself completely Ye Kong.” 汇报之人道:“这叶空雷霆手段,又不按牌理出牌,那些狱典根本没有防备,被他打得措手不及,根本一点反抗都没有,现在全部都投靠叶空了。” „!” The eastern emperor frowns greatly. “啊!”东帝大皱眉头。 After leaf Zhenhao achievement Immortal Monarch, he has not left, is knows that here must fight. Who he wants to have a look at permits Yinchao and Chen Zhijie can fight but actually Ye Kong, like this he can be on good terms desirably, offers some gifts, under everybody contact sentiment. 叶镇豪成就仙君以后,他没有离开,就是知道这里要斗上一场。他想看看许银超和陈志杰谁能斗倒叶空,这样他就可以刻意交好,送上些礼物,大家联络下感情。 Applied mechanically a few words saying that he had guessed correctly the start of story, has not actually guessed correctly the story the result. 套用一句话说,他猜到了故事的开始,却没猜到故事的结局。 No one has thought that weak brings Ye Kong that two hand/subordinate are taking office, like this was relaxed permits Yinchao turned dry, but also regained other iron prison mountain prison standards. 谁都没想到势单力薄就带着两手下来上任的叶空,就这样轻松把许银超给干翻了,还把铁狱山其他狱典收复。 The person of that report also said: Your majesty, or we hurry to change the direction, offers to Ye Kong the gift, wins over him as early as possible, now is not late.” 那汇报之人又道:“陛下,要不我们赶紧改换方向,把礼物给叶空送上,趁早拉拢他,现在为时未晚。” Now east wants the emperor to persist in the haughty manner, is on good terms Ye Kong. East this matter the emperor really cannot do, he sent Li Yingru to go to monster assassination Ye Kong before, two people have become enemies, how also to be on good terms? 现在要东帝放下架子,去交好叶空。这种事东帝实在做不出来,他之前派黎影汝去妖界暗杀叶空,两人已经结下梁子,又如何交好? Gives a present to that vagrant, I cannot throw this person!” Eastern emperor cold snort/hum, brought hand/subordinate on the same day to leave the iron prison mountain. “送礼给那个小瘪三,我丢不起这个人!”东帝冷哼一声,带着手下当天就离了铁狱山。 Ye Kong has not managed him, heart said that your boy does not walk, I must catch up with you to walk! 叶空也没管他,心说你老小子不走,我也要赶你走! In Northern Emperor the emperor also has south the representative the Zhi congealing fairy maiden of emperor actually very much to show due respect for the feelings, sends the gift, congratulates. Simultaneously gives a present to act unreasonably, Li big Mr. representative Li Wen gold/metal, but this boy seemingly could not decide, depended actually in the iron prison mountain, Ye Kong that did was burdensome. 北帝中帝还有代表南帝的芷凝仙子却很给面子,送来礼物,以示祝贺。同时送礼乱来的,还有李大老板的代表李文金,不过这小子貌似打定主意不走了,硬是赖在铁狱山,搞的叶空不胜其烦。 Was good was quite recently busy because of Ye Kong, threw Li Wen gold/metal to prison guard Li Dongxu, making them two surnamed Li played. 好在叶空最近比较忙,就把李文金扔给狱卒李东旭,让他们两姓李的玩儿去。 Actually fights to turn permits Yinchao, the biggest hero is sect side. Otherwise beginning Ye Kong, has no idea, which knows these rotten matters? Is sect side provides the message, the Ye Kong operation, result that two coordinate. 其实斗翻许银超,最大的功臣就是宗方。否则叶空初来咋到,两眼一抹黑,哪知道这些烂事?都是宗方提供消息,叶空运作,两下配合的结果。 Now Kuang Peng and Wu Yong are the proper prison guard, the silver nature crime immortal rope are joined, are hanging the number and route plate, ox Cha. But has not actually arranged to sect side...... Truly difficult to arrange, the sect medium Golden Immortal, was too just now low, is not good to arrange. 现在狂鹏和吴勇都是正经狱卒,银质罪仙索配上,挂着腰牌,牛叉的很。而对宗方却没有安排……确实难安排,宗方才中等金仙啊,太低了,不好安排。 However Ye Kong also has the idea, making sect side go back with Northern Emperor, sends under the immortal light lake cultivate to go, you do not lack the power and influence now, what you lack is Cultivation Base. 不过叶空也有想法,让宗方跟北帝回去,送入仙光湖下边修炼去吧,你现在不缺权势,你缺的是修为 sect side is also knows that leaves with Northern Emperor very much happily. Naturally, before leaving, Ye Kong has not forgotten to let him and Qing Liewei met. 宗方也是知道的,很开心地跟着北帝离开。当然了,临行之前,叶空还不忘让他和卿列伟见个面。 Moreover what must say, when Ye Kong solves permits Yinchao, that night had a prison guard to visit to apologize. When this fellow unexpectedly is Ye Kong arrives at the iron prison mountain, guard of that guarding a gate! At that time that boy became greedy at the sight of money, received the Ye Kong's immortal jade, today heard that permits Yinchao gave turned dry, therefore came to return the immortal jade hastily, nasal mucus tears, regretted past mistakes. 另外要说的是,当叶空解决完许银超,当天晚上就有个狱卒上门赔罪来了。这家伙竟然是叶空来到铁狱山时,那个守门的侍卫!当时那小子见钱眼开,收了叶空的仙玉,今天听说许银超都给干翻了,所以连忙过来送还仙玉,一把鼻涕一把泪,悔不当初。 The prison guard who these guard a gate is some small sun-dried shelled shrimp, Ye Kong is not worthwhile with him haggles over, takes back the immortal jade, reproved several, here caught up with him to go, has not gone into seriously. 这些守门的狱卒不过是些小虾米,叶空也犯不着跟他计较,收回仙玉,训斥几句,这边赶他去了,也没有深究。 Chen Zhijie also knew Ye Kong's is fierce, does not dare to have any concealment, directly personnel list, criminal name list, warehouse key anything gives Ye Kong to deliver. But Ye Kong also naturally over-delivered permits silver to him has tried, thinks that Chen Zhijie will not show mercy. 陈志杰这边也知道了叶空的厉害,再也不敢有任何隐瞒,直接把人员名单,犯人名录,仓库钥匙什么的都给叶空送上。而叶空也大方地将许银超交给他审理了,想必陈志杰也不会手下留情的。 Ye Kong reads the list, knows that the iron prison mountain altogether has the prison guard more than 3000 people! This was his soldier, had more than 3000 troops in Immortal World, although were not many, but Cultivation Base was good , the guilty immortal rope, 3000 people can arrive at three importantly multipurpose! 叶空一看名单,知道铁狱山共有狱卒3000多人!这就是他的兵了,在仙界有3000多人马虽然不算很多,不过修为都是不错的,最重要还有罪仙索啊,3000人能抵三万用! Naturally, which immortal emperor if with goes to war, that is attacks somebody stronger than oneself. Which immortal emperor hand/subordinate doesn't have dozens over a million immortal soldiers? Let alone, the immortal emperor comes an incarnation 1 million, frightens also scary. 当然了,如果是跟哪个仙帝打仗,那还是鸡蛋碰石头的。哪个仙帝手下没有几十上百万的仙兵?更何况,仙帝来个化身1000000,吓也吓死人。 Compared with the prison guard, mortal must little. Tens of thousands prison cells, unexpectedly only then thousand number criminals, the average three prison guards look at a criminal, the phenomenon of having more hands than needed is very serious, which to is the official is idle. However Ye Kong does not want to simplify, although these people do not have the matter to do, may be own soldier, does not want to spend to raise, every year all immortal imperial capital must deliver the immortal jade. 和狱卒比起来,凡人要少很多。几万间牢房,竟然只有千把号犯人,平均三个狱卒看一个犯人,人浮于事的现象很严重,到哪都是公务员清闲啊。不过叶空也没想精简,这些人虽然没有事情干,可都是自己的兵啊,又不要自己花钱养,每年各方仙帝都要送仙玉来的。 As for the warehouse and conceal, Ye Kong also looked. In the warehouse does not have any good thing, is some immortal jade and commonly used pills of immortality, as for any treasure and so on, it is estimated that early made the predecessors embezzle. In conceal actually many contents, Immortal Technique immortal of many being lost, does not know that leaf Zhenhao that gathering immortal violent thing is here old book records. 至于仓库和藏,叶空也都去看了。仓库里没啥好东西,就是些仙玉和常用仙丹,至于什么宝物之类,估计早让前任们贪污一空了。藏里倒是有不少内容,很多失传的仙法仙阵,也不知道叶镇豪那聚仙激物阵是不是这里古籍上记载的。 Ye Kong this can not have the time to read, but he remembers the Xiling fairy maiden to have this hobby, which goes to have a look at the book collection pavilion...... May wait for Ye Kong to ask, knows the Xiling fairy maiden left in leaf Zhenhao Transcend Tribulation next day. She is this disposition, comes to walk quietly quietly, does not carry off clouds. 叶空这会是没时间看书的,不过他想起西陵仙子有这个爱好,去哪都要看看藏书阁……可等叶空一问,才知道人家西陵仙子在叶镇豪渡劫第二天就离开了。她本来就是这个性格,悄悄来悄悄走,不带走一片云彩。 Another major discovery, is behind the warehouse has a room, has together the translucent jade in inside, it is said here can leave the message with Sir Immortal Lord, Sir Immortal Lord can also give the iron prison recluse and others to issue the order here! 另一个重大发现,是仓库后边有一个房间,在里边有一块透亮的玉石,据说在这里可以和仙主大人留话,仙主大人也可以在这里给铁狱山人等下达命令! No wonder leaf Zhenhao that many years have not seen Immortal Lord, can actually act according to the order conduct, originally here also has the telephone conversation place! 怪不得叶镇豪那么多年没见到仙主,却能根据命令行事,原来这里还有个通话的地方! Also was skillful, when here Ye Kong came just to keep a word, on that jade really had the sound, a short while later, the face of Uncle Hong appeared unexpectedly! 也是巧了,当叶空来这边刚留一句言,那玉石上竟然有了动静,没一会,洪伯的脸竟然出现了! Cannot think that such quickly can see you, it seems like I have not misread the person.” The Uncle Hong smile said that but the facial expression on face is not quite good. “想不到这么快就能看见你,看来我没有看错人。”洪伯微笑说道,不过脸上的气色却并不太好。 Ye Kong said: Uncle Hong, you, I on just Immortal World had hung thank you, at that time saved me to deliver the old man of blade edge of Heavenly Dao to me is pill king, is you make him come?” 叶空道:“洪伯,谢谢你,要不是你,我刚上仙界就挂了,当时救我又给我送上天道之刃的老者是丹王吧,是您让他来的吧?” Uncle Hong said with a smile: Yes, four Sir kings have not died actually, after you, was formidable, they did not have the ascended words, will come out to assist you. leaf Zhenhao, he has left a message to me, said that his achievement Immortal Monarch, he is also the person who can trust.” 洪伯笑道:“是啊,其实四大人王都没死呢,等你以后强大了,他们还没有飞升的话,就会出来协助你。还有叶镇豪,他给我留言了,说他成就了仙君,他也是个可以信赖的人。” Ye Kong said: Uncle Hong, you not to mention, leaf Zhenhao that boy have held back one trick, he has not told here also one with the place that you spoke, handled permits Yinchao and Chen Zhijie, I to the present do not know that had this kind of place.” 叶空道:“洪伯,你就别提了,叶镇豪那小子留了一手,他都没告诉我这里还有一个和你说话的地方,要不是搞定许银超和陈志杰,我到现在都不知道有这样一个地方呢。” Uncle Hong said with a smile: Do not blame leaf Zhenhao, is I makes him do not tell you. I think that your superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal came the Immortal World also more than ten years, cannot everything count on that others helped. Therefore I make town do not tell you, only then you level or regain permits Yinchao and Chen Zhijie thoroughly, you can see me, this works as to your test.” 洪伯笑道:“别怪叶镇豪,是我让他不要告诉你的。我想你一个上等大罗金仙仙界也有十多年了,总不能凡事都指望别人帮助吧。所以我让叶镇豪不要告诉你,只有你彻底摆平或者收复许银超和陈志杰,你才能见到我,这就当对你的一个考验吧。” Ye Kong then understands, if early know that has this place, will not fight permits Yinchao by own strength, but will come to here to seek Uncle Hong to act. 叶空这才明白,如果自己早知道有这个地方,就不会以自己的力量去斗许银超,而是会来这里寻求洪伯出面。 The Uncle Hong condition was not quite probably good, breathed heavily several, said: Good that youngster you do, I have not thought really you such quickly appear here......” 洪伯状况好像不太好,喘了几口,说道:“年轻人你干的不错,我真的没想到你这么快就出现在这里……” Ye Kong then discovered that the Uncle Hong difference, asked hastily: Uncle Hong, how were you?” 叶空这才发现洪伯的异样,连忙问道:“洪伯,你这是怎么了?” Uncle Hong has attracted several tones vigorously, said: This is my immortal knows the incarnation, my was in itself being punished by the coach, my my I......” 洪伯又大力吸了几口气,说道:“这是我的仙识化身,我的本身正在被教练责罚,我我我……” Ye Kong faints, Uncle Hong is the Immortal World first person, Immortal World, Mortal World and monster and Ghost Realm, how many him can say to be biggest, but can also some people punish him? Coach what kind of person? Uncle Hong where? 叶空晕倒,洪伯仙界第一人,仙界凡界、妖界、冥界,可以说几界中就他最大了,还有人可以责罚他?那教练到底何许人也?洪伯又在何处? Uncle Hong you......” a Ye Kong issue are too many, does not know that first asked any good. 洪伯你……”叶空一下问题太多,都不知道先问什么好。 Uncle Hong urgently said: I in the deity training battalion, did not have the time, I must walk, the late dinner did not have the place to eat again.” 洪伯急道:“我在天神训练营啊,没时间了,我要走了,再迟晚饭都没地方吃。” , Uncle Hong vanishes does not have the trace uselessly. 咔嚓一声,洪伯消失地无用无踪。 Ye Kong stood in front of the jade has gawked some little time, has not understood where the deity training battalion was, but very possible in Divine Realm, otherwise, can punish the Immortal Lord teacher, this did not have. 叶空站在玉石面前楞了好一会,也没明白天神训练营是个什么地方,不过很可能是在神界了,否则,能责罚仙主的教官,这一界没有。 This room others do not permit, Chen Zhijie waits outside, waits for Ye Kong to come out, he was not inquisitive Immortal Lord to say anything, but reported: Now Heaven and Earth person third-level iron prison is ready, waits for Sir leaf first doing an inspection!” 这个房间别人是不允许进的,陈志杰候在外边,等叶空出来,他也不好问仙主都说了什么,只是禀告道:“现在天地人三级铁狱都做好准备,等待叶大人第一次巡查!” Ye Kong the door, waves saying: Front leads the way.” 叶空封上房门,挥手道:“前边引路。” Prison standard Sir first doing an inspection, each prison prison cell cleans cleanly, the prison guards all put on golden armor, the hand grasp the long halberd, in high feather. 狱典大人第一次巡查,各个监狱囚室都打扫干净,狱卒个个穿着金甲,手握长戟,精神焕发。 Brothers are good!” “弟兄们好!” Prison standard is good!” “狱典好!” Brothers were laborious!” “弟兄们辛苦了!” Serves for the criminal!” “为犯人服务!” Good, several lines that Ye Kong confesses beforehand also shouted are decent, the leaf extraordinary personality waved to pass through. 好,叶空事先交代的几句台词一个个喊得也是有模有样,叶伟人挥手走过。 Person words iron prison detains is below 500 years, the iron prison mountain was very recently long has not caught several people, the small crime young suspects gave various immortal emperors to manage, therefore the person words prison basically was empty, was closing that 35 were the prison guards going out business, not the pleasing to the eyes person who ran into, used one's office to redress personal grievances, like Ma Laosan and so on. 人字号铁狱关押的都是500年以下的,铁狱山最近很久都没抓几个人,小罪小犯都给各家仙帝管了,所以人字号监狱基本都是空空荡荡,关着的那35个都是狱卒们外出公干,遇到的不顺眼的人,公报私仇,就像马老三之类。 Ye Kong asked that one is the profiteer, the iron prison mountain purchases medicine pill, this fellow takes substandard products as fine products unexpectedly. Ye Kong said: 200 years of insufficient, the additional 200 years, I most hated again in the profiteer that in the food drugs adulterated.” 叶空问了一下,一个是奸商,铁狱山购买丹药,这家伙竟然以次充好。叶空道:“200年不够,再加200年,我最恨在食品药品中掺假的奸商了。” Back eats meal unexpectedly does not give money. Also does not know that the prison guard has any relations with that hotel owner. The Ye Kong big hand wields, has put, others have had table of food not to money, as for closing for 300 years?” 后边一个竟然是吃饭不给钱的。也不知道狱卒跟那饭店老板有什么关系。叶空大手一挥,“放了,人家吃了桌饭没给钱而已,至于关300年么?” Following several, this putting of putting, should the in addition of in addition. Quick arrived at the words iron prison. 接下来几个,该放的放,该加的加。很快就来到了地字号铁狱。 Words iron prison is located in the iron prison mountain lower segment, although appreciation dark green deep scenery, but has every day does exactly, considered to let in fresh air. Ye Kong looked in the past, good, this iron prison mountain also really knows how to make money, how Ye Kong wants not to think, these Immortal World criminals undergoing reform-through-labor are doing this to live unexpectedly. 地字号铁狱位于铁狱山的中下段,虽然欣赏不到苍冥景色,不过每天却有活干,就当是放风了。叶空过去一看,好嘛,这铁狱山还真是生财有道,叶空怎么想也没想到,这些仙界劳改犯们竟然是在干这活。 Sees only a criminal to take up together the iron grey waste immortal jade, then sits in meditation to transport the merit, uses oneself within the body immortal Yuan, packing waste immortal jade, a short while later, brand-new immortal jade is born. 只见一个犯人拿起一块灰白色的废仙玉,然后打坐运功,用自己体内仙元,去填充废仙玉,没一会,一块崭新的仙玉就诞生了。 The Ye Kong heart said that but also is really to is the same. In Earth, making the criminal undergoing reform-through-labor print bill, to Immortal World, the criminal undergoing reform-through-labor prints the bill. 叶空心说,还真是到哪都一样。在地球,让劳改犯印钞票,到了仙界,还是劳改犯印钞票啊。 Chen Zhijie said: These criminals were surplus on energy, must fight the entanglement in inside, might as well makes them use the immortal Yuan packing immortal jade, everybody is quiet.” 陈志杰道:“这些犯人本来就都精力过剩,在里边还要打斗纠缠,还不如让他们用仙元填充仙玉,大家都清静。”
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