MC :: Volume #13

#1290: Immortal tribulation tertiary wave

Chapter 1290 第1290章 Immortal tribulation tertiary wave 仙劫第三波 Omiya mirror offers a sacrifice, immediately supports the bulge to come, swells to dozens meters big, top in leaf Zhenhao the top of the head! 大光明镜一祭出,立即撑胀开来,胀大到数十米大,正顶在叶镇豪的头顶! Rumbling! In huge bombardment sound, does not know how much immortal light by Omiya specular reflection. The immortal gassed thread that these reflect does not see to weaken, flies back airborne, enters in the green cloud layer in sky. 轰轰轰!巨大的轰击声中,不知道有多少仙光被大光明镜反射回去。那些反射回的仙光丝毫不见减弱,又飞回空中,打进天空中的青色云层里。 However that green cloud layer is extremely really overbearing, does not spare a glance to this injury , to continue to launch the immortal light. 不过那青色云层实在太过霸道,对这点伤害根本不屑一顾,继续发射着道道仙光。 This Omiya mirror truly is a Immortal World wonderful treasure, possibly is also only mirror class nine chief ministers of state immortal artifact. Its function is not attack, but reflects the immortal light attack completely! 这大光明镜确实算是一件仙界奇宝,可能也是唯一一件镜类的九品仙器。它的作用并不是进攻,而是完全反射仙光攻击! Geomancy thunder and lightning ice, gold/metal wooden fire clay light! 风水雷电冰,金木火土光! Immortal World ten big mainstream attack methods. So long as has Omiya mirror to be able a last complete immunity, this is the formidable wonderful treasure. 仙界十大主流攻击手段。只要带着大光明镜就能将最后一种完全免疫,这是何等强大的奇宝。 Had this Omiya mirror, the second wave of immortal light attack crossed directly, that tribulation clouds as if knows that own being incapable, stopped the attack finally. 有了这个大光明镜,第二波仙光攻击直接渡过,那劫云仿佛已经知道自己的无力,终于停止了攻击。 All are peaceful. 一切安静下来。 Some winds blow slowly, strokes sending silk that on the rotor blade town bold chignon scatters. He at this moment, obviously is not certainly distressed, instead has a stirring imposing manner. 有风徐徐吹来,拂动叶镇豪发髻上散落的发丝。此刻的他,一定都不显狼狈,反而有种震撼人心的气势。 Again anti- the last wave of attack, he was Immortal Monarch! Walks into Immortal World top expert officially! 再抗住最后一波的攻击,他就是仙君了!正式走入仙界顶尖高手之列! Flashes in Kuang Peng and Wu of Yong vision iron prison mountain corner/horn. Immortal World Powerhouse, this is the Immortal World Powerhouse proper imposing manner! Although imposing motionless, has Mt. Liba imposing manner! 在铁狱山一角的狂鹏和吴勇目光闪动。仙界强者,这就是仙界强者应有的气势!虽凛然不动,却有力拔山兮的气势! I must try hard cultivate, one day, must resist the immortal tribulation!” Wu Yong pinches tightly the fist to open the mouth to say. “我也要努力修炼,总有一天,也要来对抗仙劫!”吴勇捏紧拳头开口道。 Your line! We! One day!” Kuang Peng also silently said. “你行的!我们都可以!总有一天!”狂鹏也默默说道。 But is in the mouth implores the one breath in sect side, Immortal Monarch, really is extremely for him faintly recognizable, if he said like this, feared must be laughed. 而在身边的宗方却是口中吁出一口气,仙君,对他来说实在太过飘渺,他如果开口这样说,怕是要被人笑话。 Kuang Peng is actually felt that his sigh, then said with a smile: sect side, relax, thinks you in the world of mortals, is Powerhouse, over this can also mix!” 狂鹏却是感觉到他的叹息,回头笑道:“宗方,放心吧,想想你在下界,也是强者,在这一界也能混出头!” sect side is the forced smile does not answer. 宗方却是苦笑不答。 But Wu Yong is actually Ye Kong on finger/refers of top of the head high place distinguished guest stage, said: Shows own confidence, before I was also am called as the useless waste, but ran into Young Master leaf I to know, originally the life can be more splendid! With Young Master leaf, what is inadequate?” 而吴勇却是一指头顶高处贵宾台上的叶空,说道:“拿出自己的信心,以前我也是个被人称作无用的废物,可是遇到了叶公子我才知道,原来人生可以更加精彩!跟着叶公子,何事不成?” Kuang Peng also secretly nods, thinks that he arrives at Immortal World to be so long, wants to compare with these years, that really idly spent! Oneself also after chance encounter Ye Kong, the promotion probably fly general. Although walks hard and dangerously layer on layer, but had not regretted, was worth! 狂鹏也是暗自点头,想他来到仙界那么久,和这些年来想比,那真是虚度了!自己也就是在巧遇叶空以后,升级才好像飞一般。虽然一路走来艰险重重,可是没有后悔,值得了! sect side sees them so, in heart is also fully-confident. 宗方看见他们如此,心中也是信心百倍起来。 At this time, the green cloud layer on sky started the variation, the compression, tightened! That range achieves several thousand mu green cloud layers more to shrink unexpectedly is smaller, finally, contracted the original 1/10 sizes, only then surrounding area 500 mu appearance, but the cloud layer was thicker, ray in the clouds was actually more and more bright, that brightness was unexpectedly brighter than distant place that star! 这时,天空上的青色云层开始变异,压缩,收紧!那范围达到几千亩的青色云层竟然越缩越小,最后,收缩到了原先的1大小,只有方圆500亩的样子,而云层却更加厚实,云中的光芒却是越来越明亮,那亮度竟然比远处那颗恒星还要明亮! Everyone knows, last wave will soon arrive! 谁都知道,最后一波即将来到! But in this moment, leaf Zhenhao is actually big sleeve one move, that Omiya mirror income universe bag. 而在这一刻,叶镇豪却是大袖一招,将那大光明镜收入乾坤袋。 At this time, Ye Kong heard east the owner of Omiya mirror the emperor to aspirate obviously. 这时,叶空明显听见大光明镜的主人东帝吐了一口气。 In he has doubts, hearing Zhi congealing fairy maiden to pass on the sound said: Omiya mirror also has the period of revolution, did you have not to note the mirror edge to start a moment ago to blush? Too was really strong like that wave of attack, although the immortal light was reflected, but the quantity of heat kept in Omiya mirror. If not wait for its cooling to use again forcefully, Omiya mirror must destroy.” 正在他疑惑时,听见芷凝仙子传音道:“那大光明镜也是有使用时间的,刚才你有没注意到镜子边缘已经开始发红?像刚才的那一波攻击实在太强,仙光虽然被反射,可是热量留在大光明镜中。如果不等其冷却再强行使用,那大光明镜说不定就要毁了。” Ye Kong then nods, the heart said the eastern emperor old tortoise, since you lend others the thing naturally, should not be so with trepidation! 叶空这才点头,心说东帝老王八,既然你大方把东西借给人家,就不要如此提心吊胆! Naturally, Ye has hoped actually leaf Zhenhao uses forcefully, destroyed the mirror of eastern emperor old tortoise was good. 当然了,其实叶某人更希望叶镇豪强行使用,把东帝老王八的镜子毁了才好。 However Ye Kong has to be worried, if not use this Omiya mirror, how leaf Zhenhao has supported the tertiary wave attack? Looks at tribulation clouds in sky, the tertiary wave attack, feared that also wanted strong ten times compared with two! 不过叶空却有担心起来,如果不用这面大光明镜,叶镇豪又如何撑过第三波攻击呢?看天空中的劫云,第三波攻击,怕是比刚才的两波加起来还要强十倍! At this time, tribulation clouds that in the sky reduced also had the sound. Sees only that green cloud layer the middle spot cloud layer to split, the broad white light falls in torrents from the slit together under...... 这时,天空中缩小的劫云又有了动静。只见那青色云层的中间部位的云层裂开,一道恢宏的白光从缝隙中倾泻而下…… Below leaf Zhenhao does not neglect, takes out big bunch of things of the universe bag fast, probably is array flag array disk is ordinary, then leaf Zhenhao started the rapid set up formation! 下边的叶镇豪也不怠慢,从乾坤袋中快速取出一大堆的东西,好像是阵旗阵盘一般,接着叶镇豪开始了飞速的布阵! At this time set up formation? Why not earlier arrange/cloth?” In the people heart stares. “这个时候布阵?为什么不早点布?”众人心中都是一愣。 However eastern emperor and the others are actually the old tortoise, eyeball one revolution, understood the meaning, stares the big eye to look! However is very regrettable, leaf Zhenhao in their top of the head several hundred meters, looked from bottom to top, majority of can only see the base in platform, how cannot see leaf Zhenhao is the set up formation. But at this moment, anyone stupid to using the immortal knew to investigate, brings in the attack of tribulation clouds to trouble. 不过东帝等人却是老王八,眼珠一转,明白了意思,一个个瞪大眼睛去看!不过很遗憾,叶镇豪在他们头顶数百米,从下往上看,大部分只能看见平台的底部,根本看不见叶镇豪是如何布阵。而在此刻,谁也不会蠢到用仙识去探查,引来劫云的攻击就麻烦了。 Speaking of some Immortal World general knowledge, Ye was not really transparent. But if spoke of fights the mind, Ye was actually worldly person one. 说到有些仙界的常识,叶某人是不甚明了。可是若是说到斗心眼,叶某人却是人精一个。 Looks at Zhi congealing fairy maiden bewildered look, Ye Kong also passes on the sound said to her: „Before leaf Zhenhao , the non- arrange/cloth , because fearing of this moment arrange/cloth is on Gucci, he does not want by the person study. But in the arrange/cloth, that is calculates at this moment below person nobody has felt all right to fly to look now.” 看着芷凝仙子莫名其妙的眼神,叶空也给她传音道:“那叶镇豪之前不布,是因为此刻所布的怕是上古奇阵,他不想被人学去。而在此刻才布,那是算准了下边的人没人好意思现在飞起去看。” Zhi congealing fairy maiden is then suddenly enlighted, with rapt attention is staring hastily also at leaf Zhenhao the movement. 芷凝仙子这才恍然大悟,连忙也凝神盯着叶镇豪的动作。 leaf Zhenhao strange Zhen does not know that beforehand has trained hundred thousand times, shortly, the set up formation finished. 叶镇豪的奇阵也不知道事先演练了百次千次,顷刻之间,就已经布阵完毕。 His Array Method ends, in the sky that say/way bright ray has shot! 阵法一完,天空中那道明亮的光线就已经射下! That ray is a great column of cylinder, the dazzlingly bright light beam endures in the light beam compared with immortal light mountain brightly, was only small, but the immortal light in light beam actually four plundered savage, was not inferior to the immortal light on immortal light mountain! 那光线是一根圆柱形的巨柱,白亮的光柱明亮堪比仙光山上的光柱,只是小了很多,不过光柱中的仙光却肆掠凶残,丝毫不亚于仙光山上的仙光! The light beam shoots, covers in which leaf Zhenhao, the entire small platform, was covered, leaf Zhenhao hides not to be possible to hide. In the light beam, the waterfall seems to be common, has the wave light of water sample, flowing off slowly. 光柱射下,把叶镇豪笼罩其中,就连整个小平台,都被笼罩进去,叶镇豪躲无可躲。光柱中,仿佛瀑布一般,有着水样的波光,一波波的缓缓流下。 leaf Zhenhao took a breath, stands in the light beam center, as if before enjoying storm short tranquil...... 叶镇豪吸了一口气,站在光柱中央,仿佛在享受暴风雨前短暂的平静…… Immediately! The green cloud layer in midair, has a bang loud sound suddenly! Comes is so sudden, people who not having preparation had a scare. 随即!半空中的青色云层,突然发出轰地一声巨响!来的那么突然,把没准备的人都吓了一跳。 After the explosion sound, the water sample wave light that in the light beam flows off as if went crazy was the same, tenesmused crazily! One after another! 轰响之后,光柱中流下的水样波光仿佛发疯了一样,疯狂下坠!一波又一波! leaf Zhenhao knew crucial time to! He takes out oneself weapon, unexpectedly is also nine chief ministers of state immortal artifact, his weapon is quite unusual, unexpectedly is a long spear/gun of nine chief ministers of state! 叶镇豪知道关键的时刻到了!他取出自己的武器,竟然也是一把九品仙器,他的武器比较奇特,竟然是一把九品的长枪! Uses the person of long length of rifle halberd to be many, these immortal soldiers all are the long length of rifle halberds of use. But that is the low-grade goods, true Immortal World may be called the spear/gun of top weapon, is few are also few. 使用长枪长戟的人不少,那些仙兵个个都是使用的长枪长戟。可是那都是低档货,真正仙界堪称顶级武器的枪,却是少中又少。 Although the spear/gun is overbearing, but can use flexible not many. But leaf Zhenhao the weapon, is actually a nine chief ministers of state immortal spear/gun, named violent storm spear/gun! 枪虽然霸道,可是能灵活使用不多。而叶镇豪的武器,却是一杆九品仙枪,名叫狂风暴雨枪! The Northern Emperor nod said: This leaf Zhenhao in the world of mortals is cultivate wind attribute cultivation technique, arrives at the Immortal World sensibility is wind system the strength of Heavenly Dao, uses this violent storm spear/gun, truly complements each other.” 北帝点头道:“这叶镇豪在下界就是修炼的风属性功法,来到仙界感悟的又是风系的天道之力,使用这狂风暴雨枪,确实相得益彰。” Ye Kong also secretly nods, no wonder he a moment ago ran compares to shrink to become Cun to be quick. 叶空也暗自点头,怪不得他刚才跑得比缩地成寸还要快。
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