MC :: Volume #13

#1289: Immortal light bombardment

Chapter 1289 第1289章 Immortal light bombardment 仙光轰击 „!” The drumbeats are crowded, every knocks in the person pit of the stomach general, making the person heart jump crazily, one's blood bubbles up to the brim. “嗵嗵嗵!”鼓点密集起来,每一下都敲在人心坎上一般,让人心头狂跳,热血沸腾。 Ye Kong looks up, after seeing only that every strikes, will send out a light wave, twists the surrounding air, this formidable sound wave attacks the sound that in the sky shoots unexpectedly melts completely, extinguishes in invisible! 叶空抬头去看,只见那每一击以后,都会发出一圈光波,将周围的空气都扭曲,这强大的音波竟然把天空中射下的音攻全部化解,消弭于无形! This kui good drum is really outstanding.” The eastern emperor and Northern Emperor on the scene, the emperor, Li big Mr. and the others are in both eyes have the greedy color. Must know, they hand/subordinate are raising several thousands, even hundreds of thousands of immortal soldiers, if there is this kui ox Gu, goes to war, sweeps away all obstacles surely. “这夔牛鼓果然不同凡响。”在场的东帝、北帝、中帝,还有李大老板等人都是双目中有贪婪之色。要知道,他们手下都养着数万,甚至数十万的仙兵,若是有了这夔牛鼓,打起仗来,必定所向披靡。 Ye Kong said: Does not know that this kui cow becomes extinct not to have.” 叶空道:“也不知道这夔牛绝种没有。” Zhi congealing fairy maiden pats Ye Kong saying: „Do you also want to kill only the kui good brake drum? Do not count on.” 芷凝仙子一拍叶空说道:“你也想杀只夔牛制鼓?那你就别指望了。” Northern Emperor said with a smile: Good, when kui cow thing only exists in the epoch-making Great Desolate myth, several million years ago exterminated. Third Brother kui ox Gu was he in the past some Immortal Destiny, changes to refine in the side broken drum that in ancient times Immortal ruins discovered. If not so, this kui ox Gu might must be bigger.” 北帝笑道:“不错,夔牛这东西只存在于开天辟地时的洪荒神话中,几百万年前就已经灭绝。三哥这面夔牛鼓乃是他当年有些仙缘,在一处远古仙人的废墟中发现的一面破鼓改炼而来。若非如此,这夔牛鼓的威力还要再大一些。” Ye Kong nods silently, this Immortal World lively that many years, the ruins were innumerable, many people had these fortuitous encounters to be developed. 叶空默默点头,这仙界繁华了那么多年,废墟数不胜数,很多人就是有了这些奇遇才发达起来。 Is discussing in them, felt that the drumbeats were more crowded, the sound is continuous! The person on honored guest reviewing stand and others was also affected, these Cultivation Base are inferior, both eyes were red, as if must find the person to go all out general! 正在他们谈论,就感觉到鼓点更加密集了,嗵嗵嗵的声音连绵不绝!嘉宾观礼台上的人等也都受到影响,那些修为低劣的,都已经双目赤红,仿佛要找人拼命一般! However iron prison mountain early has the protection, that side has to control the Array Method prison guard to hurry to open Array Method, sees the transparent barrier to raise together, entire covers the honored guest stage, although can also hear the drumbeats, is the effect on the person was not big. 不过铁狱山方面早有防备,那边有控制阵法的狱卒赶紧打开阵法,就看见一道透明的屏障升起,把嘉宾台整个覆盖,虽然还能听见鼓点,可是对人的影响已经不大。 Them was safe, but above leaf Zhenhao is extremely not actually feeling well. Originally tribulation clouds in sky, really had another change, the sound wave that emits, revolves unexpectedly! Sound wave originally colorless invisible, but actually affected nearby air as well as the space. 他们这边安全了,可是上边的叶镇豪却是极其不爽。原来天空中的劫云,竟然有了另一种的变化,放出的音波,竟然旋转起来!音波本来无色无形,不过却影响了附近空气以及空间。 The space of iron prison summit entire twisted generally, a transparent giant vortex appearance, as if a mountain inverts, looks like a transparent funnel of being indomitable spirit. 铁狱山顶的空间整个扭曲了一般,一个透明的巨大漩涡出现,仿佛一座大山颠倒,又像一个顶天立地的透明漏斗。 But the acme of funnel, points to leaf Zhenhao the top of the head! 而漏斗的尖端,直指叶镇豪的头顶! So giant sound wave cyclone!” Zhi congealing fairy maiden and other juniors for it look changes, if changes them to come up, perhaps will blink the immortal to know the collapse, cannot Transcend Tribulation pour in next, the intelligence quotient and will realize whether to continue to exist is the issues! “如此巨大的音波气旋!”芷凝仙子等小辈都为之色变,若是换他们上去,恐怕眨眼之间就会仙识崩溃,不能渡劫倒在其次,智商和意识是不是能继续存在都是问题! Li Yao are smart face to be anxious, said: „When initially my Transcend Tribulation so is not fierce, otherwise my this first wave cannot pass.” 就连李鹞都俏脸紧张,道:“当初我渡劫时可没有这么厉害,否则我这第一波就过不去。” The emperor is actually cold snort/hum one, resembles to point out: You have the honored person to assist, the strong point can also pass again.” 中帝却是冷哼一声,似有所指道:“你有贵人相助,再强点也能过去啊。” Li Yao by ridicule, complexion one red, stared emperor one eyes, returns to say in a low voice: Worldling, wants to achieve Buddhahood?” 李鹞被了讥讽,脸色一红,瞪了中帝一眼,低声回道:“俗人一个,也想成佛?” These two to, Ye Kong stand in the middle are somewhat awkward, but also had the new action above leaf Zhenhao well. 这两人对上,叶空站在中间有些尴尬,不过好在上边的叶镇豪又有了新的举动。 In that sound wave vortex, does not know that many sounds, collect in together, turns into the big awl, punctured the kui ox Gu defense directly, to leaf Zhenhao the top of the head, in -line is entering! 那音波漩涡中,不知道有多少声音,汇集在一起,化成偌大的锥子,直接刺破了夔牛鼓的防御,对着叶镇豪的头顶,直插进入! Big the invisible, big sound hopes the sound! 大相无形,大音希声! When that many formidable sounds enter leaf Zhenhao the mind, he felt that buzz, afterward, any sound did not have, a world tranquility, at present is also a blank! 当那么多强大的声音进入叶镇豪的脑海,他就感觉到嗡一声,随后,什么声音都没有了,世界一片宁静,眼前也是一片空白! Can't the confident leaf Zhenhao first wave of attack pass? Ye Kong is also at heart anxious. 难道信心满满的叶镇豪第一波攻击都过不去?叶空心里也跟着紧张。 Sees only leaf Zhenhao in iron prison mountain roof platform to be motionless. 只见铁狱山最高处平台上的叶镇豪一动不动。 However static is only instantaneous! Immediately, leaf Zhenhao moved! 不过静止只是瞬间!随即,叶镇豪动了! He moves rapidly, gathers round the border of circular platform to dash, is getting quicker and quicker! Quickly! 他飞速跑动起来,围着圆形平台的边沿飞奔,越来越快!越来越快! Finally cannot see to the person's shadow unexpectedly quickly! Looks from afar, is a translucent empty shade! 最后竟然快到人影也看不见!远远看去,就是一圈半透明的虚影! Below attending the ceremony people start somewhat to be puzzled, but quick saw the way, saw only that sound wave cyclone to start unable to follow leaf Zhenhao! Not only so, that sound wave cyclone, because is pursuing leaf Zhenhao moving, instead starts to be chaotic! 下边观礼众人开始都有些不解,不过很快就看出门道了,只见那音波气旋开始跟不上叶镇豪!不但如此,那音波气旋因为追着叶镇豪的跑动,反而开始混乱起来! Eastern emperor strange say/way: What situation is this?” 东帝奇道:“这是什么情况?” The Xiling fairy maiden that had not said a word opens the mouth saying: I look am this. These sounds do not have Sir leaf to run quickly, therefore wants with, cannot follow.” 一直没做声的西陵仙子开口道:“我看是这样。那些声音没有叶大人跑得快,所以想跟,又跟不上。” Ye Kong sighed at heart, do not visit you are the immortal emperor is the fairy maiden, did not have the culture! Only smart person Xiling Lin has not been to the point on. 叶空心里叹息,别看你们又是仙帝又是仙子,还是没文化啊!唯一一个聪明人西陵琳也都没说到点子上。 He opens the mouth saying: Actually, the sound also has the speed, if quicker than the speed of sound, broke through the sonic barrier, therefore the sound cannot follow Sir leaf Zhenhao, the nature had no alternative to him. Probably handle Immortal Sword pursues me, may not have me to run quickly, Immortal Sword is unable to constitute the injury to me.” 他开口道:“其实呢,声音也是有速度的,如果比音速快,就突破了音障,所以声音跟不上叶镇豪大人,自然对他无可奈何了。就好像一柄仙剑追我,可却没我跑得快,仙剑就无法对我构成伤害了。” Chu Yiyi also came with Northern Emperor, she cannot get used to seeing somebody's smelly showing off, immediately said: Your Great Firmament Golden Immortal also absurdly discussed the accurate Immortal Monarch behavior, you understood you.” 楚一一也跟着北帝来了,她就看不惯某人的臭显摆,当下哧道:“你一个大罗金仙也妄议准仙君的行为,你懂么你。” Ye Kong gets angry: This is not the Cultivation Base issue, is the physics! The physics you understand you!” 叶空怒道:“这不是修为的问题,是物理!物理你懂么你!” Actually Xiling Lin is rare smiles, said: What leaf Yudian said is the principle of standard, actually Xiling is also interested in this aspect.” 倒是西陵琳又是难得的一笑,道:“叶狱典说的是格物之理吧,其实西陵对这方面也很感兴趣。” Good good, later studies frequently together, is you comes, I pass......” somebody great happiness saying that but surrounding, actually is the vision that despises. “好呀好呀,以后经常一起研究研究,是你过来,还是我过去……”某人大喜说道,可周围一圈,却全是鄙视的目光。 At this time, the sky sudden giant explosion sound, the sound wave cyclone blasted out unexpectedly fiercely, innumerable sound fragment square lasings! Scatters in the ear of attending the ceremony, hears has the difference respectively. 这时,天空突然一声巨大的轰响,音波气旋竟然猛地炸开,无数声音的碎片四方激射!散落进观礼者的耳中,所听见的各有不同。 Some people hear the weeping sound, some people hear the laughter, but also some people hear the hawking sound, in brief any sound has. What is happiest is emperor Cao Xiaotian, he actually hears the sound of sutras, he thought that this is the good omen that he must achieve Buddhahood, opens the mouth to laugh. 有的人听见哭声,有人听见笑声,还有人听见叫卖声,总之什么声音都有。最开心的是中帝曹笑天,他竟然听见诵经之声,他觉得这是他要成佛的吉兆,开口大笑。 Chu Yiyi said: I hear the autumn insect to sound, what do you hear?” 楚一一道:“我听见秋虫鸣叫,你们听见什么?” Zhi congealing fairy maiden first said: „In I hear to be thin crash-bang the sound, does not know that some people pour water the child to urinate.” 芷凝仙子抢先说道:“我听见稀里哗啦的声音,也不知道是有人倒水还是小孩撒尿。” The people faint, the Ye Kong heart said that this Zhi congealing fairy maiden really has the individuality, has the individuality compared with me. 众人晕倒,叶空心说这芷凝仙子果然有个性,比我还有个性啊。 Their several are the small generation of circle, said with Li Wen gold/metal who Mr. Li big comes: What I actually hear is the sound of bugle, it seems like I must become Generalissimo in the future.” 他们几个算是小一辈的圈子,跟着李大老板前来的李文金道:“我却听见的是号角之声,看来我日后真的要成为个大将军。” The Xiling fairy maiden said: I actually hear the people to cry aloud, does not know what intent.” 西陵仙子道:“我却听见众人啼哭,也不知道何意。” Ye Kong said: You have the heart of mercy, thinks that some people you saved.” 叶空道:“你有慈悲之心,想必是有人等你拯救啊。” Chu Yiyi asked: That Ye Kong, what do you hear?” 楚一一问道:“那叶空,你听见什么?” Ye Kong old face one red, said: My anything has not heard.” 叶空老脸一红,道:“我啥也没听见。” The people think curious, but why cannot guess correctly. 众人都觉得好奇,不过也猜不到为什么。 Afterward Wu Yong and Kuang Peng asked him, he smiled bitterly saying: What I hear is the man and sound of woman taking delight, can I say me?” 事后吴勇和狂鹏问他,他才苦笑道:“我听见的是男人和女人行乐之声,我能说么我?” The sound wave cyclone explodes, means that the first wave of attack had ended. 音波气旋爆裂,意味着第一波的攻击已经结束。 However tribulation clouds has not rested, has sent out the second wave of attack directly. 不过劫云并没有休息,直接发出了第二波的攻击。 This wave is immortal light bombardment! Regardless of the scene, is in might, compared with the first wave formidable innumerable! 这一波是仙光轰击!无论从场面上,还是威力上,都比第一波强大无数! Sees only the sky to fall an arm thick white light beam, straight fallen leaf town bold top of the head! 只见天空掉落一条手臂粗的白色光柱,直落叶镇豪的头顶! A moment ago leaf Zhenhao ran is a little quick, the hat ran away, the hair hangs loose, combs without enough time, lifts the hand directly, emits eight Immortal Sword! 叶镇豪刚才跑的有点快,帽子都跑掉了,头发披散,也来不及梳理,直接一抬手,放出一把八品仙剑 That Immortal Sword sword is sharp, changes to a dazzling white light, is above mundane thoughts to go, meets the approaching enemy the immortal light! 仙剑剑尖向上,也化作一道耀眼白光,绝尘而去,迎击仙光! Dark blue! A sword cry! Two spoken parts light hit in the same place, decides the victory and defeat! Eight Immortal Sword break out from the middle that immortal light unexpectedly, it may be said that with irresistible force! 沧!一声剑鸣!两道白光撞在一起,分出胜负!八品仙剑竟然将那仙光从中间劈开,可谓势如破竹! Below people have not applauded with enough time, sees, tribulation clouds in sky went crazy. 下边众人还没来得及叫好,就看见,天空中的劫云发疯了。 Instantaneous, does not know how much immortal light project from tribulation clouds, shoots at leaf Zhenhao completely. That tribulation clouds about 5000 mu surrounding area, this shoots, does not know that has under many ten thousand immortal photoemission, simply like violent electric light rain! The sky has covered entirely immortal light! Has no place to hide! 瞬间,不知道多少仙光从劫云中射出,全部射向叶镇豪。那劫云大约5000亩方圆,这一射,就不知道有多少万条仙光射下,简直就象一阵猛烈的电光雨!天空布满了条条仙光!无处可躲! The Ye Kong heart said, Northern Emperor added the small immortal tribulation is not strong, this may being struck by lightning compared with world of mortals probably be more energetic! leaf Zhenhao is superhuman cannot defend! 叶空心说,北帝还说小仙劫不强,这可比下界的雷劈要带劲多了!叶镇豪就是三头六臂也防不住啊! Really, a short while later, sent the invincible might eight Immortal Sword to make into every iron by the immortal light a moment ago greatly, when falls to the ground. 果然,没一会,刚才大发神威的八品仙剑就被仙光打成了凡铁,哐当落地。 leaf Zhenhao does not feel better, is good puts on nine chief ministers of state Metal Attribute immortal armor in his official's costume, sees on his body often to lighten metal luster black light, resists the attacks of ten thousand immortal light reluctantly! 叶镇豪也不好受,好在他官服里穿着一件九品金属性仙甲,就看见他身体上不时闪出金属色泽的乌光,勉强抵御住万道仙光的攻击! Ye Kong said: Actually he can the incarnation by the tens of thousands, should be able to defend to attack.” 叶空道:“其实他可以化身成万,应该就可以防御住攻击了。” Idiot.” Chu Yiyi. “白痴。”楚一一又哧了一声。 Xiling Lin said: Transcend Tribulation time 10 million/absolutely cannot use to do several things at the same time or the incarnation, if the incarnation by the tens of thousands, tribulation clouds thinks 10,000 people simultaneously Transcend Tribulation, the might also will increase 10,000 times, if said according to you...... Sir leaf was really incurable.” 西陵琳道:“渡劫的时候千万不能使用分身或者化身,如果化身成万,劫云就会以为有10000人同时渡劫,威力也会加大10000倍,若是按你所说……叶大人就真的没救了。” The Ye Kong nod said: „, Knew, I just did not come shortly after Immortal World.” 叶空点头道:“哦,知道了,我不是刚来仙界不久嘛。” Although leaf Zhenhao has the nine chief ministers of state immortal armor defense, but cannot shoulder depending on immortal armor, if this way, feared that his immortal armor must be routed first! 叶镇豪虽然有九品仙甲防御,不过光凭仙甲也扛不住,若是这样下去,就怕他的仙甲先要被击溃了! The immortal tribulation second wave of immortal light attack, actually its formidable is not the attack to the entity, but vibrates the immortal Yuan of your within the body, routs the immortal strength on your immortal artifact immortal armor! 仙劫第二波仙光攻击,其实其最强大并不是对实体的攻击,而是震动你体内的仙元,击溃你仙器仙甲上的仙力! Like leaf Zhenhao a moment ago that eight Immortal Sword. On the sword blade the wound does not have, but the immortal strength on sword did not have! It is not eight Immortal Sword, even is not including Immortal Sword, became ordinary mortal uses the treasured sword! 就像叶镇豪刚才那把八品仙剑。剑身上一点伤口没有,可是剑上的仙力却没有了!已经不是八品仙剑了,甚至连仙剑都算不上,已经成为一把普通的凡人用宝剑! Therefore, if leaf Zhenhao does not have the means again, his nine chief ministers of state immortal armor quickly also will become a mortal waistcoat! 所以,如果叶镇豪再没有办法,他的九品仙甲很快也会成为一件凡人马甲! However leaf Zhenhao also not anxious, unexpectedly is busy at loafing the hair of hanging loose to gather together, another, then an oblique cutting wooden hair bun. 不过叶镇豪也并没有紧张,居然还忙里偷闲把披散的头发拢起来,又一盘,然后斜插一根木髻。 Afterward, this emits a thing from universe bag. 随后,这才从乾坤袋中放出一物。 This thing, radiance is natural, bright incomparable, as if a Sun is common. Is careful looks, unexpectedly is the surface giant mirror, is nine chief ministers of state immortal artifact! 此物一出,光华大方,明亮无比,仿佛一轮太阳一般。再仔细一看,竟然是面巨大的镜子,还是九品仙器 Ye Kong does not know, has other people to know, startled say/way, Omiya mirror!” 叶空不识,却是有其他人识得,惊道,“大光明镜!” The people turn head to look to eastern emperor Sikong Zhongping. 众人都扭头看向东帝司空仲平。 The eastern emperor said with a smile: This is east us the emperor mansion Omiya mirror, since Sir leaf Zhenhao must use, borrowed him.” 东帝笑道:“这是我们东帝府的大光明镜,既然叶镇豪大人要用,就借他了。” Ye Kong sees this scenery, in the heart to understand, it seems like that this iron prison mountain Yudian truly is a good assignment, all immortal imperial capital must show due respect for the feelings, does not know after oneself hold on to this prison standard, can these fellows change to oneself strategy? 叶空看见此景,心中已经明白,看来这铁狱山狱典确实是个好差事,各方仙帝都要给面子,也不知道自己坐稳这个狱典以后,这些家伙会不会改变对自己的策略呢?
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