MC :: Volume #13

#1288: The immortal tribulation first wave

Chapter 1288 第1288章 The immortal tribulation first wave 仙劫第一波 Next day, approaches the noontime. 翌日,接近午时。 Iron prison mountain, as if float a giant steel castle in dark green deep. Looks, an irregular archer's tower towers, high and low, is reflecting the metal woods cold gloss unceasingly. 铁狱山,仿佛悬浮在苍冥中的一个巨大钢铁城堡。远一看去,根根参差不齐的箭楼耸立,高高低低,不断反射着金属的森寒光泽。 In the roof of iron prison mountain, one side of the peak in central archer's tower, platform. 在铁狱山的最高处,中心箭楼的顶端一侧,平台。 Carried the wine glass to greet idly in all directions. Hehe, you hit to live to kill, just I reap profits. 闲地端着酒杯四处打招呼去了。嘿嘿,你们打生打死,刚好我坐收渔翁之利。 This iron prison mountain is very complex, the places of some people have martial world. 这铁狱山内部还真的挺复杂,有人的地方就有江湖 However these in the back occurred, theme at this moment is Sir leaf Zhenhao. 不过这些都是背地里发生了,此刻的主旋律是叶镇豪大人。 Ye Kong gets down a short while later, hears in iron prison mountain above several thousand mu green cloud Zhang sends out the rhythm humming sound the sound. 叶空下来没一会,就听见铁狱山上空数千亩的青色云幛中发出有节奏的嗡嗡声。 At this time, these experienced immortal emperor Sirs facial color one tight, said, started!” 这时,那些有经验的仙帝大人都面色一紧,道,“开始了!” That humming sound the sound sends out from that wool general slit piece by piece, obviously is a sound attacks the method, but of strength, high of frequency, before Ye Kong, has never seen. 那嗡嗡声从那片片羊毛一般的缝隙中发出,显然是一种音攻手段,不过力量之强,频率之高,叶空以前从未见过。 Other people listen to be only humming sound sound, may listen in leaf Zhenhao the ear, has the difference. That sound as if only awl, sneaks from the eardrum, enters the Purple Mansion spiritual platform, as if the blade advantage arrow is common, is attacking his immortal knowledge. 其他人听着只是嗡嗡声,可听在叶镇豪耳中,却有不同。那声音仿佛只只锥子,从耳膜中钻进,进入紫府灵台,仿佛刀刃利箭一般,攻击着他的仙识。 Good that comes!” leaf Zhenhao also early is prepared, immediately offers a sacrifice to the first method, stops up the ear! “来的好!”叶镇豪也早有准备,立即祭出第一种手段,堵耳朵! Although this defensive measure was unsophisticated, but attacked regarding the defense sound, stopped up the ear is also good means. 虽然这种防御手段土了点,可是对于防御音攻,堵耳朵也是个好办法。 Sees only leaf Zhenhao both hands change, leaves a Zhangxian symbol respectively, in the mouth shouts, seals!” 只见叶镇豪双手翻动,各出一张仙符,口中喝道,“封!” Two Zhangxian symbols his binaural seal. 两张仙符把他双耳封闭。 Below Northern Emperor Chu Xiaoyu is the nod says with a smile, this leaf Zhenhao attacks on this first step Low Rank sound hastily, prepares the law of manipulation, it seems like he prepares completely.” 下边北帝楚小鱼却是点头笑道,“这叶镇豪就连忙这第一步的低阶音攻,都准备好应付之法,看来他准备周全的很啊。” But emperor Cao Xiaotian actually despises one, stops up the ear, very loses face. We crossed small immortal tribulation in the past, is supports by hard and stubborn effort, this type of sound blade sound arrow is the probe of Early Stage.” 而中帝曹笑天却是鄙视一声,“堵耳朵,忒丢人。相当年我们渡小仙劫,都是硬撑的,这种音刀音箭不过是初期的试探。” Li Yao Immortal Monarch does not know when collected, said, he stopped up the ear, tribulation clouds cannot search his immortal to know the strong and weak, feared that was the following attack must very formidable...... Oh, does not know that is he also intentionally wants to demonstrate stupid.” 李鹞仙君不知道啥时候凑来了,道,“他堵起耳朵,劫云探不出他仙识强弱,怕是接下来的攻击要很强大……唉,也不知道是他蠢还是故意想展示一下呢。” Really, discovered that he stops up ear, the temperament in sky from humming sound the sound, turns into the clang clang major tone, the strength strengthens the several fold, the naked eye can see unexpectedly, the sound wave of that long strip, leads the air, finally sneaks in leaf Zhenhao the skull directly! 果然,发现他堵起耳朵,天空中的音律从嗡嗡声,变成锵锵长音,力量又增强数倍,竟然肉眼都可以看见,那长条状的音波,带动空气,最后直接钻进叶镇豪的脑壳中! This is the sound that Heaven and Earth dark green makes deeply attacks, if not defend does not prevent, even if comes the immortal emperor unable to endure. 这可是天地苍冥发出的音攻,若是不防御不阻挡,就算来个仙帝也吃不消。 leaf Zhenhao suppresses the immortal to know by the pain of attack, lifts the hand to emit at the same time the great drum from the universe bag unexpectedly, that great drum two sides outer coverings unexpectedly are the golden color, but also has the scale. 叶镇豪强忍仙识被攻击之痛,竟然又抬手从乾坤袋中放出一面巨鼓,那巨鼓两边蒙皮竟然都是金色,还有着鳞片。 Kui ox Gu!” The people looked that dresses up Zhi congealing fairy maiden to the man. “夔牛鼓!”众人都看向男子打扮芷凝仙子。 South her representative Immortal Emperor's Residence comes, seeing the people to visit her, she hurried good a square ritual, said, returned to fellow uncle seniors, this was south us emperor mansion kui ox Gu, lent leaf Zhenhao prison standard Transcend Tribulation.” 她代表南方仙帝府前来,看见众人看她,她赶紧行了个四方礼,道,“回各位叔伯前辈,这正是我们南帝府的夔牛鼓,借给叶镇豪狱典渡劫之用。” The people then nod, Ye Kong is busy at asking, bell young master, your family drum background is not small.” 众人这才点头,叶空忙问道,“铃子少爷,你们家这鼓来头不小啊。” Cannot think that your boy such quickly arrives at superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal unexpectedly, but also has made the prison standard, I was mistaken.” Zhi congealing fairy maiden as before is the same as usual, comes carelessly, the movement returns the man compared with the man, has given a Ye Kong fist, said, what kind, recently had to stroll the brothel to visit a brothel?” “想不到你小子居然这么快到达上等大罗金仙,还做了狱典,我真是走了眼。”芷凝仙子依旧是老样子,大大咧咧过来,动作比爷们还爷们,给了叶空一拳,道,“怎么样,最近有没有逛青楼嫖妓呀?” Ye Kong must spit blood directly, this fairy maiden, is your limelight influence good, does the buddy stroll these places frequently? 叶空直接要吐血,这仙子,你注意点影响好不好,哥们难道经常逛那些地方么? Is saying in them, a top of the head depressed drumbeat, thump!” Sees only in the highest platform, leaf Zhenhao has lifted the mallet to beat a drum. 正在他们说着,头顶一声沉闷的鼓声,“咚!”只见最高平台上,叶镇豪已经举槌击鼓。 Thump!” Also is a sound gets up, Ye Kong thinks sounds each time, own heart is splash jumps! Benevolent king armor had not responded! “咚!”又是一声响起,叶空觉得每次敲响,自己的心脏都是扑嗵一跳!仁王甲都没有反应! Listens to Zhi congealing fairy maiden saying that this kui cow was the ancient times different cow and dragon intersection, the ox head dragon body different kind that produced, its skin was used for the brake drum, might strange big, no matter used this drum to attack, or had the effect with the drum defense! What is most important, when both armies battle, strikes this drum, immortal soldier immortal general, one's blood bubbles up to the brim, sorrow soldier/weapon also turns into the fierce tiger, fierce does not fear, treasure that it may be said that attacks a city.” 就听芷凝仙子道,“这夔牛是远古异牛和龙相交,生产出来的牛头龙身的异类,其皮用来制鼓,威力奇大,不管是使用此鼓进攻,或是用鼓防御都有奇效!最重要的是,当两军交战,擂动此鼓,仙兵仙将,热血沸腾,哀兵也变成猛虎,悍不畏死,可谓攻城掠地的宝物。”
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