MC :: Volume #13

#1291: leaf Zhenhao Immortal Monarch

Chapter 1291 leaf Zhenhao Immortal Monarch 第1291章叶镇豪仙君 In the startled day white light beam, is similar to a swift and violent flood peak general immortal light mighty current wave of football field bombardment, continuous, each wave falls to the ground, is having the formidable strength, rumbling loud sound, deafening, frightening! 惊天的白色光柱中,如同迅猛洪峰一般的仙光洪流一波波地轰击而下,绵绵不绝,每一波落地,都带着强大的力量,轰轰巨响,震耳欲聋,让人心惊肉跳! Formidable is not only immortal light bombardment, but also has the immortal to know the attack! Let receive the person of attack, immortal artifact immortal armor is unable to operate flexible. 强大的不但是仙光轰击,而且其中还带着仙识攻击!让收攻击之人,就连仙器仙甲都无法灵活操纵。 This attack, before far ultra two waves! 这种攻击,远超之前的两波! „The strength of storm!” “风暴之力!” leaf Zhenhao hand grasps the violent storm spear/gun unexpectedly, shoots up to the sky, welcomes to the intermittent immortal light under overhead bang! 叶镇豪竟然手握狂风暴雨枪,冲天而起,迎向当头轰下的阵阵仙光! This violent storm spear/gun is not very long, approximately only then the half of common long spear/gun. This moment leaf Zhenhao hand grasps the root of violent storm spear/gun, soars to the heavens to puncture, but that bright spear head in rapid revolving, brings the storm that blots out the sky! 这狂风暴雨枪并不很长,大约只有一般长枪的一半。此刻叶镇豪手握狂风暴雨枪的根部,冲天上刺,而那晶亮的枪头则是在飞速的旋转,带起铺天盖地的风暴! Rumbling the sound is more crowded. 轰轰轰的声音更加密集。 Kuang Peng looks in that giant light beam, pyramidal storm that leaf Zhenhao brings unexpectedly to airborne counter-attack. In Kuang Peng cannot help but both eyes full is the frantic color. 狂鹏看着那巨大光柱中,叶镇豪带起的锥状风暴竟然向空中反击。狂鹏不由得双目中满是狂热之色。 The strength of storm, the strength of wind and thunder, the absence of one word, the might is not commeasurable! Kuang Peng the strength of wind and thunder, although can paralysis to the wartime, but this is actually the small trick, in front of the formidable storm, is nothing to speak of radically! 风暴之力,风雷之力,一字之差,威力却不可相比!狂鹏的风雷之力,虽然可以对战时让人麻痹,不过这却是小伎俩,在强大的暴风面前,根本不值一提! Kuang Peng is also Immortal of wind system, in the world of mortals is also the wind system monster beast, therefore he to some leaf Zhenhao cannot help but worships. 狂鹏也是风系的仙人,在下界也是风系妖兽,所以他对叶镇豪不由得有些崇拜。 Another reason, Kuang Peng also very much has wanted a spear/gun to take the weapon! Immortal Sword too mother, only then spear/gun is the overlord in weapon. 还有另一个原因,狂鹏一直也很想要一把枪作为武器!仙剑太娘了,只有枪才是武器中的霸主。 Naturally, Ye Kong has not approved, Ye Kong likes the blade. A blade cuts, is relentless, sinks to congeal like the mountain, is having the sincere/heavy fierce strength. 当然了,叶空不赞同,叶空更喜欢刀。一刀斩下,毫不留情,沉凝如山岳,带着厚重凶猛的力量。 The words said again turn head, if Wu Yongding can on, any spear/gun the blade the sword, best is not these! Even more desirably hammer! Manages your younger sister's any thing, hammers entirely rottenly! Pounds flatly! Becoming the muddy flesh! Does a fragrant-flowered garlic to make dumplings again! 话再说回头,若是吴勇定会哧上一声,什么枪啊刀啊剑啊,最好的不是这些!最好的是锤子!管你妹的什么东西,通通锤烂!砸扁!成为肉泥!再搞点韭菜包饺子! They had the weapon of liking respectively, different people have different views. The idle talk were not many said, continued leaf Zhenhao. 他们各有喜欢的武器,见仁见智了。闲话不多说,继续说叶镇豪。 The strength of storm leaf Zhenhao puts forth is really tyrannical, counter-attacks the heaven unexpectedly, taking advantage of the violent storm spear/gun, defeats the immortal light under innumerable say/way bang, flies hundred meters high! 那叶镇豪使出的风暴之力果然强横,竟然反攻上天,借着狂风暴雨枪,击破无数道轰下的仙光,飞起百米之高! While everybody exclaimed in surprise when in Yezhen powerful, sees suddenly, that meets the day light beam the peak, most approaches the tribulation clouds place, presents the wave to pound down unexpectedly together! 正当大家惊叹于叶镇豪强势之时,猛然看见,那接天光柱的顶端,就是最靠近劫云的地方,竟然又出现一道水波砸下! Those who let everybody be startled, this wave as bright cannot look straight ahead as the human eye! Speed quickly to astonishing! The fools also know, before this wave and has many greatly different! 让大家吃惊的是,这道水波明亮到人眼不可直视!速度快到惊人!傻子也知道,这道水波和之前的有多大不同! This wave of attack, said that is the wave, may actually likely the great strength sledgehammer, pound to fall to leaf Zhenhao the overhead actually! 这波攻击,说起来是水波,可其实却象个巨力大锤,对着叶镇豪当头砸落! Bang! 轰地一声! The entire iron prison mountain felt that has shaken! 整个铁狱山都感觉震了一下! Looks at leaf Zhenhao again, overwhelming power leaf Zhenhao this was stroked a moment ago, asked the price with no intention of buying radically unsuspensefully, kite with broken string general...... Pounds in the platform! Shakes one group of green light fog, as if the dust is common. 再看叶镇豪,刚才威猛的叶镇豪被这一击打中,根本毫无悬念地被打落,断线风筝一般……啪地砸在平台上!震起一团青色的光雾,仿佛灰尘一般。 However this has not counter-balanced the immortal light great hammer that pounds down! When leaf Zhenhao cannot fall to the ground suddenly, that wave of highlight the immortal of extreme velocity light, as if a piston is also same, presses! 不过这并没有抵消掉那砸下的仙光巨锤!当叶镇豪倒地不到眨眼间,那波高亮又极速的仙光,就仿佛一个活塞一样,啪地一下,一压到底! Pounds maliciously after leaf Zhenhao just lifted carries on the back! 狠狠砸在叶镇豪刚刚抬起的后背上! Bang!” “轰!” !” “噗!” Two sounds also resound. The explosion sound is leaf Zhenhao immortal armor sends out, this was struck, nine chief ministers of state immortal armor also anti-. Bang, immortal strength clears! 两个声音同时响起。轰响是叶镇豪的身上的仙甲发出,被这一击,九品仙甲也抗不住了。轰地一声,仙力散尽! Immortal armor becomes a waistcoat! 仙甲成为马甲! But one, is leaf Zhenhao this is stroked the placard on the floor, spouts a blood! Not is only the mouth, the nose eye outward spurts the blood! Horrible to look at! 而噗的一声,是叶镇豪被这一击打得帖在地板上,噗地喷出一道鲜血!不光是嘴里,鼻子眼睛都往外喷血!惨不忍睹! Below attending the ceremony person and others in great surprise, cannot think that under can rumble unexpectedly so tyrannical immortal light, doesn't this want leaf Zhenhao to assign? 下边观礼人等都是大惊,想不到竟会轰下如此强横的仙光,这不是要叶镇豪命么? Did not say other, said that leaf Zhenhao nine chief ministers of state immortal armor was routed! Immortal World how many people have nine chief ministers of state immortal armor? According to said like this how many people Immortal World also did have to cross the small immortal tribulation? 不说其他,就说叶镇豪的九品仙甲都被击溃!仙界几人有九品仙甲?照这样说,仙界又有几人能渡过小仙劫? No, few! Achievement Immortal Monarch entered the top Immortal club, naturally is difficult, naturally few individuals! The average people, do not have money not to have the influence, immortal armor immortal artifact do not give up the investment, but also wants to cross the immortal tribulation? 没有,没有几个!成就仙君就是进入了顶级仙人俱乐部,当然艰难,当然没有几个人!一般人,没钱没势力,仙甲仙器都舍不得投资,还想渡过仙劫? However the key question is, nine chief ministers of state immortal armor was finished. But leaf Zhenhao seemingly has not crossed, in light beam, under incessant immortal light mighty current bang, like a moment ago that immortal light great hammer, here we go again! 不过关键问题是,九品仙甲完蛋了。而叶镇豪貌似还没渡过去,光柱中,还有滔滔不绝的仙光洪流轰下,象刚才那道仙光巨锤,又来了! The Ye Kong heart said that this leaf Zhenhao was dangerous, if gave to pound again, cannot cross. At this time failed, the price was very big! insurance accepts a lower status falls three/3rd Layer! Other injured other calculates! 叶空心说这叶镇豪危险了,如果再给砸一下,就渡不过去了。这个时候失败,代价可是很大的!保低就是掉三层!其他受伤的另外算! In other words, leaf Zhenhao , if failed, most at least must fall to superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal! Moreover there are greatly possibly falls to very much being inferior to the Ye Kong's situation! 换句话说,叶镇豪如果失败,最起码要掉到上等大罗金仙!而且有很大可能掉到不如叶空的地步! leaf Zhenhao ended. The person who 200,000 years of prison standards, offend were too many, the sea went, if he falls Great Firmament Golden Immortal, does not know that many people superior are chopping him in the road! 那叶镇豪就完了。200000年的狱典,得罪的人太多了,海了去了,如果他掉到大罗金仙,不知道有多少人在路上等着砍他! Ye Kong has not taken pleasure in others'misfortunes but actually, leaf Zhenhao is defeated to him does not have does not have any advantage, he hopes but actually leaf Zhenhao can succeed. 叶空倒没有兴灾乐祸,叶镇豪失败对他没也没什么好处,他倒更加希望叶镇豪可以成功。 Another, he suddenly thought that leaf Zhenhao is somewhat improper in iron prison mountain Transcend Tribulation, this immortal light attack is so formidable, if there is an accident, that did result in? The prison cell torture instrument of iron prison mountain, completely is the immortal force control, if by the immortal light bombardment, can leave the big trouble. 另一个,他突然觉得叶镇豪在铁狱山渡劫有些不妥,这仙光攻击如此强大,若是有个闪失,那怎么得了?铁狱山的牢房刑具,全部都是仙力控制,万一被仙光轰击,会出大娄子。 Good that Ye Kong considers, really will leave in the future also the big trouble. 叶空考虑的不错,日后还真的出了大娄子。 Is a focus of public attention, leaf Zhenhao has not stood up from failure to crawl, but crawls strenuously not far away, takes out together the immortal jade, admits in array eye. 万众瞩目中,叶镇豪并没有翻身爬起,而是吃力地爬到不远处,取出一块仙玉,放进阵眼中。 The people then remember, leaf Zhenhao of temporary arrange/cloth had not applied a moment ago, what is this? 众人这才想起,叶镇豪刚才临时布的那个阵还没派上用场,这到底是个什么阵呢? Array Method was actuated by the immortal jade. Immediately sees in the light beam to raise innumerable giant and mysterious rune/symbol writing! These pale blue transparent writing, are particularly striking in the white light beam, these rune/symbol writing vary, some big person of heads are big, small also has the bowl mouth to be big, the arrangement is anomalous. 阵法被仙玉驱动。顿时就看见光柱中升起无数巨大而神秘的符文!那些淡蓝色的透明文字,在白色光柱中分外醒目,那些符文有大有小,大的有人脑袋大,小的也有碗口大,排列地非常不规则。 Afterward, these blue rune/symbol writing start to revolve, the rotational speed is not quick, slow, but in the rotation rune/symbol writing will brighten, increases! 随后,那些蓝色的符文开始旋转,转速并不快,缓慢的很,不过转动中符文就会变亮,变大! What is most unusual, these rune/symbol Wencheng as big as certain extent, whiz will shrink in ground Array Method, a short while later, a little rune/symbol writing flies , to continue to shine to increase. 最奇特的是,那些符文撑大到一定程度,就会嗖地一声缩进地面阵法中,没一会,一个小符文又飞出来,继续发亮变大。 The people think strange, does not know that this Array Method has any mystery, has anything to affect. 众人都觉得奇异,不知道这阵法到底有什么玄妙,又到底有什么作用。 However quick, some people saw profound and abstruse principles. 不过很快,还是有人看出了其中玄机。 The eastern emperor eyesight is astonishing, suddenly the startled say/way, „is really on Gucci, gathering immortal violent thing!” 东帝眼力惊人,突然惊道,“难道真是上古奇阵,聚仙激物阵!” Listened to this saying, in Northern Emperor the emperor and in Li Dalao measure has to admire that the greedy color, wishes one could to fly to find out now. 听这一说,北帝中帝和李大老板眼中都有艳羡贪婪之色,一个个恨不得现在飞上去一看究竟。 How long this gathering immortal violent thing does not know to be lost, many people listen not to hear continually, is good has the experience because of the Xiling fairy maiden, opens the mouth saying that this gathering immortal violent thing was used to absorb the immortal light immortal strength Array Method, the legend ancient times the time, the space to Divine Realm split, the immortal light fell in torrents, ancient times Immortal World can then exhibit this greatly, absorbed the immortal light immortal strength.” 这聚仙激物阵不知道失传多久,很多人连听都没听说过,好在西陵仙子有见识,开口道,“这聚仙激物阵正是用来吸收仙光仙力的阵法,传说远古时候,通往神界的空间裂开,仙光倾泻,远古的仙界大能便摆出此阵,吸收仙光仙力。” Ye Kong nods, originally this is absorption immortal light Array Method. 叶空点头,原来这就是一个吸收仙光的阵法 Looks up, sure enough, recruits full Xianguang along with these rune/symbol writing, exchanges new rune/symbol writing, so the repeat in cycles, unexpectedly light beam the immortal strength in the sky starts gloomy getting down that absorbs! 抬头看去,果不其然,随着那些符文吸收满仙光,又换上新的符文,如此循环往复,竟然把天空中光柱的仙力开始吸收的暗淡下去! This gathering immortal really has the effect.” Ye Kong cannot help but nods, in the heart actually thinks that own gathering immortal symbol, does not know own gathering immortal symbol can apply. “这聚仙阵果然有奇效。”叶空不由得点头,心中却又想到自己的聚仙符,不知道自己的聚仙符能不能派上用场。 At this time the Xiling fairy maiden also said that this gathering immortal violent thing most major function, not gathering immortal, but is the violent thing.” 这时西陵仙子却又道,“这聚仙激物阵最大的作用,不是聚仙,而是激物。” The people are puzzled, listening to Xiling Lin to continue saying that many ancient times immortal treasure, experienced for several million years, although the contour was perfect, but the immortal strength drained, became the useless every iron. Furthermore, high-level Immortal Sword immortal armor is fighting, because of the formidable attack, causing the immortal strength to lose...... In these cases, can activate with the immortal strength of gathering immortal massive absorption!” 众人不解,听西陵琳继续道,“很多远古仙宝,经历几百万年,虽然外形完好无损,可是其中仙力流失,成为无用凡铁。再有,很多高级仙剑仙甲在战斗中,会因为强大的攻击,导致仙力丧失……在这些情况下,就可以用聚仙阵大量吸收的仙力来激活!” Chu Yiyi sighed, I am thinking a moment ago still, absorbs that many immortal light to use where is good.” 楚一一叹道,“我刚才还在想,吸收那么多仙光用在何处是好。” Ye Kong nods, makes use of waste, the waste of most trash will turn into the top treasure, no wonder these old fogies all are jealous.” 叶空点头,“废物利用,还是将最垃圾的废物变成顶尖的宝物,怪不得那些老家伙个个眼红。” Li Wen gold/metal said with a smile, this Array Method was truly good, my family also several lost intelligence ancient Xianbao, if brought to activate, perhaps was the earthshaking treasure.” 李文金笑道,“这个阵法确实不错,我家还有几个失去灵性的古仙宝,若是拿来激活一番,说不定就是惊天动地宝物。” Ye Kong the curious say/way, that divine tool God can armor expire?” 叶空又好奇道,“那神器神甲会不会失效呢?” The Xiling fairy maiden said, „that in the divine tool the supernatural power will not be astonishing, when is epoch-making the divine tool that leaves behind, should not expire to the present. The person of our Immortal World obtains the divine tool use not to be big, nine chief ministers of state ten immortal artifact have met to select the Lord, the divine tool will not listen to an order of Immortal relieved, heard that had the Godhead deity, can control the divine tool truly.” 西陵仙子道,“那不会,神器中神力惊人,哪怕是开天辟地时留下的神器,到现在应该也不会失效。只是我们仙界之人得到神器用处也不大,九品十品仙器都已经会自己择主,神器更不会安心听一个仙人的命令,听说有了神格的天神,才能真正控制神器。” „.” Ye Kong then nods. “哦。”叶空这才点头。 They spoke, suddenly heard all around one piece to cheer. 他们说话间,突然听见四周一片欢呼。 Ye Kong looks up hastily, unexpectedly discovery that immortal light light beam lower half, by gathering immortal absorbing. The light beam remaining halves, other immortal light cannot only shell, tribulation clouds is strong has not located to cause. 叶空连忙抬头去看,竟然发现那仙光光柱的下半截,都被聚仙阵给吸收完了。光柱只剩下半截,其他的仙光也轰击不下来,劫云有劲没处使。 Looks at leaf Zhenhao again, he sits on the ground, raised the head smiles long loudly. 再去看叶镇豪,他坐在地上,抬头放声长笑。 Again then, sees him to take off immortal armor, makes a drifting technique, in the ground gathering immortal violent thing projects seven color light immediately in turn, scarlet orange yellow malachite green bluish violet, the grading projects, seven light beams from all around shoots towards middle nine chief ministers of state immortal armor. 再接着,就看见他脱下仙甲,打出一个飘浮术,地面上聚仙激物阵立即依次射出七道彩光,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,次第射出,七道光束从四周射向中间的九品仙甲。 Is ordinary with the charge, a short while later, nine chief ministers of state immortal armor the immortal strength rushes unexpectedly, is vital, immortal armor brought back to life! 就跟充电一般,没一会,九品仙甲竟然又仙力澎湃,充满活力,仙甲起死回生了! Again afterward, he takes out the beforehand damage eight Immortal Sword, as well as slightly has the violent storm spear/gun of damage, takes the supplement immortal strength. 再随后,他又取出之前损坏的八品仙剑,以及略有损伤的狂风暴雨枪,都拿出来补充仙力。 Below person looked is jealous, but everyone is embarrassed also puts out own treasure to charge. 下边人等看得眼红,可谁也不好意思也拿出自己的宝物去充电。 When his matter ends, top of the head tribulation clouds also had the change. tribulation clouds snort/hum, knows weak is unable to attack leaf Zhenhao, has to take back that light beam. 等他事情一完,头顶劫云也有了变化。劫云无力地哼了一声,知道无法对叶镇豪进行攻击,只好将那光柱收回。 When the light beam takes back, can see, the white light that in that green tribulation clouds slits spills over, turned into the golden light. 当光柱收回,可以看见,那青色劫云缝隙间泻出的白光,已经变成金光。 The matter arrives at this moment, joy that leaf Zhenhao actually did not have that going crazy type, but is light smiles, sets out to stand, the big sleeve wields, gathering immortal Array Method will sweep one piece in confusion. 事到此刻,叶镇豪竟然没有了那种发疯样的喜悦,而是淡淡一笑,起身站立,大袖一挥,将聚仙阵法扫得一片狼藉。 Afterward, is one move, receives Immortal Sword immortal armor. 随后,又是一招,收起仙剑仙甲。 Again then, he crosses the hands behind the back to stand in the platform center, whatever the astral wind blows the clothes robe flap flap makes noise, but he actually closes both eyes. 再接着,他负手站立在平台中央,任凭罡风把衣袍吹得猎猎作响,而他却闭上双目。 At this time, the shining glow, shot down from tribulation clouds together, leaf Zhenhao the body entire package. 这时,一道金灿灿的辉光,从劫云中射落,将叶镇豪的身体整个包裹。 Another Immortal Monarch achievement. 又一个仙君成就了。
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