MC :: Volume #13

#1280: Northern Emperor vs Western Emperor

Chapter 1280 第1280章 Northern Emperor vs Western Emperor 北帝vs西帝 Sees only, at present flake gold light is shining. Endless dark green deep, does not know when gushes out tens of thousands of immortal soldier immortal general, forms a huge semicircle, surrounds this caravan. 只见,眼前一片金光灿灿。无尽苍冥中,不知何时涌出成千上万的仙兵仙将,形成一个巨大的半圆,把这个商队包围在其中。 Front, back, about, top of the head...... Is the immortal soldier, in hand is grasping the long halberd completely, sends out the dense cold light. These immortal soldiers all unemotionally, the golden light that body Exalted Immortal armor sends out, shining must open/stretch Zeyu both eyes almost to lose one's sight. 前方,背后,左右,头顶……全部都是仙兵,手中握着长戟,发出森森寒光。那些仙兵个个面无表情,身上仙甲发出的金光,耀得张泽雨双目几乎要失明。 Although the immortal soldier are many, may be orderly, the peaceful piece, a sound does not have, obviously solemn and respectful. 仙兵虽多,可却秩序井然,安静一片,就连一丝声音都没有,更显肃穆。 In this time, the distant place is hearing frame sound. 正在此时,远方传来车架声。 These immortal soldiers are similar to the tide separate two sides, middle resigns an exhaust passage. Afterward nine Black Dragon are drawing a luxurious chariot, speeds away to come, back are innumerable with Fairy, the ostentation shakes the person heart and soul. 那些仙兵如同潮水分开两边,中间让出一排通道。随后就有九条黑龙拉着一辆奢华战车,疾驰而来,后边跟着仙女无数,排场可谓震人心魄。 That caravan Boss is usually widely traveled in monster, calculates a little experiences, but when has seen this stance, he both legs becomes tender immediately, hurries to lead the people to kneel down, in heart fearful. 那商队首领平日在妖界走南闯北,也算有点见识,可是何时见过这种架势,他顿时双腿发软,赶紧带着众人跪下,心中惶惶。 Comes person Western Emperor, he does not know but actually Xiling Lin informs Ye Kong. He is the idea of waiting for gains without pains supposing. Thinks that monster is so huge, which on him looks for Ye Kong, might as well waits at ease for an exhausted enemy, supposes to ambush near monster spirit star. 来人正是西帝,他倒不知道西陵琳去通知叶空。他本来就是设的守株待兔之计。想妖界如此巨大,他上哪去找叶空,还不如以逸待劳,就在妖灵星附近设下埋伏。 Raise! The car(riage) arrives at the near, nine Black Dragon simultaneously long recited, stops the step. This shakes open/stretch Zeyu and the others is fearful and apprehensive, courage entirely cracks. 昂!车到近前,九条黑龙同时一声长吟,停下步伐。这一声直震得张泽雨等人是心惊胆战,肝胆俱裂。 That side early had immortal general to report in the past loudly: Emperor starts/opens Bingxian, fleeing criminal Ye Kong had been surrounded, how to move, asking your majesty to show!” 那边早有仙将过去大声禀告:“启禀仙帝陛下,逃犯叶空已经被包围,如何行动,请陛下示下!” That side open/stretch Zeyu and the others, as soon as listens, this fellow or the immortal emperor, the immortal emperor captures a thief personally! In the Heavens ! car(riage) that fellow must commit the big crime! 那边张泽雨等人一听,这家伙还是仙帝,仙帝亲自拿賊!天呐!车里那家伙得犯多大罪啊! They are the merchants, is not willing to annoy to trouble, hurries to pretend non-involvement. open/stretch Zeyu kowtows hastily, said: „The person of world of mortals opens Ze rain belt company people and others to see the immortal emperor, in this moment caravan really has Ye Immortal, was the day before yesterday halfway meets......” 他们是商人,不愿惹上麻烦,赶紧撇清。张泽雨连忙磕头,道:“下界之人张泽雨带商号人等见过仙帝陛下,此刻商队中确有一名叶姓仙人,乃是前日半途遇到……” But Western Emperor is the person of bloodthirsty, where with the cultivator idle talk of world of mortals? He pays no attention to open/stretch Zeyu radically, the direct big hand wields. 西帝本来就是嗜杀之人,哪里会跟个下界的修士废话?他根本不理张泽雨,直接大手一挥。 Executes completely.” “全部格杀。” open/stretch Zeyu and the others frighten completely rumbles thump falls to the ground, the heart said that this time may really be but actually big mildew. Must die without doubt, the opposite is Immortal, encircles watertight. To run away? Have a dream! 张泽雨等人全部吓得轰咚倒地,心说这次可真是倒大霉了。必死无疑啊,对面都是仙人,围得水泄不通。想逃?做梦! Immortal emperor, has not related with us, forgives!” open/stretch Zeyu the whole body shakes chaff same trembles, keeps kowtowing. Although he in this is Divine Transformation cultivator of good fork sound, but compares with Immortal, is the ants is simply ordinary. “仙帝陛下,跟我们没关系,饶命啊!”张泽雨全身筛糠一样哆嗦,不停磕头。虽然他在这一界是个牛叉烘烘的化神修士,可是和仙人比起来,简直是蝼蚁一般。 However these immortal soldiers will not pay attention to him. Sees the immortal soldier to be divided into two teams, one team in same place guarding. Another team of complete hands grasp the long halberd, silent walks. Dark green deep, only then that immortal armor collision sound, very neat resounding, takes to the constriction of person is also incomparably huge! 不过那些仙兵可不会理会他。就看见仙兵分成两队,一队原地驻守。另一队全部手握长戟,无声走来。苍冥中只有那仙甲碰撞的咔嚓声,非常整齐响亮,带给人的压迫感也是无比巨大! However at this time, in the caravan a camel monster beast carried on the back in the house, actually departed seven colors of the spectrum pink clouds. 不过这时候,商队中一只骆驼般的妖兽背上房子里,却飞出一片七色彩云。 Above the pink clouds, a azure clothes youngster is looking at present the immortal emperor immortal general immortal soldier, calm free, honor or disgrace not startled, in the surface has the color of ridicule unexpectedly faintly. 彩云之上,一个青衣少年望着眼前仙帝仙将仙兵,淡定自若,荣辱不惊,面上竟隐隐有讥讽之色。 Western Emperor, not wants to be awkwarder the person of world of mortals, this is not the skill.” Ye Kong places in ten thousand armed forces, said lightly. 西帝,莫要为难些下界之人,这不算本事。”叶空身处万军之中,淡淡说道。 Western Immortal Emperor laughs, asked back: You said that what calculates skill? Is it possible that you think that this immortal emperor is out personally and you competes with?” 西方仙帝哈哈大笑,反问道:“那你说什么算本事呢?莫非你想本仙帝亲自下场和你比试?” You are the immortal emperor, I am superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal, even if you have killed me, similarly is not the skill!” Ye Kong shows a faint smile, said: Or this, Western Emperor your majesty, whom we compared with looking at fly quickly.” “你是仙帝,我不过是上等大罗金仙,就算你杀了我,同样不算本事!”叶空微微一笑,又道:“要不这样,西帝陛下,我们比看谁飞得快。” Western Emperor cold -ly snorted and said: You think that my Peng is silly inadequate? Under this arrange/cloth unescapable net, is against you runs away. If you want to punish the advantages of seven pink clouds, finds time to run away, you give a try!” 西帝冷哼道:“你以为我彭家都是傻的不成?这布下天罗地网阵,就是防你逃走。如果你想惩七彩云之利,抽空逃走,那你就试试看!” Ye Kong knows that Western Emperor is not Peng Wenkao, will not make him have the opportunity to run away. He is not willing to implicate other people, immediately also said: Western Emperor your majesty, this is our matters, why bother to implicate these world of mortals cultivator?” 叶空知道西帝不是彭文考,不会让他有机会逃走。他也不愿连累旁人,当下又道:“西帝陛下,这本来是我俩之事,何苦连累这些下界修士?” You but actually are really hypocritical.” A Western Emperor nod, said: Then the immortal emperor helps you, puts these people to leave!” “你倒真是假仁假义。”西帝一点头,道:“那么本仙帝成全你,放这些人离开!” He sends the order, immortal soldier immortal general that immediately attacks stopped, but also opened the mouth in semicircle surrounding, making the caravan pass. 他一发命令,顿时进攻的仙兵仙将就停了下来,还在半圆包围上开了个口子,让商队通过。 A life that open/stretch Zeyu and the others saved, frightens to hurry to crawl, pulls these monster beasts, hurries to leave, is for fear that slow an immortal emperor to change the idea. 张泽雨等人捡来的一条命,吓得赶紧爬起来,牵上那些妖兽,赶紧离开,生怕慢一步仙帝改主意。 Actually Ye Kong but is actually not the surface so is at heart calm, the crucial moment, is everyone does not hope, must wrestle. The Western Emperor soldiers and horses encircle a semicircle, but under foot endless dark green deep is actually empty. 其实叶空心里倒并不是表面那么淡定,生死关头,是谁都不愿死,都要搏一把。西帝的兵马围成一个半圆,可是脚下的无尽苍冥却是空空荡荡。 Ye Kong thought that this Western Emperor cannot so the oversight. Below position feared that early has to kill, opens the mouth to make him drill intentionally. However Ye Kong has seven pink clouds, always wants abundant, if can run out of surrounding, at own speed, feared that is the Western Emperor nine Black Dragon cannot overtake. 叶空心想,这西帝不会如此疏漏。下边的方位怕是早有杀阵,故意开个口子让他去钻。不过叶空有着七彩云,总是想要博一下,如果能冲出包围,以自己的速度,怕是西帝的九条黑龙也追不上。 In the Western Emperor heart sneers, actually under does not kill, but is a giant net, unescapable net, above is the immortal soldier, under is the network. So long as Ye Kong downward flies, will be captured alive by the network! 西帝心中冷笑,其实下方并不是杀阵,而是一件巨大的网子,天罗地网阵嘛,上边是仙兵,下边就是地网。只要叶空往下飞,就会被地网生擒! That side open/stretch Zeyu and the others the channel that stands in great numbers from the immortal soldier goes out fearful and apprehensive, in the heart was very anxious, these are Immortal, Upper Realm Immortal, lifts a finger to make their flying ash annihilation, the dregs not remain! 那边张泽雨等人胆战心惊地从仙兵林立的通道走出,心中别提有多紧张了,这些都是仙人,上界仙人,抬个手指就能让他们飞灰湮灭,渣都不留! Who knows at this moment. Top of the head direction unexpectedly fiercely a drum sound! 谁知就在这时。头顶方向竟然又是猛地一声鼓响! „!” Frightened one to tumble on fearful and apprehensive open/stretch Zeyu and the others, looks up. “嗵!”本来就胆战心惊的张泽雨等人吓得一下跌倒,抬头去看。 Sees only the encirclement ring surrounding, gushes out the innumerable immortal soldiers, these immortal soldiers go out from a point, does not know that already hid well to open the channel, the brigade immortal soldier, the population unexpectedly were one after another the former immortal soldier! 只见包围圈外围,又涌出无数仙兵,那些仙兵从一点走出,也不知道是早已藏好还是又开通道,大队仙兵鱼贯而出,人数竟然比之前仙兵还要多! These immortal soldiers walk, keeps silent, but lining up in formation stands, the respective position, forms a semicircle unexpectedly, the original immortal soldier will counter-encircle! 这些仙兵走出来,也默不作声,只是列队站好,各自站位,竟然也形成一个半圆形,将原先的仙兵反包围! open/stretch Zeyu pours, in transports by the beast, complained of hardship at heart unceasingly, oneself move who annoyed, experienced this broken matter. Also does not know that Immortal surnamed Ye has made anything, caused unexpectedly so many immortal soldier immortal general seizes! I come to the end of one's destiny! 张泽雨倒在一只运输兽旁边,心里不断叫苦,自己招谁惹谁了,怎么遇到这种破事。也不知道那姓叶的仙人到底做了什么,竟然引得如此多的仙兵仙将来捉!我命休矣! The immortal logistics depot in surrounding decides, from space channel, drives out of a frame, is nine Caifeng pulls a cart unexpectedly, these Caifeng wings handsome fan, on the vehicle the bead curtain curls up, an imperial robe old man is the imposing manner is also dreadful. 外围的仙兵站定,从空间通道中,也驶出一辆车架,竟然是九只彩凤拉车,那些彩凤羽翼翩翩扇动,车上珠帘卷起,一个龙袍老者也是气势滔天。 Western Emperor looks up, is angry, stands to exclaim: Chu Xiaoyu, your his mother what is this?” 西帝抬头一看,大怒,站起来吼道:“楚小鱼,你他妈这是什么意思?” The Northern Emperor supercilious look turns, returns saying: My his mother what meaning? What meaning do I also want to ask your his mother?” 北帝白眼一翻,回道:“我他妈什么意思?我还要问你他妈什么意思?” That side open/stretch Zeyu and the others in heart sighed, originally among the immortal emperors also like this shouted'mother-fucker', experiences, experienced. 那边张泽雨等人心中叹道,原来仙帝之间也是这样骂娘,见识了,见识了。 Western Emperor vented anger, under adjustment mood: Fifth Brother, everybody swears brotherhood, usually is together is also good, does not need to injure friendly for this boy. Today you let the elder brother my one time, came the date elder brother to go to snow to become Xing to give you to express thanks personally.” 西帝出了一口气,调节下情绪道:“五弟,大家结拜一场,平日相处的也是不错,没有必要为这小子伤了和气。今日你让哥哥我一次,来日哥哥亲自去雪成星给你致谢。” Sees Western Emperor to come softly, Northern Emperor not so was strong, said: Actually I do not want so, everybody not to need to get angry for small Ye Kong, our friendship are many ten thousand years of accumulation.” He said the foreigner angry words , an expression revolution, said: „...... This Ye Kong is I sends monster to cut to kill the black water crazy python, is Immortal World avoids the future trouble! Can this act merit in entire Immortal World, we add together to so the hero blade soldier? Also my Chu Xiaoyu, since sends him to get down, has the responsibility to lead him to come up!” 看见西帝来软的,北帝也不那么强硬了,说道:“其实我也不想如此,大家没必要为个小小叶空翻脸嘛,我们的交情是多少万年积累的呀。”他说了番客气话,却又语气一转,道:“不过……这叶空乃是我派来妖界斩杀黑水狂蟒,为仙界免除后患的!此举功在全仙界,我们怎么能对如此功臣刀兵相加呢?再说我楚小鱼既然派他下来,就有责任带他上去!” The Western Emperor heart reaches an agreement, I give you face, you talked about the major principle to me! I also talked about major principle to you am. 西帝心说好啊,我给你面子,你却跟我讲大道理!那我也跟你讲大道理就是。 Some Fifth Brother word also truth. However one yard normalizing code. This Ye Kong slandered several times provokes my West Immortal's Residence, plays tricks on to beat my West crown prince, had already committed the capital crime of insult immortal emperor! My this time is punishes properly according to law, is dignified by insurance Immortal World king. Otherwise in the future, which Immortal is casual to point at your Chu Xiaoyu to shout 'motherfucker', you said that you are mad?” “五弟此言也有些道理。不过一码归一码。这叶空数次诋毁挑衅我西方仙府,戏弄殴打我西方太子,早已犯了欺辱仙帝的死罪!我这次就是来明正典刑,以保仙界帝王威严。否则日后,随便哪个仙人都可以指着你楚小鱼骂娘,你说你气不气?” Northern Emperor said with a smile: My mother, I do not know that which my mother is, is casual he to scold is. Actually the Fourth Brother your temperament is such violent. I thought this matter, your Sir had massive, relinquished in light of this. I make a testimony, everybody became reconciled, relinquishes.” 北帝笑道:“我娘,我都不知道我娘是哪个,随便他骂就是。倒是四哥你脾气还是这么暴。我看此事就算了,你大人有大量,就此作罢。我做个见证,大家握手言和,作罢了。” The Western Emperor air/Qi results in the long face to be always long. Good your Chu Xiaoyu, I to give you to be reasonable, you are affected to me, your this immortal emperor has not worked as white/in vain. That anything let alone, has also prepared to go to war! 西帝气得马脸老长。好你楚小鱼,我给你讲道理,你就给我装孙子,你这仙帝没白当啊。那啥也别说了,准备干仗吧! At that moment Western Emperor cold -ly snorted and said: You said that relinquishes relinquishes, when can you be the elder brother my advocation?” 当下西帝冷哼道:“你说作罢就作罢,你何时能做哥哥我的主了?” Northern Emperor looked that he is impolite, cold say/way: In brief, has me, you will not prevail!” He said, is beckoning to say to encirclement ring most central Ye Kong: leaf young friend, comes. I looked that which dares to keep off you!” 北帝看他不客气,也冷道:“总之,有我在,你就不会得逞!”他说完,对着包围圈最中央的叶空招手道:“叶小友,过来。我看哪个敢挡你!” Northern Emperor said, lifts the hand to emit one to wear the plain long sword of sparkling golden color scale. That long sword, is competitive, performs to reveal the Powerhouse strength, as if there is life to be ordinary, shows disdain for the outstanding heroes. 北帝说完,抬手放出一把全身披着闪闪金色鳞片的古朴长剑。那长剑一出,霸气十足,尽显强者力量,仿佛有生命一般,傲视群雄。 These Western Emperor hand/subordinate soldiers will be startled. Gold/Metal scale melts dragon Jian!” Northern Emperor shone including own adept weapon, guaranteed the Ye Kong Baoding, if oneself prevented, wasn't loses one's life? 那些西帝手下兵将都是吃了一惊。“金鳞化龙剑!”北帝连自己的拿手武器都亮出来了,保叶空保定了,自己若是阻挡,不是送命么? Northern Emperor this Immortal Sword is also one of the Immortal World famous ten Immortal Sword. gold/metal scale transformation dragon Jian! On legend sword each piece of scale was the antiquity real dragon! Each piece of scale came from the different dragons! Each piece of scale seal a soul of antiquity real dragon! 北帝仙剑也是仙界著名的十品仙剑之一。金鳞化龙剑!传说此剑上每片鳞片都是上古真龙!每片鳞片都来自不同的龙!每片鳞片都封印着一只上古真龙的魂魄! This sword altogether has 999 pieces of dragon scales. In other words, this gold/metal scale transformation dragon Jian emits, will emit 999 dragons...... To do right with him, first considered can cope with that troop dragon! 此剑共有999片龙鳞。也就是说,这金鳞化龙剑一放出,就会放出999条龙……想要跟他做对,先考虑一下自己能不能对付那一大群龙! Northern Emperor protects Ye Kong, Ye Kong harnesses seven color Yunfei to get up immediately. Flies in front of Western Emperor these immortal soldiers, the immortal soldier does not dare to make way, may not dare to stop. Has Ye Kong to go forward one step, they retrocede one step. Immortal soldier immortal general of devils looks requested reinforcements a moment ago at this moment from Patriarch. 北帝力保叶空,叶空立即驾着七彩云飞起。飞到西帝那些仙兵面前,仙兵不敢让开,可又不敢阻拦。只好叶空前进一步,他们就后退一步。刚才凶神恶煞的仙兵仙将此刻都看着自家主子求援。 Western Emperor looked, is not good, own person has not hit, the energy has released, is not good! 西帝一看,不行啊,自己的人还没打,底气就泄了,不行! 999 old dragon? Snort, has the fart to use!” Western Emperor cold snort/hum, body swings, in the mouth shouted: “999条老龙?哼,有屁用!”西帝冷哼一声,身体一摇,口中喝道: Incarnation 1 million!” “化身1000000!” open/stretch Zeyu and the others saw at present a scenery, the mouth has spat the foam. Immortal, immortal emperor, was too formidable! Sees only in the Northern Emperor encirclement ring surrounding, suddenly presents innumerable Western Emperor, each one long faces are cut-throat, dense and numerous, one shortly side! Unexpectedly outside, forms the one/1st Layer thick encirclement ring! 张泽雨等人看见眼前一景,一个个已经口吐白沫了。仙人,仙帝,太强大了!只见在北帝的包围圈外围,突然出现无数的西帝,个个马脸凶狠,密密麻麻,一眼看不到边!竟然在外边,又形成一层厚厚的包围圈!
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