MC :: Volume #13

#1281: Prison standard Sir

Chapter 1281 第1281章 Prison standard Sir 狱典大人 Passes entirely!” The battle drum strikes the sound, the two sides immortal general immortal soldiers imposing do not fear, gets hold in the hand the long halberd, two side soldier/weapon will exhibit Array Method respectively, the encirclement rings of several semicircles, slowly started revolving! “通通通!”战鼓擂响,两边的仙将仙兵们都是凛然不惧,一个个都握紧手中长戟,两方兵将各自摆出阵法,几个半圆形的包围圈,都缓缓开始了旋转! Whish! By fits and starts neat clothes armor collision sound! 哗哗哗!一阵又一阵整齐的衣甲碰撞声! A war is ready to be set off! 一场大战一触即发! Because Western Emperor reveals the powerful, therefore this moment Ye Kong was compelled layer upon layer the encirclement ring most central. 因为西帝显露强势,所以此刻叶空又被逼回了层层包围圈的最中央。 Actually Ye Kong is also at heart depressed, Western Emperor and Northern Emperor go to war, is very normal, these two had the long standing grudge. But the key is here is monster! The Immortal strength has been strengthened in the world of mortals largely! If there is so large-scale war, perhaps to monster not less than at a disaster of large-scale! 其实叶空也是心里郁闷,西帝北帝打仗,也是很正常的,这两家本来就有旧怨。可是关键是这里是妖界!仙人的力量在下界得到大幅增强!如果发生如此大规模的战争,恐怕对妖界来说不啻于一场超大规模的劫难! What is more important, Western Emperor and Northern Emperor, two immortal emperors, if in monster make a move, it is estimated that the stars of these dot can collapse at the first blow fully. The nearby approaches monster spirit star, must be affected surely, human must be hit the pulp in the monster biggest settlement by them. 更重要的是,西帝北帝,两大仙帝,如果在妖界全力出手,估计那些个头小点的星球会不堪一击。附近更是靠近妖灵星,必定要受影响,人类在妖界最大的定居点肯定要被他们打得稀巴烂。 Naturally. Ye Kong is not that the good intention. He pours a little hopes that the matter does greatly, waits for Uncle Hong to act, flies into a rage, throws into the tie prison mountain Western Emperor, then on peace throughout the country. 当然了。叶空也不是那么好心。他倒有点希望事情搞大一点,等洪伯出面,勃然大怒,将西帝扔进鉄狱山,那就天下太平了。 But two sides that must battle against truly, with are at this moment different, Western Emperor and Northern Emperor that Ye Kong thinks do not want to hit, is really unable to back down. Some Immortal World early stipulations, do not permit the casual world of mortals. 而真正要开战的两方,此刻却是和叶空想的不一样,西帝北帝都不想打啊,实在是骑虎难下。仙界早有规定,不准随便下界。 Although monster is not Mortal World, may also be the world of mortals! Now the issue is, is not several issues of person secretly worlds of mortals, but is tens of thousands immortal soldier worlds of mortals, has fought in the world of mortals! 虽然妖界不是凡界,可也是下界啊!现在问题是,不是几个人偷偷下界的问题,而是几万仙兵下界,在下界大战了一场! This matter must occur, that was true the big strip. Was noisily big. 这事情要发生,那就真正大条了。闹大了。 They a little do not want to hit, but does not want to make concessions, counted on that the final moment opposite party submits. 两人都有点不想打,不过又不想退让,都指望最后关头对方屈服。 Therefore only then first slapping in the face weaponry. Northern Emperor shouts: Peng Batian, you must take the full liability! Not far away monster spirit star human settlement, can you remember?” 于是就只有先打嘴仗了。北帝喊道:“彭霸天,你要负全部责任!不远处妖灵星人类定居点,你可记得?” Western Emperor shouts: How I do not remember! Was you forgets! The non- sworn brothers become the brothers, the responsibility in you!” 西帝喊道:“我如何不记得!是你们忘记了!不把兄弟当兄弟,责任在你们!” Northern Emperor also shouted: If immortal of human settlement were affected is destroyed, the Big Brother must be furious surely, Peng Batian you wait to sit the day character No. 2 tie prison!” 北帝又喊:“若是人类定居点的仙阵受影响被毁,大哥必定要震怒,彭霸天你等着坐天字第二号鉄狱吧!” I fear! Frightens person with the tie prison mountain, my Peng Batian 200,000 years ago did not fear!” “我怕个屁啊!拿鉄狱山来吓唬人,我彭霸天200000年前就不怕!” They do not want to hit, abuses each other in that but immortal soldier immortal general in actually mutually confronts, back and forth revolving takes a walk. Transferred a long time, the two sides immortal soldiers transfer somewhat has a dizzy spell, hearts said, the immortal emperor yeah, must hit hits, your many saliva? 两人都不想打,就在那对骂,而阵中的仙兵仙将却是互相对峙,来回旋转走动。转了老半天,两边的仙兵都转的有些头晕目眩,一个个心说,仙帝哎,要打就打吧,你们怎么这么多口水呢? Their scolded vigorously, actually some people of worlds of mortals. 两人正骂的起劲,却又有人下界而来。 Sees only a Caifeng handsome to fly, on the phoenix sits a black clothes black skirt, the female who black veil obstructs the surface. Also does not know that she is rides to sit or sit in meditation, has not seen the leg in any case, sees the black skirt to let fall, back and forth the light pendulum, has the faintly recognizable feeling that plants/type to ride the wind to go. 只见一只彩凤翩翩飞来,凤上坐着一个黑衣黑裙,黑纱遮面的女子。也不知道她是骑坐还是打坐,反正没看见腿,就看见黑裙垂落,来回轻摆,有种乘风而去的飘渺之感。 Sees this person, Peng Batian and Chu Xiaoyu rubbish. Not only rubbish, but also has gotten down the frame, honest moving forward to meet somebody, salutes to send respects, declares Yao Senior. 一见此人,彭霸天楚小鱼都不废话了。不但不废话,还都下了车架,老老实实的迎上去,行礼问安,口称姚前辈。 open/stretch Zeyu and the others were startled at this moment, where the heart said that black clothes female sacredly. Two immortal imperial capitals called the senior! Today's experience lived that many years most to make them soul-stirring. In open/stretch Zeyu the heart sets firm resolve secretly, waits for this time, did not do the caravan. Writes a book, today the matter of seeing, own guess writes in addition and ensure sells in monster greatly! 张泽雨等人此刻又吃惊了,心说那黑衣女子到底何方神圣啊。两大仙帝都称呼前辈!今天的所见所闻可谓活了那么多年最让他们惊心动魄了。张泽雨心中暗自下定决心,等这回回去,就不搞商队了。就写书吧,把今天所见之事,加上自己的猜测写进去,保证在妖界大卖啊! Black clothes female Grandma Yao who Hui comes. She goes down Caifeng, beckons with the hand saying: You leave are so polite, actually, I am not look your, whose is also not helps. I am help others announce that an order, he did not have the time to come back recently, making me lead him to announce an appointment. Announced that I walk.” 来的黑衣女子正是姚卉婆婆。她走下彩凤,摆手道:“你们都别那么客气,其实呢,我不是来找你们的,也不是来帮谁的。我是帮别人来宣布一个命令,他最近没时间回来,让我带他宣布一项任命。宣布完我就走。” Western Emperor and Northern Emperor are some doubts, Grandma Yao announced at this time what appoints? 西帝北帝都是有些疑惑,姚婆婆这个时候来宣布什么任命? Yao Hui another waves. Her status is quite high, naturally cannot read out the appointment personally. But is the color wing baby who Caifeng turns into opens the mouth to read out. 姚卉又一挥手。她身份比较高,自然不会亲自宣读任命。而是彩凤化成的彩翼宝宝开口宣读。 „!” The color wing baby makes the foot manner actually first, clear coughed two, this held up the head saying: This...... Ye Kong where!” “咳咳!”彩翼宝宝倒是先把派头做足,清嗽两声,这才昂首道:“这个……叶空何在!” „In.” Ye Kong flies hastily, Western Emperor immortal general hand/subordinate also wants to stop, was actually stared by Western Emperor, frightens to shrink. The people let the opening, making Ye Kong fly. “在在在。”叶空连忙飞过来,西帝手下的仙将还想阻拦,却被西帝一瞪眼,吓得缩了回去。众人让开路,让叶空飞过去。 Saw him to come, the color wing baby then took out a jade Cambodia, opened the mouth saying: My Immortal Ye Kong, loyal brave straight, the natural talent is intelligent, the manner is fair, the generous and open-minded......” the word of good applause, to speak frankly Ye Kong to dizzy, at this time heard the color wing baby to read: „...... Can endure greatly duty. Incites to appoint Ye Kong, is a Immortal World tie prison mountain Yudian duty! Looks at all immortal emperor, various group of Immortal assist him to exercise the prison standard responsibility, if being contrary, entire Immortal World kills it! Hong Dingfang.” 看见他来了,彩翼宝宝这才取出一块玉柬,开口道:“我界仙人叶空,忠勇武直,天资聪颖,为人公正,豁达大度……”好一阵赞许之言,直说得叶空头昏脑胀,这时才又听到彩翼宝宝读道:“……能堪大任。滋委任叶空,为仙界鉄狱山狱典一职!望各方仙帝,各路仙人协助其行使狱典职责,若有违者,全仙界共杀之!洪定方。” Waited for the color wing baby saying that let alone Western Emperor Northern Emperor, Ye Kong were dizzy dizzy. Oneself on to become Tieyu mountain Yudian? This also comes was too quick! 等彩翼宝宝说完,别说西帝北帝,就连叶空自己都头晕晕的。自己就成鉄狱山狱典了?这也来的太快了! Hey, don't you do dry?” A color wing baby crisp infant voice, this gives to pull back somebody outside patrolling thing. “喂,你干不干啊?”彩翼宝宝一声脆脆的童音,这才把神游物外的某人给拉回来。 Dry! Naturally did!” Ye Kong hurried to receive jade Cambodia. Turned head to stare Peng Batian, the heart said, the old boy, you caught me again! f*ck your ancestor board board! What what a pity is how Grandma Yao not to have the leading prison guard, otherwise the father really catches the tie prison mountain to squat for 30,000 years your boy! “干!当然干了!”叶空赶紧接过玉柬。回头瞪了一眼彭霸天,心说,老小子,你再来抓我啊!日你先人板板!可惜的是姚婆婆怎么没带队狱卒来,否则老子就真把你老小子抓去鉄狱山蹲上30000年! The Western Emperor hear, stares first, immediately is angry, exclaims: This is unfair! First, this Ye Kong is not true ascended, is the say/way of use being opportunistic, sneaks across Immortal World, is the tie prison mountain criminal is! Next, that person is mean and shameless, disregards law and discipline, regards the Immortal World rule to not to have the thing, takes the lead in doing evil, how can make the prison standard! Finally, he is small superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal, discussed the strength by the ability, how to turn is not one's turn him! Is the child's play is simply ordinary, nonsense, I did not agree!” 西帝听完,先是一愣,随即大怒,吼道:“这不公平!首先,这叶空并不是真正飞升,是使用取巧之道,偷渡仙界,本来就是鉄狱山罪犯才是!其次,其人卑鄙无耻,目无法纪,视仙界规则为无物,带头作恶,怎能做狱典!最后,他不过是一个小小的上等大罗金仙,论能力论实力,怎么轮也轮不到他!简直是儿戏一般,胡闹,我绝不同意!” Yao Hui said lightly: I said that I am have the person to read out, listens with not to listen, was decided by you.” Then, she looked at Western Emperor one, said: I advised politely you to wait for Hong Dingfang to come back to say again. Since he trusts me, making me announce, I have the potency that the responsibility maintains to appoint slightly.” 姚卉淡淡道:“我说了,我就是带人来宣读一下,听与不听,由你们自行决定。”说完,她又看了西帝一眼,道:“不过我奉劝你还是等洪定方回来再说。既然他信任我,让我来宣布,我就有责任稍微维护一下任命的效力。” Although she is only maintains slightly, is by her strength and status, Western Emperor also only then swallows an insult. 虽然她只是“稍微维护一下”,可是以她的实力和地位,西帝也只有忍气吞声。 Yao Hui said, beckons, walked.” 姚卉说完,一招手,“走了。” The color wing baby is then winking to Ye Kong, turns into Caifeng, carries Yao Hui to leave. 彩翼宝宝这才对着叶空挤挤眼,变成彩凤,载着姚卉离开。 When Yao Hui walks, Northern Emperor said with a smile to dumbfounded Western Emperor: Fourth Brother, can our weaponry also hit?” 等姚卉一走,北帝对目瞪口呆的西帝笑道:“四哥,我们这仗还要不要打了?” Western Emperor cold snort/hum, we wait and see!” Then, takes back does several things at the same time, bringing hand/subordinate immortal soldier immortal general to leave. 西帝冷哼一句,“咱们走着瞧!”说完,收回分身,带着手下仙兵仙将离开。 Prison standard Sir, please.” Northern Emperor laughs, hand in hand departs with Ye Kong. “狱典大人,请吧。”北帝哈哈一笑,和叶空也携手离去。 The scene only leaves behind open/stretch Zeyu and his party, they then long spit the one breath, just liked has a dream to be ordinary. 现场只留下张泽雨等一行人,他们这才长吐一口气,恍如做了一场梦一般。
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