MC :: Volume #13

#1279: Bitter experience ambush

Chapter 1279 encounters the ambush 第1279章遭遇埋伏 During dark green is deep, boundless unbounded, sometimes looks, not having the star not to have the planet, everywhere is a darkness. 苍冥之中,无边无界,有时候一眼望去,没有恒星也没有行星,到处都是一片黑暗。 Chen Rongli and horse fairy maiden flew one with Yao Lisi all day, at this moment, they are at not only does not have the star and does not have the planet, a piece boundless. 陈容理和马仙子跟着姚里斯已经飞行了一整天,此刻,他们正是处在一处既没有恒星又没有行星,一片苍茫中。 Flies to fly, Chen Rongli actually cannot stop, as soon as he stops, that middle-aged female chess pieces fairy maiden also stops the foot to step on clouds. 飞着飞着,陈容理却停下不走了,他一停,那中年女子马仙子也停下脚踩云。 Yao Lisi doubts saying that two seniors, why stop, flew two day to see that again to have the star of immortal yumen oil field.” 姚里斯疑道,“二位前辈,为何停下,再飞上两日就可以看见那颗有仙玉矿的星球了。” In the old immortal Chen Rongli surface reveals the ridicule, Yao Lisi, you when really we are silly inadequate? The immortal yumen oil field of this nearby star was already searched were innumerable, where wheel obtains you to discover?” 老仙陈容理面上露出讥讽,“姚里斯,你真当我们是傻的不成?这附近的星球的仙玉矿早就被人探了无数次,哪里轮得到你来发现?” That female Immortal horse fairy maiden also said with a smile immediately, „, when we were easily swindled so? The boys, do not quibble, fast draws on, do you have what goal?” 那女仙人马仙子立即也笑道,“是啊,当我们这么好骗么?小子,不要狡辩了,速速招来,你有何目的?” Also can have what goal, nothing but deceives their ambush circle us, then kills people to seize the treasure.” Chen Rongli cold -ly snorted and said. “还能有何目的,无非就是把我们骗进他们的埋伏圈,然后杀人夺宝而已。”陈容理冷哼道。 Was friendly humble Yao Lisi to listen to say with a smile a moment ago, Chen old seniors, may I ask you to have what treasure to be worth killing people to seize the treasure below?” 刚才和气谦逊的姚里斯听了却是微笑道,“陈老前辈,敢问你有何宝物值得在下杀人夺宝呢?” This......” Chen Rongli stares, he really is not quite rich. “这……”陈容理一愣,他还真是不太有钱。 Yao Lisi also asked that female Immortal, horse fairy maiden, in my eyes, your let alone fairy maiden, the immortal excrement does not calculate actually, you thought I can tribulation your color?” 姚里斯又问那女仙人,“马仙子,其实在我眼里,你别说仙子,就连仙屎都不算,难道你觉得我要劫你的色么?” The horse fairy maiden the violent anger, lifts hand to emit five Immortal Sword immediately, the anger said that boy surnamed Yao, no matter your anything goal, you hand over your universe bag and immortal jade chest now, kneels again begs for mercy, perhaps the great-aunt can also forgive your life!” 马仙子顿时暴怒,抬手就放出五品仙剑,怒道,“姓姚的小子,不管你什么目的,现在你交出你的乾坤袋和仙玉匣,再跪地求饶,姑奶奶说不定还能饶你一命!” Indeed this Yao Lisi traps two people to come out, others also early are prepared, comes to eat black black. 敢情这姚里斯诱骗两人出来,人家也早有准备,就是来黑吃黑的。 However who eats who was very difficult to say. 不过谁吃谁还很难说。 Chen Rongli also emits Immortal Sword, unexpectedly is good six Immortal Sword. He said proudly, surnamed Yao, no matter we also you are really fake, hands over the universe bag and immortal jade, I forgive your life! If wants to revolt, you have a look at our Cultivation Base to consider!” 陈容理也放出仙剑,竟然是把不错的六品仙剑。他傲然说道,“姓姚的,我们也不管你是真是假,交出乾坤袋和仙玉,我饶你一命!如果想反抗,你看看我们修为考虑考虑!” Chen Rongli appearance is mean. At this moment obviously is they gets the winning side, their two people, medium Great Firmament Golden Immortal, superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal. But opposite Yao Lisi is medium Great Firmament Golden Immortal. 陈容理面目阴狠。此刻显然是他们占据上风,他们两个人,一个中等大罗金仙,一个上等大罗金仙。而对面姚里斯不过是一个中等大罗金仙 Thinks that saw over ten thousand immortal jade in Yao Lisi immortal jade chest a moment ago, Chen Rongli was mouth-watering. 想到刚才看见姚里斯仙玉匣中的上万块仙玉,陈容理就流口水了。 However what lets Chen Rongli and horse fairy maiden they feel strange, this youngster Immortal is radiant with smiles unexpectedly as before. Does not understand how really he can smile. 不过让陈容理和马仙子两人奇怪的是,这个少年仙人竟然依旧笑容可掬。真的不明白他怎么笑得出来。 Chen Rongli thinks, this boy definitely does intentionally calmly, delays the time, wants to call the companion. 陈容理一想,这小子肯定是故作镇静,拖延时间,想招呼同伴来。 Therefore his cold -ly snorted and said, boy do not harbor leaving things to chance, when your companion comes, we already killed you to divide the thing to leave!” 于是他冷哼道,“小子别抱侥幸心理了,等你的同伴来,我们早就杀了你分了东西走人了!” Chen Rongli mediated the horse fairy maiden to smile. However that boy surnamed Yao wants the refusing stubbornly deathtrap to smile, this makes Chen Rongli heart float off an unlucky premonition. 陈容理说完和马仙子都笑了起来。不过那姓姚的小子还是要死不死地笑着,这让陈容理心头浮起一阵不祥的预感。 Sees only that youngster Immortal to put out Purple Gold earthen bowl container cold -ly snorted and said, kills you two, I have no need to look for any companion!” 只见那少年仙人拿出一个紫金钵盂冷哼道,“杀你们两个,我还用不着找什么同伴!” Chen Rongli sees Purple Gold earthen bowl container, immediately is panic-stricken, startled say/way, you! Is you! Aren't you inferior Great Firmament Golden Immortal?” 陈容理看见紫金钵盂,顿时惊慌失措,惊道,“你!是你!你不是下等大罗金仙么?” The youngster takes the earthen bowl container, immediately vanishes in dark green deep, only leaves behind together the sound, idiot! I already was medium Golden Immortal! Saw me dead, who knew my true Cultivation Base? Hehe, has killed you, I can also enter superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal! Suffers to death!” 那少年带上钵盂,立刻消失在苍冥中,只留下一道声音,“蠢货!我早就是中等金仙了!见过我的都死了,谁知道我真正修为?嘿嘿,杀了你们,我也可以进入上等大罗金仙了!受死吧!” Chen Rongli knows that this time was dangerous, was hearing Yao Lisi voice, but also thought him as in there. Suddenly lifts the hand to emit Immortal Sword, first make a move! Position that heavy bombing Yao Lisi stood a moment ago! 陈容理知道这次危险了,听着姚里斯的声音,还以为他依旧在那里。突然抬手放出仙剑,抢先出手!猛轰姚里斯刚才所站立的位置! But make a move knew mistakenly. Immortal Sword just departed, the back has the police trillion immediately! Chen Rongli moves aside hastily, his also slightly decides at heart, is good to go out puts on six product Xianjia! 可一出手就知道错了。仙剑刚飞出,背后顿时生出警兆!陈容理连忙躲闪,不过他的心里也稍定,好在出门穿着六品仙甲! Six product Xianjia and six Immortal Sword, was good, these were Chen Rongli these year of swindling and abducting save. 六品仙甲和六品仙剑,也算是不错了,这些就是陈容理这些年坑蒙拐骗积攒的。 However he actually does not know, this Yao Lisi does not know all the way has killed many Immortal, on hand is loose, make a move unexpectedly is eight Immortal Sword! 不过他却不知,这姚里斯一路上不知杀了多少仙人,手头更是宽松,一出手竟然是八品仙剑 When this is passed by the Jubao star auctions eight Immortal Sword obtained, the price is not cheap, the sword blade edge is short and thin, sharp incomparable, can all concentrations of efforts in the acme. 他这把八品仙剑是路过聚宝星时拍卖所得,价格不便宜,剑刃短而细,锋利无比,更是可以把所有力量集中在尖端。 This sword named strikes armor piercing sword, only need strike, may defeat immortal armor! Although has the suspicion of boast unavoidably, but broken Chen Rongli six product Xianjia is actually easy! 此剑名叫一击破甲剑,只需一击,就可击破仙甲!虽然难免有吹嘘之嫌,可是破陈容理的六品仙甲却是轻而易举! Eight Immortal Sword silent puncture suddenly from Chen Rongli, Chen Rongli has induced, but has moved aside without enough time, only then counted on that immortal armor can delay a breath, oneself can miss the strategic point. 八品仙剑从陈容理背后无声无息突然刺出,陈容理有所感应,不过已经来不及躲闪,只有指望仙甲能拖延一息,自己可以错过要害。 But he does not know afterward well, that strikes the armor piercing sword assassination the sharp weapon, the grade is also high. Six product Xianjia have not emitted the light shadow, instantaneously collapses, as if the wind-drift sand falls from Chen Rongli body generally, but strikes the armor piercing sword to prick his back of the body. 可他随后就知道不好,那一击破甲剑正是暗杀的利器,品级又高。六品仙甲都没放出光影,就瞬间崩溃,仿佛流沙一般从陈容理身体上滑落,而一击破甲剑已经刺入他的后心。 I come to the end of one's destiny!” Chen Rongli knows oneself must die, the person will die, his heart is also friendly. His both eyes stare, to being shocked the horse fairy maiden bellows. “我命休矣!”陈容理知道自己必死,人之将死,其心也善。他双目瞪起,对惊呆的马仙子大吼一句。 Fast flees! Dissemination news! He went to the east rim star!” “速速逃离!散播消息!他已经来到东缘星!” That female Immortal has frightened at this moment is scared out of one's wits, first is Yao Lisi vanishes, was stabbed to Chen Rongli, but several blink. Chen Rongli superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal put in an appearance in one unexpectedly is killed, who this Yao was Lisi? 那女仙人此刻已经吓得魂不附体,先是姚里斯消失,到陈容理被刺中,不过几个眨眼之间。陈容理一个上等大罗金仙居然在一个照面就被人杀了,这姚里斯到底是何人? Who is he?” The horse fairy maiden asked startled. “他是谁?”马仙子惊慌问道。 However Chen Rongli was unable to reply. Hidden sneers in his behind youngster Immortal, meditates four characters. 不过陈容理已经无法回答了。隐在他身后的少年仙人冷笑一声,默念四个字。 „The strength of taking a life!” “杀生之力!” Immediately, the strength of as if parasite formidable taking a life generally drills into Chen Rongli body from eight Immortal Sword, is absorbing Cultivation Base in Chen Rongli body greedily, when attracted fully, will come back well satisfied, returned to the body of youth Immortal. 顿时,强大的杀生之力仿佛寄生虫一般从八品仙剑中钻入陈荣理的身体,贪婪地吸收着陈荣理身体内的修为,等吸足了,又会心满意足的回来,回到青年仙人的身体内。 The horse fairy maiden looked that Chen Rongli has been killed violently, does not dare to delay again. But that youth actually cold snort/hum, with the aid of stealth, with, is a blade! 马仙子看陈荣理已经毙命,也不敢再拖延。可是那青年却冷哼一声,借助隐身,跟上去,也是一刀! The horse fairy maiden also unwillingly shouts at the point of death: Who you are, why kills us?” 马仙子临死还不甘地喊道:“你到底是谁,为何杀我们?” The youth coldly said: I am Ji little building who you discussed yesterday! Yao Lisi, wants you dead!” 那青年冷冷道:“我就是你们昨日谈论的姬小楼!姚里斯,要你死而已!” This is Ji Xiaolou, he obtains the strength of taking a life, wants to go to chaotic emperor domain murder cultivate. Has not actually thought, the auspicious day in a while, outside has spread over unexpectedly, each one knows that has strength of Ji Xiaolou taking a life, Ji little building who it may be said that the everybody feels insecure, does several times lets slip! 这正是姬小楼,他得到杀生之力,本想去混乱的中帝领域杀人修炼。却没想到,好日子没过多久,外边竟然传遍了,个个都知道有个杀生之力姬小楼,可谓人人自危,搞的姬小楼好几次失手! Ji Xiaolou could not stay, finally wanders about destitute to the east rim star. Actually he also has the goal, he most hates is Ye Kong, if has killed Lian Ruolan, it is estimated that surnamed Ye must irritate. Does not come here one to look, actually discovered Fairy Ruolan was put under house arrest general by the eastern emperor, is impossible to come out, but he is unable to go, this casually kills some people cultivate. 姬小楼呆不下去了,最后就流落到东缘星。其实他也是有目的的,他最恨的就是叶空,若是来杀了炼若兰,估计那姓叶的要气死。不过来这里一看,却发现若兰仙子被东帝软禁一般,不可能出来,而他也无法进去,这才随便杀些人修炼 After these days murder cultivate, Ji Xiaolou thought that the own strength of taking a life has been increased much! In the past killed a person only to obtain opposite party Cultivation Base 1%, Cultivation Base that but obtains now increased, promoted to about 1.2%. Do not look at this small promotion, means that he can little kill some people, Cultivation Base promotes to be quicker! 经过这段时间的杀人修炼,姬小楼觉得自己的杀生之力已经提升不少!以往杀一个人只能得到对方修为的1,可现在得到的修为已经增加了,提升到1.2左右。别看这小小的一点提升,就意味着他可以少杀些人,修为提升更快! He was the medium Great Firmament Golden Immortal peak, has killed Chen Rongli and horse fairy maiden two people. He felt immediately is happy, looks for a place becomes these Cultivation Base refine own, oneself affirmed to become Sheng to superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal. 他本来是中等大罗金仙的顶峰了,杀了陈荣理和马仙子两人。他顿时感觉到心情舒畅,找个地方把那些修为炼化成自己的,自己就肯定成升到上等大罗金仙了。 Ji Xiaolou leaves, happily thinks at heart: This strength of taking a life is really the promotion breakthrough most precious object, I quickly was Great Firmament Golden Immortal, does not know that what Cultivation Base Ye Kong that guy now is? 姬小楼离开的时候,心里得意地想到:这杀生之力果然是升级突破的至宝啊,我很快就是大罗金仙了,不知叶空那厮现在是什么修为呢? But Ye Kong at this moment, in monster, with a caravan, is actually an expert toward the monster spirit star. 而此刻的叶空,却在妖界,跟着一个商队,正在行往妖灵星。 Several days later, leader open/stretch Zeyu of Ye Kong and that caravan has been actually somewhat familiar, knows that this Zhang Family caravan is one of the monster unusual several big interstellar caravans, manages the project to be very broad, is primarily the monster beast material, but the human settlement of monster spirit star, was the station of their biggest company. 几天下来,叶空和那商队的头领张泽雨倒是有些熟悉了,知道这张家商队是妖界少有的几大星际商队之一,经营项目很广,以妖兽材料为主,而妖灵星的人类定居点,就是他们最大商号的驻地了。 On this day, Ye Kong calculates, the monster spirit star will draw near, in the heart was loose much. At this time just open/stretch Zeyu came, said that monster spirit star already in within eyesight, tomorrow can arrive. 这一日,叶空算算,妖灵星就快到了,心中是松了不少。这时刚好张泽雨过来,说妖灵星已经在视野之内,明日就可以到达。 Ye Kong nods, lifts the hand to bestow some spirit stones, said: I these days lived in your this, this spirit stones works as the hotel expense.” 叶空点头,抬手赐下些灵石,说道:“我这些日子住在你这,这点灵石就当住宿费吧。” open/stretch Zeyu rejects hastily, said: Exalted Immortal and we walk together, that is our being honored. Also, according to the custom, we must pay the reward to you, where has the truth that makes you pay money?” 张泽雨连忙拒绝,道:“上仙和我们一起走,那是我们的荣幸。再说,根据规矩来说,我们还得向您支付酬劳呢,哪有让你付钱的道理?” Ye Kong knits the brows: These spirit stones I cannot use, gave to you, not doing rubbish, took away is.” 叶空皱眉道:“这些灵石我也用不上,就送给你了,休要废话,拿去就是。” open/stretch Zeyu looks at Exalted Immortal to have the anger, does not dare to talk too much, hastily subordinate. 张泽雨一看上仙有怒意,也不敢多言,连忙手下。 At this time Ye Kong also said: I think your Divine Transformation Stage Cultivation Base, outside these catch up with the person of beast, really also has Golden Core cultivator...... I am not clear, how during these people can enter dark green are deep?” 这时叶空又道:“我看你不过化神期修为,外边那些赶兽之人,竟然还有金丹修士……我不明白,这些人如何能进入苍冥之中呢?” open/stretch Zeyu said: Exalted Immortal, is this. They and I wear dark green deep beast the clothing of animal skin refinement, wears this clothing, can defend dark green deep very well the granule beam as well as the turbulent flow, therefore, we can in dark green deep walk.” 张泽雨道:“上仙,是这样的。他们和我都是穿着苍冥兽的兽皮炼制的衣衫,穿着这身衣衫,就可以很好地防御苍冥中的粒子射线以及乱流,因此,我们才能在苍冥中行走。” Ye Kong nods secretly. Also really makes use of local resources by the water drinking water, the person really will act as circumstances permit to use the local material. The Mortal World person thinks the means manufacture star ship, navigates dark green deep. The Immortal World person will catch the immortal beast. But the person of monster, naturally looks for the material from the monster. 叶空暗自点头。还真是靠山吃山靠水吃水,人真是会因地制宜利用当地的材料。凡界的人是想办法制作星舰,航行苍冥。仙界的人就会捕捉仙兽。而妖界的人,自然是从妖身上找材料。 Was speaking, suddenly the formidable incomparable overbearing immortal knowledge has swept away together! 正在说话间,突然一道强大无匹的霸道仙识横扫了过来! That Ze rain is world of mortals cultivator, knows to the immortal knows nothing radically. 那张泽雨不过是个下界修士,对仙识根本一无所知。 But Ye Kong is actually suddenly one startled! That immortal knows overbearingly incomparable, moreover does not hide, like this sweeps away! 叶空却是猛然一惊!那仙识霸道无比,而且又根本不加以隐蔽,就这样横扫而来! Immortal emperor! This definitely is the immortal emperor has the immortal knowledge that! 仙帝!这绝对是仙帝才有的仙识! On the Ye Kong's face changes color suddenly. Now he did not have pill king to bestow his medicine pill, knows in the so formidable immortal, he is unable to hide oneself Immortal identity! 叶空的脸上骤然变色。现在他已经没有丹王赐给他的丹药,在如此强大的仙识下,他根本无法隐藏自己的仙人身份! That Ze rain looks at Ye Kong at a loss, the heart said Exalted Immortal that also went on as if nothing had happened a moment ago, at this moment so is dignified? Is it possible that to speak incorrectly what? 那张泽雨茫然看着叶空,心说刚才还谈笑自若的上仙,此刻怎么如此凝重起来呢?莫非自己说错什么了? Was in this time, on hearing outside caravan the calling out in alarm combination of shouting and people of monster beasts, in great confusion. 正在这时,就听见外边商队的妖兽们的嘶吼和人们的惊叫混杂,乱成一团。 open/stretch Zeyu rushes hastily, immediately is startled the leg one softly, knelt down directly. 张泽雨连忙奔出去,顿时惊得腿一软,直接就跪下了。
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