MC :: Volume #13

#1278: Struggling

Chapter 1278 第1278章 Struggling 明争暗斗 The east rim star, the main city, day rises the teahouse. 东缘星,主城,日升茶楼。 Person who side water and soil raises a side, each star, even each city will have not the similar characteristics. East rim the characteristics of star are leisurely and carefree, in other words, is the people in east rim star quite likes enjoying. 一方水土养一方的人,每个星球,甚至每个城市都会有不同样的特点。东缘星的特点就是悠闲,换句话说,就是东缘星的人比较喜欢享受。 Here is Eastern Immortal Emperor's Residence station point, very easy and comfortable, the unusual security, in addition the eastern emperor domain also is also quite rich and populous, this raised the disposition of east rim native of Singapore. 这里是东方仙帝府所驻地点,非常的安逸,也非常的安全,加上东帝领域也比较富庶,这才养出了东缘星人的性格。 Their hobbies are the morning go to the teahouse to while away the time, chat to drink tea, call the handbag water. In the evening enters the bathroom, took a bath to rub the back, finished up looks for a young lady again...... Calls the daily bather. In brief, was quite lazy, likes discussing the hearsay. 他们的爱好就是早晨去茶楼消遣,聊天喝茶,称之为皮包水。晚上钻进浴室,洗澡擦背,完事再找个小姐……称之为水包皮。总之了,比较懒,喜欢谈论小道消息。 But the nearness eastern emperor Immortal's Residence date rose the teahouse, was Immortal of east rim star the place that liked patronizing. Heard that here steamed stuffed bun tea has a distinct flavor, what is more important, can hear the hearsay about immortal emperors. 而靠近东帝仙府的日升茶楼,就是东缘星的仙人喜欢光顾的地方。听说这里的包子茶水都是别有风味,更重要的是,可以听到关于仙帝们的小道消息。 In this moment hall is a busy picture. 此刻大厅里正是一片忙碌景象。 Quite was simple and elegant in 2nd floor, is putting 78 tables, sits some male and female Immortal, was talking mutually. The 2nd floor Immortal scale is quite high, generally is above Great Firmament Golden Immortal, therefore also compares to have the quality obviously. 二楼就比较清雅了,放着78张桌子,坐着些男女仙人,互相交谈着。二楼仙人档次比较高,一般都是大罗金仙以上的,所以明显也比较有素质。 At this time listened to say by window old age male Immortal loudly: I just the emperor domain came, you may know broadest news that now Immortal World passes on?” 这时就听靠窗口的一个老年男仙人大声道:“我刚从中帝领域过来,你们可知道现在仙界传的最广的消息?” His opposite is middle-aged female Immortal, this fellow 80% wants to show off to blend. 他对面是个中年女仙人,这家伙八成是想炫耀勾兑一番。 When other 2nd floor Immortal have not heard, lowers the head to pay no attention, drinks tea earnestly. This year this does not have quality rare of actually. 二楼其他仙人也当没听见,低头不理,埋头喝茶。这年头这号没素质的倒是少见。 However that male Immortal very much, opens the mouth to say to that middle-aged female Immortal actually indifferently: Now Immortal World makes fiercely, is one person who called Ji Xiaolou, hand/subordinate served as a petty government official in Western Emperor, who knew him to have the strength of taking a life!” 不过那男仙人倒是无所谓地很,开口对那中年女仙人说道:“现在仙界闹得最厉害的,就是一个叫姬小楼的人,原先在西帝手下当差,谁知他有杀生之力!” That female Immortal had not gone out probably recently, listened to one startled, „the strength of Heavens ! taking a life! That was Immortal World chaotic?” 那女仙人大概最近没出门,听了一惊,“天呐!杀生之力!那仙界岂不是要乱了?” The old age male Immortal effect achieves, opens the mouth saying: That is, the emperor domain everybody feels insecure, for fear that looked for by that Ji Xiaolou, heard that there many cultivating Buddha, dies in that Ji Xiaolou hand!” 老年男仙人效果达到,开口道:“那是,中帝领域人人自危,生怕被那姬小楼找上,听说那里不少的修佛者,就死在那姬小楼手上!” Female doesn't Immortal in great surprise, know this Ji Xiaolou what kind of Cultivation Base? Haven't the seniors encountered the danger?” 仙人大惊,“也不知这姬小楼何等修为?前辈没遇到危险吧?” Old age male Immortal looks at her to come interest, said with a smile loudly: Is inferior Great Firmament Golden Immortal, plants and other Great Firmament Golden Immortal like my this, he does not dare to look my.” 老年男仙人看她来兴趣,更是大声笑道:“不过是个下等大罗金仙,象我这种上等大罗金仙,他是根本不敢来找我的。” This fellow does not have the speech of quality to stir up other people not to be quick, how this fellow is the Cultivation Base highest on the scene, therefore everybody is not good to accuse, has to cast the vision that despises. 这家伙没素质的说话惹得其他人不快,奈何这家伙是在场修为最高者,所以大家也不好指责,只好投上鄙视的目光。 However is actually the corners of the mouth flashes through one to sneer in young Immortal of corner. Immediately he opens the mouth to say lightly: I am also emperor domain come, the news of old seniors was obsolete. I heard that now Immortal World latest news, is leaf Zhenhao the prison standard of tie prison mountain will soon welcome the small immortal tribulation, quick must promote is Immortal Monarch realm.” 不过在角落的一个年轻仙人却是嘴角闪过一丝冷笑。随即他开口淡淡说道:“我也是从中帝领域过来,老前辈的消息过时了。我听说现在仙界最新的消息,是鉄狱山的叶镇豪狱典即将迎来小仙劫,很快就要晋升为仙君境界了。” According to the Immortal World principle, the superior Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal breakthrough enters the Immortal Monarch boundary, needs to cross a time tribulation, is called the small immortal tribulation, after Transcend Tribulation success, can step into Immortal Monarch realm, officially becomes one of the Immortal World top Immortal. 根据仙界法则,上等罗天上仙突破进入仙君境,就需要渡一次劫,被称作小仙劫,渡劫成功以后,才能踏入仙君境界,正式成为仙界顶级仙人之一。 The young Immortal news is quite actually recent, those present and others have not heard, immediately pays attention. 年轻仙人的消息倒是比较新,在场的人等都是没听说过,顿时都关注起来。 That old Immortal looked that some people snatch his crest of wave, in the heart is somewhat disgruntled, immediately has drunk tea, said: This news, I already know, just wants to say. The truth said that leaf Zhenhao prison standard, I am have also seen, everybody together has still been drinking tea, has chatted, he stayed in the superior Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal more than 3000 years, arrived at the breakthrough time.” 那老仙人看有人抢他风头,心中有些不悦,当下喝了一口茶水,说道:“这个消息啊,我早就知道,刚想说。其实话说叶镇豪狱典,我也是见过的,大家还在一起喝过茶,聊过天,他已经停留在上等罗天上仙3000多年,也到了突破的时候。” Actually this old Immortal is purely talks nonsense, the prison standard of tie prison mountain, who sees who feared, was invited to drink tea by him, your but actually big mildew! 其实这老仙人纯属扯淡,鉄狱山的狱典,谁见谁怕,被他请去喝茶,你就倒大霉了! These teashop customer Immortal snort contemptuously. However that female Immortal believed actually, the worship looks at old Immortal. But person who another believes that unexpectedly is that announcement news young Immortal. 那些茶客仙人都是嗤之以鼻。不过那个女仙人倒是信了,崇拜地看着老仙人。而另一个相信的人,竟然是那个公布消息的年轻仙人 Saw only light Immortal to serve tea that year on own initiative, said politely: „Below medium Great Firmament Golden Immortal Yao Lisi, doesn't know the old seniors Gao given name?” 只见那年轻仙人主动端茶走过来,客气说道:“在下中等大罗金仙姚里斯,不知老前辈高姓大名?” The old man carries the rack actually, drank tea saying: Yao Lisi this name is actually special, fears is outside the territory the star.” 那老者倒是端起架子,喝了一口茶说道:“姚里斯这名字倒是特别,怕是域外蛮星的吧。” Yao Lisi but actually also direct, nod said with a smile: Good, outside our territory the person of star, although was looked down upon by the people of several immortal emperor domains, but also has to acknowledge, outside our territory various star minerals and rich resources, some innumerable ancient times ruins nobody opens until now, the immortal that many immortal emperor domain already vanished favors to seize.” 姚里斯倒也直接,点头笑道:“不错,我们域外蛮星的人虽然被几大仙帝领域的人所看不起,不过也不得不承认,我们域外蛮星矿产和各种资源丰富,更有无数远古遗址至今无人开启,还有不少仙帝领域早就消失的仙宠可捉。” Good that said.” That old Immortal then nods, asking Yao Lisi to sit down, said: This immortal Chen Rongli, this is the horse fairy maiden that I just knew.” “说的不错。”那老仙人这才点头,请姚里斯坐下,说道:“本仙陈荣理,这是我刚认识的马仙子。” Yao Lisi then very much magnanimously sits down, is looking at the eastern emperor mansion of immortal fog surrounding from afar, turns head saying: Already respected the eastern emperor, but suffers from nobody recommending, does not know that Chen old seniors do have the path.” 姚里斯这才很有风度地坐下,远远望着仙雾包围的东帝府,回头道:“早就敬仰东帝,只是苦于无人引荐,不知陈老前辈有没有路子。” Although Chen Rongli is old, but is actually the fellow who deceives to eat to deceive everywhere to drink, immediately strikes one's chest saying: This is not anything. I have drunk tea with tie prison mountain Yudian, is on intimate terms with the eastern emperor, met, is not anything.” 那陈荣理虽然年纪不小,可是却是个到处骗吃骗喝的家伙,当下拍着胸脯道:“这不算什么。我跟鉄狱山狱典都喝过茶,和东帝更是称兄道弟,见个面,不算什么。” Is saying in him, sees under the teahouse to walk the brigade immortal soldier, several alone corner/horn cloud Tilin a frame, is driving to the eastern emperor mansion to go. 正在他说着,就看见茶楼下走来大队仙兵,几只独角云蹄麟拉着一辆车架,驶往东帝府而去。 Chen Rongli lifts hand one finger/refers, said: Sees not to have, a moment ago past is east immortal assist Li Yingru Immortal Monarch of emperor! I knew, meets frequently, she sees me each time, shouted Brother Chen.” 陈荣理抬手一指,说道:“看见没有,刚才过去的就是东帝的仙丞黎影汝仙君!我都认识,经常见面,她每次见我,都喊陈老哥呢。” This fellow mouthful reckless Lielie, but that horse fairy maiden and Yao Lisi are actually, visits him with a look of worship believes. Chen Rongli heart is greatly happy, was then good, wants to deceive a color, has not actually thought that can also cheat out of money. Outside this territory the fellow of star, seems very rich appearance, delivers on own initiative, does not deceive does not deceive white/in vain. 这家伙满嘴胡咧咧,可是那马仙子和姚里斯却是相信的很,用一种崇拜的眼神看着他。陈荣理心头大乐,这下好了,本来想骗个色,却没想到还能骗财。这个域外蛮星的家伙,看上去很有钱的样子,主动送上门,不骗白不骗。 Then, he in a low voice gives Yao Lisi saying: Although knows to turn over to the understanding, but the person are fastidious about an advantage now, I lead you to see eastern emperor Sir, you must deliver something are.” 接着,他又低声给姚里斯说道:“虽然认识归认识,可是现在人都讲究个好处,我带你去见东帝大人,你总得送上些物件才是。” Yao Lisi is actually somewhat worried, some hard thing to bring up. Some little time in a low voice said: Was not I did not say, but was that thing relations are significant.” 姚里斯却是有些苦恼,又有些难言之隐。好一会才低声说道:“不是我不说,而是那东西关系重大啊。” In Chen Rongli heart is blossomed happily, pursues asks: Relax, you told the brother me, I helped you absolutely.” 陈荣理心中更是乐开了花,又追问道:“放心,你告诉老哥哥我,我绝对帮你。” Yao Lisi after struggles, on the table with the hand moistens the tea to write three characters immortal yumen oil field. After finishing, hurried to wipe off. 姚里斯在好一阵挣扎后,才在桌上用手沾着茶水写了三个字“仙玉矿”。写完之后赶紧擦掉。 Chen Rongli actually does not believe that insisted that said that must experience personally, otherwise is accidentally false, was blamed to trouble by the eastern emperor. 陈荣理却是不信,坚持说要亲自见识一番,否则万一假的,被东帝怪罪起来就麻烦了。 Yao Lisi was helpless, has thought for a long time, this reluctantly replied: That asked the brother to watch, was not far, five days. Also asked the horse fairy maiden to make a testimony. If groundless, Yao is willing to deliver ten thousand immortal jade compensations.” Then, but also takes out an immortal jade chest, watches to Chen Rongli and horse fairy maiden. 姚里斯无奈,想了好久,这才勉强答道:“那就请老哥去观看一番,不远,五天就到。也请马仙子去做个见证。如若不实,姚某愿送上万块仙玉赔偿。”说完,还取出一个仙玉匣,给陈荣理和马仙子观看。 The wealth moves the will of the people, two people instantly with Yao Lisi. 财动人心,两人即刻跟着姚里斯出发。 In eastern emperor mansion. 东帝府内。 Li Yingru the Immortal Monarch heart of just coming back was agitated, a matter saying that monster had, wanted, has not actually thought that the halfway killed Cheng Yaojin. Actually Li Yingru is consideration is also complete, she fits out Li Yao, if killed Ye Kong to succeed. If cannot kill Ye Kong, just shifts blame to Mr. Li big, has not actually thought that Li Yao came personally, but also reveals her status. 刚回来的黎影汝仙君心头烦躁,把妖界发生的事一说,本来就要成了,却没想到半路杀出个程咬金。其实黎影汝也是考虑周全,她装成李鹞,若是杀了叶空就成功。若是杀不到叶空,刚好就嫁祸给李大老板,却没想到李鹞亲自来了,还揭穿她的身份。 The eastern emperor listens to the report, comforts saying: Ok, this matter relinquishes in light of this, I looked that the Big Brother must have the movement.” 东帝听完汇报,安慰道:“算了,此事就此作罢吧,我看大哥要有动作了。” Lebanese shade thou inquired hastily. The eastern emperor said: I received the message, said that leaf Zhenhao must be promoted the Immortal Monarch boundary, the Big Brother could adjust him to repair the forehead.” 黎影汝连忙询问。东帝说道:“我已经收到消息,说叶镇豪要晋级仙君境,大哥可能要调他去重修天庭。” Lebanese shade thou strange say/way: „Does that tie prison mountain who manage?” 黎影汝奇道:“那鉄狱山何人管理?” The eastern emperor sighed one, has not spoken, said lightly: Big Brother thinks that had already thought.” 东帝叹了一声,也没明言,淡淡道:“大哥想必已经早就想好了吧。” Lebanese shade thou also asked, that Ye Kong also does kill?” 黎影汝又问,“那叶空还杀不杀呢?” The eastern emperor also said: Peng Batian had the person to kill personally.” 东帝又道:“彭霸天已经亲自带人去杀了。” Lebanese shade thou urgently said: That what to do? How to be forestalled by that fellow?” 黎影汝急道:“那怎么办?怎么又被那家伙抢先?” I calculate that he will not succeed.” The eastern emperor opened the mouth to smile, said: Actually I am not anxious, I have not sensed the principle, any Godhead God tribulations to me is far, let alone I have Lian Ruolan this sign.” “我算准他不会成功。”东帝开口笑了起来,说道:“其实我不急,我还没有感悟到法则,什么神格神劫离我还远,更何况我还有炼若兰这张牌。” Lebanese shade thou listened to nod, immediately suddenly thinks of anything, the beautiful pupil dodges, startled asked: That Peng Batian is so irritable, is it possible that he has sensed the principle!” 黎影汝听了点点头,随即突然想到什么,美眸一闪,惊问:“那彭霸天如此急躁,莫非他已经感悟到了法则!” The eastern emperor has not spoken, long time, nods. 东帝没说话,半晌,才点点头。 Monster, dark green deep. 妖界,苍冥。 During seven pink clouds are flying to escape, Ye Kong stands in the cloud top, only wants to hurry to return to the monster spirit star, enters Immortal World from the space channel, he was safe. 一朵七彩云正在飞遁之中,叶空站在云头,只想赶紧回到妖灵星,从空间通道进入仙界,他就是安全了。 Although he entered superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal successfully, if wants with Western Immortal Emperor face to face to the war, is far from, at this time he only then hurried to run away. 虽然他已经成功进入了上等大罗金仙,不过要想和西方仙帝当面对战,还是相差甚远,这时他只有赶紧逃遁。 Flew for several days his a little immortal Yuan bad, just wants to find a place to rest, sees on the front star to depart one row of motorcades. The dark green deep motorcade of monster is somewhat unusual, is not the Mortal World star ship, is not the Immortal World immortal beast pulls a cart, but is the monster beast is carrying on the back the cargo, looks, many monster beasts carry on the back at the back of the goods pouch, cultivator ride on the monster beast, pulls out with the whip catches up. 飞行了几天他有点仙元不济,正想找个地方歇息一下,就看见前方一颗星球上飞出一列车队。妖界的苍冥车队有些奇特,不是凡界的星舰,也不是仙界的仙兽拉车,而是妖兽驮着货物,一眼望去,好多妖兽背上背着货囊,修士骑在妖兽身上,用鞭子抽赶。 Ye Kong hurries to fly, asked: „Can motorcade Masters in?” 叶空赶紧飞上去,问道:“车队主人可在?” Immediately High Rank cultivator comes out to talk, that cultivator looks like a person, although cannot see Cultivation Base, but can explain the issue in the dark green deep flight, that seven pink clouds is a not thing. Feared that is Upper Realm Immortal, he hurries to reply: Exalted Immortal, below is open/stretch Zeyu, is the Master of this motorcade, does not know that Exalted Immortal can have the instruction?” 立即有一个高阶修士出来搭话,那修士一看来人,虽然看不出修为,可是能在苍冥飞行就能说明问题,那七彩云更是本界没有之物。怕是上界仙人,他赶紧答道:“上仙,在下是张泽雨,是这车队的主人,不知上仙可有吩咐?” Ye Kong said: I want to go to monster spirit star, doesn't know to be possible on the way?” 叶空道:“我想去妖灵星,不知可顺路?” Actually the star transaction of monster is also very few, cultivator that because can in dark green deep walk are too really few. Therefore some transactions, in several main stars. 其实妖界的星球交易也是非常之少,因为能在苍冥中行走的修士实在太少。所以很少的一些交易,也就在几个主要的星球。 open/stretch Zeyu said: Was skillful, just we are go to the monster spirit star...... I think Exalted Immortal am also on the way, might as well go with us together.” That cultivator heart said that Upper Realm Immortal walks together, wants safe many all the way, meets the dark green deep beast is not the issue. 张泽雨道:“巧了,刚好我们就是去妖灵星……我看上仙也是顺路,不如和我们一同前往。”那修士心说有个上界仙人一起走,一路上要安全的多,遇到苍冥兽也不是问题啊。 Ye Kong is also having this intent, the nod said: Also good, I then walk with you.” 叶空也正有此意,点头道:“也好,我便和你们一起走。” open/stretch Zeyu the great happiness, gives the Ye Kong arrangement frame hastily. A giant beast carries on the back is carrying on the back a small house unexpectedly, this was leaf Exalted Immortal temporarily location of housing. 张泽雨大喜,连忙给叶空安排车架。一只巨兽背上竟然驮着一个小房子,这就是叶上仙暂时居住之处了。 Ye Kong follows them together, was worried when enters the monster spirit star meets the stop of Western Emperor. What he does not know, Western Emperor and the others, already ambushed he to come back. 叶空跟他们一起走,是担心进入妖灵星时遇到西帝的阻拦。他不知道的是,西帝等人,早就埋伏好了等他回来。
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