MC :: Volume #13

#1277: The fairy maiden notified

Chapter 1277 第1277章 The fairy maiden notified 仙子报信 Long-drawn-out mouth, in any case is monster, made them misunderstand. “悠之口,反正是妖界,就让他们误会去好了。 However has set up this statue, by person of generation worship tribe. In Ye Kong goes out, actually felt that stays that earth yellow rhombus small crystal in Purple Mansion, suddenly has the light rays of light to dodge! 不过立了这个雕像,受部落之人世代朝拜。就在叶空走出之时,竟然感觉到停留在紫府中的那个土黄的菱形小晶体,突然有淡淡的毫光一闪! The light of belief! Ye Kong moves at heart: Probably this is really Godhead! 信仰之光!叶空心里一动:大概这真的是神格 Left the leaf immortal temple, Wu Guibao said with a smile: This month, we are busy, you do not know that which hid went, now leads you to visit our magnificent project!” 出了叶仙庙,吴贵宝笑道:“这一个月,我们都忙得要死,就你不知道躲哪去了,现在带你去参观一下我们的宏伟工程吧!” The strength of human is tiny, is hit by various disasters frequently. But has to acknowledge, the strength of human reconstruction and restore wound is also so tremendous. One month does not come out, Ye Kong discovered that the tribe has rebuilt one newly, not only the house street restored, but also the scale and scale compared had been higher than! 人类的力量是渺小的,经常遭受各种灾难。可是不得不承认,人类重建和修复创伤的力量也是如此巨大。一个月不出来,叶空发现部落已经重建一新,不但房子街道全部都恢复了,而且规模和档次都比原来高出了许多! Originally these really probably are tribes. The clay place, the broken thatched roofed hut, all around fence is a fence. 原来那些真的好像是部落。黄泥地,破草房,四周围墙都是篱笆。 But now was completely different, this had an embryonic form of city, on the avenue is the azure flagstone, the oil level of shop, the thatched roofed hut is also replaced by the tile-roofed house, even also has the building, the edge in distant place city, one crowd of cultivator are cutting the giant blue stone with magical artifact, builds the high city wall. 而现在完全不同了,这已经有了一个城市的雏形,主要道路上都是青石板,铺的油平,草房也被瓦房代替,甚至还有楼房,远处城市的边缘,一群修士正在用法器切削着巨大的青石,垒成高高的城墙。 Ye Kong said surprisedly: „Did you get rich?” 叶空惊奇道:“你们发财了?” Wang Junhui said with a smile: Actually we early some construct the plan of city, is always only by the monster beast attack, constructs again good, cannot block monster beast, might as well lives in the tattered thatched roofed hut...... Was now different, was quick we to have defense immortal, we had the courage to construct the city! Let alone, leaf Exalted Immortal has killed the black water giant, obtains that many spirit stones, we have also sent one, many materials could afford.” 王俊辉笑道:“其实我们早有建城的打算,只是老是被妖兽攻击,建的再好,也挡不住妖兽一下,还不如住破烂草房……只是现在不同了,很快我们就有了防御仙阵,我们就有胆子建城了!更何况,叶上仙杀了黑水巨人,得到那么多灵石,我们也发了一笔,很多材料都买得起了。” Zhao Yu kun saw oneself hometown then the appearance, in the heart was also gratified, the nod said: Actually our leaf Xianxing in human several big settlements, Mid Division of monster, should be the businessman centralized lively place, before suffered from not having immortal. Now is good......” Zhao Yu kun saying that in the eye has the tears twinkle unexpectedly. 赵宇坤看见自己的家乡便了模样,心中也是欣慰,点头道:“其实我们叶仙星位于人类几大定居点之间,妖界的中部,本应该就是商贾集中的繁华之地,以前只是苦于没有仙阵。现在好了啊……”赵宇坤说着,眼中竟有泪花闪烁。 Zhao immortal general is a personality people.” Wu Guibao pats Ye Kong, tall tower who in a finger/refers of city these stand in great numbers, said: These are our immortal array eye, altogether 64 array eye, after great array start, only needs the High Grade spirit stones to maintain the operation.” “赵仙将是性情中人啊。”吴贵宝拍拍叶空,一指城中那些林立的高塔,道:“这些就是我们仙阵的阵眼,一共有64个阵眼,大阵启动之后,只需要上品灵石就可以维持运行呢。” Ye Kong nods. This great array is higher-level than that initially the Immortal Lord immortal emperor they made, only needs the High Grade spirit stones to maintain the operation, omitted sought for the worry of Top Grade spirit stones everywhere. 叶空点头。这个大阵可是比当初仙主仙帝他们弄的那个还要高级,只需要上品灵石就可以维系运行,省去了到处寻找极品灵石的烦恼。 Chu Yiyi said: Is only because spiritual power of immortal need is huge, therefore our immortal year to year do not open, but starts when needed, this can save many energies.” 楚一一道:“只是因为仙阵需要的灵力巨大,所以我们这个仙阵并不是常年开启,而是在需要的时候才启动,这样可以省下不少能量。” Ye Kong said: Such good. Year to year opens like the monster spirit star is defending great array not only has wasted massive spiritual power, but also passes and out is also very troublesome.” 叶空道:“这样好。象妖灵星那样常年开着防御大阵不但浪费了大量灵力,而且进出也很麻烦。” But Wu Guibao sighed one at this time, said: When this great array start need spiritual power is really huge, we for this reason are worrying now, does not know how to start it.” 可这时吴贵宝却叹了一声,道:“可是这大阵启动时需要的灵力实在巨大,我们现在正在为此烦恼,不知道如何启动它。” Ye Kong was stunned, has made for quite a while, this did great array have no way to start? Isn't that useful? 叶空愕然,弄了半天,这大阵没法启动啊?那还有个屁用? Chu Yiyi has a look at Ye Kong, said faintly: If now Array Method expert is good.” 楚一一看看叶空,幽幽道:“如果现在来个阵法高手就好了。” Zhao Yu kun also said: Yes, Fellow Daoist Ye natural talent intelligent resourceful excellent, thinks also some attainments on Array Method.” 赵宇坤也道:“是啊,叶道友天资聪慧机敏过人,想必在阵法上也有些造诣。” f*ck your ancestor, do you work as the buddy are really the omnipotent God? Ye Kong only then smiles bitterly, said: Everybody, if said that draw talisman picks up the little girl, these are my strong points \; Must say kills the enemy to breakneck, Ye can also make a move \; Refining up valuable pill refining, I can also say that slightly understands...... But this immortal I know nothing, magical array of world of mortals, I will not suspend several.” 日你先人,你们真当哥们是无所不能的神祗么?叶空只有苦笑,道:“各位,若说画符泡妞,这些是我强项\;要说杀敌玩命,叶某也能出手\;就是炼宝炼丹,我也能说是略懂……可这仙阵我真的一窍不通,就连下界的法阵,我也不会摆几个。” The people counted on Ye moral behavior erupts again one time, but this time has not actually exploded, is greatly disappointed. 众人本来都指望叶某人再人品爆发一次,可这次却没爆出来,一个个大失所望。 Ye Kong does not understand, everybody does not have always, saw the program that is getting more and more near, everybody has to collect the good suggestion to cultivator, profits by opinions from various sources. However these cultivator have not contacted immortal, means Wu Guibao and the others who can find out had already used. Therefore several days pass by, are still means do not have. 叶空不懂,大家也没辄,眼看着回去的日程越来越近,大家只好向修士们收集好的建议,集思广益吧。不过那些修士也都没接触过仙阵,能想出的办法吴贵宝等人早就用过了。因此几天过去,依然是一点办法都没有。 However on this day, actually came a person of high skill. 不过这天,却来了一个高人。 The plan of this city is quite big, therefore has also annexed in the original black water deep pool the city. This moment black water deep pool has become Freshpool. pond water is clear enough to see bottom, the wave light is clear, all around small woods were blown by the wind, the environment is quiet and beautiful, moreover is most important, the surroundings spiritual energy is quite rich, therefore these High Rank tribe cultivator open the cave mansion in the nearby. 这个城池的规划比较大,所以把原来的黑水潭也圈进了城市中。此刻黑水潭已经成了清水潭。潭水清澈见底,波光粼粼,四周小树林被风一吹,环境清幽,而且最重要的,周围灵气比较丰富,所以那些高阶的部落修士都在附近开设洞府。 On this day night, bright moonlight one round, the bright moonlight sprinkles in the lake, the inverted image leaves another round bright moonlight, scenery beautiful probably is the beautiful oil painting is only ordinary. 这天正是夜晚,明月一轮,皎洁的月光洒在湖上,倒影出又一轮明月,风景美的好像是唯美的油画一般。 deep pool edge, a azure clothes youngster looks that the lake water affection said: Once strength of the formidable Heavenly Dao placed my front, I do not have to treasure well. After losing, I regret not and! The society most painful matter is this......” 潭边,一个青衣少年看着湖水深情说道:“曾经有一份强大的天道之力放在我的面前,我没有好好珍惜。等到失去后,我才追悔莫及!人世间最痛苦的事莫过于此……” „, You have a dream.” Back Chu Yiyi sits in deep pool edge stone upper shed scoffs to say. “切,你做梦吧。”后边楚一一坐在潭边石头上开口嗤道。 Ye Kong is angry, feeds, do you know, matter that breaks others to recite does not have the morals very much.” 叶空大怒,“喂,你知不知道,打断人家朗诵是很没有道德的事。” Chu Yiyi does not show weakness, stands to throw out the chest saying: What kind of? I do not believe that strength of the formidable Heavenly Dao places in front of you you to be able not to want!” 楚一一毫不示弱,站起来挺胸道:“怎么样?我就是不相信有一份强大的天道之力放在你面前你会不要!” You think that I am you, the chest does not have the brain greatly.” Ye Kong, looks at the distant place. “你以为我是你啊,胸大无脑。”叶空哧了一声,看着远方。 You!” On the Chu Yiyi face blushes, must go all out with Ye Kong. Actually sees Ye Kong not to pester with her, but looks at the midair dull. “你!”楚一一脸上发红,就要跟叶空拼命。却看见叶空并不和她纠缠,而是呆呆看着半空。 Chu Yiyi also looks up. Sees only in the moonlight, the handsome graceful person's shadows, fly slowly from the day. That is a female, human, a snow white women's clothing. What is most conspicuous, she really has a pair of same snow equally white spacious wing. 楚一一也抬头看去。只见月光中,有一个翩翩的曼妙人影,从天外缓缓飞来。那是一个女子,人类,一身雪白的衣裙。最惹眼的是,她竟然有一对同样雪一样白的宽大羽翼。 In the moonlight, such as near picture puddle, a pure white moving female, wields the pure white wing to fly. Even if Ye Kong were also tarrying that looked. Waited to see clearly the face of this female, Ye Kong pushes winking, the heart said oneself have misread, did she do? 月光中,如画的水潭边,一个一身素白的动人女子,挥着洁白的翅膀飞来。就算叶空也是看的呆住了。等看清这个女子的脸,叶空挤了挤眼,心说自己是不是看错了,她来干什么? Chu Yiyi sees this female also to stare, thought that she does do? However some of their also friendship, hastily shout: Lin fairy maiden, here.” 楚一一看见这女子也是一愣,心想她来干什么?不过她们也有些交情,连忙喊道:“琳仙子,这边。” What flies is the Xiling fairy maiden, she flies into this star, sees this main city. However has not actually seen Ye Kong and the others, just wants to emit the immortal knowledge to look for missing persons, heard the summon of Chu Yiyi. 飞来的正是西陵仙子,她飞入这个星球,一眼就看见这个主城。不过却没看到叶空等人,刚想放出仙识寻人,就听见了楚一一的呼唤。 However Xiling Lin also is really faint person, sees Chu Yiyi and Ye Kong, does not have the smiling face, has not been startled, but nods, flew. 不过西陵琳也真是淡漠的人,看见楚一一叶空,既没有笑容,也没有吃惊,只是点点头,就飞了过来。 Falls near the puddle, the Xiling fairy maiden receives the pure white wing, the tastes: „The strength of moonlight, receives!” 落在水潭边,西陵仙子一收洁白羽翼,口道:“月光之力,收!” That white wing is the strength of moonlight turns into unexpectedly, perhaps but the strength of this moonlight, was a match the Xiling fairy maiden, so pure white, holy. 那白色羽翼竟然是月光之力化成,不过这月光之力,恐怕也是最般配西陵仙子了,如此的洁白,圣洁。 Xiling, just you came, early heard that you arrange immortal everybody, then our immortal did not worry to have no way to start.” The Chu Yiyi smile said. “西陵,刚好你来了,早听说你是布置仙阵的大家,这下我们的仙阵不愁没法启动了。”楚一一微笑说道。 Xiling Lin then shows a faint smile, said: I also read some old books, not like any set up formation everybody who you said.” She and Chu Yiyi greeted, this said to Ye Kong: Ye Kong, you hurry to return to Immortal World. Although Huo Hongxun the body dies, but he also had hand/subordinate to run away, now my father flies into a rage, brought the person of world of mortals to kill you personally, you ran away quickly!” 西陵琳这才微微一笑,道:“我也是多看了些古籍,远不像你说的什么布阵大家。”她和楚一一打了个招呼,这才对叶空说道:“叶空,你赶紧逃回仙界吧。霍红勋虽然身死,可是他也有手下逃了回去,现在我父亲勃然大怒,亲自带人下界来杀你,你快逃吧!” Ye Kong just wants to exchange greetings several with Xiling Lin, after all initially left in continually the nebulous star, five years had not met. Has not actually thought, Xiling Lin opens the mouth unexpectedly is this bad news. 叶空刚想跟西陵琳寒暄几句,毕竟当初在连云星一别,已经有五年没见面了。却没想到,西陵琳一开口竟然是这样的坏消息。 Ye Kong is busily dignified, asked: „Did they arrive at where?” 叶空忙凝重起来,问道:“他们已经到了何处?” The Xiling fairy maiden said: I obtained the news to hurry the world of mortals to seek you, thinks that is less too quick than him one step, the time does not wait for the person!” The faint Xiling fairy maiden, shows the anxious expression extremely at this moment unexpectedly. 西陵仙子道:“我得到了消息就赶紧下界来寻你,想必比他也不过快了一步,时间不等人啊!”淡漠的西陵仙子,此刻竟然露出焦急万分的表情。 But they......” “可是他们……” My father he must kill, only then you, think that he does not want to get angry with the Fifth Uncle.” Xiling Lin also said: You hurry, I will stay behind, follows 11 them together.” “我父亲他要杀的只有你,想必他也不想和五叔翻脸。”西陵琳又道:“你就赶紧走吧,我会留下,跟11他们一起走。” Ye Kong nods, just about to departs, actually turns back the head, holds the fist in the other hand to say to Xiling Lin: Obligation did not say thanks, thank the graciousness of Xiling fairy maiden broken delivering a letter!” 叶空点点头,刚要离去,却又走回头,对西陵琳抱拳道:“大恩不言谢,感谢西陵仙子破界送信之恩!” Xiling Lin said: Actually you do not need to thank me, I will not obtain these news. Is my father's that pulls a cart Black Dragon to the letter that I send, you must thank thank him.” 西陵琳道:“其实你不用谢我,我是不会得到这些消息的。是我父亲的那条拉车黑龙给我送来的信,你要谢就谢他吧。” Ye Kong understands instantaneously, notifying certainly is Yan Ping that old fogy. Oneself arrived at Immortal World to be so long, does not know when can see this old fogy. Although supports in world of mortals Ye Kong is not willing to see a Yan Ping old bastard, but arrived at Immortal World, is actually hoping meeting. 叶空瞬间明白,报信的一定是延平那老家伙。自己来到仙界这么久了,也不知道何时能见到这老家伙。虽然在下界叶空挺不愿见到延平个老混蛋,不过到了仙界,却盼望着见面。 But nearby Chu Yiyi at heart wants saying that said the Xiling Lin temper is faint. What matter did not care how such to be careful to Ye Kong? Marks off catches up to notify, but also is so anxious, is it possible that...... 而一旁的楚一一则是心里想道,都说西陵琳性子淡漠。啥事都不关心,怎么对叶空这么上心?划界赶来报信,还如此焦急,莫非……
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