MC :: Volume #13

#1276: Gathering immortal symbol

Chapter 1276 gathering immortal symbol 第1276章聚仙符 leaf Xianxing, human settlement, one month later. 叶仙星,人类定居点,一个月以后。 leaf Xianxing is the star of Zhao Yu kun native place, were few because of big star human, does not have the name, to thank Ye Kong kills the great cockroach slaughter black python, therefore at the suggestion of people class cultivator vigorous, names as leaf Xianxing this star. 叶仙星就是赵宇坤老家的这颗星球,本来因为偌大的星球人类较少,也没有名字,可是为了感谢叶空杀巨蜚屠黑蟒,于是在众人类修士的大力建议下,将此星命名为叶仙星。 Actually Ye Kong is very indifferent, this is not Mortal World, is not Immortal World, later certainly will again never come one time. 其实叶空很无所谓的,这即不是凡界,又不是仙界,以后永远都不一定会再来一次。 Names a star with own name, but also is meaningful? 以自己名字命名一个星球,还有意义么? However does not have the means that the difficult to turn down an offer make with such warmth, Wu Guibao and the others creates a disturbance. Ye Kong also has to comply. 不过也没办法,盛情难却,吴贵宝等人又从中起哄。叶空也只好应了。 Naturally, Ye Kong not mean-spirited, bestows cultivate cultivation technique and refiner that attainment and miracle cure pill prescription and spell facture the people of many world of mortals can use...... These are here person scarce. 当然了,叶空也没小气,又赐下不少下界之人可以用的修炼功法、炼器心得、灵丹丹方、符咒制法……这些都是这里人奇缺的。 Therefore here person is warm, is the cauldron ritual prostrates oneself to Ye Kong simply, does not know that many girl young wives want to surrender. 于是这里的人更是热情,对叶空简直是鼎礼膜拜,不知道有多少大姑娘小媳妇想要投怀送抱。 However Ye Kong does not have any interest, previous time has played for night with imperial concubine Feng, had almost not lost one's life, has a lingering fear to the present. 不过叶空也没什么兴趣,上次跟凤妃玩了一次一夜,差点没送了命,到现在还心有余悸呢。 These days Zhao Yu kun they were also busy unbearably, immortal has opened constructing, has constructed opening, plans were denied, was new plans is planning. 这些日子赵宇坤他们也是忙得够呛,仙阵是拆了建,建了拆,一个个方案被否定,又是一个个新的方案在重新策划。 With great immortal that the High Grade spirit stones can actuate, truly is a challenge. What is most essential, inside their these more than ten individuals does not have no Array Method expert, is jack of all trades, the smelly tanner, wants to collect a Zhuge Liang to come out really not to be simple. 一个用上品灵石就可以驱动的巨大仙阵,确实是个挑战。最关键的是,他们这十多个人里边也没有什么阵法专家,都是三脚猫,臭皮匠,想凑个诸葛亮出来还真是不简单。 The experiment that however this month keeps, began to materialize. The project had the significant progress, but was away from a half year of time to be also quick. They go back also to one month on the road, the day of therefore leaving is just round the corner, Zhao Yu kun they are busy at the foot not falling to the ground. 不过这一个月来不停的试验,也有了眉目。工程有了重大进展,但是距离半年之期也快了。他们回去还要在路上一个月,所以离开的日子指日可待,赵宇坤他们更加忙得脚不落地。 Ye Kong has not gone to mix actually, he is not the versatile players, does not want to be versatile, Array Method this, is not he excelled. 叶空倒是没去掺和,他不是全能选手,也不想全能,阵法这一门,本来就不是他擅长的。 On this day in the yard, Ye Kong is sitting cross-legged to sit in meditation under the shade, shuts the item with rapt attention, in the hand pinches is polishing together is thin and smooth immortal jade. 这天小院之内,叶空正盘腿打坐在绿荫下,闭目凝神,手中掐着一块打磨地又薄又平滑的仙玉。 If comes outsider also to think him in absorbing immortal Yuan cultivate in immortal jade. Actually is not, he is practicing to know the law of tally writing with the immortal! 若是来个外人还以为他在吸收仙玉中的仙元修炼呢。其实不是,他正在练习用仙识刻符之法! This tally writing may paint pictures more difficult than with pen Spirit Talisman. The tally writing first step, must permeate thin Xianyu the interior the immortal knowledge, wants the sensation to the immortal jade internal space, induces to the texture structure, then can manufacture talisman! 这刻符可比灵符用笔画画困难多了。刻符第一步,要将仙识渗入薄仙玉的内部,要感知到仙玉内部的空间,感应到其中的纹理结构,然后才可以制符 Ye Kong sat in this tree next seven days, is inducing this first step! Some people said why he does not sit in the room, what advantage sits in meditation to be inadequate under the tree? 叶空已经坐在这树下七天了,就是在感应着这第一步!有人说,他干嘛不坐屋里,在树下打坐有什么好处不成? Also truly is this. This is a rare ficus religiosa, the person of world of mortals sits in meditation under, can be twice the result with half the effort! Naturally, Ye Kong has also unearthed some rhizomes, later takes away Mortal World, the children uses to the wife! 还确实是这样。这是一颗罕见的菩提树,下界之人在下边打坐,可以事半功倍!当然了,叶空也是挖掘了一些根茎,以后带去凡界,给老婆孩子们用嘛! The person of world of mortals sits in meditation twice the result with half the effort, but seemingly affects not in a big way to Immortal. Ye Kong has sat in meditation for seven days, has not actually induced in the world to immortal jade. 下界之人打坐事半功倍,不过貌似对仙人作用不大。叶空打坐了七天,却也还没感应到仙玉中的世界。 This was a little troublesome, immortal knows unable to seep into the immortal jade, how tally writing? 这就有点麻烦了,仙识不能渗透入仙玉,又如何刻符? How isn't able to enter?” In the Ye Kong heart worries, he felt that the immortal knowledge puts in the immortal jade, will be prevented by the invisible strength. “怎么就无法进入呢?”叶空心中烦恼,他就感觉到仙识放入仙玉,就会被无形的力量阻挡。 That invisible strength one/1st Layer water film seemed to be common, shields the immortal knowledge to enter the immortal jade. Ye Kong adds the immortal knowledge, discovered that water film was pressed hollowly by the immortal knowledge gets down, actually still prevents the immortal knowledge to enter. 那种无形的力量仿佛一层水膜一般,屏蔽了仙识进入仙玉内部。叶空加大仙识,发现水膜被仙识压得凹陷下去,却依然阻止仙识进入。 Ye Kong does not dare to add the immortal knowledge, beforehand immortal jade was known by the immortal crashing, harms him to spend day of time to polish a new immortal jade piece. 叶空不敢加大仙识,之前的一块仙玉就被仙识给压破了,害他又花费一天时间打磨一块新的仙玉片。 Ye Kong makes a futile effort once again, only then puts down the jade piece careful thinking. Also goes to Talisman Spell Comprehensive Guide to read, had not found the answer. 叶空又一次徒劳无功,只有放下玉片仔细思索。又去符咒大全里翻看,也没有找到答案。 His another thinking, decided that puts out that piece to think to develop the immortal symbol of martial stage to have a look again. Ye Kong that immortal rune/symbol Nie in the palm, puts once again the immortal knowledge. 他又一思索,决定拿出那片装着演武场的仙符再看看。叶空把那块仙符捏在手心,又一次把仙识放过去。 Ye Kong discovered with amazement, that immortal symbol is also same has the one/1st Layer water film isolation immortal knowledge, forbidding the person to examine. 叶空惊讶地发现,那块仙符也是一样的有一层水膜隔绝仙识,禁止人查看。 He knits the brows, does not know that to be how good. Also has thought that he suddenly also had the idea. 他皱皱眉,不知道怎么样才好。又思索了一番,他突然又有了想法。 Obviously, that matter water film is the immortal Yuan in immortal jade! If thrust augmentation hard pressure, immortal Yuan will break open the immortal jade. 显然,那层水膜就是仙玉中的仙元!如果加力硬压,仙元就会撑破仙玉。 But if does not need the immortal to know to press, but uses immortal Yuan in oneself body to induce? Everybody is the immortal Yuan, to put it bluntly is Immortal Qi, should have the common language. 可如果不用仙识去压,而是用自己身体中的仙元去感应呢?大家都是仙元,说白了都是仙气,应该会有共同语言吧。 Actually Ye Kong really did not have always, idea that this carelessly thought. However when he emits the immortal Yuan, suddenly discovers a matter. 其实叶空也是实在没辄了,这才胡乱想的主意。不过当他放出仙元,又突然发现一件事。 The immortal Yuan in immortal jade can absorb, Ye Kong emits own immortal Yuan, the two sides water films link up into a single stretch, the immortal Yuan in immortal jade flows in his within the body continuously...... 仙玉中的仙元是可以吸收的,叶空放出自己的仙元,两边的水膜连成一片,仙玉中的仙元源源不断流入他的体内…… My immortal knowledge is unable to enter , because in the immortal jade is the full! If I do drain the immortal Yuan in immortal jade? Immediately, Ye Kong has a new thought. 我的仙识无法进入,就是因为仙玉中是充盈的!如果我把仙玉中的仙元抽干呢?顿时,叶空又生出一个新的念头。 However now what he takes develops the immortal symbol of martial stage, cannot perform the experiment with this. Exchanges that immortal jade piece that oneself polish, absorption immortal Yuan. 不过他现在拿的是演武场的仙符,可不能拿这个做试验。换上自己打磨的那块仙玉片,吸收其中仙元。 That jade piece rubbed thinly, the immortal Yuan were not many, a short while later, immortal Yuan by suck dry. But that piece of thin Xianyu semblance, becomes the iron grey, does not have gloomily up. 那玉片磨薄了,其中仙元也不多,没一会,其中仙元就被吸干。而那片薄仙玉的外表,也成为灰白色,暗淡无光。 However at this time, Ye Kong had the pleasantly surprised discovery! 不过这时,叶空却有惊喜的发现! Right! Entered the immortal jade, originally wants the immortal Yuan in suck dry immortal jade, can enter. 对了!进入了仙玉内部,原来真的是要吸干仙玉中的仙元,才能进入。 Ye Kong puts in divine sense, discovered that this immortal jade, unexpectedly has the big piece of space! Naturally, is not the immortal jade has the space that immortal expands, but from microscopic, here can do many matters. 叶空神识放入,发现这仙玉内部,居然有好大一片空间!当然了,并不是仙玉内部有仙阵扩开的空间,而是从微观来说,这里可以做很多事。 In this space is not empty, but was filled. Probably is a sponge is the same, has the dense and numerous holes, mutual connection. 这个空间里并不是空空荡荡,而是被充满的。就好象是一个海绵一样,有着密密麻麻的孔洞,互相连通。 Ye Kong understands suddenly why immortal symbol can be more formidable than Spirit Talisman? That is because immortal symbol three dimensional, is more complex, is more tedious, therefore the function and strength are also stronger! 叶空突然明白,为什么仙符要比灵符强大?那是因为仙符是三维的,更加复杂,更加繁琐,因此功能和力量也更加强大! Since can put in the immortal jade the immortal knowledge, Ye Kong prepares to implement the second step, recognizes as the blade by the immortal, engraves in the immortal symbol internal sponge body! 既然可以把仙识放入仙玉中,叶空就准备实施第二步,以仙识为刀,在仙符内部的海绵体中镌刻! Well what carves? Ye Kong extracts a wisp the immortal knowledge, puts in Purple Mansion, reads the first type in immortal symbol table of contents. Gathering immortal symbol! 刻什么好呢?叶空把仙识抽出一缕,放入紫府中,去翻看仙符目录中的第一种。聚仙符! Actually gathering immortal symbol is very weak immortal symbol, its leading role is to let rub the thin immortal jade accumulation more immortal Yuan! In other words, is lets rub the thin later immortal jade, when the implication strength and has not rubbed are equally many. 其实聚仙符是种很鸡肋的仙符,其主要作用就是让磨薄的仙玉存蓄更多的仙元!换句话说,就是让磨薄以后的仙玉,其中蕴含的力量和没磨时一样多。 This is purely eats to the full the brace, I want that many immortal Yuan, can I also rub doing anything thinly? 这纯属吃饱撑的,我要那么多仙元,我还要磨薄干什么? However gathering immortal symbol is actually simplest one, later the large-scale immortal symbol also needs to coordinate its use, therefore most suits the novice to practice. 不过聚仙符却是最简单的一种,以后大型仙符也都需要配合其使用,所以最适合新手练习。 Although said that is simplest one, is the complex degree compared with most complex Spirit Talisman difficult lane three times! Originally unexpectedly is Upper, Middle and Lower three/3rd Layer, each level has the different line and writing! Then the complex content, wrong is not good, a little to does not discard. 虽然说是最简单的一种,可是复杂程度要比最复杂的灵符难弄三倍!原来竟是上中下三层,每层都有不一样的线条和文字!那么复杂的内容,错一处都不行,有一点不对就是报废。 However Immortal is not mortal, generally speaking, any mnemonic symbol graph, basically is not the difficult matter, will not remember incorrectly. Moreover now the Ye Kong's immortal knowledge can split the innumerable thoughts, among thoughts coordination with each other, a thought watches the immortal symbol the model, a thought portrays in the immortal symbol, this absolutely will not make a mistake. 不过仙人也不是凡人,一般来说,什么记忆符号图形,基本不是难事,也不会记错。而且现在叶空的仙识可以分裂成无数个念头,念头之间互相配合,一个念头观看仙符的式样,一个念头在仙符内刻画,这就绝对不会出错了。 However before making by cutting immortal symbol, a matter must practice. That is the immortal knows blade! Draws in the accumulation the immortal knowledge, restrains the silk, turns into the filament most peak to emit the micro scalding hot immortal strength in the immortal knowledge, this was the immortal knows the engraving knife. 但是在刻制仙符之前,还有一个事情要练习一番。那就是仙识化刀!把仙识收拢聚集,收敛成丝,在仙识化成细丝的最顶端放出微量的灼热仙力,这就是仙识刻刀了。 After meeting, Ye Kong thought oneself have practiced to be similar. Then emits the immortal knowledge, gathers the silk, starts to make by cutting! 一会以后,叶空觉得自己已经练习地差不多了。这才放出仙识,聚拢成丝,开始刻制! one/1st Layer quarter! Ye Kong immediately the percentage regulation, the transformation focal distance, starts to make by cutting 2nd Layer! three/3rd Layer! 一层刻完!叶空又立即调整深度,变换焦距,开始刻制第二层!第三层 Waits for the three/3rd Layer quarter, reburns a fine lace three/3rd Layer connected...... Success! 三层刻完,再烧出一条细线将三层相连……成功! The Ye Kong first immortal symbol succeeds finally! The cutting is completed, on the Ye Kong face belt is happy, hastily in input immortal Yuan toward immortal jade. 叶空第一块仙符终于成功!刻制完成,叶空脸上带喜,连忙往仙玉中输入仙元。 „An immortal Yuan ratio that really can store up was many before!” Ye Kong is happy, finally carves the first immortal symbol, believes that later will have various different immortal symbols to be carved by oneself! “果然其中可以储存的仙元比之前多多了!”叶空喜形于色,终于刻出第一块仙符,相信以后会有各种不一样的仙符被自己刻出! Sincere!” Suddenly the front gate sounds. “笃笃笃!”突然院门敲响。 The Ye Kong immortal knows puts outward, the discovery was Chu Yiyi comes. Therefore he stands, the sleeves sweep, front gate calm from opening. 叶空仙识往外一放,发现是楚一一来了。于是他站起来,衣袖一扫,院门无风自开。 Does, thought that I didn't put on clothes armor of immortal soldier to be pleasing to the eyes?” Chu Yiyi comes to discover that Ye Kong is very happy, but also thinks that he is sees himself to change the female attire to be happy. “干嘛,是不是觉得我不穿仙兵的衣甲顺眼多了?”楚一一进来发现叶空很开心,还以为他是看见自己换上女装而开心呢。 The Ye Kong heart said that the peacock spreading the tail original work is sentimental. I happy am because I will carve the immortal symbol! 叶空心说孔雀开屏自作多情。我开心是因为我会刻仙符了! However does Ye Kong also embarrassed attack others little misses is not? Has to size up up and down, holding the chin, the nod saying that graciousness, good, changes the female attire, finally discovered that I have made a mistake, originally you have the chest.” 不过叶空也不好意思打击人家小姑娘不是?只好上下打量一下,托着下巴,点头道,“恩,不错,换上女装,终于发现我错了,原来你真的有胸啊。” Chu Yiyi immediately on face one red, but stayed with this boy for a long time, she also had the immunity, another, said, previous time added I did not have the chest, now also says...... Said, compensates this fairy maiden!” 楚一一顿时脸上一红,不过跟这小子呆久了,她也有免疫力了,又一挺,说道,“上次还说我没有胸,现在又说有……说,怎么赔偿本仙子!” Hey, I not only have not grasped and has not rubbed, why must compensate...... Ok, compensates your together immortal jade.” Ye Kong gathering immortal rune/symbol Reng who oneself just carved to Chu Yiyi , asked that had the matter? Is all right I also to have the matter.” “喂,我既没抓又没揉,凭什么要赔偿……算了,赔你一块仙玉吧。”叶空把自己刚刻的聚仙符扔给楚一一,又问道,“有事嘛?没事我还有事。” Poor devil, compensates immortal jade so to be thin......” Chu Yiyi saying that here mortal said that has made a gift to you, making me ask you to look!” “穷鬼,赔块仙玉都这么薄……”楚一一道,“这里的凡人说弄了一个礼物给你,让我来叫你去看呢!” Gift?” Ye Kong has gawked, does not know that these mortal common people and human cultivator caused any positive result, immediately also only then the nod said, that good, has a look.” “礼物?”叶空愣了一下,不知道那些凡人百姓和人类修士又弄出了什么名堂,当下也只有点头道,“那好,去看看。” Chu Yiyi brings Ye Kong to go out of the gate, this discovered in hand unexpectedly is the immortal symbol, attracts again slightly, her beautiful pupil stared immediately in a big way. She discovered with amazement, this piece of light immortal jade piece, the implication strength really has three immortal jade! 楚一一带着叶空走出门,这才发现手中的竟然是仙符,再略微一吸,她美眸顿时瞪大了。她惊讶的发现,这片薄薄的仙玉片,其中蕴含的力量竟然有三块仙玉之多! Chu Yiyi said surprised, you will also manufacture the immortal symbol?” 楚一一吃惊道,“你还会制作仙符?” The Ye Kong modest say/way, plays casually, cannot think that incautiously had so the attainments, oh, does not have the means that the person intelligently is studies anything to be quick.” 叶空谦虚道,“随便玩玩的嘛,想不到一不小心就有了如此造诣,唉,没办法,人聪明就是学什么都快。” You may really not be concerned about face.” Chu Yiyi said, is not open/stretch Juxian the symbol.” “你可真是不要脸。”楚一一哧道,“不就是张聚仙符。” Ye Kong old face one red, the anger said, walks quickly, slow-going, has a look is the what kind of gift.” 叶空老脸一红,怒道,“快走,磨磨蹭蹭,去看看到底是何等礼物。” They walk, arrive at the grand construction that just completed, this moment entrance has stood the person, Wang Junhui welcomed to say with a smile: Leaf Exalted Immortal, comes to have a look not to look like quickly like.” 两人一路走去,来到一处刚刚建成的雄伟建筑,此刻门口已经站满了人,王俊辉迎过来笑道:“叶上仙,快进来看看象不象。” Inside Ye Kong walks to look, sees only a golden light shining big Bodhisattva, sits above the lotus throne, the appearance is gentle, but facial features unexpectedly...... Ye Kong faints, everybody, I really am not a monk.” 叶空走进去一看,只见里边一个金光灿灿的大菩萨,坐在莲台之上,面目慈祥,可面容竟然正是自己……叶空晕倒,“各位,我真的不是和尚啊。”
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