MC :: Volume #13

#1275: The manufacture of immortal symbol

The manufacture of Chapter 1275 immortal symbol 第1275章仙符的制作 The people listen to Wang Junhui's words, some doubts, this tribe surrounding ancient times great cockroach was extinguished, the black water crazy python also eliminated, what crisis but also there is inadequate? 众人听王俊辉的话,都有些疑惑,这部落周围的远古巨蜚已经被灭,黑水狂蟒也已经消灭,还有什么危机不成? At this time Zhao Yu kun hurried an explanation, originally Wang Junhui's meaning, wants to ask numerous Immortal to help them build up one formidable immortal, this got it over and done. 这时赵宇坤赶紧一解释,原来王俊辉的意思,是想请众仙人帮助他们建起一个强大的仙阵,这就一劳永逸了。 As soon as everybody listens, thought that this idea is good, wants initially Hong Immortal Lord and five brothers comes monster, helping human construct one immortal, since continued to use. They also want to imitate. 大家一听,觉得这主意不错,想当初洪仙主和五个兄弟来妖界,帮人类建了一个仙阵,沿用至今。他们也想效仿一番。 Let alone, this is Zhao Yu kun native place , helping busily natural. Zhao Yu kun and Wang Junhui that celebrated a holiday already is the aging past events, can uncover has also uncovered, everybody considered for the tribe. 更何况,这是赵宇坤的老家,帮点忙理所当然。赵宇坤和王俊辉那点过节早就是陈年往事,能揭过也就揭过,大家都是为了部落着想。 Actually some of Zhao Yu kun early this plans, therefore he is bringing in several universe bags thinks of many materials, enough builds up immortal. 其实赵宇坤早有这个打算,所以他带着的几个乾坤袋里都装着不少材料,足够建起仙阵。 However this matter also has place of the trouble, that is immortal must use spirit stones is the power! Immortal that this must present has made a decision, Zhao Yu kun does not understand. 不过此事还有个麻烦之处,那就是仙阵必须使用灵石为动力!这就要在场的仙人拿主意了,赵宇坤对此也不懂。 He does not understand. But some people understand, Wu Guibao immortal general deploys troops expert in the world of mortals, went to Immortal World to study to immortal. 他不懂。可是有人懂,吴贵宝仙将在下界就是摆阵高手,去了仙界又对仙阵有所研究。 Wu Guibao said that the energy that this immortal opening, needs is huge, if not use the immortal jade, is a little troublesome. Is Top Grade spirit stones of use actuates like that immortal of monster spirit star......” 吴贵宝道,“这仙阵开启,需要的能量巨大,如果不用仙玉,就有点麻烦。象妖灵星的那个仙阵就是使用的极品灵石驱动……” Wang Junhui complexion is awkward, although them also has the spirit stones mineral lode, but has not mined together the Top Grade spirit stones. 王俊辉脸色尴尬,虽然他们这边也有灵石矿脉,可是至今也没开采出一块极品灵石。 Zhao Yu kun knows the situation, shakes the head saying that „the Top Grade spirit stones is impossible to have, we change to the High Grade spirit stones, supposes array eye......” 赵宇坤知道情况,摇头道,“极品灵石是不可能有,我们改成上品灵石,多设阵眼……” Wu Guibao beckons with the hand, „the strength of Top Grade spirit stones is not other spirit stones can substitute, the quantity many is also useless.” 吴贵宝摆手,“极品灵石的力量不是其他灵石能替代的,数量多也是无用。” In that immortal general immortal soldier also has to be skilled in this field of endeavor, immediately also proposed is divided into several small immortal, then mutually suggestion of connection. 仙将仙兵中也有精通此道的,立即又提出分成数个小仙阵,然后互相连通的建议。 They do not sleep in any case do not eat meal, therefore this discussed, is entire one day, has not thought the good plan. 他们反正不睡觉不吃饭也可以,所以这一商量,就是整整一天,也没想好方案。 Say/Way of Ye Kong to the set up formation, is knows nothing basically, he thinks to hear to dizzy, wants to study with their these expert, actually discovered oneself at all are not that brick. 叶空对布阵之道,基本是一窍不通的,他就觉得听得头昏脑胀,本来想跟他们这些高手学习一番,却发现自己根本不是那块料。 Next day, Ye Kong goes out of the room, listens again, he felt nauseated. 第二天,叶空走出房间,再听下去,他就要吐了。 At this moment next afternoon, the weather is good, the sunlight is bright, actually does not expose to the sun the person, the breeze has stroked the mountain forest, blows is very comfortable in the human. 此刻正是第二天下午,天气不错,阳光灿烂,却不晒人,微风拂过山林,吹在人身上很舒服。 These mortal and cultivator in being busy reconstructing, on faces raises is overflowing joyfully. leaf Exalted Immortal has killed the great cockroach and crazy python, spirit stones that also piles up to them, must set up defense immortal to them now, they have no reason not to be happy. 那些凡人修士都在忙着重建,一个个脸上都扬溢着喜悦。叶上仙杀了巨蜚和狂蟒,又给他们堆积如山的灵石,现在还要给他们设立防御仙阵,他们没有理由不高兴。 At this moment sees Ye Kong, these mortal and cultivator hastily give Ye Kong to salute, some also offer their local characteristics food or the tea, this makes Ye Kong think very warm. 此刻看见叶空,那些凡人修士都连忙给叶空行礼,有的还送上他们当地的特色食品或者茶水,这让叶空觉得非常的温暖。 Transferred, Ye Kong returned to the yard that oneself temporarily resided, entered the room to sit cross-legged to sit in meditation. 转了一圈,叶空就回到了自己暂住的小院里,进了房间盘腿打坐。 Immortal establishment is not one day two days, light discussed that the plan takes several days. In addition at present this immortal no one has made, exempts can not take many experiments, therefore is costs the time the matter. Is good because, Northern Emperor has given them six months, now 50% time have not arrived, therefore they can also be relieved, others are busy studying construction immortal, but Ye Kong starts to sit in meditation, turns Talisman Spell Comprehensive Guide in spiritual platform Purple Mansion. 仙阵的建立并不是一天两天,光讨论方案就要几天。再加上目前这种仙阵谁也没弄过,免不得要多番试验,所以是件非常耗费时间的事。好在,北帝给了他们半年时间,现在一半时间还没到,所以他们也能安下心来,别人忙着研究建造仙阵,而叶空就开始打坐,去翻灵台紫府中的符咒大全 After Ye Kong arrives at Immortal World, realm continually promotes, in this period he also and had to cross Talisman Spell Comprehensive Guide. He had not forgotten, but he had not opened. 叶空来到仙界以后,境界不断提升,期间他也并不是没有翻过符咒大全。他并没有忘记,不过他一直都没有翻开过。 Today he sinks to within the body the immortal knowledge once again, enters in Purple Mansion. Enters, sees that Godhead to live alone a corner/horn, but in the Purple Mansion center, above Jinquan, is stopping green books together. 今天他又一次把仙识沉入体内,进入紫府中。一进入,就看见那颗神格独处一角,而在紫府中央,一道金泉之上,停着一本青色书卷。 Ye Kong places monster at this moment, but reads in that books, is actually is still the immortal symbol two characters, it seems like can open to where and places where not to relate, more importantly own Cultivation Base. 叶空此刻身处妖界,可是去看那书卷上,却是依然是仙符二字,看来能打开到哪里和身处何方没有关系,重要的是自身的修为 Arrives here, Ye Kong somewhat is at heart excited, in fact each time will open one page to be excited newly, because he was anticipating each time what mysterious spell Talisman Spell Comprehensive Guide will bring to him, these time will be no exception. 来到这里,叶空心里有些激动,事实上他每一次来新翻开一页都会激动,因为他每次都很期待着符咒大全会给他带来什么样神奇的符咒,这一次也不例外。 He for fear that again is unable to open like before, therefore is opens an corner/horn first very much carefully...... 他生怕再象以前那样无法翻开,所以先是很小心地翻开一角…… Can change! Ye Kong great happiness! 可以翻动!叶空大喜! Hurries this immortal symbol first page of opening, saw only on the books not one page of spells like former Spirit Talisman, this first page has written all over the character unexpectedly. 赶紧将这仙符第一页翻开,只见书卷上边并没有象以前灵符那样一页一种符咒,这第一页竟然写满了字。 Ye Kong constrains heart excited mood, read hastily. Slightly watches, Ye Kong understood, no wonder was promoted superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal to open the immortal symbol first page to oneself. 叶空压抑住心头激动的情绪,连忙阅读。略一观看,叶空才明白了,怪不得一直到自己晋级了上等大罗金仙才能打开仙符第一页。 In Talisman Spell Comprehensive Guide explained, the immortal symbol and Spirit Talisman method of manufacturing are different! Before Spirit Talisman that was based on talisman paper or the animal skin, took rune/symbol Biling the black ink as the intermediary, the spiritual power picture above talisman paper, produced the different effects. But immortal symbol, is based on cutting open and rubbing thin Xianyu, recognizes as the pettifoggery by the immortal, in the immortal jade, carves certain writing with the mark, the stimulation produces the different results. 符咒大全中说明,仙符和灵符制作方法是大不一样的!以前灵符那是以符纸或者兽皮为本,以符笔灵墨为媒,将灵力画在符纸之上,产生不同的功效。而仙符,则是以切开并磨薄仙玉为本,以仙识为刀笔,在仙玉中,刻下一定的文字和符号,激发时产生不一样的效果。 Recognizes as the pettifoggery by the immortal, the thorough immortal jade, carves the content. But knows in the immortal thorough immortal jade, carves the content again, this also needs cultivate special Immortal Technique. 以仙识为刀笔,深入仙玉内部,刻下内容。而把仙识深入仙玉之中,再刻下内容,这也是需要修炼一种特别的仙术的。 Wants cultivate this system immortal symbol Immortal Technique, wants above superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal to study. Therefore, until now Ye Kong can open this first page! 修炼这种制仙符的仙术,非要上等大罗金仙以上才能学习。因此,直到现在叶空才能翻开这第一页! Ye Kong looks to be suddenly enlighted, no wonder before , could not open. However now opened, appears is not the facture of various immortal symbols, but is manufacture talisman Immortal Technique. First must study manufacture talisman Immortal Technique, after that can open various immortal symbols the facture, studies the manufacture of immortal symbol. 叶空看完恍然大悟,怪不得自己之前一直打不开。不过现在打开了,出现的也不是各种仙符的制法,而是制符仙术。首先要学习了制符仙术,其后才能打开各种仙符的制法,学习仙符的制作。 Immortal World has the immortal symbol, but the user are not many. Most important is because Immortal Technique of this system immortal symbol is not well-known, the person who knows will not teach others easily, therefore the majority of immortal symbol facture has been lost. 仙界是有仙符的,不过使用者不多。最重要的就是因为这制仙符的仙术并不是人人皆知,知道的人也不会轻易教给别人,因此大部分的仙符制法都已经失传。 However that immortal symbol technique of cultivate of manufacture is quite tedious, must first polish the immortal jade. Ye Kong to obtain the back immortal symbol, only then takes back the immortal knowledge, takes out together the immortal jade, just about to prepares to cut open the polish with Immortal Sword. Actually hears the outside remote place, resounds rumble the bombardment sound. 不过那仙符的制作之术修炼比较繁琐,第一步要打磨仙玉。叶空为了得到后边的仙符,也只有收回仙识,取出一块仙玉,刚要准备用仙剑切开打磨。却听见外边遥远处,又响起隆隆的轰击声。 Passed through yesterday's black water giant war, in the tribe flustered, one hear and has the sound of fight, everybody is anxious, with trepidation, did not know and came any formidable monster beast. 经过了昨天的黑水巨人这一战,部落里人心惶惶,一听又有战斗之声,大家都紧张起来,提心吊胆,不知道又来了什么强大的妖兽。 That side Wu Guibao Chu Yiyi and the others also hastily run, Ye Kong hurries to fly, told them, has not related, has not related with us, everybody felt relieved that is. 那边吴贵宝楚一一等人也是连忙跑出来,叶空赶紧飞过去,跟他们说,没关系,跟我们没关系,大家放心就是。 Must say that the sound of that bombardment, others do not know, but Ye Kong is actually clear. That is the sound tail cash promise, destroys immortal corpse ancient grave. Actually this is also test of Ye Kong on the sound tail, if the sound tail has not gone to ruin the immortal corpse ancient grave, or destroys is not thorough, the omission, that Ye Kong will be intentionally impolite to them. 要说那轰击之声,别人不知道,可叶空却是清楚的很。那是响尾兑现诺言,去毁灭仙尸古墓了。其实这也是叶空对响尾的考验,如果响尾并没有去毁掉仙尸古墓,或者毁的不彻底,故意遗漏,那叶空就会对他们不客气了。 However the situation is not this. Waited for the double-hour, Ye Kong to fly to look, saw only that immortal corpse ancient grave to be razed, explodes the gulf, let alone the immortal corpse, here ground sank two meters. Looked again that ten defend the grave snake person, tied up on the surrounding tree. 不过情况并不是这样。等了个把时辰,叶空飞过去一看,只见那仙尸古墓已经被夷为平地,炸成深坑,别说仙尸了,就连这里的地面都炸沉下去两米。再一看,那十个守墓蛇人,都被绑在周围的树上。 Ye Kong nods secretly, this flies, crash-bang the snake person rescues thin that in these cry. 叶空暗自点头,这才飞过去,把那些哭的稀里哗啦的蛇人救下。
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