MC :: Volume #13

#1274: Everywhere spirit stones

Chapter 1274 everywhere spirit stones 第1274章满地灵石 Harnesses the roaming that seven pink clouds are coming back to fly into the star, here the discovery is the worldwide chaos is ordinary. 驾着七彩云回来的正是哉游哉飞进星球,却发现这边已经是天下大乱一般。 Most striking, without doubt is that more than 30 zhang (3.33 m) high black water giants. More than 30 zhang (3.33 m) are more than 100 meters, which places is indomitable spirit, these old trees are highest, together its waist. 最醒目的,无疑是那个30多丈高的黑水巨人。30多丈就是100多米,放在哪都是顶天立地,那些古树最高的,也不过齐它的腰部。 More than ten Immortal are that this thing does not have the means with Immortal Sword, but these cultivator magical artifact magical treasure are actually similar to likes a moth to the flame general, was wielded by the giant big hand, sweeps one piece. 十多个仙人手拿仙剑却是那这东西没有办法,而那些修士法器法宝却如同飞蛾扑火一般,被巨人大手一挥,扫开一片。 Most miserable is actually these mortal, they are unable to fly, only then runs away in a panic. But their two leg how comparing favorably with giants? A black water giant fist pounds down, does not know that had many people dead. However this is also not most fatal. What is fatal is these black water, hardly seems the inscription on stone tablet and bronze, crash-bang, does not know that many mortal were wrapped by the black water. 最惨的却是那些凡人,他们无法飞行,只有仓皇逃走。可是他们两条腿又如何比得上巨人?黑水巨人一拳头砸下,就不知道有多少人丧生。不过这还不是最致命的。致命的是那些黑水,坚硬好似金石,哗啦一下,又不知多少凡人被黑水包裹。 mortal flesh and blood, how also to be as good as these steel black water. When the current of water draws back into the under foot of giant, what stays behind is the covered with blood corpse. 凡人的血肉之躯,又如何抵得上这些钢铁般的黑水。当水流退入巨人的脚下,留下的是血肉模糊的尸体。 The mortal large unit evacuates first, how their speed to be too slow, was caught up by the black water giants easily, the large-scale massacre must occur shortly, numerous Immortal and cultivator are both eyes are red, wish one could and giant put together life and death. 凡人的大部队是最先撤离的,奈何他们速度太慢,被黑水巨人轻易赶上,眼看更大规模的大屠杀就要发生,众仙人修士都是双目赤红,恨不得上去和巨人拼个你死我活。 But that large unit mortal is also panic-stricken, scatters in all directions to flee, there are these elderly and infirm, ran was so long, was again too tired to move any further. 而那大部队凡人也是惊慌失措,四散奔逃,也有那些老弱妇孺,奔跑了这么久,再也跑不动。 Child, runs away quickly, leave alone my this old fogy!” Sits old man's on wheelbarrow young man to the cart shouts. “孩子,快逃吧,别管我这个老家伙了!”一个坐在独轮车上的老者对推车的年轻汉子喊道。 Father, all right, Immortal will certainly try to find the solution, so long as insists a meeting again.” That youth but actually is also filial. “爹,没事,仙人一定会想办法的,只要再坚持一会。”那个青年倒也是孝顺。 Immortal must have the means already to have the means that the child, listens my, puts down me, hurries to escape!” The old men see the son not to walk, rolls down from the wheelbarrow unexpectedly, in the mouth shouted, walks quickly! Later has a child, making them try hard cultivate Immortal Technique, only then becomes an immortal is hopeful!” 仙人要有办法早就有办法了,孩子,听我的,放下我,赶紧逃命去吧!”老者见儿子不走,竟然从独轮车上滚下,口中大喊,“快走!以后多生孩子,让他们努力修炼仙法,只有成仙才有希望啊!” mortal is extremely small and weak, only has cultivate in this monster, becomes an immortal to obtain enlightenment, hopefully maintains a livelihood, can live for a long time. 凡人太过弱小,在这妖界只有修炼,成仙得道,才有希望活命,才能活得更久。 The youth sees the old father so, in the item with tears, exclaimed: Father, becomes an immortal and has what using, that several aren't Immortal, at a loss to the black water monster in the same old way?” 那青年见老父如此,目中含泪,吼道:“爹,成仙又有何用,那十几个仙人,不照样对黑水妖束手无策嘛?” At this time Wang Junhui big elder in sky ordered loudly: All tribe subjects, at this moment are my tribe critical times at a crucial moment, whether my tribe can survive, in this at one fell swoop! Now listens to my verbal command, all young men and women throw down the unwieldy belongings, flees and becomes separated separately! All women and children, the olds and weak and young boy bring up the rear completely, prevent the giant!” 这时天空中的王俊辉大长老已经大声下令道:“所有部落子民,此刻是我部落千钧一发的危急时刻,我部落能否存活下去,在此一举!现在听我号令,所有青壮男女丢下笨重财物,分头逃散!所有妇孺、老弱、幼童全部殿后,阻挡巨人!” This world so brutal, does not have no woman first, does not have what care next generation, only then the young and middle-aged men and women ran away, tribe some hopes of going on living, otherwise, everybody dies together, no one can live. 这个世界就是如此的残酷,没有什么女士优先,也没有什么关心下一代,只有青壮年男女逃了,部落才有活下去的希望,否则,大家一起死,谁也活不成。 But human has the sentiment, throws down the parents child, oneself escape, how many people also there are to want? Immediately large military force wept and wailed sound one piece, horrible to look. Here confusion lets the black water giants is very happy, its stride follows, to the crowd most crowded place is being a fist! 可是人类是有感情的,丢下爹娘孩子,自己逃命,又有几人愿意?顿时大队人马里哭喊声一片,惨不忍睹。这边的混乱让黑水巨人很是开心,它大步跟上,对着人群最密集处就是一拳! Does not want!” Chu Yiyi did not endure to look again, closes the beautiful pupil. “不要!”楚一一已经不忍再看,闭上美眸。 Zhao Yu kun feels like a knife twisting in the heart, he has not thought that oneself appearance the clansman brings the so grave disaster to oneself unexpectedly, has the person to come back to exterminate the black water crazy python, will not have now this. 赵宇坤则是心如刀绞,他没想到自己的出现竟然给自己族人带来如此深重的灾难,要不是自己带人回来剿灭黑水狂蟒,也不会有现在这一幕。 I really am futile am the immortal!” “我真是枉自为仙!” That side Wu Guibao is also in heart rebukes oneself, this occurrence, he has the faced responsibility. If the discrete person, decides to suppose to siege immortal before the attack, preventing the crazy python to run away. However he feared at that time troublesome, has had a low opinion of the enemy, this brings in the boundless disaster. 那边吴贵宝也是心中自责,这一幕的发生,他有着不可推卸的责任。如果谨慎之人,定会在攻击前设下围困仙阵,防止狂蟒逃走。不过他当时就怕麻烦,轻敌了,这才引来无边灾祸。 „The black but who in this critical time, suddenly in the sky shouting out of thunderclap, where comes, Ye here, is not one's turn you to be wild!” 可就在这危急时刻,突然天空中一声炸雷似的呼喝,“哪里来的黑鬼,叶某人在此,轮不到你猖狂!” These mortal look up, sees only one to tread seven pink clouds Immortal, that day strikes to kill Immortal of great cockroach! Immediately, they stop acting completely, look in the midair that youngster Immortal, is similar to the deity descends to earth general, pulls open the green long bow! 那些凡人抬头一看,只见一个踏着七彩云的仙人,正是那日击杀巨蜚的仙人!顿时,他们全部停止动作,看着半空中那个少年仙人,如同天神下凡一般,拉开绿色长弓! Does not want!” Chu Yiyi shouts one. “不要!”楚一一大喊一声。 Must know, so long as that black water giant one were attacked, will disperse the big piece the black water, such harm pound down compared with its fist also wants on big many! But Ye Kong this arrow shoots, does not know that has many mortal to by the black water tide be embezzled. 要知道,那黑水巨人只要一被攻击,就会散成大片的黑水,这样的危害要比它一拳砸下还要大上许多!而叶空这一箭射下,也不知道有多少凡人要被黑水浪潮所吞没。 However Chu Yiyi shouted was late! 不过楚一一喊的迟了! That side Ye Kong lifts the hand is an arrow, seven color arrow arrows pull out the dazzling tail light, sprinkles the twinkle star, the straightly shoots giant head! 那边叶空抬手就是一箭,七彩箭矢拉出炫目的尾光,洒下一路星星点点,直射巨人脑袋! Being disillusioned Heavenly Dao! 破灭天道! Bang! Giant that gigantic head hit a target by this arrow, in the giant explosion sound, the black water of big piece was shaken the nail size by being disillusioned Heavenly Dao, becomes the detritus, the square illness shoots! As if the solid ice fought with the fists smashing to be common! 轰!巨人那硕大的脑袋被这一箭射中,巨大的轰响中,大片的黑水被破灭天道震成指甲般大小,成为碎屑,四方疾射!仿佛坚冰被一拳打得粉碎一般! Although the attacks of other Immortal are formidable, but actually cannot strike the powder the black water, but Ye Kong's being disillusioned Heavenly Dao actually yes! After strikes, the black water becomes the 10 million/absolutely block nail big fragment scatters, is unable to constitute the injury! What is most important, these become the powder black water lose the contact with the giant unexpectedly probably, died generally. After falling to the ground, turns into Water Attribute spirit stones unexpectedly! 其他仙人的攻击虽然强大,可是却不能把黑水击成粉末,而叶空的破灭天道却是可以!一击过后,黑水成为千万块指甲大的碎片散落,根本无法构成伤害!最重要的是,那些成为粉末的黑水竟然好像和巨人失去联系,死了一般。落地以后,竟然化成一颗颗的水属性灵石! A Ye Kong arrow accomplishment, these mortal loudly shouted completely with tears, leaf Exalted Immortal saved us!” 叶空一箭建功,那些凡人全部含泪大呼,“叶上仙来救我们了!” Zhao Yu kun and Chu Yiyi and the others also in eye with tears. Wu Guibao sighed: So-called thing falls a thing, Brother leaf this being disillusioned Heavenly Dao, is just this difficult adversary in black water.” 赵宇坤和楚一一等人都也眼中含泪。吴贵宝叹道:“所谓一物降一物,叶兄弟这破灭天道,刚好是这黑水的克星。” Ye Kong shoots the head of giant, sees only the head to drill from its body! 叶空射掉巨人的脑袋,只见又有一个脑袋从它身体中钻出! Ye Kong did not speak, lifted hand is an arrow! 叶空也不说话,抬手又是一箭! An arrow is an arrow! 一箭又是一箭! After 78 arrows, black water of giant loses the serious, giant at this moment, original 50% sizes! 78箭过后,巨人的黑水损失惨重,此刻的巨人,个头只有原来的一半大小! The giant knows to run into the difficult adversary, howled, was bowing the head in greeting to Ye Kong, calls out in the sound, seemed begging for mercy with hardship general. 那巨人知道遇到克星,吼叫一声,对着叶空纳头便拜,嚎叫声中,仿佛在苦苦求饶一般。 At this time Wu Guibao and the others have flown Ye Kong behind, said: Brother leaf, this black water giant have begged for mercy, although it is black water crazy python Body Possession, but lost the original Heavenly Dao inheritance...... This thing is very seemingly formidable, I looked that might as well punish the immortal to favor, takes away Immortal World cultivate, in the future must have big using!” 这时吴贵宝等人已经飞到叶空身后,说道:“叶兄弟,这黑水巨人已经求饶,虽然它是黑水狂蟒夺舍,可是已经丧失原来的天道传承……这东西貌似挺强大,我看不如收作仙宠,带去仙界修炼一番,日后必有大用!” Zhao Yu kun and these world of mortals cultivator, although hates extremely the black water giant, but Ye Kong is their savior, many did not say. Wang Junhui big elder also nods saying: Yes, might as well punish the immortal to favor, this thing goes to Immortal World cultivate one to think is more formidable, this does not have the bastard of spirit wisdom, we do not need to haggle over......” 赵宇坤和那些下界修士虽然都恨极黑水巨人,可是叶空是他们救命恩人,却也不好多说。那王俊辉大长老则是也点头道:“是啊是啊,不如收作仙宠,这东西去仙界修炼一番想必更强大,这就是个没灵智的畜生而已,我们也没必要计较……” However the people actually listen to Ye Kong cold snort/hum one, „can it kill then kills, wants rich/forgive Bianrao? How could does the father listen to a bastard to organize? I manage it to have what big to use in the future, its today's wickedness, must pay the price! The slayers die!” 不过众人却听叶空冷哼一声,“它要杀便杀,要饶便饶?老子岂能听一个畜生摆布?我管它日后有何大用,它今日之恶,就必须付出代价!杀人者死!” Ye Kong said, lifts the hand to bend the bow the nocking, is being flip-flop one shoots to the black water giant of begging for mercy! 叶空说完,抬手弯弓搭箭,对着求饶的黑水巨人又是噼噼啪啪一顿射! Shells in the sound, the black water giants turned into the big pile of black Water Attribute spirit stones, piles up! Under the moonlight, reflects the clear gloss! 轰击声中,黑水巨人变成了大堆的黑色水属性灵石,堆积如山!在月光下,反射出晶莹的光泽! Leaf Exalted Immortal!” Numerous mortal are kneeling down to the sky loudly. Actually Ye Kong received the black giant, they will not have the opinion. However Ye Kong actually persists in killing black giant, this makes them subdue in Ye Kong. Does not know a moment ago had many to run the slow death in the great person hand, these had the family member dead, kowtowed while bursts into tears. “叶上仙!”众多凡人轰然对着天空跪倒。其实叶空收了黑巨人,他们也不会有意见。不过叶空却坚持杀死黑巨人,这让他们更加折服于叶空。刚才也不知道有多少跑得慢的死在巨人手中,那些有亲人死去的,更是一边磕头一边流泪。 However also many people, after kowtowing, then hurrying stands, rushes to sort spirit stones. That many spirit stones, this is the pen huge wealth! 不过也有不少人,磕头以后,便赶紧站起来,奔过去拣灵石。那么多灵石,这可是笔巨大的财富! These fellows!” Wang Junhui for it illness brought on by the obstruction of flow of vital energy. “这些家伙!”王俊辉为之气结。 Ye Kong beckons with the hand saying: Goes by them.” 叶空摆手道:“由他们去吧。” His is not big, clarity that but back cultivator listen , is also looks that many spirit stones covet. 他这一声不大,可后边的修士们听的清楚,一个个也是看着那么多灵石眼热。 However at this time, actually many mortal picked spirit stones to give small cultivator, that cultivator has installed with storage pouch, this harnessed magical artifact to fly, respectful sound said: Leaf Exalted Immortal, everybody said that these are leaf Exalted Immortal, therefore sorted wanted me to give the leaf Exalted Immortal to send.” 不过这时,却有不少凡人捡到灵石都交给一个小修士,那修士储物袋装了,这才驾法器飞上来,恭声道:“叶上仙,大家都说这些都是叶上仙的,所以都拣了要我给叶上仙送来呢。” Originally these people sort for oneself. Ye Kong listened to the heart to be moved, said loudly: These spirit stones are useless to me, everybody sorts, picks to buy magical artifact magical treasure of some guards, or helps out with family expenses.” 原来这些人是为自己拣的。叶空听了心头感动,大声道:“这些灵石对我无用,大家都拣吧,捡回去买些护身的法器法宝,或者贴补家用。” Leaf Exalted Immortal long live!” These mortal all excited kneels down to kowtow. “叶上仙万岁!”那些凡人全都兴奋的跪下磕头。 These are flying cultivator is also each one fingers greatly moves, may be also embarrassed, listens to Ye Kong is you also goes.” People then overjoyed. 那些飞着的修士也是个个手指大动,可又不好意思下去,听叶空又是一声“你们也去吧。”众人这才欢天喜地的去了。 That night can be said as 6 p.m. to midnight is greatly sad, late at night great happiness. Ye Kong and people return to the tribe, here was destroyed much, may many places be also perfect. 这一夜可以说是前半夜大悲,后半夜大喜。叶空和众人回到部落,这边被破坏了不少,可也有不少地方还完好无损。 Zhao Yu kun and Wang Junhui were saying anything alone, but this side, numerous Immortal assembles in the same place, not only these mortal respect Ye Kong, at this moment these immortal soldier immortal general are also admires to Ye Kong full of admiration. 赵宇坤和王俊辉单独说着什么,而这一边,一众仙人围聚在一起,不但那些凡人敬仰叶空,此刻就连那些仙兵仙将叶空也是佩服地五体投地。 Wu Guibao said with a smile: Brother leaf, congratulations, cannot think that your exiting most of the day, broke through superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal unexpectedly, I and others were envies, thought and has the fortuitous encounter.” 吴贵宝笑道:“叶兄弟,恭喜啊,想不到你出去大半天,竟然突破到了上等大罗金仙,我等都是羡慕不已啊,想必又有奇遇。” Ye Kong haha said with a smile: Fortuitous encounter does not have, with has one colorfully actually.” 叶空哈哈笑道:“奇遇没有,艳遇倒是有一场。” The people smile, Chu Yiyi mocked: Yes, this monster is the evil spirit is numerous, does not know that is the sow or the bitch?” 众人都笑起来,楚一一讥诮道:“是呀,这妖界就是妖物众多,也不知道是母猪呢还是母狗?” The Ye Kong heart said that imperial concubine Feng, although is crazier, but before that is proper Immortal or, not being able to withstand that the Immortal Lord wife, can it be that you said? He hehe said with a smile: 11 fairy maidens, may not have below with the hobby of animal, if the fairy maiden likes, in the future will lead you to look at the Western blockbuster movie person and beast.” 叶空心说那凤妃虽然疯狂些,可那是正经仙人还是前仙主的老婆,岂是你说的不堪?他嘿嘿笑道:“11仙子,在下可没有和动物的爱好,如果仙子喜欢,日后带你去看西洋巨片人与兽。” Chu Yiyi face one red, scolded: Nonsense, does not know that said anything.” 楚一一脸一红,骂道:“胡言乱语,也不知道说些什么。” Wu Guibao hurries saying: Brother leaf, should not be air/Qi the young lady, she discovered that you are not, what is anxious is beats the breast and stamps the feet......” 吴贵宝赶紧道:“叶兄弟,你就别气大小姐了,她发现你不在,急的是捶胸顿足啊……” Ye Kong gets angry immediately: Wu Guibao, you lies!” 叶空立即怒道:“吴贵宝,你说谎!” Wu Guibao and the others are one dull, does not know why Ye Kong gets angry. 吴贵宝等人都是一呆,不知道叶空为何发怒。 Actually listened to Ye Kong to smile suddenly, said: Beats the breast and stamps the feet, clearly lies, her where has the chest? How doesn't have the chest to beat?” 却听叶空突然又笑了,道:“捶胸顿足,分明是说谎,她哪有胸?没胸又如何捶?” Chu Yiyi is angry, exclaims: How doesn't this fairy maiden have the chest?” Roars to redden all over the face immediately, side person laughed, Chu Yiyi clenches teeth to come up to go all out with Ye Kong. 楚一一大怒,吼道:“本仙子怎么没胸?”吼完顿时满脸通红,旁边人等不由发笑,楚一一咬牙要上来跟叶空拼命。 They in the merriment, Zhao Yu kun are leading tribe big elder Wang Junhui to come. Wang Junhui comes to kneel down to Ye Kong, tastes: Numerous position Exalted Immortal, please again help us! Let us not make a harassing attack by evil spirit beasts! World of mortals small cultivator Wang Junhui kowtowed to everybody on behalf of tribe several tens of thousands subjects.” 他们正在笑闹,赵宇坤却带着部落大长老王俊辉过来。那王俊辉一来就对着叶空跪下,口道:“众位上仙,请你们再帮帮我们!让我们再不受妖物兽类袭扰!下界小修王俊辉代表部落数万子民给各位磕头了。”
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