MC :: Volume #13

#1273: Strange black giant

Chapter 1273 第1273章 Strange black giant 诡异黑巨人 Your three, hit his head! Your three, hit his torso! Your three, hit the four limbs!” Wu Guibao ordered hastily, simultaneously he hurried to order Chu Yiyi to inform Zhao Yu kun, hurried to have the person evacuation of his tribe. “你们三个,打他的头!你们三个,打他的躯干!你们三个,打四肢!”吴贵宝连忙下令,同时他又赶紧命令楚一一去通知赵宇坤,赶紧带着他部落的人撤离。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖!嗖! Three Immortal Sword project suddenly, the finished product glyph, rips open the air, having the tyrannical strength to dash to the black water giant! Follows close on after that also there are three Immortal Sword, straightly shoots to giant body! Then, three Immortal Sword, shoot at the giant both legs! 三把仙剑骤然射出,成品字形,撕开空气,带着强横的力量直扑黑水巨人!紧跟其后,又有三把仙剑,直射向巨人身体!接着,还有三把仙剑,射向巨人双腿! The minute strikes various giant places, Wu Guibao goal wants to find the weakness of giant! 分击巨人各处,吴贵宝的目的是想找到巨人的弱点! However, his strategy failed. The head of giant wiped out, in the a short while later black water body is a head grows. Its body was made a giant hole, but these classes arrive at the water of ground the class to come back to give it to patch quickly. Its leg was broken, but a short while later, it meets newborn two legs! 不过,他的计策落空了。巨人的脑袋被打掉,没一会黑水身体中又是个脑袋长出。它的身体被打出一个巨大的窟窿,可那些流到地面的水很快又流回来给它修补好。它的腿被打断,可没一会,它又会新生出两腿! Wu Guibao stands, in the foot steps in the cloud, actually does not know how to deal. This giant does not have the weakness, which breaks can regenerate, what to do? 吴贵宝站在脚踩云上,竟然不知道怎么应对。这巨人没有弱点,打破哪都能再生,怎么办呢? However the time does not wait for the person, a height dozens zhang (3.33 m) giant one step to take 20 zhang (3.33 m) distance. This fellow became is more intelligent, it knows that could not hit Immortal, could not overtake Immortal, therefore spelled to try, kills mortal and cultivator! 不过时间不等人,高数十丈的巨人一步就可以迈出20丈的距离。这家伙变得聪明多了,它知道打不过仙人,也追不上仙人,所以拼尽全力,去杀凡人修士 That side Zhao Yu kun was persuading the tribe younger generation. When he comes back, the black water has not turned into the giant, but thinks the danger indistinctly. Therefore he then lets these cultivator and mortal runs into on a nearby mountain top, at that time what he was worried is the flood and so on. 那边赵宇坤正劝说着部落后人。他回来时,黑水还没变成巨人,只是隐约觉得危险。于是他便让那些修士凡人逃入附近的一座山头上,他当时担心的是洪水之类。 However some people are not willing to leave. 不过也有人不愿离开。 In the corner/horn of tribe, under the totem pole, several young cultivator keep off in the mausoleum chamber entrance, said awkwardly, „when Zhao Exalted Immortal, several elder closed-door cultivation said that does not have the most important matter, the matter that also except for being related this springs up in a throng the dead life or death, other matters do not disturb them......” 在部落的一角,图腾柱下,几个年轻修士挡在地宫门口,为难地说道,“赵上仙,几位长老闭关时都说了,没有最重要的事,也就是除了事关本族生死存亡的事,其他事就不要打扰他们……” Zhao Yu kun knits the brows saying that that black water crazy python is unfolding to execute does not know any Magical Technique, looks like strangely, I feared that waited till the time without enough time......” 赵宇坤皱眉道,“那黑水狂蟒正在展施不知道什么法术,看起来诡异地很,我怕等到时候就来不及了……” That several young cultivator one hears, Zhao Exalted Immortal guessed, not necessarily really has the danger. Therefore they beckon with the hand saying that is not good, cannot awaken the elders. 那几个年轻修士一听,原来赵上仙只是猜测,并不一定真有危险。于是他们都摆手道,不行,绝不能去叫醒长老们。 cultivator said, king big the elder is attacking Void Refinement Stage Great Perfection, if successful, will be our entire monster Cultivation Base first person. We cannot disturb him, otherwise he, as soon as the anger killed us to be possible.” 一个修士说道,“王大长老正在冲击炼虚期大圆满,若是成功,将是我们整个妖界修为第一人。我们可不能去打扰他,否则他一怒杀了我们都是可能的。” Zhao Yu kun knits the brows saying that king big elder? But Wang Junhui?” 赵宇坤皱眉道,“王大长老?可是王俊辉?” Young cultivator respectful sound said, Wang Junhui elder.” 年轻修士恭声道,“正是王俊辉长老。” Zhao Yu kun has gawked. This Wang Junhui and he is same side fellow apprentices, he is a Senior Brother, simple and honest simple, Wang Junhui is a Junior Brother, smart intelligent. They liked young Junior Sister, when who was young, didn't have the memories of these love affairs? 赵宇坤愣了一下。这王俊辉和他乃是同门师兄弟,他是师兄,憨厚朴实,王俊辉是师弟,机灵聪明。他们都喜欢上了小师妹,谁人年少时,没有这些风花雪月的记忆呢? At that time Master gate elders favor Zhao Yu kun, thought that he was quite steady, in the future will marry the young Junior Sister, inherited position of Master Menda the elder, host Master gate. 当时师门长辈都是看好赵宇坤,觉得他比较稳重,日后娶了小师妹,继承师门大长老之位,主持师门。 Zhao Yu kun is also very happy, cultivate, closed-door cultivation , to promote Cultivation Base diligently diligently diligently...... Has not actually thought, he has actually neglected a point, the girl must accompany. That young Junior Sister starts to think that two people are hard to choose, is Zhao Yu kun never, Wang Junhui all day with her...... 赵宇坤也是很开心,努力修炼,努力闭关,努力提升修为……却没想到,他却疏忽了一点,女孩子是要陪的。那小师妹开始觉得两人难以选择,可是赵宇坤老不在,王俊辉整日跟着她…… The good female unable to stand up to the grinding, when Zhao Yu kun goes out, discovered Wang Junhui with the young Junior Sister dark knot bead embryo. In Zhao Yu kun heart depressed, the night more wants to be bothersomer, is hard to sit in meditation, this midnight goes crazy to rush to the black water deep pool, has stolen the young son of crazy python, comes across some fortuitous encounters, left this star. 好女也经不住磨嘛,等赵宇坤出关,发现王俊辉都跟小师妹暗结珠胎了。赵宇坤心中苦闷,有一夜越想越烦,难以入定,这才半夜发神经奔到黑水潭,偷了狂蟒的幼崽,又遇到些奇遇,离开了这个星球。 Thinks of here, Zhao Yu kun is somewhat sad. Cannot think for several thousand years later, here thing is the person not, the death of acquaintance certainly, only one, is own love rival. 想到此处,赵宇坤有些感伤。想不到几千年以后,这里物是人非,熟人的死绝,唯一的一个,还是自己的情敌。 May in this time, that side black water deep pool scourge thunderclap alarm here, many cultivator harness the magical treasure heaven to surround. Some quick people fly, could not reach an agreement, the absorption of water of black water deep pool divine sense of crazy python turned into the giant, seems Immortal has no alternative! 可正在此时,那边黑水潭天谴的雷声惊动这边,不少修士驾着法宝上天围观。很快就有人飞来,说不好了,黑水潭的水吸收了狂蟒的神识变成了巨人,看上去仙人都无可奈何呢! Zhao Yu kun ordered hastily, awakened all closed-door cultivation elders! 赵宇坤连忙下令,叫醒所有闭关的长老! That several young cultivator actually does not dare to call Wang Junhui, Zhao Yu feminine virtue, you called other people, I called my this Junior Brother.” 那几个年轻修士却不敢去叫王俊辉,赵宇坤道,“你们去叫旁人,我去叫我这师弟。” Comes to a mausoleum chamber central stone chamber, outside has numerous banned, but these are the world of mortals banned, Zhao Yu kun lifts the hand to stroke, emits the immortal strength, relieves easily. 来到地宫中央的一处石室,外边有着重重禁制,不过这些都是下界禁制,赵宇坤抬手一拂,放出仙力,轻易解除。 At this time, he put out a hand to knock at the door, calls said, Junior Brother, I came back!” 这时,他才伸手拍门,唤道,“师弟,我回来了!” The person of world of mortals cannot see the Immortal rank. First time saw like initially Ye Kong, first time sees Yamomato to construct the Jin/benevolent, thinks that they are mortal. 下界之人是看不出仙人等级的。就象当初叶空第一次看见朵朵,第一次看见山本建仁,都以为他们是凡人 Zhao Yu kun has not put on golden immortal armor, therefore the semblance cannot see is really Immortal, in addition in the past he left has not come back, therefore Wang Junhui does not know that Zhao Yu kun is Immortal. 赵宇坤也没穿金色仙甲,所以外表真看不出是仙人,加上当年他离开就没回来,所以王俊辉也不知道赵宇坤是仙人 Wang Junhui was awakened, coughed, puts out a blood, in the heart flies into a rage. His closed-door cultivation had 300 years, rushed to Great Perfection to be quick shortly, at this important moment was actually awakened! 王俊辉被叫醒,咳了一声,吐出一口鲜血,心中勃然大怒。他闭关有300年了,眼看冲上大圆满就快了,却在这关键时刻被人叫醒! stone door opens, outside sees unexpectedly is Zhao Yu kun who several thousand years do not see. In Wang Junhui heart one startled, this boy has not died, thinks Cultivation Base to be good, looked with Heavenly Eye Technique, actually does not have Cultivation Base! 石门一开,看见外边竟然是几千年不见的赵宇坤。王俊辉心中一惊,这小子也没死,想必修为不错,用天眼术一看,竟然没有修为 Wang Junhui understood immediately, this boy Cultivation Base and are probably similar, this intentionally breaks oneself closed-door cultivation, was not surpassed him by oneself. 王俊辉顿时明白了,这小子修为和自己大概差不多,这才故意来打断自己闭关,不让自己超过他。 He immediately cold -ly snorted and said, Senior Brother Zhao, since comes back, should assist to manage the tribe in me, why comes back on line this villain act, blocks my cultivate, is it possible that did you also take to heart to the initial matter inadequately?” 他当即冷哼道,“赵师兄既然回来,理应协助于我管理部落,为何一回来就行此小人行径,阻我修炼,莫非你还对当初之事耿耿于怀不成?” Zhao Yu kun heart said that the father is to save you, I want the villain I no matter you! 赵宇坤心说老子是来救你,我要小人我才不管你! Villain's heart, you forever is a villain!” Zhao Yu kun cold snort/hum, turned head to go out. “小人之心,你永远是个小人!”赵宇坤冷哼了一声,扭头走出。 Wang Junhui is angry, the opens mouth puts out handle little hammer magical treasure, exclaimed, Zhao Yu kun, do not think that I feared you, my this Life-Source Magical Treasure thousand sewed ten thousand hammers, the might was infinite, Herculean, you fast emitted magical treasure, I must fight a decisive battle with you!” 王俊辉大怒,张口吐出一柄小锤法宝,吼道,“赵宇坤,别以为我怕你,我这本命法宝千钉万眼锤,威力无穷,力大无比,你速速放出法宝,我要与你决战!” In Zhao Yu kun heart funny, turned head to look at one, „in 8000 has also played magical treasure, did not fear disgraced.” 赵宇坤心中好笑,回头看了一眼,“8000年了还玩法宝,也不怕丢人。” Wang Junhui is angry, exclaims, cultivator does not play magical treasure, what also plays, is it possible that do you play the immortal treasure to be inadequate? Zhao Yu can kun, you play?” 王俊辉大怒,吼道,“修士不玩法宝,又玩什么,莫非你玩仙宝不成?赵宇坤,你玩得起么?” Is saying in him, female who an outside racing enter foot steps on the white clouds in a hurry, unexpectedly is also mortal, but lives pretty, stature plump and smooth-skinned, especially chest...... 正在他说着,外边匆匆奔进一个脚踩白云的女子,竟然也是凡人,不过生得貌美,身材丰润,特别是胸脯…… Chu Yiyi comes to say, Zhao Yu kun, do not delay, that black water crazy python the Body Possession black water giant, it knows that is not our matches, therefore is rushing to slaughter mortal, hurries to bring these cultivator to run away.” 楚一一进来就道,“赵宇坤,别拖延了,那黑水狂蟒已经夺舍黑水巨人,它知道不是我们对手,所以正奔过来屠杀凡人,赶紧带这些修士逃走。” Zhao Yu kun were not many said, greeting, bringing here cultivator to run out of the ground. But that Wang Junhui is thick facial skin, following Chu Yiyi saying that does not know how Fellow Daoist called, below was here human tribe big elder Wang Junhui, at present is attacking Void Refinement Great Perfection, before my Dao companion 3000, died, until now all alone...... Fellow Daoist your anything Cultivation Base, Fellow Daoist your this white clouds bond magical artifact to be very special, Fellow Daoist......” 赵宇坤也不多说,一声招呼,带这里修士冲出地面。而那王俊辉却厚着脸皮,跟上楚一一道,“不知道友怎么称呼,在下是这边人类部落大长老王俊辉,目前正在冲击炼虚大圆满,我道侣3000年前就死了,至今孤身一人……道友你到底什么修为,道友你这白云障法器很特别,道友……” Chu Yiyi must be tired, scolded, mental illness.” 楚一一都要烦死了,骂道,“神经病。” Left the ground, Wang Junhui frightens trembles. Sees only under the starry sky, a height has 30-40 zhang (3.33 m) high, the giant of being indomitable spirit has stood before the tribe, is destroying the building in tribe crazily. 出了地面,王俊辉吓得一哆嗦。只见星空下,一个身高有三四十丈高,顶天立地的巨人已经站在部落前,正在疯狂地破坏部落中的房屋建筑。 Bang! Does not know where shoots Immortal Sword, one arm of giant wiping out. Listens to crash-bang one, the black water falls to the ground, as if the mountain torrent is common, shatters the nearby house completely. 轰!不知哪里射来一把仙剑,一下把巨人的胳膊给打掉。就听哗啦一声,黑水落地,仿佛山洪一般,把附近房屋全部冲垮。 black water giant eyes see these person's shadow that departs from the underground cultivate place, since he wields the great fist, is pounding down to this direction directly! 黑水巨人一眼就看见这些从地下修炼处飞出的人影,他挥起巨拳,对着这个方向迎头砸下! At this time Wang Junhui discovered with amazement, Zhao Yu kun who he has despised, emitted Flying Sword unexpectedly, stepped white clouds, shot up to the sky! 这时王俊辉惊讶地发现,他一直鄙视的赵宇坤,竟然放出一把飞剑,踏上一片白云,冲天而起! Immortal Sword! That is Immortal Sword!” Wang Junhui lost one's voice to call out. 仙剑!那是仙剑!”王俊辉失声叫道。 Chu Yiyi cold -ly snorted and said does, how, is it possible that you also want to kill Zhao immortal general, the murder seized the treasure to be inadequate?” 楚一一冷哼道,“怎么,莫非你还想杀了赵仙将,杀人夺宝不成?” immortal general! These two characters are similar to the sledgehammer knock in Wang Junhui heart. Several thousand years do not see, he ascended became an immortal, but also has made immortal general, but oneself...... Wang Junhui argument sends painstakingly, the heart said oneself are really stupid, offended Zhao Yu kun a moment ago, feared that he haggles over with himself. 仙将!这两个字如同大锤敲在王俊辉心中。几千年不见,他已经飞升成仙,还做了仙将,而自己……王俊辉口舌发苦,心说自己真是愚蠢,刚才还得罪了赵宇坤,就怕他跟自己计较。 Bang! The fist of black water giant was defeated, the big piece black water whish pounds down, under Zhao Yu kun handles to guard, was pounded by the big piece black water, his surprised discovery, which these is the water, the weight and hard resembles the steel to be ordinary! 轰!黑水巨人的拳头被击破,大片黑水哗地一声砸下,下边赵宇坤措不及防,被大片黑水砸中,他吃惊的发现,这些哪是水,重量和坚硬就好象钢铁一般! , Zhao Yu kun was pounded to fall on the place, the body is also wrapped by a big black water. 啪地一声,赵宇坤被砸落在地,身体还被一大片黑水所包裹住。 I help Zhao Yu kun, you lead everybody to disperse!” Chu Yiyi orders one, depends Immortal Sword to throw! “我去帮助赵宇坤,你带大家疏散!”楚一一命令一声,也仗着仙剑扑上去! Wang Junhui has then gotten back one's composure, after all he is here big elder. He ordered immediately, all cultivator emitted magical artifact, the bigger the better, brought mortal, flew the midair, avoided the giant. 王俊辉这才回过神,毕竟他是这里的大长老。他立即下令,所有修士都放出法器,越大越好,多带凡人,飞上半空,躲避巨人。 However in tribe cultivator, only then several hundreds, mortal has several thousands! But monster cultivator is quite generally poor, fierce flight magical artifact simply does not have, can install the space magical artifact hear of live person not to listen, how many people therefore Flying Sword magical treasure can have? 不过部落中修士只有数百,凡人却有数万!而妖界修士普遍比较穷,厉害的飞行法器根本没有,能装活人的空间法器听都没听过,所以飞剑法宝又能带几人? Although Zhao Yu kun was wrapped by the black water, but he is Immortal, there is immortal armor to protect the body. A Chu Yiyi sword breaks the black water, Zhao Yu kun came out. 赵宇坤虽然被黑水包裹,可他是仙人,又有仙甲护体。楚一一一剑破开黑水,赵宇坤就出来了。 However these mortal have met with a disaster, the giant body somewhere was crushed each time, has the big piece black water to fall, wraps in which big piece mortal, waits for the black water to escape, what remaining is pressed the covered with blood big piece corpse! 不过那些凡人就遭殃了,每次巨人身体某处被击碎,就有大片黑水落下,把大片凡人包裹其中,等黑水流走,剩下的是被压得血肉模糊的大片尸体! Sees so the tragedy, flies has been shocked in Immortal and Immortal Cultivator of midair. However they do not have slight means that that black water giant, you do not hit it fortunately, you have hit it, it will turn into the black water, the person who kills are more. 看见如此惨剧,飞在半空的仙人修仙者都已经惊呆。不过他们却没有丝毫的办法,那黑水巨人,你不打它还好,你打了它,它就会化成黑水,杀死的人更多。 Calls a halt, calls a halt, stops attacking!” Wu Guibao drinks hastily greatly. Treads the foot to step on Yunfei to come, asked in a low voice: This monster also is really nasty, we hurry, asking Northern Emperor your majesty to receive it?” “停手,都停手,停止攻击!”吴贵宝连忙一声大喝。踏着脚踩云飞来,低声问道:“这怪物还真是难以对付,要不,我们赶紧回去,请北帝陛下来收了它?” Chu Yiyi shakes the head hastily, this goes, the time is too long, waits for my father to come, perhaps here human already died.” 楚一一连忙摇头,“这一来一去,时间太久,等我爹过来,这边人类恐怕都早已死光了。” Roar roar roar! That black water giant as if sees them to be at wit's end, sends out howling that nearly laughs, the starting to walk stride, is pursuing to go to the large unit of running away crowd tightly! 吼吼吼!那黑水巨人仿佛看出他们无计可施,发出近乎大笑的吼叫,迈开大步,对着逃走人群的大部队紧追而去! Wang Junhui cannot attend to himself and Zhao Yu kun has celebrated a holiday, comes to entreat hastily: Senior Brother, you now are Immortal, you try to find the solution quickly, that side may have over ten thousand mortal, is the Master their clansman descendants of your I as well as!” 王俊辉也顾不上自己和赵宇坤的过节了,连忙过来哀求道:“师兄,你现在是仙人,你快想想办法吧,那边可有上万的凡人,都是你我以及师傅他们的族人后代啊!” What means but Zhao Yu can kun have? What this black water giant end is strange, was unable to hit it, how to deal is good! All people knit the brows do not speak. 可是赵宇坤又能有什么办法?这黑水巨人端的是诡异,还不能打它,如何应对才好!所有人都皱眉不语。 During may at this moment, seven color light from dark green be together deep to fly, just like in the dark night seven color stars of glistening! 可就在这时,一道七色彩光从苍冥之中飞来,犹如黑夜中一颗闪亮的七彩星!
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