MC :: Volume #13

#1272: Crazy python Body Possession

Chapter 1272 crazy python Body Possession 第1272章狂蟒夺舍 In this time, the black water deep pool edge cold wind is rising from all directions suddenly, instantaneous, the dark clouds cover entirely the sky, in the dark clouds, the electricity snake back and forth walks randomly, exudes flip-flop the electric current sound! 正在此时,突然黑水潭边阴风四起,瞬间,黑云布满天空,黑云之中,电蛇来回游走,发出噼噼啪啪的电流声! A bang great thunder resounds, shakes the person heart and soul, the heaven as if gets angry general, after thunder sound, unexpectedly is thunderclap continuously! 轰地一声巨雷响起,震人心魄,苍天仿佛发怒一般,一声雷响过后,竟然又是连绵不断的雷声! Chu Yiyi beautiful pupil one startled, doubts saying: Person of Transcend Tribulation world of mortals? At this time who Transcend Tribulation? Is it possible that is that black water crazy python?” 楚一一美眸一惊,疑道:“下界之人渡劫?此时何人渡劫?莫非是那黑水狂蟒?” The Chu Yiyi birth and growth in Immortal World, early had hearing to person of Transcend Tribulation world of mortals, but has not seen. 楚一一出生和生长都是在仙界,对下界之人渡劫也是早有耳闻,不过并没有见过。 But these immortal soldiers actually mostly are the people of world of mortals ascended, immediately the immortal soldier shakes the head, said: Not like. Person of Transcend Tribulation world of mortals, that dark clouds and thunder and lightning will not come so sudden!” 而那些仙兵却大多是下界飞升之人,立即就有一个仙兵摇头,说道:“不像。下界之人渡劫,那黑云和雷电不会来的如此突然!” But Wu Guibao is vision concentrates! The startled say/way, this is not Transcend Tribulation, this is the scourge! That black water crazy python must send out by scourge Magical Technique, everybody was careful!” 而吴贵宝则是目光一凝!惊道,“这不是渡劫,这是天谴!那黑水狂蟒要发出遭天谴的法术,大家小心!” The people are one startled, hurries to look at that black water crazy python carefully, does not know that it must do any positive result. 众人都是一惊,赶紧小心地看着那黑水狂蟒,不知道它要搞出什么名堂。 ! Also is a loud sound, in sky a lightning, chops, center black water crazy python giant body! Obviously, the scourge comes to it! 咔嚓!又是一声巨响,天空中一道闪电,直劈下来,正中黑水狂蟒巨大的身体!显然,天谴正是对它而来! However what that black water crazy python actually carries is skin Curou is dry, although this electricity hits it to be bruised and lacerated, but it actually does not fear! 不过那黑水狂蟒却端的是皮粗肉燥,这一电虽然打得它皮开肉绽,可是它却丝毫不惧! Roar! In the giant head that the black water crazy python that haunches sends out low and deep howling suddenly! 吼!黑水狂蟒那撑起的巨大的脑袋中突然发出一声低沉的吼叫! Then, sees its already extremely the mouth of distortion, projects a white light, that light beam points to its behind big piece black water unexpectedly! 接着,就看见它那已经极度变形的嘴里,射出一道白光,那光束居然直指它身后的大片黑水! „It is not good, is it wants Body Possession!” Wu Guibao has gawked, finally the determination said. “不好,是它要夺舍!”吴贵宝楞了一下,终于确定说道。 Chu Yiyi doubts saying: Body Possession? Who can it seize the shed?” 楚一一疑道:“夺舍?它要夺何人之舍?” Seizes that shed of black water! That black water experiences these many years, thinks that is also cultivate to become monster, the black water crazy python locked by the chains, this seizes that shed of black water, after seizing, it then obtains the freedom!” “夺那黑水之舍!那黑水经历这么多年,想必也是修炼成妖,黑水狂蟒被锁链锁住,这才去夺那黑水之舍,夺了以后,它便得到自由!” Chu Yiyi very much has doubts, asked, Body Possession, why will suffer the scourge?” 楚一一还是很疑惑,又问,“夺舍,为何会遭受天谴?” Wu Guibao said: That black water crazy python is the Upper Realm monster immortal, the Immortal World principle does not permit Body Possession! Can you once hear Immortal Body Possession? Let alone, that black water belongs to world of mortals Monster Cultivator, Upper Realm Immortal seizes the world of mortals Monster Cultivator shed, this is violates the principle, the heaven does not accommodate!” 吴贵宝道:“那黑水狂蟒乃是上界妖仙,仙界法则是不允许夺舍的!你可曾听说过仙人夺舍?更何况,那黑水乃是属于下界妖修,一个上界仙人去夺下界妖修的舍,这更是违背法则,苍天不容!” Chu Yiyi hear of his saying, have ravelled. Immortal World does not have the view of Body Possession, the Immortal life did not die, does not have the samsara, how can allow you to go to Body Possession again? This black water crazy python is the Immortal World bringing down, it is the body of monster immortal, naturally must suffer the control of Immortal World principle. Moreover, this crazy python seizes the monster of world of mortals shed unexpectedly, this is the natural justice is more intolerable. 楚一一听他一说,已经弄明白。仙界是不存在夺舍的说法的,仙人生命已经不死,没有轮回,怎么能允许你再去夺舍?这黑水狂蟒是仙界带下,它已经是妖仙之体,当然得遭受仙界法则的管制。而且,这狂蟒竟然去夺下界之妖的舍,这更是天理难容。 She listens, the nod said: So also good, making that black water crazy python be killed by the scourge, saves our trouble.” 她听完,点头道:“如此也好,让那黑水狂蟒被天谴杀死,也省去我们一番麻烦。” However Wu Guibao actually does not favor, shakes the head saying: That black water is in the crazy python body produced, the both sides affection is deep, does not repel, Body Possession is surely fast, perhaps scourge already without enough time!” 不过吴贵宝却不看好,摇头道:“那黑水本来就是狂蟒身体中产生,双方感情深厚,又不排斥,夺舍必定快速,恐怕天谴已经来不及!” !! Bang! 咔嚓!咔嚓!轰! The thunderclap lightning as if rains general falling, falls on the black water crazy python huge body, hits bruised and lacerated its body, sends out an intermittent ill-smelling burnt taste. 雷声闪电仿佛下雨一般的落下,落在黑水狂蟒庞大的身体上,把它那身子打得皮开肉绽,发出一阵阵难闻的焦糊味。 However also really gave Wu Guibao saying that the Body Possession process might be called fast, a short while later, the giant head of black water crazy python already shrivelled, the innumerable white light immortal Yuan was bringing monster core, sneaked in the black water! 不过还真给吴贵宝说上了,夺舍过程堪称飞快,没一会,黑水狂蟒的巨大脑袋就已经瘪了下去,无数的白光仙元带着一颗妖丹,钻进了黑水之中! But that only remained a crazy python body of leather bag, was hit to turn get lost/rolled in the thunder and lightning, as if died generally. 而那已经只剩一具皮囊的狂蟒身体,在雷电中被打得翻来滚去,仿佛死了一般。 Chu Yiyi gets angry: This what nonsense scourge, doesn't it why hit that black water? It was the strength no longer why stronger a moment ago?” 楚一一怒道:“这什么狗屁天谴,它为何不去打那黑水?它为何刚才力量不再强大一些?” Wu Guibao sighed: Only can be this, the scourge has not punished by the truth of Body Possession, let alone, this was the world of mortals scourge, the might is biggest, that black water crazy python was the Upper Realm monster immortal, can block a short time, was not the strange matter.” 吴贵宝叹道:“只能是这样了,天谴也没有惩罚被夺舍者的道理,更何况,这是下界天谴,威力已经是最大了,那黑水狂蟒是上界妖仙,能挡住一时半刻,也不是什么奇怪的事。” How should we deal now?” “那我们现在该如何应对?” Chu Yiyi this issue asked, discovered oneself have not needed to ask. Sees only that group black water, turned had the life to be ordinary, is similar myriad maggots to wriggle, has a thing to break out of their cocoons probably! 楚一一这问题问出来,发现自己已经不需要问了。只见那团黑水,已经变成了有生命一般,其中仿佛有万千蛆虫在蠕动,又好像是有一个东西要破茧而出! Hurry up! Eliminates him!” Wu Guibao drinks greatly, lifts the hand to emit Immortal Sword! “快点!消灭他!”吴贵宝一声大喝,抬手放出仙剑 The mortal body of black water crazy python has not died completely, the thunder and lightning rain in sky also under! However the scourge of world of mortals, to Immortal World formidable Immortal, at is not anything. 黑水狂蟒的肉身还没有完全死,天空中的雷电雨也还在哗哗而下!不过下界的天谴,对仙界强大的仙人来说,根本不算什么。 Ten Immortal Sword rush to be first, penetrates the thunder and lightning rain, long jab that group giant black water! 十把仙剑争先恐后,穿透雷电雨,直击那团巨大的黑水! Crash-bang! Listens to a giant water sound, that big black water was defeated by Immortal Sword, seems water of ultra-large basin falls down, in that puddle does not know that has how much water, this falls to the ground, formed a creek to be ordinary! 哗啦!就听一声巨大的水响,那一大片的黑水被仙剑击破,仿佛是一个超大盆子的水都倒在地上,那水潭中也不知道有多少水,这一落地,就形成了一条小河一般! ! When the last thunder and lightning chops on the black water crazy python, that crazy python died again cannot die. 咔嚓!当最后一道雷电劈在黑水狂蟒身上,那狂蟒已经死得不能再死了。 Chu Yiyi relaxed, finally finished.” 楚一一松了一口气,“终于结束了。” But Wu Guibao actually catches Immortal Sword that flies back , the vision is vigilant, shakes the head saying: Is impossible, is impossible such easily to rout it! A moment ago when Body Possession, the black water crazy python not only passed on the immortal knowledge, the immortal strength immortal Yuan also passed on!” 可是吴贵宝却一把接住飞回的仙剑,目光警惕,摇头道:“不可能,不可能这么轻易击溃它!刚才夺舍时,黑水狂蟒不但把仙识传了过去,就连仙力仙元也传了过去!” At this time, scourge dark clouds diverged suddenly, the moonlight revealed, the jungle was dense, all, were only a dream seem to be ordinary! 这时,天谴黑云已经豁然散去,月光显露,密林森森,刚才的一切,仿佛只是一场梦一般! Crash-bang! Suddenly is a giant water sound. Sees only that black water creek everywhere, is unexpectedly fast is gathering in a direction! Not the passing low spot flows, but flowing toward high place! That black water is longer is higher, quickly turned into a giant of black water constitution unexpectedly! 哗啦!突然又是一声巨大的水响。只见那满地的黑水小河,竟然快速在往一个方向汇聚!不过往低处流淌,而是往高处的流淌!那一片黑水越长越高,竟然很快变成了一个黑水构成的巨人! „!” Chu Yiyi looks at all these surprisedly, in the beautiful pupil has filled inconceivable! “啊!”楚一一惊讶地看着这一切,美眸中充满了不可思议! I felt that this black water giant is crazy the python to be stronger than the black water!” Wu Guibao muttered: It obtained the compensation of black water crazy python, in addition strength of black water...... Most important, it is no longer stupid, was not controlled by the chains!” “我感觉这个黑水巨人比黑水狂蟒还要强!”吴贵宝喃喃自语:“它得到了黑水狂蟒的全部力量,加上黑水的力量……最重要的,它不再愚蠢,也不受锁链控制!” As if to prove all these general, on the face of that black water giant, has shown the self-satisfied smile unexpectedly, wields the great fist, bang pounds on the ground! This strikes, does not know that many ancient Muju set up is destroyed, but the arm of giant also turned into the vast expanse of water! 仿佛为了证明这一切一般,那黑水巨人的脸上,竟然露出了得意的微笑,挥起巨拳,轰地一声砸在地上!这一击下去,不知道有多少古木巨树被摧毁,而巨人的一条手臂也变成了一片汪洋! However this does not have any injury to the giant, saw only that vast expanse of water the black water very intelligential and flows, the class to the giant sole, was absorbed by the giant, a short while later, its arm arm, came back! 不过这并不对巨人有任何的伤害,只见那一片汪洋的黑水很有灵性地又流了回去,流到巨人脚底,被巨人吸收,没一会,它的胳膊手臂,又回来了! Wu Guibao complexion is unattractive, knits the brows saying that is a little troublesome, this thing really has the formidable self-recovery and reproductive property, feared that our attacks must fail!” 吴贵宝脸色不好看,皱眉道,“有点麻烦,这东西竟然有强大的自愈和再生能力,就怕我们的攻击都要落空!” Really, Flying Sword that more than ten immortal soldiers emit, has hit completely the black water giant, no matter his arm or both legs, or is the head, so long as were scattered, quick will grow! 果然,那十多个仙兵放出的飞剑,全部都击中了黑水巨人,不过不管是他手臂还是双腿,又或者是脑袋,只要被打散的,很快就会生长回去! Chu Yiyi said surprised: What to do?” 楚一一吃惊道:“怎么办?” However, that black water giant has not launched the attack to them, but to their strange smiles, the stride walks in the direction that Zhao Yu kun is leaving! 不过,那黑水巨人并没有对他们发动攻击,而是对着他们诡异的一笑,大步往着赵宇坤离开的方向走去! Wu Guibao stares first, afterward understood, calls out in alarm said: This fellow knows that cannot overtake our these Immortal, therefore it killed mortal!” 吴贵宝先是一愣,随后明白了,惊呼道:“这家伙知道追不上我们这些仙人,所以它去杀凡人了!” Chu Yiyi also has a big shock, day, when the black water crazy python also became such intelligent!” 楚一一也是大惊失色,“天呐,黑水狂蟒啥时候也变得这么聪明了!”
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