MC :: Volume #13

#1271: The princess is wise

Chapter 1271 第1271章 The princess is wise 公主英明 Listens to the words of sound tail, Ye Kong to nod secretly. This fellow actually and a little look like, knew perfectly well that front is a difficulty, is actually not willing to give up in the heart loving. 听着响尾的话,叶空暗自点头。这家伙倒是和自己有点象,明知前面是一片艰难,却不愿放弃心中所爱。 However, wallows the person in love, how many also there are have the sober mind? 不过,沉迷在爱情中的人,又有几个能有清醒的头脑呢? Ye Kong thinks saying: Loud tail, although your insistence makes me change countenance, but I actually cannot ignores have the enemy of formidable ancient immortal Heavenly Dao to save in the world.” Looks that the sound tail must speak, Ye Kong also said: To me do not say that you visit her, I told you, such woman you cannot watch!” 叶空想想说道:“响尾,虽然你的坚持让我动容,不过我却不能放任一个拥有强大古仙天道的敌人存在世上。”看着响尾要说话,叶空又道:“别对我说你会看着她,我告诉你,这样的女人你是看不住的!” The loud tail also knows, imperial concubine Feng is he cannot provide lodging. However he shakes the head saying: Fellow Daoist Ye, you have not considered actually clearly. I know that you are worried about the threat of ancient immortal Heavenly Dao, but wants to prevent the ancient immortal Heavenly Dao, not necessarily must kill the empress......” 响尾也知道,凤妃根本是他管不住的。不过他摇头说道:“叶道友,其实你并没有考虑清楚。我知道你担心古仙天道的威胁,可是想要防止古仙天道,也不一定非要杀了娘娘……” Does not kill her......” the Ye Kong brow to select, immediately understood the idea of sound tail. “不杀她就可以……”叶空眉头一挑,立即明白了响尾的想法。 Three people on the scene were smart person, imperial concubine Feng also understood completely, immediately screamed, did not want! Destroyed the immortal corpse tomb, Immortal Lord he could not forgive you!” 在场三人全部都是聪明人,凤妃也明白了,立即尖叫起来,“不要!毁了仙尸墓地,仙主他饶不掉你!” The loud tail roars, goes to damn Immortal Lord! Was slept with other man by own wife, he is a grandson!” 响尾怒吼一声,“去他妈的仙主!让自己的老婆跟别的男人睡觉,他就是个孙子!” Ye Kong nods, good, he is a bastard...... Good, the loud tail, I think you am a man, I believe that your one time, has forgiven imperial concubine Feng a life.” 叶空点头,“不错,他还是个杂种……好吧,响尾,我看你是个汉子,我相信你一次,就饶了凤妃一命。” The loud tail kowtows hastily thanks, the mouth middle course: I settled imperial concubine Feng, I have destroyed the immortal corpse tomb immediately.” 响尾连忙磕头感谢,口中道:“等我安顿好凤妃,我立即就去毁了仙尸墓地。” Also good.” Ye Kong nods. Let the sound tail destroy the immortal corpse tomb, just can have a look at him is wholehearted. “也好。”叶空点头。让响尾去毁灭仙尸墓地,刚好可以看看他是不是真心实意。 Ye Kong said, does not want to stay, wants to leave. 叶空说完,再不想停留,就想要离开。 Wait/Etc., benefactor.” The loud tail hurries to stop by calling out Ye Kong, said, you have forgiven imperial concubine Feng, is the benefactor of my making a sound tail, I not think the report, but also asked the benefactor to wait a minute the moment.” “等等,恩公。”响尾赶紧叫住叶空,说道,“你饶了凤妃,就是我响尾的恩人,我无以为报,还请恩公稍候片刻。” The loud tail said, turns head to fly to the mausoleum chamber. 响尾说完,扭头飞向地宫。 He walks, imperial concubine Feng also scolded. She lies down to curse angrily: Ye Kong, your this shameless one, you have played with my body, but must kill me. Ruthless, you were too ruthless! I pledged today, waits to recover to decide to kill you!” 他一走,凤妃却又骂了起来。她躺着怒骂道:“叶空,你这无耻之徒,你玩弄了我的身体,还非要杀我。无情无义,你太无情无义了!我今天发誓,等养好伤定去杀你!” The Ye Kong heart said that you do not want to kill me, do I want to kill you? However with this insane woman, Ye Kong does not want to say. As for the words that imperial concubine Feng makes a determined effort, Ye Kong does not care. So long as imperial concubine Feng the ancient immortal Heavenly Dao making, by imperial concubine Feng oneself duplication Heavenly Dao, or other, imperial concubine Feng wants to kill itself, that radically is the matter of being unsure. 叶空心说你不想杀我,我又怎想杀你?不过跟这疯女人,叶空也不想多说。至于凤妃发狠的话,叶空更是不放在心上。只要凤妃不把古仙天道给弄出来,以凤妃自己的复制天道,或者其他,凤妃想要杀自己,那根本是没谱的事。 Rapidness that the loud tail goes, comes also quick. a short while later flies from the mausoleum chamber, in hand Zhangxian rune/symbol He Immortal Sword. 响尾去的快,来的也快。没一会就从地宫飞出来,手中一张仙符和一把仙剑 He flies in front of Ye Kong, eastern Xidi, said: Benefactor. In this immortal symbol is Immortal Lord that saves develops the martial stage, carries along, can arrange in any place. As for this Immortal Sword, is I sorts in the morning, probably is your teammate loses, one and returns.” 他飞到叶空面前,把东西递上,说道:“恩公。这仙符中就是存的仙主演武场,随身携带,可以布置在任何地方。至于这仙剑,是上午我拣的,好像是您的队友所遗失,一并送还。” Ye Kong is satisfied, nods. The making a sound tail is leading imperial concubine Feng this time bomb, he also really thought that this is may the person of junction. 叶空非常满意,点点头。要不是响尾带着凤妃这个定时炸弹,他还真觉得这是个可交之人。 Ye Kong received the thing, said: „When you destroy immortal corpse tomb, little kills people as far as possible, these defend the grave snake person are not the unprincipled people.” 叶空接过东西,又道:“你去毁仙尸墓地时,尽量少杀人吧,那些守墓蛇人也不是坏人。” He is the person of being full of gratitude, defends scarlet of grave to refine and the others only character phrases, at his likely meeting working as of imperial concubine Feng! Therefore he urged specially, refine and the others to be able not to kill scarlet, does not kill. 他是个知恩图报的人,要不是守墓的赤炼等人的只字片语,他很可能就会上了凤妃的当!所以他特别叮嘱一下,赤炼等人能不杀,就不杀了。 The matter gets through, Ye Kong also sets off homeward journey. 事情办完,叶空也踏上归途。 Although this danger extremely, almost falls into beyond redemption, but the harvest is very good! 虽然这一趟危险万分,差一点就陷入万劫不复,不过收获还是很不错的! First, has sensed the strength of faith, after this sensibility, the strength of faith becomes one of strength of Heavenly Dao he can transfer willfully, in other words, later not necessarily cannot use to the dangerous moment, but momentarily can use! 首先,感悟了信念之力,这一感悟以后,信念之力就成为他可以任意调用的天道之力的一种,也就是说,以后不一定非到危险关头才可以使用,而是随时可以使用! Currently speaking, the strength of faith can promote three times in half double-hour the Ye Kong's strength. However Ye Kong believes that along with his later use and cultivate, the strength of this faith, certainly formidable! The duration is longer! 目前来看,信念之力可以在半个时辰内把叶空的力量提升三倍。不过叶空相信,随着他以后的使用和修炼,这信念之力,一定会更加的强大!持续时间更久! The second harvest was breakthrough rises the level. Superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal, so long as comes again first-level, can enter Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal realm, when the time comes, can be counted a medium status Immortal! By him comes the Immortal World less than ten years, to enter step superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal, even if sees Lian Ruolan at this moment, will not think that very lost face. 第二个收获就是突破升层了。上等大罗金仙,只要再来一级,就可以进入罗天上仙境界,到时候,就可以算上一个中等地位的仙人了!以他来仙界十年不到,就进阶上等大罗金仙,哪怕是此刻去见炼若兰,也不会觉得很丢人了。 Last harvest, that obtained the Immortal Lord developing martial stage! This is also an enormous harvest! When Wu Yong and Kuang Peng come out, can go in the competition with them! Various God soldiers, have everything expected to find, has not needed to be worried to accidentally injure! In addition can consult beforehand Immortal Lord and his friend to fighting video recording...... Can increase everybody's sensibility absolutely, increases everybody's actual combat experience to strong opponent! Good thing! 最后一个收获,那就是得到了仙主的演武场!这也是一个极大的收获!等吴勇和狂鹏出来,就可以和他们进去比试!各种神兵,应有尽有,还不用担心误伤!再加上可以查阅以前仙主和他朋友的对战录像……哇,绝对可以增加大家的感悟,增加大家对上强大对手的实战经验!好东西! In Ye Kong heart one happy, takes out that Zhangxian symbol. 叶空心中一喜,取出那张仙符。 In the world of mortals, Ye Kong is the manufacture talisman expert, today first time sees the immortal symbol, therefore cannot help but carefully watches. 在下界时,叶空制符的专家,今天还是第一次看见仙符,所以不由得仔细观看。 Cannot think that complex great developing martial stage, actually have in this small spell, really makes people unable to imagine.” Ye Kong is holding appreciatively that Zhang Xian fu, discovered that this thing rubs the thin immortal jade unexpectedly together! “想不到那么复杂宏大的演武场,竟然就存在这小小的一张符咒之内,真是让人无法想象。”叶空把玩着那张仙符,发现这东西竟然是一块磨薄的仙玉! Carefully looked again, the surface of immortal jade does not have what the trace of portray, the named immortal symbol, actually looks like a jade piece! However Ye Kong knows, since it called the spell, will have the routes of various rune/symbol writing and immortal strength operations. These hidden in immortal jade, calling the person is unable to examine. If wants to look, must destroy this symbol. 再仔细看,仙玉的表面也没有什么刻画的痕迹,名叫仙符,却更像一块玉片!不过叶空知道,既然它叫符咒,就会有符文和各种仙力运行的路线。只是这些都隐在仙玉内部,叫人无法查看。若是想看,就必须破坏了此符。 Does not know how this immortal symbol manufactures, so is why long, doesn't the immortal strength in immortal jade actually lose?” Ye Kong is very curious, but during this flight, is not good to go into seriously. However he decided, waits for Immortal World, must study the immortal symbol, that Talisman Spell Comprehensive Guide in his mind, he has not gone to turn for a long time. Also does not know how many pages can open, what immortal symbol has? “也不知这仙符如何制作,为何这么久,仙玉中的仙力却不丧失?”叶空很是好奇,不过这飞行之中,也不好深究。不过他决定,等回去仙界,一定要把仙符研究一番,他脑海中的那本符咒大全,他都好久没去翻了。也不知道能翻开几页,都有什么样的仙符呢? Also that side, black water deep pool edge. 再说那边,黑水潭边。 Hunts and kills the fight of black water crazy python to be still in progress, the black water deep pool at this moment was unable to call the black water the deep pool, in Neitan the water, is unexpectedly empty! Originally this black water is crazy python arranges, but the crazy python is the Water Attribute immortal beast, in addition the black water crazy python the achievement immortal monster, transferred the black water attack, has become its life protection method! 猎杀黑水狂蟒的战斗还在进行,此刻的黑水潭已经不能叫黑水潭了,那潭中之水,竟然空空荡荡!原来这黑水都是狂蟒所排,而狂蟒本来就是水属性的仙兽,再加上黑水狂蟒已经成就仙妖,调动黑水攻击,就成了它的保命手段! one, a deep pool black water rose straight from the ground from the deep pool, in Neitan an unexpectedly dry drop did not remain! 呼地一声,一潭黑水从潭中拔地而起,那潭中竟然干涸的一滴都不剩! Wu Guibao and the others are startled immediately, does not know that the black water crazy python must play any Yao Ezi. 吴贵宝等人顿时吃惊,不知道黑水狂蟒要玩什么幺蛾子。 Listens to Chu Yiyi to shout greatly: „It is not good, which Ye Kong went, fell into the deep pool, was in a big hurry quick!” 就听楚一一大喊道:“不好了,叶空去哪了,是不是掉进潭中去了,快快快!” Wu Guibao heart said that Ye Kong walked several double-hour, you discovered. He hurries to hold on Chu Yiyi, a matter saying, said that Ye Kong had the matter. 吴贵宝心说叶空都走几个时辰了,你才发现啊。他赶紧上去拉住楚一一,把事情一说,说叶空有事去了。 11 fairy maiden hearts are greatly angry, this boy early slid, wastes itself to be worried, but also thinks that he falls into the deep pool! 11仙子心头大恼,这小子原来早溜了,枉费自己担心,还以为他掉进潭中呢! However at this moment, that only also had the astonishing action by the old python that the people surrounded! 不过就在此刻,那只被众人包围的老蟒又有了惊人的举动! Roar! The old python gives out low and deep roaring, the whole body black glittering, on the huge body was wet, is after black light, becomes dry, finally unexpectedly dehydration general dry and hard! Withered! 吼!老蟒发出一声低沉的怒吼,全身乌光闪烁,庞大的身体上本来是湿漉漉的,可是乌光过后,变得干燥,最后竟然失水一般的干硬!干枯! Zhao Yu kun and the others frightened calls a halt the retreat, the heart said that what this old python won't cause from exploding? That might will not be small! 赵宇坤等人吓得停手后退,心说这老蟒不会也弄出个自爆什么吧?那威力不会小! Sees only that black water crazy python whole body to be getting more and more dry, but its snake head is getting bigger and bigger, finally is ordinary with a great ball, probably it gathered the strength of whole body on the head! 只见那黑水狂蟒全身越来越干,而它的蛇头却越来越大,最后跟一个巨球一般,好像它把全身的力量都聚在了脑袋上! The scene is strange. Under the moonlight, a python falls down, but its head actually air flush ball same blowing up, because supports is too big, the eyeball looks to disappear, on the balloon covers entirely the blood vessel blood threads, is disgusting. 场面非常诡异。月光下,一条巨蟒瘫倒在地,可它的脑袋却吹气球一样的鼓起,因为撑的太大,眼珠子都看不见了,气球上布满血管血丝,非常恶心。 But in its, a black water of puddle floats in the midair, the huge piece, assumes the anomalous circular. 而在它的身后,一个水潭的黑水都浮在半空,巨大一片,呈不规则的圆形。 Everybody removes!” Wu Guibao cannot attend to with the Chu Yiyi idle talk, immediately issues the order, he does not know that the black water crazy python must do, must therefore be responsible for everybody's safety. “大家撤!”吴贵宝顾不上和楚一一废话,立即下达命令,他不知道黑水狂蟒要干什么,所以必须对大家的安全负责。 The people retrocede hastily, moreover each one throws the foot to step on clouds, falls back on the dying small python, looks at old python that side situation anxiously. 众人连忙后退,而且个个都扔出脚踩云,退到垂死的小蟒这边,紧张地看着老蟒那边的局势。 Zhao Yu kun said: General, I inform the human tribe, making them be careful.” 赵宇坤说道:“将军,我去通知人类部落,让他们小心。” That human tribe is Zhao Yu kun fellow villager descendant, he did not certainly feel relieved. Wu Guibao nods to make him go, Zhao Yu kun just before leaving also said: General, to avoid a long delay usually means many problems, this small python hurried to kill was good!” 那人类部落都是赵宇坤的同乡后代,他当然不放心。吴贵宝点头让他去,赵宇坤临走又道:“将军,为避免夜长梦多,这小蟒还是赶紧杀了才好!” Wu Guibao is also having this intent, no matter immediately also the old python, everybody stepped on the foot to step on clouds, emitted the immortal artifact immortal soldier, was cutting to the dying small python. 吴贵宝也是正有此意,当下也不管老蟒了,大家踩着脚踩云,纷纷放出仙器仙兵,对着垂死的小蟒斩去。 That small python was dying, by this attack, including snort/hum did not have snort/hum one, dies at the scene. 那小蟒本来就已经要死了,被这一番攻击,连哼都没哼一声,就死在当场。 With is the same, the small python that everybody expects dies, has the golden small snake electricity together to shoot! Runs away frightened. 和大家预料的一样,小蟒一死,就有一道金色小蛇电射而出!惶然逃窜。 Wu Guibao is busy at calling: Everybody prepares, that inherits the Heavenly Dao!” 吴贵宝忙叫:“大家准备,那是传承天道!” Chu Yiyi frightens hurries to retrocede, everyone knows, if who obtained this inheritance of strength of taking a life, will immediately become will be the target of public criticism. 楚一一吓得赶紧后退,谁都知道,谁要是得到了这杀生之力的传承,立马的就会成为众矢之的。 However Wu Guibao and the others early are prepared, prepares a golden big shield. That big shield can protect whole body, everybody hides after the big shield, encircles a circular, blocks the small golden snake the way. 不过吴贵宝等人却早有准备,一个个都准备有一面金色大盾。那大盾可以护住全身,大家躲在大盾之后,围成一个圆形,挡住小金蛇的去路。 Clang clang clang!” The small golden snake back and forth hits in several big shields, appeared somewhat exhausted. “铛铛铛!”小金蛇在几面大盾之间来回撞击一番,显得有些疲惫了。 At this time, Wu Guibao vision congealed, lifts the hand to take out a Xiao Yu bottle. After the jade bottle emits, immediately increases, just small golden snake income bottle. 这时,吴贵宝目光一凝,抬手取出一个小玉瓶。玉瓶放出后,立即变大,刚好把小金蛇收入瓶中。 Receives!” Wu Guibao mouth spits character true words, the jade bottle reduces suddenly, especially bottleneck, unexpectedly entire unenlightened, closes the small golden snake. “收!”吴贵宝口吐一字真言,玉瓶猛然缩小,特别是瓶颈,竟然整个闭塞,把小金蛇关在其中。 Wu Guibao looks at the jade bottle of palm, shows a faint smile, wants to receive the jade bottle. But Chu Yiyi thought that is not right, oneself and the others are destroys this strength of taking a life, is not gathers! 吴贵宝看着掌心的玉瓶,微微一笑,就想把玉瓶收起。可楚一一觉得不对了,自己等人是来毁灭这杀生之力的,不是来收取的! She steps onto immediately, cold say/way: Wu immortal general, are you what intent?” 她当即走上,冷道:“吴仙将,你这是何意?” Wu Guibao is not anxious, puts out a jade Cambodia to give Chu Yiyi. Chu Yiyi looked, surprised discovery, this unexpectedly is her father's order! Northern Emperor said that something must retain a sample, treats as research, perhaps later, can benefitting human. 吴贵宝也不紧张,拿出一块玉柬递给楚一一楚一一看了,吃惊的发现,这竟然是她老爹的命令!北帝说了,有些东西还是得保留一份样本的,就当作研究之用,以后,说不定还能造福人类呢。 What Northern Emperor said is pompous, but Chu Yiyi knows, the father is also the thoughts profound person, refers to erratically is having any idea, in the future will coerce others or is the exchange, or can create the confusion...... In brief, father's goal definitely was not his jade Cambodia , China says was so upright and frank. Although is own biological father, but Chu Yiyi actually knows, this strength of taking a life keeps one to damage much, does not remain! 北帝说的是冠冕堂皇,可是楚一一知道,老爹也是心思深邃之人,指不定就打着什么主意,日后要挟别人或者是交换,又或者可以制造混乱……总之,老爹的目的肯定不是他玉柬中说的那么正大光明。虽然是自己的亲老爹,可是楚一一却知道,这杀生之力多留一份都是祸害,留不得! Wu Guibao also thinks that Chu Yiyi was worried he wants to obtain the strength of taking a life, therefore simply gives Chu Yiyi the jade bottle, said: Young lady, if did not feel relieved, you then take away, is given your majesty by you.” 吴贵宝还以为楚一一是担心他想得到杀生之力,于是干脆把玉瓶给楚一一,道:“大小姐若是不放心,那你便拿去,由你交给陛下。” Also good.” Chu Yiyi received, has made a shocking action unexpectedly. Sees only her to eject the jade bottle, wields a sword to cut! “也好。”楚一一接过,竟然做了一个让人震惊的举动。只见她抛出玉瓶,挥剑就是一斩! This grade of disaster, does not have the advantage harmfully, remains what uses!” “这等祸害,有害无利,留之何用!” Bang, that jade bottle and inside the strength of taking a life was struck crushes! 砰地一声,那玉瓶和里边的杀生之力被击得粉碎! Although Wu Guibao knows that this time went back to be punished, but he loudly knelt down, said loudly: Princess is wise!” 虽然吴贵宝知道这次回去要被责罚了,不过他还是轰然跪下,大声道:“公主英明!” But Chu Yiyi actually thought at this moment, if changes that boy, feared that is also the same procedure. Also after does not know he knows, can praise how many? 楚一一此刻却是心想,若是换那小子,怕也是一样的做法吧。也不知道他知道后,会不会夸赞几句呢?
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