MC :: Volume #13

#1270: Defeats imperial concubine Feng

Chapter 1270 第1270章 Defeats imperial concubine Feng 击败凤妃 Unexpectedly is the strength of faith, the legend the faith that only then the faith and will firmest soldier, in bloodiest battle, by must die meets the approaching enemy the enemy, this can sense to the strength of faith!” “竟然是信念之力,传说只有信念和意志最坚定的战士,在最血腥的厮杀中,以必死的信念迎击敌军,这才能感悟到信念之力!” Hides loud tail in shadow mutters. He once served as a petty government official in the Immortal Lord armed forces, therefore has then listened to the strength of faith. 躲在阴影中的响尾喃喃自语。他曾经在仙主的军中当差,所以这才听过信念之力。 Must know, the strength of faith is hard-won. First if the faith firm soldier, then must in the moment of most crisis, the life and death be in one! At this time, can sense to the strength of faith suddenly! 要知道,信念之力来之不易。首先要是信念坚定的战士,然后要在最危机的关头,生死系于一线!在这个时候,才能突然感悟到信念之力! Moreover, after the strength of faith erupts, can obtain the strength of own several fold instantaneously! But obtained this strength not to represent your unmatched in the world! In that brutal battlefield, advances uninterruptedly, the person was numb, the opposite party will flush crazily, has the person of strength of faith to kill this! 而且,信念之力爆发以后,会瞬间得到自身数倍的力量!可是得到这种力量不代表你就天下无敌了!那残酷的战场上,前赴后继,人已经麻木,对方会疯狂的冲上来,把这个拥有信念之力的人杀死! Therefore the strength of faith originally few, can live are less. Therefore the soldier of strength of return each sensibility faith, will have the unsurpassed honor, has supporting of innumerable common soldier, will have the person of strength of faith to be topped in the armed forces the title of war-god! 所以信念之力本来就少,能活着回来的就更加少。所以每个感悟信念之力回归的战士,就会拥有无上的荣光,拥有无数兵士的拥戴,拥有信念之力的人会被冠上军中战神的称号! How the loud tail does not think clearly, Ye Kong is not a sergeant , is not going to war, how can sense the strength of faith suddenly? 响尾怎么样都想不明白,叶空既不是军士,也不是在打仗,怎么能突然感悟信念之力呢? Actually to Ye Kong, this is the war, life and death is the war! Few has not related with the person many people! 其实对叶空来说,这就是战争,你死我活就是战争!和人多人少没关系! Let alone Ye Kong this person, is the faith strong, incomparably the person of resolution, senses the strength of faith is also expected. 更何况叶空这人,一直都是信念超强,无比坚定之人,感悟信念之力也是意料之中。 Actually initially encountered Li Yingru and the others to attack, he alone to fighting three Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal time, the strength of faith has erupted one time. At that time came too suddenly, he has not sensed. 其实当初遭遇黎影汝等人袭击,他独自对战三个罗天上仙的时候,信念之力就爆发过一次。只是当时来得太突然,他没有感悟到。 „The strength of faith?” False Ye Kong in midair knits the brows, he is imperial concubine Feng changes, imperial concubine Feng has not enlisted in the military, therefore does not know the strength of faith. “信念之力?”半空中的假叶空一皱眉,他是凤妃变来,凤妃也没参过军,所以也不知道信念之力。 However she actually knows, Ye Kong at this moment has stiffened, was more formidable, his body week flaming combustion war intent, although the naked eye cannot see, may induce so is clear! 不过她却知道,此刻的叶空变强了,强大了很多,他身周熊熊燃烧的战意,虽肉眼看不见,可感应却如此清晰! However this has not ended. 但是这还没有完。 Stands on seeing in dark hole, the whole body is the blood, the imposing manner is formidable, does not defeat like one person of injury, but looks like fiercely competing and successfully competing General! 就看见站在黑暗的窟窿里,满身是血,却气势强大,丝毫不像一个战败受伤之人,而是象一个越战越勇的将军 Is fixing one's gaze on to look in imperial concubine Feng, suddenly sees the Ye Kong whole body, from top to bottom, the golden light flows swiftly for the first time, on the face projects the golden light, in the clothes slit also projects the golden light, to under foot...... 正在凤妃凝眸去看,突然看见叶空全身,由上至下,金光乍泻,脸上射出金光,衣服缝隙里也射出金光,一直到脚下…… The golden light winds through, the rank rises one/1st Layer! 金光流过,等级又升一层 Superior Great Firmament Golden Immortal! 上等大罗金仙 Actually Ye Kong refining up fully being disillusioned Heavenly Dao, arrived at the medium Great Firmament Golden Immortal peak. Now one senses to the strength of strength of so formidable Heavenly Dao faith, naturally the immortal knowledge will rise suddenly, the breakthrough rises the level! 其实叶空把破灭天道炼满,就已经到达中等大罗金仙的峰顶。现在一下感悟到信念之力如此强大的天道之力,当然就会仙识暴涨,突破升层! Also broke through!” Imperial concubine Feng in the eye is surprised. “还突破了!”凤妃眼中都是惊讶。 But she has not been discouraged, she is higher than Ye Kong on one/1st Layer! Moreover is one/1st Layer between Great Firmament Golden Immortal and Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal, this one/1st Layer seems to be ordinary on the natural moat, differs disparately very! 可是她并没有气馁,她还是比叶空高上一层!而且是大罗金仙罗天上仙之间的一层,这一层就仿佛天堑一般,相差悬殊的很! You are very good! I want you to be my foot soldier attendant!” False Ye Kong opens the mouth to say. “你很不错!我更加想要你做我的马前卒!”假叶空开口说道。 A Ye Kong personal appearance spin, jumps out the hole by the Shadow Martial movement, coldly looks in the sky false Ye Kong, you have a dream! I assign day after day cannot control, let alone is you, an insane woman, you dies!” 叶空身形一旋,以影武的动作跳出窟窿,冷冷看着天空中假叶空,“你做梦!我命连天都不能支配,又何况是你,一个疯女人,你去死吧!” Ye Kong lifts the hand to draw on seven pink clouds, treads the cloud direct impact midair! 叶空抬手招来七彩云,踏云直冲半空! At that moment, Ye Kong felt that own strength is beyond example strong, grasps the several fold instantaneously in own strength, that type feels to the extreme well! 那一刻,叶空感觉到自己的力量空前强大,瞬间掌握数倍于自己的力量,那种感觉好到极点! Immortal Path is difficult, rough, the thorn is densely covered, the trap grows thickly. Has slightly, will then fall carelessly into the abyss, always can not stand up from failure! 仙路艰难,坎坎坷坷,荆棘密布,陷阱丛生。稍有不慎,便会掉入万丈深渊,永世不得翻身! So long as but, there is a firm faith, always thinks about such as is, heart to heart such as is, such as is, even if ten thousand die the will that does not change! Can trample flat roughly, sweeps clean thorn, appointed your road ahead is the tiger is the wolf, my also blade cuts it! 可是,只要有坚定的信念,念念如是,心心如是,生生如是,纵然万死也不改变的意志!就能够踏平坎坷,扫清荆棘,任你前路是虎是狼,我亦一刀斩之! Imperial concubine Feng you must kill me, I must kill you! 凤妃你要杀我,我必杀你! Seven pink clouds just like seven colors of the spectrum practice together, straightly shoots midair! The cloud top, the Ye Kong vision gathers, the mouth spits four characters „the strength of faith!” In the hand the blade edge of Heavenly Dao delimits a startled day bolt of white silk suddenly, chops to go! 一道七彩云犹如一条七色彩练,直射半空!云头,叶空目光一聚,口吐四字“信念之力!”手中天道之刃骤然划出一条惊天匹练,直砍而去! False Ye Kong has also struggled, gives a loud shout, being disillusioned Heavenly Dao!” Also from top to bottom, is alarmed great broadsword light! 叶空也是拚了,大喝一声,“破灭天道!”由上而下,也是一条触目惊心的巨大刀光! Bang! The resounding bursting sound resounds, two blade light are similar to Heaven and Earth dash to hit greatly same in together, sends out thunderclap that this rainy night most shakes the will of the people! 轰!响亮的爆裂声响起,两条刀光如同天地大冲撞一样撞击在一起,发出这个雨夜最震憾人心的雷声! Stands loud tail in shadow this is struck shaking the mind sways, in the ear only thought that buzz, the white light dodges at present, anything looks to disappear. 站在阴影中的响尾都被这一击给震得心神晃荡,耳中只觉得嗡地一声,眼前白光嚓地一闪,什么都看不见了。 When his line of sight restores, discovered that Ye Kong cold sets up the clouds, another Ye Kong is similar to the kite with broken string is ordinary, is emitting the blood, plants to fall from the midair. 等他视线恢复,才发现一个叶空凛立云端,另一个叶空如同断线风筝一般,喷吐着鲜血,从半空栽落。 The loud tail stares. Who lost, who won? Two people are exactly the same, whole face blood, who really whose vacation, but also cannot distinguish. 响尾一愣。谁输了,谁又赢了?两个人一模一样,又都满脸鲜血,谁真谁假,还真的分辨不出。 However the next quarter, he knew. 不过下一刻,他就知道了。 Only listens to the midair that Ye Kong to open the mouth cold say/way, false after all is false, snort/hum, the village machine also wants to defeat the quality goods inferior goods belt nation joint guarantee!” 只听半空中那个叶空开口冷道,“假的毕竟是假的,哼,山寨机还想打败正品行货带全国联保的嘛!” Naturally, the loud tail lived for several thousand years not to understand that again Ye Kong was saying anything. However he is very clear, the one who falls is imperial concubine Feng! 当然了,响尾再活几千年也不会明白叶空在说什么。不过他很明白,摔下来的是凤妃! Bang! A dull thumping sound. 砰!一声闷响。 Imperial concubine Feng pounds to fall on the place. Although she falls the altitude of falling the place that former Ye Kong dropped be lower than , but she did not have the protection of benevolent king armor! 凤妃砸落在地。虽然她摔落的高度要比之前叶空跌落的地方低不少,可是她没有仁王甲的保护! Sees only outside her body a radiance of green phoenix to dodge, seven product Feng feather immortal armor that afterward whish, she puts on collapses thoroughly. 只见她身体外一只绿凤凰的光华一闪,随后哗地一声,她所穿的七品凤羽仙甲彻底崩溃。 In a Ye Kong's fully blade and upper air fall fall under the dual attack, guard immortal armor of imperial concubine Feng routs! But, this cannot preserve imperial concubine Feng! 叶空的全力一刀和高空摔落双重打击下,凤妃的护身仙甲击溃!可是,这并不能保全凤妃! Sees only imperial concubine Feng the clothing hair to be scattered in disorder, she by the striking back primary form, had lain down on the ground, by however severe wound! Inferior Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal, cannot block Ye Kong's to strike unexpectedly fully! 只见凤妃衣衫头发散乱,她已经被打回原形,躺在地上,以然重伤!一个下等罗天上仙,竟然挡不住叶空的全力一击! Imperial concubine Feng compelled a moment ago with hardship, wanted Ye Kong dead. Therefore Ye Kong is impolite, wants who I die, must pay the price!” 刚才凤妃苦苦相逼,就是要叶空死。所以叶空也不客气,“想让我死的人,就必须付出代价!” Death!” “死吧!” Ye Kong has roared, raises the blade to fly from the midair! 叶空吼了一声,提刀从半空飞下! However at this time, departed a shadow in a piece of shadow suddenly, kept off before imperial concubine Feng, plop was kneeling down to Ye Kong, the loud say/way, Fellow Daoist Ye, forgave her life!” 不过这时,突然在一片阴影中飞出一个黑影,挡在凤妃面前,对着叶空扑通跪倒,大声道,“叶道友,饶她一命!” Sudden, is loud tail. No matter what, he cannot look that imperial concubine Feng dies! He must save imperial concubine Feng! 突然出现的,正是响尾。不管怎么样,他不能看着凤妃死!他要救凤妃! Lies down has not died in that imperial concubine Feng actually, does not have the stupor, although she was seriously injured, but also has the strength that finally strikes! Therefore she gathers the strength secretly, wanting and other Ye Kong to come, starts the sneak attack. 躺在那的凤妃其实并没死,也没昏迷,她虽然受了重伤,可是却还有最后一击的力量!所以她暗自蓄力,想要等叶空过来,发动偷袭。 When her strength almost gathers, suddenly the making a sound tail keeps off in front of her, in her heart flies into a rage, the anger launches a psychological attack anxiously, the last immortal strength that gathers, spills into the meridians unexpectedly but actually! 就在她力量蓄得差不多的时候,突然响尾挡在她前边,她心中勃然大怒,怒急攻心,蓄起的最后一点仙力,竟然倒涌进经络! ! Imperial concubine Feng hears the slight resounding that in oneself body meridians explode. In the wound adds the wound! 啪啪啪!凤妃听见自己身体中经络爆裂的细微脆响。伤上加伤! ! Imperial concubine Feng the small mouth is one, a blood from the pores of the feet straightly shoots! 噗!凤妃小口又是一张,一口血箭直射! Empress!” Loud tail calls out in alarm. Sees imperial concubine Feng to wake up, his loosen. But actually sees imperial concubine Feng to open the mouth to spit blood, the injury aggravates, he is also anxious. “娘娘!”响尾一声惊呼。看见凤妃醒来,他心里一松。可是却又看见凤妃开口吐血,伤势又加重,他又紧张起来。 However to the loud tail of approach, imperial concubine Feng is actually being mirthless smile one, your this idiot, should get lost/roll, goes bad my important matter!” 不过对着迎上来的响尾,凤妃却是惨笑一声,“你这蠢货,该滚不滚,坏我大事!” The loud tail then understands why imperial concubine Feng spat blood a moment ago once again, he shakes the head, is not angry, but said, empress, you are futile. That Ye Kong from dark green deep pounds to fall the ground not dead, has the life protection method that you do not know...... Your that strikes finally, can formidable?” 响尾这才明白刚才为什么凤妃又一次吐血,他摇头,却也不恼,只是道,“娘娘,你枉自聪明。那叶空从苍冥中砸落地面都不死,定有你不知的保命手段……你那最后一击,又能有多强大呢?” So-called onlooker is clear-headed. Imperial concubine Feng by this saying, was been silent immediately. 所谓旁观者清。凤妃被这一说,顿时沉默。 At this time Ye Kong flew, the loud tail knelt down once again, keeps off in front of Ye Kong, opened the mouth saying that Fellow Daoist Ye, she was muddled for a while, you forgave her life!” 这时叶空已经飞下来,响尾又一次跪下,挡在叶空面前,开口道,“叶道友,她只是一时糊涂,你就饶她一命吧!” The Ye Kong footsteps stagnate, think deeply about a meeting, shakes the head saying: This woman was insane, I fear to leave behind her, will bring the huge trouble to me.” 叶空脚步一滞,思索一会,摇头道:“这女人已经疯了,我怕留下她,会给我带来天大的麻烦。” Makes a sound to listen to the Ye Kong tone is not that firm, said hastily: Can't, I guarantee that cannot have any trouble! She received so the severe wound, meridians backlash by the immortal strength, was damaged seriously, several thousand years may not reply the original strength!” 响尾听叶空口气并不是那么坚决,连忙道:“不会不会,我保证不会有任何麻烦!她受了如此重伤,经脉被仙力反噬,更是受损严重,几千年都不一定能回复原来的力量!” The loud tail is begging for mercy, back imperial concubine Feng exclaimed, Ye Kong! Had to plant you to kill me! Otherwise in the future, I must kill you! I must strike off your four limbs, installs you in the jug......” 响尾这边在求饶,后边凤妃却是吼道,“叶空!有种你杀了我!不然日后,我必杀你!我还要砍去你四肢,把你装在坛子……” ! A big mouth pulls out in imperial concubine Feng on the face, her beautiful pupil alarms, is looking at the present person surprised. Pulls out her unexpectedly is loud tail! 啪!一个大嘴巴抽在凤妃脸上,她美眸惊动,吃惊地望着眼前之人。抽她的竟然是响尾! „Do you dare to hit me?” Imperial concubine Feng the whole face is inconceivable. “你敢打我?”凤妃满脸不可思议。 ! The loud tail is a mouth pulls out, in the mouth exclaimed, empress! You awake! All that you want, can never realize! I must hit to awake you!” 啪!响尾又是一嘴巴抽过去,口中吼道,“娘娘!你醒醒吧!你想要的一切,是永远都不能实现的!我就是要打醒你!” Ye Kong stands on one side, is somewhat awkward, this sound also really loves to imperial concubine Feng deeply, at this time also went all out to rescue. In addition Ye Kong and imperial concubines Feng also just had the relations. 叶空站在一边,有些尴尬,这响尾对凤妃还真是爱之极深,这个时候还拼命来救。加上叶空和凤妃也是刚刚发生关系。 Therefore Ye Kong wants to put imperial concubine Feng. 所以叶空还是想放了凤妃。 However thinks that is not good. This imperial concubine Feng is cruel, thoughts are vicious, moreover not awfully. What is most important, she also has the ancient immortal Heavenly Dao in the body! 不过想想还是不行。这凤妃性情残暴,心思狠毒,而且比自己还不要命。最重要的是,她还有古仙天道在身! Ye Kong is not willing to be organized, person but who difficult insurance not to have wanted! If imperial concubine Feng will cause a formidable fellow in the future , and family member starts the retaliation to oneself, that is really the regret without enough time! 叶空不愿受人摆布,可难保没有愿意的人!若是日后凤妃真的弄出一个强大的家伙,对自己和家人发动报复,那真是后悔都来不及! Loud tail, you make way.” Ye Kong is one step walks. “响尾,你让开。”叶空还是一步走上去。 Forgives her life!” “饶她一命吧!” Ye Kong pays no attention, bypasses him to move toward imperial concubine Feng. 叶空不理,绕过他走向凤妃。 The loud tail closely grasps the Ye Kong's calf from the back, in the mouth also said that Fellow Daoist Ye, if you must kill. I asked you to kill me first.” 响尾却是从后边紧紧抱住叶空的小腿,口中又道,“叶道友,若是你要杀。那我求你先杀了我。” Imperial concubine Feng roars, loud tail! Your this coward, the useless thing, you get lost/roll! Don't you have the shadow Heavenly Dao? You can run away!” 凤妃怒吼,“响尾!你这个胆小鬼,没用的东西,你滚啊!你不是有暗影天道?你可以逃走!” Loud tail both eyes are red, said, protects you are my responsibility!” 响尾双目赤红,道,“保护你是我的职责!” Imperial concubine Feng has gawked, smiles bitterly, that belt blood smiles, actually has the character and style. She opens the mouth saying that sound tail, to this time, you do not dare to vindicate.” 凤妃愣了一下,苦笑起来,那带血的一笑,竟然别有风情。她开口道,“响尾,到这个时候,你都不敢表白嘛。” In loud tail with tears, sobs to say suddenly, empress, I likes you!” 响尾目中含泪,突然呜咽道,“娘娘,我喜欢你!” The loud tail did not dare to vindicate, actually in the final moment of this life, opens the mouth to say the cordiality in oneself heart. 响尾一直不敢于表白,却在这生命的最后关头,开口说出自己心中的情意。 Heart that Ye Kong looks at one soft, sighed: Loud tail, you may know, this imperial concubine Feng the thoughts are very spicy, you actually weak, perhaps even if in the same place, my finally you must really deeply by its evil!” 叶空看的心头一软,叹道:“响尾,你可知,这凤妃心思很辣,你却性情软弱,就算真的在一起,我恐怕最后你也是要深受其害啊!” The loud tail actually holds up the head saying: Ye Kong, just like you said. Nobody can determine others' destiny! No one is good! This road is I elects, I did not regret! I can determine my destiny, even if front is the hell! However, this is my choice!” 响尾却昂头说道:“叶空,正如你所说。没有人可以决定别人的命运!谁也不行!这条路是我自己选的,我不后悔!我可以决定自己的命运,哪怕面前是地狱!但是,这是我的选择!”
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