MC :: Volume #13

#1269: The strength of faith

Chapter 1269 第1269章 The strength of faith 信念之力 Bang!! 轰隆!咔嚓! The midair electric light cut the sky to be common together, the bright ray illuminated Heaven and Earth completely, in this instantaneous glistening, can see the bean big raindrop to start to pound to fall. 半空一道电光划破了天空一般,明亮的光芒把天地全部照亮,在这瞬间的闪亮中,可以看见豆大的雨点已经开始砸落。 This clever weather!” Instantaneous luminous, illuminated a black clothes person's shadow in woods. “这鬼天气!”瞬间的光亮,照出了树林中的一个黑衣人影。 Although the loud tail is an illegal alien, may not have the habit of what snake, after all, he is Immortal, formidable Great Firmament Golden Immortal. 响尾虽然是人蛇,可却没有什么蛇的习性,毕竟,他已经是一个仙人,一个强大的大罗金仙 He pours rains indifferently, Immortal can definitely keep off the raindrop outside the body effortlessly. What he dislikes is the lightning, because of his cultivate shadow Heavenly Dao. 他倒无所谓下雨,一个仙人完全可以毫不费力地把雨点挡在身体外。他讨厌的是闪电,因为他修炼的暗影天道。 He like a shadow, shuttles back and forth in the darkness. In the shadow of dark night, he not only can hide own personal appearance, but can also run away another piece of shadow from a piece of shadow, even if the immortal emperor came, may not discover him. 他就象一个影子,穿梭在黑暗之中。在暗夜的阴影中,他不但可以藏匿自己的身形,还能从一片阴影遁去另一片阴影,就算仙帝来了,也不一定能发现他。 He is actually an inborn assassin. Perhaps some people thought that the assassin is very ox Cha, but the sound tail can tell you, you made a mistake! 他其实是一个天生的刺客。或许有人觉得刺客很是牛叉,可是响尾会告诉你,你错了! The assassin is very sorrowful! At least this assassin so! 刺客是很悲哀的!至少他这个刺客如此! He forever must hide in darkness, there is his camouflage, is his strength source, is the custom of his permanent impossible change! 他永远都必须隐藏在黑暗中,那里是他的伪装,是他的力量来源,更是他永久也不可能改变的习惯! This is doomed he unable to show face in public, cannot expose in the sunlight, even short lightning, will make him have the illness! 这就注定他不能抛头露面,不能暴露在阳光中,甚至短暂的闪电,也让他会有不适! Actually imperial concubine Feng wants, he understands! Imperial concubine Feng wants the model mother world, in sunlight, high is standing, by paying respect of 10 million/absolutely person. But the making a sound tail knows oneself are not good, even if gives him the strength, he does not dare to stand in the sunlight bright place, will stand will make him ill there, making him feel the danger. 其实凤妃要的,他懂!凤妃就是要母仪天下,在阳光中,高高的站着,受千万人的参拜。可是响尾知道自己不行,就算给他力量,他也不敢站在阳光灿烂的地方,站在那里会让他不适,让他觉得危险。 In brief, a sorrow of assassin, lies in can never walk onto the stage, cannot wear the imperial robe to rule the world, forever like the snake, hides in the abegging corner. 总之,一个刺客的悲哀,就在于永远都不能走上前台,不能穿着龙袍君临天下,永远都是象条蛇一样的,躲在无人问津的角落。 Imperial concubine Feng wants, he cannot achieve, he is not willing to change, therefore his these many years did not vindicate, therefore he at this moment be only sneak off secretly. 凤妃要的,他做不到,他也不愿去改变,所以他这么多年都不表白,所以他此刻只有偷偷溜走。 Perhaps that was called the Ye Kong's man to help her, hopes that she can succeed.” Although in the loud tail heart thinks like this, but thinks that Ye Kong and imperial concubines Feng handle the intimate matter, he thought that has the 10 million/absolutely root to puncture in to bind his heart. “或许那个叫叶空的男人真的能帮她,希望她能成功吧。”响尾心中虽然这样想,可是想到叶空和凤妃做亲密的事情,他就觉得有千万根刺在扎他的心。 Does not think that leaves here, finding the way to go to Immortal World, I also delay was too long!” The loud tail just wants to harness Yunfei to leave this star, actually hears the back distant place, a bang loud sound. “不想了,离开这里,想办法去仙界,我也耽误的太久了!”响尾刚想驾云飞出这星球,却听见背后远方,轰地一声巨响。 That loud sound is not the thunderclap, but from underground sends out, the entire ground is shivering, sways, as if the earthquake is common. 那巨响绝不是雷声,而是从地下发出,整个地面都在颤抖,摇晃,仿佛地震一般。 Is the mausoleum chamber?” Loud tail fiercely one startled, has gawked, forwarded two steps. May unable to control own both feet finally, turns around racing time/return. “难道是地宫?”响尾猛地一惊,愣了一下,又向前走了两步。可最后还是控制不住自己的双脚,转身奔回。 That side imperial concubine Feng has turned in the hand with Ye Kong, false Ye Kong is having being disillusioned Heavenly Dao struck the mausoleum chamber in the thick soil layer makes into the powder dust, the top of the head of resting palace opened a giant hole, in the dilapidated building with the rain water spate, was thin crash-bang to flow. 那边凤妃已经和叶空交上了手,假叶空带着破灭天道的一击把地宫上厚厚的土层都打成碎末,寝宫的头顶开了一个巨大的窟窿,断瓦残垣和着雨水泥水,稀里哗啦地流淌进来。 Ye Kong by the influence of raindrop, a tip of the toe point, was not raised departs, the body twists, revolving, stands outside mixed on the statue head of Immortal Lord. 叶空丝毫不受雨点的影响,脚尖一点,拔高飞出,身体一拧,一个旋转,站在外边“杂”种仙主的塑像脑袋上。 In the raindrop is thin crash-bang, Ye Kong is not affected, he has the immortal strength guard, there is an immortal knowledge to replace the eye. However this rain affects him, affects his mood! 雨点稀里哗啦,叶空根本不受影响,他有仙力护身,也有仙识代替眼睛。不过这雨还是影响到他,影响到他的情绪! He thought that was tired of thoroughly! 他觉得烦透了! Haha, Shadow Martial. Do you think me unable?” False Ye Kong also revolves is running out of the mausoleum chamber, that posture movement is more vivid than Ye Kong's Shadow Martial. “哈哈,影武。你以为我不会?”假叶空也是旋转着冲出地宫,那姿势动作比叶空的影武还要生动。 His body draws an arc, in the hand the blade edge of Heavenly Dao carries over a semicircle white light, that luminous must glisten compared with the sky thunder and lightning unexpectedly! 他的身体划出一条弧线,手中天道之刃带出一条半圆白光,那光亮竟然比天空雷电还要闪亮! Dies!” Also is one long drinks, the blade edge of Heavenly Dao cuts air/Qi from out of the blue, cuts the broken rain water, is having being disillusioned Heavenly Dao, strikes loudly to Ye Kong! “去死!”又是一声长喝,天道之刃斩破空气,斩破雨水,带着破灭天道,轰然击向叶空 Bang! Under strikes, stands erect many ten thousand years of Immortal Lord statues to explode the powder, under being disillusioned Heavenly Dao, the palm of the hand big fragment is impossible to appear. Completely has become the dregs! 轰!一击之下,屹立多少万年的仙主雕像炸成粉末,破灭天道之下,连巴掌大的碎片都不可能出现。已经全部成了渣! Ye Kong shrinks to become Cun to escape. The heart said that this weaponry really has no way to hit. Oneself have, the opposite party all has, but also is higher than a big truncation in turn! 叶空一个缩地成寸逃开。心说这一仗真是没法打。自己有的,对方全有,还反过来比自己高出一大截! Oneself do not have, the opposite party also has! 自己没有的,对方也有! What is most hateful is benevolent king armor thing, probably is ridiculing him to be imprudent, refuses to strive unexpectedly, takes pleasure in others'misfortunes in the one side, protects the hosts not to be willing! 最可恨的是仁王甲这玩意,好象在讥笑他不检点,竟然拒绝出力,在一旁兴灾乐祸,连护主都不肯! Mother, you want me dead, I do not die!” Ye Kong roars, harnesses seven pink clouds to run away! “妈的,你们要我死,我就偏不死!”叶空怒吼一声,驾起七彩云逃走! So long as runs away to the next door star, asks for leave Wu Guibao Chu Yiyi and the others to help, can definitely handle this insane woman. 只要逃到隔壁星球,请假吴贵宝楚一一等人帮忙,肯定能搞定这疯女人。 However has not actually expected, false Ye Kong linked his disposition to study the past, bellowed in the back, today you refuse stubbornly to be possible! An arrow does not die, I shoot your ten arrows \; Ten arrows do not die, I shoot your hundred arrows!” 不过却没料到,假叶空连他的性格都学了过去,在后边大吼,“今天你非死不可!一箭不死,我射你十箭\;十箭不死,我射你百箭!” Ye Kong must spit blood, turns head to look, in the wind and rain that false Ye Kong is full Immortal Path the bowstring, to is being an arrow! 叶空都要吐血了,回头一看,风雨中那个假叶空正拉满断仙路的弓弦,对着自己就是一箭! f*ck your ancestor!” Ye Kong scolded one, takes out Immortal Path hastily, is an arrow projects! 日你先人!”叶空骂了一句,连忙也取出断仙路,啪,也是一箭射出! Bang! Same breaking Immortal Path, same being disillusioned Heavenly Dao. 轰!同样的断仙路,同样的破灭天道。 Two seven color bright radiance meets in the midair, blooms on this star the brightest spark! Bang, Heaven and Earth seemed vibrated, the endless curtain of rain was ripped open, trillion raindrop change directions, toward square lasing. But the dark cloud in midair, this was struck ripping open a huge opening! 两道七彩的明亮光华在半空相遇,绽放出这颗星球上最亮的火花!轰地一声,天地都仿佛被震动,无尽的雨幕被撕开,亿万颗雨滴改变方向,向着四方激射。而半空中的乌云,也被这一击给撕开了一个巨大的口子! Consciousness that however obviously, these two semblance exactly the same fellows, have not actually stopped. False Ye Kong in ground also inherited the Ye Kong's disposition, shoots dead you relentlessly! Lifts the hand is an arrow, this arrow just left the string to go, the new arrow is condensing! 不过显然,这两个外表一模一样的家伙,却没有停止的觉悟。地面上的假叶空也传承了叶空的性格,坚持不懈射死你!抬手又是一箭,这箭刚离弦而去,新的一箭又在凝聚! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! In the midair the loud sound is continuous, for a very long time, these snake person maidservants in mausoleum chamber, already frightened to flee, when the loud tail comes back, discovered that the dark cloud in sky was scattered by these two thoroughly, cloud powder, the day was also clear, moon also came out. 半空中巨响连绵,久久不息,地宫中的那些蛇人侍女,早就吓得遁逃一空,等响尾回来,发现天空中的乌云已经被这两人彻底打散了,云一散,天也晴了,月亮也出来了。 The loud tail just hides in a tree lush leaf shadow, looks at space underground two Ye Kong. He already knows that imperial concubine Feng has the duplication Heavenly Dao, but truly has not actually experienced, today sees, does not know that space underground which is really which is the vacation. 响尾刚好躲在一棵树茂盛的树叶阴影中,看着天上地下两个叶空。他早就知道凤妃是有复制天道的,不过却没真正见识过,今天一见,也不知道天上地下哪个是真哪个是假。 However listened to them to speak, branched out the genuine and fake, knew which was imperial concubine Feng. The loud tail does not think make a move. Helps imperial concubine Feng? Has won Ye Kong, Ye Kong forever staying behind, that will not have his making a sound tail anything matter. Actually he hopes actually Ye Kong can run away. Naturally, Ye Kong had given him to ask favor before, his at heart is also very grateful Ye Kong's. 不过就算听他们说话,分出了真假,知道了哪个是凤妃。响尾也不想出手。帮凤妃嘛?赢了叶空,叶空就会永远的留下,那就没他响尾什么事了。其实他倒是希望叶空能够逃走。当然了,之前叶空给他求情,他的心里也是很感激叶空的 Ye Kong they cannot keep in view the sound tail, does not know that he came back. Ye Kong a little badly battered feeling at this moment. 叶空他们也顾不到响尾,也不知道他回来了。此刻的叶空有点焦头烂额的感觉。 He has not thought, oneself is such difficult to deal with. Ye Kong copes with the trick that others use, copes with own replica, actually completely cannot use! 他从来也没想到,自己原来是这么难对付。叶空对付别人使用的花招,对付自己的复制品,却完全用不上! The Ye Kong temperament is gruff, the false Ye Kong temperament is gruff! 叶空脾气倔,假叶空脾气更倔! Ye Kong wants to play a method, but he just turned around, the opposite party guesses correctly him to play any wicked idea! 叶空想玩点手段,可是他刚一转身,对方就猜出他想要耍什么鬼点子! What is most important, that false Ye Kong Cultivation Base is higher than him, an arrow another arrow, the speed does not know quickly, really hits Ye Kong a little to accept, a little could not endure. 最重要的是,那假叶空修为还比他高,一箭又一箭,速度不知道多快,打得真叶空有点应接不暇,有点吃不消了。 Their arrows bumped into midair, dozens arrows get down, the convergence point more and more upward moved, approached Ye Kong in sky more and more! 本来两人的箭是在半空中相撞,几十箭下来,交汇点已经越来越往上移动,越来越靠近天空中的叶空了! What to do? What to do?” Ye Kong was a little anxious, this way, oneself must be given to shoot dead by fake! “怎么办?怎么办?”叶空有点急了,再这样下去,自己就要被假的自己给射死了! Has a plan for the present, only then a character, runs away! 为今之计,只有一个字,逃! Ye Kong projects an arrow fiercely, afterward receives the bow, stimulates to movement seven pink clouds, during flies into dark green is deep! 叶空猛地射出一箭,随后把弓一收,催动七彩云,飞进苍冥之中! However that false Ye Kong early knows that Ye Kong must run away, this arrow unexpectedly is the double arrow that projects! An arrow kept off by the Ye Kong's arrow, another arrow pursues tightly! 不过那假的叶空早知道叶空要逃,这一箭竟然是射出的双箭!一箭被叶空的箭挡下,另一箭紧追而来! The Ye Kong heart cannot reach an agreement, hurries to put forth the strength of flying cotton wool, the body flutters, sticks to the immortal Yuan arrow arrow to brush! 叶空心说不好,赶紧使出飞絮之力,身体飘飘荡荡,紧贴着仙元箭矢擦身而过! However the danger has not relieved, breaks Immortal Path that is not the general world of mortals bow and arrow, is the nine chief ministers of state immortal bow, will turn head! 不过危险并没有解除,断仙路那不是一般的凡间弓箭,是九品仙弓,是会回头的! Ye Kong just the cha body, had looked that arrow Yaichi circles! Also has hit! 叶空刚檫身而过,就看那箭矢一个盘旋,啪!又打了过来! Ye Kong shouted at heart, I come to the end of one's destiny!” Hurries is the strength of shunt flying cotton wool! May break the Immortal Path arrow, so long as does not explode, will again turn head! Once again turns the head to shoot! 叶空心里喊了一声,“我命休矣!”赶紧又是飞絮之力闪开!可断仙路的箭只要不爆炸,就会再回头!又一次转头射来! Ye Kong must spit blood, has not thought Immortal Path, to be how endless! 叶空真的要吐血了,从来没觉得断仙路,怎么没完没了啊! In the time that he dodges, false Ye Kong has trod seven pink clouds to overtake, stands in the midair, shouted fierce: This bow named breaks Immortal Path! This bow, Immortal Path must break!” 就在他左躲右闪的时刻,假叶空已经踏着七彩云追上,站在半空,厉声喝道:“此弓名叫断仙路!此弓一出,仙路必断!” Own lines by others robbing. 得,自己的台词都被人家给抢走了。 However this most cup did not have. What most tragedy is, avoids that arrow arrow while Ye Kong, false Ye Kong extracts the blade edge of Heavenly Dao fiercely, that blade increases instantaneously, like the mountain, is cutting to fall to the Ye Kong overhead greatly! 不过这还并不是最杯具的。最悲剧的是,趁着叶空躲避那根箭矢,假叶空猛地抽出天道之刃,那刀刃瞬间变大,大如山岳,对着叶空当头斩落! Death!” “死吧!” Clang! In the midair a resounding, Ye Kong seems a big iron slab, this was struck, overcomes seven pink clouds, falls into the snake spirit star directly, the Ye Kong's body in the spark that in the aerosphere sparks to glisten, is similar to the meteor is ordinary, pulls out the red bright flame, falls from the sky to the ground! 铛!半空中一声脆响,叶空仿佛是一个大铁块,被这一击,打下七彩云,直接掉进蛇灵星,叶空的身体在气层中擦出闪亮的火花,如同流星一般,拉出红亮的火光,陨落向地面! Bang!! The dilapidated building four directions fly to shoot, the dust raises Old Gao! 轰!地一声!断瓦残垣四方飞射,尘土扬起老高 Waits for the mist and dust to clear, sees ground to pound a soul-stirring big hole, Ye Kong is struggling to crawl in the hole bottom! 等烟尘散尽,才看见地面砸出一个惊心动魄的大窟窿,叶空正在窟窿底挣扎着爬起来! Ye Kong this moment condition is not extremely good, the whole face is the blood, the five main internal organs (entrails) shakes the wound completely, is Immortal cannot receive. He knows, critical moment benevolent king armor protects the Lord, he does not give imperial concubine Feng a blade to divide, must these plunging to death! 叶空此刻状况极其不好,满脸是血,五脏六腑全部震伤,就是仙人也受不住。他知道,要不是关键时刻仁王甲护主,他不给凤妃一刀劈死,也要被这一下给摔死! Ye Kong, ancient immortal Heavenly Dao, you, if doesn't want?” False Ye Kong has stood in the midair powerfully, lowers the head to overlook Ye Kong in hole, is very obvious, this fight decided the victory and defeat. 叶空,古仙天道,你要是不要?”假叶空已经威风凛凛地站在半空,低头俯视窟窿里的叶空,很显然,这场战斗已经分出胜负。 But Ye Kong actually still struggles to crawl, the standing body, sticks out chest, opens the mouth to exclaim: Does not want! I had already said that even if you asked my thousand ten thousand again! The reply is still two characters, does not want! You can eliminate me from the physical body, actually can never make me submit, wants to make my Ye Kong make the toys that in your hand acts bashful willfully, you have a dream!” 叶空却依然挣扎着爬起来,站直身体,挺起胸膛,开口吼道:“不要!我早已说过,纵然你再问我千遍万遍!回答依然是两个字,不要!你可以从肉体上消灭我,却永远都不能让我屈服,想让我叶空做你手中任意拿捏的玩物,你做梦!” Imperial concubine Feng the violent anger, has not thought that this boy is really stubborn, arrives at this type of end of hills and rivers the situation, this boy is not willing to submit unexpectedly! 凤妃已经暴怒了,没想到这小子真是倔强,都到这种山穷水尽的地步,这小子居然还是不肯屈服! You die!” Then, big such as mountain the blade edge of Heavenly Dao pounds to fall once again, this time, is not forgiving! “那你就去死!”说完,大如山岳的天道之刃又一次砸落,这一次,再不留情! But at this moment, Ye Kong actually suddenly feels in the body the flaming flame to burn crazily, these flame probably originally in his within the body, usually in polite like water, but in the will firmest time, is similar to one barrel of gasolines is lit. 而就在这时,叶空竟然突然感觉到身体中熊熊火焰疯狂燃烧,那些火焰好像本来就在他体内,平日里温文如水,而在意志最坚定的时刻,如同一桶汽油被点燃。 Flaming war intent one bursts out! 熊熊战意一下迸发出来! This is in the Ye Kong body early by having the strength of Heavenly Dao! 这是叶空身体中早以拥有的天道之力! Ye Kong laughs, thinks that my Ye Kong is really wise muddled for a while, I have the strength of so formidable Heavenly Dao, actually does not know the use, but also comes out to look for any nuisance ancient immortal Heavenly Dao!” 叶空哈哈大笑,“想我叶空真是聪明一世糊涂一时,我有着如此强大的天道之力,却不知使用,还出来找什么劳什子古仙天道!” The Ye Kong firm will had already bred strength of the formidable Heavenly Dao, but receives the dangerous moment to burst out in the life each time! 叶空坚定的意志早就已经孕育出一种强大的天道之力,而在每次生命受到危险关头迸发! The strength of faith! 信念之力!
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