MC :: Volume #13

#1268: Duplication Heavenly Dao

Chapter 1268 第1268章 Duplication Heavenly Dao 复制天道 The curtain of night arrived in snake spirit star. In this star, the time of dark night compared with white Tianchang, therefore is also here ophidia numerous reasons. 夜幕已经降临在蛇灵星。在这个星球,黑夜的时间要比白天长,因此也是这里蛇类众多的原因。 This evening, the weather is not good. In the sky had been covered by the thick dark cloud, blocks the moonlight. Electricity snake in the dark clouds, meets no resistance the general shuttle communication. But rumble the thunderclap, was predicting violent storm will soon arrive. 这个晚上,天气并不好。天空中已经被厚厚的乌云覆盖,挡住月光。条条电蛇在黑云中,如入无人之境一般的穿梭来往。而隆隆的雷声,更是预言着一场狂风暴雨即将到来。 Penetrates the thick stratum, in the center of mausoleum chamber, in most spacious resting palace, violent storm soon must arrive. 穿透厚厚的地层,在地宫的中央,最为宽大的寝宫之内,也有一场狂风暴雨即将要到来。 Is long-drawn-out: So long as you listen to me, I will give you...... Then I have the means to swindle the cultivate methods of strength of Immortal Lord remaining several ancient immortals. When the time, we have killed that grandson, kills off Hong Dingfang these counter- thieves again, we can wrest away Immortal World to act in a self-serving manner!” 悠道:“只要你听我的话,我都会给你……然后我还有办法骗取仙主剩下几种古仙之力的修炼方法。等到时候,我们就杀了那孙子,再杀光洪定方这几个反贼,我们就可以霸占仙界为所欲为!” The Ye Kong heart said that f*ck your ancestor, this woman was insane. I must listen your, isn't that must be acted bashful by you in the hand? I rather was forced by that grandson , should not be forced by you, at least predecessor Immortal Lord has not gone crazy. 叶空心说,日你先人,这女人已经疯了。我要听你的,那不是还要被你拿捏在手里?我宁可被“那孙子”胁迫,也不要被你胁迫,至少前任仙主没有发疯。 Eh...... Elder Sister Feng imperial concubine, a little matter below family/home, the wife has a child...... It is not right, I do not have the wife. I first said goodbye.” Ye Kong hurries to look for the clothes. This woman not only crazy, but also is jealous friendly, if leads this woman, other wives die do not know how dead. “额……凤妃姐姐,在下家中还有点事,老婆生孩子……啊,不对,我没老婆。我就先告辞了。”叶空赶紧找衣服。这女人不但疯狂,而且善妒,若是把这女人带回去,其他老婆连死都不知道怎么死的。 Reduces the four limbs, installs in the jar, places the latrine pit...... The day, was too virulent. 砍掉四肢,装在罐子里,放在粪坑……天呐,太恶毒了。 Imperial concubine Feng sees this, immediately the facial color is bad, gets angry: What's wrong, don't you want?” 凤妃见他这样,顿时面色不善,怒道:“怎么,你不愿意?” Right, I do not want.” Ye Kong puts on the clothes, jumps down to spread, opens the mouth saying: Imperial concubine Feng, my Ye Kong from just arrived at this world, pledged to oneself, my Ye Kong was not forced, does not place in my destiny others hand. Nobody can decide that others' destiny, you are not good!” “没错,我不愿意。”叶空披上衣服,跳下铺去,开口道:“凤妃,我叶空从刚来到这个世界,就对自己发誓,我叶空绝不受人胁迫,也绝不把我的命运放在别人手中。没有人可以决定别人的命运,你也不行!” But you do not know, strength of that ancient immortal is the how formidable strength!” “可是你不知道,古仙之力那是多么强大的力量!” Even if formidable, but that is not my, I do not want! I also advocate the strength, but I need to be free, does not have the free strength, again formidable is the cannon fodder...... Ok, told you you do not understand.” Ye Kong puts on the pants, said: Imperial concubine Feng, sees in a share of sentiment of our evening, I advised politely your one, present Immortal World is very stable, do not stir up trouble again, will not have any good result.” “纵然再强大,可那不是我的,我不要!我也崇尚力量,可我更需要自由,没有自由的力量,再强大都是炮灰……算了,跟你说了你也不懂。”叶空套上裤子,又道:“凤妃,看见我们一夕之情的份上,我奉劝你一句,现在的仙界很稳定,不要再兴风作浪了,不会有什么好结果的。” Imperial concubine Feng the complexion is pale, every single word or phrase, asked: This ancient immortal Heavenly Dao, you, if doesn't want?” 凤妃脸色铁青,一字一句,问道:“这古仙天道,你要是不要?” Does not want!” “不要!” That dies!” “那就去死!” Imperial concubine Feng also really said that gets angry gets angry, the instantaneous, formidable Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal imposing manner blasts out, as if the mountain great peak is common, suppresses Ye Kong stubbornly, her personal appearance turns gracefully, another turns around, has put on Luo Yi, two light light white Tuilu in air. 凤妃还真是说翻脸就翻脸,瞬间,强大的罗天上仙气势炸开,仿佛高山巨峰一般,死死压住叶空,她身形曼妙地翻起,又一转身,已经披上一件罗衣,把两条光光的白腿露在空气中。 Said the man to be heartless, cannot think that woman is also this. Ye Kong sighed, actually does not want to fight her, wipes storage Wujie, takes out the blade edge of Heavenly Dao, urged: Good that imperial concubine Feng, everybody is together, is very happy, why resorts to arms the spear/gun.” 都说男人无情,想不到女人也是这样。叶空叹了一口气,却是不想跟她打,一抹储物戒,取出天道之刃,劝道:“凤妃,大家相处的不错,也挺开心,何必动刀动枪。” Hangs imperial concubine Feng in midair to overlook all living things to be ordinary, looks down Ye Kong, coldly said: Only if you promise me, otherwise, you, only then dies!” 悬在半空的凤妃俯视众生一般,低头看着叶空,冷冷道:“除非你答应我,不然,你只有死!” Ye Kong shakes the head lightly: You, do not have that skill. Although I am medium Great Firmament Golden Immortal, you are inferior Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal, but, you cannot hit me......” 叶空淡淡摇头:“你,没有那个本事。虽然我是中等大罗金仙,你是下等罗天上仙,可是,你打不过我……” Imperial concubine Feng laughs: That is because you do not know that I am any Heavenly Dao! I asked again your, don't you really want the ancient immortal Heavenly Dao?” 凤妃哈哈大笑:“那是因为你不知道我是什么天道!我再问你一遍,你可是真的不要古仙天道?” Even if you asked that 1000 10,000, my reply, only has two characters, does not want!” “纵然你问1000遍10000遍,我的回答,只有两个字,不要!” Good, you can die!” “好吧,那你可以死了!” Imperial concubine Feng said dead characters, in the eye does not have a friendship again, afterward looked she revolved rapidly in the midair, the revolutions was quicker, finally, resembled the top to be ordinary unexpectedly, could not see clearly her true self, only saw one group of empty shades. 凤妃说出一个死字,眼中再无一丝情义,随后就看她在半空飞速旋转起来,越转越快,最后,竟然好像陀螺一般,根本看不清她本来面目,只看见一团虚影。 This imperial concubine Feng is so strange, Ye Kong also cannot help but with rapt attention prepares, the vision is fixing the eyes on that group empty shade. 这凤妃如此诡异,叶空也不由得凝神准备,目光紧盯着那团虚影。 Suddenly, listens to the empty shade to drink tenderly, duplication Heavenly Dao!” 突然,就听虚影中一声娇喝,“复制天道!” The voice falls, the empty shade stops suddenly, appears in front of Ye Kong, unexpectedly is not imperial concubine Feng. 话音一落,虚影骤然停止,出现在叶空面前的,竟然已经不是凤妃。 But another Ye Kong! 而是另一个叶空 Same, is completely same. The same appearance, same attire, is taking the blade edge of same Heavenly Dao, the expression movement, completely is the same! At this moment, even if Aunt Ye Kong's comes, which cannot distinguish clearly is Ye Kong! 一样,完全的一样。一样的模样,一样的衣着,拿着一样的天道之刃,就连表情动作,都完全一样!此刻,就算叶空的妈妈来,也分不清哪个是叶空 Not only the semblance is the same, even the thoughts are also same. Ye Kong that imperial concubine Feng turns into haha said with a smile: You are thinking that on this day the blade edge of say/way is fake? Told you, was not! In three double-hour, the blade edge of my say/way of this day is the same with you! Immortal bow breaks Immortal Path, haha, told you, I also had!” 不但外表一样,甚至就连心思也是一样。凤妃化成的叶空哈哈笑道:“你是不是在想这天道之刃是假的?告诉你,不是!在三个时辰里,我这天道之刃和你是一样的!还有仙弓断仙路,哈哈,告诉你,我也有!” False Ye Kong grasps on the back of the hand, stresses one Immortal Path to come out unexpectedly. Not only so, storage Wujie and seven pink clouds, she has! 叶空在手背上一抓,竟然真的抓出一把断仙路出来。不但如此,就连储物戒和七彩云,她都有! Listens to false Ye Kong haha to say with a smile: My this is the Immortal World rare duplication Heavenly Dao, so long as is the person of Immortal World, so long as I have his essence and blood to duplicate him, even his immortal artifact and thought that I can duplicate...... You delivered my essence and blood to be many a moment ago, can definitely duplicate three double-hour, such long time, I also enough killed you!” 就听假叶空哈哈笑道:“我这是仙界罕见的复制天道,只要是仙界之人,我只要有他的精血就能复制出一个他,甚至他身上的仙器和思想,我都能复制……你刚才送我的精血很多啊,完全可以复制三个时辰,这么久的时间,我也足够杀死你了!” Ye Kong calls out in grief at heart, it seems like cannot casual xxoo, kill the person really! However fortunately, the divine tool is obviously uncopiable, Godhead is also uncopiable, the divine tool and Godhead memory has not duplicated, otherwise own secret must all be known by her. 叶空心里悲鸣,看来真的不能随便xxoo,是会害死人的!不过还好,显然神器不能复制,神格也不能复制,就连神器和神格的记忆都没复制,要不然自己的秘密就要被她全知道了。 Ye Kong said: Imperial concubine Feng, you receive hand. Although you cause exactly the same me, but I dare to hit the guarantee, the counterfeit goods cannot defeat the genuine article eventually!” 叶空道:“凤妃,你收手吧。虽然你弄出一个一模一样的我,可是我敢打保证,假货终究是不能战胜真货的!” „, Yes?” False Ye Kong cold snort/hum, said: Forgot to tell you, what this duplication Heavenly Dao end was mysterious, if were lower than my Cultivation Base by the reproducer, I can also transfer my Cultivation Base, haha......” “哦,是嘛?”假叶空冷哼一声,又道:“忘记告诉你了,这复制天道端的是神奇,如果被复制者低于我的修为,我还可以把我的修为转过去,哈哈……” In the big laughter, on false Ye Kong the golden light dodges continually twice! Instantaneous, inferior Encompassing Heaven Exalted Immortal Ye Kong appeared, the hand blade edge of Heavenly Dao, turned into seven immortal artifact! 大笑声中,假叶空身上金光连闪两次!瞬间,一个下等罗天上仙叶空就出现了,手中的天道之刃,也变成了七品仙器 In the Ye Kong heart complained of hardship secretly, high two-level did, this weaponry hit? 叶空心中暗自叫苦,一个比自己高两级的自己,这仗怎么打?
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