LE :: Volume #21

#2059: Time

? Now is worried should be that God of Time has not heard the news, left this place, all these that Zhao Fu makes wasted the time. ?现在所担心的应该是那个时间之神没有听到消息,离开了这个地方,那赵甫做的这一切都白费了功夫。 Suddenly! 忽然! Zhao Fu felt time fluctuates, a cat appears in open area surroundings, this cat is bigger than the ordinary cat, moreover fat that compares very much, and a young pig is almost same. 赵甫感到了一股时间波动,一只猫出现在空地的周围,这一只猫比普通猫要大,而且很比较的胖,和一头小猪差不多一样。 Has noble purple hair, an eye pupil of pair of silver white, lends Spiritual God aura. 拥有着一身高贵的紫色毛发,还有一双银白色的眼瞳,散发出一股神灵气息。 That cat is God of Time. 那一只猫就是时间之神 The cat appears in open area surroundings, understands that the front is very dangerous, without anxiously going forward, otherwise all around burned black corpse is its fate. 猫出现在空地周围,也明白前方很危险,没有急着上前,不然四周焦黑的尸体就是它的下场。 Zhao Fu does not have anxiously making a move, because the vigilant nature of this cat is too strong, any movement possibly makes it run away, if makes it run away is not not possible next time to catch it. 赵甫也没有急着出手,因为这猫的警惕性太强,任何的动作都可能让它跑掉,如果让它跑掉下一次就不可能抓到它。 Cat passes through a meeting after all around, opens mouth to put out a silver air bubble, more than one meter big, floats before its body, in the purple cat movement somewhat clumsy climbing air bubble, is skidding the cat claw, that silver air bubble flutters to the air-to-surface center. 猫在四周贯穿一会后,张开嘴吐出一个银色的气泡,有一米多大,漂浮在它的身前,紫猫动作有些笨拙的爬进气泡之中,然后滑动着猫爪,那一个银色的气泡向空地中心飘过去。 Stunned matter happened, that silver white air bubble, slowly is fluttering forward, enters to the range that in restriction is, but restriction has no movement, does not seem to trigger general. 令人错愕的事情发生了,那一个银白色的气泡,慢慢的向前飘动着,进入到禁制所在的范围内,可是禁制没有任何的动作,好像没有触发一般。 Zhao Fu sees this, in the heart somewhat is also accidental, felt that should be that air bubble reason, this makes that restriction not be triggered. 赵甫见到这一幕,心中也有些意外,感觉应该是那气泡的原因,这才使得那禁制没有被触发。 But that air bubble is time attribute(s). 而那气泡就是时间属性 Sees only the fat cat unceasingly glide claw in air bubble, the air bubble slowly fluttered side of stone platform, the fat cat looks at the jade bottle in stone platform, took a deep breath, reveals appearance that a face enjoyed to be infatuated with. 只见气泡之中的胖猫不断滑动爪子,气泡慢慢的飘到了石台的旁边,胖猫看着石台上的玉瓶,深深吸了一口气,露出一脸享受陶醉的样子。 Then, is happy somewhat impatiently, stretches out two claw, grasps that jade bottle, wants to leave with the jade bottle immediately. 然后,开心得有些迫不及待,伸出两只爪子,抱住那一个玉瓶,想要拿着玉瓶马上离开。 In this moment, Zhao Fu understands that is the best time of making a move. 在这一刻,赵甫明白就是出手的最好时机。 Bang! 轰! Zhao Fu extends a hand, huge black aura gushes out from the hand, breaks through the gate of room, changes into a giant arm, brings huge strength, grasped to that fat cat. 赵甫伸出一只手,一股庞大的黑色气息从手中涌出,冲破房间的门,化为一只巨大的手臂,带着庞大的力量,向那一只胖猫抓了过去。 In fat cat heart one startled, holds the jade bottle in the bosom, body sends out the intense silver white ray, that air bubble is also increasing. 胖猫心中一惊,把玉瓶抱在怀里,身体散发出强烈银白色光芒,那一个气泡也在变大起来。 Bang! 轰! That huge by arm of black mist constitution, air bubble that held that silver, this air bubble seems like very frail, actually very hard, that big hand makes an effort to grasp the air bubble, has not caught him broken. 那一只巨大由黑色雾气构成的手臂,一把抓住了那一个银色的气泡,这个气泡看似很脆弱,其实非常的坚硬,那一只大手用力握着气泡,并没有把他抓碎。 However, now holds the fat cat, then quite good. 不过,现在已经抓住了胖猫,接下来就比较好棒了。 But all come as a surprise to Zhao Fu. 可一切又出乎赵甫预料。 burst! 突然! That fat cat disappears in the air bubble, that air bubble loses the strength support, is unable to withstand huge arm strength to disrupt, exudes clear sound. 那一只胖猫消失在气泡内,那个气泡失去力量支持,无法承受巨大的手臂力量碎裂了开来,发出一声清脆的响声。 But that fat cat, is holding the jade pendant, appears in open area side. 而那一只胖猫,抱着玉佩,出现在空地的一边。 Zhao Fu disperses that big hand immediately, the golden eye pupil rapid rotation of left eye, invisible powerful strength sends out. 赵甫马上散开那一只大手,左眼的金色眼瞳快速旋转起来,一股无形强大的力量散发出去。 clang clang clang...... 锵锵锵…… Chains have the strong strength, the speed very fast to four sides all directions, shoots to that fat cat, imposing manner very swift and violent, brings powerful Power of Sealing. 一根根锁链带着强大的劲力,速度非常快速的冲四面八方,向那一只胖猫射过去,气势非常的迅猛,带着一股强大的封印之力 Fat cat eyes of silver white look at Zhao Fu, reveals the somewhat startled appearance, lent intense Spiritual God aura, the back presented purple circular ancient bell. 胖猫一双银白色的眼睛看着赵甫,露出有些惊慌的模样,散发出一股强烈的神灵气息,后背出现了一个紫色圆形古钟。 The indicator starts the counterclockwise rotation, the invisible time fluctuations proliferated. 指针开始还是逆时针旋转,一股股无形的时间波动扩散了来了。 originally that shot the past numerous iron chain, unexpectedly shrank automatically, temporarily broke away from the Zhao Fu's control. 原本那射过去的众多铁链,竟然一根根的自动缩回去,暂时脱离了赵甫的控制。 The Zhao Fu expression stares. 赵甫表情一愣。 That fat cat seizes an opportunity, two cat claws hold the jade bottle to fly fast at the same time, speed very quick. 那胖猫抓住一个机会,两只猫爪抱着玉瓶快速向一边飞过去,速度非常的快。 Zhao Fu quickly pursues forward, and put out Heaven Sealing Sword, huge strength pours into, makes an effort a thorn, the crystal color ray shoots together fast to the fat cat. 赵甫急忙向前追过去,并且拿出了封天剑,一股庞大力量注入其中,用力一刺,一道晶色光芒飞快向胖猫射过去。 The fat cat one hides to side, evaded very much easily this struck. 胖猫向旁边一躲,很容易就躲过了这一击。 However that a ray of light stops nearby it, crystal color formation appears, sends out the innumerable rays. 但是那一道光芒在它附近停止下来,一个晶色法阵出现,散发出无数的光芒。 Bang! 轰! Zhao Fu reaching out grasps, that crystal color formation absorbs Power of Heaven and Earth, sent out powerful incomparable seal strength, all around is coagulating void, the outflow of time seemed also becomes slow. 赵甫伸手一抓,那一个晶色法阵吸收天地之力,散发出了一股强大无比的封印力量,四周虚空都在凝固起来,时间的流失好似也变得缓慢。 Places in nearby fat cat, directly seems by a strength imprisonment in the midair, holds the beverage bottle to be afraid startled. 身处在附近的胖猫,直接好似被一股力量禁锢在半空中,抱着酒瓶更加惊慌害怕起来。 On the Zhao Fu face shows a smile, finally held this God of Time. 赵甫脸上露出一丝笑容,终于将这时间之神抓住了。 burst! 突然! Matter had the accident/surprise, purple circular ancient bell, sends out the purple ray, in one time appears in the fat cat behind. 事情出现了意外,一个紫色的圆形古钟,散发出紫色光芒,在一次出现在胖猫的身后。 Bang!” “砰!” An explosion resounds, that circular ancient bell explodes unexpectedly, powerful shock-wave spreads, the innumerable dazzling purple rays project, fresh breeze also spreads. 一声爆炸响起,那一个圆形古钟竟然爆炸开来,一股强大的冲击波扩散出去,无数刺眼的紫色光芒射出,一股劲风随之扩散开来。 After all subside, body of fat cat vanishes on the spot. 等一切平息后,胖猫的身体消失在原地。 Zhao Fu is stunned, all around the hurried induction, the aura of that fat cat has vanished, an anger gushes out, Zhao Fu cannot bear scold, dead cat!” 赵甫一脸错愕,急忙感应四周,那胖猫的气息已经消失,一股怒气涌出,赵甫忍不住骂道,“死猫!” This Zhao Fu has not thought, unexpectedly by that God of Time running, oneself spent so many time preparations, now gives to waste. 这一次赵甫也没有想到,竟然被那时间之神给跑到了,自己花费了这么多时间准备,现在都给白费了。 Moreover that uses the blood, ferments several days of Saint Blood Wine laboriously, but also was robbed by that fat cat. 而且那利用自己鲜血,辛苦酿制几天的圣血酒,还被那胖猫抢走了。 Zhao Fu flies in the sky, all around closes the eye to induce full power, some do not lose heart looks for the whereabouts of fat cat, but no induces, that fat cat indeed leaves this place. 赵甫飞到天空之中,闭上眼睛全力感应四周,有些不死心的寻找胖猫的下落,可是没有一点感应到,那胖猫的确离开这个地方。 Now the Zhao Fu mood is depressed, this God of Time is other Spiritual God is really different, extremely difficult to deal with, no wonder is like this scarce. 现在赵甫心情非常郁闷,这时间之神果然是和其它神灵不一样,极为的难对付,怪不得这样稀少。 What a pity this time has not held the fat cat, that next fat cat will not be swindled, understands oneself suppose the wrap/sets to catch it, but oneself are unable to find the opposite party. 可惜这一次没有抓住胖猫,那下一次胖猫就不会在上当,明白自己设套抓它,而自己又无法找到对方。 It seems like or collects other God of Time news, this fat cat could not catch. 看来还是收集其它时间之神的消息,这一只胖猫抓不到了。 Must get so far as the restraint time attribute(s) thing now, without this thing, cannot catch God of Time. 还有现在必须要弄到克制时间属性的东西,如果没有这东西,根本就抓不到时间之神 These was also time Zhao Fu also underestimated God of Time. 这一次也是赵甫也低估了时间之神 Afterward, in Zhao Fu depressed return mansion park. 随后,赵甫郁闷的回到府苑之中。 Wine God saw that a Zhao Fu person comes back, understands that has not held that God of Time, looks at the Zhao Fu appearance , some unhappy appearance, opens the mouth comforted, Sir as your honored, God of Time will come to submit to you automatically.” 酒神见到赵甫一个人回来,也明白没有抓住那时间之神,看赵甫样子,也有些不开心的样子,开口安慰说道,“大人以你尊贵身份,时间之神会自动上门臣服于你。” Zhao Fu has not cared, Qingqing (lightly) replied, Um! We first leave this place, the matter that here has under will attract others.” 赵甫没有在意,轻轻的回答道,“!我们先离开这个地方,这里发生的事情等下会引来其他的人。” Wine God nods with a smile. 酒神笑着点点头。 Another side fat cat is holding the jade bottle, in the happy sky is flying, then flies by a fine room. 另一边胖猫抱着玉瓶,开心的天空之中飞着,然后飞到一个精美的房间旁边。 In this room, three woman, three woman are long several points of similar, should be blood sisters, each stature is very good, the appearance is also very beautiful. Sends out the different makings, body also has Spiritual God aura, but Spiritual God of Time aura. 这个房间内,还有三个女子,三个女子长得都几分相似,应该是亲姐妹,每一个身材都很好,容貌也很美。散发出不同的气质,身上还有一股神灵的气息,而是还是时间神灵的气息。
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