LE :: Volume #21

#2058: gold

? The news that spreads is this, the mansion park will demonstrate an extremely rare good wine immediately, named Golden Blood Wine, this liquor can guarantee, almost does not have the ordinary person to see, has not the unimaginable flavor, all parties like the person of liquor all being possible to visit. ?传播出去的消息是这样,府苑马上就会展示一种极为罕见的美酒,名为黄金血酒,这一种酒可以保证,几乎没有普通人见过,具有无法想象的味道,各方爱酒之人皆可参观。 Zhao Fu not with the beforehand Saint Blood Wine name, because hears the saint blood two characters, the people will be shocked absolutely, although the news dissemination might be broad, but this may saint blood in Legend(ary), certainly also attract various related powerhouses. 赵甫没有用之前圣血酒的名字,因为听到圣血二字,众人绝对会震惊,虽然可能消息传播很广,但这可有关在传说之中圣血,一定会把各种强者也吸引过来。 Such may the unusual danger, Zhao Fu not be silly, the numerous powerhouse was also seeking for Zhao Fu to be at this time. 那样可非常的危险,赵甫可不会那么傻,众多强者这个时候也正寻找赵甫所在。 Because several days ago Zhao Fu has held a cocktail party, the people taste various types of precious liquor, therefore also highly believed Zhao Fu. 因为几天前赵甫已经举办过一次酒会,众人更是品尝到了各种名贵的酒,所以也非常相信赵甫 Heard that this time is demonstration world rare Golden Blood Wine, this liquor they have not heard, but listened to Zhao Fu saying that rarely, was quite definitely precious, cannot bear in the heart curious, in arrived at the Zhao Fu's mansion park one time. 听说这一次是展示世间少有的黄金血酒,这一种酒他们还没有听说过,但是听赵甫说得那么稀有,肯定极为珍贵,忍不住心中好奇,在一次来到赵甫的府苑。 In the open area before room gate, little stone platform, there is putting a jade bottle now, now that jade bottle has opened, unusual refined wine spreads, making one feel that must immerse in. 在房间门前的空地上,有一个小小的石台,现在那里放着一个玉瓶,现在那玉瓶已经打开,一股超凡脱俗的酒香蔓延开来,令人感觉就要沉浸其中。 The people come here, smells this to think, cannot bear reveal the hope the expression, felt that wants drinking such point liquor, pays what price. 众人来到这里,闻到这一股就想,忍不住露出渴望的表情,感觉只要喝上这样一点的酒,付出什么代价都可以。 Really if Zhao Fu said, this liquor they have not really seen, by this wine inevitably is the world's most precious famous name wine. 果然如赵甫所说,这酒他们真的没有见过,凭借这酒香必然是世界上最为珍贵的名酒。 Somewhat stands in Qingqing (lightly) is smelling the wine, compared with the custom is courteous, but some people want to run directly go to drink, what kind of tastiness looks at this Golden Blood Wine is, has forgotten Zhao Fu is to make them visit, rather than makes them taste. 有些站在轻轻嗅着酒香,比较的规矩有礼,但是有些人就想直接跑上前去喝,看这黄金血酒到底是如何的好喝,已经忘了赵甫是来让他们参观,而不是让他们品尝。 Bang! 轰! These people approach, arrange to reappear in liquor nearby restriction, sends out powerful strength, strikes to fly the numerous people, puts out the big mouth blood. 那些人一靠近,布置在酒附近的禁制浮现出来,散发出一股强大的力量,将众多人都击飞出去,吐出大口鲜血。 This Golden Blood Wine is a little, the Zhao Fu goal is to also grasp God of Time, does not drink to these people, moreover told them is the visit, if they want to drink forcefully, Zhao Fu will not be polite. 黄金血酒就是那么一点,赵甫目的也是为了抓时间之神,可不是给这些人喝的,而且告诉他们是参观,如果他们强行想喝,赵甫也不会客气。 Looks person who numerous falls to the ground to spit blood, the people are also honest, does not dare to go forward. 看着众多倒地吐血的人,众人也老实起来,不敢在上前。 Some people have not been convinced, is loudly noisy, why does not drink to them, but also asked them to come to see to do, had this rare and precious famous name wine, why did not share to everyone tastes, no matter my anything, I were with this liquor, if did not give to drink does not walk.” 有些人还不服气,大声吵闹着,“为什么不给他们喝,还叫他们来看干嘛,有这一种珍稀的名酒,为什么不分享给大家品尝,我什么不管,我就是要和这酒,如果不给喝就不走了。” These person of Zhao Fu may not have to manage them spatially, but the matter about Golden Blood Wine, spread over the four directions quickly, now everyone knows that presented this liquor. 这些人赵甫可没有空理他们,不过关于黄金血酒的事情,很快传遍了四方,现在大家都知道出现了这一种酒。 Various places love the person of liquor, hears this news also to come in swarms. 各处爱酒之人,听到这个消息也是蜂拥而至。 Although without tasting this Golden Blood Wine, but the people smell that wine to fall probably the become a devil barrier, extreme wants to taste, but there is a powerful restriction protection, almost no one can touch the bottle. 虽然没有品尝过这黄金血酒,但众人闻闻那酒香就好像陷入魔障,极为的想要品尝,可是有强大的禁制守护,几乎没有一个人能触碰到瓶子。 Zhao Fu the person demonstrates one day later, arrived at the night. 赵甫给人展示一天后,来到了夜晚。 Now Zhao Fu may not have to keep others to treat here, asking these people to leave, some want to depend on the person here, was hit directly, now around open area already no one. 现在赵甫可没有在留其它人待在这里,请那些人离开,有些想赖在这里的人,直接被打出去,现在空地四周已经没有一个人。 Only the jade bottle in that stone platform, alone standing there. 只有那石台上的玉瓶,孤零零的立在那里。 A piece of deep blue nighttime sky, has radiant stars, flicks, composes a Milky Way, the night wind slowly, is swaying the leaf. 一片深蓝色的夜空,有着一颗颗璀璨的星辰,一闪一闪,组成一条银河,夜风徐徐,吹拂着树叶。 At this time is very late, but many people ambushed quietly in all around of Zhao Fu mansion park, these people naturally were rob the gold liquor. 这个时候已经很晚了,但是有不少人悄悄潜伏在赵甫府苑的四周,这些人自然是来抢夺黄金酒的。 They are not good to begin during the daytime, in the evening can be unscrupulous. 他们白天不好动手,晚上就可以肆无忌惮。 They smelled that wine, the body and mind fell into, madness had wanted that liquor, regardless of paid what price also to want. 他们闻到了那酒香,身心已经陷入其中,疯狂的想要得到那酒,无论付出什么代价也想要得到。 However, the person who because came were too many, the people surface faced to covet, is surrounding the mansion park, but no one first began. 不过,因为来的人实在太多了,众人都面面向觎,包围着府苑,但是没有一个人抢先动手。 First because of jade bottle all around restriction, this restriction is very powerful, is not the average person can eradicate, second obtains this liquor even, all around person were too many, will be attacked by the group absolutely. 第一是因为玉瓶四周的禁制,这个禁制很强大,不是一般人能够破除,第二就算得到这一种酒,四周的人真的太多了,绝对会被群攻。 Holy Son! What to do now should we?” 圣子!现在我们该怎么办?” In the room Wine God takes back the vision, turns around to open the mouth to Zhao Fu to ask, she is discovered that Zhao Fu is to make anyone come out. 房间内酒神收回目光,转身开口对赵甫问道,她是发现赵甫就是要引什么人出来。 However, coming so many people to rob Golden Blood Wine, Wine God to was not very accidental/surprised, the liquor that because this liquor fermented with saint blood, extreme high level, had a charm that made one be bewitched. 不过,来了这么多人想抢夺黄金血酒,酒神到不是很意外,因为这酒可是用圣血酿制的酒,极为的高级,带有一股令人着魔的魅力。 Now Wine God tastes one fortunately, now that wine taste can also taste, keeping her from extricating oneself. 现在酒神有幸品尝了一口,现在那酒味都还可以回味,让她都无法自拔。 Meanwhile because her within the body under drinking Saint Blood Wine, within the body were also many Saint Power, this Saint Power very weak, does not have the means and compared with Zhao Fu's strength. 同时她体内因为喝下圣血酒,体内也多了一丝圣力,这一种圣力非常的弱,是没有办法和赵甫的力量相比。 However must regarding the ordinary person, obtain such Saint Power, that also be the extremely precious thing, now Wine God has been rejoicing, oneself luck is so how good, second-generation the King of Myriad Kings in that Legend(ary) was met directly. 但是要对于普通人来说,获得这样一丝圣力,那也是极为珍贵的东西,现在酒神都一直在庆幸,怎么自己运气这么好,那一个传说之中的第二代万王之王都被直接碰见了。 The Zhao Fu vision looks at outside, induces to their aura, they are not God of Time that Zhao Fu must look, does not need to manage them, now we wait for that person to come here, if that person does not appear, we first leave this place.” 赵甫目光看着外面,感应到他们的气息,他们都不是赵甫要找的时间之神,“不用去管他们,现在我们就在这里等着那个人现身,如果那个人不出现的话,我们先离开这个地方。” Wine God shows a smile, it seems like Zhao Fu has accepted her as the maidservant. 酒神露出一丝微笑,看来赵甫已经收下她作为侍女。 At this time, the person who surrounds the open area cannot bear make a move finally, not possible this to have waited. 此时,包围住空地的人终于忍不住出手,不可能这样一直等下去。 What first begins is a quite emaciated youth, puts out yellow talisman paper to paste in body, entire body integrated underground, overruns to the flat land fast. 最先动手的是一个比较瘦弱的青年,拿出一张黄色符纸贴在身上,整个身体就融入了地下,快速向平地冲过去。 Others see the youth to act, various use methods, rush over to that open area, wants to rob that Golden Blood Wine. 其它人见到青年出手,也纷纷使用各种方法,向那空地冲了过去,想要抢夺那黄金血酒 Bang! 轰! Huge rumbling sound resounds, a huge imposing manner spreads, the numerous person of overrunning, only felt that body lives fiercely stiffly, in the heart gushed out a fear. 一声巨大的轰鸣声响起,一股庞大的气势扩散出来,冲过去的众多人,只感觉身体猛地僵硬住,心中涌出了一股恐惧。 pī li pā lā...... 噼里啪啦…… The innumerable blood-colored lightnings stick out suddenly, the electric light illuminates the four directions, exudes the giant sound, strokes to all around, seeming wants destroy to be the same all. 无数血色的闪电暴起,电光照亮四方,发出巨大的响声,向四周击打过去,好似将一切都要摧毁一般。 Aaaaaaaah...... 啊啊啊…… The one after another pitiful yell sound resounds unceasingly, that one after another blood-colored lightning strokes in body of these people, these person of body fierce twitching, body burned black belches smoke, died there directly. 一声声惨叫声不断响起,那一道道血色闪电击打在那些人的身上,那些人身体剧烈的抽搐,身体焦黑冒烟,直接死在了那里。 The flash ground lay down completely the burned body, but also braved a continuously supercilious look, sent out irritating the nose burnt smell. 只是一瞬间地上躺满了焦尸,还冒着一缕缕白眼,散发出一股刺鼻的焦味。 Skinny youth who first begins, was electrocuted directly in underground. 最先动手的干瘦青年,也直接被电死在地下。 Saw the flash dead so many people, the surplus people understand now, Master of this mansion park, really unusual terrifying, was laughable they also to dare to rob his thing unexpectedly. 见到一瞬间死掉了如此多的人,剩余的人现在明白,这个府苑的主人,真的非常的恐怖,可笑他们竟然还敢来抢夺他的东西。 Immediately the surplus people frighten run directly, does not dare to stay in same place, Zhao Fu will for fear that come to striking down they. 马上剩余的人吓得直接就跑,不敢在停留在原地,生怕赵甫会现身击杀他们。 All around restores a peace. 四周又恢复一片安静。 Time passing slowly, Zhao Fu has also been waiting same place, now the liquor is nothing issue, certainly will attract that God of Time. 时间慢慢的流逝,赵甫也一直在原地等着,现在酒是没有什么问题,一定会吸引到那一个时间之神
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