LM :: Volume #8

#48: An average person daily ( 5 )

Looks these traces that on the paper prints out, Pacheco has turned head, said to nearby Barton: 看完纸上印出的那些痕迹,帕切科扭过头来,对旁边的巴顿道: „ The following matter will be quite complex, I will seek the help of police. “接下来的事情会相当复杂,我会寻求警方的帮助。 However you, can return to the foundation, waits for the follow-up inquiry.” “而你,可以返回基金会,等待后续的询问。” Stares at Barton of paper to hear these words, not only not disappointed, rejoiced on the contrary, the nod said hastily: 凝视着纸张的巴顿听到这句话,不仅没有失望,反倒一阵庆幸,连忙点头道: Good.” “好的。” After reading off Vernal legacy writing trace, Barton's intuition told him, matter will be dangerous. 读完弗纳尔遗留的文字痕迹之后,巴顿的直觉告诉他,事情会非常危险。 But as an average person, avoiding the danger is the choice of instinct. 而作为一个普通人,避开危险是本能的选择。 Naturally, this is also because Vernal can only calculate that his ordinary friend, has not been worth him taking the enormous risk to mix this matter. 当然,这也是因为弗纳尔只能算他的普通朋友,还不值得他冒着极大的风险去掺合这件事情。 Responded, Barton turns around immediately, passed through from the hotel operator and server, arrived on the street. 回应完毕,巴顿立刻转身,从旅馆老板和服务生之间穿过,来到了街上。 This time, he has not chosen the public transport means that on rented carriage. 这一次,他没有选择公共交通工具,上了一辆出租马车 Barton this time goes out to be the special business, is quite urgent, and there is „a compliant section deputy to testify, therefore, can reimburse the expense in this aspect. 巴顿这次外出属于特殊事务,比较紧迫,且有“合规部”副主管作证,所以,能够报销这方面的费用。 But money and who spends the foundation uses own wage, is completely two different feeling. 而花基金会的钱和用自己的薪水,完全是两种不同的感受。 On the way, Barton is looking at the scenery of out of the window, cannot bear ponder Vernal's present condition: 途中,巴顿望着窗外的风景,忍不住思考起弗纳尔现在的状态: „ Is he also living? “他还活着吗? In room that strong smell of blood...... “房间内那么浓烈的血腥味…… Hopes that he is also living, is willing to advocate to bless him. “希望他还活着吧,愿主庇佑他。 If he is also living, where now can? “如果他还活着,现在会在哪里? Where...... “在哪里…… Can? “会不会? This!” “这!” Among the train of thought phonographs, Barton thinks suddenly a possibility, the busy instruction cart driver, making him change the route, goes to itself to be at the block that. 思绪电转间,巴顿忽然想到了一个可能,忙吩咐车夫,让他改变路线,前往自家所在的街区。 In a while, he goes home. 没过多久,他回到了家中。 What happened?” Barton's wife welcomed, a face surprise. “发生了什么事情吗?”巴顿的妻子迎了上来,一脸诧异。 At this time from lunch also period of not short time, let alone gets off work. 此时距离午餐都还有一段不短的时间,更别说下班。 Barton has not picked the hat, has not taken off the coat, without the reply question, asked straightforwardly: 巴顿没摘帽子,没脱外套,没回答疑问,直截了当地问道: „Has Vernal come?” “弗纳尔来过吗?” His quarter of an hour comes to visit you, I make him wait for in the study room, and sent Wells to go to the foundation to look for you.” Barton's wife replied truthfully. “他一刻钟前来拜访你,我让他在书房等待,并派了维尔斯去基金会找你。”巴顿的妻子如实回答道。 Wells is manservant of their family/home, but is very obvious, quarter of an hour being insufficient makes him arrive in "Ruen Antiques' Collection and Protection Foundation". 维尔斯是他们家的男仆,而很显然,一刻钟不足以让他抵达“鲁恩古物搜集和保护基金会” This is Barton wife most surprise place. 这才是巴顿妻子最诧异的地方。 Un.” Barton seriously nodded, through the living room, from second floor, entered the study room hurriedly. “嗯。”巴顿重重点头,急匆匆通过客厅,上至二楼,进入了书房。 In the study room, the window starts greatly, curtain arrange/cloth jogging, nobody left. 书房里面,窗户大开,帘布轻摇,空无一人。 Vernal?” Barton shouted one, but unmanned response. “弗纳尔?”巴顿喊了一声,但无人回应。 He jumped the window to leave...... Barton to frown, looked all around earnestly, discovered several books that on own bookshelf placed had the confusion of order. 他跳窗离开了……巴顿皱起眉头,认真地环顾了一圈,发现自己书架上摆放的几本书籍出现了顺序的混乱。 That is collection in one set of historical, is divided into the high, middle, and low book. 那是一套历史方面的丛书,分为上中下册。 Barton's custom arranges from right to left, but now they turned from left to right. 巴顿的习惯是从右往左排列,而现在它们变成了从左往右。 His silent took a deep breath, walked quickly, extracted that three volume of books. 他无声吸了口气,快步走了过去,抽出了那三册书籍。 After a careful inspection, Barton discovered that volume had one page to be folded. 一番仔细的检查后,巴顿发现中间那册有一页被人折了起来。 He turns to that page hastily, launched folding the corners. 他连忙翻到那页,展开了折角。 Above wrote a paragraph of word illegible writing with the pencil: 上面用铅笔写了一段单词潦草的文字: „The fourth era losing people are worshipping Evil God.” 第四纪的遗民们在崇拜邪神。” Hiss...... Barton is startled, is frightened, fiercely the books stopper in hand. 嘶……巴顿又是惊慌,又是恐惧,猛地将手中的书籍塞了回去。 Had not pondered, his deng deng deng runs out of the study room, rushes to the staircase, prepares to seek for compliant section deputy Pacheco, told him own discovery, and asked him to ask the police to protect own family member. 没怎么去思考,他蹬蹬蹬冲出书房,奔向楼梯,准备去寻找“合规部”副主管帕切科,将自己的发现告诉他,并请他找警察来保护自己的家人。 Waited for the main house gate, Barton to slow down the footsteps, considered a quite important issue: 等出了家门,巴顿才放缓脚步,考虑起一个相当重要的问题: Where should go to look for Pacheco? 该去哪里找帕切科 The Crawford hotel, are Stoen police headquarters, the foundation? 克劳夫旅馆,斯托恩警察总局,还是基金会? After the short ponder, Barton decided the foundation, looks other compliant section employee. 经过短暂的思考,巴顿决定回基金会,找别的“合规部”雇员。 At this time, rented carriage stopped in his main house gate, Pacheco Dawn walked. 就在这个时候,一辆出租马车停在了他家门口,帕切科.道恩走了下来。 We discovered that Vernal came your family.” This compliant section deputy language fast quite explained one quickly. “我们发现弗纳尔又来你家了。”这位“合规部”副主管语速颇快地解释了一句。 Barton relaxed, replied without hesitation: 巴顿松了口气,毫不犹豫地回答道: Right, but he has left. “对,但他已经离开。 But, he has to leave behind some clues.” “不过,他有留下一些线索。” Then, Barton is leading Pacheco since oneself family/home, arrives at the study room, gave the opposite party that volume of books. 说完,巴顿领着帕切科进入自己家,来到书房,将那册书籍递给了对方。 Pacheco looked at two, slid gently in the surface of that line of writing with the finger. 帕切科看了两眼,用手指于那行文字的表面轻轻滑了一下。 He puts out had used previously the pencil, wrote in the side that Vernal leaves a message: 紧接着,他拿出先前用过的铅笔,于弗纳尔留言的侧面写道: Warning!” “报警!” Completes all these, Pacheco returned to its original position this book stopper. 做完这一切,帕切科将这本书塞回了它原本的位置。 However, he has not thrust the books completely. 但是,他没有把书籍完全推入。 As the matter stands, the entire platoon books had a bulge outward. 这样一来,整排图书就产生了一个往外的凸起。 Ok, returned to the foundation, with the lunch, then, waited for the good news of police.” Pacheco patted under the palm to say. “好了,回基金会,用午餐,然后,等警察们的好消息。”帕切科拍了下手掌道。 Barton is not the reason that too clear this senior Lawyer does that but why he has not asked. 巴顿不是太明白这位资深律师这么做的缘由,但他没有开口询问为什么。 He really does not want to mix this matter thoroughly, he thought that oneself cannot withstand completely. 他真的不想深入掺合这件事情,他觉得自己完全承受不住。 Barton weaves the reason to explain to the wife at once several, then follows Pacheco to return to the foundation, started the daily work. 巴顿旋即编织理由对妻子解释了几句,然后跟着帕切科返回基金会,开始了日常的工作。 By the afternoon tea time, he just finished old book appraising a time, heard the knock. 到了下午茶时间,他刚结束一次古籍鉴定,就听见了敲门声。 Had the clue, needs to go to your family.” Pacheco is entangling the gray scarf, stands said near the gate. “有线索了,需要去你家一趟。”帕切科缠着灰色围巾,立在门边道。 Clue?” Barton sets out surprisedly. “线索?”巴顿惊讶起身。 Pacheco has not done directly replied, let go to make the posture of invitation. 帕切科没做正面回答,摊手做了个邀请的姿势。 Barton is unable to reject, goes home with the opposite party together. 巴顿无法拒绝,与对方一起回到了家中。 Vernal came!” His wife obviously detected was not right, quite welcomed to the entrance panic-stricken. “弗纳尔又来了!”他的妻子明显察觉到了不对,颇为惊恐地迎至门口。 All right, some small issues.” Barton is maintaining the image of man, comforted wife one. “没事,一些小问题。”巴顿维持着自己男子汉的形象,宽慰了妻子一句。 After arriving at the study room, he and Pacheco discovered that Vernal ran away ahead of time. 来到书房后,他和帕切科发现弗纳尔又提前逃走了。 Damn, can't he wait for?” Barton cannot bear complain. “该死的,他就不能等一下吗?”巴顿忍不住抱怨道。 Doesn't matter.” Pacheco arrives at the bookshelf front, took out that books. “没关系。”帕切科走到书架前方,抽出了那本图书。 Obviously, Vernal has crossed his suggestion, because this books squeezed in the rack completely. 很显然,弗纳尔已过他的建议,因为这本书籍被完全塞入了架子里。 Probably where I knew Vernal.” In the Pacheco semi-closure the eye, said with a smile. “我大概知道弗纳尔在哪里了。”帕切科半闭上眼睛,笑着说道。 Barton stunned: 巴顿一阵愕然: How to know?” “怎么知道的?” Pacheco opens the eye, the smile replies: 帕切科睁开眼睛,微笑回答道: He accepted my bribe, no, presenting, is not right, the most accurate description should be the suggestion. “他接受了我的贿赂,不,馈赠,也不对,最准确的描述应该是建议。 Naturally, he is not necessarily able to accept.” “当然,他未必会采纳。” Then, this compliant section deputy crosses Barton, went out of the study room. 说完,这位“合规部”副主管越过巴顿,走出了书房。 Barton follows in his behind, to leave the region that oneself are at subconsciously, turned into nearby street. 巴顿下意识跟在他的身后,一路离开自家所在的区域,拐入了附近一条街道。 The end of that street, because of fire collapsing house. 那条街道的尽头,有一栋因火灾而垮塌的房屋。 Has not started to reconstruct unexpectedly.” Barton said one low voice. “竟然还没开始重建。”巴顿小声说了一句。 Pacheco put on the white glove, the expression enforced a point slightly. 帕切科又戴上了白色的手套,表情略微严肃了一点。 He through also calculates that complete main entrance, entered half collapsing hall. 他通过还算完整的正门,进入了半坍塌的大厅内部。 The one after another burned black wood/blockhead lets fall in the place, blocked a person's shadow lower part. 一根根焦黑的木头垂落于地,挡住了一道人影的下半身。 That person's shadow wears the brown jacket, the nose is glowing red, looks very solid, is Archaeologist Vernal. 那人影穿着棕色夹克,鼻子红彤彤的,看起来很结实,正是考古学家弗纳尔。 Barton sighed, the anxious sound asked secretly: 巴顿暗自吐了口气,急声问道: How didn't you report to the police?” “你怎么不报警?” They are monitoring the police station.” Vernal expression has no change to reply. “他们监控着警察局。”弗纳尔表情没什么变化地回答道。 Barton blurts to ask again: 巴顿脱口再问: Why does not leave Stoen, goes to other city warning?” “为什么不离开斯托恩,去别的城市报警?” They are monitoring the steam train station.” Vernal said with the similar tone response. “他们监控着蒸汽列车站。”弗纳尔用同样的口吻回应道。 Barton thinks, frowns: 巴顿想了想,皱起了眉头: You have many ways to leave Stoen, they have no way to block a city.” “你有很多方式离开斯托恩,他们没法封锁一座城市。” Hears this issue, Vernal's expression was gradually vivid, moves fast said: 听到这个问题,弗纳尔的表情逐渐生动了起来,语气略显飘忽地说道: I felt that great existence will......” “我感受到了那位伟大存在的意志……”
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