LM :: Volume #8

#46: An average person daily ( 3 )

In an instant, Barton's fine hair towered completely. 刹那之间,巴顿身上的汗毛全部耸立了起来。 Although he has no way to affirm oneself smell is the smell of blood, but he is at variance with spiritual sense of average man to tell him slightly, this is the flavor of blood. 虽然他没法肯定自己闻到的就是血腥味,但他略微异于常人的灵感告诉他,这就是血液的味道。 Did Vernal encounter the misfortune? Like that archeological team that I was at initially? No, on this envelope simply does not have the blood to remain, how to send out the smell of blood? Short, after pinnacle fear, Barton stood. 弗纳尔遭遇了不幸?就像当初我所在的那个考古队?不,这信封上根本没有血液残留,怎么会散发出血腥味?短暂的,极致的恐惧后,巴顿刷地站了起来。 As an average person, facing this matter, the response of his instinct only has one. 作为一个普通人,面对这种事情,他本能的反应只有一个。 That reported to the police! 那就是报警! Barton just takes the envelope, leaves the seat, suddenly recalled a matter: 巴顿刚拿着信封,离开座位,忽然记起了一件事情: How "Ruen Antiques' Collection and Protection Foundation" has the clear-cut provision to meet similar condition to process, if a project appeared frighteningly the phenomenon that or is unable to understand, stops all immediately, to compliant section report, is under the charge to them following. “鲁恩古物搜集和保护基金会”内部有明确规定遇到类似的状况该怎么处理如果一个项目出现了令人恐惧的或者无法理解的现象,立刻中止一切,向“合规部”汇报,由他们来负责后续。 Barton too did not understand why must look for compliant section, in his cognition, this is a processing provision, examines the project whether has the department of violation, with coping with the unknown danger cannot have any relations. 巴顿一直不太理解为什么要去找“合规部”,在他的认知里,这是一个处理条款,审查项目是否有违规现象的部门,与对付未知的危险扯不上任何关系。 But, the when founder of foundation, that Miss Audrey Hall verified the interior work rules initially, has not made too many modification, only increased such a, therefore, the high levels are not willing to argue with her for this reason. 可是,基金会的创始人,那位奥黛丽.霍尔小姐当初审核内部工作守则时,没做太多的改动,只添加了这么一条,所以,高层们都不愿意为此和她争论。 Clearly, I rather look for the security chief...... Barton muttered while went out of the office, arrived at situated in the corridor end compliant section. 很明显,我更宁愿去找安全主管……巴顿边咕哝边走出办公室,一路来到了位于走廊尽头的“合规部”。 Under thump thump thump, he tries hard to return to normal the mood, had the gentleman's manner to knock three doors very much. 咚咚咚,他努力平复下心情,很有绅士风度地敲了三下门。 Please come in.” Inside spread a no characteristics voice. 请进。”里面传出了一道没什么特色的嗓音。 honestly speaking, Barton to compliant section the colleagues have almost no understanding, only knows them to be unfeeling, action fast, grasped to swindle internal clothes eating insect that the foundation subsidized one after another. 坦白地讲,巴顿对“合规部”的同事们几乎没什么了解,只知道他们冷酷无情,行动迅捷,抓出了一条又一条骗取基金会资助的内部蛀虫。 took a deep breath, Barton twists the hand, shoved open the door. 深吸了口气,巴顿拧动把手,推开了房门。 In his imagination, compliant section should work in an exceptionally gloomy environment, everyone remains silent, once for a while exchanges several in a low voice, decides the destiny of a project and its head, but, what first maps his view is the beautiful sunlight, the colorful ornaments and atmospheric bright layout. 在他的想象中,“合规部”应该是在一个异常阴暗的环境内工作,所有人都保持着沉默,时不时低声交流几句,决定一个项目和它负责人的命运,可是,最先映入他眼帘的是明媚的阳光、色彩鲜艳的摆设和大气敞亮的布局。 What matter has?” A black hair brown pupil, the semblance has nothing characteristics compliant section employee welcomed. “有什么事情吗?”一位黑发棕瞳,外表没什么特色的“合规部”雇员迎了上来。 He puts on heavy/thick black wool coat, does not seem like can withstand the eastern Chester wet cold winter climate. 他穿着厚重的黑色呢制大衣,似乎不是太能承受东切斯特湿冷的冬季气候。 Moreover, Barton detects, this compliant section voice Beckland of employee, was born there either, either has stayed a long time there. 另外,巴顿察觉到,这位“合规部”雇员的口音偏贝克兰德,要么出生于那里,要么在那里待过很长一段时间。 It is not that indifferent, the machinery, is uncompanionable, even makes people think that kind...... Barton flashed through similar idea, while the rapid opens the mouth said: 不是那么冷漠,机械,难以相处,甚至让人觉得亲切……巴顿一边闪过了类似的想法,一边急促开口道: Our partners as if had/left the condition! “我们的一位合作伙伴似乎出了状况! „The letter/believes that he mails only has the envelope, without the content, above also has the flavor of blood.” “他寄来的信只有信封,没有内容,上面还带着点血液的味道。” That compliant section employee has no change of expression, lightly nodded and said: 那位“合规部”雇员没什么表情的变化,轻轻颔首道: Looks at to me the envelope.” “把信封给我看一看。” Barton dispatched Archaeologist Vernal immediately letter. 巴顿随即递出了考古学家弗纳尔的“来信”。 Until this time, he detected oneself a little were not a moment ago polite, asked busily: 直到这个时候,他才察觉自己刚才有点不礼貌,忙又问道: Sorry, how should call you?” “抱歉,该怎么称呼你?” That compliant section employee lifted under the envelope the sunlight, carefully looked, and spoke thoughtlessly to reply: 那位“合规部”雇员将信封举到了阳光下,仔细看了起来,并随口回答道: Pacheco Dawn, compliant section deputy, senior Solicitor, you called me Pacheco will be fine directly.” 帕切科.道恩,‘合规部’副主管,一位资深的事务律师,你直接叫我帕切科就行了。” Does not wait for Barton to respond, Pacheco puts down the arm, kept a serious look several skip roads: 不等巴顿回应,帕切科放下手臂,表情严肃了几分道: Really has certain unusuality. “确实有一定的异常。 Judged initially, the Crawford hotel of this letter/believes from city, I once lived there after a period of time, knows that they like the seal lavender castle design on the specially-made envelope and letter paper.” “初步判断,这封信来自城内的克劳夫旅馆,我曾经在那里住过一段时间,知道他们喜欢在特制的信封和信纸上印薰衣草城堡图案。” Needs to report to the police?” Barton blurts to ask. “需要报警吗?”巴顿脱口问道。 Pacheco shakes the head: 帕切科摇了摇头: Temporarily does not need, we first go to confirmation. “暂时不需要,我们先去现场确认情况。 This need you provide certain help, I do not know that partner.” “这需要你提供一定的帮助,我并不认识那位合作伙伴。” „...... Good, I and you go together.” Barton somewhat replied scruple. “……好吧,我和你一起去。”巴顿有些迟疑地回答道。 Had/Left "Ruen Antiques' Collection and Protection Foundation", after mounting rented carriage, Barton sees the scene to be somewhat silent, seems awkward, therefore asked on own initiative: 出了“鲁恩古物搜集和保护基金会”,登上一辆出租马车后,巴顿见场面有些沉默,显得尴尬,于是主动问道: Pacheco, are you Beckland person?” 帕切科,你是贝克兰德人?” No.” Pacheco shakes the head, I am the Midsea County person, I lived in Beckland was close for 15 years.” “不。”帕切科摇了摇头,“我是间海郡人,我只是在贝克兰德生活了接近十五年。” Why will leave Beckland? I heard that is the city that most suitable Lawyer to grow.” Barton chatted at will. “为什么会离开贝克兰德?我听说那是最适合律师成长的城市。”巴顿随意闲聊道。 Pacheco smiled saying with a smile: 帕切科笑了笑道: But there was also full of the competition. “但那里也充满了竞争。 Good, cracking a joke, I once was the steam powered vehicle tycoon Franmi Cage private Lawyer and partner, afterward he invested to establish the Beckland bicycle company, I started to hold a concurrent post of the legal counsel in this company.” “好吧,开个玩笑,我曾经是蒸汽动力车大亨弗兰米.凯奇的私人律师兼合作伙伴,后来他投资建立了贝克兰德脚踏车公司,我开始兼任这个公司的法律顾问。” Barton suddenly: 巴顿一下恍然: Miss Audrey has the lots of stocks of this company, did you therefore know her?” 奥黛丽小姐拥有这个公司的大量股份,你因此认识了她?” Right.” Pacheco sighed, in the beforehand war, Franmi passed away unfortunately, his industry was mired in dispute in every way. As his friend, I helped his widow and child strive for the considerably large share, therefore offended some people, this made me in the Beckland situation difficult. Fortunately, at this time, Miss Audrey offered the olive branch, invited me to East Chester County, to the foundation work, held the post of compliant section deputy.” “对。”帕切科叹了口气道,“之前的战争中,弗兰米不幸去世,他的产业陷入了多方的纷争。作为他的朋友,我帮他的遗孀和孩子争取到了相当大的份额,因此得罪了一些人,这让我在贝克兰德的处境变得艰难。幸运的是,这个时候,奥黛丽小姐伸出了橄榄枝,邀请我到东切斯特郡,到基金会工作,担任‘合规部’副主管。” Sees Pacheco to say to oneself this matter, Barton even more thought that the opposite party is kind. 帕切科连这种事情都对自己讲,巴顿愈发觉得对方亲切。 He slightly feels the doubts to ask: 他略感疑惑地问道: Why will aim at you? You fulfilled a friend and Lawyer responsibility. “为什么会针对你?你只是履行了一个朋友和律师的职责。 These people should target the Franmi Cage widow and child.” “那些人更应该将目标瞄准弗兰米.凯奇的遗孀和孩子。” Pacheco self-ridiculed that said with a smile: 帕切科自嘲一笑道: I used some not too right means. “我用了一些不太正当的办法。 Moreover, the Franmi widow and child have other friend attendance.” “另外,弗兰米的遗孀和孩子还有别的朋友照顾。” Chatted, rented carriage arrived in the Stoen city central zone Crawford hotel. 这么闲聊中,出租马车抵达了斯托恩城中心地带的克劳夫旅馆。 The position of this hotel elects quite well, itself in the block fine scenery, is peaceful, but only needs to walk for ten minutes, can arrive in the city liveliest several streets. 这个旅馆的位置选得相当好,本身所在街区风景优美,非常安静,而只需要步行十分钟,就能抵达城市最繁华的几条街道。 Entered the hotel, found the boss, Pacheco asks straightforwardly: 进了旅馆,找到老板,帕切科直截了当地问道: We look for a friend named Vernal.” “我们来找一位叫做弗纳尔的朋友。” Through beforehand chatting, he has kept abreast of the general situation of goal. 通过之前的闲聊,他已掌握了目标的大致情况。 The boss has doubts frowns: 老板疑惑地皱起了眉头: If I have not remembered incorrectly, the customer who should not be called Vernal moves.” “如果我没记错,应该没有叫做弗纳尔的顾客入住。” Barton hearing this, is busy at adding: 巴顿闻言,忙补充道: His is taller than me, looks very solid, the nose is always very red, the body often sends out the alcohol flavor......” “他个子比我高一点,看起来很结实,鼻子总是很红,身上时常散发酒精味道……” He described Vernal's appearance characteristics in detail. 他详细地描述起弗纳尔的外貌特征。 That boss recalled, looked to nearby server. 那位老板回忆了一下,望向了旁边的服务生。 Has such a guest.” The servers reply immediately, he lives at 309 th.” “有这么一位客人。”服务生立刻回答道,“他住在309号。” Under the influence of server, Barton and Pacheco arrived at outside Vernal's room, counted on the fingers to sound the wooden door. 在服务生的引领下,巴顿和帕切科来到了弗纳尔的房间外面,屈指敲响了木门。 Thump thump thump in the sound reverberation, inside does not have a sound. 咚咚咚的声音回荡中,里面没有一点动静。 In Barton prepares to propose the warning again, Pacheco suddenly bends the waist, collected since the door bottom slit place rubbed the white, gentle hair. 就在巴顿准备再次提议报警时,帕切科忽然弯下了腰,从房门底部的缝隙处拾取起了一搓白色的,轻柔的毛发。 No, this is not the hair, they are close to condensation of mist. 不,这不是毛发,它们更接近雾气的凝聚。 With touching of Pacheco finger, they fill the air, integrated in the surrounding air. 随着帕切科手指的触碰,它们弥漫开来,融入了周围的空气里。 Meanwhile, Barton who spiritual sense slightly is a little at variance with the average man hears to have the indistinct weak masculine sound to resound indistinctly: 与此同时,灵感略有点异于常人的巴顿隐约听见有飘渺微弱的男性声音响起: Tamara...... Tamara......” 塔玛拉……塔玛拉……”
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