LM :: Volume #8

#41: New journey

In some room that abandons the old castle, the sunlight penetrated the slit of heavy/thick window curtains to illuminate, according to a jet black inner and outer coffin. 一座废弃古堡的某个房间内,阳光穿透厚重窗帘的缝隙照了进来,照在一具漆黑的棺椁上。 Suddenly, the cover of that inner and outer coffin made voice, toward side is moving slowly. 突然,那具棺椁的盖子发出了扎扎的声音,往着旁边缓慢移动起来。 Bang works as one, it fell on the ground. 砰当一声,它掉在了地上。 Also separated for several seconds, Ards Eiges sat, the expression is quite vacant. 又隔了几秒,阿兹克.艾格斯坐了起来,表情颇为茫然。 At this time, he put on Ruen a few years ago the popular loose pajamas, was similar to the aristocrat who in own manor woke up. 此时,他穿着一身鲁恩前些年流行的宽松睡衣,就如同在自己庄园内醒来的贵族。 Slow, Ards narrowed the eye slightly, the facial expression does not know who confusedly oneself is size up all around. 缓了一阵,阿兹克微微眯起眼睛,神情迷茫不知自己是谁般打量起四周。 He saw the penetration slit brilliant sunshine immediately, seeing in the sunlight to dance in the air the dust of float, saw correspondence that on by the table, ground and coffin cover scattered. 他随即看见了穿透缝隙的灿烂阳光,看见了阳光中飞舞漂浮的尘埃,看见了桌上、地面和棺材盖子旁边散落的一封封书信。 Their as if giant snowflake, covered less than half here. 它们仿佛巨型雪花,将这里覆盖了小半。 Ards goes out of the coffin, has doubts to bend the waist to collect a letter/believes wear a look, disassembles to read. 阿兹克走出棺材,面带疑惑地弯腰拾取起一封信,拆开阅读起来。 Read is reading, vacant on his face vanished, as if recalled many past events. 读着读着,他脸上的茫然消失了一些,仿佛记起了许多往事。 Ards looked for a chair to sit down immediately, making all letters fly to the front, overlapped like the peak. 阿兹克当即找了张椅子坐下,让所有的信飞至面前,重叠如峰。 He disassembles one after another, read one after another, the middle stopped from time to time, the long-time ponder, seems to be recalling anything earnestly. 他一封又一封地拆开,一封又一封地阅读,中间时而停顿,长久沉思,似乎在认真地回想什么。 Across window curtains slit sunlight slowly dim, crossed for a long time, it illuminated. 穿过窗帘缝隙的阳光慢慢黯淡了下去,过了许久,它又照了进来。 At this time, Ards read all correspondence finally, completed time and time again meditation long-time ponder. 这个时候,阿兹克终于看完了所有书信,完成了一次又一次“冥想”般的长久思考。 It looked at the eye to pile up one on top of another correspondence on table completely , long sighed slowly. 祂看了眼已全部堆叠在桌上的书信,缓缓地,长长地叹了口气。 Then, he turns discovers the ink that the letter paper and fountain pen and can also use, the facial expression wrote temperately: 接着,他翻找出信纸、钢笔和还能用的墨水,神情温和地写道: „...... I have waked up, received all your letters, who they made me recall itself are, recalling you are , also recalled many past events. “……我已经醒来,收到了你所有的信,它们让我记起了自己是谁,记起了你是谁,也记起了过去的很多往事。 Your experience regardless of the complexity, is the splendid degree, surpassed my imagination, made me as if want to understand the beforehand some questions. “你的经历无论复杂程度,还是精彩程度,都超过了我的想象,也让我仿佛想明白了之前的一些疑问。 From these letters, I can feel that your happiness and your exhausted, you hope to the life and you put the serious responsibility on shoulder. “从这些信中,我可以感觉得到你的高兴、你的疲惫、你对生活的希望和你放到肩上的沉重责任。 I can guess correctly finally reason that probably you make that choice, if it was me, likely under uncertain such determination. “我大概能猜到你最终做出那个选择的原因,如果是我,很可能下不定这样的决心。 You from the beginning, are a Guardian, from imitating others, to was imitated. “你从一开始,就是一个守护者,从模仿他人,到被人模仿。 Then, I will start a travel, tracked down many pasts, witnessed the change of this world. “接下来,我将开始一段旅行,追寻更多的过去,见证这个世界的变化。 You as if also in deep sleep, but doesn't matter, I will write a letter the interesting matter, the interesting custom and interesting person who told you me to come across. “你似乎还在沉睡,但没有关系,我会写信告诉你我遇到的有趣的事情、有趣的风俗和有趣的人。 I think, should be able to mail these letters with the means of offering sacrifices to you......” “我想,用献祭的办法应该可以将这些信寄给你……” The golden pen tip is reflecting the sunlight, rustle is skidding on the white paper, writes many contents unceasingly. 金色的笔尖反射着阳光,在白色的纸上沙沙滑动着,不断地书写更多的内容。 ............ ………… Beckland, in a solarization room in association row of house. 贝克兰德,一栋联排房屋的日晒屋内。 Melissa is pulling an obviously less than ten -year-old little girl, walked. 梅丽莎牵着一个明显不到十岁的小女孩,走了进来。 Paternal aunt, Paternal aunt, why is here?” The little girls have doubts ask, these stories that I listen, hold the mysterious ceremony in the basement.” “姑姑,姑姑,为什么是这里?”小女孩疑惑地问道,“我听的那些故事,都是在地下室举行神秘仪式的。” The hair pulls, wears Melissa of eyeglasses to smile saying with a smile: 头发挽起,戴着眼镜的梅丽莎笑了笑道: That is not the regular mysticism ceremony.” “那是不正规的神秘学仪式。” She is pointing at the front immediately already the candle say/way that the prepare sacrificial altar and has not lit: 她随即指着前方已布置好的祭台和还未点燃的蜡烛道: You can start.” “你可以开始了。” Real?” The little girls lean a beautiful sunlight that looked at outside the eye piece to illuminate into, wanted, can draw in the window curtains?” “真的吗?”小女孩侧头看了眼窗外照入的明媚阳光,“要不要,要不要把窗帘拉上啊?” Does not use, like this is good.” After Melissa replied, the smile looks at little girl, exceptionally did not imitate the appearance that usually held the ceremony adeptly shoddily. “不用,这样挺好的。”梅丽莎回答之后,微笑看着小女孩一点也不娴熟地,异常拙劣地模仿起自己平时举行仪式的样子。 In this process, she makes noise once for a while the instruction, even does for somebody personally, finally made the little girl complete prerequisite of ceremony. 这个过程中,她时不时出声指导,甚至亲自代劳,终于让小女孩完成了仪式的前置。 Ok, read with me.” Melissa took a deep breath, the expression gradually precipitates. “好了,跟着我念。”梅丽莎吸了口气,表情逐渐沉淀。 Un un.” The little girls also diligently seem serious by oneself. “嗯嗯。”小女孩也努力让自己显得严肃。 Melissa looked at candlelight several seconds of sacrificial altar, the slow opens the mouth, discussed with ancient Hermes language: 梅丽莎望了祭台的烛火几秒,缓慢开口,用古赫密斯语念道: Fool of another era......” 不属于这个时代的愚者……” Catches Sui mistake single drop Lezhi......” little girl not to study ancient Hermes language completely, although is imitating the paternal aunt with every effort, but does not know oneself are saying anything. “捕水语则过事单滴乐至……”小女孩完全没学过古赫密斯语,虽然在尽力模仿姑姑,但还是不知道自己在说什么。 Mysterious Ruler of Above the Grey Mist......” Melissa continues to discuss. 灰雾之上的神秘主宰……”梅丽莎继续念道。 Ghost bone injures the drop Saint honey to boil the debt......” little girl to follow to say seriously. “鬼骨折伤滴圣蜜煮债……”小女孩一本正经地跟着道。 „After King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck......” Melissa read, the most above candlelight did not wait for the little girl to imitate, one size of inflating the human race head. 执掌好运的黄黑之王……”梅丽莎一句句念完后,最上方的烛火不等小女孩模仿,就一下膨胀到了人类头颅的大小。 In this group of gigantic flames, has the evil different pattern indistinctly, made the creamy tentacle that the person did not see clearly hesitate to extend, the movement was extremely slow. 这团硕大的火光中,一根隐约有邪异花纹,却让人看不清楚的滑腻触手犹疑着伸了出来,动作极度缓慢。 The little girls tarry instantaneously, retroceded fiercely, hides from the paternal aunt behind. 小女孩瞬间呆住,猛地后退,躲到了姑姑的身后。 The Melissa pursing the lips lip , the facial expression gentle has a happy expression saying: 梅丽莎抿了抿嘴唇,神情柔和中带着点笑意地说道: Does not need to be afraid, goes to greet with him.” “不用害怕,去和他打个招呼。” The little girls searched from the paternal aunt the head timidly behind, sees that fearfully, the creamy tentacle the brilliant sunshine that illuminates into out of the window rocks gently, seems wiping the dust , seems waving to oneself. 小女孩怯生生地将脑袋从姑姑身后探了出来,看见那根可怕的,滑腻的触手于窗外照入的灿烂阳光中轻轻晃动,仿佛在拭去灰尘,也仿佛在对自己挥手。 Goes, does not need to be afraid.” Melissa repeated. “去吧,不用害怕。”梅丽莎又重复了一遍。 The little girls had the courage finally, stood the sacrificial altar front. 小女孩终于鼓起了勇气,站到了祭台前方。 She read the incantation that some invented, then showed the sincere smile, held up the palm upwardly. 她叽里呱啦地念了些自己发明的咒文,然后露出真诚的笑容,向上举起了手掌。 The creamy tentacle that pattern hidden goes to stopped for several seconds, as if somewhat hesitates, is somewhat unfamiliar. 那花纹隐去的滑腻触手停顿了好几秒钟,似乎有些犹豫,有些生疏。 Then, it raises gently, rolls up slightly, descends inch by inch. 然后,它轻轻扬起,略微蜷缩起来,一寸又一寸地降落。 In the sunlight, it and that only small palm struck. 阳光之中,它和那只小小的手掌拍击了一下。 ( The book ends) (全书完) PS: Pulled out emptied the feeling, noon tomorrow will end this words expressing feelings again PS:被掏空了的感觉,明天中午再更完本感言 Newest website: 最新网址: Note: If you noticed that after this chapter content is the security wrong content and this book breaks and other issues to register, 注:如你看到本章节内容是防盗错误内容、本书断更等问题请登录后
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