LM :: Volume #6

#84: „Arrival” projection

Burnt the pure white beam of eye to penetrate the glass window directly, fell on Wizard King Karaman. 灼眼的纯白射线直接穿透了玻璃窗,落到了“巫王”卡拉曼身上。 It erupts the intense ray immediately, is melting all does not die, gloomy and evil. 它随即爆发出强烈的光芒,消融着所有的不死、阴暗和邪恶。 The Karaman form leapt ignited the flame of blanch, was similar to approached heat coal paperman. 卡拉曼的身影腾得燃起了发白的火焰,就如同凑近了烧红煤炭的纸人 That truly is paperman, as if paperman that is congealed by scarlet moonlight. 那确实是一张纸人,仿佛由绯红月光凝成的纸人 The technique of Wizard King substitute person, moon paperman! “巫王”替身之术,月亮纸人 paperman turns into among the ashes, that ancient Wizard King appeared in the apex place of church, the ice-cold vision will go to Emlyn White near bell tower. 纸人化成灰烬间,那位古老的“巫王”出现在了教堂的尖顶处,将冰冷的目光投向了钟楼附近的埃姆林.怀特 At this moment, Karaman bright red such as in pupils of blood, shone to wear the black palace long skirt, wore the Sharon form of exquisite soft hat, a body stiffness, as if lost the ability of self-control. 就在这时,卡拉曼鲜红如血的眼眸内,映照出了身穿黑色宫廷长裙,头戴小巧软帽的莎伦身影,躯体一下僵硬,似乎失去了自我控制的能力。 Emlyn sees that without hesitant, like training a lot of times, pure white regarding will aim at the left chest of opposite Wizard King, prepares to stimulate the Sun domain Darkless Spear. 埃姆林见状,没有犹豫,就像演练过千百次一样,将“纯白之视”对准了对面“巫王”的左胸,准备激发“太阳”领域的“无暗之枪”。 So long as this attack can the heart of hit Karaman, this Wizard King have no way to depend moon/month actinic resolution, is hard through the man-made Vampire strong resilience self-recovery. 只要这攻击能命中卡拉曼的心脏,这位“巫王”就没法靠“月光化”消解,也难以通过人造吸血鬼的超强恢复能力自愈。 Naturally, this will definitely cause the quite serious damage to taking possession in Karaman Sharon, but if can the quick solution goal, she be therefore willing to pay the corresponding price. 当然,这肯定会给“附身”于卡拉曼莎伦造成较为严重的伤害,但如果能因此快速解决目标,她愿意付出相应的代价。 In the beforehand communication, Emlyn and Sharon and Maric had discussed similar several plans, obtained consistently. 在之前的沟通里,埃姆林莎伦马里奇已经讨论过类似的几个方案,取得了一致。 This is Sharon through not affecting the Wizard King Karaman clothing fetters his reason, takes possession compared with Resentful Soul, this to can moon/month actinic the opponent, is easier to reduce and solve, as for Karaman will be whether ashamed because of the streaking, the Magical Mirror answer cannot. 这也是莎伦不通过影响“巫王”卡拉曼的衣物束缚住他的原因,比起“怨魂附身”,这对能“月光化”的对手来说,更加容易化解,至于卡拉曼是否会因裸奔而羞耻,“魔镜”的答案是不会。 Under similar all sorts of premises, they finally choose to make Emlyn White attack the goal, consumes his moon paperman by this, to Sharon taking possession creation opportunity. 类似的种种前提下,他们最终选择让埃姆林.怀特突袭目标,以此消耗他的“月亮纸人”,给莎伦“附身”创造机会。 Sees with own eyes the clear glass ball in Emlyn hand to save once again brilliance, extended one purely to flaming to the extreme white/in vain to the extreme long spear/gun, stood rigidly suddenly had the change in Karaman of church apex place. 眼见埃姆林手中的透明玻璃球又一次积攒起光辉,延伸出了一支纯净到极点炽白到极点的长枪,僵立在教堂尖顶处的卡拉曼突然有了变化。 Center his forehead split a slit fast, inside seems mounting blood red full moon. 他的额头正中快速裂开了一道缝隙,里面仿佛镶嵌着一轮血红的满月。 The tide same moonlight welled up, making the body illusory, the hair pale gold/metal, the pupils light blue Sharon form floats uncontrolled from the body of Karaman little. 潮水一样的月光涌了出来,让身体虚幻,头发淡金,眼眸浅蓝的莎伦身影不受控制地从卡拉曼的身上漂浮出少许。 The Karaman stiff slow movement returned to reluctantly normal, in the brilliance of full moon, he turns into one group of blood-color, split the fragments of innumerable light. 卡拉曼僵硬迟缓的动作勉强恢复了正常,在满月的光辉里,他化成一团血色,分裂出了无数光之碎片。 His form reorganizes in church another apex fast, the back is sticking to Sharon phantom that wears the black palace long skirt, but Emlyn manufacture Darkless Spear across the position that Karaman was, flies to the distant place, inflated a micro Sun in the midair. 他的身影飞快于教堂另一处尖顶重组,背后紧贴着身穿黑色宫廷长裙的莎伦虚影,而埃姆林制造的“无暗之枪”穿过卡拉曼原本所在的位置,飞向远方,于半空膨胀成了一轮微缩的太阳。 The entire port city was illuminated suddenly. 整座港口城市骤然被照亮了。 Meanwhile, the Karaman right shoulder presents the obvious creeping motion, has the thing to tear the black robe, drilled, 与此同时,卡拉曼右边肩膀出现明显蠕动,有事物撕裂黑袍,钻了出来, This is exquisite masculine human puppet, it be only the palm of the hand size, wears dark red inlays gold/metal mark the formal clothes, the eye does not know that was exhausted by whom, was only left over two black holes. 这是一个做工精致的男性人偶,它只有巴掌大小,身穿暗红镶金纹的礼服,眼睛不知被谁挖掉,只剩下了两个黑洞。 This human puppet sits in the shoulder of Karaman, both hands lifts, ten fingers of even/including An, seems playing the invisible musical instrument. 人偶坐在卡拉曼的肩头,双手抬起,十指连按,仿佛在弹奏无形的乐器。 The Sharon form was shot to leave the Karaman back immediately, as if received the serious repel. 莎伦的身影顿时被弹离了卡拉曼的背后,似乎受到了严重的排斥。 Emlyn felt the clothing one becomes tight, fettered itself firmly. 埃姆林则感觉衣物一下变紧,牢牢束缚住了自己。 His bow tie lived similarly, must strangle him in the midair. 他的领结同样活了过来,要将他勒死在半空。 That human puppet is Rose School gives Karaman 1 level sealed item, is called „the general of no pupil, item that is strange races path Sequence Four half God after some accident/surprise dies a violent death forms. 那个人偶玫瑰学派给予卡拉曼的“一”级封印物,叫做“无瞳的将军”,是“异种途径一位序列4半神因某个意外暴毙后形成的物品 It has living the characteristics, can according to the idea of owner, take possession the thing that has mystical powers, awakens not spirit item, but usually must feed with own flesh by the holder, otherwise it will gradually grow the eye. 它有活着的特性,可以根据拥有者的想法,附身有灵的事物,唤醒无灵的物品,但平时必须由持有者用自身的血肉喂养,否则它会逐渐长出眼睛。 But once this sealed item is complete, the incarnation to chase down originally the evil spirit of master crazily, and hates all human race. 而这封印物一旦完好,就会化身为疯狂追杀原本主人的恶灵,并憎恶所有人类 When Emlyn hears the sound that the bone makes to be unable to withstand the load, is firing his soul pure white regarding bloomed the bright ray, turned into the peripheral region did not have the shadow not evil not dark state. 埃姆林听见自己骨头发出不堪重负的声音时,灼烧着他灵魂的“纯白之视”绽放了明澈的光芒,将周围区域变成了没有阴影没有邪恶的无暗国度。 No pupil general the effect on his clothing also interrupts. “无瞳将军”对他衣物的影响随之中断。 But at this time, Karaman reads some word unclearly, has the cruel happy expression, throat both hands, stretched one leaf baseless illusory dim, inscribes the gates of many mysterious symbols. 但这个时候,卡拉曼已是含糊不清地念出了某个单词,带着残忍的笑意,前探双手,凭空拉伸出了一扇虚幻朦胧,铭刻着诸多神秘符号的门。 This is Summoning Gate! 这是“召唤之门”! Moon path Sequence Three is called summons Grandmaster! “月亮”途径序列3叫做“召唤大师”! Originally only then Karaman of Wizard King level in forehead that blood red full moon under shining, completed summon unexpectedly directly! 原本只有“巫王”层次的卡拉曼在额头那“血红满月”的照耀下,竟直接完成了“召唤”! However, his overall makings also therefore had certain change, the rationality removed much, was crazily more obvious. 不过,他的整体气质也因此发生了一定的变化,理性褪去不少,疯狂更加明显。 In the illusory creak sound, Summoning Gate opened wide a slit. 虚幻的吱嘎声里,“召唤之门”敞开了一道缝隙。 In the slit, two human race palms searched, the skin is unpolished, deficient sense of reality, like the most inferior rag doll. 缝隙中,两只人类手掌探了出来,皮肤毫无光泽,缺乏质感,如同最劣质的布偶。 ............ ………… Outside Erteke city, the plan followed the Rose School follower and dependencies who the duplicate/restores Living Corpse body attacks the Ruen army defense line, is killing one another crazily, no sane. 凡尔特克城外,原本打算追随复活尸体进攻鲁恩军队防线的玫瑰学派信徒和附庸们,疯狂地自相残杀着,没有一点理智可言。 Is their curved under back of average person, grew the gray-black wolf wool, the corners of the mouth twisted the mouth sidewise, trickled to stick the thick saliva unceasingly, some skins caught the black, like the steel, some lost the heart hardly, fell down, another matter did not have to crawl, some body transparent empty, as if turned into shadow...... 原本是普通人的他们有的弯下腰背,长出了灰黑色的狼毛,嘴角咧开,不断滴下黏稠的唾液,有的皮肤染上黑色,坚硬如同钢铁,有的失去心脏,倒在地上,却又一点事情都没有地爬了起来,有的身体透明虚化,仿佛变成了一个个幽影…… God's Sin Syah is only the aura arrives, polluted the surrounding life, lets them or the collapse tragic death, or different turned into werewolf, Living Corpse and other extraordinary creature. 神孽斯厄阿只是气息降临,就污染了周围的生灵,让他们或崩溃惨死,或异变成了狼人、活尸超凡生物 Exists as Sequence One high position, It can grant the followers strength directly, but there is a time limit, but this way not necessarily is these rebellious armies hopes. 作为序列1高位存在,祂是能直接赐予信徒们力量的,只是有时间限制,只是这种方式未必是那些反抗军希望的。 Battlefield another side, beyond over two kilometers, after Ruen fortification, although that soldier anything has not seen, anything has not heard, the skin surface emitted transparent blisters as before, in the mind reverberates completely divulges various mood various ideas. 战场的另外一侧,超过两千米外,鲁恩工事后,那一个个士兵虽然什么都没看见,什么都未听闻,皮肤表面依旧冒出了一个又一个透明的水泡,脑海里回荡的尽是宣泄各种情绪各种的想法。 Soon, they one after another will be insane, turns does not have the reason wild animal, but the entire position, and even in Erteke city, cannot discover many also to maintain sober human race. 用不了多久,他们就会一个接一个疯掉,变成没有理智可言的野兽,而整个阵地,乃至凡尔特克城内,都找不出多少还能保持清醒的人类 Suddenly, they heard recitation. 突然之间,他们听见了吟诵。 That is recitation comprised of one after another holy elusive sound. 那是由一道又一道圣洁空灵声音组成的吟诵。 This recited the night church from city, as if had many choirs in praise the Goddess. 这吟诵来自城内的黑夜教堂,就仿佛有多个唱诗班在赞美女神 Soldiers and residents, military officers one after another deep sleep in the past, after the fortification, in trench, by street. 士兵们、市民们、军官们相继沉睡了过去,就在工事后,战壕内,街道旁。 They dreamed of a tranquil darkness, dreamed of moon flowers, clumps of Night Fragrant Grass, body and mind Ning and, was no longer corroded extremely evilly. 他们梦见了一片宁静的黑暗,梦见了一朵朵月亮花,一丛丛夜香草,身心都极为宁和,不再受到邪恶的侵蚀。 In the night church in Erteke city, Night Watcher high-level deacon, Eye of the Goddess Illya maintains this to cover the dreamland of entire city diligently, is incapable of meddling outside half God level fight again. 凡尔特克城的黑夜教堂里,“值夜者”高级执事,“女神之眼伊丽娅努力维持着这笼罩全城的梦境,无力再插手外面的半神级战斗。 Klein and Renette Tinichole felt simultaneously surrounding spirituality in the mutation, as if turned into the single layer the single layer barrier, tries to fetter in same place them, limits their actions. 克莱恩蕾妮特.缇尼科尔则同时感觉到周围的灵性在异变,似乎化成了一重又一重屏障,试图将他们束缚在原地,限制他们的行动。 But the blood red muck place between that Wizard King chests and bellies, the after arm of Syah finds out completely, the creeping motion flesh lump that one group covers the black thick liquid follows drills, constituted this God's Sin the body. 而那位“巫王”胸腹间的血红软泥处,斯厄阿的手臂完全探出后,一团覆盖黑色粘稠液体的蠕动肉块跟随钻出,构成了这位“神孽”的身躯。 It looked like one by the pouring in the giant trees of petroleum, the branch of extension by the bulge many arm acting of strange thing. 祂就像是一株被浇上了石油的巨大树木,伸展的枝丫由凸起了一个又一个奇怪事物的诸多手臂担当。 Bough above, viscous black liquor surface, the black and white eyeball that covers entirely the blood threads is rolling everywhere, making the reason of beholder be emptied instantaneously, turned into the one after another rabbit, a leader goat, fat pigs. “树干”之上,粘稠的黑色液体表面,一个又一个布满血丝的黑白眼珠到处滚动着,让目睹者的理智瞬间被清空,变成了一只只兔子,一头头山羊,一条条肥猪。 That dozens over a hundred arms extend fast outward, some blockade upper air, some drill into the land, some from encircle in all directions, some grasped directly to Klein and Renette Tinichole. 那几十上百条手臂飞快延伸往外,有的封锁高空,有的钻入大地,有的从四面八方合围,有的直接抓向了克莱恩蕾妮特.缇尼科尔 Meanwhile, God's Sin Syah sent out shouting of straight thrust spiritual body, making two goals also shiver, presented certain unbending, making scarlet moonlight of midair thicker, making a scene theater curtain on present in red. 与此同时,“神孽斯厄阿发出了直刺灵体的嘶吼,让两个目标同时颤抖,出现了一定的僵直,让半空的绯红月光变得更加浓厚,让一副场景在红色“幕布”上呈现了出来。 The core of that scene is a mummy who is twining the turning yellow bandage, it was pierced by the innumerable sepia branch, suspension in midair. 那幕场景的核心是一个缠绕着发黄绷带的木乃伊,“它”被数不清的棕褐色树枝刺穿,悬吊于半空。 Its belly is rousing high, from time to time under has some position bulge is also shrivelled, seems breeding the new life. 它的肚子高高鼓着,时而有某个位置凸起又瘪下,仿佛正孕育新的生命。 This mummy mouth stretch/open He, is keeping calling out pitifully, although Klein cannot hear the essence the sound, but in the body and soul a pain at the resonance, is making him bear mummy's bitter experience as before little. 这木乃伊嘴巴张合着,不停惨叫着,克莱恩虽然听不到实质的声音,但身体与灵魂内依旧有一种痛苦在共鸣,在让他一点点负担起木乃伊的遭遇。 God of Bounds! “被缚之神” God's Sin Syah that shouted to surpass the way of human race imagination to overlap comprised of the ancient Hermes language words, the essence was praying to God of Bounds, then, It successfully got the response! 神孽斯厄阿刚才的那声嘶吼是由一个个古赫密斯语单词以超出人类想象的方式重叠组成的,本质是在向“被缚之神”祈祷,然后,祂成功得到了回应! Mother Tree was unable to infiltrate into the reality too many strengths, to pray to It obtained the feedback of Angel level, must have a large-scale sacrifice, the influence that naturally, Mother Tree exerts directly and It through the gaze that God of Bounds gives, has certain difference and essential disparity. “母树”还无法将太多的力量渗透入现实,若想向祂祈祷,获得天使层面的反馈,必须有一个大型的祭礼,当然,“母树”直接施加的影响和祂通过“被缚之神”给予的注视,也是存在一定区别和本质差距的。 God of Bounds is not True God, but held strange races path uniqueness and two Sequence One Extraordinary characteristics King of Angels, after giving birth to God's Sin Syah, It even also lost Sequence One Extraordinary characteristics, when was corroded by Mother Tree completely, then also suffered the destiny of isolation. “被缚之神”原本并不是真神,只是容纳了“异种途径“唯一性”和两份序列1非凡特性天使之王,在生下“神孽斯厄阿后,祂甚至还失去了一份序列1非凡特性,等到被“母树”完全侵蚀,则同样遭受了隔离的命运。 Therefore, how regardless of the Mother Tree essence, after circling such a, can the influence that the reality has be also limited, no matter what, this time in view of the Renette Tinichole trap, is luxurious enough! 所以,无论“母树”本质如何,绕了这么一圈后,能对现实造成的影响也有限,但不管怎么样,这次针对蕾妮特.缇尼科尔的陷阱,足够豪华! As the projection of God of Bounds appears, the trim land caught the dark red color, Klein suddenly felt the contact with spiritual world to shut off, is unable to leave with teleportation again. 随着“被缚之神”的投影出现,整片大地都染上了暗红的颜色,克莱恩顿觉与灵界的联系被切断了,无法再用“传送”离开。 His form jumps in clumps of flame instantaneously, while the Renette Tinichole resistance God's Sin the Syah opportunity, searches into void the hand, grasped respectively in the different positions. 他的身影瞬间于一丛丛火焰里跳跃,趁着蕾妮特.缇尼科尔对抗“神孽斯厄阿的机会,将手探入虚空,于不同的位置分别抓了一下。 Finally, Klein pulled off a silver black jewelry box that is mounting various types of gems, then, opened its second without hesitation. 最终,克莱恩拖出了一个镶嵌着各种宝石的银黑首饰盒,然后,毫不犹豫地打开了它的第二层。 Box of Yesteryear! 旧日之盒”! This 0 level sealed item second can the life overall shift within range to some scene that in it records! “0”级封印物的第二层能将范围内的生灵整体转移到它记录的某个场景中!
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