LM :: Volume #6

#85: Best auxiliary

The silver black is the bottom, mounted the three jewelry boxes of many gem to be opened fast, revealed the second internal scene. 银黑为底,镶嵌着多种宝石的三层首饰盒被飞快打开了,显露出了第二层内部的场景。 There piece quiet black, all around barrier as if integrated, one type does not have the boundary not to have the bottom feeling. 那里一片幽黑,就连四周的屏障都仿佛融入了进去,给人一种没有边际没有底部的感觉。 Instantly in later, that piece was quiet black to shine grains , the innumerable radiance, as if turned into the micro starry sky, micro universe. 刹那之后,那片幽黑里亮起了一粒粒的,数不清的璀璨,仿佛变成了微缩的星空,微缩的宇宙。 These radiant luminous spot extreme twists, let the continuous change of surrounding scene in one second repeatedly. 这些璀璨的光点急速旋转,让周围的场景于一秒内连续变化了多次。 What Klein estimates is the range in God's Sin Syah and Rose School Wizard King, lots of followers and dependencies, shift the Battle of Gods vestige completely, making them be separated from southern continent, has no way first to detect that side Karaman was also under the attack, cannot provide the effective aid, but Box of Yesteryear second has the randomness, the scene that only some times can discharge assign, in overwhelming majority situations, the choice place will have the mutation inevitably, this is unable to affect through the accumulation luck, below Sequence Zero is not at least good. 克莱恩预想的是将范围内的“神孽斯厄阿玫瑰学派“巫王”、大量信徒和附庸,全部转移去神战遗迹,让他们脱离南大陆,没法第一时间察觉卡拉曼那边也遭遇了袭击,不能提供有效的援助,但“旧日之盒”第二层是有随机性的,只少部分时候可以“放出”指定的场景,绝大部分情况下,选择的地点会不可避免地发生异变,这无法通过积累幸运来影响,至少序列0以下不行。 Therefore, opens this Box of Yesteryear after second, Klein does not know that will have what situation, with does not depend on the extraordinary capability to cheat on the table-board, promoted all chips depending on the observation purely, the innermost feelings fill disturbedly, naturally, he extremely did not worry, no matter Box of Yesteryear leads him and messenger young lady to where, is unable substantively to harm him, after all, Renette Tinichole is false, Box of Yesteryear is false, he is also fake. 所以,打开这个“旧日之盒”的第二层后,克莱恩也不知道会出现什么情况,和在牌桌上不靠非凡能力作弊,纯凭观察推出了所有筹码一样,内心充满忐忑,当然,他也不是太过担心,不管“旧日之盒”将他和信使小姐带到哪里,都无法实质性地危害到他,毕竟,蕾妮特.缇尼科尔是假的,“旧日之盒”是假的,他自己也是假的。 Considering this, even if were thrown into the bottom by Box of Yesteryear, faced directly that fearful pollution, Klein can also relieve the historical hole image instantaneously, entered Origin Castle, made disinfection comprehensively, and cut off the relation. 考虑到这点,哪怕被“旧日之盒”丢入了地底,直面了那可怕的污染,克莱恩也能瞬间解除历史孔隙影像,进入“源堡”,做全面“消毒”,并切断联系。 In this foundation, he is capable of helping the messenger young lady's main body resist pollution- this did not withstand directly, separated Historical Projection such a, will be quite relatively many. 在这个基础上,他有能力帮助信使小姐的本体对抗污染-这不是直接承受,隔了历史投影这么一层,相对会好不少。 Only what Klein needs to be worried, scene Miss Sharon and Emlyn that Box of Yesteryear randomness selects attack the Wizard King Karaman place, in that case, he is equivalent directs the principal force of enemy to directly soar the headquarters, can only consider to give up acting, with Renette Tinichole division of labor and cooperation, leading other participants to be separated from the battlefield, escapes from southern continent. 克莱恩唯一需要担心的是,“旧日之盒”随机性选出的场景正是莎伦小姐埃姆林袭击“巫王”卡拉曼的地方,那样一来,他就相当于引着敌人的主力部队直奔自家总部,只能考虑放弃行动,和蕾妮特.缇尼科尔分工合作,带着其他参与者脱离战场,逃出南大陆 The probability of this situation is very low, but has to guard. 这种情况发生的概率很低,但不得不防。 At this time, Klein's spirituality as a result by God's Sin aura influence of Syah, solidification many, seems fettering his body and soul, but flowed in Box of Yesteryear turbulently, is maintaining its opening. 此时,克莱恩的灵性由于被“神孽斯厄阿的气息影响,“凝固”了不少,似乎在束缚他的身体和灵魂,但还是汹涌地流入了“旧日之盒”,维持着它的打开。 Also is zhayandegongfu, Box of Yesteryear the scene in second changed, presents one piece micro, vast vast desert. 也就是眨眼的工夫,“旧日之盒”第二层内的场景发生了变化,呈现出一片微缩的,浩瀚的沙海。 Klein and Renette Tinichole, God's Sin Syah, wears Wizard King and lots of Rose School followers and dependencies hood, simultaneously saw the endless yellow sand, felt at night extreme cold. 克莱恩蕾妮特.缇尼科尔、“神孽斯厄阿、戴兜帽的“巫王”和大量玫瑰学派信徒、附庸,同时看见了漫漫黄沙,感受到了夜晚的极度寒冷。 Except for the projection of God of Bounds, the battlefield all lives were shifted a desert instantaneously! 除了“被缚之神”的投影,战场这边所有的生灵都瞬间被转移到了一片沙漠! But that projection, as a result of God's Sin departure of Syah, the relation interrupt, is unable to infiltrate into the reality the strength again. 而那投影,由于“神孽斯厄阿的离去,联系中断,无法再将力量渗透入现实。 Where cannot attend to carefully examining currently the place to belong, Klein diverges Box of Yesteryear, hit a sound to refer, summoned scarlet flame classes baseless, and in jumped unceasingly. 顾不得审视目前所处的地方属于哪里,克莱恩散去“旧日之盒”,地打了个响指,凭空召唤出一道道赤红的焰流,并在其中不断跳跃。 His is to avoid God's Sin the gaze of Syah, and seizes the opportunity to complete the summon of historical hole image. 他这是为了避开“神孽斯厄阿的注视,并抓住机会完成历史孔隙影像的召唤。 At this moment, his ear bank resounded extreme evil different shouting, the mind sudden blank, lost all trains of thought shortly. 就在这时,他耳畔响起了极端邪异的嘶吼,脑海突然空白,短暂失去了所有思绪。 He places oneself in the scarlet red flame class/flow followed to live, like the shackles, fettered in stubbornly same place him. 他置身于的赤红焰流跟着活了过来,如同牢笼,将他死死束缚在了原地。 Only shouts together, the influences of some aura, God's Sin Syah limited Klein initially. 仅是一道嘶吼,一些气息的影响,“神孽斯厄阿就初步限制住了克莱恩 If no sound condition Renette Tinichole to be the teammate, the Klein's projection will not then have the strength to hit back to be solved, perhaps the main body will certainly be affected. 如果不是有完好状态的蕾妮特.缇尼科尔做队友,克莱恩的投影接下来将毫无还手之力地被解决,本体或许都会受到一定的影响。 At this moment, the before giant cloth doll of castle size, cross one step, opened the mouth of shutting tightly. 这一刻,城堡大小的巨型布娃娃前跨一步,张开了紧闭的嘴巴。 This does not have the sound to spread, but that covered the distortion of jet black liquid trees actually as if to encounter the washout of bursting a dike flood, in the future will appear rocks, raised the arms of bulge strange things. 这没有声音传出,但那覆盖漆黑液体的扭曲“树木”却似乎遭遇了决堤洪水的冲刷,往后出现晃动,扬起了一条条凸起奇怪事物的手臂。 The anger, hatred and hatred that this is Renette Tinichole saves for a long time curse silent for a long time, after the root suffered attack, emerges initially! 这是蕾妮特.缇尼科尔沉默许久积攒许久的诅咒,根源是当初惨遭袭击后涌现的愤怒、痛恨和怨毒! However, God's Sin Syah has not had the obvious change, rocked merely, unbending one second, returned to normal. 不过,“神孽斯厄阿并未出现明显的变化,仅仅只是晃动了一下,僵直了一秒,就恢复了正常。 Exists with path high position always restrains low sequence Extraordinary specially, even can separate exerts certain impact spatially! 途径高位存在总是特别克制较低序列非凡者们,甚至能隔空施加一定的影响! But with the aid of this opportunity, Klein broke out of the fetter of flame, changes to Hunger's Squirming, flashed before another side, avoided that Rose School Wizard King manufacture „the arrow of blood moon. 而借助这个机会,克莱恩摆脱了火焰的束缚,改用“蠕动的饥饿”,闪现到了另外一侧,避开了那位玫瑰学派“巫王”制造的“血月之箭”。 He does not dare to look straight ahead God's Sin Syah, makes the best use of the time, finds out the right hand, in toward front was void weeded out. 他没敢直视“神孽斯厄阿,抓紧时间,探出右手,往前方虚空里薅了一下。 This time, his anything has not summoned. 这一次,他什么都没召唤出。 Klein continues flashing before, repeated the movement, then, he successfully pulled off a person's shadow, wore the simple flax long gown, was Church of the Night head ascetic of bark waistband, secret domain Angel, Arianna! 克莱恩继续“闪现”,重复起刚才的动作,然后,他成功拖出了一道人影,正是穿简朴亚麻长袍,系树皮腰带的黑夜教会苦修士首领,隐秘领域的天使,阿里安娜 The beforehand report effective...... the Klein thought flashes, stimulated Hunger's Squirming again, teleportation to other place. 之前的汇报还是有效果的……克莱恩念头一闪,再次激发“蠕动的饥饿”,“传送”到了别的地方。 The eyeball fine motion of Arianna projection, the pupil light one becomes profound, at once joins the Renette Tinichole confrontation God's Sin the fight of Syah. 阿里安娜投影的眼珠微动,眸光一下变得幽深,旋即加入了蕾妮特.缇尼科尔对阵“神孽斯厄阿的战斗。 Had his help, the situation is quite difficult, helped Klein create opportunity Renette Tinichole diligently finally slow that tone, the Syah consciousness had not taken possession by God's Sin, turns into the genuine cloth doll. 有了祂的帮助,处境颇为艰难,努力帮克莱恩创造着机会的蕾妮特.缇尼科尔总算缓过了那口气,没被“神孽斯厄阿意识附体,变成真正的布娃娃。 That Rose School Wizard King is showing it in darkness and integrity of Moon domain, tries and other magic arts to limit Klein's to move with abyss shackles, but short distance flashing before was really easy-to-use, without the God of Bounds effect of projection on the peripheral region, without God's Sin the disturbance of Syah, Klein was similar to returned to fish living creature of sea, the freedom and is wandering about comfortably, only then gaps between two teleportation, need to consider to resist the magic arts of enemy. 那位玫瑰学派“巫王”则展现着本身在“黑暗”和“月亮”领域的全面性,试图用“深渊枷锁”等法术限制克莱恩的移动,但短距离“闪现”实在是太好用了,没有了“被缚之神”投影对周围区域的影响,没有了“神孽斯厄阿的干扰,克莱恩就如同回归了大海的鱼类生物,自由而自在地徜徉着,只有两次“传送”间的间隔,才需要考虑对抗敌人的法术。 However, where that Wizard King the place that has no way to sentence in advance next time his presents is, is hard to make effective impediment. 但是,那位“巫王”没法预判他下一次出现的地方是哪里,也就难以做出有效的阻止。 In this process, Klein grasped continuously several, pulled off a person's shadow. 这个过程中,克莱恩又连续抓了几下,拖出了一道人影。 This person's shadow skin ancient bronzes, the black hair brown pupil, the facial features are gentle, the vision is indifferent, the wear embroiders the gold thread the pitch-black long gown, wears bird royal crown that the gold casts, was once Death Consulate Ards Eiges! 这人影皮肤古铜,黑发褐眸,五官柔和,目光冷漠,穿着绣金线的深黑长袍,戴着黄金铸就的鸟型冠冕,正是曾经的“死亡执政官”阿兹克.艾格斯 ...... Another Angel...... that Wizard King looks at the eyelid to jump, God's Sin Syah inserted in many jet black arms the desert fiercely. ……又一位天使……那位“巫王”看得眼皮直跳,“神孽斯厄阿则猛地将多条漆黑手臂插入了沙漠中。 Nearby desert boiled, covered to stick the thick black liquor, this has spread the distant place, the corrosion was upward void, disturbs the overlapping of reality and spiritual world. 附近的沙漠沸腾了,覆盖上了黏稠的黑色液体,这一直蔓延到远处,往上侵蚀虚空,干扰起现实与灵界的重叠。 Klein had not been affected while teleportation thoroughly, flashing before to the Mister Ards back, with the aid of his blocking, grasped fast several toward the air. 克莱恩“传送”还未被彻底影响,一下“闪现”到了阿兹克先生的背后,借助祂的遮挡,往空气中飞快又抓了几下。 His arm sank suddenly, pulled off a section of silver-white snake tail. 他胳膊猛然一沉,拖出了一截银白色的蛇尾。 Also is Angel! 又是一位天使 Klein dares to summon three Archangel directly , because his historical hole image is the Renette Tinichole main body with „the stick of star summon, consumption spirituality „the ancient evil thing was undertaken by this, rather than Forsi the Magician. 克莱恩之所以敢于直接召唤三大天使,是因为他这个历史孔隙影像是蕾妮特.缇尼科尔本体用“星之杖”召唤的,消耗的灵性由这位“古代邪物”承担,而不是“魔术师”佛尔思 Otherwise, in Servant of Secrets Arianna arrives, Forsi had fainted, is unable to maintain again. 要不然,早在“隐秘之仆”阿里安娜降临时,佛尔思已经晕厥了过去,无法再维持。 The function of Forsi the Magician first summoned Gehrman Sparrow Historical Projection, making him have the abundant time to arrange the ceremony ahead of time, „the stick of star belt/bring to the real world, then, will relieve maintains, lets this historical hole image return dense fog, was summoned one by Renette Tinichole again. “魔术师”佛尔思的作用就是先召唤出格尔曼.斯帕罗历史投影,让他有充裕的时间提前布置仪式,将“星之杖”带到现实世界,然后,解除维持,让这个历史孔隙影像回归迷雾,由蕾妮特.缇尼科尔再召唤一个。 Less than ten seconds, because God's Sin Syah focused in Renette Tinichole, the subconsciousness despised Klein, therefore, not only lost the help of God of Bounds projection, but also from the ambush goal, turned is besieged four Archangel. 不到十秒钟的时间,因为“神孽斯厄阿将重点放在了蕾妮特.缇尼科尔身上,下意识轻视了克莱恩,所以,不仅失去了“被缚之神”投影的帮助,而且从埋伏目标,变成了惨遭四大天使围攻。 Not hesitant, this Sequence One Angel opens the mouth, sent out many ancient Hermes language word overlapped shouting, makes the pray to God of Bounds again. 没有犹豫,这位序列1天使张开嘴巴,发出了诸多古赫密斯语单词重叠的嘶吼,再次向“被缚之神”做出祈祷。 ............ ………… Sees in front of Wizard King Karaman Summoning Gate opens wide fast, finding out two is only the aura makes the palm that the person trembles, in the Emlyn White mind flash through a thought suddenly: 看到“巫王”卡拉曼面前的“召唤之门”飞快敞开,探出了两只仅是气息就让人颤栗的手掌,埃姆林.怀特脑海内骤然闪过了一个念头: Rose School another Angel, ‚the king of curse Barranca!” 玫瑰学派另一位天使,‘诅咒之王’巴兰卡!” This is the information that Sharon and Maric provide. 这是莎伦马里奇提供的情报。 Emlyn sees that spirit one tight, waves the arm without hesitation, pure white regarding threw that threw to that leaf Summoning Gate! 埃姆林见状,精神一紧,毫不犹豫地就挥动手臂,将那颗“纯白之视”扔了出去,扔向了那扇“召唤之门”! On the one hand his first experiences the fight of half God level, inevitably somewhat responded extremely, then on the other hand was not worried pure white regarding will therefore lose, that was the blood race whole in any case, he will repay at the worst in the future slowly. 他这一方面是初次经历半神层次的战斗,不可避免地有些反应过激,另一方面则是毫不担心“纯白之视”会因此丢失,反正那属于血族整体,他大不了将来慢慢偿还。 Meanwhile, without this sealed item, he also had other magical item use, for example, Limano's travel notebook. 同时,哪怕没了这件封印物,他也还有别的神奇物品使用,比如,“莱曼诺的旅行笔记” With the aid of this notebook, Emlyn can summon Radiant Cross to replace pure white regarding. 借助这本笔记,埃姆林可以召唤出“无暗十字”代替“纯白之视”。 After that eye beaded bulb departs rapidly, is absorbing ray along the way unceasingly, brought the extreme darkness. 那颗眼珠状的玻璃球急速飞出后,不断吸收着沿途的光芒,带来了极端的黑暗。 When approached that Summoning Gate, pure white regarding erupted suddenly, blooms to the extreme ray brightly, like one round high noon fierce Yang, covered that both hands and that door, melted evilly all, is degenerating the aura that gloomy, contamination and did not die. 等到靠近了那“召唤之门”,“纯白之视”猛然爆发,绽放出了灿烂到极点的光芒,如同一轮正午的烈阳,笼罩了那双手和那扇门,消融着一切邪恶、堕落、阴暗、污秽和不死的气息。 The blood red full moon of Wizard King Karaman forehead was obviously affected, the splendor glow was all compressed the side, periphery is incapable of affecting again. “巫王”卡拉曼额头的血红满月受到明显影响,辉芒全被压缩到了身边,无力再影响周围。 Seizes this opportunity, appears a Sharon form distortion in midair, turned into the puppet of life-size. 抓住这个机会,浮现于半空的莎伦身影一阵扭曲,变成了真人大小的木偶。 This puppet and Wizard King Karaman is exactly the same, has the black and white mixed disorderly long hair and a bright red eye. 这木偶与“巫王”卡拉曼一模一样,有着黑白交杂的凌乱长发和一双鲜红的眼睛。 Another side, Emlyn lifted the left arm, exposed to wear in the index finger wears the translucent ring outside glove. 另外一边,埃姆林抬起了左臂,展露出了戴于食指戴于手套外的半透明指环。 That ring seems made by the pale red amber, the peak is mounting a blood-color gem. 那指环仿佛由淡红琥珀制成,顶端镶嵌着一枚血色宝石。 Lilith ring! 莉莉丝的指环”! This is by blood race primogenitor, a ring of ancient God Lilith personally manufacture. 这是由血族始祖,古神莉莉丝亲手制作的一枚指环。 It can project within certain amount of time a door to spiritual world deep place, summoned unknown living creature. 它能在一定时间内投影出一扇通往灵界深处的门,召唤出一个未知的生物 Emlyn was not clear that will obtain anything, only knows that in the summon normal condition should be slightly strong, but does not remove invites a half God possibility directly. 埃姆林并不清楚自己会得到什么,只知道召唤物正常情况下应该比自己略强,但不排除直接请来一位半神的可能。 The ring peak, the blood-color gem sent out the spooky ray, the illusory gate that a leaf covers entirely the mysterious pattern highlighted in the Emlyn front. 指环顶端,血色宝石发出了幽幽的光芒,一扇布满神秘花纹的虚幻之门凸显在了埃姆林前方。 It opens wide backward, making the crack in a door crack bigger. 它吱呀一声向后敞开,让门缝越裂越大。 Wizard King Karaman regained the consciousness from shining of Sun a moment ago, after seeing that Summoning Gate, raised a round of moon. “巫王”卡拉曼刚才从“太阳”的照耀中恢复知觉,就看见那“召唤之门”后升起了一轮月亮。 Bright, brings a silver white moon. 皎洁的,带着点银白的月亮。
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