LM :: Volume #6

#83: 2

r r Since the war is thorough, the Ruen soldiers have seen the unscientific non- natural phenomenon are too many, many somewhat is numb to them, the scene that but this type of torn to pieces corpse crawls in abundance shocked them as before, lets their frightened confusedness, has to plant unable to escape by luck, will become the feeling of Living Corpse finally. r 自从战争深入,鲁恩士兵们见过的不科学不自然现象已经太多,多到他们都有些麻木,可这种支离破碎的尸体纷纷爬起来的场景依旧震撼了他们,让他们一阵惊悚一阵迷茫,有种自身也无法幸免,终将成为活尸的感觉。r r r Naturally, they can after experiencing so many unscientific non- natural phenomenon have also been maintaining the morale, has not presented the collapse, has the reason. r 当然,他们能在见识过那么多不科学不自然现象后还保持着士气,没出现崩溃,也是有原因的。r r r In they have the enormous fear, intermittent chanting passed from the rear area came r 就在他们心生极大恐惧时,一阵阵吟诵声从后方传了过来r r r They are naked, does not have the food without the clothes, is shelterless in the coldness.” r “他们赤身,无衣无食,在寒冷中毫无遮掩。”r r r „...... R “……r r r the night hasn't given up on them, show them concern.” ( 1 ) r 黑夜没有放弃他们,给予了他们眷顾。”(注1)r r r The pray sound reverberation that pities sacredly in the entire defense line, making the fear of each soldier dissipate fast, the body and mind becomes tranquil. r 神圣怜悯的祈祷声回荡于整条防线,让每个士兵的恐惧飞快消散,身心都变得宁静。r r r Then, some soldiers obey the order, carries out to cover entirely the silver pattern the shell, adjusts cannon mouth, aims incomplete corpse that welled up densely. r 然后,部分士兵听从命令,搬出布满银色花纹的炮弹,调整炮口,瞄准了黑压压涌来的残缺尸体。r r r Bang! Bang! Bang! r 轰隆!轰隆!轰隆!r r r The flame flashes before unceasingly, shells fell on the battlefield different places, exploded, sent out the rich darkness. r 火光不断闪现间,一枚枚炮弹落在了战场不同地方,爆炸开来,散发出浓郁的黑暗。r r r These incomplete corpses or were destroyed directly, or is incapable of dropping down, returned to dying in abundance. r 那些残缺的尸体或直接被摧毁,或无力倒下,纷纷回归了长眠。r r r Behind the rebellious army that wears the black robe, wears the mysterious person of hood to see that lifted the both arms, as if must hug scarlet moon of upper air. r 反抗军后方那位穿黑袍,戴兜帽的神秘人见状,将双臂抬了起来,仿佛要拥抱高空的绯红之月。r r r At this time, his body empty, caught suddenly pale red, turned into a dim moonlight. r 就在这个时候,他身体突然虚化,染上淡红,变成了一道朦胧的月光。r r r This moonlight is instantaneous, turns into a piece by piece red scale, dissipated same place. r 这月光瞬间破碎,化成一片片红鳞,消散在了原地。r r r Moon/Month actinic! r “月光化”!r r r This is the extraordinary capability that Medicine Master path Sequence Five Crimson Scholar has, to Sequence Four Wizard King, has almost become the instinct. r 这是“药师”途径序列5“深红学者”就具备的非凡能力,对一位序列4“巫王”来说,几乎已经成为本能。r r r But the position that this Wizard King was at a moment ago, the person's shadow outlined together fast. r 而这“巫王”刚才所在的位置,一道人影飞快勾勒了出来。r r r This is a giant cloth doll, it hair golden yellow, the eye is bright red, wears to inscribe the innumerable mysterious patterns, twines the black Goths style long skirt of evil different vine, the skin does not have that gloss that human race should have. r 这是一个巨大的布娃娃,“它”头发金黄,眼睛鲜红,身穿铭刻有无数神秘花纹,缠绕邪异藤蔓的黑色哥特式长裙,皮肤没有人类该具备的那种光泽。r r r Renette Tinichole! r 蕾妮特缇尼科尔!r r r What It uses „the stick of star to summon when is sound condition. r 祂用“星之杖”召唤出的是完好状态时的自己。r r r Naturally, what Klein lends this messenger young lady is true „the stick of star, ahead of time from the above the grey mist belt/bring to the real world „the stick of star. r 当然,克莱恩借给这位信使小姐的是真正的“星之杖”,提前从灰雾之上带到现实世界的“星之杖”。r r r If not this, was equal to that the Klein's history hole image summoned „the stick of star projection, then „the stick of star projection summoned past Renette Tinichole in peak condition again, this all burdens will add on Forsi the Magician, making her spirituality be drained quickly. r 如果不是这样,就等于克莱恩的历史孔隙影像召唤出“星之杖”投影,然后“星之杖”投影再召唤出过去的巅峰状态的蕾妮特缇尼科尔,这所有的负担都将加于“魔术师”佛尔思身上,让她的灵性很快就被抽干。r r r But „the stick of star main body will give the Renette Tinichole use temporarily, can dodge the issue in this aspect effectively, consumption spirituality „the ancient evil thing it undertakes by this. r 而将“星之杖”本体暂时交给蕾妮特缇尼科尔使用,可以有效规避这方面的问题,消耗的灵性都由这位“古代邪物”本身承担。r r r Meanwhile, perhaps Renette Tinichole most is not afraid „the stick of star one of the negative effect existences. r 同时,蕾妮特缇尼科尔也许是最不害怕“星之杖”负面效果的存在之一。r r r As the abstinence faction representative, as Puppet, cloth doll, It can definitely make in the mind not reappear any picture, but transformation after secret condition, „the stick of star is also very difficult to affect his historical hole image again. r 作为节制派的代表,作为一名“木偶”,一个“布娃娃”,祂是完全可以让脑海内不浮现任何画面的,而转化为隐秘状态后,“星之杖”也很难再影响到祂的历史孔隙影像。r r r Renette Tinichole of sound condition tried to hide to approach a moment ago, took possession to control Rose School this Wizard King directly, making the fight finish instantaneously, but the opposite party inferred unexpectedly ahead of time the danger, with the aid of shining of moonlight, first step was separated from Resentful Soul to take possession. r 刚才完好状态的蕾妮特缇尼科尔试图隐蔽靠近,直接附体控制住玫瑰学派这位“巫王”,让战斗瞬间结束,可对方竟然提前察知到了危险,借助月光的照耀,抢先一步脱离了“怨魂附身”。r r r Is covering in the crimson clear splendor of land, red scale reorganized in the distant place a piece by piece fast, condenses to wear the black robe to wear Rose School Wizard King of hood, he is shutting tightly the eyes, does not dare to look straight ahead opposite that „the ancient evil thing. r 笼罩着大地的绯红清辉中,一片片红鳞于远处飞快重组,凝聚成了穿黑袍戴兜帽的玫瑰学派“巫王”,他紧闭着双眼,不敢直视对面那个“古代邪物”。r r r Meanwhile, another side of the battlefield, being correct person's shadow outlined rapidly, wore the black windproof coat, wore half high top hat Gehrman Sparrow, his left palm wrapped the transparent glove, the right hand is lifting, hit a sound to refer. r 与此同时,战场另外一边,有道人影急速勾勒而出,正是穿黑色风衣,戴半高礼帽格尔曼斯帕罗,他左掌套着透明的手套,右手抬起,地打了个响指。r r r Clumps of scarlet flames also leap in various battlefield places, like announcing a grand performance. r 一丛丛赤红的火光随之在战场各处腾起,就像在预告一场盛大的表演。r r r That Wizard King just completed the reorganization, finds out the left hand, tore to pieces the clothing between chests and bellies, but at this time, in Renette Tinichole bright red pupils has screened his form. r “巫王”刚完成重组,就探出左手,刷地撕破了胸腹间的衣物,而这个时候,蕾妮特缇尼科尔鲜红的眼眸内已映出了他的身影。r r r If as expected, Rose School this Wizard King will turn into a rabbit or a goat in the next second, losing overwhelming majority special characteristics and extraordinary capabilities, but, his body leapt a glimmer, has not had any change. r 如果不出意外,玫瑰学派这位“巫王”将在下一秒钟变成一只兔子或者一头山羊,“失去”绝大部分特质和非凡能力,但是,他的身体只是腾起了一阵微光,未发生任何变化。r r r His chest and belly position exposed, there is mounting a tall and slender yellowish brown puppet. r 他胸腹位置裸露了出来,那里镶嵌着一个细长的棕黄色木偶。r r r This puppet seems like from Wizard King within the body is long, connected with the internal organs in one, the eye and mouth were similar to crescent moon, the body surface is planting the flowers and subtilis of seasoning, is passing the strangeness of being able to say in the moonlight. r 这木偶似乎是从“巫王”体内长出来的,与内脏连接在了一起,眼睛和嘴巴都如同弯月,体表种植着晒干的花朵和枯草,在月光中透着说不出的诡异。r r r , This puppet caught the bright red color suddenly, seemed soaked by the blood. r 霍然之间,这木偶染上了鲜红的颜色,仿佛被血液浸透。r r r It presents the obvious conditioning immediately, turned into mud of a beach to Wizard King five main internal organs (entrails). r 它随即出现明显软化,变成了一滩通往“巫王”五脏六腑的烂泥。r r r In this mud, an arm extended. r 这烂泥之中,一条手臂伸了出来。r r r Its surface flowed the liquid that is mounting to answer jet black, the bulge strange things, some were the skeleton heads, some were the belt/bring punctures the tongue, some were the three-dimensional eyes. r 它表面流淌着漆黑黏答的液体,凸起了一个又一个奇怪的事物,有的是骷髅脑袋,有的是带刺舌头,有的是立体眼睛。r r r God's Sin Syah! r 神孽斯厄阿!r r r This Rose School leader, existence of Sequence One, with the aid of ahead of time arrangement, separated to land near! r 这位玫瑰学派的首领,序列1的存在,借助提前的布置,隔空降临了过来!r r r That evil aura lets the surrounding Rose School member and dependencies instantaneously or dies a violent death directly, or has the mutation, either attacks the person on one's own side crazily, except for that Wizard King, is no exception. r 那邪恶的气息瞬间让周围的玫瑰学派成员和附庸们或直接暴毙,或出现异变,或疯狂地攻击起自己人,除了那位“巫王”,无一幸免。r r r ............ R …………r r r West Balam, a port city. r 西拜朗,一处港口城市。r r r Has become Wizard King Karaman of here imperator to stand was belonging to top level of the Church of the Night church, is overlooking the lights sparse city. r 已成为这里最高统治者的“巫王”卡拉曼立在原本属于黑夜教会的教堂顶层,俯视着灯火稀疏的城市。r r r In a not far away house, Emlyn White looked Sharon that sits on the chair just like human puppet, put out a bronze box that is mounting many rubies. r 不远处一栋房屋内,埃姆林怀特看了坐在椅子上宛若人偶莎伦一眼,拿出了一个镶嵌着多枚红宝石的青铜盒子。r r r What that box internal installation is an eye beaded bulb, is Emlyn the Sun domain that applied for from blood race 1 level sealed item, is called pure white regarding. r 那盒子内装的是一个眼珠状的玻璃球,是埃姆林血族内部申请来的“太阳”领域“一”级封印物,叫做“纯白之视”。r r r In coping strange races on path half God and Wizard King, it has very good effect, even can be called the restraint in certain aspects. r 在对付“异种途径半神“巫王”上,它有着非常好的效果,在某些方面甚至称得上克制。r r r Naturally, it not because Emlyn and Sharon are the mood that here Extraordinary has pities, becomes benevolent. r 当然,它不会因为埃姆林莎伦是自己这边的非凡者就产生怜悯的情绪,变得仁慈。r r r Sees Sharon to nod the head gently, after indicating no problem, Emlyn body suddenly empty, in illuminating into the moonlight of room decomposed a piece by piece bright monster different red scale. r 看见莎伦轻轻颔首,表示没有问题后,埃姆林身体骤然虚化,在照入房间的月光中分解成了一片片鲜艳妖异的红鳞。r r r The top layer of nearby church, the hair is fluffy, Karaman of black and white interaction walked slowly and aimlessly back and forth several steps, to Night Watcher and Justice Enforcer of this city brought Ruen to immigrate to evacuate and take away all sealed item things ahead of time to respond with sneers r 附近教堂的顶层,头发蓬松,黑白相间的卡拉曼来回踱了几步,对这座城市的“值夜者”“代罚者”带着鲁恩移民提前撤离并拿走了所有封印物的事情抱以冷笑r r r „If there is Extraordinary, escaping is not impossible, but leads so many average people, but how also to hide shifts? I do not need to send people to trace, the blockade surroundings can anchor the ships, to obtain food the place, can make them collapse......” r “如果只有非凡者,逃脱不是不可能,但带着那么多的普通人,还怎么隐藏转移?我无需派人追踪,封锁周围可以停靠船只、取得食物的地方,就能让他们自行崩溃……”r r r Silent talked to oneself, initial period of this fifth era enlivened in southern continent, Wizard King that even because had died by the suspicion old looked at out of the window, stared at upper air that wheel crimson moon. r 无声自语中,这位第五纪初期就活跃于南大陆,甚至被人怀疑早已因年迈死去的“巫王”将目光投向了窗外,凝视起高空那轮绯红的月亮。r r r Before that time scarlet moon whitening the abnormal phenomenon made Karaman feel the Primordial Moon anger, somewhat has been disturbed and anxious. r 之前那次“红月变白”的异常现象让卡拉曼感受到了“原始月亮”的愤怒,一直都有些忐忑和不安。r r r He when research nature the interaction law and secret contract ceremony and other mysticism knowledge, becomes the Primordial Moon follower step by step. r 他是在研究自然互动法、密契仪式等神秘学知识时,一步步成为“原始月亮”信徒的。r r r Normal, Wizard King lives 1000 years old is quite relaxed, but later definitely will present the deterioration and decayed of aged and spiritual body that slowdown of physical condition, no may reverse, therefore, 1200 years old often are Wizard King and blood race Earl natural limit, if want to continue to go on living, can only depend upon all kinds of means to continue, for example, seal, sink the dormancy in the coffin of old castle deep place. r 正常来说,“巫王”活到一千岁是较为轻松的,但之后必然会出现身体状况的下滑、无可逆转的老迈、灵体的衰败和腐朽,所以,一千两百岁往往是“巫王”血族伯爵的自然极限,要想继续活下去,只能依靠各种各样的办法来延续,比如,封印自身,沉眠于古堡深处的棺材内。r r r Karaman can 1400 years old also energetic, does not need to reduce the action , because has obtained presenting of Primordial Moon. r 卡拉曼能年近一千四百岁还精力充沛,不需要减少行动,是因为得到过“原始月亮”的馈赠。r r r This was also he vanished so many years reasons. r 这同时也是他消失了那么多年的原因。r r r Afterward, he obtained the Primordial Moon enlightenment, joined Rose School. r 后来,他获得“原始月亮”启示,加入了玫瑰学派。r r r In this regard, Karaman a little has had doubts, he believes sometimes Mother Tree and Primordial Moon is a body, is the same position great existence different surface, sometimes felt Mother Tree and Primordial Moon are not only entirely different, even also has the deep contradiction. r 在这方面,卡拉曼一直都是有点疑惑的,他有时相信“母树”“原始月亮”是一体的,是同一位伟大存在的不同面,有时又感觉“母树”“原始月亮”不仅截然不同,彼此间甚至还有着深深的矛盾。r r r This caused their these to join the Rose School Primordial Moon follower unable to gain due attaching great importance to afterward, except for receiving some item, was arranged in the non- key position. r 这就导致他们这些后来加入玫瑰学派“原始月亮”信徒始终得不到足够的重视,除了获赠一些物品,都被安排在了非关键位置。r r r Concentrates on to feel scarlet moon when Karaman, tries to obtain the enlightenment, sprinkles in scarlet moonlight of church bell tower, one piece by piece bright red, the scale of pure light appears, gathers, turned put on Emlyn White who the formal clothes, knit the bow tie. r 就在卡拉曼专注感受红月,试图获得启示时,洒落于教堂钟楼的绯红月光中,一片片鲜红的,纯净的光之鳞片浮现,聚集在一起,变成了穿礼服、打领结的埃姆林怀特。r r r This blood race back, filled rich black energy, formed an illusory bat wing. r 这位血族的背后,弥漫出了浓郁的黑气,形成了一对虚幻的蝙蝠翅膀。r r r Emlyn has taken corresponding magical medicine, eliminated the fluctuation of own smell and spirituality, lets own energy area of concealment target proximity r 埃姆林早就服食过相应的魔药,消除了自身的气味和灵性的波动,让自己能隐蔽地靠近目标r r r Naturally, that is half God, Sequence Four half God with path , he even if prepared, does not dare to leave too nearly, otherwise was discovered very much easily. r 当然,那是位半神,同途径序列4半神,他就算做好了充分的准备,也不敢离得太近,否则很容易就被发现。r r r Looked at Wizard King Karaman in the window of room, carefully examined projection on one second of glass, Emlyn White opened the embed to have the bronze box of ruby, with wearing the left hand of black velvet glove, took up that pure white regarding. r 望了眼“巫王”卡拉曼所在房间的窗户,审视了一秒玻璃上的投影,埃姆林怀特打开镶嵌有红宝石的青铜盒子,用戴着黑色天鹅绒手套的左手,拿起了那颗“纯白之视”。r r r His expression twisted immediately, realized that completely exposed the pain in blazing sunlight. r 他的表情顿时扭曲了一下,体会到了完全暴露于炽烈阳光中的痛苦。r r r Suppressed this feeling, Emlyn was gathering the right eye position that spherical clear glass ball. r 强忍着这种感受,埃姆林将那眼球状的透明玻璃球凑到了右眼位置。r r r The front all buildings were towering disappearance in his line of sight, only left behind or gloomy and cold crimson, or degenerated the evil form. r 前方所有建筑突兀“消失”在了他的视线内,只留下一道道或阴冷绯红,或堕落邪恶的身影。r r r And, being correct person's shadow is similar to the huge black vortex, is swallowing the surrounding ray crazily, becomes by oneself twists. r 其中,有道人影就如同巨大的黑色漩涡,疯狂吞噬着周围的光线,让自身都变得扭曲。r r r This is the Emlyn goal, ancient Wizard King, Karaman. r 这正是埃姆林的目标,古老的“巫王”,卡拉曼。r r r A ray shines immediately, condensed scalding hot, the dazzling beam, on leapt up from pure white regarding, directly soared the glass window following form. r 一点光芒随即亮起,凝聚成了灼热的,刺眼的射线,从“纯白之视”上蹿出,直奔玻璃窗后面的身影。r r r Note 1 reorganization from «Old testament Job Recording» r 注一改编自《旧约乔布记》r r r S asked the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket ~ r on Monday s周一求推荐票、月票~r r r r r
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