LM :: Volume #6

#74: To the guess of doomsday

Newest website: Ruen Kingdom, Beckland. 最新网址:鲁恩王国,贝克兰德 Still awakens from the dream in sleeping soundly Forsi suddenly, the subconsciousness will look at out of the window. 还在酣睡的佛尔思忽然从梦中惊醒,下意识将目光投向了窗外。 Similar experience, she is not deficient, before to become the Tarot Society member, she wakes up in the midnight because of the full moon curse several times like this, but today, she has not felt the familiar pain, but the innermost feelings produced some inexplicable palpitations. 类似的经验,她并不缺乏,在成为塔罗会成员前,她好几次因满月诅咒在半夜这样醒来,但今天,她没有感受到熟悉的痛苦,只是内心产生了些莫名的悸动。 Because the curtain arrange/cloth blocked the window, actually Forsi is unable from the weak ray judgment several points, the subconsciousness to turn over/to stand up to get out of bed now, arrives at the window, drew arrange/cloth gauze two window blinds. 因为帘布封锁了窗户,佛尔思无法从微弱的光芒判断现在究竟几点,下意识翻身起床,走到窗边,刷地将一布一纱两层窗帘拉了开来。 Penetrated the light mist the sunlight one to illuminate into the room, scattered the saving darkness, Forsi stood in the window, looked at the upper air, on the face is revealing the obvious confusion: 穿透淡薄雾气的阳光一下照入了房间,驱散了积攒的黑暗,佛尔思立在窗口,望着高空,脸上流露出了明显的困惑: Sun has raised, scarlet moon has fallen, why will before oneself have the full moon to curse approaches that feeling? 太阳已经升起,红月早就落下,为什么自己还会有满月诅咒来临前的那种感受? Moreover, has many days from the full moon! 而且,距离满月还有不少天! ............ ………… Republic of Intis, capital Trier. 因蒂斯共和国,首都特里尔 Getting up early Astronomer, the mysticism amateurs, as well as hid Extraordinary in average person will look at the upper air. 一位位早起的天文学家,一个个神秘学爱好者,以及隐藏在普通人中的非凡者都将目光投向了高空。 The night stratus cloud dissipates, giant and bright moon covers up the ray of stars completely. 夜晚的层云消散一空,巨大而皎洁的月亮将繁星的光芒全部遮掩。 This color of moon no longer is the common crimson, a pure white, bright exceptionally. 这月亮的颜色不再是常见的绯红,一片洁白,明亮异常。 All beholders were shocked, this is they have never seen moon. 所有的目睹者都惊呆了,这是他们从未见过的月亮。 The normal textbook of human race society, is the mysticism related books, has not recorded similar phenomenon! 无论是人类社会的正常教科书,还是神秘学相关的书籍,都没记载过类似的现象! Except that common lacks moon/month and full moon, with accidental blood moon, moon never has such change, since at least fifth era, in more than 1300 years, absolutely no! 除了常见的缺月、满月,和偶发的“血月”,月亮从未出现这样的变化,至少第五纪以来,这一千三百多年里,绝对没有! At this moment, the beholders realize, besides the crimson and blood red two conditions, moon also has other color. 这一刻,目睹者们才认识到,除了绯红和血红两种状态,月亮还有别的颜色。 ............ ………… Land Abandoned by God, Silver City. 神弃之地,白银城 Because is locating lightning frequency very high afternoon, Derrick and the others noticed the unusuality of upper air. 由于正处闪电频率很高的下午,戴里克等人都注意到了高空的异常。 They are familiar with, 他们习惯的, The familiar lightning and darkness, in several seconds, completely vanished, no point remains, occupied the blood-color aureola of half sky is such obvious, such hugeness, illuminated incomparably clearly all things. 熟悉的闪电和黑暗,在那么短短几秒钟内,完全消失了,没有一点残留,占据了半个天空的血色圆光是那样的明显,那样的巨大,将所有事物都照得无比清晰。 In the Silver City resident the thought quite agile these people one to passed on the association knows in the teaching material to the description and corresponding drawing of moon, in the heart flashed through some instantaneously startled and confused thought: 白银城居民里思维较为敏捷的那些人一下就联想到了通识教材内对月亮的描述和相应的图画,心中瞬间闪过了一些又愕然又迷茫的念头: This is could it be that moon?” “这难道就是月亮?” scarlet moon?” 绯红之月?” We saw scarlet moon unexpectedly......” “我们竟然看到了红月……” Quick, their present scarlet moon cuns (2.5 cm) removed the blood-color, showed the bright chilly physique. 很快,他们眼前的红月一寸寸褪去了血色,展现出了皎洁清冷的身姿。 The Silver City residents are even more vacant, was actually not clear what happened. 白银城居民们愈发茫然,不清楚究竟发生了什么事情。 Listens to the Mister Hanged Man, Miss Justice and other Tarot Society members to speak situation Derrick Berg more stunned than and surprised than them, because this is outside Land Abandoned by God also no natural phenomenon. “倒吊人”先生“正义”小姐塔罗会成员讲过外界情况的戴里克.伯格比他们更为错愕和惊讶,因为这是神弃之地外也没有的自然现象。 After several seconds, moon vanishes, the deep darkness submerged all, the frequent lightning becomes the important source of illumination. 几秒后,月亮消失,深沉的黑暗重新淹没了一切,频繁的闪电成为了光照的主要来源。 A moment ago what happened?” “刚才发生了什么事情?” „Do you have to see that group of red?” “你们有看见那团红色吗?” Moon! That is moon!” “月亮!那是月亮!” That is scarlet moon!” “那是绯红之月!” „Is this, we soon gets out of the current situation the indication?” “这,是不是我们快要摆脱当前处境的征兆?” We to Royal Court of Giants the second exploration will be very smooth, will open the door to outside world?” “我们对‘巨人王庭’的第二次探索会很顺利,将打开通往外界的门?” During the doubts are confused, overwhelming majority Silver City residents were subconscious this phenomenon regarded the good deed, regarded in mysticism the good omen, only then chief Colin Iliad and Council of the Six elder Lovia and the others were stern-faced, brow tight wrinkle. 疑惑迷茫之中,绝大部分白银城居民都下意识将这个现象当成了好事,当成了神秘学里好的预兆,只有首席科林.伊利亚特六人议事团长老洛薇雅等人一脸凝重,眉头紧皱。 ............ ………… Above grayish white mist, ancient palace. 灰白雾气之上,古老宫殿内部。 Roughly clarified the Klein instinct of Amon fraud technique to re-focus in this harvest Secret. 大致弄清楚了阿蒙欺诈手法的克莱恩本能就将注意力转回了这次收获的“隐秘”上。 The corresponding content, he some had guessed, when may open truly, actually discovered that imagine fearfully, is more exaggerating, is more desperate: 相应的内容,他曾经有过一些猜测,可真正揭开时,却发现比自己想象得更加可怕,更为夸张,更令人绝望: Can successfully make starry sky gaze at me, explained secret majority that Amon disclosed was at least real...... “能成功让‘星空’注视到我,说明阿蒙透露的隐秘至少大部分是真实的…… In Sequence Zero above, really also the level, this should be the level that ancient times Sun God was, but his condition did not seem like too right, the back thorn, fell from the sky the decomposition. “在序列0的上面,真的还有一个层次,这应该就是远古太阳神所在的位阶,只是祂的状态似乎不是太对,惨遭背刺,陨落分解。 „...... According to the Amon’s view, ’ described this level to be not very accurate with Creator, It with ‚’...... also has to exist with exceeds sequence that above sequence named ‚’ to describe that level , indicating that got rid of the limit of extraordinary path? “……按照阿蒙的说法,用‘造物主’来描述这个层次不够准确,祂是用‘序列之上’来命名的……也有存在用‘超越序列’来形容那个位阶,表示摆脱了非凡途径的限制? „...... God called this level is Old One and Outer God and starry sky...... can see two things from here ; first, in this world length and breadth universe, in that boundless starry sky, has Old One and Outer God, was Creator existence of level, for example, contained of moon...... “……神灵称呼这个位阶为‘旧日’、‘外神’、‘星空’……从这里可以看出两件事情,一是在这个世界外面的广袤宇宙里,在那无垠星空中,有着‘旧日’、‘外神’,也就是‘造物主’层次的存在,比如,包容了月亮的那位…… „...... The brown star and orange magnitude look like the original planets, they had the change, keeping Great Emperor Russell from recognizing...... this is because above has Old One or Outer God occupies, is gazing at our world? “……褐星、橘星等看来就是原本的行星,它们有了变化,让罗塞尔大帝也无法认出……这是因为上面有‘旧日’或者‘外神’盘踞,注视着我们这个世界? „...... Box of Yesteryear Old One came from by starry sky the mutation after pollution...... “……‘旧日之盒’的‘旧日’就来自被‘星空’污染后的异变啊…… „......, Old One or Outer God big probability incessantly...... they around this star? What is peeping at? “……嗯,‘旧日’或‘外神’大概率不止一位……祂们怎么都在这个星球周围?在窥视着什么? „...... They do not have to invade directly , because has the strength to isolate the inside and outside temporarily? “……祂们没有直接入侵,是因为有力量暂时隔绝着内外? „...... Does this come from seven Gods? “……这来自七神 „...... Relates the prediction that in 1368 doomsday approached to look, seven Gods not necessarily plays the most essential role, they have not exceeded sequence...... to wait by 1368, the true barrier vanished, Old One or Outer God will no longer be cut off, then, world did doomsday arrive?” “……联系1368年末日来临的预言看,七神未必起到了最关键的作用,祂们还未超越序列……等到1368年,真正的屏障消失,‘旧日’或‘外神’们将不再受到阻隔,然后,世界末日就降临了?” Thinks of here, before the Klein mind flashed through suddenly , some questions of saving: 想到这里,克莱恩脑海内忽然闪过了以前积攒的一些疑问: Why can Goddess of the Night brave to provoke the Battle of Gods danger captures Death God path uniqueness? 为什么“黑夜女神”要冒着挑起神战的危险夺取“死神”途径的“唯一性”? Why seven Gods will tacitly consent that Dark Emperor does appear? 为什么七神会默许一位“黑皇帝”出现? Why Adam, Amon and other King of Angels how many years quiet did not know later, goes out in current era secretly, was on the stage? 为什么亚当阿蒙天使之王在沉寂了不知多少年后,于当前时代走出幕后,登上了舞台? Why second era ancient God will legacy appear one after another? 为什么第二纪古神们的遗留会纷纷出现? Why Origin Castle in releases transmigrator in the front four eras, only then, but did fifth era more than 1000 years, have two? 为什么“源堡”内下放的“穿越者”在前面四个纪元只有一位,而第五纪才一千多年,就有了两位? , no matter is in itself good is bad, is promoting itself diligently, greets doomsday...... Goddess to excel in the existence choice such risky method of layout, to exceed sequence, becomes Old One to prepare? Several years, didn't the time wait for the person...... It to support me also to have similar anticipation in secret? Adam at least can directly solve me not to begin twice, truly has no too big enmity except for me and It, there is a factor in this aspect? Klein taps the motley long table the edge, talked to oneself in a low voice: 呼,不管本身是好是坏,都在努力地提升自己,迎接末日啊……女神这么擅于布局的存在选择这么冒险的手段,是在为超越序列,成为“旧日”做准备?只有十几年了,时间不等人啊……祂暗中扶持我也是抱着类似的期待?亚当至少两次能直接解决我都没有动手,除了我和祂确实没什么太大的仇怨,也有这方面的因素?克莱恩轻敲起斑驳长桌的边缘,低声自语了一句: „Becoming Old One or Outer God the key is, one of the nine big source natures?” “成为‘旧日’或者‘外神’的关键是,九大源质之一?” Looked all around emptily Origin Castle, Klein sighed, is talking to oneself at heart: 环顾了空空荡荡的“源堡”一圈,克莱恩叹了口气,在心里自语道: Concrete is what situation, but must look at second piece Flagstone of Blasphemy to know, what a pity, does not know when has the opportunity......” “具体是什么情况,还得看过第二块亵渎石板’才知道,可惜,不知什么时候才有机会……” He will focus on at other matter at once: 他旋即将注意力放到了别的事情上: Ancient times Sun God does not know that exceeded sequence completely...... when really native place Old One birth, doomsday approached, human race at least also had a little hope...... his falling from the sky to imagine me is more complex than...... 远古太阳神不知有没有完整地超越序列……如果真有一位本土“旧日”诞生,末日来临时,人类至少还有那么一点希望……祂的陨落比我想象得还要复杂啊…… No wonder Great Emperor Russell said that must Sequence Zero be able to preserve itself, protects person who attaches great importance to...... 难怪罗塞尔大帝说必须序列0才能保存自身,保护重视的人…… These Old One or Outer God does not know that the infiltration strength does come in? 那些“旧日”或者“外神”不知道有没有渗透力量进来? Un, according to seven righteous God and True Creator and other Evil God is hostile to Primordial Moon and Tree of Desires, their true bodies perhaps are Old One or Outer God...... 嗯,根据七位正神“真实造物主”邪神都敌视着“原始月亮”“欲望母树”来看,祂们的真身或许就是“旧日”或者“外神”…… No wonder Tree of Desires can mislead me directly in above the grey mist divination, is in my cognition most dangerous existence! 难怪“欲望母树”可以直接误导我在灰雾之上占卜,是我认知里最危险的存在! I understand that these Old One and Outer God gathered around this world wants to obtain anything...... 我明白那些“旧日”和“外神”聚集在这个世界周围是想得到什么了…… They should want to attain nine in a big way source nature, the destruction world is only while convenient...... 祂们应该是想拿到九大“源质”,毁灭世界只是顺便…… Thinks of here, Klein recalled Tree of Desires to borrow a few words of oral account of Cynthia suddenly: 想到这里,克莱恩突然记起了“欲望母树”辛西娅之口说的一句话: General, I want a child with you.” “将军,我想和你有个孩子。” Klein could not bear hit to tremble immediately, seriously pondered that returned to security problem after the real world. 克莱恩顿时忍不住打了个寒颤,认真地思考起返回现实世界后的安全问题。 He has certain understanding of starry sky, so long as the subconsciousness has transferred the corresponding thought that Old One and Outer God will make the contact with these directly, corrosion! 他对“星空”已有一定的了解,只要下意识转过相应的念头,就会与那些“旧日”、“外神”们直接建立起联系,惨遭侵蚀! If were not Origin Castle has cut off the beforehand relation, I do not dare to return to...... Klein to think realistically, decided to invite own Psychiatrist Miss Justice help hypnosis, the corresponding information will seal in the subconscious deep place, until seeing to establish good clue to recall. 如果不是“源堡”已经切断了之前的联系,我都不敢返回现实了……克莱恩想了想,决定请自己的心理医生“正义”小姐帮忙催眠自己,将相应的信息封存于潜意识深处,直到看见设置好的提示才能记起。 He wants to summon the Justice projection in historical hole to handle this matter directly, but considering that this is one lives fine, if Manipulator to the mind domain thorough understanding, has not likely made some careless mistakes, once had the careless mistake, Old One and Outer God the vision threw. 他本想直接召唤历史孔隙内的“正义”投影来做这件事情,但考虑到这是一个精细活,操纵者如果对心灵领域没有深入的了解,很可能出一些纰漏,而一旦有了纰漏,“旧日”和“外神”们的目光就投过来了。 , remembers that made Miss Justice also hypnosis forget this matter...... Klein considered to weigh one, the corresponding request will turn into the flowing light, invested the representative Justice dark red stars. 呼,记得让“正义”小姐也催眠自己忘记这件事情……克莱恩斟酌衡量了一阵,将相应的请求化成流光,投入了代表“正义”的深红星辰。 In a while, just used up the breakfast, Audrey the Justice that has not left home arrived at above the grey mist. 没过多久,刚用完早餐,还未离家的“正义”奥黛丽来到了灰雾之上 That bronze long table has vanished does not see, what in the ancient palace places is desks and two chairs. 那张青铜长桌已消失不见,古老宫殿内摆放的是一张书桌和两把椅子。 Mister World, what this time must forget is what matter?” Audrey looks at sits in opposite Gehrman Sparrow, asked the most essential issue. ‘世界’先生,这次要忘记的是什么事情?”奥黛丽看着坐于对面的格尔曼.斯帕罗,提出了最关键的问题。 Klein rubbed forehead, starry sky and Old One and Outer God and other secrets will say with the low and deep voice. 克莱恩揉了揉额角,用低沉的嗓音将“星空”、“旧日”、“外神”等隐秘说了一遍。 This hears the Audrey the Justice eye to open little, the whole person seemed invaded by Evil God was the same. 这听得“正义”奥黛丽眼睛一点点睁大,整个人就仿佛被邪神入侵了一样。 When Klein lecture, she silent several seconds, with the similarly low and deep voice, slightly said confusedly: 等到克莱恩讲完,她沉默了好几秒,用同样低沉的嗓音,略显迷茫地说道: „ Is this doomsday truth? “这就是末日的真相? Even if seven Gods, isn't able to save us?” “哪怕七神,也无法拯救我们?” Does not wait for Klein to respond, Audrey self-ridiculed that smiles: 不等克莱恩回应,奥黛丽自嘲般笑了笑: I think the matter that I handled recently is very meaningful...... “我以为我最近做的事情都很有意义…… I think most bad news that I can think is Ruen defeats, church destruction...... “我以为我能想到的最坏消息是鲁恩战败,教会覆灭…… May tell my secret to compare with you, all these are such tiny.” “可和你告诉我的隐秘比起来,这一切都是那样的渺小。”
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