LM :: Volume #6

#75: Elucidation

Newest website: Hears Miss Justice slightly to reveal desolate Szo and confused words, the Klein quite a little sympathize, because he also had similar idea before. 最新网址:听到“正义”小姐略显萧索和迷茫的话语,克莱恩颇有点感同身受,因为他之前也产生了类似的想法。 Recalls several seconds of past life had looked at mind chicken soup, he considers was saying: 回忆了几秒上辈子看过的心灵鸡汤,他斟酌着说道: Dying of father to entire Ruen was such tiny, every day might happen, even incessantly, but his child's his family, was actually one changes the destiny sufficiently the important matter. “一个父亲的死去对整个鲁恩来说是那样的渺小,每天都有可能发生,甚至不止一起,但于他的孩子他的家庭而言,却是一件足以改变命运的大事。 Similarly, does not arrive at the Angel level, the result of everyone is doomed, will certainly elapse, will certainly be buried, but this was not equal to that we did not have the significance from the birth to these days of death.” “同样的,不到天使层次,每个人的结局都是注定的,必将逝去,必将被埋葬,但这不等于我们从出生到死亡的这段时间毫无意义。” Audrey the Justice hears the slight nod, said with that self-ridiculing tone again: “正义”奥黛丽听得微微点头,再次用那种自嘲的口吻说道: These truth I understand, the secret that but you spoke a moment ago brought the too big impact, I am unable to control my mood for a while. “这些道理我都懂,只是你刚才讲的隐秘带来了太大的冲击,我一时无法控制自己的情绪。 As Psychiatrist, needs others to elucidate unexpectedly......” “作为一名‘心理医生’,竟然需要别人来开解……” Klein smiled saying with a smile: 克莱恩笑了笑道: „Isn't this very normal matter? Every so often, we can the cognition to others' condition is whether normal, is actually not able to see clearly own issue. Hadn't you said before? Occasionally can elucidate with Susie mutually.” “这不是很正常的事情吗?很多时候,我们能认知到别人的状态是否正常,却无法看清楚自己的问题。你之前不是也说过吗?偶尔会和苏茜互相开解。” Because Dawn Dantes has seen Susie this golden hair big dog, therefore Audrey is being chatted has not concealed the related matter. 因为道恩.唐泰斯见过苏茜这条金毛大狗,所以奥黛丽在闲聊中并未隐瞒相关的事情。 Audrey lightly nodded and said: 奥黛丽轻轻颔首道: „...... It is not this right. “唔……是这样没错。 I have wanted to understand, is itself to do, does not stay behind regretted.” “我已经想明白了,做自己能做的,不留下遗憾。” She gradually adjusted the psychology. 她逐渐调整好了心理状态。 Klein also said: 克莱恩随之说道: Not only does not keep the regrettable issue, the matter that perhaps we handle can also to resist doomsday saves the strength. “不仅仅是不留遗憾的问题,说不定我们做的事情还能为对抗末日积攒力量。 Compared with whole, this, although is tiny, but the broad desert also comprised of sands, could not see again the sea of boundary also gathers by a little bit water, so long as everyone has one point of heat to send a dispersion of light, can perhaps bring about a hope.” “和整体相比,这虽然渺小,但再宽广的沙漠也是由一粒粒沙组成的,再看不到边际的海洋也是由一滴滴水汇聚成的,只要每个人都有一分热发一分光,也许就能带来一点希望。” One point of heat, sent a dispersion of light......” Audrey to repeat to have the keyword in Gehrman Sparrow the World words in a low voice. “有一分热,发一分光……”奥黛丽低声重复起了“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗话语里的关键词。 This was not I says. “这不是我说的。 Klein made up one with a smile. 克莱恩笑着补了一句。 Audrey outlined the corners of the mouth, the faint smile responds: 奥黛丽勾勒嘴角,浅笑回应道: „Was could it be that Great Emperor Russell says?” 难道罗塞尔大帝说的?” This I do not know that he had said...... turned his collected sayings I to endure the intense sense of shame, cannot look that...... Klein has not given the affirmative reply, has not denied, then said: 这我就不知道他有没有说过了……翻他的语录我得忍着强烈的羞耻感,一直没能看完……克莱恩没做肯定的回答,也未否定,转而说道: Starts the hypnosis I, making me forget starry sky related matter, only remembers the corresponding warning.” “开始催眠我吧,让我遗忘掉‘星空’有关的事情,只记得相应的警告。” Waits again, I have a matter to consult you.” Audrey makes the request naturally, while this opportunity, said the difficulty that the matter that oneself handled recently, as well as encounters, confusion at heart, „...... Mister World, what do you have to suggest? How I should be able to let the Beckland people before the war ended isn't hit by the too big disaster?” “再等一下,我有件事情想请教你。”奥黛丽大大方方做出请求,趁这个机会,说了说自己最近做的事情,以及遇到的困难,心里的困惑,“……‘世界’先生,你有什么建议?我该怎样才能让贝克兰德的民众在战争结束前不遭遇太大的灾难?” As for preventing war, although she thinks very much, but knows sanely own not that ability. 至于阻止战争,她虽然很想,但理智地知道自己没那个能力。 Meanwhile, she also understands, even Mister World has no way to accomplish, even Mister Fool meddles personally also changes the situation at most, is unable to interrupt the war, after all this world war essentially is the battle between God. 同时,她也明白,即使“世界”先生也没法办到,甚至“愚者”先生亲自插手也顶多扭转局势,无法中断战争,毕竟这次世界大战的本质上是神灵之间的争斗。 Klein hesitant several seconds, said confidently: 克莱恩犹豫了几秒,还是坦然说道: Although Audience path as far as possible in secretly, although I work keep firmly in mind discrete and careful and other words, does not put itself in the dangerous situation as far as possible......” “虽然‘观众’途径尽量得在幕后,虽然我本身做事都牢记着‘谨慎’和‘小心’等单词,尽量不把自己放到危险的处境里……” He at this point, Audrey the Justice subconsciously in heart two: 他说到这里,“正义”奥黛丽下意识就在心中回了两句: That battle of half Gods that and I witness from the marine all sorts of hearsay and Forsi their descriptions, I cannot see completely discrete and careful, only then domineering and radical...... , can achieve these things also to live, truly is only insufficient by the strength...... 从海上的种种传闻、佛尔思她们的描述和我见证的那场半神战斗里,我完全看不出“谨慎”和“小心”,只有“强势”和“激进”……唔,能做到那些事情还活了下来,仅靠实力确实是不够的…… Klein sees Miss Justice to hear to be very earnest, deep green pupils writes all over to concentrate on, then continues saying: 克莱恩“正义”小姐听得很认真,碧绿的眼眸写满专注,遂继续说道: But in this world, impossible anything to be able relaxed simple to be solved, does not need to take risk. “但这个世界上,不可能任何事情都能轻松简单就解决,不需要冒险。 Sometimes, I handle a matter, will hug ‚may be dying this idea.” “有的时候,我做一件事情,是抱着‘可能会死’这个想法的。” Muttering in Audrey the Justice heart stopped, she silent good the slow opens the mouth saying: “正义”奥黛丽心中的咕哝停止了,她沉默了好一阵才缓慢开口道: I understood your meaning. “我明白你的意思了。 Makes the matter and absolute safety that oneself want to handle has no way to give dual attention most times, can only elect.” “做自己想做的事情和绝对安全在很多时候是没法兼顾的,只能选其中一项。” Klein nods, decides to let the Miss Justice clearly cognition to the reality of this world, when avoids her working extremely idealism: 克莱恩点了点头,决定让“正义”小姐更清楚地认知到这个世界的真实,避免她做事时太过理想主义: In means that you said a moment ago, at present is most feasible, the risk is smallest, what most can help the Beckland people are, gains the grain from the aristocrat, church, the big merchant and royal family hand.” “你刚才说的办法里,目前最可行的,风险最小的,最能帮助到贝克兰德民众的是,从贵族、教会、大商人、王室手中获取粮食。” Why isn't robs Fusac, Intis and grain of Fenpot army?” Audrey asked one subconsciously. “为什么不是去抢夺弗萨克因蒂斯费内波特军队的粮食?”奥黛丽下意识问了一句。 Klein said calmly: 克莱恩平静说道: Because these three armies have gone down to the Ruen border, even if you can break through taking care of half God, successfully robs the grain, they will not collapse, will certainly plunder food of surrounding people to maintain, in a short time receives has minimal impact, as for long-term, possibly did not wait by that time.” “因为这三支军队已深入鲁恩国境,即使你能突破半神的看顾,成功抢走粮食,他们也不会崩溃,必将搜刮周围民众的食物来维持,短期内受到的影响不大,至于长期,可能等不到那个时候了。” In that case, what truly hurt is, Audrey one hear was clear. 那样一来,真正受伤害的是谁,奥黛丽一听就清楚了。 Before this is Battle of Gods , the difference of war and ordinary war. 这就是神战前战争与普通战争的不同。 Moreover I have no way to achieve this matter, ‚the travel bag of travel capacity is limited, Limano’s travel notebook can record teleportation is also.” Audrey the Justice enlightened one, is thinking deeply about asking, „, if I really gained the grain from the aristocrat, merchant and royal family there, church discovered the trace, what will have to respond?” “而且我也没法做到这件事情,‘旅者的行囊’容量有限,‘莱曼诺的旅行笔记’能记录的‘传送’也是。”“正义”奥黛丽自我开导了一句,思索着问道,“如果我真的从贵族、商人、王室那里获取了粮食,教会又发现了痕迹,会有什么反应?” Klein is maintaining the language gas channel/angrily said: 克莱恩保持着刚才的语气道: Tacitly consented.” “默许。” ...... Audrey felt like that the answer is this, actually cannot think through the reason for a while. ……奥黛丽隐约觉得答案就是这个,却一时想不通理由。 Klein continues saying: 克莱恩继续说道: Follower is the God anchor, a follower is Anchor Point, in this regard, an aristocrat and a poor have not distinguished essentially, without whom is nobler, without who is humbler. “信徒是神灵的锚,一个信徒是一个锚点,在这方面,一个贵族和一个贫民在本质上是没有区别的,没谁更高贵,没谁更低贱。 Normal time, the aristocrats and merchants can use oneself position, power and influence, wealth and influence help church maintain the system, dissemination belief, therefore more well-respected, but now under this situation, several thousand anchors and several hundred thousand over a million anchors, who is more important? “正常时候,贵族和商人们可以利用自己的地位、权势、财富和影响力帮助教会维持体系,传播信仰,所以更受重视,但现在这种局势下,几千个锚和几十万上百万的锚,谁更重要? This is simple mathematics problems.” “这是一道简单的数学题。” Tore off the reality of softhearted veil facing this, Audrey the Justice could not speak shortly unexpectedly. 面对这扯掉了温情面纱的真实,“正义”奥黛丽短暂竟说不出话来。 Klein saw that made up one: 克莱恩见状,补了一句: „ From this aspect, the matter that you want to handle was also meaningful in the big level: “从这方面讲,你想做的事情在大的层面也是有意义的: You helped Goddess of the Night and Lord of Storms consolidate the anchor, perhaps in the future, this resists the doomsday key point.” “你帮助‘黑夜女神’‘风暴之主’稳固了锚,在将来,这也许就是对抗末日的关键点。” The lip of Audrey the Justice sips little, for a long time loosens, low said with a smile: “正义”奥黛丽的嘴唇一点点抿起,好久才松开,低笑了一声道: I then discovered, I is actually a little proud in own aristocrat status.” “我这才发现,我内心其实还是有点骄傲于自己贵族身份的。” What is noble is the moral character rather than the status.” Klein helped her say the remaining words. “高贵的是品格而不是身份。”克莱恩帮她说出了剩下的话语。 Audrey slow sighed, comforts the chaotic innermost feelings, has not set firm resolve. 奥黛丽缓慢吐了口气,安抚起纷乱的内心,并未就此下定决心。 She spoke thoughtlessly saying: 她随口说道: Our Tarot Society and church , relations of Church of the Night as if also good. “我们塔罗会教会,呃,黑夜教会的关系似乎还不错。 Mister Fool and are Goddess of the Night the allies?” ‘愚者’先生‘黑夜女神’是盟友?” This issue difficult...... I to become the ally to me with Goddess actually, but after Goddess not necessarily could have a liking for...... the Klein unstated criticism two, quite said seriously: 这个问题难到我了……我倒是想和女神成为盟友,但女神未必看得上啊……克莱恩腹诽了两句后,颇为严肃地说道: At present is the ally.” “目前算是盟友。” He specially emphasized at present, so as to avoid will apply makeup by the reality in the future. 他刻意强调了目前,免得将来被现实打脸。 Meanwhile, he is muttering the true answer at heart: 与此同时,他在心里咕哝起真正的答案: Looking from the present situation, Goddess is the Tarot Society Angel investor, principal shareholder...... 从现在的情况看,女神塔罗会天使投资人,主要股东…… Audrey the Justice slow nodded, unfolds the face to say with a smile suddenly: “正义”奥黛丽缓慢点了下头,忽然展颜一笑道: I am thinking, you replied when at present is ally, at heart in whispering anything, this is very certainly interesting, when like exploring Levished such.” “我在想,你回答‘目前算是盟友’时,心里在嘀咕什么,这一定很有趣,就像探索利维希德时那样。” ...... The young lady, Psychiatrist does not suit with the patient plays such joke...... is because did recent more than half a year chatted too, was familiar much, expose the natural disposition? Please respect in front of you this by the callous crazy well-known adventurer......, has saying that Audience path adjusts the mood the ability is strong...... that time blames Leonard...... Klein first is stunned, at once pretends the safe/without matter to happen, latter leans against the chairback say/way: ……小姐,“心理医生”不适合和病人开这样的玩笑……是因为最近大半年闲聊太多,熟悉了不少,展露出了本性?请尊重一下你面前这位以冷酷疯狂闻名的冒险家……嗯,不得不说,“观众”途径调整自身情绪的能力就是强……那次都怪伦纳德……克莱恩先是错愕,旋即装作无事发生,后靠住椅背道: Starts.” “开始吧。” Audrey restrains all mood immediately, starts earnestly and tries hypnosis fine. 奥黛丽立刻收敛起所有情绪,开始认真而精细地尝试“催眠”。 When all finished, Klein confirmed after the dark red stars Miss Justice returns to the real world had not gazed by Old One. 等到一切结束,克莱恩通过深红星辰确认了“正义”小姐返回现实世界后并未被“旧日”们注视。 Naturally, he has forgotten this matter with Old One or Outer God related, but surely does not have exceptionally to happen from the Miss Justice condition. 当然,他已经遗忘了这事与“旧日”或者“外神”有关,只是从“正义”小姐的状态肯定没有异常发生。 ...... Klein relaxed, can awaken oneself this memory paper to throw into the junks pile, and told itself, waited to become Angel to look again. 呼……克莱恩松了口气,将能唤醒自己这段记忆的纸张丢入了杂物堆里,并告诉自己,等成为了天使再看。 ............ ………… Beckland, bridge district, in an apartment. 贝克兰德,桥区,一栋公寓内。 Opposite of Emlyn White looks at sudden Maric, casts off top hat, extremely magnanimously good a ritual. 埃姆林.怀特看着对面突然出现的马里奇,摘掉礼帽,极有风度地行了一礼。 What matter do you have?” Maric sits on the sofa, the leans forward body, the junction grasps both hands to say. “你有什么事情?”马里奇坐在沙发上,前倾身体,交握着双手道。 Emlyn pulled a chair to sit down, the smile asked: 埃姆林拉了张椅子坐下,微笑问道: „Do you also want to cope with the Rose School Indulgence faction important personage?” “你们还想对付玫瑰学派放纵系的重要人物吗?” „Do you have the clue?” A Maric face asked faintly. “你有线索?”马里奇一脸淡漠地反问道。 Emlyn definitely was ready to come visiting, said unhurriedly: 埃姆林肯定是做好了准备才来“拜访”,不慌不忙说道: Regarding the Beckland Rose School head, I truly does not have a clue. “对于贝克兰德玫瑰学派负责人,我确实没有一点线索。 But, after war superheating, southern continent East and West Balam, Star Plateau, Perth River Valley and Haagenti Grassland become a confusion, many Rose School half God surfaced, took the stage, then no longer is hard to lock.” “但是,战争白热化之后,南大陆东西拜朗星星高原帕斯河谷哈加提草原都变得一片混乱,许多玫瑰学派半神浮出了水面,走上了舞台,不再那么难以锁定。” Maric looked at Emlyn one of the red pupil thin lips saying: 马里奇看了红眸薄唇的埃姆林一眼道: Which duke are you representative blood race or the marquis these words?” “你是代表血族哪位公爵或者侯爵来说这些话的?” „Do I represent myself not?” Emlyn lifts the chin, asked one with a smile. “我代表自己不可以吗?”埃姆林微抬下巴,笑着反问了一句。 Maric shakes the head to say earnestly: 马里奇认真地摇了摇头道: You are only Sequence Five, you are unqualified.” “你只是一个序列5,你还不够资格。” He said extremely directly, Emlyn does not know how for a while unexpectedly should meet these words. 他说得太过直接,埃姆林一时竟不知该怎么接这句话了。
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