LM :: Volume #5

#17: Information issue

According to the Leonard understanding, in the fourth era Tudor Empire big aristocrat, Abraham family is ranked the first, exceeds Blasphemer in Amon family, naturally, he did not determine that so-called Amon family, can completely comprised of clone of that god child, does not have other member. 伦纳德了解,在第四纪图铎帝国的大贵族里,亚伯拉罕家族是排在第一位的,胜过有“渎神者”在的阿蒙家族,当然,他不确定所谓的阿蒙家族,会不会完全由那位神子的分身组成,不存在别的成员。 Is Miss Magician the Abraham family important member...... here everyone is not unexpectedly simple...... this is the so-called lead meeting? Leonard first sighed, subsequently self-ridiculed one. “魔术师”小姐竟然是亚伯拉罕家族的重要成员……这里的每一个人都不简单啊……这就是所谓的主角聚会?伦纳德先是感叹,继而自嘲了一句。 Derrick the Sun has not spoken, has not launched the association, is listening to the description of Mister World earnestly, as well as Magician Hermit two women's dialogues, them firmly at heart. “太阳”戴里克没有发言,也未展开联想,认认真真听着“世界”先生的描述,以及“魔术师”“隐者”两位女士的对话,将它们牢牢记在了心里。 Him, „the outside world that” other members are, no matter what happened, and Silver City relates not in a big way with, only has King of Angels to be related, deserves consideration, after all, regardless of Angel of Destiny Ouroris and "Dark Angel" Saslier, is Red Angel Medici, left the trace in the Silver City peripheral region, Angel of Time Amon arrived personally, brings the terrifying that is unable to explain. 于他而言,其余成员所在的“外界”,不管发生什么事情,都和自己和白银城关系不大,唯有天使之王相关,值得重视,毕竟,无论“命运天使”乌洛琉斯“暗天使”萨斯利尔,还是“红天使”梅迪奇,都在白银城周围区域留下了痕迹,“时天使”阿蒙更是亲自登场,带来了无法言喻的恐怖。 When everyone was peaceful, Derrick cannot bear ponder some issues: 等到大家都安静了下来,戴里克才忍不住思考一些问题: How whatever is spoken, will be aware of...... should I inform chief the news in this aspect? Temporarily did not say does not have the issue, only raises Amon is Child of the Creator, It also has brothers, with Dragon of Fantasies in same path...... 凡有言,必被知……我该怎么把这方面的消息告知首席呢?或者,暂时不说也没问题,只提阿蒙造物主之子,祂还有位兄弟,与“空想之龙”在同一条途径…… If, Silver City came across the unmatchable disaster, I read the Adam name, can It hear? Can It enter by the lands that the god abandons? 如果,白银城遇到了无法对抗的灾难,我念出了亚当的名字,祂能听到吗?祂能进入被神遗弃的这片土地吗? Thinks of here, Derrick somewhat is immediately ashamed, because really has similar situation, he read will still be Mister Fool's esteemed name. 想到这里,戴里克顿时有些惭愧,因为即使真有类似的情况,他念出的也应该是“愚者”先生的尊名 At this time, Gehrman Sparrow the World opened the mouth saying: 这时,“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗又开口道: War Angel Medici, although has fallen from the sky, but has not elapsed thoroughly, his legacy spirit and Sauron and older generation remnant souls of Einhorn two respected families mixed, evolve a evil spirit. In the death of Ince Zangwill, there are to present its form.” “‘战争天使梅迪奇虽然早已陨落,但并没有彻底逝去,祂遗留的精神与索伦艾因霍恩两大家族的先辈残魂糅合,衍化成了一个恶灵。在因斯.赞格威尔之死里,有出现它的身影。” Klein selects this matter specially ; first, through Leonard, corresponding intelligence transmission to Church of the Night ; second, to remind the Hanged Man attention, this mister went to twice Bansi after all, can perhaps have some destinies with the Red Angel evil spirit the disputes. 克莱恩专门点出这件事情,一是通过伦纳德,将相应的情报传递给黑夜教会,二是提醒“倒吊人”注意,毕竟这位先生去过两次班西,说不定会与“红天使”恶灵产生一些命运的纠葛。 Is that evil spirit “War Angel” Medici? Leonard shocking at the same time is not stunned, he had to guess that a moment ago at that time definitely Adam such influential figure arrived incessantly! 那个恶灵是“战争天使”梅迪奇伦纳德震惊的同时并没有太错愕,他刚才就有猜测当时肯定不止亚当这么一位大人物登场! Then, he from War Angel with the contrasts of Angel of Fantasies two titles, suspected that the evil spirit before death is King of Angels. 然后,他从“战争天使”与“空想天使”两个称号的对比出发,怀疑恶灵生前是位天使之王 But such a evil spirit, under the influence of Luck Stealer talisman, has not revolted unexpectedly sent in Underworld! 而这样一个恶灵,在“窃运者”符咒的影响下,竟然没怎么反抗就被送入了冥界 Old man's position standard perhaps compared with before me imagines high......, the evil spirit before I and Miss Daly arrive, definitely has to receive Adam, even Mister Fool's weakens, otherwise was not the enemy who we can resist...... was at all right, what at that time Adam is making, the entire fight has not seen It to present...... could it be that, did influential figure of King of Angels level pester Adam? In the Leonard heart the wave tumbles, forgot unexpectedly response that observes other members. 老头的位格或许比我之前想象得高……嗯,恶灵在我和戴莉女士抵达前,肯定有受到亚当,甚至“愚者”先生的削弱,否则根本不是我们能对抗的敌人……对了,那个时候亚当在做什么,整场战斗都没看见祂出现……难道,还有位天使之王层次的大人物纠缠住了亚当伦纳德心中波浪翻滚,竟忘记了观察其他成员的反应。 After “War Angel” Medici...... It falls from the sky, will evolve the evil spirit...... Bansi is the place that his descendant lived in...... It is one of the Rose of Redemption founders...... Argel the Hanged Man a series of information will establish contacts rapidly, understood a lot: “战争天使”梅迪奇……祂陨落后衍化成了恶灵……班西是祂后裔居住的地方……祂是救赎蔷薇的创建者之一……“倒吊人”阿尔杰迅速就将一系列的信息串连了起来,明白了很多事情: I in the Bansi Harbor telegraph bureau's visible that mural should be this evil spirit plan! “我在班西港电报局看见的那副壁画应该就是这恶灵绘制的! Gehrman Sparrow the World makes me go to the Bansi Harbor nosing trace, for is grasps this terrifying evil spirit the whereabouts, so as to avoid the following plan is unable to conduct. ‘世界’格尔曼.斯帕罗让我去班西港查探痕迹,为的就是把握这恐怖恶灵的行踪,免得后面的计划无法进行。 Fortunately, I had not ruined that mural at that time, otherwise likely by that evil spirit attention......” “还好,我当时没有毁掉那壁画,要不然很可能被那恶灵注意……” Argel relaxed at the same time, is even more vigilant, plans then to let The Serene Blue Avenger far away from Bansi Harbor, 阿尔杰松了口气的同时,愈发警惕,打算接下来让“幽蓝复仇者号”远离班西港, Shifts to north Sunya Sea, before investigating World, another matter that entrusted. 转向苏尼亚海北面,调查“世界”之前委托的另一件事情。 Audrey the Justice and Cattleya the Hermit and other members listen to record with single-hearted devotion, without making too many associations, that matter that because Gehrman Sparrow the World told contained importantly essential also the quite strong message, but they lacked the extra experience and knowledge, is unable to expand the issue. “正义”奥黛丽“隐者”嘉德丽雅等成员都专心听着记着,没做太多的联想,因为“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗讲述的那件事情本身就包含了最重要最关键也相当丰富的信息,而他们缺乏额外的经历和知识,无法将问题扩展开来。 After these news that needs to pay attention to share, World says with a smile low and grating: 将需要注意的这些消息分享之后,“世界”低哑一笑道: Almost this.” “差不多就这样。” Scene short silent, Emlyn the Moon very back, the visual front said: 场面短暂静默了一阵,“月亮”埃姆林微挺背部,目视前方道: In clan has influential figure soon to arrive in Beckland, the roll-call must see me.” “族内有位大人物即将抵达贝克兰德,点名要见我。” He stopped, sees other members not to respond, clears throat saying: 他停了一下,见其余成员没有回应,才清了清喉咙道: How should I deal with It?” “我该怎么应对祂?” It...... is Angel...... Leonard the Star inexplicably is a little also numb, at once notices an Issue Mister Moon mentioned race this concept, moreover he has the red eye. 祂……又是一位天使……“星星”伦纳德莫名有点麻木,旋即注意到了一个问题-“月亮”先生提到了“种族”这个概念,而且他有着红色的眼睛。 Leonard startled, wants to say secretly: 伦纳德怔了怔,暗自想道: „ Is this blood race? “这是一位血族 blood race...... should he not be Church of Harvest that Emlyn White? He and Klein's great detective status very nearly walks!” 血族……他该不会是丰收教堂那个埃姆林.怀特吧?他和克莱恩的大侦探身份走得很近!” Leonard could not bear looked at the Moon profile and figure several, more looked is familiar, almost can confirm. 伦纳德忍不住多看了“月亮”的侧脸和身形几眼,越看越是熟悉,几乎可以确认。 Emlyn detected without a doubt sizing up of The Star, such as Audrey the Justice the stunned surprise slightly felt confirmed excitedly Mister Star suddenly discovered he knew Mister Moon is the same. 埃姆林毫无疑问察觉到了“星星”的打量,就如“正义”奥黛丽又错愕诧异又略感兴奋地确认“星星”先生突然发现他自己认识“月亮”先生一样。 I a moment ago speaking incorrectly words? Is The Star this fellow probably a little surprised...... he to know me in the real world? Do I know him? In the Emlyn the Moon mind flashed through a series of thoughts instantaneously, the subconsciousness wants to move the wing of the nose, smelled the next door new member flavor, was actually hindered by grey mist, was difficult the harvest. 我刚才说错话了吗?“星星”这家伙好像有点吃惊……他在现实世界认识我?我认识他吗?“月亮”埃姆林脑海内瞬间闪过了一连串的念头,下意识想活动鼻翼,嗅一嗅隔壁新成员的味道,却被灰雾阻碍,难有收获。 He looks all around, waits for Hanged Man, Hermit and World offers the analysis and suggestion, while recalled diligently oneself have seen similar The Star person. 他一边环顾四周,等待“倒吊人”“隐者”“世界”给出分析和建议,一边努力地回想自己有没有见过类似“星星”的人。 , He had a familiar feeling gradually, because does not have the profound impression, for a while is hard to recall. 渐渐的,他有了点熟悉的感觉,可又因为没深刻的印象,一时难以记起。 At this time, Audrey the Justice is actually thinking another issue: 这个时候,“正义”奥黛丽却在想另外一个问题: Mister World and Mister Star knew, Mister Star knows Mister Moon, then, can Mister World also know Mister Moon? “世界”先生“星星”先生认识,“星星”先生又认识“月亮”先生,那么,“世界”先生会不会也认识“月亮”先生 She sized up bronze long table most below several subconsciously, cannot from Gehrman Sparrow the World there reading the too useful information. 她下意识打量了青铜长桌最下方几眼,没能从“世界”格尔曼.斯帕罗那里“读”出太有用的信息。 But Argel the Hanged Man after several seconds of ponder, side looks to Moon, is considering the opens the mouth: “倒吊人”阿尔杰经过几秒的思考,侧头看向“月亮”,斟酌着开口了: Mister Fool had said a moment ago, era changed, although your blood race influential figure not necessarily knows the whole story of matter, but more or less should a little detect at their levels, thus the preparation makes to deal. ‘愚者’先生刚才说过,时代改变了,虽然你们血族大人物未必知道事情的原委,但以他们的层次或多或少应该会有一点察觉,从而预备做出应对。 That influential figure roll-call sees you, is not only the probe, is the observation, you like usually displayed will be fine, but following a little may test, some duties.” “那位大人物点名见你,既是试探,也是观察,你像平时那样表现就行了,但后续可能会有一点考验,一些任务。” With I think, the second test and duty came, does not know that primogenitor will give anything to inspire...... Emlyn the Moon to nod the head gently, said to Hanged Man: 和我想的一样,第二步的考验和任务来了,不知道始祖会给予什么启示……“月亮”埃姆林轻轻颔首,对“倒吊人”道: Thanks.” “谢谢。” Saw the issue to be explained that endures patiently Forsi the Magician to open the mouth to say on own initiative: 见刚才的问题已得到解答,忍耐了一阵的“魔术师”佛尔思主动开口道: The abandoned old castle information that „ Mister Moon, you give has the issue very much. ‘月亮’先生,你给予的废弃古堡情报很有问题。 There truly two ancient resentful spirit, but the bottom still has door, after that door, seal powerful degeneration strength, so long as enters the region that ancient resentful spirit is, will be corroded by it.” “那里确实有两个古老怨灵,但地底还存在着一扇门,那扇门后封印着强大的堕落力量,只要进入古老怨灵所在的区域,就会被它侵蚀。” This...... Emlyn the Moon frowns slightly. 这……“月亮”埃姆林微微皱起了眉头。 He not angry, feels Miss Magician indication no problem on the contrary: 他并未恼怒,反倒觉得“魔术师”小姐的表述没有问题: The person who since provides the information knows there to have two ancient resentful spirit, without the truth will neglect that door! 既然提供情报的人知晓那里有两个古老怨灵,没道理会忽视那扇门 As noble blood race that has the training, Emlyn never hopes that because of own mistake or the negligence, making others sustain a loss or injure, regarding this quite minded, he thinks, said seriously: 作为一名有修养的高贵血族,埃姆林从来不希望因自己的错误或疏忽,让别人蒙受损失或伤害,对此相当介意,他想了想,郑重说道: I will investigate the origin of information, gives you a confession.” “我会调查情报的来源,给你一个交代。” Because Forsi the Magician has returned safely, regarding this does not care, agreed , indicating that can wait for the result. “魔术师”佛尔思因为已经平安归来,对此也不是太在意,“嗯”了一声,表示会等待结果。 As for the graciousness of Mister Fool's rescue, because each month will happen one time, even twice, she could not have calculated, after only thinking Mister Fool, how to tell how oneself does. 至于“愚者”先生的救助之恩,由于每个月都会发生一次,甚至两次,她已经计算不过来,只想着“愚者”先生以后怎么吩咐,自己就怎么做。 Listens to their dialogue, Audrey the Justice somewhat to care, somewhat asked curiously: 听完他们的对话,“正义”奥黛丽有些关心,又有些好奇地问道: Knows that is degeneration strength that what brings?” “知道是什么带来的堕落力量吗?” Forsi the Magician shakes the head: “魔术师”佛尔思摇了摇头: Does not know. Sees Mister Fool not to speak clue, oneself currently also do not have the Russell diary to exchange that Card of Blasphemy is anything's answer, Audrey takes back the vision, is auditing other member exchange with single-hearted devotion. “不知道。见“愚者”先生未出言提示,自己目前又没有罗塞尔日记可以交换那张“亵渎之牌”是什么的答案,奥黛丽收回目光,专心地旁听着别的成员交流。 after a while, the study part completes, Tarot Society drew to a close, the members stand up, salutes to say goodbye to bronze long table most. 过了一阵,学习部分完成,塔罗会步入了尾声,众位成员站起,向青铜长桌最上首行礼告辞。 This time, Leonard has not displayed again that slowly. 这一次,伦纳德没再表现得那么迟钝。 The deep red light glow dissipates, he returned to the real world, at present places red gloves that has not been putting on. 红光芒消散,他回到了现实世界,眼前摆放着一只还未戴上的红手套 At this moment, in his mind suddenly resounded a slightly old sound: 就在这时,他脑海内突然响起了一阵略显苍老的声音: You a moment ago were, whose dreamland went to?” “你刚才是,去了谁的梦境?” The old man awoke...... Leonard first is one happy, at once relaxed. 老头醒了……伦纳德先是一喜,旋即松了口气 He does not have to reply immediately Pales Zarathustra issue, considers is opening the mouth saying: 他没立刻回答帕列斯.索罗亚斯德的问题,斟酌着开口道: You said, has this possibility, some quarter Dawn Dantes is Ards Eiges, is he uses certain item to camouflage?” “你说,有没有这种可能,某一刻的道恩.唐泰斯阿兹克.艾格斯,是他利用某些物品伪装成的?” After knowing Dawn Dantes is a public status, he had the suspicion to the old man beforehand judgment, conclusion that because this Parasite gives through Ards Eiges and Dawn Dantes appearance and aura entirely different, but, Mister Fool's favored one impossible each longer with Dawn Dantes much, each is Divinator path Extraordinary, therefore, since caused such a public status, explained that they grasp can turn into others 's magical item or sealed item, in addition favored one the disturbance of ancient aura, Angel presents the miscarriage of justice is not impossible. 知晓道恩.唐泰斯是个公共身份后,他就对老头之前的判断产生了怀疑,因为这位寄生者是通过阿兹克.艾格斯道恩.唐泰斯外貌、气息截然不同给出的结论,而要知道,“愚者”先生的眷者不可能每一位都和道恩.唐泰斯长得一样,每一位都是“占卜家”途径非凡者,所以,既然弄出了这么一个公共身份,就说明他们掌握着能变成他人的神奇物品封印物,再加上“眷者”古老气息的干扰,天使出现误判也不是不可能。 Pales Zarathustra silent two seconds of say/way: 帕列斯.索罗亚斯德沉默了两秒道: You reminded me, Ards Eiges determined that can make him turn into anybody's mask.” “你提醒了我,阿兹克.艾格斯确定有一张可以让他变成任何人的面具。”
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