LM :: Volume #4

#211: 3 rd

Destiny!” “命运!” The position that in the crabbed incoherent sound, "Admiral Hell" Ludwell and Night Guardian Ince Zangwill is was dim simultaneously, as if just blocked from by two dark clouds. 艰涩拗口的声音里,“地狱上将”路德维尔“守夜人”因斯.赞格威尔所在的位置同时黯淡了一下,似乎刚好被两朵乌云遮住。 Luck Stealer talisman! “窃运者”符咒 Klein using Insect of Time manufacture in which piece of Luck Stealer talisman that Pales Zarathustra provides! 克莱恩利用帕列斯.索罗亚斯德提供的“时之虫”制作的其中一片“窃运者”符咒 In order to plan 0-08 was not seen clearly, he oneself was hidden from the beginning secretly, not only lent Leonard Mitchell Hunger's Squirming, but also delivered to Secret Puppet Luck Stealer talisman! 为了谋划不被“0-08”洞察,他从一开始就让自己藏于幕后,不仅将“蠕动的饥饿”借给了伦纳德.米切尔,还把“窃运者”符咒交予了秘偶 Therefore, from Ince Zangwill is turned into Ludwell „” the person who evil spirit took possession. 于是,“惨遭”恶灵附身的人从因斯.赞格威尔变成了路德维尔 This Admiral Hell top of the head crashed into instantaneously Sauron Einhorn Medici that wears bloodstained black armor, two eyeballs one crawled completely the tiny blood vessel. “地狱上将”的头顶瞬间坠入了身穿染血黑甲的索伦.艾因霍恩.梅迪奇,两个眼球一下爬满了细小的血管。 In the hotel room, Klein is operating Secret Puppet calmly, does not have any vacillation and slowness because of the impact that the evil spirit brings, Ludwell also puts out a hand to tear to pieces the clothing, will calm the spirits the mask to take, covers on the face. 旅馆房间内,克莱恩冷静地操纵着秘偶,不因恶灵带来的冲击有任何一点动摇和迟缓,路德维尔随之伸手撕破衣物,将安魂面具拿了出来,盖在脸上。 Meanwhile, heard the Red Angel evil spirit a moment ago the words, witnessed his concrete condition, felt that to oppress the strength Daly Simone as if to understand anything powerful, not only does not have „the gate of Underworld to close, instead clenched the teeth, spells to go all-out, making the slit bigger a point. 与此同时,听到“红天使”恶灵刚才话语,目睹了祂具体状态,感受到了那强大压迫力的戴莉.西蒙妮似乎明白了点什么,不仅没将“冥界之门”关上,反而咬紧牙关,拼尽全力,让缝隙变得更大了一点。 one after another does not have the bloody arm of skin, the creamy tentacle that are growing the tooth, one after another is going against the azure black vine of baby face, simultaneously after „the gate of Underworld extended, grasps to Ludwell. 一只只没有皮肤的血淋淋手臂,一条条长着牙齿的滑腻触手,一根根顶着婴儿脸孔的青黑藤蔓,同时从“冥界之门”后伸了出来,抓向路德维尔 This makes the originally plan oneself complete this step Admiral Hell not to need to make these tedious operations again, had not been destroyed by Sauron Einhorn Medici while within the body Underworld, is only rotten has not fallen while flesh lump, has transferred the body fiercely, charged into that mysterious illusory large bronze door! 这让原本打算自己完成这一步的“地狱上将”无需再做那些繁琐的操作,趁着体内冥界还未被索伦.艾因霍恩.梅迪奇破坏,趁着身上肉块只是腐烂还未掉落,猛地转过身体,冲向了那神秘虚幻的青铜大门 After he at once by gate , the arm, tentacle, vine and spirit that extend held the body and both legs, by initiative goes for shelter to coordinate to let pulling of person scalp tingles, one has leapt the crack in a door of increasing, entered Underworld. 他旋即被门后伸出来的手臂、触手、藤蔓、魂灵抓住了身体和双腿,以主动的投奔配合让人头皮发麻的拉扯,一下就跃过变大的门缝,进入了冥界 Daly sees that immediately takes back the palm, no longer maintains that to cover entirely the mysterious symbol large bronze door. 戴莉见状,立刻收回手掌,不再维持那布满神秘符号的青铜大门 kuāng dāng! 哐当 The nondescriptive illusory gate closes up layer on layer/heavily, "Admiral Hell" Ludwell was isolated together with Sauron Einhorn Medici and Underworld of living creature his within the body outside the real world. 难以名状的虚幻之门重重合拢,“地狱上将”路德维尔连同他体内的索伦.艾因霍恩.梅迪奇冥界生物被隔绝在了现实世界之外。 This is key one step of Klein plan: 这是克莱恩计划的关键一步: The Red Angel evil spirit and Ince Zangwill separation! “红天使”恶灵和因斯.赞格威尔分离! Although he believes that the Red Angel evil spirit to Ince Zangwill is the unstabilizing factor, when does not want to a half God revenge, evil spirit that additionally dies forms after King of Angels two Sequence One Angel- who was unforeseen, actually Conspirator will make what kind of action under such aspect. 虽然他相信“红天使”恶灵对因斯.赞格威尔来说是不稳定因素,但还是不愿意在向一个半神复仇时,额外面对一位天使之王两位序列1天使死后形成的恶灵-谁也无法预料,一个“阴谋家”究竟会在那样的局面下做出怎样的举动。 Therefore, Klein from the Luck Stealer talisman mysterious ability and Secret Puppet Ludwell path characteristics, designed the specific plan, joining of Daly made the entire process smoother, stretched, no longer left behind the easily broken gap, made Underworld that Red Angel evil spirit smoothly! 所以,克莱恩“窃运者”符咒的神奇能力和秘偶路德维尔途径特点出发,设计了具体方案,戴莉的加入则让整个过程更加流畅,更为舒展,不再留下容易被打断的间隔,顺利将那“红天使”恶灵弄进了冥界 As the matter stands, even if the opposite party can occupy the Admiral Hell body, can depend upon the spiritual world shuttle to return to the real world, that was still a long time later matter, because must leave from Underworld must find the exit|to speak, because Goddess of the Night the part had grasped Artificial Death God, had certain authority in Underworld, will not definitely make the Red Angel evil spirit so smooth. 这样一来,即使对方能占据“地狱上将”的身躯,能依靠灵界穿梭返回现实世界,那也将是很长一段时间后的事情了,因为要从冥界离开需找到出口,因为“黑夜女神”已部分掌握了人造死神,在冥界有一定的权柄,肯定不会让“红天使”恶灵那么顺利出来。 Sacrificed Secret Puppet, high-level talisman and two magical item received exchange for the Red Angel evil spirit withdrawing from the battlefield, Klein, although loved dearly, but was absolutely cost-effective! 牺牲一个秘偶、一张高级符咒和两件神奇物品换取“红天使”恶灵退出战场,于克莱恩而言,虽然心疼,但绝对划算! As for Ince Zangwill on calamity, because at the same time continues the condition, destiny not in a short time, on the other hand as a result of curse from god, Luck Stealer talisman can replace few at most, is unable to enable its blank, quick to restore, but Ludwell has "Winner" Enzo to give luck, during that time will not affect the action. 至于因斯.赞格威尔身上的“厄难”,一方面因为是持续状态,非短时间内的命运,另一方面由于来自“神的诅咒”,“窃运者”符咒顶多能替换很少一部分,无法让它空白,很快就能恢复,而路德维尔“赢家”恩佐给予幸运,那段时间内不会影响到行动。 Such change, Leonard is unable to expect, 这样的变化,伦纳德无从预料, But he joined Red Gloves also to be close for a year, has the experiences of many unusual cases, at this time has not had doubts, has not delayed, will look at directly was a little dull Ince Zangwill. That wears the black ecclesiastical robe, after an eye gloomy form maps his view, his expression presents the distortion suddenly, as if faced directly shadow at heart. 但他加入“红手套”也接近一年了,有着多起超凡案件的经验,此时没去疑惑,没有耽搁,直接将目光投向了还有点呆愣的因斯.赞格威尔。那穿黑色神职人员长袍,一只眼睛黯淡无光的身影映入他眼帘后,他的表情陡然出现扭曲,似乎直面了心里的阴影。 That is spells to go all-out unable to display the shadow of function as before, after that is wakes up, sees captain and Klein already the shadow that died. 那是拼尽全力依旧无法发挥作用的阴影,那是醒来后看见队长克莱恩已然死去的阴影。 Leonard lifts left palm, arrives at the human skin glove in the forehead place, while got hold of Luck Stealer talisman with the right hand, sends the sound said low and deep: 伦纳德一边抬起左掌,将人皮手套抵在额角处,一边用右手握紧了“窃运者”符咒,低沉发声道: Destiny!” “命运!” During the ancient supernatural language reverberates, the Leonard left palm glove front, has condensed transparent books, and along with I come, I see, I record indistinct recitation. 古老的超自然语言回荡之中,伦纳德左掌手套前方,已然凝聚出一本透明的书册,并伴随着“我来到,我看见,我记录”的飘渺吟唱。 The bright dazzling silver white lightning also leaps, one after another, including together, embezzles Leonard together instantaneously. 明亮刺目的银白闪电随之跃出,一道接一道,一道连一道,瞬间就将伦纳德吞没。 Lightning storm!” “闪电风暴!” This looks like Leonard to take a revolver, aims at the temples, touched off the trigger. 这就像是伦纳德正拿着一把左轮手枪,对准自己太阳穴,扣动了扳机。 He is committing suicide, but he is still using Luck Stealer talisman simultaneously, must shift such destiny to Ince Zangwill! 他是在自杀,但他同时还在利用“窃运者”符咒,要将这样的命运转移给因斯.赞格威尔 This is use Luck Stealer talisman that he can think and Hunger's Squirming best way, this was full of the courage! 这是他能想到的使用“窃运者”符咒和“蠕动饥饿”的最好办法,这充满了勇气! The innumerable silver white lightning four plunder, crushed the surrounding darkness, the Leonard Mitchell fiercely awaking revolutions, discovered oneself are still built on same place, left palm has not lifted, the right hand just gripped Luck Stealer talisman. 数不清的银白闪电肆掠开来,击碎了周围的幽暗,伦纳德.米切尔猛地醒转,发现自己依旧立于原地,左掌尚未抬起,右手刚握住“窃运者”符咒 These things that he handled a moment ago, is only a dreamland! 他刚才做的那些事情,只是一场梦境! At this time, in Ince Zangwill dark blue near black eye, a piece of no light is dark is rippling slowly, seemed saying when you did produce yourself not in the misconception of having a dream? 此时,因斯.赞格威尔深蓝近黑的眼睛里,一片无光的幽暗正缓慢荡漾,仿佛在说,你什么时候产生了自己不是在做梦的错觉? Actually, in Sauron Einhorn Medici pulled out to his body, he has been making the wide scope the dreamland, tries to drag into the enemy completely, what a pity, that waist conducts the arm the rapier man is not affected, the relaxedness worked loose, destroyed the entire dreamland, enabling it to produce the results. 其实,早在索伦.艾因霍恩.梅迪奇被抽离他身体时,他就已经在制造大范围的梦境,试图将敌人全部拉入,可惜,那个腰挎刺剑的男子一点也没受影响,轻松就挣脱了出来,连带破坏了整个梦境,让它没能产生效果。 The crisis that because spiritual sense feeds back is such obvious, and contests of back two big King of Angels possibly affect momentarily, Ince Zangwill not hesitant, makes the sinking dormancy of wide scope again, simultaneously dragged into the dreamland Daly Simone and Leonard Mitchell. 灵感反馈的危机是那样明显,且背后两大“天使之王”的较量随时可能波及过来,因斯.赞格威尔没有犹豫,再次制造大范围的沉眠,同时将戴莉.西蒙妮伦纳德.米切尔拉入了梦境。 He takes up Pen of Alisford directly, wrote on the clothing of own arm place fast: 紧接着,他直接拿起“阿勒苏霍德之笔”,在自己手臂处的衣物上飞快写道: Ince Zangwill today's condition is good, can control own Legendary Creature Form effectively, therefore, he decided that does not do any retains, spells to go all-out, flees from here!” 因斯.赞格威尔今天的状态非常好,能有效驾驭住自己的神话生物形态,所以,他决定不做任何保留,拼尽全力,逃离这里!” As that classical feather pen last falls, the body of Ince Zangwill changed: 随着那古典羽毛笔最后一笔落下,因斯.赞格威尔的身体发生了变化: His eye instantaneously becomes pitch-black, like catching ink, the surroundings close trace extends little, composed strange the mysterious symbol of distortion. 他的眼睛瞬间变得深黑,如同染上了墨水,周围细密的纹路一点点延伸开来,组成了奇异而扭曲的神秘符号。 His waist, his rib region, the clothing inflates, the flesh wriggled, brushes grows four not to have the skin, entangled the arm of full blood vessel. 他的腰间,他的肋部,衣物膨胀,血肉蠕动,刷得长出了四条没有皮肤,缠满血管的手臂。 Above that arm rapid on duplicate suffused the white feather, the deathly stillness aura rippled outward. 那手臂之上迅速就覆盖满了白色的羽毛,死寂的气息往外荡漾开来。 Meanwhile, Ince Zangwill tooth one after another pull Chang, becomes sharp, the superficial embed has many fuzzily, tiny face. 同时,因斯.赞格威尔的牙齿一根根拔长,变得锋利,表面镶嵌有诸多模糊的,渺小的脸孔。 Also is winks the time of eye, this Night Guardian has lain in the ground, becomes strange monster that has eight leg and white feather! 也就是眨一下眼睛的工夫,这位守夜人已然趴在了地面,成为了有八条“腿”和白色羽毛的奇异怪物! The entire square region, arrived at the night inexplicably, the insect in soil, the floor tile above bacteria, died one after another, entered the eternal sinking dormancy. 整个广场区域,莫名来到了夜晚,泥土之中的虫豸,地砖上面的细菌,一个接一个死去,进入了永恒的沉眠。 This was Night and death the union of strength! 这是“黑夜”与“死亡”力量的结合! Saw with own eyes that Daly Simone and Leonard Mitchell will soon lose the life in the deep sleep fast, bang thunderous crack in midair. 眼见戴莉.西蒙妮伦纳德.米切尔即将在沉睡中飞快失去生命,“轰隆”一声雷鸣炸响于半空。 Silver white lightning fall, changes to the thunder forest, covers incomplete legendary creature that Ince Zangwill turns into inside. 银白的闪电一道道落下,化作雷霆森林,将因斯.赞格威尔变成的不完整神话生物笼罩在了里面。 After packing off the Red Angel evil spirit, Klein has not stopped, like the preinstall order Secret Puppet, went against mechanically four steps, enters above the grey mist, put on Papal Tiara, put on Papal Robe, took up Sea God Scepter! 送走“红天使”恶灵之后,克莱恩没做停留,就像预设了命令的秘偶,机械地逆走四步,进入灰雾之上,重新戴上了三重冠冕,穿上了教皇法袍,拿起了“海神权杖” This is third of play, was consumed by Adam 0-08, was separated Red Angel evil spirit Ince Zangwill by Luck Stealer talisman by the Sequence Four Saint status facing the Sea God anger! 这是戏剧的第三幕,被亚当消耗了“0-08”,被“窃运者”符咒分离了“红天使”恶灵的因斯.赞格威尔将以序列4圣者的身份面对“海神”的怒火! Klein knows own not that strength upfront and half God fierce combat, therefore, plan always after eliminating the Ince Zangwill helper, in above the grey mist, lowers Divine Punishment, when with initially was the same in the sea and half God Quinas Kherg fight of Dark Emperor path. 克莱恩知道自己没那个实力正面与半神激战,所以,一直以来的计划就是在剥夺了因斯.赞格威尔的帮手后,于灰雾之上,降下“神罚”,和当初在海上与“黑皇帝”途径半神丘纳斯.科尔格战斗时一样。 Even if extremely powerful concerned about half God, has no way to complete to strike to kill, he must drag to the Church of the Night archbishop or high-level deacon brings sealed item to come! 即使碍于半神太过强大,没法完成击杀,他也要拖到黑夜教会的大主教或高级执事带着封印物过来! In this plan, two points are beyond control: 这个计划里,有两点是无法控制的: First, 0-08 finally can also play many roles to be hard to judge, the subsequent hand of Klein regarding this reservation is, lets ceremony that the "Winner" Enzo arrangement hope grants, prepares to deliver to the real world 《Grossel's Travel Notes》 at any time, delivers to the battlefield edge, looked that can lure that pen to leave Ince Zangwill, after all he guessed that the opposite party is Audience path 0 level sealed item, should be interested to the special books that Dragon of Fantasies leaves behind very much ; 一是“0-08”最后还能发挥多少作用难以判断,克莱恩对此预留的后手是,让“赢家”恩佐布置祈求赐予的仪式,随时准备着将《格罗塞尔游记》送到现实世界,送到战场边缘,看能不能诱使那支笔离开因斯.赞格威尔,毕竟他猜测对方是“观众”途径“0”级封印物,应该对“空想之龙”留下的特殊书籍很感兴趣; Second, Child of the Creator Adam is actually powerful, Klein does not have the object of reference, thinks that this King of Angels surrenders 0-08 by one's effort directly, imprisons the Red Angel evil spirit, kills Ince Zangwill, is not impossible! 二是造物主之子亚当究竟有多么强大,克莱恩没有参照的对象,认为这位天使之王以一己之力直接降服“0-08”,囚禁“红天使”恶灵,杀死因斯.赞格威尔,也不是不可能! Regarding such development, Klein has no means to destroy, can only implore Goddess to bless, the destiny kind support, and waits for the result patiently. 对于这样的发展,克莱恩没有任何办法去破坏,只能祈求女神庇佑,命运垂爱,并耐心地等待结果。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The forest of thunder lowers, has the intense destruction aura. 雷霆的森林降下,带着强烈的毁灭气息。 At this time, the pure darkness welled up from the lightning slit, all silver white embezzled all. 这时,纯粹的黑暗从闪电缝隙里涌了出来,将所有的银白尽数吞没。 Ince Zangwill eight leg the movement, rushed from that region fast a moment ago. 紧接着,因斯.赞格威尔八条“腿”飞快运动,从刚才那片区域奔了出来。 Goal that he could not find the attack, is unable to lock use lightning storm the enemy, can only endure the angry mood, to pull off remnantly shadow rushes to the house in square edge high-speed. 他找不到攻击的目标,也无法锁定使用“闪电风暴”的敌人,只能忍着恼怒的情绪,以拖出残影的高速奔向广场边缘的房屋。 But, bang in the thunderclap, the fearful lightning arrives one after another, stopped up Ince Zangwill firmly in the square. 可是,轰隆的雷声中,可怕的闪电一道接一道降临,把因斯.赞格威尔牢牢堵在了广场里。 Daly and Leonard have waked up from the dreamland, but the ray of lightning affected their vision, letting them only to discover that Ince Zangwill as if turned into the monster, does not see clearly the detail. 戴莉伦纳德已然从梦境中醒来,但闪电的光芒影响了他们的视力,让他们只能发现因斯.赞格威尔似乎变成了怪物,看不清楚细节。 Legendary Creature Form...... has two people of solid mysticism foundation, clearly became aware rapidly, hurries to close the eye, toward may be for the place retreat of avoidance. 神话生物形态……有着扎实神秘学基础的两人,迅速明悟,赶紧闭上了眼睛,往可供躲避的地方退去。 Saw with own eyes that cannot get rid of the thunder strike at once, Ince Zangwill receives one immediately leg, takes 0-08 this feather pen, runs wrote on oneself: 眼见一时之间根本摆脱不了雷击,因斯.赞格威尔当即收起一条“腿”,拿着“0-08”这羽毛笔,边跑边在自己身上写道: Unknown existence was fought to attract, sympathizes about the Ince Zangwill bitter experience, decided that take action helps him, leading him to leave from spiritual world!” “一个未知的存在被战斗吸引了过来,对因斯.赞格威尔的遭遇非常同情,决定出手帮他,带着他从灵界离开!” PS: Did not write summarized at the end of the month, waited for this termination to write together, ahead of time renewed asks to guarantee a minimum the monthly ticket in August, second in 12 : 30 pm! PS:就不写月末总结了,等这部完结一起写,提前更新求八月份保底月票,第二更在十二 Nine deity sovereign 九天神皇
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