LM :: Volume #4

#212: 4 th

Has covered entirely the scorch and in the crack resurrecting square, the environment tarnish, were suddenly many just like gloomy and cold and gloomy of essence, the dazzling silver white lightning is unable to scatter this feeling. 已布满焦痕和裂缝的复活广场上,环境陡然变暗,多了宛若实质的阴沉与森冷,就连刺目的银白闪电都无法将这种感觉驱散。 Daly Simone detected keenly has unknown living creature shuttle spiritual world, close to this region, in the heart one emerges not the good premonition, as if has seen Ince Zangwill to flee with the aid of this surprise change with ease, disappears without a trace. 戴莉.西蒙妮敏锐地察觉到有未知的生物正穿梭灵界,靠近这片区域,心中一下涌现出不好的预感,似乎已然看见因斯.赞格威尔借助这意外的变化轻松逃离,不知去向。 Her body is hard to contain an icy coldness, like returning just to become Extraordinary that meeting. 她身体难以遏制地一阵冰凉,就像回到了刚成为非凡者那会。 At that time, because some accident, was 19-year-old she to lose the family member, took magical medicine by mistake, becomes Corpse Collector, put in the Night Watcher squad. 那个时候,因为某个意外事件,19岁的她失去了家人,误服了魔药,成为了“收尸人”,被放入“值夜者”小队。 The impact that magical medicine has and loses the wound of family member to make her start to like gloomy and cold, cannot bear close to the corpse, always goes to the graveyard to pace back and forth, sleeps before the grave. 魔药带来的影响和失去家人的创伤让她开始喜欢阴冷,忍不住靠近尸体,总是去墓园徘徊,在坟前睡觉。 This makes her seem strange, received the repel of others instinct, making her not only body temperature reduce, the mind seems freezing slowly, becomes ice-cold. 这让她显得怪异,受到了别人本能的排斥,使得她不仅体温在降低,就连心灵都仿佛在慢慢冻结,变得冰冷。 She is afraid this feeling, hopes as before oneself is a living person, therefore the instinct uses the gentlemen to her coveting of appearance and body, made boyfriends, wants to depend upon the warm resistance soul of body becomes cold. 她害怕这种感觉,依旧希望自己是一个活生生的人,于是本能地利用男士们对她容貌和身体的觊觎,交了一个又一个男朋友,想依靠身体的温暖对抗灵魂的变冷。 In life that like this degenerates blurredly, she ran into that man, always listens attentively to the man who oneself spoke temperately, has defended in side, when man who rendered the assistance calm, facing involving joke of both sexes relations, the embarrassed man, contains the men in teammate all shortcomings with the sincere attitude, under oneself teased time and time again the helpless man, liking being painful and sad conceals when the man who at heart sent the border line early retreat, encountered the danger, the first station came out absolutely, the teammate will keep off after behind man. 这样迷离堕落的生活中,她遇到了那个男人,总是温和倾听自己说话的男人,一直守在旁边,沉稳给予帮助的男人,面对涉及两性关系的玩笑时,会不好意思的男人,以诚恳的态度包容着队友所有缺点的男人,在自己调侃下一次又一次手足无措的男人,喜欢将痛苦和悲伤藏在心里以至于发际线早早后退的男人,遭遇危险时,绝对第一个站出来,将队友挡在身后的男人。 She changed, starts to like the picture old mannish makeup accommodating, no longer approaches with other man, is only left over a joke on mouth deliberately to indicate oneself have not changed obviously. 她变了,开始喜欢画老气的妆容,不再与别的男人靠近,只剩下嘴上的一点玩笑刻意表明自己没有明显改变。 But, she does not have as before with enough time, has not witnessed that man skilled acting method with enough time, digests magical medicine , to promote Sequence Six, has not seen him to extend the take action palm to oneself with enough time on own initiative, inviting oneself to dance a beginning dance, has not come and participated in his life final that fight, has not told his emotion with enough time. 可是,她依旧没来得及,没来得及见证那个男人熟练扮演法,消化魔药,晋升到序列6,没来得及看见他主动向自己伸出手掌,邀请自己跳一支开场舞,没来及参与他人生最后的那场战斗,没来得及告诉他自己内心的情感。 The previous time, I missed, anything has not done with enough time, today, I do not want again this...... the Daly facial expression to become sad, the corners of the mouth curled upwards little, gentle, happy. 上一次,我错过了,什么都没来得及做,今天,我不想再这样……戴莉神情变得哀伤,嘴角一点点翘了起来,温柔,甜蜜。 She who closes one's eyes tightly drew out a metal small bottle from clothing secret pocket fiercely, discards the plug, rumble drank up inside liquid. 紧闭着眼睛的她猛地从衣物暗袋内拔出了一个金属小瓶,丢掉塞子,咕噜喝掉了里面的液体。 Her blue eye shadow and cheek rouge one becomes bright, skin transparent several points, the hair that her plate draws out breaks up instantly, shoves open the hood, scatters toward all around. 她蓝色的眼影和腮红一下变得鲜艳,就连皮肤都透明了几分,她盘起的头发刹那崩解,将兜帽推开,向着四周飘散。 Roams through in the void spirit, makes higher realm living creature that one dreads, unpredictable visit.” Daly read aloud with brief powerful ancient Hermes language fast discussed, I, I in the name of my, signed the contract with you, imploring you to leave here!” “遨游于虚空的灵,令人畏惧的上界生物,不可预知的到访者。”戴莉用简短有力的古赫密斯语快速诵念道,“我,我以我的名义,与您签订契约,祈求您离开这里!” Eight leg Ince Zangwill of white feather behind, the form outlined together, this was a blood-color flesh lump, above is having the innumerable eye, inserted in one after another different race arms. 八“腿”白羽的因斯.赞格威尔身后,一道身影勾勒出来,这是一个血色的肉块,上面长着数不清的眼睛,插在一条又一条不同种族的手臂。 It must hold the body of Ince Zangwill, draws in spiritual world him, suddenly stopped, the vision will go to the place that Daly Simone was at one after another. 它要抓住因斯.赞格威尔的身体,将他拖入灵界,突然停顿了下来,将一道又一道目光投向了戴莉.西蒙妮所在的地方。 The Daly skin surface, one highlighted the jet black ophidia scale, in the slit of scale, the white down grew one after another. 戴莉皮肤表面,一下凸显出了漆黑的蛇类鳞片,鳞片的缝隙里,白色的绒毛相继生长。 Her knees one softly, kneels painfully, may consistently maintain the spiritism stance. 她双膝一软,痛苦地跪下去,可始终保持着通灵的姿态。 On Ince Zangwill, that feather pen wrote: 因斯.赞格威尔身上,那支羽毛笔自行书写了起来: Unknown existed to arrive in the resurrecting square, will soon carry off Ince Zangwill, no, it was attracted by Daly Simone, its aesthetic appreciation was partial to human race unexpectedly, aiya, it gave up Ince Zangwill, it decided that obeyed the advice of Daly Simone to leave here. “未知的存在降临到了复活广场上,即将带走因斯.赞格威尔,不,它被戴莉.西蒙妮吸引了,它的审美竟然偏向人类,哎呀,它放弃了因斯.赞格威尔,它决定听从戴莉.西蒙妮的建议离开这里。 Really is unexpected, at spiritism this matter, was half God Ince Zangwill lost to unexpectedly Daly Simone that only had Sequence Five, “真是让人意想不到,在通灵这件事情上,身为半神因斯.赞格威尔竟然输给了只有序列5戴莉.西蒙妮, Although this woman took Flower of the Spirit medicament, paid the enormous price, but also has no probability to win is using 'Pen of Alisford' Ince Zangwill reluctantly. Ince Zangwill was really unlucky, met nearly the things of 0 probabilities!” 虽然这位女士服食了‘灵之花’药剂,付出了极大的代价,但也没什么概率能赢勉强使用着‘阿勒苏霍德之笔’因斯.赞格威尔啊。“因斯.赞格威尔实在是太倒霉了,遇上了近乎0概率的事情!” During the thunder strike, Ince Zangwill by jet black pupils of mysterious symbol crowding around , the blood red ray was shone, subsided, he is grasping the feather pen hand wrote in the body surface again: 雷击之中,因斯.赞格威尔被神秘符号簇拥的漆黑眼眸内,一点血红的光芒亮起,又平息了下去,他握着羽毛笔的“手”再次于体表写道: Also has unknown to exist is attracted, arrives at the , tries to enter the real world......” “又有个未知存在受到吸引,来到附近,试图进入现实世界……” Writes about here, feather pen paused a bit, wrote suddenly downward: 写到这里,羽毛笔霍然顿了一下,自行往下写道: Came, came, it, It is Renette Tinichole! No, Renette Tinichole is driving away surrounding spiritual world all living creature, It looked at Ince Zangwill one, It took back the line of sight, It left here, It continues to loaf in the nearby. “来了,来了,它,祂是蕾妮特.缇尼科尔!不,蕾妮特.缇尼科尔在驱赶着周围灵界的所有生物,祂看了因斯.赞格威尔一眼,祂收回了视线,祂离开了这里,祂继续于附近游荡。 Ince Zangwill is not too in luck, is not too in luck!” 因斯.赞格威尔太不走运了,太不走运了!” Body paused a bit of Ince Zangwill high-speed movement, as if came under very big attack suddenly. 因斯.赞格威尔高速移动的身体突地顿了一下,似乎受到了很大的打击。 Bang! 轰隆! The thick silver white lightning falls, divided layer on layer/heavily on Monster of eight legs, divided Ince Zangwill to proceed to leap, sent out is not human race neighing. 粗大的银白闪电落下,重重劈在了八条腿的“怪物”身上,劈得因斯.赞格威尔往前腾起,发出不属于人类般的嘶叫。 In his jet black pupils, the blood red splendor glow explosion proliferated, changes to two bloodthirsty, the cruel and crazy light group. 他漆黑的眼眸中,血红的辉芒爆炸般扩散了开来,化作两个嗜血、残忍、疯狂的光团。 Ince Zangwill is also hard to control own mood again, stays the good condition, lost most reason......” the slightly broken feather pen is writing, was dim, stopped gradually. 因斯.赞格威尔再也难以控制住自己的情绪,保持住良好的状态,失去了大部分理智……”略显残破的羽毛笔越是书写,越是黯淡,渐渐停止了下来。 Let the person have in the shouting sound of chicken skin lump, the endless darkness spreads, dragged into the dreamland Daly Simone and Leonard Mitchell simultaneously. 让人起了层鸡皮似疙瘩的嘶吼声里,无尽的黑暗扩散开来,将戴莉.西蒙妮伦纳德.米切尔同时拉入了梦境。 Thunderous and lightning that but at once comes, awakened sank dormancy. 但旋即而来的雷鸣和闪电,惊醒了沉眠者们。 After Ince Zangwill eight leg steps on, in left behind the remnant shadow same place, the extreme velocity rushes was being at half out of control condition Daly Simone, must Night Watcher that destroyed itself to escape tear into shreds this cruelly. 因斯.赞格威尔八条腿一个后踩,于原地留下残影,极速奔向了正处于半失控状态的戴莉.西蒙妮,要将这个破坏了自己逃跑的值夜者残忍撕碎。 Bang! Bang! 轰隆!轰隆! Exaggerating lightning whereabouts, prevented his action. 一道道夸张的闪电下落,阻止了他的行动。 Bang! Bang! 轰隆!轰隆! Eight cover the white feather, has the burned black trace strange leg steps continuously, partly lies in place Ince Zangwill walks randomly around the square, is avoiding the thunder strike, is seeking the opportunity of killing Leonard and Daly. 八条覆盖白色羽毛,多有焦黑痕迹的怪异之“腿”连续迈动,半趴于地的因斯.赞格威尔绕着广场游走,躲避着雷击,寻找着杀死伦纳德戴莉的机会。 , Certainly sane he discovered gradually an issue, that is the frequency of lightning is slowing down! 渐渐的,还有一定理智的他发现了一个问题,那就是闪电的频率在变慢! The manufacture thunder strike could not find that person of trail as if to be close to the limit, spirituality will soon consume completely! 制造雷击找不到踪迹的那个人似乎已接近极限,灵性即将消耗殆尽! In the Ince Zangwill heart moves, on the face showed the cruel smile, runs high-speed, said with Ancient Fusac language low and deep: 因斯.赞格威尔心中一动,脸上露出了残忍的笑容,边高速奔跑,边用古弗萨克语低沉说道: all of you must die!” 你们都要死!” He seemed to have forgotten must flee. 他似乎已忘记了要逃离。 all of you must die...... Leonard Mitchell heard these words, actually no means that because he does not dare to open the eye, is unable to determine that the Ince Zangwill position, is unable to lock in the opposite party with spirituality. 你们都要死……伦纳德.米切尔听到了这句话,却没有一点办法,因为他根本不敢睁开眼睛,无法确定因斯.赞格威尔的位置,无法用灵性锁住对方。 At this moment, he as if returned to Thengen City, returned to Black Thorns Security Company, returned with that day of Megusi fierce combat, changed that soft and weak, who anything could not prevent. 这一刻,他仿佛又回到了廷根市,回到了黑荆棘安保公司,回到了与梅高欧丝激战的那一天,变回了那个软弱无力,什么都阻止不了的自己。 At that time, he wanted to help captain and Klein obviously, overcame the fear obviously, had the old man to provide obviously auxiliary, because actually sequence was too low, the strength was insufficient, quick was struck to faint, is unable to participate in the follow-up fight, can only see two corpses when waking up, can only with facing directly relatives' pain reduces and solves remorse of innermost feelings. 那个时候,他明明想要帮队长克莱恩,明明克服了恐惧,明明有老头可以提供辅助,却因为序列太低,实力不够,很快就被击晕过去,无法参与后续的战斗,只能在醒来时看见两具尸体,只能用直面亲属们的痛苦来化解内心的自责。 The Thengen City leisurely and carefree life, thinks the play lead actually does not need to undertake the feeling of responsibility, making Leonard fondly remember, but more fondly remembers, he more hates such, why is annoying not earlier diligently. 廷根市悠闲的生活,自认为戏剧主角却又不用承担责任的感觉,让伦纳德一直怀念,可越是怀念,他越是痛恨那样的自己,越是懊恼为什么不早点努力。 Closed at present, the light shadow rocks, the Leonard both hands making a fist head, shouts stubbornly rapidly lowly: 紧闭的眼前,光影晃动,伦纳德双手死死握成了拳头,急促地低喊道: old man! “老头! old man!” “老头!” This time, in his mind does not have the sound to reverberate, no one gives the assistance, Pales Zarathustra as in the deep sleep. 这一次,他脑海内没有声音回荡,无人给予辅助,帕列斯.索罗亚斯德依旧在沉睡。 The breath of Leonard one becomes loud, the head cannot bear follow about flashing before of ray to move, then voice slightly hoarse, the tone obviously shouts flurriedly: 伦纳德的呼吸一下变得粗重,脑袋忍不住跟随光芒的闪现左右移动,然后嗓音略显嘶哑,语气明显慌乱地喊道: old man! “老头! old man! “老头! old man!!” “老头!!” The sound gradually becomes low, vanished in the thunderous sound, the head of Leonard let fall little, on the face filled to rebuke oneself with the pain once again. 声音逐渐变低,消失在了雷鸣之声里,伦纳德的脑袋一点点垂落,脸上又一次充满自责和痛苦。 His lip opening and closing, both hands loosen and get hold , the whole person solidified for several seconds. 他嘴唇一阵翕动,双手松开又握紧,整个人凝固了好几秒钟。 Suddenly, his expression one becomes renounces, the face twisted opened the mouth, discussed with ancient Hermes language low and deep: 突然,他表情一下变得决绝,脸部扭曲地张开了嘴巴,用古赫密斯语低沉念道: Fool of another era ; 不属于这个时代的愚者; Mysterious Ruler of Above the Grey Mist ; 灰雾之上的神秘主宰; King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck!” 执掌好运的黄黑之王!” Prayed that the sound just fell, in his mind on strange had/left a picture: 祈祷声刚有落下,他脑海内就奇异地多出了一副画面: As if turned into the Ince Zangwill of spider or abnormal feather wolf is running fast, the avoidance thunder strike, wants to attack itself once for a while or Daly Simone. 似乎变成了蜘蛛或畸形羽狼的因斯.赞格威尔正快速奔走,躲避雷击,时不时想要袭击自己或戴莉.西蒙妮 But unlike the normalcy, in this picture, the Ince Zangwill form is quite fuzzy, almost replaces with piece of red light, can only be used to confirm the position. 而与正常不同,这幅画面里,因斯.赞格威尔的身影相当模糊,几乎是用一片红光来代替,只能用来确认位置。 Leonard is first startled, at once smiles, smiles tears a little bit to fall. 伦纳德先是一怔,旋即笑了起来,笑得眼泪一滴滴滑落。 He lifts left palm without hesitation, arrived at that glove in forehead, then with the right hand, closely gripped Luck Stealer talisman. 他毫不犹豫抬起左掌,将那只手套抵在了额角,然后用右手,紧紧握住了“窃运者”符咒 Destiny!” “命运!” During the crabbed mysterious ancient Hermes language word reverberates, Leonard before lets the body, has the transparent books to condense, in I come, I see, I record in recited indistinctly turns to one page, while locked that to grow eight of many white feather leg monster. 艰涩神秘的古赫密斯语单词回荡之中,伦纳德一边让身前有透明书册凝聚而出,于“我来到,我看见,我记录”的飘渺吟唱里翻至其中一页,一边锁定了那长着不少白色羽毛的八条“腿”怪物。 The silver white lightning erupts fiercely, the Leonard Mitchell expression threw that talisman fiercely, laughed shouts: 银白的闪电猛地爆发而出,伦纳德.米切尔表情狰狞地扔出了那枚符咒,纵声喊道: Dies! Ince Zangwill!” “去死吧!因斯.赞格威尔!” This, he waited for a long time for a long time, repeatedly trained in the innermost feelings did not know many. 这一声,他等待了好久好久,在内心反复演练了不知多少遍。 PS: First after changes, in the evening also the chapter, asked the monthly ticket! PS:先更后改,晚上还有一章,求月票!
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