LM :: Volume #4

#210: The curse of god

With touching of Klein spirituality, the luminous spot suddenly in him at present the development is a picture: 随着克莱恩灵性的触碰,光点猛然于他眼前拓展为一副画面: Wraps Shadow Cloak Danis to lower the head the pray in the square edge, read aloud with ancient Hermes language reads Fool esteemed name. 套着阴影斗篷达尼兹正在广场边缘低头祈祷,用古赫密斯语诵念“愚者”尊名 With the aid of this localization, Klein develops the scene outward, searches the Ince Zangwill form. 借助这个定位,克莱恩将场景往外拓展,寻觅起因斯.赞格威尔的身影。 He with saw a moment ago obviously differently by all that grey mist saw, the square center does not know when stood erect to mount the skeleton for the bottom jet black the giant church, when inside had the light shadow to flash on and off, did not have the sound to spread. 他透过灰雾看到的一切与刚才所见有了明显不同,广场中央不知什么时候竖立起了一座漆黑为底镶嵌尸骨的巨大教堂,里面时有光影明灭,却无动静传出。 Seized this opportunity, Klein responded to the pray of Danis: 抓住这个机会,克莱恩回应了达尼兹的祈祷: Far away from here, seeks for the covert place to hide.” “远离这里,寻找隐蔽地方躲藏。” Low and drawn out speech at the same time, wore Papal Tiara Klein of dark blue law clothes to lift the left hand, making the blue gem of white bones scepter peak send out the ray. 低缓说话的同时,戴三重冠冕着深蓝法衣的克莱恩抬起了左手,让白骨权杖顶端的青蓝色宝石发出光芒。 The sharp grating sound reverberates the resurrecting square immediately in real world, the sudden strong winds howled were sweeping across that region, making people who or Quinn idled or passed by be too busy to leave, goes to take shelter from wind the place, facial expression stiff Anderson also regained that not caring at all condition, is covering the belly single-handedly, ran out of the danger zone quickly. 锐利刺耳的声音当即回荡于现实世界的复活广场,突如其来的狂风呼啸着席卷了那片区域,让或闲或路过的人们忙不迭离开,前往避风之处,就连神情僵硬的安德森也恢复了那种满不在乎的状态,一手捂着肚子,快步冲出了危险地带。 For several seconds, the resurrecting square becomes extremely lonely, even if some passer-by speeds are not fast, has not run, due to the promotion of strong winds, experienced to fly the general feeling. 短短几秒间,复活广场就变得极为冷清,哪怕部分路人速度不快,未曾奔跑,也在狂风的推动下,体验到了飞一般的感觉。 That spacious region had the short peace, then since an ignition light is bright from the bone church window place, greatly, is more and more getting more and more dazzling. 那片空旷的区域有了短暂的安静,然后一点火光从尸骨教堂窗户处亮起,越来越大,越来越刺眼。 Silent, that stained glass window split shatter, the ray that blazing white Jinlan like the meteor, one leapt up. 无声无息中,那扇彩色玻璃窗破碎裂开了,炽白近蓝的光芒如同流星,一下蹿了出来。 This flame breaks up immediately, condenses to put on Ince Zangwill of black ecclesiastical robe dark blue blood vessel. 这火光随即崩解,凝聚出穿黑色神职人员长袍一眼深蓝一眼血管的因斯.赞格威尔 This Night Guardian just came, the mouth cannot control opens, to hand in classical feather pen sighed: 这位“守夜人”刚一现身,嘴巴就控制不住地张开,对着手中的古典羽毛笔“呵”了一声: Your this idiot does not listen to my suggestion, how to get so far as now this appearance! “要不是你这个蠢货不听我的建议,怎么会弄到现在这个样子! I do not know that you are afraid anything, earlier lets me to the main pray, returns to Rose of Redemption in secret, collaborates with the big snake, is ready, sets the trap, today is we hunts Adam, rather than opposite!” “我都不知道你在害怕什么,早点让我向主祈祷,暗中回归救赎蔷薇,与大蛇联手,做好准备,设置陷阱,今天就是我们狩猎亚当,而不是相反!” Slightly is dim and broken feather pen flies immediately, wrote in the Ince Zangwill clothing vacancy: 略显黯淡和残破的羽毛笔当即飞起,在因斯.赞格威尔的衣物空处写道: Pushed the responsibility of this matter because of ashamed and angry Sauron Einhorn Medici to 'Pen of Alisford' completely, but in fact, was he prevents itself to pray to True Creator, regardless of Sauron, were Einhorn, does not want to believe that Evil God. “因羞愧而恼怒的索伦.艾因霍恩.梅迪奇将这次事情的责任全部推给了‘阿勒苏霍德之笔’,可实际上,是祂自己阻止了自己向‘真实造物主’祈祷,无论索伦,还是艾因霍恩,都不想信仰那个邪神 Today's bitter experience, making the schizophrenia of this evil spirit more serious! This is reasonable, this is the diagnosis that highest level Psychiatrist makes specialized!” “今天的遭遇,让这个恶灵的精神分裂更加严重了!这非常合理,这是最专业最顶级的心理医生做出的诊断!” Ince Zangwill the brow pulled out immediately, the instinct lifted the left hand, pressed according to the head. 因斯.赞格威尔”的眉头顿时抽了一下,本能抬起左手,按了按脑袋。 He dark blue near black pupils quickly restored the appearance, classical sculpture face becomes extremely serious. 他深蓝近黑的眼眸迅速恢复了神采,古典雕塑般的脸庞变得极为严肃。 At this moment, broke through bone church him, the front is not a square, but is a layer upon layer stone made/system ancient stair, they a crown to palatial mountain peak, there are standing erect huge crucifix, has innumerable Angel to circle the crowding around. 此时此刻,突破了尸骨教堂的他,前方并不是广场,而是一层层石制的古老台阶,它们通往一座巍峨山峰的顶部,那里竖立着一个巨大的十字架,有数不清的天使盘旋簇拥。 At this time, the exaggerating silver white lightning penetrated the deep upper air together, dropped down, divided to Ince Zangwill. 就在这个时候,一道夸张的银白闪电穿透深沉的高空,直直落了下来,劈向因斯.赞格威尔 But the entire seal the strange space also presented the fissure, the fountain and flowers in square mapped in that only dark blue near black eye. 整个封闭而奇异的空间随之出现了裂痕,广场上的喷泉与花朵映入了那只深蓝近黑的眼睛里。 The Ince Zangwill form disappears suddenly, only left behind a transparent fuzzy spirit same place, the latter was divided by the lightning, disappears instantaneously. 因斯.赞格威尔的身影陡然消失,原地只留下了一道透明模糊的灵,后者被闪电劈中,瞬间泯灭。 This Night Guardian worries about did not ponder that outside is also hiding what danger, seizes the opportunity to turn into the flame, penetrates the slit, flushed. 这位“守夜人”顾得不去思考外面还潜藏着什么危险,抓住机会就化成火光,穿透缝隙,冲了出去。 Him, actually no matter the front is ambushing anything, will not compare Child of the Creator, King of Angels Adam is more fearful, is nastier! 于他而言,不管前方究竟埋伏着什么,都不会比造物主之子,天使之王亚当更加可怕,更难以对付! Saw with own eyes that above the square the flame shines, broke out of the fetter of virtual world, returns to original state into hair color dark gold/metal palm pale Ince Zangwill, the Klein head slightly lifts, 眼见广场之上火光亮起,摆脱了虚幻世界的束缚,还原为发色暗金手掌苍白的因斯.赞格威尔,克莱恩头部略抬, The subconsciousness took a seat straight the body. In his mind one flashed through the innumerable pictures, had is penetrated of heart, before having the previous death, that pair of bright leather boots that saw, had pushed with a smile under Dunn Smith of left eye to oneself, had to become ruins Black Thorns Security Company. 下意识就坐直了身体。他脑海内一下闪过了无数画面,有被穿透了心脏的自己,有上次死亡前看见的那双崭亮皮靴,有笑着对自己挤了下左眼的邓恩.史密斯,有成为了废墟的黑荆棘安保公司 The Klein's corners of the mouth twist the mouth sidewise fast, turned upwards upward, showed a funny smile. 克莱恩的嘴角飞快咧开,往上翘起,露出了一个滑稽的笑容。 He said with the ancient Hermes language low and deep opens the mouth immediately: 他随即用古赫密斯语低沉开口道: Calamity!” “厄难!” His right palm, that silver-gray talisman ignited the quiet black ray steep. 他的右掌,那枚银灰色的符咒陡地燃起了幽黑的光芒。 This is Klein implores to Goddess of the Night directly, uses the blood and valuable metal manufacture of Snake of Mercury Will Ascetin calamity domain talisman. 这是克莱恩直接向“黑夜女神”祈求,利用“水银之蛇”威尔.昂赛汀的血液和贵重金属制作的厄难领域符咒 This is he for the gift of Ince Zangwill preparation. 这是他为因斯.赞格威尔准备的礼物。 This is the arrow of revenge. 这是复仇之箭。 This is god's curse! 这是神的诅咒! Klein stands up fiercely, the shoulder pulls, the right arm flings, that quiet black ray with skidding the above the grey mist little strengths mix, throw at the scene that into the pray picture expanded, threw to Ince Zangwill. 克莱恩猛地站起,肩膀一扯,右臂一甩,将那幽黑的光芒与撬动的灰雾之上少许力量糅合,扔入了祈祷画面扩展出的场景里,扔向了因斯.赞格威尔 ............ ………… Ince Zangwill just returned to the resurrecting square, sees the pitch-black ray not to know together from where comes, covers in within/inner the trim sky, becomes by the environment sinks extremely secretly. 因斯.赞格威尔刚回归复活广场,就看见一道深黑的光芒不知从何而来,将整片天空都覆盖于内,让自身所处的环境变得极为暗沉。 Such change flashes to pass, the surrounding all returned to instantaneously normal, looks without the difference, may be able to give others Night Guardian of certain extent misfortune, Ince Zangwill keenly smelling to the aura of danger, no hesitant before extends left palm, must use the union in within the body evil spirit and Gatekeeper ability, enters spiritual world, the shuttle flees. 这样的变化一闪而逝,周围的一切瞬间就恢复了正常,看起来毫无异样,可作为能给予别人一定程度厄运的“守夜人”,因斯.赞格威尔敏锐地“嗅”到了危险的气息,没有一点犹豫就前伸左掌,要利用体内恶灵与“看门人”能力的结合,进入灵界,穿梭逃离。 But, his surrounding bright red flowers, the pure white fountain pond, the pitch-black floor tile design, no becomes the color to be rich, let alone each other overlay. 可是,他周围鲜红的花朵,纯白的喷泉池,深黑的地砖图案,没有一个变得色彩浓郁,更别说彼此叠加。 Ince Zangwill spiritual world shuttle ability expiration! 因斯.赞格威尔的“灵界穿梭”能力失效了! His pupil light solidifies, had understood the reason, because of that evil spirit of his within the body, oneself and quarrelled, has not loaned the strength: 他眸光凝固间,已然明白了缘由,因为他体内的那个恶灵,自己和自己争吵了起来,没有借出力量: Has a look, earlier listened my not to have on anything!” “看看,早点听我的就什么事都没有了!” Bah, making me believe True Creator might as well to make me die!” “呸,让我信仰‘真实造物主’还不如让我去死!” Listens to your useful? Initially was different from us, was made magical medicine by Arista Tudor.” “听你的有什么用?当初还不是和我们一样,被亚利斯塔.图铎做成了魔药。” Originally aren't you anxious? Had not discovered that the curse did have the obvious God aura? The essence of that strength is also very high, by our present conditions, definitely has no way to dodge, haha, noisy , to continue to quarrel, I am waiting for and you die together.” “原来你们一点也不紧张啊?没发现刚才的诅咒有明显的神灵气息吗?那力量的本质也很高,以我们现在的状态,肯定没法规避,哈哈,吵啊,继续吵啊,我等着和你们一起死。” ...... …… Ince Zangwill hears the forehead blood vessel to jump, the anger in Sauron Einhorn Medici this evil spirit the self- internal strife, has not placed oneself the determination of place of danger unexpectedly at crucial moments. 因斯.赞格威尔听得额头血管直跳,愤怒于索伦.艾因霍恩.梅迪奇这恶灵竟然在关键时刻自我内讧,一点也没有置身危险之地的自觉。 As the former archbishop, as wielding Church of the Night sacred item Extraordinary, Ince Zangwill has not affected to judge because of angry, his intuition thinks the quiet black ray was related with the Goddess of the Night calamity authority, thinks Sauron Einhorn Medici entered the divided state obviously to come under the influence in this aspect suddenly, otherwise only depended on Pen of Alisford writing, but also being insufficient made the Red Angel evil spirit at the scene to quarrelling, ignored the situation! 作为前任大主教,作为执掌过黑夜教会圣物非凡者,因斯.赞格威尔并没有因愤怒而影响判断,他直觉地认为刚才的幽黑光芒与“黑夜女神”的厄难权柄有关,认为索伦.艾因霍恩.梅迪奇突然进入分裂状态明显是受到了这方面的影响,否则仅凭“阿勒苏霍德之笔”的书写,还不至于让“红天使”恶灵当场对吵,不顾处境! He has transferred the body immediately, rushes to a resurrecting square exit|to speak high-speed, and attempts with other spirit communications, wants to flee with the aid of their abilities as soon as possible, however, here spirit does not have! 他当即转过身体,高速奔向复活广场其中一个出口,并尝试与其余的灵沟通,想借助它们的能力尽快逃离,然而,这里一个灵都没有! At this time, the person's shadow stood from the hiding place of spacious square edge together, he is Ruenian and hybrid of Balam person, on the face the multi- meat, the clothing is loose, the waist is conducting the arm careful rapier. 这时,一道人影从空旷广场边缘的隐蔽处站了出来,他是鲁恩人拜朗人的混血,脸上多肉,衣物宽松,腰间挎着一把细细的刺剑 This is "Admiral Hell" Ludwell! 这是“地狱上将”路德维尔 This is will usually not have Secret Puppet of what thought! 这是平时不会有什么思想的秘偶 After throwing Curse of God talisman, Klein according to the plan, has returned to the real world, uses two Secret Puppet! 扔出“神之诅咒”符咒后,克莱恩已按照预案,回到现实世界,利用起两个秘偶 He made "Winner" Enzo nearby look for a corner, put out to prepare good item, the ceremony that the arrangement hope granted, while operated "Admiral Hell" Ludwell to go out of the hidden point, faced directly Ince Zangwill. 他一边让“赢家”恩佐就近找了个角落,拿出准备好的物品,布置祈求赐予的仪式,一边操纵“地狱上将”路德维尔走出隐藏点,直面因斯.赞格威尔 This could not have seen that Admiral Hell of appearance lifted the right hand, whatever the arm, the small arm and finger rapid empty, the inflation extends, grasped toward the goal. 这位已看不出原本样子的“地狱上将”抬起了右手,任由胳臂、小臂、指头迅速虚化,膨胀延伸,向着目标抓了过去。 This is he separation obtained with the aid in within the body Underworld living creature extracts others spiritual body ability spatially! 这是他借助体内冥界生物获得的隔空抽取别人灵体的能力! The palm of Ludwell fast becomes pale, the Ince Zangwill top of the head, the form may not contain to float together upward. 路德维尔的掌心飞快变得苍白,因斯.赞格威尔的头顶,一道身影不可遏制地往上浮了起来。 However, Ince Zangwill once is also Gatekeeper, in the eye has the mysterious illusory large bronze door forming immediately, the spiritual body round trip that will soon emerge pulled. 然而,因斯.赞格威尔曾经也是“看门人”,眼中立刻就有神秘虚幻的青铜大门成形,将快要浮出的灵体往回拉扯。 Originally by his level and strength, this should succeed very much easily, why does not know, he made several mistakes continuously, almost went well by Admiral Hell, short can only form the crosscut saw unexpectedly. 本来以他的层次和实力,这应该很容易就成功,可不知为什么,他连续出现了好几个失误,差点就被“地狱上将”得手,短暂竟只能形成拉锯。 At this time, two person's shadows outlined fast by Ludwell, one was black ink sends bluish green Tong, wears Leonard Mitchell of transparent glove, is spreading the blue eye shadow and same cheek rouge Daly Simone. What they come is so exactly, the calamity of enemy often means own this side enough is in luck! 这个时候,两道人影飞快勾勒在了路德维尔旁边,一个是墨发碧瞳,戴着透明手套的伦纳德.米切尔,一个是涂着蓝色眼影和同样腮红的戴莉.西蒙妮。他们来的是如此恰好,敌人的厄难往往意味着自己这方足够走运! What Daly first sees will be that say/way can never forget the form that in the eye one leaps the flame of hatred. 戴莉最先看见的是那道永远不会忘记的身影,眼中一下就腾起了仇恨的火焰。 She does not have blind take action, slightly makes the observation, arrives at Ludwell behind, opened the both arms. 她没有盲目出手,略作观察,来到路德维尔身后,张开了双臂。 large bronze door that a leaf has the innumerable strange patterns arrives immediately, creak was splitting a slit. 一扇有着无数奇异花纹的青铜大门当即降临,吱嘎着裂开了一道缝隙。 This leads to the Underworld front door, is to all undead lifeform inviting front doors! 这是通往冥界的大门,是对所有不死生物充满诱惑的大门! It is not able the terrifying suction of accurate description to pass on, Ince Zangwill top of the head that form goes to him thoroughly. 无法准确描述的恐怖吸力传了出来,因斯.赞格威尔头顶那道身影彻底离他而去。 That is a translucent man of wear bloodstained black armor, young handsome, has the red hair, on the face has sees the fearful trace of bone one after another rottenly, the forehead department head the flags mark. 那是一个穿着染血黑色盔甲的半透明男子,年轻英俊,留着红色的头发,脸上有一块又一块腐烂见骨的可怕痕迹,眉心处长着旌旗似的印记。 This year the light man pulled out to oneself to the Ince Zangwill not too surprise, on the contrary yo: 这年轻男子对自己被抽离因斯.赞格威尔并没有太诧异,反倒“哟”了一声: Today the luck is very bad, two, we have died together, it is necessary to come again one time? Especially by this chicken same weak one control.” “今天运气很差啊,两位,我们已经一起死过了,有必要再来一次吗?尤其还是被这种小鸡一样的弱者操控。” On his left half cheeks, a bloody opening highlighted, stretch/open He was saying: 他左半边脸颊上,一个血淋淋的裂口凸显了出来,张合着说道: Good, first surrounding refuse removal......” “好,先把周围的垃圾清除……” These words have not said, puts on the man of bloodstained black armor to search the take action palm, extracted one from within the body illusory long sword that has the dark red rusty stain. 这句话尚未说完,穿染血黑色盔甲的男子已探出手掌,从体内抽出了一把有着暗红锈迹的虚幻长剑。 The fearful oppression strength lives suddenly, this evil spirit got rid of the extraction of Ludwell and Daly Simone with ease, falls fiercely downward, tries to return to Ince Zangwill within the body. 可怕的压迫力陡然而生,这恶灵轻松就摆脱了路德维尔戴莉.西蒙妮的抽取,猛地往下一落,试图返回因斯.赞格威尔的体内。 At this moment, together low and grating like having the sound sound of emery cloth, "Admiral Hell" Ludwell discussed with ancient Hermes language gravely: 就在这时,一道低哑如同含着砂布的声音响了起来,“地狱上将”路德维尔古赫密斯语庄重念道: Destiny!” “命运!” PS: Finally quite a while asked the monthly ticket, before dawn will renew ahead of time ~ PS:最后半天求月票,凌晨会提前更新~
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