LM :: Volume #4

#209: Logical development

After middle-aged man who sees that priest appearance, Anderson first was startled for one second, at once feels in the mind some shackles break up loudly, the innumerable memory fragment also broke through the invisible barrier to rush to well up, was similar to constrains for a long time emotion to obtain the eruption finally. 看到那位神父打扮的中年男子后,安德森先是怔了一秒,旋即感觉脑海内某个枷锁轰然崩解,数不清的记忆碎片随之突破无形的屏障奔涌了出来,就如同压抑许久的情感终于获得了爆发。 Actually he recalled the beforehand two months what happened, recalled the duty of that half God confession is anything! 他记起了之前两个多月究竟发生了什么事情,记起了那位半神交代的任务是什么! Initially in Bayam, he relied on that half God of thought in heart after met, with the opposite party, leaves Rhosid Archipelago, went by boat to go to a secret place. 当初在拜亚姆,他依循心中的念头与那位半神会合后,就跟着对方,离开罗思德群岛,乘船前往了一个隐秘的地方。 In there, he saw side priest, was arranged to enter ancient sarcophagus, lies down in liquid that in the extraordinary material and unusual blood plasma compromise, whatever they infiltrate themselves little. 于那里,他见到了身旁这位神父,被安排进入古老的棺柩,躺在非凡材料、奇特血浆调和成的液体中,任由它们一点点渗透自己。 After one month of corrosion, his within the body formed one scarlet red silkworm chrysalis, then by locking in these days memory, was delivered to West Balam, and planted before Mental Suggestion that restoring memory cannot leave. 经过一个多月的侵蚀,他体内形成了一个深红色的“蚕蛹”,然后被“锁住”这段时间的记忆,送到了西拜朗,并种下了在恢复记忆前不能离开的心理暗示 In other words, that half God gives his duty not to complete, is in progress, before was the prerequisite preparation! 也就是说,那位半神给予他的任务并未完成,正在进行,之前不过是前置准备! Pictures flash before, Anderson discovered oneself play the harmonica in the street, moves in the hotel with Danis, asks the Church of Knowledge missionary to seek speaks language talisman, as well as comes Northern County, until today's entire process , the side has this seemingly genial and pure priest. 一个个画面闪现间,安德森发现自己在街头吹口琴,与达尼兹入住旅馆,找知识教会传教士求取“通晓语言”符咒,以及前来北方邦,直至今天的整个过程中,身旁都有这位看起来和煦又单纯的神父 When dines, what the next door table sits is he, when moves, what in the side room rests is he, when along street walks, shoulder to shoulder what takes a step is he, when blows the harmonica performance puppet show, opposite temperate looks at is also he! 用餐时,隔壁桌坐的是他,入住时,旁边房间里睡的是他,沿大街行走时,并肩迈步的是他,吹口琴表演手偶戏时,对面温和看着的也是他! But all these, Anderson had not paid attention at that time completely, his nearby Danis, the surrounding others, without the attention, like have never seen this priest! 而这一切,安德森当时完全没有注意,他旁边的达尼兹,周围的其他人,都没有注意,就像从未见过这神父一样! From the cool feeling of heart deep place from the tailbone, leaps up the Anderson mind, making him only think that these days experience only recalled makes one go crazy, out-of-control. 发自心底深处的凉意从尾椎而起,直蹿安德森的脑海,让他只觉这段时间的经历仅是回想一下都让人发疯,失控。 Has spread out Danis to look with Anderson Ince Zangwill that sees through the black ecclesiastical robe, looked at that to close eyes pray simple priest, lowers the head hastily, read aloud with ancient Hermes language low voice discussed: 安德森已拉开一段距离的达尼兹看了看穿黑色神职人员长袍的因斯.赞格威尔,又看了看那位正闭目祈祷的简朴神父,连忙低下头来,用古赫密斯语小声诵念道: Fool of another era ; 不属于这个时代的愚者; Mysterious Ruler of Above the Grey Mist ; 灰雾之上的神秘主宰; King of Yellow and Black that controls the luck......” 执掌好运的黄黑之王……” Many days ago, he received Mister Fool's order from God, making him pretend to handle matters, actual conceals around Anderson, exceptionally prays when the situation immediately. 早在多天前,他就收到了“愚者”先生的神谕,让他假装办事,实际藏于安德森周围,在情况异常时立刻祷告。 Although does not know that what happened, actually is also not clear to encounter anyone, but always treasures the Danis decision of life not to sell at a discount complies, even if appears is very exceptionally possible is only he thinks many! 虽然不知道会发生什么事情,也不清楚究竟会遭遇谁,但向来珍惜生命的达尼兹决定一点也不打折扣地照做,哪怕出现的异常很可能只是他想得太多! Therefore, he put on the gauntlet/glove of Grossel legacy Extraordinary characteristics manufacture specially, guaranteed oneself after under similar scene first does thinks, does not waste time! 为此,他特意又戴上了格罗塞尔遗留非凡特性制作的拳套,确保自己在类似场景下先做后想,不浪费一点时间! At this time, the Ince Zangwill step stopped, or dark blue near black or in the eye of crawling full blood vessel screened simultaneously wore the simple white robe to wear that priest that the silver cross hung to fall. 这个时候,因斯.赞格威尔的步伐停了下来,或深蓝近黑或爬满血管的眼睛内同时映出了穿简朴白袍戴银十字吊坠的那名神父 In his mind, in his mouth, the angry sound passed on together: 他的脑海内,他的嘴巴中,一道恼怒的声音传了出来: Adam!” 亚当!” Child of the Creator, King of Angels, Adam! 造物主之子,天使之王,亚当 Ince Zangwill finishes barely the words, the eye of opposite that simple priest opened the eyes, the tinted pupil has caught the pure gold. 因斯.赞格威尔话音未落,对面那位简朴神父的眼睛就睁了开来,浅色的瞳孔已染上纯金。 , The surroundings one after another jet black stone column towered suddenly, haunched a broad giant church. 霍然间,周围一根根漆黑石柱耸立了起来,撑起了一座恢弘巨大的教堂。 In this church, the surface of each pillar each arch each vault, is mounting the different race bones, they are dense and numerous, is gazing at Ince Zangwill with the different eye holes, is crowding around over a hundred meters crucifix. 这教堂里,每一根柱子每一处拱券每一块穹顶的表面,都镶嵌着不同种族的骨头,它们密密麻麻,用不同的眼洞注视着因斯.赞格威尔,簇拥着一个上百米的十字架 Before crucifix, the fuzzy form stands together there, seems pitying looks at all. 十字架前,一道模糊的身影立在那里,仿佛在怜悯地看着一切。 This is bone church, is not full of holy meaning obviously gloomily on the contrary bone church! 这是一座尸骨教堂,不显一点阴森反倒充满圣洁意味的尸骨教堂 On the wall, window and front door church, the faces of transparent distortions highlighted, as if had the innumerable spirit by the seal in inside, making Extraordinary unable to feel existence of spiritual world and stellar world again! 教堂的墙壁、窗户、大门上,一张张透明扭曲的脸孔凸显了出来,似乎有数不清的魂灵被封印在了里面,让非凡者再也感觉不到灵界星界的存在! But beforehand square, 而之前的广场, The beforehand passer-by, does not see completely, was excluded from this sudden bone church. The classical feather pen in Ince Zangwill hand has flown, the extreme velocity submits a written statement to write in his black ecclesiastical robes: 之前的路人,全部不见,被排斥在了这个突然出现的尸骨教堂外。因斯.赞格威尔手中的古典羽毛笔早已飞起,极速于他的黑色神职人员长袍上书写道: Anderson Hood is the Gehrman Sparrow friend, received the attention of Ouroris, based on certain unknown factors, at this time point, Ouroris arrived here is logical!” 安德森.胡德格尔曼.斯帕罗的朋友,受到了乌洛琉斯的关注,基于某些未知的因素,在这个时间点,乌洛琉斯降临这里是符合逻辑的!” The feather pen just made that exclamation mark, the ray illuminated from the stained glass window of bone church high place one after another, turns into the pure wing of one after another illusory stack-up. 羽毛笔刚打出那个叹号,一道又一道光芒就从尸骨教堂高处的彩色玻璃窗照了进来,化成一只只虚幻层叠的纯净羽翼。 Under that the wing covers, keeps the form of silver long hair to partly to kneel the shape of pray to outline together, stood the body. 羽翼覆盖的下方,一道留着银色长发的身影以半跪祈祷的形态勾勒而出,随之站直了身体。 It is wrapping the simple flax long gown, the facial features are elegant, the facial features are gentle, is King of Angels, "Tail Swallower" Ouroris! 祂套着简朴的亚麻长袍,面容秀美,五官柔和,正是天使之王,“吞尾者”乌洛琉斯 Ouroris indifferent pupils does not have the focus shortly, at once shines upon that genial priest image. 乌洛琉斯漠然的眼眸短暂没有焦点,旋即映照出了那位和煦神父的影像。 In his pupil, his under foot, in his back stack-up the wing of light, aloof mysterious round wheels highlighted, forms river that flows illusory, snake same head and tail interlocking in one. 祂的瞳孔中,祂的脚下,祂背后层叠的光之羽翼里,一个个超然神秘的圆轮凸显了出来,汇成虚幻流淌的长河,蛇一样首尾相接在了一起。 bone church one backed up just to tower the appearance of jet black stone column, the surrounding square was partly visible. 尸骨教堂一下倒退回了刚耸立出漆黑石柱的样子,周围的广场若隐若现。 Seizes this opportunity, Ouroris must depart here, Ince Zangwill also makes the surrounding various colors without hesitation rich, superimposed in one. 抓住这个机会,乌洛琉斯就要飞出这里,因斯.赞格威尔也毫不犹豫让周围的各种色彩变得浓郁,叠加在了一起。 When this Night Guardian will soon enter spiritual world, saw the high place to crash suddenly over a hundred meters crucifix. 这位“守夜人”即将进入灵界时,霍然看见高处坠落了一个上百米的十字架 This crucifix inserts in the bone church center that had not formed layer on layer/heavily, shouldered its say/way fuzzy form to follow close on was lifting the head. 十字架重重插在了未成形的尸骨教堂中央,背负着它的那道模糊身影紧跟着抬起了脑袋。 The inexhaustible ray erupted, and grasped Ince Zangwill of feather pen to embezzle Ouroris. 无穷无尽的光芒爆发了出来,将乌洛琉斯和手持羽毛笔的因斯.赞格威尔吞没了进去。 Is full of the different race bone and bone church of innumerable distortion spirit forms again. 充满不同种族骨头和无数扭曲魂灵的尸骨教堂再次成形。 ............ ………… When hears the illusory stack-up prayer sound, Klein in the hotel room, is thinking the daily trivial matters, are making bored complaining. 听见虚幻层叠的祈求声时,克莱恩正在旅馆房间内,想着日常的琐事,做着无聊的吐槽。 He stands up suddenly, before directly soaring the window, looks at to not far away that square. 他猛然站起,直奔窗前,望向了不远处的那个广场。 In the square, the person comes the coffin toward, the fountain upwells, music reverberation, all so normal, even brings several points of ease, in this, what is not quite coordinated, Anderson is kneeing down, the facial expression is stiff, Danis closes eyes to pray trembling. 广场上,人来棺往,喷泉上涌,音乐回荡,一切都是如此的正常,甚至带着几分悠闲,这里面,不太协调的是,安德森正单膝跪地,神情僵硬,达尼兹则战战兢兢地闭目祷告着。 Klein has not thought, according to the plan that above the grey mist makes, operates "Winner" Enzo more than 100 meters away, entered telegraph bureau- he has ordered to Danis, lives near the telegraph bureau! 克莱恩没有多想,按照在灰雾之上做出的方案,操纵一百多米外的“赢家”恩佐,进入了电报局-他对达尼兹下过命令,住电报局附近! Meanwhile, he also puts out adventurer harmonica, collects to the mouth, blew. 与此同时,他还拿出冒险家口琴,凑至嘴巴,吹了一下。 Raised Renette Tinichole of four blond hair, red eyes heads to go out void, eight eyes shifted to the square position simultaneously. 提着四个金发红眼脑袋的蕾妮特.缇尼科尔走出了虚空,八只眼睛同时转向了广场位置。 To Leonard Mitchell, he should not leave the beforehand induction range.” Klein put out already a ready letter/believes and a gold coin, gave the messenger young lady. “给伦纳德.米切尔,他应该还没有离开之前的感应范围。”克莱恩拿出早就预备好的一封信和一枚金币,递给了信使小姐。 He speaks to work now, as if Secret Puppet, only follows the scheduled order to do, if really cannot help wanting anything, immediately meditation or shift attention. 他现在说话做事,就仿佛一个秘偶,只遵循预定的命令去做,如果实在忍不住要想点什么,就会立刻冥想或转移注意力。 In this is he coping that sobs from Will Ascetin comprehends 0-08 means- will ponder the part places above the grey mist, to the real world, only according to scheduled action! 这就是他从威尔.昂赛汀哭泣里领悟的对付“0-08”的办法-将思考部分放在灰雾之上,到了现实世界,只按预定行动! But in some pray of Danis, Klein with the aid of picture, took advantage of opportunity to pay attention to under Anderson in same region, finally discovered that his side always strange as familiar priest existed. 达尼兹的某次祈祷里,克莱恩借助“画面”,顺势关注了下同一区域内的安德森,结果发现他身旁始终有一位似陌生似熟悉的神父存在。 Relates mental association to Psychology Alchemy Union and Twilight Hermit Organization secret, relates a content in Great Emperor Russell diary, Klein has clearly to become aware immediately, becomes to the matter that then must handle assured: 联想到心理炼金会黄昏隐士会的隐秘关系,联系到罗塞尔大帝日记里的一则内容,克莱恩顿时有所明悟,对接下来要做的事情变得笃定: The Twilight Hermit Organization master, Child of the Creator, “Angel of Fantasies” Adam, must seek 0-08! 黄昏隐士会的主人,造物主之子,“空想天使”亚当,要谋取“0-08”! This also means that the Ince Zangwill big probability can come, aims at Anderson! 这也就意味着因斯.赞格威尔大概率会过来,以安德森为目标! Then, Klein planned under to plan in above the grey mist again, pretends anything not to discover, is continuing reality Secret Puppet condition. 然后,克莱恩灰雾之上重拟了下计划,装作什么都没有发现,继续着“现实秘偶”的状态。 A Renette Tinichole head bit that letter/believes, eight eyes also deeply looked at the Klein two seconds. 蕾妮特.缇尼科尔其中一个脑袋咬住了那封信,八只眼睛随之深深地看了克莱恩两秒。 Klein slightly nodded, without the speech, did not gaze after the messenger young lady to return to spiritual world obviously. 克莱恩微不可见地点了下头,没有说话,目送信使小姐回归了灵界 The telegram text, address and fer gold that in Cook telegraph bureau, "Winner" Enzo will have written gave the staff completely, and urges them to transmit immediately. 库克瓦电报局内,“赢家”恩佐将早已写好的电文、地址和费尔金全部交给了工作人员,并督促他们立刻发报。 West Balam, Northern County, Cokova City, Ince Zangwill appears.” 西拜朗,北方邦,库克瓦城,因斯.赞格威尔出现。” The electric wave flies, this information transmit to Church of the Night in West Balam and East Balam major footholds. 电波飞逝间,这条消息传递给了黑夜教会西拜朗东拜朗的各大据点。 ............ ………… East Balam. 东拜朗 How you always move in the church peripheral region, doesn't go to farther place investigation?” Daly spoke thoughtlessly to ask Leonard one. “你怎么总是在教堂周围区域活动,不去更远的地方调查?”戴莉随口问了伦纳德一句。 Leonard thinks, confidently and said seriously: 伦纳德想了想,坦然而郑重地说道: Waits for news.” “等消息。” Daly nodded, has not gone to ask looking pensive. 戴莉若有所思地点了下头,没去多问。 She becomes silent, no longer plays the Leonard joke randomly, as if also follows to wait. 她变得沉默,不再乱开伦纳德的玩笑,似乎也跟着在等待。 Suddenly, Leonard spiritual sense is somewhat moved, side looked to the left. 忽然,伦纳德灵感有所触动,侧头望向了左边。 But was Gatekeeper Daly has looked at that place. 而身为“看门人”戴莉早已将目光投向了那个地方。 When a letter/believes did not know appears, falls gently to the gas street light. 一封信不知什么时候出现,飘落向了煤气路灯底部。 Leonard cannot attend to avoiding Daly, is busy at bending the waist to collect that letter/believes, opened fast. 伦纳德顾不得避开戴莉,忙弯腰拾取起那封信,快速拆了开来。 The content on letter/believes is very simple, only has one line of words: 信上的内容很简单,只有一行单词: West Balam, Northern County, Cokova City, resurrecting square, Coordinate......” 西拜朗,北方邦,库克瓦城,复活广场,坐标……” An expression dignity of Leonard, turns head to say to Daly: 伦纳德的表情一下凝重,扭头对戴莉道: Madame , helping me cover the whereabouts troublesome.” “女士,麻烦帮我掩盖一下行踪。” He spoke at the same time, the left palm glove has become transparent, the right hand inserted in the pocket, gripped that Luck Stealer talisman. 他说话的同时,左掌的手套已然变得透明,右手则插入衣兜内,握住了那张“窃运者”符咒 Daly silent one second, said seriously: 戴莉沉默了一秒,非常严肃地说道: Takes me. “带上我。 Initially you had at least fought, but my anything has not done with enough time.” “当初你至少战斗过,而我什么都没来得及做。” The Leonard facial expression continually changes, mouth slightly, anything had not said finally, shoulder that held Daly. 伦纳德神情连变,嘴巴微张,最终什么都没说,一把抓住了戴莉的肩膀。 Two people disappeared near few person contact street immediately. 两人随即消失在了少有人往来的街道边。 ............ ………… Gazes after the messenger young lady to leave, confirmed after the telegram has at least laid out one, Klein goes against immediately four steps, entered above the grey mist. 目送信使小姐离开,确认电报已至少拍出一份后,克莱恩当即逆走四步,进入了灰雾之上 He sat to Fool that high back chair directly, beckoning lets The Tyrant card, Sea God Scepter and silver-gray talisman flew simultaneously. 他直接坐至“愚者”那张高背椅,招手让暴君牌海神权杖和一张银灰色的符咒同时飞了过来。 In an instant, he puts on Papal Tiara, put on Papal Robe, wielded the white bones scepter. 刹那之间,他已是戴上三重冠冕,披上了教皇法袍,执掌了白骨权杖。 In silver white lightning jump crowding around, Klein spread spirituality to that luminous spot of Danis correspondence. 一道道银白闪电跳跃簇拥中,克莱恩灵性蔓延向了达尼兹对应的那个光点。 PS: In July last day, asked the monthly ticket! PS:七月最后一天了,求月票!
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