LM :: Volume #3

#101: Subsequent hands

The ice-cold sea water submerged Klein instantaneously, soaked his golden red long skirt, makes its heavy like the stone, dragging the human body sharply to sink downward. 冰冷的海水瞬间淹没了克莱恩,浸透了他身上的金红色长裙,让它沉甸甸的如同石头,拖着人体往下急沉。 But at the same time, Hunger's Squirming also ate that pirate, reduced the weight of entire person. 但与此同时,“蠕动的饥饿”也吃掉了那个海盗,减轻了整整一个人的重量。 Klein has not tried to break surface, but continues to sink, hears several plop to be away from the wave to transmit indistinctly from afar, seems Sailor the path pirate diligently and with perseverance to pursue. 克莱恩没有试图上浮,而是继续下沉,隐约听见好几声噗通隔着波浪远远传来,似有“水手途径的海盗正锲而不舍地追赶。 Here is their home games! 这里是他们的主场! They can move a long time like the fish here! 他们能在这里像鱼一样活动很长一段时间! Klein not startled, does not make not Magician that” prepares to perform as one, he had certainly considered the evacuation plan after action failure, does not have the matter to meet the percentage hundred successes after all. 克莱恩并没有惊慌,作为一名不做无准备表演的“魔术师”,他当然考虑过行动失败后的撤离方案,毕竟没有事情会百分百成功。 Although to act Elaine well, by Vice Admiral Disease Tracy discovery flaw, he had not only been brought other magical item and wallet cash, these that just manufactured lost with the water and wind domain related talisman in above the grey mist, but this will not hinder his display, God, favored one and condition of follower Trinity made him have many marvelous operations to cope with similar aspect. 虽然为了最好地扮演伊莲,不被“疾病中将特雷茜发现破绽,他不仅未带其余神奇物品和钱包现金,就连刚制作的那些与水、风领域相关的符咒都丢在了灰雾之上,但这不会妨碍他的发挥,神灵眷者、信徒三位一体的状态让他有诸多奇妙操作应对类似的局面。 He makes Hunger's Squirming rapidly pale, and catches dark green, all around sea water also freezes, changes to layer upon layer hoar frost. 他迅速让“蠕动的饥饿”变得苍白,并染上阴绿,四周的海水随之冻结,化作一层层白霜。 Before the hoar frost concentrates thoroughly the ice crystal, the Klein back butterfly muscle moves, the both arms open to the both sides fiercely, with the aid of Living Corpse the strength destroys these frost, making them fly upside down into farther point sea water. 在白霜彻底凝成冰晶前,克莱恩背部蝴蝶肌一动,双臂猛地向两侧张开,借助“活尸”的力量将那些冰霜打碎,让它们倒飞入更远一点的海水内。 As the matter stands, he peripheral has not to have the sea water temporarily the narrow and small space. 这样一来,他周边就临时有了个不存在海水的狭小空间。 The water current instead wells up instantaneously, must fill up this blank, Klein left palm extends, releases the fearful chill in the air again, and spread in the past, made sea water ice walls. 水流瞬间反涌,要填满这片空白,克莱恩左掌一伸,再次释放出可怕的寒意,并蔓延过去,制造了一面面海水冰墙。 Short within, he as if places oneself in the sea the ice is firm, can stand, can voice, but actually can only limit in the quite narrow and small space. 短暂间,他就仿佛置身于海中冰牢,能够站立,能够发声,但却只能局限于相当狭小的空间内。 Klein the small scope walked immediately anti-clockwise four steps, read blessings of the Heavenly Lord of the Immeasurable and other given names lowly, made spiritual body enter above the grey mist fast. 克莱恩当即小幅度地逆时针走了四步,低念出福生无量天尊等名号,快速让灵体进入了灰雾之上 His form just appeared in Fool on that high back chair, takes up laid aside in early front Sea God Scepter directly. 他的身影刚浮现于“愚者”的那张高背椅上,就直接拿起了早放置于面前的“海神权杖”。 Does not need to identify, the Klein thought moved, screens that luminous spot that symbolized new promote Sea God follower Gehrman Sparrow, following established the good relation ahead of time, lifted the creamy white swagger stick, making blue gem bloomed mistily brilliance. 无需辨认,克莱恩念头一动,筛选出了象征新晋“海神”信徒格尔曼.斯帕罗的那个光点,循着提前建立好的联系,抬起乳白短杖,让一颗颗青蓝色的“宝石”绽放出濛濛光辉。 He responded to follower, wrapped the kind of magic arts effects layer by layer to oneself , acted on free will, the resistance pressure including but not limited to, breathing underwater. 他回应“信徒”,给自己套了一层又一层的类法术效果,包括但不限于水下呼吸、自由行动、抵抗压力。 Finally, he uses paper Angel to disturb divination, and to the under water living creature promulgation order of surroundings sea area, making them help and shields Gehrman Sparrow flee. 最后,他使用纸天使干扰占卜,并向周围海域的水底生物颁布命令,让它们帮助并掩护格尔曼.斯帕罗逃离。 Completes all these, Klein has not delayed, immediately returns to the real world, grasped the body. 做完这一切,克莱恩没有耽搁,当即返回现实世界,重新掌握住了身体。 At this time, the sea water pressure has crushed is melting unceasingly the ice wall, embezzled that piece independence space. 此时,海水的压力已挤破了在不断融化着的冰墙,重新吞没了那片“独立”的空间。 But Klein has been able to breathe smoothly, hovers rapidly. 克莱恩已能流畅地呼吸,飞速地游动。 He by rippling, but the clear wave, seeing sea fish to swim, seeing the sole to raise a shadow, had does not know that what type the giant monster floated off high-speed. 他透过荡漾而晶莹的水波,看见一条条海鱼游了过来,看见脚底升起一片阴影,有不知什么种类的巨大怪物高速浮起。 That is a contour somewhat strange brown red octopus, it huge to as if can hug and tie down the entire ships with the tentacle. 那是一只外形有些怪异的棕红色章鱼,它庞大到似乎能用触手拥抱并缠住整条船只。 It emitted the ink toward the surroundings, one blacked the coastal water, is searching for and pursuing attacker several Sailor path Extraordinary at present suddenly secretly, the body somewhat was unexpectedly lacking in vigilance. 它向着周围喷吐出了墨汁,一下染黑了附近海域,正搜寻和追逐袭击者的几位“水手途径非凡者眼前突暗,身体竟有些麻痹。 They do not know that what happened, surfaces immediately, processes unusuality. 他们不知发生了什么事情,当即浮出海面,处理身上的异常。 When they dive, looks for the enemy again, had lost the Klein's trail thoroughly. 等他们重新下潜,再次寻找敌人,已彻底失去了克莱恩的踪迹。 At this time, Klein is hovering in the seabed satisfied, even there is a free time to divert attention to taste the action, reviewed the success and failure: 此时,克莱恩正惬意地在海底游动,甚至有空闲分心回味刚才的行动,检讨得失: Acts Elaine to have the preparation, remises her to be strange bedfellows does not know that many night Tracy cannot the earliest possible time see through, promoted the digestion of magical medicine. “扮演伊莲有着充分的准备,让与她同床共枕不知道多少个夜晚的特雷茜都没能第一时间识破,促进了魔药的消化。 In process also defeats the psychological barrier, found not only integrates and pulls out to state of mind, this has the enormous help to the digestion of magical medicine. “过程里还战胜心理障碍,找到了既融入又抽离的精神状态,这对魔药的消化有极大的帮助。 „ When fight also basically achieved well, belongs to have the performance of preparation, but underestimated Sequence Five Demoness of Pain the great strength, underestimated arrives at this level step by step Vice Admiral Disease experience, even if she most started to lose magical item, adds sealed item relied on my present strength, very difficult fast to kill, only if used Sea God Scepter......, but this was in the Rhosid Archipelago sea area. “战斗时也基本做到了最好,属于有准备的表演,但还是低估了一位序列5痛苦魔女’的强大,低估了一步步走到这个位阶的‘疾病中将’的经验,哪怕她最开始就失去了神奇物品,凭我现在的实力加封印物,也很难速杀,除非动用‘海神权杖’……但这是在罗思德群岛海域。 Today's fight can obviously see, I also lack a powerful offensive magical item......” “今天的战斗可以非常明显地看出,我还缺一件强力的攻击性神奇物品……” Is defeated this fact facing the action, Klein somewhat loses without a doubt, but he is not depressed, because the matter had not ended, he plans to write a letter to Mister Ards, looked whether the opposite party was interested in the Death God related ancient times literature, had the time to come. 面对行动失败这个事实,克莱恩毫无疑问地有些失落,可他并不沮丧,因为事情还没有结束,他打算写信给阿兹克先生,看对方是否对死神相关的古代文献感兴趣,有没有时间过来一趟。 Before Klein leaves captain's cabin, there are that set of men's wear that in the snap fingers ignition hat and coat room changes, as well as own hair and leather meal, this surface seems like needs not to leave a trace, is actually conceals and deceives actually. 克莱恩离开船长室前,有打响指点燃衣帽房内换下来的那套男装,以及属于自己的头发和皮屑,这表面看起来是务求不留一点痕迹,实际却是掩饰和欺瞒。 What he must conceal after is enters the cabin, hiding throws into certain rooms simply does not have the sending silk and button that who can pay attention. 他要掩饰的是进入船舱后,隐蔽丢入某些房间的根本没谁会注意的发丝、纽扣。 When Vice Admiral Disease Tracy was misled as the attacker fear exposition status, is afraid is separated the spatial curse, after erasing the residual all traces discretely, she is very difficult to let the pirates earnestly inspection again whether also has similar thing to remain. 当“疾病中将特雷茜被误导为袭击者害怕暴露身份,害怕遭隔空诅咒,谨慎抹掉了自身残留的所有痕迹后,她就很难再让海盗们认真地检查是否还有类似事物遗存。 Had these round of silk and buttons, Klein can draw support from divination within certain amount of time, locked the The Black Death position, as the matter stands, so long as Mister Ards expressed the wish, he can lead the opposite party, speedily found Vice Admiral Disease Tracy. 有了那些发丝、纽扣,克莱恩在一定时间内就能借助占卜,锁定黑死号的位置,这样一来,只要阿兹克先生表达了意愿,他就可以带着对方,迅速找到“疾病中将特雷茜 Yeah, thinks does not need the help of Mister Ards, can only succeed by oneself, missed...... Klein to sigh eventually little, thought that own self-respect was somewhat damaged. 哎,原本还以为不需要阿兹克先生的帮助,仅靠自己就能成功的,终究还是差了一点点……克莱恩叹了口气,觉得自己的自尊心有些受创。 This is he does not look for one of reasons the big shot helps from the beginning, another reason is, he is unable to determine completely Tracy grasped that batch with the Death God related ancient times literature, if really does not have, making Mister Ards run a fruitless errand one is the quite awkward matter, moreover he is worried even had the assistance of Mister Ards, must find The Black Death, found Vice Admiral Disease Tracy, must turn into the Elaine appearance, must wear the clothes of opposite party, takes itself to take the action as the bait. 这就是他不一开始就找大佬帮忙的原因之一,另一个原因则是,他无法完全确定特雷茜掌握了那批与死神相关的古代文献,如果真的没有,让阿兹克先生白跑一趟是相当尴尬的事情,而且他担心即使有了阿兹克先生的协助,要找到黑死号,找到“疾病中将特雷茜,依然得变成伊莲的样子,依然得穿上对方的衣服,以自身为诱饵展开行动。 Before the acquaintance, this was too ashamed! 在熟人面前,这就太羞耻了! Actually, if to not obtain information, but removes Vice Admiral Disease purely ‚’ Tracy, matter will be simpler, when I swim Bayam, goes to above the grey mist, with the aid of the fixed position, made storm will be fine with Sea God Scepter...... “其实,如果不是为了获得情报,只是单纯地除掉‘疾病中将特雷茜,事情会简单很多,等我游回拜亚姆,去灰雾之上,借助锁定的位置,用‘海神权杖’制造一场风暴就行了…… This did not say that the attack of wide scope can kill Tracy inevitably at the scene, but is this will cause King of the Sea the attention of Yan Kottman, when the time comes, the The Black Death whereabouts exposed under the nose of Church of the Storms...... King of the Sea raised Lady of Diseases happily ‚’......” “这不是说大范围的攻击必然能当场杀死特雷茜,而是这会引起‘海王亚恩.考特曼的注意,到时候,黑死号的行踪就暴露在风暴教会的眼皮底下了……‘海王’喜提‘疾病少女’……” Klein self-ridicules shakes the head, following the direction of Divinator spiritual intuition, hovers toward the coastline rapidly. 克莱恩自嘲般摇头,循着占卜家灵性直觉的指引,向着海岸线飞速游动。 ............ ………… On The Black Death, Tracy relieved the numerous defenses, puts on the bloodstained the tattered shirt, arrives to inlay the full diamond by the bracelet, bends the waist picks up it. 黑死号上,特雷茜解除了重重防御,穿着染血的破烂衬衣,走到镶满钻石的手镯旁,弯腰将它拾起。 Very discrete attacker, I made Assassin during that time, perhaps might as well she, no, he......” Tracy clenched jaws suddenly. “很谨慎的袭击者,我做刺客那段时间,也许还不如她,不,他……”特雷茜忽地咬牙切齿。 Not only this is because she almost dies in the opposite party hand, because also she felt that the opposite party and Elaine have an affair. 这不仅是因为她差点死在对方手上,还由于她感觉对方与伊莲有染。 According to the Great Emperor Russel's view, she suspected that own top of the head is a little green and glossy. 按照罗塞尔大帝的说法,她怀疑自己头顶有点绿油油的。 Elaine, your really such callous unfeeling? No, perhaps perhaps, she is forced.” Tracy side looked at the left shoulder huge and fierce wound, the feeling has that heartrending the ache. 伊莲,你真的这么冷酷绝情吗?不,也许,也许她是被迫的。”特雷茜侧头看了眼左肩巨大而狰狞的伤口,感受起那钻心的疼痛。 If not Assassin and Instigator has the enhancement to the physique, following also has certain promotion, this strikes merely, can perhaps make her lose the entire shoulder, was hit like these by the rifle the pirate. 如果不是“刺客”和“教唆者”对体质都有增强,后续也有一定的提升,仅仅这一击,或许就能让她失去整个肩膀,就像那些被步枪打中的海盗一样。 The blood-color flows, incarnadine her line of sight, Tracy makes the blonde maidservant come, helps her process the injury with ability, while periphery the instruction cannot move to the eye pirates to seek for attacker legacy item. 血色流淌,染红了她的视线,特雷茜一边让金发侍女进来,用本身的能力帮助她处理伤势,一边吩咐周围移不开眼睛般的海盗们寻找袭击者遗留物品 What a pity is, the pirates told her, the clothing of opposite party has burnt down. 可惜的是,海盗们告诉她,对方的衣物已自行烧毁。 Before this makes Tracy remember the enemy left that sound to refer, sighed one again secretly: 这让特雷茜想起了敌人离开前的那个响指,再次暗叹一声: Really is discrete. “真是谨慎啊。 Moreover is not greedy, if he takes away this bracelet, I was not worried unable to catch up with him.” “而且一点也不贪婪,如果他拿走这手镯,我就不担心追不上他了。” Tracy wields the hand, hints most pirates to go out, only left behind Adulator Misol Jin and several fleet high levels. 特雷茜将手一挥,示意大部分海盗出去,只留下了“巧言者米索尔.金和几位船队高层。 third officer, you go to Bayam again, the Elaine where the investigation clear rebellious army found.” The Tracy sinking sound orders to say. 三副,你再去拜亚姆一趟,调查清楚反抗军从哪里找到的这个伊莲。”特雷茜沉声命令道。 Misol took back the line of sight from the chest front of captain difficultly: 米索尔从船长的胸前艰难收回了视线: Good!” “好的!” Tracy thinks, made up one: 特雷茜想了想,又补了一句: Publicizes this matter, said me to be seriously injured, a long time is unable to restore. “将这件事情宣扬出去,说我受了重伤,很长一段时间内都无法恢复。 Also, first officer, sets sail immediately, do not stay here again.” “还有,大副,立刻起航,不要再停留于这里。” Orders send out, the Tracy surroundings quickly restored peacefully. 一条条命令发出,特雷茜的周围很快恢复了安静。 Until this time, she had the free time to think that which side influence attacker from, why must cope with itself, actually he had what goal...... 直到这个时候,她才有空闲去想袭击者来自哪方势力,为什么要对付自己,他究竟有什么目的…… But, Tracy more wants more to think that this looks like one group of dense fog, does not see clearly truth- although she many enemies, but without whom has similar ability. 可是,特雷茜越想越觉得这就像是一团迷雾,根本看不清楚真相-她虽然有不少仇家,但没谁拥有类似的能力。 Finally, she found a clue, talked to oneself in a low voice: 终于,她找到了条线索,低声自语道: Hunger's Squirming?” 蠕动的饥饿?” ............ ………… Midnight, Blue Mountain Island private Port position. 半夜,蓝山岛私港位置。 In the sea water that the retreat wells up stood up suddenly a female form, makes Klein of Elaine appearance for a part as before. 退去又涌来的海水里突然站起了一道女性身影,正是依旧做伊莲扮相的克莱恩 He under the sea water encirclement, comes ashore fast, sneaks in nearby fisherman family/home, looked for a set of tattered clothing to exchange, changed the Gehrman Sparrow appearance. 他在海水环绕下,快速上岸,潜入附近的渔民家里,找了套破烂的衣物换上,变回了格尔曼.斯帕罗的样子。 Left behind that set of value not poor women's clothing as the compensation, Klein was far away from the private port rapidly, before dawn returned to City of Generosity Bayam. 留下那套价值不菲的衣裙做为补偿,克莱恩迅速远离了私港,在天亮前返回了“慷慨之城拜亚姆 He does not have to meet with Danis anxiously, looked for the family/home pub to stay at will, uses the ceremony, brought back to the real world Ards copper whistle and other magical item and wallet cash. 他没急着与达尼兹会合,随意找了家小旅馆住下,利用仪式,将阿兹克铜哨神奇物品和钱包现金带回了现实世界。 After the confirmation can divination to the The Black Death position, he sounded copper whistle. 确认能占卜黑死号的位置后,他吹响了铜哨
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