LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#996: Great Life

The We are Light household strength is not weak, on the contrary they are very powerful. 我们是光家族的战力并不弱,相反祂们很强大。 At least when newborn Dominion facing them may be towed to entrain, was defeated , enslaves like the hatred of that unlucky with lord of Cnosaeus devastation. 至少新生的主宰面对祂们时可能会被拖拽下来,被击败,就像那位倒霉的憎恨、奴役与蹂躏之主克诺萨厄斯 And yet, household is incomplete, Karencuel and Uodinger have fallen from the sky. 可眼下,家族并不齐全,凯伦崔尔乌奥丁格已经陨落。 Moreover they must resist by Cnosaeus the Dominion Grade weapon, sweeps across hatred shriek of Boundless Occult big region, without impediment of household, that fearful shriek has covered the innumerable universe dimensions, some innumerable lives but therefore Death. 而且祂们还必须去对抗由“克诺萨厄斯”所化的主宰级武器,席卷无垠神秘一大片区域的憎恨尖啸,如果没有家族的阻挡,那可怕的尖啸早已覆盖无数个宇宙维度,将有无数生灵因此而死亡 Under such condition, if king of Mother of Beginnings and darkness also joins, the consequence will unable imagine. 这样的境况下,如果原初之母和黑暗之王也加入进来,后果将不可想象。 „Is this result that Destiny Whore arranges?” “这就是命运婊安排好的结局?” Regardless of which acts, household is unmatchable, will produce a more fearful disaster.” “不论哪一位出手,家族都无法对抗,甚至于将产生更加可怕的灾难。” „The household whole staff falls from the sky, hates shriek is not extinguished, Boundless Occult will die radically the inestimable Life quantity.” 家族全员陨落,憎恨尖啸又没有被消弭,无垠神秘将死去根本无法估计的生命数量。” This is Apocalypse, is extinguishes the world level the Apocalypse disaster.” “这是末日,是灭世级的末日灾难。” Tang Qi Mind is unable again to stay quiet, he wants to make anything, but he cannot. 唐奇心灵无法再保持平静,他很想做些什么,可他不能。 He heard chī chī quickly sound, the brand mark of back of the hand place was firing, that whore's warning. 他很快听到了“嗤嗤”声响,手背处的烙印正在灼烧,那个婊子的警告。 It arranges all, naturally also estimated Tang Qi's existence. 祂安排一切,自然也预想到了唐奇的存在 Similarly, other such as Radiance Mother God and Life Mother God and Great Earth Faction these may intervene the strong presence of disaster, perhaps was also planned by Destiny Whore, is unable really to make to interfere to this War. 同样的,其余如“光明母神”、“生命母神”、“大地阵营”这些可能会干预灾难的强大势力,或许也被命运婊算计,无法真的对这战争做出干涉。 Does Tang Qi start to think subconsciously, does have the means to avoid Destiny Whore? 唐奇下意识开始思索,有没有办法避开命运婊 But is rapid the idea of ascending is not feasible, is unable to save household, is unable to save that not to know many universe dimensions. 可急促间升腾出的想法都是不可行的,无法拯救家族,也无法拯救那不知多少个宇宙维度。 In this time, after that whore voice falls, king of Mother of Beginnings and darkness gave the response. 偏偏在此时,在那婊子话音落下后,原初之母和黑暗之王给予了回应。 Begins, is not a primary. 动手的,并不是原初。 But is that hides in Hull Oursse abdomen „the king of darkness, It has not issued God's Decree to Sky and Thunder Pantheon, although It has wielded „the lance of thunder, and struck to kill mother Ispatrani in the name of father Cesaro, to a certain extent is new pantheon Dominion. 而是那藏匿于赫尔乌斯腹中的“黑暗之王”,祂并未对天空与雷霆神系下达神谕,祂虽已执掌“雷霆之矛”,并以父亲赛撒罗的名义击杀了母亲伊斯帕特拉妮,某种程度上已经是新一任神系主宰 brothers sisters but who pantheon internal several have the orthodox right of inheritance, not immediately submit and serve. 神系内部好几位拥有正统继承权的兄弟姐妹,并没有立刻臣服 Army who It leads, is It brings as before, that savage, bloodthirsty, was still gnawing to eat that crowd of bloodline brothers of Ispatrani body. 祂率领的大军,依旧是祂带来的,那凶残、嗜血,仍在啃食着伊斯帕特拉妮躯体的那一群血脉兄弟 Each is cruel powerful God, gorged, even more is fearful. 祂们每一位都是残暴强大的神灵,都已“饱食”,愈加可怕。 They felt Hull Oursse's God's Decree, they will stain the blood stain together, bent down lifts in mother body internal head, both terrifying to the pinnacle, to the pinnacle eyeball, looked that crazily to that piece is fusing Country of Light. 祂们感受到了赫尔乌斯的神谕,祂们一起将沾满血污,俯在母亲躯体内部的头颅抬起,一双双恐怖到极致,疯狂到极致的眼球,看向那一片融合着的“光之国度”。 Bang!” “轰!” malice that is inconceivable, the flood wells up. 难以想象的恶意,洪水般涌去。 Without enough time, all without enough time.” “来不及了,一切都来不及了。” Tang Qi simply is not in no mood to restrain several types of divine object before body at this moment, his Mind is trembling, the chaotic thought ascends unceasingly, but does not have the means. 唐奇此刻根本没有心情去收敛身前的几样神物,他的心灵震颤着,纷乱念头不断升腾出来,但毫无办法。 The Tang Qi vision goes to Country of Light, the picture that in the eye pupil shines upon is: In trillion universe dimensions was hated the lives that shriek pollutes, starts to recover under shining of light, but shriek was still continuing, the inexhaustible fearful ripple will never stand is still sweeping across. 唐奇目光投向光之国度内,眼眸里面映照出的画面是:亿万宇宙维度里面被憎恨尖啸所污染的生灵们,在光的照耀下开始复苏,但尖啸仍在持续,无穷无尽的可怕波纹永不停歇的席卷着。 This looks like the scene that must change for the better, after several seconds that may foresee will deteriorate. 这看来要好转的景象,在可预见的数秒后将恶化。 One crowd exhausts fierce Heretical God to step on by the munch mother skeleton completely, charges into We are Light household. 一群穷尽凶恶的邪神将踩踏着被啃噬殆尽的母亲尸骨,冲向“我们是光家族 They will follow the arrangement of Destiny, extinguished that together light. 祂们将遵循命运的安排,熄灭那一道道光。 Such as you hope, Destiny may not......” “如您所愿,命运是不可……” On the golden throne, holds Hull Oursse of ancient and old thunder to finish barely the words, suddenly was broken by another sound. 黄金王座上,持着古老雷霆的赫尔乌斯话音未落,忽然被另一道声音所打断。 All God, including have transferred the head in Tang Qi of library. 所有神灵,包括远在图书馆的唐奇都转过了脑袋。 They look to Country of Light, they saw one as if forever the strange old man of innocence. 祂们看向光之国度,祂们看到了一位仿佛永远童真的怪老头。 Tumu! 图姆 In Boundless Occult the innumerable children by god of Creation and Destiny that like, We are Light household oldest member. 无垠神秘中无数孩童所喜爱的创造命运之神,我们是光家族最年长的成员。 Dignified divinity that on It's, most Ten-thousand Spirits have not had. 祂的身上,并未大多数万灵都拥有的威严神性 His that is sheltering massive universe bodies, is sending out the inexhaustible brilliance, making these be worked loose by the life of hatred pollution. 祂那庇护着大量宇宙的身躯,散发着无穷无尽的光辉,让那些被憎恨污染的生灵挣脱出来。 It felt malice, as if also knew the oneself result. 祂感受到了恶意,似乎也知道了自己的结局。 On the It's face was still hanging the bright smile, It does not have to gaze at the malice source, even has not gone to look at Lady Destiny. 祂的脸上仍旧挂着灿烂的笑容,祂没有去注视恶意的源头,甚至都没有去看一眼命运女士 It looks to other members, is saying with a smile: 祂只是看向其他的成员,笑着道: Meeting ended, distinction time arrived, my family members.” “聚会结束,分别的时候到了,我的家人们。” The voice falls, that other sheltered the light shadow of trillion universe dimensions to look, on each face, has Tranquility, but bright smile. 话音落下,那其余庇护着亿万宇宙维度的光影都看了过来,祂们每一位的脸上,都有着宁静而灿烂的笑容。 They are gazing at mutually, the smile is holding hands, is started by Tumu, incomparably thorough changed to light, as if must the shining entire Boundless Occult light. 祂们互相注视着,微笑牵着手,由图姆开始,无比彻底的化作了“光”,仿佛要照耀整个无垠神秘的光。 Subsequently, is wields Sweet Dreams and Mind Oneeprola, wields Death and love Persephone, operates Life and beautiful Vinadel, wields brave Dilborn, wields Hope and freedom with wisdom Moya, wields Soul and path Ivita. 继而,是执掌美梦心灵奥涅普罗拉”、执掌死亡与爱“珀尔塞福涅”、执掌生命与美“维纳黛尔”、执掌勇敢与智慧迪尔波恩”、执掌希望与自由“摩雅”、执掌灵魂与道路“伊维塔”。 They in this moment, changed light that covers Boundless Occult. 祂们都在这一刻,化作了笼罩无垠神秘的光。 We are Light.” 我们是光。” We will never obliterate.” “我们永不磨灭。” Ten-thousand Spirits as if heard these words, falls into this moment silent. 万灵仿佛都听到了这句话,都在这一刻陷入沉默。 They by silent, sees off for boundless Above the Occult most special household. 祂们将以沉默,为无垠神秘之上最为特殊的家族送行。 Only meets existence, will extinguish. 光会存在,也会熄灭。 Even household whole staff by self- the light, will still welcome finally extinguishes. 即便是家族全员以自我所化的光,也终将迎来熄灭。 They in radical disappearance, all God can perception come out, in the Ten-thousand Spirits list is erasing that bright name. 祂们正在彻底的消失,所有神灵都能感知出来,万灵名单上中正在抹除那一个个灿烂的名字。 When compares these fall from the sky brings the fearful sound, and will leave the huge heritage God, what We are Light household seems like not to stay behind, their falling from the sky as if are erasing of entire aspect, like extinguishing the light in darkness, what can also leave behind besides the deathly stillness and nihility? 相比那些陨落时带来可怕动静,且会留下庞大遗产的神灵,我们是光家族似乎什么也没有留下,祂们的陨落仿佛是一种全方面的抹除,就像熄灭于黑暗中的光,除了死寂与虚无还能留下什么呢? Light will extinguish finally, dark, is Eternity.” “光终将熄灭,黑暗,才是永恒。” On the throne, holds Hull Oursse of thunder to put out the unharmonious sound towering. 王座上,持着雷霆的赫尔乌斯突兀吐出不和谐的声音。 The extinguishing brilliance, as if extinguished because of his these words is quicker. 原本正在熄灭的光辉,因了祂这句话仿佛熄灭的更加快。 , The darkness started to sweep across gradually that once by the universe dimension of light asylum. 渐渐的,黑暗开始重新席卷那一个个曾被光庇护的宇宙维度。 However at this moment, regarding these lives, dark is not fearful. 然而在这个时刻,对于那些生灵们来说,黑暗并不可怕。 True big terrifying is that has not stood still as before, not completely extinguished Dominion Grade weapon, that inexhaustible fearful ripple. 真正的“大恐怖”依旧是那还未曾停歇,还未被完全消弭的主宰级武器,那无穷无尽的可怕波纹。 These pitiful civilizations and races, all Life Soul deep places, resound that crazy sound again. 这些可怜的文明、种族,所有的生命灵魂深处,再度响起那疯狂的声音。 I am the hatred!” “我是憎恨!” I hate you, I hate us, I hate all, I hate this world...... before its ruin, before the light extinguishes, I will not stop hating......” “我憎恨你们,我憎恨我们,我憎恨一切,我憎恨这个世界……在它毁灭之前,在光熄灭之前,我不会停止憎恨……” The light has extinguished, but hated still had not stopped. 光已经熄灭,但憎恨仍旧没有停止。 That inexhaustible shriek, is involved to be heavy. 那无穷无尽的尖啸,卷入重来。 The extinguishing world disaster that the disaster, is inconceivable completely lost containment, starts crazy ruin affected all Life. 灾难,难以想象的灭世灾难完全失去了遏制,开始更加疯狂的毁灭被波及的所有生命 In universes, regardless of how powerful civilization, how prosperous star, the wisdom race, how vast starry sky...... does not have the significance in the face of that hatred, they also start shriek, starts to hate oneself, family members and all Life, starts to massacre mutually. 一个个宇宙内,不论多么强大的文明,多么繁荣的星球,多么智慧的种族,多么浩瀚的星空……在那憎恨面前都没有意义,它们也开始尖啸,开始憎恨自己、亲人与所有生命,开始互相残杀。 Boundless Above the Occult Ten-thousand Spirits, look at all these by the complex vision. 无垠神秘之上万灵们,都以复杂目光看着这一切。 They are not willing to intervene, spreads these to be polluted the universe at least in that shriek, before starting to involve their letter/believes people, no God meets descends, undertakes for these pitiful lives, extinguishes hatred. 祂们并不愿意干预,至少在那尖啸蔓延出那些已被污染宇宙,开始涉及祂们的信民之前,没有一位神灵降临,替那些可怜生灵去承担,去消弭憎恨。 We are Light household extinguishes, they were defeated.” 我们是光家族熄灭,祂们失败了。” This is Destiny, has been doomed.” “这是命运,早已注定。” Cnosaeus, won household finally, takes the price by oneself all.” 克诺萨厄斯,最终还是胜了家族,以自己的一切作为代价。” It will stop shriek, until universe all ruin that We are Light household shelters.” “祂会停止尖啸的,直至我们是光家族所庇护的宇宙尽数毁灭。” ...... …… In the library, the Tang Qi complexion is quite ugly, he saw falling from the sky of household whole staff, seeing the Apocalypse disaster to sweep across these universes again, heard the many gods sound. 图书馆内,唐奇脸色极为难看,他看见了家族全员的陨落,看见了末日灾难再度席卷那些宇宙,也听见了众神的声音。 His impulsion at this moment is almost impossible to contain, avoidance that he is exhausting ability Destiny Whore limit. 他此刻的冲动几乎无法遏制,他正在竭尽所能的避开“命运婊”的限制。 He is unable to save that all universes obviously, but he still wanted to make anything, at least...... at least rescues some. 他显然无法挽救那所有的宇宙,但他仍旧想要做些什么,至少……至少救下一些。 When the train of thought in Tang Qi mind will soon explode, he suddenly feels anything. 就在唐奇脑海中的思绪即将爆炸时,他忽然感受到了什么。 Tang Qi raised the head fiercely, looks to that place of household whole staff falling from the sky, looks to that by the place of dark again covering. 唐奇猛地抬起头,看向那家族全员陨落之地,看向那被黑暗重新笼罩之地。 The next quarter, Tang Qi was startled. 下一刻,唐奇怔住了。 Tang Qi sees a star in darkness, there people were being suffered, is hating all, is moving toward ruin. 唐奇看到黑暗中的一颗星球,那里的人们正在被折磨,正在憎恨所有,正在走向毁灭 But suddenly, had form together to stop. 可突然,有一道身影停止了。 He is dragging the body of being scarred, struggles to set out, he vision that uses, to pity sadly sees the surrounding family members, he moved, he extends both hands of oneself, holds before the body. 他拖着伤痕累累的身躯,挣扎起身,他用悲伤、怜悯的目光看着周围的亲人们,他动了,他伸出自己的双手,捧在身前。 “呼” The light, appeared. 光,出现了。 Weakly like candlelight, like jumping flame light appears in his hands. 微弱如同烛火,如同跳跃着的火苗般的“光”出现在他的手中。 He holds the light little trend darkness, moves toward fearful ripple that the front comes, moves toward that accumulated infinite hatred shriek. 他捧着光一点点走向黑暗,走向前方汹涌而来的可怕波纹,走向那蕴着无穷憎恨的尖啸 But quick, he dropped down, what that light/only combustion is his oneself. 但很快,他倒下了,那光燃烧的是他自己 The darkness and shriek, were only prevented instantly, welled up again. 黑暗与尖啸,只被阻挡了刹那,再度涌来。 “呼” But quick, light/only appeared together, in that dropping down form behind, another person sobers, he sets out, both hands hold newly light. 可很快,又一道光出现了,就在那倒下身影的身后,另一个人清醒过来,他起身,双手捧着新的“光”。 Quick he also dropped down, but before that his behind, the new form gets up. 很快他也倒下了,但在那之前,他的身后,新的身影起来。 In the darkness, forms start to set out, they all hold the light. 黑暗之中,一道道身影开始起身,他们全都捧着光。 No, they are light. 不,他们原本就是“光”。 They are supporting by the arm mutually, they are holding hands mutually, they start to move toward the darkness on own initiative, moves toward that to bring the disaster, Death and terrifying, inexhaustible, hatred shriek that will never dry up. 他们互相搀扶着,他们互相牵着手,他们开始主动走向黑暗,走向那带来灾难、死亡恐怖,无穷无尽,永不枯竭的憎恨尖啸 They in combustion oneself, but they are only ordinary Life, quick then Death in shriek. 他们都在燃烧自己,但他们都只是平凡的生命,很快便在尖啸死亡 But before they drop down, would the new form setting out. 但在他们倒下之前,身后总会有新的身影起身。 That seems like light that” incomparably must extinguish weakly momentarily, existence, has not been extinguishing. 那看起来无比微弱随时要熄灭的“光”,始终存在着,始终没有熄灭。 The similar picture, appeared in each universe. 同样的画面,出现在了每一个宇宙。 Tang Qi is startled, his eyes felt suddenly a bitterness, palpitation of difficult word swept across his Mind. 唐奇怔住,他的双眼忽然感觉到了一种酸涩,难言的悸动席卷他的心灵 Tang Qi has not contained, his back of the hand locates the Monarch royal crown to reappear, completely disregards that ignition pain, forcing Destiny Whore that to have the head of infinite black antler to hang down, to listen respectfully that to resound in Boundless Occult gradually, and shocks the Ten-thousand Spirits sound. 唐奇没有遏制自我,他的手背处君主冠冕浮现,完全无视那灼烧痛楚,强迫着命运婊那有着无穷黑色鹿角的头颅低垂下来,以聆听那渐渐在无垠神秘之中响起,并震撼万灵的声音。 We are...... the light!” “我们是……光!” We will never obliterate!” “我们永不磨灭!” ps: This chapter gives to this lands great Hero, greatest people. ps:此章献给这片土地上伟大的英雄,最伟大的人民。
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