LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#995: The transaction of Destiny Whore and primary

Mother of Beginnings descends and prevents Ispatrani, this has let boundless Above the Occult Ten-thousand Spirits surprised. 原初之母降临并阻止伊斯帕特拉妮,这已让无垠神秘之上的“万灵”惊讶不已。 When respects by the innumerable lives and gods Life Mother God also follows to act, Ten-thousand Spirits simultaneously starts to recognize, perhaps third Mother God is unable born. 当被无数生灵与神所敬仰的“生命母神”也跟着出手,万灵齐齐开始认定,第三位母神或许无法诞生了。 What did Ispatrani make?” 伊斯帕特拉妮做了什么?” Must know, no matter that two Mother God have never shown malice to It, both Mother God each ones concentrate on multiplication Life, never participates to compete for authority War, has not cared about Life in how many God's hands Authority to fall into, why will aim at Ispatrani simultaneously?” “要知道不管那两位母神从未对祂展现过恶意,两位母神各自都专注于繁衍生命,从不参与争夺权力战争,也并没有在意‘生命权柄落入多少神灵的手中,为什么会同时针对伊斯帕特拉妮?” Is because Mother God this special authority, both aren't willing to present third?” “是因为母神这个特殊权位,两位都不愿意出现第三尊?” The Ten-thousand Spirits heart of attention battlefield has the doubts idea, simultaneously stared in a big way the eyeball, looks that the attack of Life Mother God appeared. 关注战场的万灵心底都生出疑惑想法,同时瞪大了眼球,看着生命母神的攻击出现。 First is that sound, follows those words that the sigh comes. 先是那道声音,伴随叹息而来的那句话。 Inside accumulated one type unsurpassed God's Decree the strength, does not have the concrete injury, makes Ispatrani Soul have the stagnation sign. 内里蕴着一种“无上神谕”般的力量,没有具体的伤害,却让伊斯帕特拉妮灵魂出现凝滞迹象。 His that inflates infinitely, and was still spurting is thin „the Mother God young son the divinity body also to follow to stop, no longer continues to rise. 祂那无限膨胀,且仍在喷薄着“母神幼崽”的神性躯体也跟着停下,不再继续扬升。 The Mother God words, injured Ispatrani Mind. 母神的话,伤到了伊斯帕特拉妮心灵 Gentler, but to him also fatal attack, next second of birth. 更温柔但对于祂来说也更致命的攻击,下一秒诞生。 The Boundless Occult high place shadow cuts, like Milky Way waterfall spring water falls under. 无垠神秘高处阴影划开,如同银河瀑布般的“泉水”倾倒而下。 That is the divinity spring water between one type situated in the light and real liquids, their quantities submerge the entire universe sufficiently, divides two regions the Ispatrani huge body with the tentacle of Mother of Beginnings together. 那是一种介于光与真实液体间的神性泉水,它们的数量足以淹没整个宇宙,与原初之母的触手一起将伊斯帕特拉妮庞大躯体分割成两个区域。 The spring water, starts to wash out Ispatrani. 泉水,开始冲刷伊斯帕特拉妮 In the process, many spring water sputtering to the battlefield edge, drip directly into some strange dimensions, and attracted to roam about giant beast and Divinity Creature, started adventure to derive the spring water in edge, many several weak god forms. 过程中,有许多泉水溅射向战场边缘,直接淌入一些陌生维度,并吸引来了一些流浪巨兽神性生物,开始冒险在边缘处汲取泉水,其中不乏数道弱神的身影。 Generous of Mother God reveals without doubt, It has not restrained the sputtering of spring water, although It can. 母神的慷慨显露无疑,祂并未收敛泉水的溅射,尽管祂可以。 Tang Qi is moved slightly, derives one drop by the Dream tentacle, and direct transmission to main body at present. 唐奇微微动念,以梦幻触手汲取来一滴,并直接传送到了本体的眼前。 “呼” Almost is the instantaneous, boundless gentle Life aura fills in the library this rest region. 几乎是瞬间,磅礴柔和的生命气息弥漫图书馆内这休息区域。 divinity material object: Life spring water.】 神性实物:生命泉水。】 Quality: Dominion Grade.】 【品质:主宰级。】 Info Fragment 1: It is Life Mother God „the divinity body part, it is the Life source, after it is all related divinity fuse the end product, it represents Mother God, to pity regarding all Life blessing with the love, will touch its Life to be possible clearly to become aware really me.】 信息碎片一:它是生命母神神性躯体”的一部分,它是生命的源泉,它是所有相关神性融合后的最终产物,它代表着母神对于所有生命祝福、怜悯与爱,触碰它的生命将可明悟真我。】 hōng lóng 轰隆 First Info Fragment gives birth, Tang Qi then as if sees the Ispatrani result instantly. 第一道信息碎片生出,唐奇即刻便仿佛看到了伊斯帕特拉妮的结局。 It seems like the attack of terrifying compared to Mother of Beginnings that the spring water irrigation of Mother God is not fearful, but that is the true fatality. 相对于原初之母那看起来恐怖的攻击,母神的泉水浇灌并不可怕,但那才是真正的致命。 In the next second, making the Ten-thousand Spirits silent picture that peeps at happen: 就在下一秒,让窥视的万灵都沉默的画面发生: Was started little shrinking by the divinity body of spring water irrigation, and presents irreversible transformation. 被泉水浇灌的神性躯体开始一点点缩小,且出现不可逆转的的变化 These disgusting fleshly lump, eyeballs and mucilage gradually turn into some type of muddy liquid, starts to start out bright flowers, sends out intense delicate fragrance vast sea of flowers to lay out. 那些恶心的肉瘤、眼球、粘液渐渐变成某种浑浊液体,开始开出一朵朵鲜艳花朵,散发着强烈清香的浩瀚花海铺陈开来。 In sea of flowers, trillion Mother God young sons who are bred by Ispatrani, as well as some powerful divinity heir, these will be his future retinue and subordinate god. 花海内,由伊斯帕特拉妮所孕育出的亿万母神幼崽,以及一些强大的神性子嗣,这些都是祂未来的仆从与属神 But they after the spring water touches immediately stop reciting, the frantic expression also vanishes, what replaces it is joyful, is wisdom. 但它们与泉水触碰之后立刻停止吟唱,狂热的表情也消失,取而代之的是喜悦,是智慧 They as if clearly recognized oneself, starts to be separated from Ispatrani god body without hesitation, they betrayal mother. 它们仿佛认清楚了自己,毫不犹豫开始脱离伊斯帕特拉妮神躯,它们“背叛”了母亲。 several hundreds of millions th, counts the billion young son to leave mother's body, does not return goes toward Boundless Occult each universe dimension, but they have not disseminated the pollution, but starts to extinguish these pollution on own initiative...... 数亿、数十亿的幼崽离开母亲的躯体,头也不回的往无垠神秘各个宇宙维度而去,但它们没有传播污染,而是开始主动消弭那些污染……。 Strikes fatally!” “致命一击!” Including Tang Qi, Ten-thousand Spirits is such thought. 包括唐奇在内,万灵都是这样的念头。 The Mother God essence has not injured Ispatrani, It made latter's heir break out of the Puppet condition. 母神并未实质上去伤害伊斯帕特拉妮,祂只是让后者的子嗣们摆脱了傀儡状态。 Since the incomparably remote past, Ispatrani breeding heir to not multiply Life, the It's goal is the use, It's all heir is unable to obtain the love from mother place, their skeletons turned into the steps finally, making mother step on is climbing up toward the high place.” “从无比久远的年代开始,伊斯帕特拉妮孕育子嗣就不是为了繁衍生命,祂的目的是利用,祂的所有子嗣都无法从母亲处获得爱,它们的尸骨最终都变成了阶梯,让母亲踩踏着往更高处攀爬。” When Tang Qi puts out these words, the mind remembered some time ago in the battlefield funny. 唐奇吐出这句话时,脑海不由想起不久前战场内发生的滑稽一幕。 Tries to threaten Ispatrani Destiny Whore was held by It, and forced to breed weak god with it Unfortunate child. 试图威胁伊斯帕特拉妮的“命运婊”却被祂抓住,并强迫与之孕育出了一位弱神【不幸之子】。 Feels sorry for this weak god not to look that several this world were grasped to gobble up by mother, is only for small some Destiny Authority in his body. 可怜这弱神还未多看几眼这个世界就被母亲抓回去吞吃了,只是为了祂躯体内的一小部分命运权柄 You is a my child, you must listen to mother's words, cannot revolt against me, mother vitality/angry is very fearful...... 你是我的孩子,你要听母亲的话,千万不能反抗我,母亲生气的时候是很可怕的…… This is the fearful words that time Ispatrani murmur had/left, will say It then the unfortunate child swallowing. 这便是那时伊斯帕特拉妮呢喃出的可怕话语,说完祂便将不幸之子给吞了。 However the child is not first suffers this misfortune, It has many elder brother and elder sister, is so the treatments. 不过那孩子也不是第一位遭受这厄运的,祂有着很多兄长与姐姐,都是如此待遇。 But these pitiful, terrifying truth, records in books «Life Wild nature Instinct —— Goddess And It's Heir», there is a heir digit of reliable record is 2000 zero six 19, in which majority, the result exceptionally is cruel. 而那些悲惨、恐怖的“真相”,都记录在书籍《生命的野性本能——女神祂的子嗣们》之中,有可靠记录的子嗣数字为两千零六十九,其中的大部分,结局都异常残忍。 Only has minority such as „the god of blood eel and variation queen Kerry to raise Ma such child, can escape from mother's evil clutches. 唯有少数如“血鳗之神”、“异种女王凯瑞提玛”这样的孩子,才能逃脱母亲的魔爪。 You to breed the multiplication to take the weapon, you maltreat your heir, you use them, you will also make a false counter-accusation by your heir.” “你既以孕育繁衍作为武器,你虐待你的子嗣,你利用祂们,你也将被你的子嗣所反噬。” Recalls these, Tang Qi also remembers Destiny Whore instantly in the humiliation prophecy that finally frequently sends out. 回忆这些,唐奇也即刻想起命运婊在屈辱的最后时刻发出的预言 Now, started to be realized? 现在,开始被实现了? The Tang Qi vision takes a fresh look to the battlefield, because of impediments of two Mother God, Ispatrani promote was broken, and appears declining tendency that is unable to reverse. 唐奇目光重新看向战场,因为两位母神的阻止,伊斯帕特拉妮晋升被打断,且出现无法逆转的颓势。 It is not only unable to continue to rise, and starts to drop under the many gods gaze. 祂非但无法继续扬升,且在众神注视下开始回落。 On his huge body opens mouth innumerably sends out Wrath to shout, that long and narrow huge „the mouth of feed also the fantastic expansion spurts to be thin several hundred hundred million and hundreds of billions heir. 祂那庞大躯体上无数张嘴都发出愤怒嘶吼,那狭长巨大的“进食之口”也疯狂扩张喷薄出数百亿、数千亿的子嗣。 But these, turn into insignificant struggling. 但这些,都变成无意义的挣扎。 It's position standard, starts to fall powerful God, gradually far away from Dominion. 祂的位格,开始跌回“强力神灵”,渐渐远离主宰 It as if also starts clearly to become aware, It encountered planning, in any event It is unable to complete promote today. 祂似乎也开始明悟过来,祂遭遇了算计,不论如何祂在今日都无法完成晋升 It starts to suppress the ambition, suppresses Wrath, restores sanity. 祂开始压制野心,压制愤怒,恢复理智 The It's vision takes a fresh look to that golden throne „the lance of thunder, the body starts to transfer. 祂的目光重新看向那黄金王座上的“雷霆之矛”,躯体开始挪移过去。 „It is not able to become third Life Mother God, I also was still Sky and Thunder Pantheon Dominion, after was the Supreme unsurpassed god .” “无法成为第三尊生命母神,我也仍旧是天空与雷霆神系主宰,是至高无上的神后。” This is the idea of this time Ispatrani, the prerequisite is It can bring back divine object smoothly. 这便是此时伊斯帕特拉妮的想法,前提条件是祂能顺利拿回神物 accident that but at this time, all God including Sky and Thunder Pantheon various gods, has not thought of happened. 可就在这个时候,包括天空与雷霆神系诸神在内所有的神灵,都未曾想到的变故发生。 Bang “轰” hōng hōng hōng 轰轰轰 Is suppressing that sections of Mother of Beginnings tentacles of Ispatrani body, separates the giant opening in the Occult high place suddenly, in rich incomparable darkness, one comprised of massive God army kills. 压制着伊斯帕特拉妮躯体的那一截截原初之母触手,陡然在神秘高处分开巨大豁口,浓郁无比的黑暗中,一支由大量神灵组成的“大军”杀出。 This transformation, making many gods dumbfounded. 变化,让众神都目瞪口呆。 Initial they only felt that this God army is quite strange, does not belong to Mother of Beginnings faction, is not another Mother God subordinate god. 初始祂们只感觉这支神灵大军极为陌生,既不属于原初之母阵营,也不是另一位母神属神 But is quick they then to detect, composes that God of army, has a common ground. 但很快祂们便都发觉,组成大军的那一尊尊神灵,都有一个共同点。 They, must call Ispatrani are mother. 祂们,都必须称呼伊斯帕特拉妮为“母亲”。 They are Cesaro and predecessor and former predecessor live either, either is Cesaro and Ispatrani lives, either is Ispatrani lives with other God. 祂们要么是赛撒罗与前任、前前任所生,要么是赛撒罗伊斯帕特拉妮所生,要么是伊斯帕特拉妮与其他神灵所生。 Regardless of which type, after they indeed need to call the god, is mother. 不论哪一种,祂们的确都需要称呼神后为母亲。 Tang Qi saw many have only looked at God of name in the books, some of them are the lucky aunt escape personally, some were detested and rejected to pursue by mother. 唐奇在其中看到了许多只在书籍上看过名字的神灵,祂们有的是侥幸从母亲手中逃脱,有的则是被母亲厌弃而驱逐。 Leads this army, impressively is a giant-scale Titan god. 带领这支大军的,赫然是一尊巨型泰坦神。 On his plump body was covered with the jet black bristle, the It's lower part is the tentacle of innumerable transformation shape, above each tentacle mounts magnificent gemstone, the terminal volume is grasping the innumerable sickle shape weapon. 祂肥硕的躯体上长满了漆黑硬毛,祂的下半身是无数变换形态的触手,每一条触手之上都镶嵌着华丽的宝石,末端则卷握着无数把镰刀状武器。 Under the It's body, has various unusual peanuts long to come out...... the It's head to be funny unceasingly, and does not have any eyeball. 祂的身下,不断有着各类奇特的花生长出来……祂的头颅滑稽可笑,且没有任何眼球。 Cruel, blind and slow god Hull Oursse!” “残暴、盲目与迟钝之神赫尔乌斯!” Sends out to call out in alarm, is Sky and Thunder Pantheon many gods. 发出惊呼的,是天空与雷霆神系众神 Who they identified leader are, but made them not dare to believe that what not unacceptable was. 祂们都辨认出了首领是谁,而让祂们不敢置信,无法接受的是。 Once by Hull Oursse who many gods detested and rejected, the It's divinity body was still funny, but the It's essence actually had transformation. 曾经被众神所厌弃的赫尔乌斯,祂的神性躯体依旧滑稽,但祂的本质却发生了变化 It seems like King descends, is no longer cruel, is no longer blind, is no longer slow, the terrifying divinity strength gushes out like the storm. 祂像是一尊王者降临,不再残暴,不再盲目,不再迟钝,恐怖神性力量如同风暴涌出。 It takes the lead to charge into the golden throne, tries to hinder It's on the way, anything, was ground entirely. 祂率先冲向黄金王座,途中试图阻碍祂的,不论是什么,都被统统碾碎。 Roar roar roar roar “吼吼吼吼” Ispatrani detected obviously once incomparably was detested and rejected by oneself, this ugly child's goal. 伊斯帕特拉妮显然察觉到曾被自己无比厌弃的,这丑陋孩子的目的。 It sends out Wrath to shout, and launches the attack to Hull Oursse. 祂发出愤怒嘶吼,并对赫尔乌斯发起攻击。 Although It cannot promote to Dominion, but as before is powerful God, some time ago swallowed 19 position Life related Heretical God one after another. 尽管祂没能晋升主宰,但依旧是一位强大的神灵,不久前更是接连吞了十九生命相关的邪神 It can make Hull Oursse fall into the paralysis, drags to entrain „the mouth of feed it, that once was also the place that Hull Oursse was born. 祂原本可以让赫尔乌斯陷入麻痹,将其拖拽回“进食之口”,那曾经也是赫尔乌斯诞生的地方。 Easy, gobbles up this child again. 轻而易举,将这孩子再吞吃。 What a pity, It's estimates to fail. 可惜,祂的预想落空。 His that strikes to kill a powerful God's attack sufficiently, was actually disintegrated in the next second, all limbs that It releases explode inexplicably, at once is evaporated the Primitive nihility and primal chaos. 祂那足以击杀一尊强力神灵的攻击,却在下一秒被瓦解,祂释放出的所有肢体都莫名爆炸,旋即被蒸发成原始的虚无与混沌 bang bang bang...... hōng lóng hōng lóng 嘭嘭嘭……轰隆轰隆 Shocks in the many gods sound, Hull Oursse is stepping on mother's body, appears before the throne. 震撼众神的动静中,赫尔乌斯踩踏着母亲的躯体,出现在王座前。 It's both hands, gripped that ancient and old terrifying finally „the lance of thunder. 祂的双手,终于握住了那古老恐怖的“雷霆之矛”。 hōng lóng! 轰隆 Erupted, inexhaustible, sufficiently ruin all blazing the white thunder turbulently. 爆发了,无穷无尽,足以毁灭一切的炽白雷霆汹涌而出。 Situated in Hull Oursse, not only had not been destroyed by the thunder, instead gripped that raging lance stably. 位于其中的赫尔乌斯,非但没有被雷霆毁去,反而稳定的握住了那暴走的长矛。 Was acknowledged? Did Hull Oursse obtain the acknowledgment of lance of thunder unexpectedly?” “被承认了?赫尔乌斯竟然获得了雷霆之矛的承认?” Right of inheritance, It has the right of inheritance.” “继承权,祂有继承权。” Has the Dominion heir of right of inheritance to continue his, past Hull Oursse is unable to achieve absolutely, his present position standard possibly is not weak god, will not be ordinary God.” “有继承权的主宰子嗣不止祂一个,过去的赫尔乌斯绝对无法做到,祂现在的位格不可能是弱神,也不会是普通神灵。” Was ready to make trouble, hesitates whether must obey the order of Ispatrani, goes to lead pantheon many gods that the army fights with all might with Hull Oursse. 原本蠢蠢欲动,犹豫是否要听从伊斯帕特拉妮的命令,去与赫尔乌斯所率领大军拼杀的神系众神 After Hull Oursse wields the lance of thunder, the choice waits and sees. 在赫尔乌斯执掌雷霆之矛后,纷纷选择观望。 They can feel Hull Oursse transformation, that say/way is wielding infinite thunder Divine Power, sits well the giant-scale Titan form on throne to lend the King aura. 祂们能感受到赫尔乌斯的“蜕变”,那道执掌着无穷雷霆神力,端坐王座上的巨型泰坦身影所散发出王者气息。 Is entirely different from It's father Cesaro, a deeper darkness, has the ruin nature. 祂的父亲赛撒罗截然不同,更加深沉黑暗,更加具备毁灭性。 It does not have the eye, but many gods felt gazing. 祂没有眼睛,但众神都感觉正在被注视。 Supreme unsurpassed God's Decree, the next second resounds. 至高无上的神谕,下一秒响起。 You are our mothers, but you are despicable, cruel brutal, you loathe us, you pursue us.” “你是我们的母亲,但你卑劣狡诈,残忍无情,你厌恶我们,你驱逐我们。” You should not be mother, you should not be Sky and Thunder Pantheon Dominion.” “你不应作为母亲,你也不应作为天空与雷霆神系主宰。” In the name of was imprisoned Dominion, I will take revenge for the father, we munch your body, eliminate your Authority, dismembered your Soul...... this is been doomed Destiny, being you must have the result.” “以‘被囚之主宰’的名义,我将为父亲复仇,我们将啃噬你的躯体,剥夺你的权柄,肢解你的灵魂……这是早已注定的命运,是你必有的结局。” Let Tang Qi feel that incomparably familiar prophecy, puts out from Hull Oursse mouth. 唐奇感觉无比熟悉的预言,从赫尔乌斯口中吐出。 His double pupil opens, after shining upon next the cruel picture slightly: 他的双眸微微睁大,映照下之后的残忍画面: Mother, we came.” “母亲,我们来了。” hōng lóng 轰隆 After putting out lets ice-cold God's Decree that person Soul trembles, Hull Oursse sets out, his rigid thunder, tears all darkness and contamination, that ruin all lances brutally pierced the body of Ispatrani. 吐出让人灵魂震颤的冰冷神谕之后,赫尔乌斯起身,祂执着雷霆,撕裂所有的黑暗与污秽,那毁灭一切的长矛无情洞穿了伊斯帕特拉妮的躯体。 Goddess has perhaps never thought such result, It will be pierced by husband's weapon. 女神或许从未想过这样的结局,祂会被丈夫的武器所刺穿。 Thunder Divine Power, starts ruin his to breed trillion heir's bodies. 雷霆神力,开始毁灭祂那孕育过亿万子嗣的躯体。 It tries to revolt, but feels suffering and heaviness that is unable to withstand quickly. 祂试图反抗,但很快感受到了无法承受的痛苦与沉重。 It noticed that on the body of oneself hung all over child, should call his mother's God, like an only giant-scale ant, starts munch his lush fertile soil huge body. 恍惚间,祂看到自己的躯体上挂满了“孩子”,一尊尊本该称呼祂母亲的神灵,如同一只只巨型蚂蚁,开始啃噬祂那肥美沃土般的庞大身躯。 Roar “吼” Roar roar roar “吼吼吼” On behalf of shouting of pinnacle suffering, is resounding through Boundless Occult. 代表着极致痛苦的嘶吼,响彻无垠神秘 Is peeping at Ten-thousand Spirits, all falls into silent. 窥视着的万灵,皆陷入沉默。 Some Heretical God, unchecked give birth greedily. 部分邪神,则不可遏制的生出贪婪。 transformation in battlefield quickly is too too frequent, no one has thought third that will soon be born Mother God is defeated, but also falls into the present position. 战场内的变化太快太频繁,谁也没有想到即将诞生的第三位“母神”就此失败,还落入现在的境地。 Ispatrani by Mother of Beginnings and Life Mother God attack, the loss was been serious, encounters thunder divinity to pierce, now...... It will certainly fall from the sky by numerous God heir munch, is unable to reverse again.” 伊斯帕特拉妮先后被原初之母生命母神攻击,损耗严重,又遭遇雷霆神性洞穿,现在被一众神灵子嗣啃噬……祂必将陨落,无法再逆转了。” What is most essential, this is a grand feast.” “最关键的是,这是一场盛宴。” At this moment, does not know the shadow that many hides in the hidden place flowed the saliva. 这一刻,不知多少躲藏在暗处的阴影流淌出了口水。 After Sky and Thunder Pantheon god, only almost then promote is Mother God Ispatrani, when It falls from the sky, how many Divinity Authority and can the treasure resources be eaten? 天空与雷霆神系的神后,只差一点便晋升母神伊斯帕特拉妮,当祂陨落时,有多少神性权柄、宝物资源可被分食? Any Learned knows, the Goddess' corpse, becomes the many gods grand feast sufficiently. 任何一个博学者都知道,女神的尸体,足以成为众神的盛宴。 Even if obtains a scrap flesh, can still accomplish Half-God. 即便只是获得一小块“血肉”,也能造就出一尊半神来。 But was a pity very much, except for minority crazy no sanity Divinity Creature, other God only dares to gaze at silently. 但很可惜,除了少数疯狂无理智神性生物,其余神灵都只敢默默注视。 They do not dare to enrage defends in the surrounding Sky and Thunder Pantheon, does not dare to enrage Mother of Beginnings that had not departed. 祂们不敢触怒守在外围的“天空与雷霆神系”,更不敢触怒仍未离去的原初之母 Can withstand the grand feast, only then these Goddess' heir. 能承受盛宴的,只有那些女神的子嗣。 ...... …… The library, Tang Qi also looks at that scene silent. 图书馆,唐奇同样沉默看着那景象。 Actually, he then knew in advance this result ahead of time for a long time, but did not make concrete. 其实,他提前许久便预知到了这结局,只是并不具体。 „The plan of Destiny Whore and Mother of Beginnings, succeeded.” 命运婊原初之母的计划,成功了。” Ispatrani is deceitful wisdom, and has infinite ambition Goddess, but It extremely in greedy, first falls into my trap, falls into Destiny Whore and Mother of Beginnings trap, the It's result has been doomed.” 伊斯帕特拉妮是一位狡诈智慧,且有着无穷野心的女神,但祂太过于贪婪,先落入我的陷阱,又落入命运婊原初之母的陷阱,祂的结局早已注定。” Falling from the sky of Ispatrani, cannot make Tang Qi have the joyful thought. 伊斯帕特拉妮的陨落,并不能让唐奇生出喜悦念头。 However, making his mood fairly good sound happen quickly. 不过,让他心情稍好的动静很快发生。 In that battlefield, a new form appears suddenly. 那战场之内,一道新的身影陡然出现。 She disregarded the pantheon guard, disregarded these, terrifying savage, is in munch Ispatrani God, to a certain extent, they are her brothers sisters. 她无视了神系守卫,也无视了那些凶残、恐怖,正在啃噬伊斯帕特拉妮神灵,某种程度上,祂们都算是她的兄弟姐妹。 Her body is withered, puts on the contamination bloodstain bridal nuptial dress, the hand holds a strange picture album, stands in front of Ispatrani. 她的身躯干瘪苍白,穿着沾染血迹的“新娘婚纱”,手捧着一本奇异画册,站在伊斯帕特拉妮面前。 Charlene!” 夏琳弥!” On the Tang Qi face, appears finally a happy expression. 唐奇脸上,终于浮现一点喜色。 jiangshi bride Charlene comes, with her these brothers sisters, including Hull Oursse, appears is incompatible. 僵尸新娘夏琳弥现身,与她的那些兄弟姐妹,包括赫尔乌斯在内,都显得格格不入。 But she had not been prevented, no one attacks her. 但她并未被阻止,也没有谁攻击她。 Her behind, has massive Life Angel false image outlines. 她的身后,有着大量生命天使虚影轮廓。 Sky and Thunder Pantheon many gods clearly becomes aware: Behind this girl is standing Life Mother God, she as one of the Ispatrani heir, will participate in this grand feast. 天空与雷霆神系众神纷纷明悟:这女孩背后站着“生命母神”,她将作为伊斯帕特拉妮的子嗣之一,参与这场盛宴。 Her brothers sisters seem to have known, and tacitly approves, even also divided ahead of time the share of belonging to Charlene. 她的兄弟姐妹们似乎早已知晓,并默认,甚至还提前分割好了属于夏琳弥的份额。 A Charlene appearance, Hull Oursse brandishes the thunder, the bunch of giant-scale flesh will lose directly. 夏琳弥一出现,赫尔乌斯挥舞雷霆,径直将一团团巨型血肉丢了过来。 When falls, flesh already 7~8 matter that is sending out strong divinity. 落下时,血肉已化七八种散发着浓烈神性的物事。 The hasty glance, many gods distinguishes has Life, breeding, True Love and other Authority. 仓促一瞥,众神分辨出其中有生命、孕育、真爱权柄 Inherits these Authority, Charlene will ascend the god smoothly, said like her mother Flora initially, It and Ispatrani child, will become Goddess of True Love and Life. 继承那些权柄,夏琳弥将顺利登神,就像当初她的母亲芙洛拉所说,祂与伊斯帕特拉妮的孩子,将成为“真爱与生命女神”。 However Charlene has not seriously treated these to let the innumerable life hopes Authority, but receives at will. 不过夏琳弥并未认真对待那些让无数生灵渴望的权柄,只是随意收起。 She gazes is wailing mother, hate and Wrath in that withered eye extinguish gradually. 她注视着哀嚎中的母亲,那干枯眼睛里的怨恨与愤怒渐渐消弭。 She in accumulated the hand the Flora pure Soul picture album, that True Love Fable is once held in front of Ispatrani by Tang Qi has had, and opened p. 1, hoarse low and deep, accumulated the sound of complex sentiment is resounding: 她将手中蕴着芙洛拉纯净灵魂的画册,那曾被唐奇持有过的“真爱寓言”捧到伊斯帕特拉妮面前,并翻开了第一页,嘶哑低沉,蕴着复杂感情的声音响起: Mother said, she thinks you very much, she wants with you forever in the same place, until Eternity.” “母亲说,她很想你,她想和你永远在一起,直至永恒。” Mother said, she does not want that greedy and crazy you, she wants returns most to start, she is very happy, you are also very happy, all are happy.” “母亲说,她不要那个贪婪、疯狂的你,她想回到最开始的时候,她很美好,你也很美好,一切都是美好的。” Therefore, making us make a fresh start.” “所以,让我们重新开始吧。” Paradise of Desires, initially with.” 欲之乐园,初遇。” ...... …… Tang Qi is gazing at the Charlene action, she with True Love Fable, is receiving Ispatrani Soul. 唐奇注视着夏琳弥的举动,她正在用真爱寓言,收起伊斯帕特拉妮灵魂 Although according to the agreement, should be Tang Qi has made all these. 虽然按照约定,本该是唐奇去做这一切的。 However Flora will definitely not mind, is done by Charlene, Flora will be more joyful. 不过芙洛拉肯定不会介意,由夏琳弥来做,芙洛拉会更加欣喜。 At the same time, before Tang Qi's body, presented several types divine object. 同一时刻,唐奇的身前,也出现了数样“神物”。 Is thanks! 是感谢! After Charlene gathers the share that oneself earns, only retained Ispatrani initial Life and True Love Authority, other immediate transmission made a gift of what one has received as a gift to Tang Qi. 夏琳弥收取自己应得的份额之后,只保留了伊斯帕特拉妮最初的生命真爱权柄,其余都即时传送过来转赠给了唐奇 She will defer to mother Flora saying that becomes newly appointed Life and True Love Goddess. 她将按照母亲芙洛拉所说,成为新任生命真爱女神 Tang Qi swept one, soon detected that in these types of divine object, having him is urgently needed at this time. 唐奇扫了一眼,很快发觉这几样神物中,有一种正是他此时急需的。 The Tang Qi heart just gave birth joyfully, palpitates to well up intensely, looks fiercely to the oneself back of the hand, actually sees that familiar Destiny Mark and Monarch royal crown also appears. 只是唐奇心底刚生出喜悦,强烈悸动涌来,猛地看向自己手背,却见那熟悉的命运印记君主冠冕同时浮现。 Without the ignition feeling, this means that Destiny Whore appeared, but not his here, but is......? 没有灼烧感,这意味着命运婊出现了,但不是在他这里,而是……? The eye pupil winks, Tang Qi takes a fresh look to the battlefield. 眼眸一眨,唐奇重新看向战场。 Gathers Ispatrani pure Soul Charlene to depart, Life Mother God also re-enters God Country. 收取完伊斯帕特拉妮纯净灵魂夏琳弥已离去,生命母神也重回神国 The grand feast arrived at the last act, Devour does not know that many Authority Hull Oursse, rigid „the lance of thunder sat well the throne, It as Supreme unsurpassed Dominion, is overlooking Sky and Thunder Pantheon various God who is surrounding gradually. 盛宴来到尾声,吞噬了不知多少权柄的赫尔乌斯,执着“雷霆之矛”端坐王座,祂正作为一位至高无上的主宰,俯视着渐渐围拢上来的天空与雷霆神系诸神。 The It's top of the head, Mother of Beginnings that sections of tentacle is retracting in slowly the shadow of Boundless Occult high place. 祂的头顶,原初之母那一截截触手正在缓慢缩回无垠神秘更高处的阴影中。 At this time, scene that even Ten-thousand Spirits is unable to see: 就在这个时候,即便是万灵也无法看见的景象: Dusky fog of confusion fills the air for no reason, during the jet black Thread of Destiny windings, the ordinary form appeared in front of Hull Oursse together. 灰蒙蒙迷雾无端弥漫,漆黑的命运之线缠绕间,一道平凡之极的身影出现在了赫尔乌斯面前。 Destiny Whore! 命运婊 It first looked at Hull Oursse, then holds up the head to look to Mother of Beginnings. 祂先是看了眼赫尔乌斯,而后昂首看向原初之母 Does not allow to oppose, some stabbing pain Soul sounds put out from his mouth. 不容反对,有些刺痛灵魂的声音自祂口中吐出。 Primary, and child of primary, you have mounted the throne, stupid Ispatrani has fallen from the sky.” “原初,以及原初的孩子,你已登上王座,愚蠢的伊斯帕特拉妮已陨落。” Was the time, started to fulfill your commitments.” “是时候了,开始履行你们的承诺吧。” Crazy primary heir army is also good, Sky and Thunder Pantheon that you have not controlled is completely also good, regardless of which type.” “疯狂的原初子嗣大军也好,你还未完全掌控的天空与雷霆神系也好,不论哪一种都可以。” Goes, to extinguish...... We are Light.” “去吧,去熄灭……我们是光。” hōng lóng 轰隆 Was away from remote time-space, Tang Qi heard the Destiny Whore sound. 隔着遥远时空,唐奇听到了命运婊的声音。 The final doubts vanish, he knows transaction content between this whore and Mother of Beginnings, is very crude, is keeps Tang Qi from preventing, one inequitable exchange that anything is unable to achieve. 最后的疑惑消失,他知道了这个婊子与原初之母间的交易内容,无比粗暴,也是让唐奇根本无法阻止,什么也无法做到的一种等价交换。 ps1: Hitting that thank the pupil and salt fish book friend sea to turn over/to stand up A and Hao Hao the fruit that wanted 1, Jintai ruan to reach to enjoy. ps1:感谢书友沧海之瞳、咸鱼翻身a、昊昊想要一、金泰耎的果达的打赏。 ps2: This chapter is also two chapters unites does not analyze, everyone must acknowledge that I am two fatter fish, did not acknowledge that is not objective, asked the monthly ticket. ps2:这章也是两章合一不拆分,大家得承认我还是二更胖鱼,不承认就是不客观嘿,求月票啦。
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