LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#997: I am a recorder

Boundless Occult is having various types frequently big event, this after all is the infinite vast world. 无垠神秘时时刻刻都发生着各种“大事件”,这毕竟是个无穷浩瀚的世界。 But at this moment, a large part of Ten-thousand Spirits project the vision in the place that piece of light extinguishes. 但此时此刻,很大一部分万灵都将目光投射在那片光熄灭的地方。 They, are the audience, is the audience. 祂们,都是观众,也都是听众。 Perhaps some survival long years Ancient God knew household, but many new gods actually do not know. 或许有一些存活漫长岁月的“古神”原本就知晓家族,但许多新神却不知道。 They first time extinguishment that witnessed the light, their Soul are trembling. 祂们第一次见证了光的熄灭,祂们的灵魂都在震颤。 Unknowingly household had Tang Qi of close relation with We are Light, the eye bitter gaze that darkness with the universe that in hating shriek covers, that repeatedly has. 不知不觉与“我们是光家族有了密切关系的唐奇,眼睛酸涩的注视着那黑暗与憎恨尖啸所笼罩的宇宙内,不断发生的一幕幕。 By Cnosaeus the Dominion Grade weapon, falls from the sky in Tumu and other members later does not have any contains. 克诺萨厄斯所化的主宰级武器,在图姆和其余成员陨落之后没有任何遏制。 These invisible ripple, inside accumulated the inexhaustible hatred, can destroy that universe dimension by household being sheltered in very short Time. 那些无形的波纹,里面蕴着的无穷无尽憎恨,原本可以在很短暂的时间内毁去由家族所庇护的那一个个宇宙维度。 But now, It could not achieve. 但现在,祂做不到了。 Weak light, takes place of the fallen, will never stand still. 微弱的“光”,前仆后继,永不停歇。 Apocalypse is still continuing, the disaster is still wreaking havoc, but these life not desperate dread, they with Hope, combustion self- resist the hatred, extinguishes shriek. 末日还在持续,灾难还在肆虐,但那些生灵并不绝望恐惧,他们怀着希望,燃烧自我去对抗憎恨,去消弭尖啸 Before Cnosaeus falls from the sky shouting, is vanishing gradually. 克诺萨厄斯陨落前的嘶吼,正在渐渐消失。 They, seemed to have seen...... the dawn. 他们,似乎已看到了……曙光。 ...... …… chī chī 嗤嗤 The Tang Qi's back of the hand, skin fired burned black, the pain gives birth continuously. 唐奇的手背,皮肤被灼烧的焦黑,痛楚源源不断生出。 Penalty of Destiny! 命运的惩罚! That whore obviously is not the head of very satisfied oneself, is forced to hang down to listen respectfully to the instruction. 那个婊子显然不是很满意自己的头颅,被迫低垂下来去聆听教诲。 „” “呵” Tang Qi has nothing to conceal, sends out to laugh at the sound directly. 唐奇没有任何掩饰,直接发出嗤笑声。 He has not violated with the agreement of Destiny Whore, but uses the strength of big octopus to make her hear that sound earnestly, while convenient that damn, head of keeping aloof lowering. 他并没有违背与命运婊的约定,只是利用大章鱼的力量让她认真听一听那声音而已,顺便把那该死的,高高在上的头颅给低下来。 Saw that mark will soon iron into the Tang Qi's arm, he has not actually taken back the royal crown as before the sign, that is hanging down slightly the head made the sound finally. 眼看着那印记即将烙入唐奇的手骨,他却依旧没有收回冠冕的迹象,那微微低垂着的头颅终于发出了声音。 I won!” “我赢了!” The simple three characters, resound from the mark. 简单三个字,自印记内响起。 As before is that grating sharp, making the will of the people become fed up wickedly. 依旧是那么刺耳尖锐,让人心生厌恶。 Tang Qi has not refuted, has not gone to look at her, but still gazed at these to resist shriek and dark lives. 唐奇没有反驳,更没有去看她,只是仍旧注视着那些对抗着尖啸与黑暗的生灵们。 This response, even more makes Lady Destiny angry, the It's sound was still transmitting: 这反应,却是愈加让命运女士恼怒,祂的声音仍在传递出来: I have said that Destiny has been doomed, Destiny cannot revolt.” “我说过,命运早已注定,命运不可反抗。” Tumu and It's family member is powerful Ancient God, because only I said, they fall from the sky the whole staff, they then want the whole staff to fall from the sky.” 图姆祂的家人是强大的古神,但只因我说,祂们将全员陨落,祂们便要全员陨落。” These pitiful lives that you gaze, they were sheltered by the light, Tranquility Joy how, but now, they feel the Destiny strength.” “你所注视的这些可怜生灵,它们原本被光所庇护,多么的宁静快乐,但现在,它们都感受到了命运的力量。” You have the opportunity, submit and serve in me......” “你还有机会,臣服于我……” The Destiny Whore words cannot say, Tang Qi shut off the dialogue unilaterally. 命运婊的话没能说完,唐奇单方面切断了对话。 Before being pursued, It heard the Tang Qi's response finally. 在被驱逐前,祂终于听到了唐奇的回应。 You were too noisy, whore.” “你太吵了,婊子。” Said that this and its temporary blacklisted Tang Qi, on the face appear rarely the carefree color. 说完这句并将其暂时拉黑的唐奇,脸上难得浮现出畅快之色。 Thank the good friend, thank the big octopuses, was this easiest-to-use law of autonomy not? 感谢好朋友,感谢大章鱼们,这就是自主权的最好用法不是么? So long as Tang Qi does not violate the agreement, Destiny Whore what kind of Wrath, cannot do to him even again. 只要唐奇不违反约定,命运婊即便再如何的愤怒,也根本奈何不了他。 submit and serve? 臣服 If were not that whore held Sally, Tang Qi will not care about It. 呵,如果不是那婊子抓住了莎莉,唐奇根本不会在意祂。 Destiny is very indeed powerful, but Tang Qi has with the strength that it resists. 命运的确很强大,但唐奇并不是没有与之对抗的力量。 “呼” The Tang Qi heart is laughing at Destiny Whore, was towering he to feel to palpitate familiar, his flutters to camouflage all mist at present dusky. 唐奇心底正在嗤笑命运婊,突兀他感受到了熟悉悸动,他的眼前飘荡出灰蒙蒙遮蔽所有的雾气。 Destiny fog of confusion, but has not made Tang Qi have any dislike fog of confusion. 命运迷雾,但却是没有让唐奇有任何厌恶的迷雾 Tumu!” 图姆!” In the Tang Qi eye pupil flashes through the pleasant surprise, shortly will realize this group of Destiny fog of confusion true master. 唐奇眼眸内闪过惊喜,顷刻间意识到这团命运迷雾的真正主人 Was a pity very much, fog of confusion gushes out, but inside has not presented the Tumu form. 只是很可惜,迷雾涌出,但内里却没有出现图姆的身影。 In that only existence three types of matters. 那里面,只存在着三样物事。 shrinking innumerable times, grotesque, on the door knob spreads the full chocolate sauce shack. 一栋缩小了无数倍,奇形怪状,门把手上涂满巧克力酱的“木屋”。 Colorful, like expanded multiple walking stick sugar walking sticks. 一根色彩斑斓,像极了扩大多倍的拐杖糖般的手杖。 And, pitch dark, is tumbling unceasingly clew. 以及,一团漆黑的,不断翻滚着的“线团”。 These three types of matters calmly are floating, the intense divinity aura fills the air. 这三样物事静静漂浮着,强烈的神性气息弥漫出来。 If there is to Tumu this Ancient God quite understanding God here, will have the intense coveting idea to them surely. 若是有对图姆这位古神较为了解的神灵在这里,必定会对它们生出强烈的觊觎想法。 The Tumu dollhouse, inside has Tumu Creation to come out, quantity extremely fearful toy as well as candy. 图姆的玩具屋,内里有着图姆创造出来的,数量极为可怕的玩具以及糖果。 Each toy, is supernatural strange object. 每一件玩具,都是超凡奇物 Each candy, has extraordinary magic power. 每一颗糖果,也都有着非凡魔力 Such divine object, initiates another War sufficiently. 这样的神物,足以引发又一场战争 The Tumu walking stick sugar cane, that represents Creation Authority that” Tumu is wielding, had it to be then equivalent had this/should Authority, can conduct Creation recklessly, dying thing living creature. 图姆的拐杖糖手杖,那代表着图姆所执掌的“创造权柄”,持有它便相当于拥有了该权柄,可以进行肆意的创造,不论是死物还是活物。 Some time ago, Tumu once invited Tang Qi to enter the It's dollhouse to be a guest. 不久前,图姆曾邀请唐奇进入祂的玩具屋做客。 At that time, Tang Qi then already by the Tumu designation as dollhouse and cane successor. 那时,唐奇便已被图姆选定作为“玩具屋”与“手杖”的继任者。 Now Tumu falls from the sky officially, this two kinds divine object also changes to the without owner condition, arrives at Tang Qi here. 现在图姆正式陨落,这两样神物也化作无主状态,来到唐奇这里。 As for some same unnatural matters, Tang Qi felt the familiar Destiny aura above finally. 至于最后一样有些怪异的物事,唐奇在上面感受到了熟悉的命运气息。 These pitch-dark lines, with exactly the same that on that whore antler twines, each line as if with ten thousand phase connections, having terrifying strength that is unable to revolt against. 那些黑漆漆的线条,与那婊子鹿角上缠绕的一模一样,每条线似乎都与万物相关联,有着无法反抗的恐怖力量。 The Tang Qi vision throws, the accident/surprise and pleasantly surprised Info Fragment flow. 唐奇目光投过去,意外又惊喜的信息碎片流淌出来。 divinity material object: Destiny clew.】 神性实物:命运线团。】 Status: without owner.】 状态:无主。】 Info Fragment 1: This is Destiny Creation, it by Tumu Creation, it has the inconceivable strength.】 信息碎片一:这是一件命运造物,它由“图姆”所创造,它拥有不可思议的力量。】 Info Fragment 2: Has this thing, may dismantle, every time unties Thread of Destiny, can use this/should heavy line to control some country, or Destiny of some life, the upper limit of sole Destiny line is Half-God...... may superimpose, the complete clew may control Destiny to destroy ordinary God, or affects powerful God's some Destiny.】 信息碎片二:持有此物,可进行拆解,每解开一条命运之线,便可使用该黑线控制某个国度,或是某个生灵的命运,单一命运线的上限为半神……可叠加,完整线团可控制命运摧毁一位普通神灵,或影响一位强力神灵的部分命运。】 Info Fragment 3: Above has the message that Tumu leaves behind, reads?】 信息碎片三:上面有图姆遗留的留言,是否读取?】 Read!” “读取!” Nothing hesitant, Tang Qi heard Tumu that familiar sound in the next second. 没有任何犹豫,唐奇在下一秒听到了图姆那熟悉的声音。 When you receive this clew, I have extinguished.” “当你收到这线团时,我已熄灭。” Does not need to be sad my successor, this was been doomed, as one of the Destiny wielding, I have not revolted.” “不必悲伤我的继任者,这是早已注定的,作为命运的执掌者之一,我并未进行反抗。” „The woman who falling from the sky of I and family members must, that never some people like only a promoter.” “我与家人们的陨落是必须的,那个永远不会有人喜欢的女士只是一个推动者而已。” Believes that you had seen these great lives, they, are we.” “相信你已经看到了那些伟大的生灵,他们,就是我们。” These words, making Tang Qi be startled. 这句话,让唐奇怔了一下。 But is quick he to remember anything, speed way: Light in myriad things!” 但很快他想起什么,快速道:“光于万物之中!” Yes, light in myriad things.” “是的,光于万物之中。” In the clew, Tumu as if can hear the Tang Qi's sound, should with one. 线团里面,图姆仿佛可以听见唐奇的声音,应和了一句。 Tang Qi saw that funny strange old man probably, naturally this is the misconception. 唐奇好像又看到了那滑稽的怪老头,当然这是错觉。 He gazes at Tumu to fall from the sky with own eyes, Understanding All will not present the mistake. But Tumu such existence, will not be in conspiracy with oneself family members together deceit Ten-thousand Spirits, deceit these pitiful lives. 他亲眼注视着图姆陨落,万物通晓不会出现错误。而图姆这样的存在,也不会伙同自己的家人们一起欺骗万灵,欺骗那些可怜的生灵。 In the clew, the message is drawing to a close. 线团内,留言正在走向尾声。 Before I fall from the sky, I had once peeped at Destiny River, had a premonition that you can need such Creation.” “在我陨落之前,我曾窥视过一次命运长河,预感到你会需要这样一件造物。” My Destiny Authority was locked by that woman ahead of time, but small embezzlement some, she will not discover.” “我的命运权柄被那女士提前锁定,但小小的克扣一些,她是不会发现的。” Good luck, my successor.” “祝你好运,我的继任者。” Right, these toys and candies must hand over in the children hand on time, yo the roar roar, enjoys these Joy.” “对了,那些玩具和糖果都要按时交到孩子们手中,哟吼吼,享受那些快乐吧。” In that unnatural laughter, the message ended. 怪异的笑声中,留言结束。 Tang Qi soon detected, mood somewhat sad oneself, when did not know gets up, on the face appeared the smile. 唐奇很快发觉,原本心情有些悲伤的自己,不知何时起,脸上浮现出了笑容。 He looks to the front, the divinity aura incomparably is full, almost must overflow. 他看向面前,神性气息无比充盈,几乎要溢出。 Besides the dollhouse, cane and the clew Tumu gift, complete thanks that mother wish Charlene transmission comes, four types of accumulated various Divinity Authority divine object. 除了图姆赠予的玩具屋、手杖和线团,还有完成母亲愿望夏琳弥传送过来的感谢,四样蕴着各类神性权柄的“神物”。 One has multiple reverses, shocks the War conclusion of Ten-thousand Spirits, except falling from the sky household, incomparable unlucky Ispatrani, as if all parties has a big harvest. 一场有着多次反转,震撼万灵战争结束,除去陨落的家族,无比倒霉伊斯帕特拉妮,似乎各方都有不小收获。 Tang Qi in the library, the harvest is actually astonishing. 唐奇远在图书馆,收获却是惊人。 However at this moment, he has no interest the mood and takes inventory this big pile of divine object, including that Destiny clew. 不过这一刻,他没有心情和兴趣去清点这一大堆神物,包括那“命运线团”。 Peeping at Tumu has not presented the errors, Tang Qi's needs Destiny Creation firmly. 图姆的窥视没有出现错漏,唐奇的确非常需要一件命运造物 He set the request to „the unlimited secret box, needed one to hide the truth from Destiny Whore, was used to save Sally's divine object. 他向“无限秘盒”提出要求,需要一件可以瞒过命运婊,用来拯救莎莉的神物 Exchange demand that the secret box gives, is unknown Destiny Creation. 秘盒给出的交换物需求,是一件未知的命运造物 Tang Qi also has doubts, this exchange can be anything. 唐奇还疑惑,这交换物会是什么。 Now, the truth was revealed. 现在,谜底揭晓了。 He takes out the secret box to confirm fast, but has not started to exchange immediately. 他飞快取出秘盒进行验证,但没有立刻开始进行交换。 Receives conveniently all divine object, the Tang Qi's vision went to that still to continue the universes of Apocalypse disaster again. 随手将所有神物收起,唐奇的目光再度投向那仍在持续着末日灾难的一个个宇宙。 One group of rays glitter suddenly, mechanical girl Alice No. 5 appears in the Tang Qi body side. 一团光芒忽然闪烁,机械女孩“爱丽丝五号”出现在唐奇身侧。 In her hand, holds one pack of unusual paper. 她的手中,捧着一叠奇特的纸张。 These paper are grey white, has the incomparably special sense of reality. 这些纸张是灰白色的,有着无比特殊的质感。 master, you must start to leave behind you first books now in library, you have the related jurisdiction, the books that but write regarding you whether will be included, the library has the complete decision-making power, suggested that you stay some Time again, read some books again......” 主人,您现在就要开始留下您在图书馆内的第一本书籍么,您拥有相关权限,但对于您写出来的书籍是否会被收录,图书馆拥有完全决定权,建议您再停留一些时间,再多阅读一些书籍……” Starts!” “开始吧!” Tang Qi somewhat broke Alice crudely, these grayish white paper flutter. 唐奇有些粗暴的打断了爱丽丝,那些灰白纸张飘荡下来。 Incomparably neat, falls before the Tang Qi body. 无比整齐的,落在唐奇身前。 In the nihility, a grayish white pen was constructed by the thought. 虚无中,一支灰白的笔被意念构建出来。 Tang Qi has not gone to write, has not bent over one's desk writing, his vision was still gazing at that universe, is gazing at these and the life of darkness and shriek resistance. 唐奇没有去执笔,也没有伏案书写,他的目光仍旧注视着那一个个宇宙,注视着那些与黑暗、尖啸对抗的生灵。 Tang Qi has not seen powerful Supernaturalist, has not seen spans the universe sufficiently God. 唐奇没有看到强大超凡者,也没有看到足以跨越宇宙的神灵 Tang Qi only saw tiny forms, their unceasing setting out, unceasing holds the light trend to hate shriek, unceasing Death...... 唐奇只看到了一道道渺小的身影,他们不断的起身,不断的捧着光走向憎恨尖啸,不断的死亡……。 Light, We are Light.” “光,我们是光。” When Tang Qi puts out this to whisper, the next quarter, the shā shā shā sound starts to appear. 唐奇吐出这低语,下一刻,沙沙沙声响开始出现。 That grayish white pen falls automatically, starts to write automatically: 那灰白的笔自动落下,自动开始书写: This is ordinary and great books, inside each paragraph of writing is Hero Epic, is the great story, you will not see narrate broadly, you will not see the description of empty boasting, you will only see innumerable real existence great Life, as well as their names and stories.” “这是一本平凡且伟大的书籍,里面的每一段文字都是英雄史诗,都是伟大的故事,你不会看到恢弘叙事,你也不会看到浮夸的描写,你只会看到无数个真实存在的伟大生命,以及他们的名字和故事。” I am not an author, I am only a recorder.” “我不是作者,我只是一位记录者。” ...... …… ps: Too affected, originally everyone really still , the fat fish told the story except for the symbol renewal, not thought the report, thank everyone. ps:太感动了,原来大家真的还在,胖鱼除了码字更新讲故事,无以为报,感谢大家。
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