LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#988: The legitimate theater starts

bang bang bang 嘭嘭嘭 In the sky gold/metal purple two brilliance are clashing unceasingly, each time the collision regarding matter or Life all around is the total destruction, without were hacked to rub the powder, will still be swept one group of rotten meat by the following radiation complementary waves. 天空中一金一紫两道光辉不断对撞着,每次碰撞对于周遭的物事或是生命来说都是灭顶之灾,即便没有被剐蹭成粉末,也会被后续的辐射余波扫成一团烂肉。 Has to guide the opposite party as striking power strongest variant Hero Quaid toward the star outside, what is somewhat strange, the opposite party coordinates very much. 作为攻击力最强变种英雄的“奎德”不得不引导着对方往星球外去,有些奇怪的是,对方很配合。 As if not know completely, has been close to True God Quaid infinitely, once enters the starry sky, without having scruples liberated, the strength can the twinkling hit to explode its this intruder. 仿佛完全不知晓,已经无限接近真神的奎德一旦进入星空,在没有了顾忌的情况下解放自我,战力可以瞬息将它这个入侵者打爆。 In the two eye pupil, starts to present the dark nihility the starry sky world, must be separated from the star to be at completely. 二者眼眸内,都开始出现幽暗虚无的星空世界,已经要完全脱离星球所在。 almost, waited again for one second.” 差不多了,再等一秒。” In Quaid mind just flashed through this thought that in which ability that suddenly he has super perception transmits the feedback, making him endure compared with the body of True God trembles slightly, within the body also has the feeling of chill. 奎德脑海中刚闪过这念头,突然他拥有的其中一项能力“超级感知”传来反馈,让他堪比真神的躯体微微震颤,体内也出现恶寒之感。 Let his facial color big change, those who get angry fiery to well up, this is not wonderful does not have a premonition from the front intruder. 让他面色大变,怒火爆涌的是,这不妙预感并不是来自前方的入侵者。 But is his behind, in other words will soon attack his is very likely „the oneself person. 而是他的身后,也就是说即将袭击他的很有可能是“自己人”。 Quaid thinks deeply about in faction without enough time, which variant person can pose the threat to oneself, the attack happened instantly. 奎德来不及思索己方阵营里面,哪一位变种人能对自己造成威胁,攻击即刻发生。 The big sound in imagination has not appeared, but Quaid this second of feeling is not extremely good. 想象中的大动静并未出现,但奎德这一秒的感受极其不好。 Roar “吼” Whooshing of low and deep Wrath is constraining emanation from Quaid throat, his complexion becomes flushed the limit, the eyes are also stare extremely round, inside does not dare to believe and arrive at the pinnacle completely the anger. 低沉愤怒的嘶吼从奎德喉咙内压抑着发出,他的脸色涨红到极限,双眼也是瞪得极圆,里面满是不敢相信和到达极致的怒火。 He is almost subconscious is covering the oneself abdomen with both hands, there seems like anything not to have obviously. 他几乎是下意识的用双手捂着自己腹部,那里看起来明明什么都没有。 His that perfect powerful „the divinity body bow becomes a prawn, the radiation brilliance stagnated outward slightly, he starts to become the weak sign. 他那完美强大的“神性躯体”躬成一只大虾,原本向外辐射的光辉微微凝滞,他开始有变得虚弱的迹象。 Sees this, that one-eyed intruder raids pleasantly surprised. 见到这一幕,那独眼入侵者自是惊喜袭来。 It is in the universe some race Monarch, the strength crosses the Half-God Grade category similarly, detected after the opponent has the loophole, it changes immediately blazing the white light river together, suddenly crosses the middle long distance, tries to strike to kill Quaid in this starry sky. 它是宇宙中某个种族的君主,战力同样越过半神级范畴,发觉对手出现漏洞之后,它立刻化作一道炽白光河,眨眼间越过中间的漫长距离,试图将奎德击杀在这星空之内。 Its idea and action have no issue, but it miscalculated Quaid's condition. 它的想法与行动都没有任何问题,但它错误估计了奎德的状态。 Is honored as strongest variant Hero Quaid indeed has the weak sign, but more is actually Wrath. 被誉为“最强变种英雄”的奎德的确出现虚弱迹象,但更多的却是愤怒 He felt transformation in oneself body, guesses murderer immediately. 他感受到了自己躯体内的变化,也立刻猜测出了“凶手”。 Hall · Lodge this name, no matter in Justice Faction, is Evil Faction, actually has the huge fame. 哈尔·洛奇这个名字,不管是在正义阵营,还是邪恶阵营,其实都有着巨大的名气。 Besides his foul-mouthed that makes one want to sew, what are more is his ability. 除了他那张让人想钉起来的臭嘴之外,更多的是他的能力 Was obtained the blood by Hall, possibly withstands Life essence that his is unable to exempt from.” “被哈尔得到血液,就可能承受他一记无法豁免的生命精华。” Will be injected into within the body, will therefore be weak, will have the favorable impression to Hall.” “会被注入体内,会因此虚弱,会对哈尔产生好感。” Knows Hall to have this disgusting Power of the Supernatural person to be many, Quaid one of them. 知晓哈尔有着这种恶心超凡之力的人并不少,奎德正是其中之一。 In fact Quaid had also once estimated that if oneself and Hall · Lodge to, he absolutely not to Hall broken against opportunity, will not make him obtain the blood of oneself, nature Hall is unable to start this nausea incomparable Power of the Supernatural to him. 事实上奎德还曾预想过,如果自己与哈尔·洛奇对上,他绝对不会给哈尔破防的机会,不会让他得到自己的鲜血,自然哈尔也就无法对他发动这种恶心无比的超凡之力 At this moment makes him very obscure, because he does not remember that oneself had the blood to fall in Hall · Lodge hand. 此刻让他无比费解,因为他并不记得自己有鲜血落在了哈尔·洛奇手中。 Damn thing, is disgusting I in this time.” “该死的东西,在这种时刻来恶心我。” Moreover when does my blood lose...... wait/etc.?” “而且我的血液什么时候遗失……等等?” Quaid remembers anything obviously, the head lifts, looks at to raiding fiercely intruder. 奎德显然想起什么,头颅抬起,猛地看向袭来的入侵者。 The words that he did not remember incorrectly, the one by one losing blood, was only created by this monster attack. 他没有记错的话,唯一一次遗失血液,就是被这头怪物攻击造成的。 hōng lóng 轰隆 Quaid's within the body, in the eye pupil, as if presented the huge explosion. 奎德的体内,眼眸内,仿佛都出现了巨大爆炸。 The unprecedented energy burst, will reject because of the weak condition that withstanding one round Hall essence caused shortly, is full of the golden ray eruption of dignity and ruin nature. 前所未有的能量爆发,顷刻间剔除因为承受了一发“哈尔精华”而导致的虚弱状态,充满威严与毁灭性的金色光芒爆发。 Light river? 光河? No, at this moment sweeps across the starry sky impressively is golden sea. 不,此刻席卷星空的赫然是一片金色大海。 Inside is similar to the huge angel form together, his even presented the overlapping golden wing behind. 内里是一道如同巨大天使般的身影,他的身后甚至出现了层层叠叠的金色翅膀。 The top of the head halo overlay, compared with the intruder, he is more like keeping aloof Monarch. 头顶光环叠加,与入侵者相比,他才更像是一位高高在上的君主 Worries to make anything's Monarch, with the idea of intruder dogfight, accumulated the golden tsunami of intense divinity strength has not been raising completely, blazing the white light river to submerge that say/way. 着急做些什么的君主,完全没有与入侵者缠斗的想法,蕴着强烈神性力量的金色海啸掀起,将那道炽白光河淹没。 Stupid intruder, my gift your Death.” “愚蠢的入侵者,我赐予死亡。” Bang “轰” In instance that Quaid voice drops, opposite party indeed already Death. 在奎德话音落下的瞬间,对方的确已死亡 normal combat will not finish quickly, but this time Quaid is at the violent anger condition. 正常战斗不会这么快结束,但此时的奎德处于暴怒状态。 After striking kills the intruder, he simply has not stayed to gather the spoils of war, but turns around directly, „the golden meteor falls toward the land like one. 击杀入侵者之后,他根本没有停留收取战利品,而是径直转身,如同一颗“金色陨星”般往大地坠去。 Hall · Lodge, you will be punished.” “哈尔·洛奇,你将受到惩罚。” This second, the strongest variant person Quaid's voice resounds through the entire star. 这一秒,最强变种人奎德的声音响彻整颗星球。 As the Justice Faction leader, announced suddenly must punish the non-evil variant person, this decision not only had not been censured denies, instead received unprecedented welcome. 作为正义阵营的领袖,忽然宣布要对非邪恶变种人进行惩罚,这种的决定非但没有受到非议否定,反而受到了前所未有的欢迎。 Is resisting the intruder regardless of that faction, the law-enforcing departments, the ordinary citizen, is variant heroes, raises both hands to cheer without exception. 正在对抗入侵者的不论那个阵营,不论是执法部门,普通市民,还是变种英雄们,无一例外都举起双手欢呼起来。 Finally came, Hall this fellow should be punished early.” “终于来了,哈尔这个家伙早该被惩处。” Hall · Lodge is the most disgusting criminal, he should be dismembered dismembers.” “哈尔·洛奇才是最让人厌恶的罪犯,他应该被肢解分尸。” He abandoned my younger sister and wife, he damn.” “他抛弃了我的妹妹和妻子,他该死。” How Hall provoked Quaid, is it possible that did he do that matter to Quaid?” “哈尔怎么招惹到了奎德,莫非他对奎德做了那种事?” ...... …… At the same time the lively discussion, is away from the lover who the shatter wall watches the intruder War live broadcast, simultaneously had the body. 热闹的议论中,正隔着一面破碎的墙壁看着入侵者战争现场直播的情侣,同时直起了身躯。 Oh no, did I cause trouble probably?” “糟糕,我好像是闯祸了?” On Hall · Lodge that handsome face reveals finally wipes the startled color, stresses oneself that matter, then opens the mouth to say. 哈尔·洛奇那英俊的脸上终于露出一抹惊慌之色,抓了抓自己那物事,然后开口道。 The side binds Anna · Armas of bed sheet to smile incomparably charmingly, nods to say at once: Dear running, our child's fathers caught you, looked at his appearance, I possibly could not convince him, you could not be victorious he...... and other children to grow up to be good probably, you first hid, in closet how?” 身旁裹着床单的安娜·阿玛斯笑得无比妩媚,旋即点了点头道:“亲爱的快跑吧,我们孩子的父亲来抓你了,看他的样子,我可能劝不动他,你好像也打不过他……等孩子长大点就好了,你先去躲起来,衣柜里怎么样?” No, my 18 year had/left cabinet over one time, does not want again for the second time......” “不,我十八岁就出柜过一次了,不想再有第二次……” Even to this moment, this was speaking some mess words to the lover as before. 就算到了这个关头,这对情侣依旧在说着一些乱七八糟的话。 Has not detected them completely behind, Tang Qi this transparent person has entered watches play condition. 完全没发觉他们身后,唐奇这个透明人已经进入“看剧”状态。 Although is un- gradation comedy, but Tang Qi thinks has grown up, watches nothing is not inappropriate on the spot. 虽然是未分级喜剧,但唐奇自认为已经成年,现场观看也没有什么不合适的。 Now seems like, this is full of vitality Supernatural World, the so-called variant person is not only the Supernaturalist quantity is also extremely numerous, the ordinary human quantity is also quite big, in addition these foreign lands intruder, are similar to Origin Star. 现在看起来,这是个生机勃勃的超凡世界,所谓的变种人也既是超凡者的数量极多,普通人类的数量也极为庞大,加上这些异域入侵者,与起源星非常类似。 However in Origin Star, should not have Hall · Lodge such fellow, most similar is also that dregs male ancient Magician, green ancient and old demonkind, because afterward provoked Witch School, Sir principal who was caught up with sent out Morphing Spell, Dividing Soul Spell, Changed to a donkey pulling by the wife. 不过在起源星内,应该没有哈尔·洛奇这样的家伙,最相似的也就是那个渣男古魔法师,绿了古老魔神,后来因为招惹到女巫学校,被赶来的校长大人送出一记【变形咒】,一记【分魂咒】,化作一头驴被妻子给牵走了。 From the angle of onlooking, Hall · Lodge such Supernaturalist is very interesting, especially his courting death succeeds, then when encounters the retaliation. 从旁观的角度,哈尔·洛奇这样的超凡者还是非常有趣的,尤其他作死成功,然后遭遇报复之时。 The golden meteor blinks descends, Hall hides in the cabinet radically without enough time, still without putting on him of pants fell into Quaid hand directly. 金色陨星眨眼降临,哈尔根本来不及躲进柜子里,仍旧没有穿裤子的他直接就落入了奎德手中。 Besides that disgusting Power of the Supernatural, Hall also has other supernatural strengths, but did not have the significance facing Quaid. 除了那恶心超凡之力外,哈尔还拥有其他一些超凡力量,但面对奎德都没有了意义。 His body was imprisoned, was carried by a powerful palm, full is the golden light eye pupil is looking at each other with one pair. 他的躯体被禁锢,被一只有力的手掌拎了起来,与一双满是金光的眼眸对视着。 Hall · Lodge, I have listened to many time your names, I have not thought that you dare to attack me, is at this moment.” “哈尔·洛奇,我听过很多次你的名字,我没想到你竟敢攻击我,还是在这个时刻。” Obviously you look like a spoiled child, is depending on disgusting ability unscrupulous destruction Order.” “显然你就像是个被宠坏的孩子,倚仗着恶心的能力肆无忌惮的破坏秩序。” You need to obtain enough lesson, lets that you are unable to dismiss from mind your entire life.” “你需要得到足够的教训,让你一生都无法忘怀的那种。” Is full of the magnetic sound low and deep, the golden halo and wing, making the words that Quaid puts out just like God's Decree hard-and-fast, ordinary human has knelt to bend down, incomparably listens respectfully to his sound respectfully. 低沉充满磁性的声音,金色的光环与翅膀,让奎德吐出的话宛若神谕般不可违逆,普通人类早已跪伏下来,无比恭敬的聆听他的声音。 But was a pity very much, in this room does not have the normal person. 但很可惜,这房间内没有正常人。 Was being carried Hall · Lodge, in the eye pupil exudes is making Quaid feel the unnatural affections, and he did not have to express hesitant: Arrogant Quaid, I had not discovered before unexpectedly your sound is so charming, our children will certainly have a voice that makes one wallow.” 被拎着的的哈尔·洛奇,眼眸内泛着让奎德感觉怪异的爱意,且他没有犹豫的表达了出来:“自大的奎德,我以前居然没发现你的声音这么迷人,我们的孩子一定会拥有一副让人沉迷的嗓音。” On bed, Anna · Armas who whatever the bed sheet falls added with a smile: „......, moreover will be very handsome.” 床上,任由床单滑落的安娜·阿玛斯笑着补充道:“……而且会很英俊。” Very will be strong.” “会很强壮。” Hall · Lodge pulled out oneself that matter, added. 哈尔·洛奇又掏了掏自己的那物事,补充道。 Very will be intelligent.” “会很聪明。” Anna · Armas as if absolutely does not have the sense of crisis, supplemented again. 安娜·阿玛斯仿佛完全没有危机感,再度补充。 Majority is like me, handsome wisdom charming Hall · Lodge.” “大部分还是会像我,英俊智慧又迷人的哈尔·洛奇。” No, like me, beautiful Anna · Armas.” “不,像我,美丽安娜·阿玛斯。” Dear do not forget, the seed is my, essence is also I launches.” “亲爱的你不要忘记了,种子是我的,精华也是我发射出去的。” Punches his Quaid, making me appreciate combat between next two handsome gentlemen.” “揍他奎德,让我欣赏一下两位英俊男士间的战斗吧。” ...... …… This second, Quaid heart voices beforehand Tang Qi had also had the opinions. 这一秒,奎德心底发出了之前唐奇也有过的感叹。 Inborn pair! 天生一对! Although Anna · Armas is also not the variant person, but Quaid believes that even if looks everywhere the entire star is still very difficult to discover second again with the woman of Hall · Lodge such match. 尽管安娜·阿玛斯还不是变种人,但奎德相信,就算找遍整颗星球也很难再找出第二个与哈尔·洛奇这么匹配的女人。 These two should in the same place, never separate forever. 这两人就应该永远在一起,永不分离。 Other times, Quaid will make them achieve wishes. 其他时候,奎德会让他们如愿。 Now, he does not have this idea. 现在,他没有这个想法。 His within the body golden light surges, once again sweeps, after Hall essence , the second results that can produce , has the pollution of favorable impression to drive out to Hall. 他体内金光涌动,又一次扫荡,将中了“哈尔精华”之后会产生的第二个效果,也就是对哈尔有好感的污染驱除。 In order to prevent this puts out what him the words that is incapable of resisting to come to the rare and beautiful flowers lover at present again, Quaid has not put the aggressive statement again, without replies, carried Hall · Lodge then to leave directly same place. 为了防止眼前这对奇葩情侣再吐出什么他无力招架的话来,奎德没有再放狠话,也没有进行回复,直接拎着哈尔·洛奇便离开了原地。 hōng lóng 轰隆 Hey, you can punch him casually, but do not injure his treasure, that is belongs my.” “嘿,你可以随便揍他,但不要伤到了他的宝贝,那是属于我的。” The sound that broadcasts, almost makes Quaid from the sky stagger. 身后传来的这声音,差点让奎德在空中踉跄一下。 He did not delay again, starts to punish Hall · Lodge directly. 他再没有耽搁,直接开始惩罚哈尔·洛奇 First during the flight the violent punched his, subsequently draws on a shape from elsewhere similarly coffin capsule, closed/pass Hall. 先在飞行途中暴揍了他一顿,继而从别处招来一个形状类似棺材般的“太空舱”,将哈尔关了进去。 Next step is the key, Quaid drags the capsule to leave the star directly, goes toward the universe deep place. 下一步才是关键,奎德拖着太空舱直接离开星球,往宇宙深处而去。 Because of Wrath, Quaid erupted the strength to fly crazily for a long time. 因为愤怒,奎德爆发力量疯狂飞行了许久。 In his behind, Tang Qi follows silently. 在他的身后,唐奇默默跟随。 He has an intense premonition, almost that the happy former play conducts, then perhaps is...... the legitimate theater? 他有种强烈的预感,欢乐的前戏进行的差不多了,接下来或许就是……正剧? ps: Thank the book friend to cultivate hitting of source to enjoy. ps:感谢书友修尔源的打赏。
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