LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#985: Un- gradation comedy

No matter Epic, is the tragicomedy. 不管是史诗,还是悲喜剧。 Tang Qi thinks subconsciously should be narrates greatly, will be very solemn and stirring vastly, or warm happy, in brief is not such picture at present. 唐奇下意识认为都应该是宏大叙事,会很悲壮浩瀚,又或是温馨欢乐,总之不会是眼前这样的画面。 The scene several meters away is exceptionally intense, and that picture cannot the child by the 18 year be seen in many civilized and race concept, needs the harmony and shield. 数米之外的场面异常激烈,且那画面在许多文明、种族的观念中都是不能被十八岁以下孩童看见的,是需要和谐、屏蔽的。 Naturally, by the Tang Qi's vision, no matter several meters are several hundred meters no difference, is the hot spicy live broadcasts. 当然,以唐奇的视力,不管是数米还是数百米都没有什么区别,都是热辣的现场直播。 At this time he responded actually finally, in smell that in this room filled, another type besides food sour odor was anything. 此时他倒是终于反应过来,这房间内弥漫的气味中,除了食物酸臭味之外的另一种是什么了。 Has not entered the wrong world, but I should look ahead of time captures.” “没进错世界,不过我应该提前看一眼攻略的。” Tang Qi is frowning, warned oneself one. 唐奇皱着眉头,告诫了自己一句。 However for a better experience, he has not moved to take so-called capturing/raiding as before, although that only needs him to have the thought. 不过为了更好的体验,他依旧没有调取所谓的攻略,尽管那只需要他动一下念头。 Actually on that soft bed the current movement does not let the reason that he knits the brows, among races female and male body exchange not dirty disgusting, then besides representative Desire, but also is representative the love, is representing the multiplication of Life. 其实那柔软大床上正在进行的运动并不是让他皱眉的原因,一个种族间雌性与雄性的躯体交流一点也不龌龊恶心,那除了代表“欲望”之外,还代表着爱,代表着生命的繁衍。 Let Tang Qi, helpless the face is black, is this world protagonist, obviously is not the common male gender. 唐奇无奈脸黑的,是这世界的“主角”,显然不是寻常的雄性。 This is a roughly 30 human male, the gold/metal brown curly hair, has a handsome face, the corners of the mouth have similar happy expression curve, making him appear the evil charm to be charming. 这是一位三十人类男性,金棕色卷发,有着一张英俊的脸庞,嘴角有着类似笑意的弧度,让他显得邪魅迷人。 His body is very strong, the muscle and proportion are perfect. 他的躯体很强壮,肌肉与比例都是完美的。 His behavior, making Tang Qi be a little hard to look straight ahead. 只是他的行为,让唐奇有点难以直视。 He is lying on that bed, the upper body wears the red woolen sweater that obviously weaves manually, his behind, is a wear black leather clothing, gray long hair, stature similarly perfect human female. 他正趴在那大床上,上身穿着一件明显手工织成的红色毛衣,他的身后,则是一位穿着黑色皮衣,灰色长发,身材同样完美的人类女性。 In her waist, is hanging one specially installment. 在她的腰部,挂着一个特殊的“装置”。 Two current activity, according to the usual concept, the position is opposite. 二者正在进行的“活动”,按照通常的观念,位置是相反的。 Naturally, this does not affect their Joy. 当然,这并不影响他们的快乐 Tang Qi also understood, this probably is appeal between a pair of lovers. 唐奇也非常理解,这大概是一对情侣间的情趣。 However what he can believe firmly, these two should not be the ordinary lovers, in his self- stealth, shields two's sound temporarily, and after putting aside the vision to size up in the room other details . 不过他可以确信的是,这二位应该不是普通的情侣,就在他自我隐身,暂时屏蔽二者的声音,并移开目光打量房间内其他细节之后。 Various murals and magazines and comprehensive kind of pleasure tools that the style wild robot, seeks novelty...... 风格狂野的机器人、猎奇的壁画与杂志、包罗万象的各类享乐工具……。 Will play very much.” “很会玩啊。” When voices this opinions, the Tang Qi's vision falls before the room window suddenly, piled up on the tables of a lot of junks. 发出这感叹时,唐奇的目光忽而落在房间窗前,堆积了大量杂物的桌子上。 There was been clear the scrap vacancy, was laying aside a matter that is lending the supernatural aura. 那里被清出小块空处,正放置了一件散发着超凡气息的物事。 A gift box, the packing of empty boasting had been disassembled, reveals the gift box, lies down irregular purple crystal on silk arrange/cloth. 一个礼盒,浮夸的包装已经被拆开,显露出礼盒内部,躺在绸布上的一块不规则紫色水晶 Tang Qi is going into hiding the figure and aura, stands before that crystal. 唐奇隐匿着身形与气息,站在那水晶前。 This is one real world, Tang Qi puts out a hand, can definitely touch that crystal, can rob it, can destroy it, but will have some unknown consequence. 这是一个“真实世界”,唐奇伸出手,完全可以触及那水晶,可以抢走它,也可以毁了它,只是都会产生某种未知后果。 Therefore at this moment, he peeped at one. 所以此刻,他只是窥视了一眼。 The dim light gushes out as scheduled, Info Fragment flows. 幽光如期涌出,信息碎片流淌。 supernatural Strange Object: variant crystallization.】 超凡奇物:变种结晶。】 Quality: outstanding.】 【品质:优秀。】 Info Fragment 1: Can let human evolution strange object, any human, so long as has a variant to crystallize, uses the correct transformation ceremony, then can absorb the strength in crystallization, thus transforms from the mortal to have Life of supernatural strength, this/should star said that transformation from now on Supernaturalist will be variant person.】 信息碎片一:可以让人类“进化”的奇物,任何人类只要拥有一块变种结晶,使用正确的转换仪式,便能吸收结晶内的力量,从而从凡人蜕变为拥有超凡力量的生命,该星球称蜕变过后的超凡者为“变种人”。】 Info Fragment 2: The crystallization as this/should star unique mineral, has the graveyard in various countries, as the first variant person produces, a lot of crystals were unearthed, the variant person quantity in this/should star also erupts.】 信息碎片二:结晶作为该星球特有的矿物,在各国都有埋藏地点,随着第一位变种人产生,大量结晶被挖掘出来,该星球内的变种人数量随之爆发。】 Info Fragment 3: The supernatural strength of each variant crystallization implication is different, included various evolution directions, some strengths of crystallization surpassed evolution completely category, is more like ability gift, this kind of crystal is scarce, but the strength is fearful.】 信息碎片三:每颗变种结晶蕴含的超凡力量都是不同的,包括了各种进化方向,其中一些结晶的力量完全超出了“进化”范畴,更像是一种能力赐予,这类结晶稀少但力量可怕。】 Info Fragment 4: The supernatural strength that this crystal embodiment contains is undying, although many limits undying, but was high-grade Power of the Supernatural...... it is Hall just snatched as before from this city biggest enterprise Nero mining industry company, gave the girlfriend Armas's birthday present.】 信息碎片四:这颗结晶内蕴含的超凡力量为“不死”,尽管是有诸多限制的不死,但依旧算是一种高等级的超凡之力……它是哈尔刚刚从本市最大企业德尼洛矿业公司内抢来,送给女友阿玛斯的生日礼物。】 Info Fragment 5: The variant crystallizes strange object that not this/should star naturally breeds...... they are some race deliberately makes, the goal seems like experiments, cultivates powerful test piece.】 信息碎片五:变种结晶并不是该星球自然孕育出的奇物……它们是某个种族刻意制造出来的,目的似乎是进行实验,培育出强大的“实验品”。】 ...... …… The world of Tang Qi random choice, captures continually has not looked at one, therefore does not know the world backgrounds as well as other information completely. 唐奇随机选择的这个世界,连攻略都没有看一眼,所以也就完全不知晓世界背景以及其他的信息。 However has Understanding All, sometimes the vision then can know enough many things together. 不过拥有万物通晓,有时候一道目光便可以知晓足够多的东西。 At present this so-called variant crystallization, divulges this world present condition directly. 眼前这颗所谓的变种结晶,直接泄露出了这个世界现在的状况。 Therefore, this is normal, develops the technical the world, until having dug out the variant crystallization on the 1st, the direct corner enters Supernatural World.” “所以,这原本是正常的,发展科技的世界,直到有一日挖出了变种结晶,直接拐弯进入超凡世界。” „A variant crystallizes, can become Supernaturalist directly?” “一颗变种结晶,就能让人直接成为超凡者?” This way may probably be more relaxed than Origin Star these laborious promote Contacter, no wonder is a plot.” “这种方式可比起源星那些辛苦晋升接触者们要轻松多了,怪不得是个阴谋。” Looked at one to be passed many information by play, Tang Qi had to plant to close Understanding All's to be impulsive. 只是看了一眼就被“剧透”了不少信息,唐奇有种关闭万物通晓的冲动。 However before that he plans first to peep at protagonist ability. 不过在那之前,他打算先窥视一下主角能力 Although without looking to capture/raid, but the descends node of Tang Qi choice is story beginning, this means behind him, in that human male who Joy calls out, should be protagonist of this Epic tragicomedy. 虽然没有看攻略,但唐奇选择的降临节点是“故事开端”,这意味着他背后,正在快乐嚎叫的那位人类男性,应该就是这段史诗悲喜剧的主角了。 Tang Qi just about to turns around, is suppressing the impulsion of spicy eye, under peeps at that Hall's ability secretly. 唐奇刚要转身,强忍着辣眼睛的冲动,偷偷窥视下那位哈尔的能力 But at this time, he looked unexpectedly to the opposite direction. 可就在这个时候,他蓦地看向相反的方向。 Un?” “嗯?” Massive intense malice transmit from out of the door, along with gently sound of footsteps of movement. 大量强烈的恶意从门外传来,伴随着轻轻移动的脚步声。 Does not need to meet the perspective, Tang Qi's perception tells him, at this moment at least about hundred fully-armed forms, from downstairs and roof each position close to this, this room. 不需要会透视,唐奇的感知告诉他,此刻至少有近百道全副武装的身影,从楼下、楼顶各个方位靠近这一层,这个房间。 These people bring murderous aura to come, the mixture obviously have several is Supernaturalist, or defers to the view of this world, is the variant person. 这些人都带着杀气而来,夹杂其中明显有数位是超凡者,或者按照这个世界的说法,是变种人。 And ability as if covers up, his within the body gushes out a lot of black mist, seemed the living creature surges to bind each form, when they moved the sound, the exhaled aura, as well as other traces eliminated entirely. 其中一位的“能力”似乎就是遮掩,他体内涌出大量黑色雾气,仿佛是活物般涌动着裹住了每一道身影,将他们移动时的声音,呼出的气息,以及其他的痕迹统统消除。 It seems like from the outside world, looks like about hundred Evil ghost to encircle to this room. 从外界看起来,就像是近百道邪恶幽灵围向这个房间。 Naturally possibly does not come to Tang Qi, their goals easily can guess correctly, Tang Qi looked at crystal on table. 当然不可能是冲着唐奇来的,他们的目标轻易就能猜出,唐奇看了眼桌上的水晶 Nero mining industry company, robbed repercussions.” “德尼洛矿业公司,抢劫的后遗症。” hōng lóng 轰隆 The explosive sound has no resounding of indication, the entire building therefore trembles. 爆炸声没有任何征兆的响起,整栋楼都因此震颤。 The room front door is directly stave together with some walls, on bed that pair of plays incomparable Joy lover, because this arises suddenly accident, two people tremble simultaneously. 房间大门连同部分墙体直接破碎,床上那一对玩得无比快乐的的“情侣”因为这突发变故,两人同时一阵哆嗦。 However quick, when 10 several fully-armed ominous people intrude, on the human female face of that attire fiery appears the startled color, the man under her body is the anger and Joy two looks pesters together. 不过很快,当几道全副武装的凶人闯入,那位衣着火爆人类女性脸上浮现出惊慌之色,她身下的男人则是怒火与快乐两种神色纠缠在一起。 The normal man encounters this sound, must have wants on for a while, probably also to leave behind very serious repercussions softly. 正常的男人遭遇这动静,少不得要软上一阵儿,说不定还要留下很严重的后遗症 But is very obvious, that wear red woolen sweater, daring makes the girlfriend not walk the man of common road, his not normal. 但很显然,那位穿着红色毛衣,敢于让女友不走寻常路的男人,他并不正常 He acted raises the bed sheet to curl solid the girlfriend extremely quickly, pressed some switch in the bedside fast, seemed like very soft giant bed to separate fiercely, swallowed the girlfriend, this unexpectedly was a mechanism, his oneself rolled fiercely, puts out a hand to grip to place some type of matter in corner. 他动作极快掀起被单将女友卷了个严实,快速在床边按了某个开关,看起来很柔软巨大的床猛地分开,将女友吞了进去,这竟然是个机械装置,他自己则猛地一滚,伸手握住放在角落里的某样物事。 Clang “锵” Blazing the white blade light, the next second erupts in this room. 炽白的刀光,下一秒在这房间内爆发。 Meanwhile, is full of the magnetism together, the exceptionally sound of pleasant to hear follows to resound. 同时,还有一道充满着磁性,异常好听的声音跟着响起。 The language and federation that common language he uses is somewhat close unexpectedly, but Tang Qi needs to use magic to be able as before to understand. 他使用的语言和联邦通用语竟然有些接近,不过唐奇依旧需要动用魔法才能听懂。 How didn't your fellows...... really have...... to rush politely?” “你们这些家伙……实在是太没有礼貌了……怎么可以就这么闯进来?” Bought a ticket? Just that was very explosive, was my stature very attractive, wants to join, let our together he he he......” “都买票了么?啊,刚刚那一幕是不是很劲爆,我的身材是不是很诱人,想不想加入进来,让我们一起嘿嘿嘿……” chī chī chī 嗤嗤嗤 The human body was dismembered, various types of firearms were cut open forcefully, these sound no one pay attention. 人类躯体被肢解,各种枪械被硬生生切开,这些声音根本无人理会。 Makes the person unable to bear truly earnestly listens attentively, is the words of these oppressors. 真正让人忍不住认真倾听的,是这一句句虎狼之词。 This calls is the fellow of Hall, his stature and face, match with this sound of pleasant to hear. 这唤作“哈尔”的家伙,他的身材和脸庞,与这好听声音非常匹配。 But with words that this sound said that made Tang Qi unable to bear show the smile. 但用这声音说出的一句句话,却让唐奇忍不住露出笑容。 He somewhat understands now, this world has not arrived at the part of Epic and tragedy, the present beginning, is the comedy. 他现在有些理解了,这世界还没到史诗与悲剧的部分,现在的开端,是喜剧。 Tang Qi does not need to use Understanding All, looked directly „the combat live broadcast can know Hall's supernatural strength, at least is in which one type that he has. 唐奇不需要动用万物通晓,直接看“战斗直播”就能知道哈尔的超凡力量,至少是他拥有的其中一种。 Super speed, superior power and super defense...... and extremely high-grade wrestle and slaughters the skill.” “超级速度、超级力量、超级防御……以及极高等级的格斗与杀戮技巧。” These mercenaries, although is good, but cannot resist with such Supernaturalist obviously.” “这些雇佣兵虽然还不错,但显然不能与这样一个超凡者对抗。” When this thought falls, first Time intrudes such that the shadows of room also such as said that killed off by Hall in three seconds completely. 这念头落下时,第一时间闯入房间的黑影们也如所说的那样,在三秒内被哈尔全部杀光。 The body, uniform/subdue and weapon, were all dismembered to cut one after another. 躯体、制服与武器,全都被肢解切割成一块一块的。 This naturally also caused the blood, internal organs, the hashed meat and various types of liquids sprays, is only the Chaos ill-smelling room, turned into the disgusting bloody place directly. 这自然也导致了血液、内脏、碎肉和各种液体喷洒,原本只是混乱酸臭的房间,直接变成了恶心血腥之地。 Such environment, the fellow really also had the interest in wave same place several. 这样的环境,那家伙竟然还有兴致在原地舞动了几下。 Said honestly, after being attacked, his response, his slaughtering skill, is impeccable. 坦白说,被袭击之后他的反应,他的杀戮技巧,都是无可挑剔的。 Also because of this, Tang Qi the complexion also somewhat is black at this time. 也正因为如此,唐奇此时脸色才又有些黑。 The vision is staring at Hall's upper part strongly, is maintaining the line of sight, reminded oneself unable to look below his waist absolutely. 目光竭力盯着哈尔的上半身,保持着视线,提醒自己绝对不能去看他腰部以下。 At his speed, must wear the pants before slaughtering, or binds with the bed sheet, does not have any issue.” “以他的速度,要在杀戮前穿上裤子,或者用床单裹一裹,没有任何问题。” But he does not have, he is raising the blade very much happily, flung that thing to come up.” “但他没有,他很开心的提着刀,甩着那物就上去了。” I really should have a look to capture/raid ahead of time, this indeed is the comedy, but should be that type does not grade, cannot the 18 year the child by the comedy that watches.” “我真的应该提前看看攻略的,这的确是喜剧,但应该是那种不分级的,不能被十八岁以下孩童观看的喜剧。” ...... …… Food is ill-smelling, body exchanges in the room that later after-taste, strong smell of blood wait/etc. aura interwove, like transparent person general Tang Qi, definitely is unable to contain Desire that oneself complained. 食物酸臭、躯体交流之后的余味、浓重的血腥味等等气息交织的房间里,如同透明人一般的唐奇,完全无法遏制自己吐槽的欲望
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