LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#982: Initially is hot

Digests this second secret information, the Tang Qi vision goes to infinite secret He again. 消化完这第二道隐秘信息,唐奇目光再度投向无限秘盒。 The embodiment of eye pupil Hope is glorious, perhaps since a method, will have incessantly? 眼眸之内蕴着希望光辉,既然不止一个方法,说不定还会有呢? The first method success ratio that the unlimited secret box provides almost does not have, was imprisoned Furnace in universe, is unable to capture Supreme Divinity surely, perhaps waits for that Source of Eternity to be bred, hot tempered Furnace slag does not remain. 无限秘盒提供的第一种方法成功率几乎没有,被囚禁在宇宙内的熔炉,必定无法去夺取至高神性,说不定等那“永恒之源”被孕育出来,暴躁熔炉连一点炉渣都不剩了。 But the second method, the chance of success is not indeed low, but the price is also exceptionally astonishing. 而第二种方法,成功几率的确不低,但代价也是异常惊人。 Even is Furnace must pay the huge price incessantly, Tang Qi will also be being been towing, becomes honorable Sun Breeder. 甚至不止是熔炉要付出巨大代价,连带着唐奇也将被拖进去,成为一位光荣的太阳饲养员 According to the exchange record of secret box passing master, its return can be high, is very Fair divine object.” “根据秘盒过往主人的交换记录,它的回报率算得上高,是一件很公平神物。” I put one in ten Furnace Authority after all, should not, only then these two methods?” “我毕竟放进去十分之一熔炉权柄,不应该只有这两个方法?” If, only then these two, after broken box, do not want to embark.” “要是真的只有这两个,破盒子以后也别想上船了。” The Tang Qi mind flashes through not making sense complaining, at once looks that familiar silver white metal informal memo twinkle vanishes. 唐奇脑海闪过一个无厘头的吐槽,旋即看着那熟悉的银白金属便条闪烁消失。 After a half second, black magnetic powder such as he expected gathers again. 半秒之后,黑色磁粉果然如他预想的那样再度汇聚。 Digit that but condenses, actually no longer is 10, but is 100, becomes the long countdown suddenly. 但凝聚出来的数字,却不再是“”,而是一百,陡然变得漫长的倒计时。 And as the digit proceeds to transfer little, Fool's Ship under Tang Qi body starts to appear sways the sign, incomparably stable ship lamp brilliance, started to rock similarly. 且随着数字一点点往前挪移,唐奇身下的愚人船开始出现摇晃迹象,原本无比稳定的船灯光辉,同样开始晃动。 The trembling source is infinite secret He, its all on reliefs, as if must live at this moment. 震颤源头是无限秘盒,它所有面上的浮雕,这一刻似乎都要活过来。 The secret box, these familiar sounds start to resound. 秘盒内部,那些熟悉的动静又开始响起。 kā dá kā dá...... chī chī chī...... tick-tock tick-tock 咔哒咔哒……嗤嗤嗤……滴答滴答” The countdown is continuing, the gear is rotating, the steam is thundering, liquid in dripping. 倒计时在继续,齿轮在转动,蒸汽在轰鸣,液体在滴漏。 Anybody watches these sounds, is very easy to make the judgment: Infinite secret Hezheng is in the overloading operations condition. 任何人看着这些动静,都很容易做出判断:无限秘盒正处于超负荷运转状态中。 With first two different, this time really returns?” “和前两次不同,这次才是真的回报?” The Tang Qi heart reappearing thought that stands firm the body, waited for the countdown to end. 唐奇心底浮现念头,稳住躯体,等待着倒计时结束。 Although the digit lengthened 10x, but compared to secret box other Time that no matter what master waits, Tang Qi obtains was still the super VIP treatment, this also let him to third that secret He will soon put out the method of saving Furnace anticipated. 虽然数字延长了十倍,但相对于秘盒其他任主人所等待的时间,唐奇得到的仍旧是超级vip般待遇,这也让他对秘盒即将吐出的第三种挽救熔炉的方法期待起来。 Waits for in the process, Fool's Ship and secret box trembles to sway even more fierce. 等待过程中,愚人船和秘盒震颤摇晃的愈加剧烈。 Arrives at 10 quickly, when that familiar one disintegration. 很快又来到,当那熟悉的“一”崩解。 All sounds also stand still, fill the magnetic powder in the light hole, again emerging out of thin air silver white metal informal memo. 所有的动静随之停歇,弥漫磁粉的光洞内,再度凭空出现银白金属便条。 Above uses the special writing that any Life can understand, engraved a similar admonition sentence. 上面使用一种任何生命都能理解的特殊文字,镌刻了一句类似箴言的语句。 The Tang Qi vision falls, read directly: 唐奇目光落上去,直接念出: It is beginning the fire, do not let it extinguish.” “它是初火,别让它熄了。” Quite baffling a few words, making in the Tang Qi eye pupil appear the doubts. 没头没尾的一句话,让唐奇眼眸里面浮现疑惑。 But quick, Tang Qi saw new transformation. 但很快,唐奇看到了新的变化 Presents the admonition silver white metal to vanish, another foreign matter is following close on the appearance. 呈现完箴言的银白金属消失,又一件异物紧跟着出现。 Not the intense Scarlet brilliance, like the small Life jump, maps the Tang Qi's eye pupil. 并不强烈的赤红光辉,如同小小生命般跳跃而出,映入唐奇的眼眸。 This is one wisp flame, is jumping weakly newborn flame. 这是一缕“火苗”,微弱跳跃着的新生火苗。 The carrying/sustaining its matter incomparable unnatural, is not being the firewood, is not the ash fire, or other what strange object, but is a plant seedling, some probably type of multi- meat, has a layer upon layer clear emerald green full leaf blade, probably bunches of green water drop stack combinations, send out incomparably natural Vitality. 承载着它的物事无比怪异,不是薪柴,不是余烬,亦或是其他的什么奇物,而是一株植物幼苗,像是某种多肉,有着一层层圆润翠绿的饱满叶片,像是一簇簇绿色水珠堆积组合,散发出无比自然的生命力 Tang Qi has not thought completely, the method that the infinite secret He third type saves Furnace no longer is secret Knowledge, but is the material object. 唐奇完全没想到,无限秘盒第三种拯救熔炉的方法不再是隐秘知识,而是实物。 First passes shortly, he has not felt this material object the great strength. 只是第一眼看过去,他并未感受到这实物的强大。 His gaze and perception have not detected anything, as if at present is really one by ignition plant seedling. 他的注视和感知都没有发觉什么,仿佛眼前就真的是一株被“点燃”的植物幼苗。 Although it is strange enough, but Tang Qi is still not able to believe that such an ancient monster matter can make Furnace Dominion avoid falling from the sky, but he does not think that the unlimited secret box broke down anything, the present plant and flame, are not perhaps simple. 尽管它足够古怪,但唐奇仍旧无法相信这样一件古怪物事可以让熔炉主宰免于陨落,但他也不认为无限秘盒出了什么故障,眼前的植物与火苗,或许并不简单。 The thought twinkle, Tang Qi opens Understanding All subconsciously. 念头闪烁,唐奇下意识开启万物通晓 Hiss “嘶” Not very giant sound, but actually had the terrifying matter. 没有很巨大的动静,但却发生了恐怖的事。 That flash, the Tang Qi incomparably clear feeling oneself Soul was harmed. 那一瞬间,唐奇无比清晰的感受到自己灵魂受到了伤害。 When he looks straight ahead flame, is burnt with the eye of Understanding All his Soul fuses together, his Soul almost blinding, even had the melted sign, that caused Tang Qi to lose very small part of Knowledge. 他直视“火苗”时,与他灵魂融为一体的万物通晓之眼被灼伤,他的灵魂差点被致盲,甚至于出现了融化迹象,那导致唐奇损失了很小一部分知识 Tang Qi quick closedown Understanding All, on the face reveals suffering and color with amazement. 唐奇快速关闭万物通晓,脸上露出痛苦与骇然之色。 Although received the fearful injury, but he as if also peeped at some secret information. 虽然受到了可怕伤害,但他似乎也窥视到了一些隐秘信息。 Mind deep place, thought surges. 心灵深处,意念翻腾。 This plant seedling does not belong to Boundless Occult!” “这植物幼苗不属于无垠神秘!” That calls does beginning fire the flame, does not belong to this world!” “那唤作‘初火’的火苗,同样不属于这个世界!” They are seemingly ordinary, but any star in Boundless Occult, any Ten-thousand Spirits country, or the place of secret, is unable to find the same seedling and Flame.” “它们看起来普通,但在无垠神秘中任何一个星球,任何一位万灵国度,或是隐秘之地,都无法找到一样的幼苗与火焰。” Tang Qi feels fierce suffering, had a big confidence to this ancient monster matter. 唐奇既感受到剧烈痛苦,同时也对这古怪物事生出了不小信心。 It is the unlimited secret box true return, it contains the true method that avoids Furnace falling from the sky. 它才是无限秘盒真正的“回报”,它蕴含着避免熔炉陨落的真正方法。 It calls does beginning the fire, unknown world from Boundless Occult. 它唤作初火,来自无垠神秘之外的未知世界。 Its same combustion Soul, even if achieved Tang Qi present rank, peeps at with Understanding All, still backlashed accusation against melt Soul unexpectedly. 它同样燃烧灵魂,即便达到了唐奇如今的级别,用万物通晓去窥视,竟然也被反噬融化灵魂 Its also conceal level extremely high secret, but Tang Qi does not dare to peep at again. 它还隐藏着层次极高的秘密,但唐奇不敢再进行窥视。 “呼” In Tang Qi of fast thinking, perception to anything, is suppressing suffering to raise the head suddenly, takes a fresh look to oneself. 正在快速思索的唐奇,突然感知到了什么,强忍着痛苦抬起头,重新看向自己面前。 In light hole in combustion flame, it drags suddenly, and starts gradually becomes weak. 光洞内正在燃烧的“火苗”,它忽然摇曳起来,且开始渐渐变得微弱。 The Tang Qi rest region does not have the wind, Tang Qi not to make any hurts its action. 唐奇所处休息区域没有风,唐奇也没有做出任何伤害它的举动。 But invisible, it was being weakened. 可无形之中,它正在被削弱。 Although it seems like that the strength that accumulated this time Tang Qi is unable to imagine, but it as before bit by bit becomes weak, as if the precariousness of life fire, is possibly put out momentarily...... 尽管它似乎蕴着此时的唐奇也无法想象出来的力量,但它依旧一点一点变得虚弱,仿佛风中烛火,随时可能熄灭……。 Is Boundless Occult, this world is repelling it.” “是无垠神秘,这个世界在排斥它。” hōng lóng 轰隆 The Tang Qi mind trembles, the admonition that instantly remembers that to have broken up in the silver white metal that engraves. 唐奇脑海震颤,即刻想起那已经崩解的银白金属上镌刻的箴言。 It cannot extinguish.” “它不能熄灭。” The Tang Qi look becomes said unexpectedly with deep veneration, simultaneously both hands summoned the Dream tentacle and Tang Qi II. 唐奇神色蓦地变得肃然道,同时双手召唤来梦幻触手与二号唐奇 The Dream Dominion Authority strength, was released the pinnacle at this moment. 梦幻主宰权柄力量,此刻被释放到极致。 Was just lost Furnace Universe clone, suddenly was sent back by Tang Qi. 刚刚才被丢出熔炉宇宙分身,眨眼间又被唐奇送了回去。 No. 2 holds combustion, Boundless Occult has never presented the plant seedling, intrudes that to flood the universe of black salt and in ash fire crudely. 二号手捧着一株燃烧着的,无垠神秘从未出现过的植物幼苗,粗暴闯入那充斥黑灰、余烬的宇宙内。 But he just entered, has not come to a stop, in the mouth just shouted said: Furnace My Lord!” 可他刚刚进入,还未站稳,口中刚刚呼喊道:“熔炉吾主!” Has not said that that the Tang Qi II both hands palm, that incomparably weak flame shouted, extinguished. 还未说完,二号唐奇双手掌心,那无比微弱的火苗呼的一下,熄灭了。 Repels this Tang Qi perception to Boundless Occult Occult Creation, although beginning that the fire has the unknown terrifying strength, but the suppression from vast world, is not the flame can revolt obviously together. 唐奇感知无垠神秘排斥这“神秘造物”,尽管那初火有着未知的恐怖力量,但来自浩瀚世界的压制,显然不是一道火苗可以反抗的。 Tang Qi completely understood at this time that admonition, radically is the incomparably anxious reminder. 唐奇此时完全理解了那句箴言,根本就是无比急切的提醒。 Now, initially the fire is put out. 如今,初火熄灭。 He saves the first attempt of Furnace Dominion, will end in failure? 他拯救熔炉主宰的第一次尝试,也将以失败告终? This thought just gave birth, the incomparably familiar scalding hot brilliance towering erupts before his body, surging of brilliance any time was fiercer than before, even there is to plant unchecked crazy. 这念头刚生出,无比熟悉的灼热光焰突兀在他身前爆发,光焰的涌动比之前任何一次都要剧烈,甚至于有种不可遏制的疯狂。 Bang “轰” Tang Qi II even looks at one without enough time, Occult Creation in his hand vanished. 二号唐奇甚至来不及多看一眼,他手中的神秘造物消失了。 However what makes his pleasantly surprised is, he thinks the beginning fire that has been put out, that last wisp flutters, but the light smoke, is touching with the Furnace brilliance instantaneous, was lit. 不过让他惊喜的是,他“以为”已熄灭的初火,那最后一缕飘荡而起的轻烟,在与熔炉光焰触碰瞬间,被重新点燃了。 That seemed to be repelled to leave, making Tang Qi also shock strength, clear return. 那似乎被排斥离开的,让唐奇也震撼不已的力量,清晰回归。 Then was being wrapped by the inexhaustible brilliance, retreats toward universe most deep place. 而后被无穷无尽的光焰包裹着,往宇宙最深处退去。 This time is very rare, Furnace has not roared Tang Qi's clone. 这次很罕见的,熔炉并未咆哮唐奇的分身 It released the true Dominion strength, has not left behind any crevice, the black salt ash fire that turned into by the divinity pollution obviously repels completely these, did not let, even if lit with that compared with a dust particle tinier ash fire, but as before weak beginning fire touched mutually. 祂释放出了真正主宰的力量,没有留下任何空隙,将那些由神性污染显化成的黑灰余烬全部排斥开来,不让哪怕比微尘更加细小的余烬与那重新点燃,但依旧微弱的“初火”相互碰触。 Furnace Dominion appears instantly, suddenly retreat. 熔炉主宰刹那出现,又眨眼退去。 Tang Qi looks to vanish in the brilliance of dark deep place, in the mind has an misconception: This looked like the timid robber simply, snatched the thing then to run? 唐奇看着消失于黑暗深处的光焰,脑海中生出一种错觉:这一幕简直像极了胆小的抢劫犯,抢了东西便跑了? Sends beginning hot clone, alone standing in ice-cold universe. 送来初火的分身,孤零零的站在冰冷的宇宙中。 The brilliance flashes past, later is long Time black screen. 光焰一闪而过,之后便是长时间的“黑屏”。 Stemming from the respect to own Dominion, as well as to the judgment of this time condition, No. 2 has not summoned Furnace again, but in same place static waiting. 出于对自家主宰的尊重,以及对此时状况的判断,二号并未再呼唤熔炉,而是在原地静静的等待起来。 Beside remote time-space, places in Tang Qi main body of library, is extinguishing Soul fired suffering strongly, while looks again to infinite secret He. 遥远时空之外,身处于图书馆的唐奇本体,一边竭力消弭着灵魂被灼烧的痛苦,一边再次看向无限秘盒。 This time, not pleasant surprise. 这次,并没有惊喜。 secret He is staying the opening condition, the light hole sways, inside the magnetic powder living creature hovers, but no longer puts out the silver white metal, or other foreign matters, it thinks obviously „” exchange of Tang Qi with its first time had finished. 秘盒保持着开启状态,光洞摇晃,内里磁粉活物般游动,但不再吐出银白金属,或是其他的异物,显然它认为唐奇与它的第一次“交换”已经结束。 one in ten Furnace Authority, received exchange for three , cannot only be two proper methods.” 十分之一熔炉权柄,换取三个,哦不,只能算是两个正经的方法。” What essential is also more possible the effect is last, that wisp so-called Beginning fire, Although does not have Furnace brilliance that wild mighty force, the strength that but it contains is more fearful, Occult.” “更关键也更加可能起效的是最后一个,那一缕所谓的【初火】,虽然并没有熔炉光焰那种狂暴伟力,但它所蕴含的力量更加可怕一些,也更加神秘。” Up to now, except for knowing its name, it cannot look straight ahead, it...... beyond these several clues from Boundless Occult, other knows nothing.” “截至目前,除了知晓它的名字,它不可直视,它来自无垠神秘之外……这数个线索之外,其余一无所知。” Tang Qi waits for silently, silently thinking. 唐奇默默等待,默默思索。 His thought that the inevitable start conducts extends. 他的思维,不可避免的开始进行一些延伸。 Fool's Ship...... unlimited secret box...... Long Life Secret Scripture...... ancient and old Sage...... beside Boundless Occult 愚人船……无限秘盒……长生秘经……古老贤者……无垠神秘之外” The clue are seemingly many, but extremely in fragmentation. 线索看似不少,但太过于细碎。 How even if Tang Qi releases for flight to let one's thoughts wander again, is impossible to piece together any panic-stricken truth. 即便唐奇再如何放飞乱想,也不可能拼凑出什么惊骇真相来。 When his ponder is unable to stop, familiar roaring was transmitted by the synchronization from clone finally. 正当他的思考无法停止时,熟悉的咆哮终于从分身那边被同步传递了过来。 The abated brilliance surged again, Furnace is sending out to shout to Witch King: Lazy false follower...... you how also here, your work ended, Heretical God offers sacrifices never to stand still.” 本已消退的光焰再度涌动过来,熔炉对着自家巫王发出嘶吼:“懒惰的伪信徒……你怎么还在这里,你的工作结束了么,邪神献祭永远不该停歇。” Un, finally no longer was stupid or despicable, although lazy was not the good word.” “嗯,终于不再是愚蠢或者卑劣了,虽然懒惰也不是什么好词。” No. 2 feels the joy that It deliberately suppressed from roaring of own Dominion effortlessly, this showed that It received the pleasantly surprised gift, is at least worth compared with Heretical God that receiving Furnace Sorcerers offers sacrifices joyfully. 二号毫不费力从自家主宰的咆哮中感受到了一丝祂刻意压制的喜悦,这显示祂收到了惊喜礼物,至少比收到熔炉巫师们献祭来的邪神更加值得欣喜。
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