LM :: Volume #4 神秘入侵

#981: Plants Sun

The library, belongs to the Tang Qi's starry sky rest area alone. 图书馆,独属于唐奇的星空休息区。 In the Tang Qi surface reveals the prudent color rarely, both hands search into void, slow powerful from the Dream tentacle of surging phosphorescent glow, takes out terrifying, and serious incomparable matter. 唐奇面上罕见露出慎重之色,双手探入虚空,缓慢有力的从涌动磷光的梦幻触手内部,取出一件恐怖且沉重无比的物事。 That is a baby head big light ball, seemed shrinking innumerable time of Sun, release inexhaustible Scarlet brilliance. 那是一颗婴儿头颅大的“光球”,仿佛是缩小了无数倍的太阳般,释放出无穷尽的赤红光焰。 It without a doubt is great Creation, for carrying/sustaining its mighty force, Tang Qi has to use Body of the Dream Dominion, divinity tentacles transport alternately, shifts here from Origin Star it. 它毫无疑问是一件伟大造物,为了承载它的伟力,唐奇不得不动用梦幻主宰之躯,一条条神性触手交替运输,才将它从起源星转移到这里。 Very powerful big!” “好强大!” Tang Qi both hands hold the light ball, sends out to say after a sigh. 唐奇双手捧着光球,发出感叹道。 He has not opened Understanding All, touches that Creation later perception feedback merely, making him incomparably direct-viewing knows Furnace Dominion terrifying. 他没有开启万物通晓,仅仅只是触及那造物之后的感知反馈,让他无比直观的知晓熔炉主宰恐怖 In his hand Creation is representing Furnace one in ten Authority, strength that this cannot neglect, if must compare, perhaps this light ball is Tang Qi besides Source of Dreams, most powerful Creation obtained. 他手中造物代表着熔炉十分之一权柄,这并不是可以忽略的力量,如果要进行对比的话,或许这光球将是唐奇除了“梦幻之源”外,所获得的最强大造物 divine object that Tang Qi has are many, starts from simplest Covenant Clay Tablet and Truth Thorn, temporarily Porusa figurine of use, in the Thunderous Hammer fragment and mirror Flower Goddess, has attracted the myriad things the star female...... not to conduct the detailed inventory the words, Tang Qi oneself is unable to recall at once completely. 唐奇拥有的神物很多,从最朴素的圣约泥板真理荆棘开始,暂时已用处的波鲁萨人偶,雷霆之锤的碎片、镜中花神、魅惑万物的星女……不进行详细清点的话,唐奇自己都无法一时之间全部回忆起来。 But does not have any question, compares the words by the strength strong and weak purely, these divine object are unable in the light ball with the hand to place on a par. 但没有任何疑问,单纯以力量强弱进行对比的话,这些神物都无法与手中光球相提并论。 Even in addition infinite secret He, Fool's Ship wait/etc.. 即便加上无限秘盒、愚人船等等。 This one in ten Authority, if no reserved releases completely, boils my Dream God Country in short Time sufficiently, even Diana and Natural Disaster Monarch two subordinate god resist at risk of life is unable to delay is too long, I after all am also not true Dominion, the Authority direct confrontation, I by steamroll.” “这十分之一权柄,如果毫无保留全部释放,足以在短时间内将我的梦幻神国煮沸,就算是戴安娜天灾君主两位属神拼死抵抗也无法拖延太久,我毕竟还不是真正的主宰,权柄直接对抗,我将被碾压。” If were absorbed by me, I can start to play Lays aside Sun Kind of game, Eternity combustion Sun, will proliferate my Dream universe.” “如果被我吸收,那我可以开始玩【放置太阳】一类的游戏,一颗又一颗永恒燃烧太阳,将遍布我的梦幻宇宙。” If gives a mortal it, he can in several tens of thousands years of Time from ordinary Life, ascend the god step by step massively, the mold with Sun and Flame related powerful civilization, is as for establishing one at least has several powerful God, 10 several ordinary God as well as many weak god pantheon faction.” “如果将它交给一位凡人,他可以在数万年的时间内从平凡生命,一步步登神,塑造大量与太阳火焰相关的强大文明,乃至于建立一个至少拥有数位强力神灵,几位普通神灵以及更多弱神神系阵营。” This mighty force, did that hot tempered fellow easily give me unexpectedly?” “这种伟力,那暴躁的家伙竟然就这么轻易的给我了?” Tang Qi holds great Creation, have mixed feelings said after a sigh. 唐奇捧着伟大造物,心情复杂的感叹道。 Furnace indeed borders on to fall from the sky, Death or out-of-control, but It is incomparably powerful Dominion, Death timeline cannot weigh by mortal that number 10 for over a hundred years. 熔炉的确濒临陨落、死亡或是失控,但祂是一位无比强大的主宰,死亡时间线不能以凡人那种数上百年来进行衡量。 Also then said, It is also actually far from arriving at finally that reckless, degree that any price can pay. 也便是说,祂其实还远远没有到达最后那种不顾一切,任何代价都可以付出的程度。 Although hot tempered Furnace denied that type trusts highly, but Tang Qi felt. 虽然暴躁的熔炉否认了那种高度信任,但唐奇还是有所感觉。 Fulfills the contract, the attempt of infinite number of times saves It.” “履行契约,无限次数的尝试拯救祂。” Some thoughts flashed through, Tang Qi moved. 本就有的念头闪过,唐奇动了。 Fool's Ship appears when the Tang Qi body towering, making the person Soul peaceful pale yellow brilliance sprinkle, that covers entirely the relief and symbol silver white treasure box to reappear instantly, the two interweave, that is hovering the black magnetic powder light hole is opening to Tang Qi's that side. 愚人船突兀出现在唐奇身下,让人灵魂安宁的昏黄光辉洒落,那布满浮雕、符号的银白宝盒即刻浮现,二者交织时,那游动着黑色磁粉的“光洞”在正对着唐奇的那一面打开。 Hope, has Hope.” 希望,有希望吧。” Tang Qi puts out some tongue-twisters a few words, at once then holds that to send out the endless brilliance with effort, lets Chaos Evil Faction God dread light ball, puts slowly toward the light hole. 唐奇吐出有些绕口的一句话,旋即便费力捧着那散发着无尽光焰,让混乱邪恶阵营神灵恐惧不已的光球,缓缓往光洞内放去。 By Furnace one in ten Authority Creation, its weight squash does not know many real stars sufficiently. 熔炉十分之一权柄所化的造物,其重量足以压碎不知多少颗真实星球。 But at this moment, Tang Qi sees, these are similar to the tiny winged insect magnetic powder to gather unexpectedly. 但这一刻,唐奇所见,那些如同细小飞虫般的磁粉蓦地汇聚。 They condense one pitch-dark plane, holds that great Creation, not anxiously not slow, starts to sink toward the secret box. 它们凝聚成一个黑漆漆的“平面”,托着那伟大造物,不急不缓的,开始往秘盒内部沉去。 The brilliance that inside overflows is not fierce, is unable to compare with the Furnace ray by far. 那里面溢出的光辉并不剧烈,远远无法与熔炉光芒相比。 But how regardless of Tang Qi peeps, even if opened Understanding All, is unable to analyze any secret Info Fragment. 但不论唐奇如何窥视,即便打开了万物通晓,也无法解析出任何隐秘的信息碎片来。 He can only look, looks that Creation enters secret He, until vanishing does not see. 他只能看着,看着那造物进入秘盒,直至消失不见。 According to the infinite secret He rule, ‚after exchange will put in the secret box, needs to wait for different Time, secret Hejiang puts out the correspondence return?” “根据无限秘盒的规则,将‘交换物’放入秘盒之后,需要等待不同的时间,秘盒将吐出对应的‘回报’?” „, How long does this time need to wait for?” “那么,这次需要等待多久?” The Tang Qi heart just had this doubts, the present silver white treasure box starts to tremble suddenly. 唐奇心底刚生出这疑惑,眼前的银白宝盒陡然开始震颤。 But this time, only then steam chī chī chī the spraying bellow, without the gear revolves, or the sound of Occult liquid dripping. 但这次,只有蒸汽“嗤嗤嗤”的喷射轰鸣声,没有齿轮运转,或是神秘液体滴漏的声响。 Tang Qi looks the black magnetic powder that wavers once again, waits for Time that they are making known to need to wait. 唐奇看着那又一次游移出来的黑色磁粉,等待着它们揭晓需要等待的时间 Then, Tang Qi saw is very inconceivable, doubtful countdown picture. 然后,唐奇看到了很不可思议的,疑似“倒计时”的画面。 The pitch-dark powder, gathers digit 10, later is nine, is eight, seven, six and five...... 黑漆漆的粉末,汇聚成数字“”,之后是“九”,然后是八、七、六、五……。 Is so short?” “这么短?” Tang Qi puts out one is very that easy the words makes one misunderstand, he treats in infinite secret box another difference surprisedly. 唐奇吐出一句很容易让人误会的话,他惊讶于无限秘盒又一次的区别对待。 Although he does not know in the secret box master Pandora Goddess' nine exchanges, waited for long Time respectively. 虽然他不知道秘盒上一任主人潘多拉女神的九次交换,分别等待了多长时间 But he is certain, absolutely incessantly 10 second. 但他可以肯定,绝对不止秒。 The most number of times of, wait for Time to take the foundation digit at year. 其中的大部分次数,等待时间都是以“年”作为基础计数单位。 The level that the clearing house involves is higher, Time that then waits for is longer. 交换所涉及的层次越高,那么等待的时间就越长。 For example Pandora Goddess' ascends the god process, It waited for nearly ten thousand years of Time, will soon naturally pass away, receives the return from secret Henei, then rises for the god. 比如潘多拉女神的登神过程,祂可是等待了近万年的时间,即将自然老死的时候,才从秘盒内获得回报,进而扬升为神。 Now changes into Tang Qi, he by one in ten Furnace Authority exchange Method that avoids Furnace Dominion falling from the sky, Any Learned can make the correct judgment, this is in Boundless Occult is absolutely most secret, is most difficult to know, related to level highest secret one. 现在换成唐奇,他以“十分之一熔炉权柄”交换【避免熔炉主宰陨落的方法】,任何一位博学者都能做出正确判断,这绝对是无垠神秘中最隐秘,最难知晓,涉及层次最高的秘密之一。 If secret He the reply said: Needs to wait for several years, is as for counting the 10 year, Tang Qi a little will not be surprised. 秘盒要是回复说:需要等待数年,乃至于数年,唐奇不会有一点惊讶。 Now, the 10 second, is a difference treats merely obviously. 现在,仅仅秒,显然又是一次区别对待。 The countdown ended fast, at one this digital jump past tense, in that light/only hole, had/left the same matter suddenly. 倒计时飞快结束,就在“一”这个数字跳跃过去时,那光洞之内,眨眼间多出了一样物事。 A Zhang Zhengfang shape, duplicate full Fudiao, Occult symbol, purely informal memo that” becomes by the silver white metal founding. 一张正方形,覆满浮雕、神秘符号,纯粹由银白金属铸造而成的“便条”。 May know from the external detail and aura, this matter indeed stems from infinite secret He. 从外在细节和气息可知,这物事的确出自无限秘盒。 When the Tang Qi vision falls on the metal informal memo central area, was still maintaining opening condition Understanding All, instantly analyzes a accumulated secret Knowledge Info Fragment. 唐奇目光落在金属便条中心区域时,仍旧保持着开启状态的万物通晓,即刻解析到了一道蕴着隐秘知识信息碎片 No, even if in fact does not have the Understanding All's user, in the mind will still receive this information. 不,实际上就算没有万物通晓的使用者,脑海中也会接收到这信息。 The next second, Tang Qi knew the method that avoids Furnace falling from the sky. 下一秒,唐奇知晓了避免熔炉陨落的方法。 Very simple and crude, makes Tang Qi have the feeling that was deceived. 非常简单粗暴,同时也让唐奇有种上当受骗的感觉。 Obtains Supreme Divinity, Source of Eternity.” “获得至高神性,永恒之源。” „???” “???” The question mark of Tang Qi whole face, if not enough restraint, he present secret Hediu will have gone out. 唐奇满脸的问号,如果不是足够克制,他已经将眼前的秘盒丢出去了。 Although strict sense, this method but actually also right. 虽然严格意义上来说,这方法倒也没错。 Borders on Furnace that” falls from the sky, if obtains in Origin Star is brewing that unknown Supreme Divinity, not only will not fall from the sky, but may also continue promote, is Origin God Race that fearful level. 濒临陨落的“熔炉”,如果得到起源星内正在酝酿中的那未知的“至高神性”,非但不会陨落,还有可能继续晋升,达到起源神族那种可怕层次。 However this method, Tang Qi also knows. 但是这方法,唐奇也知道。 Exactly said, Furnace oneself also knows surely. 确切的说,熔炉自己必定也知道。 Perhaps is malice that” Tang Qi sends out obvious, or is the secret box is this operation program. 或许是唐奇散发出的“恶意”过于明显,又或者是秘盒原本就是这种运行程序。 After that silver white metal informal memo presents, is glittering disappearance. 那银白金属便条呈现过后,闪烁着消失。 The black magnetic powder gathers digit once again 10, the new countdown starts. 紧接着,黑色磁粉又一次汇聚成数字“”,新的倒计时开始。 Incessantly a method?” “不止一个方法?” The Tang Qi eye pupil shines , after is a 10 breath, the new silver white metal informal memo emerges out of thin air. 唐奇眼眸亮起,又是个呼吸之后,新的银白金属便条凭空出现。 This time Info Fragment that enters the Tang Qi mind, exhaustive, complex much. 这次进入唐奇脑海的信息碎片,详尽、复杂得多。 Moreover, has the Tang Qi also affirmative side high feasibility. 而且,有着唐奇也肯定的极高可行性。 „The Furnace way has come to the end...... not to fall from the sky, that then rebirth.” 熔炉的路径已走到尽头……不想陨落,那便重生。” Makes the brilliance continue combustion, until the ash fire covers Furnace Universe...... to discard all thoroughly, divinity, God Country and letter/believes people and all related Creation...... before complete extinguishment, making Furnace let loose the source, making It conduct ruin all large explosions...... that time to vanish time, will be destroyed.” “让光焰继续燃烧,直至余烬彻底覆盖熔炉宇宙……舍弃一切,神性神国、信民、所有相关造物……在完全熄灭前,让熔炉放开本源,让祂进行一次毁灭所有的大爆炸……那时一切都将消失,都将被毁去。” But in some time, above the ruins in darkness, will be born a wisp Furnace source fire, That is the seed of rebirth.” “但在某个时刻,黑暗中的废墟之上,将诞生一缕【熔炉源火】,那便是重生的种子。” Source fire is exceptionally frail, needs to find it in correct Time, and puts in the most appropriate fertile soil the source fire, by many pure divinity achievement nourishment irrigation, until Furnace returns.” “源火异常脆弱,需要在正确的时间找到它,并将源火置于最合适的沃土,以诸多纯净神性作为‘养料’浇灌,直至熔炉归来。” ...... …… Suddenly, Tang Qi clearly becomes aware all details. 眨眼间,唐奇明悟所有细节。 But in the Tang Qi surface the color of reappearing pleasant surprise, he indeed has not thought this method, Furnace oneself is not perhaps able to know this method. 唐奇面上没有浮现惊喜之色,他的确没想到过这种方法,或许熔炉自己也无法知晓这种方法。 If his understanding does not have the mistake, the price that this method must pay is exceptionally huge. 只是如果他的理解没有错误,这方法要付出的代价异常巨大。 So-called rejection, is almost equal to position standard to drop, if loses all divinity and related Creation, that Furnace not only no longer can be Dominion, ordinary God will be as for weak god is not, It's will vanish in the boundless Above the Occult Ten-thousand Spirits list.” “所谓舍弃,几乎等同于位格跌落,如果丧失所有的神性和相关造物,那熔炉非但不再会是主宰,连普通神灵乃至于弱神都不会是,祂的尊名就消失于无垠神秘之上万灵名单之中。” However this is only the first step, loses divinity, Occult Knowledge that and long years accumulate, only has a wisp of frail source fire Furnace, is equivalent to human from degenerate grown the baby, must come again.” “而这只是第一步,失去神性,以及漫长岁月积累的神秘知识,只剩下一缕脆弱源火的‘熔炉’,就相当于一个人类从成年退化回婴儿,所有的一切都要重来一遍。” Essential is also most important, It also needs powerful escort.” “最关键也是最重要的,祂还需要一个强大的护航者。” So-called fertile soil, refers to one being able to help the source fire grow, fills various divinity high-grade world, is impossible to throw into some nameless country that frail source fire at will, making It grow barbarically, that will only make his thorough Death...... meet the fertile soil requirement, at least is also some Dominion God Country.” “所谓的‘沃土’,指的是一个能帮助源火成长,充满各种神性的高等级世界,不可能随意将那脆弱的源火丢入某个无名国度,让祂野蛮生长,那只会让祂彻底死亡……符合沃土要求的,至少也是某位主宰神国。” In addition, It also needs to water, escort must feed It many pure divinity unceasingly, Chaos Evil or Lawful Good is immaterial, must result is pure, is pollution-free.” “除此之外,祂还需要浇灌,护航者必须不断喂食祂诸多纯净的神性,混乱邪恶或者秩序善良都无关紧要,必须得是纯净的,无污染的。” Such seems like, I am very indeed suitable to be such escort, sounds is a bit like...... the Sun person?” “这么看起来,我的确很适合做这样一个护航者,听起来有点像……种太阳的人?” Is only, if really carries out this transaction, I owed simply sent greatly......, only if before that large explosion, Furnace ahead of time one step all heritage delivers to me.” “只是,如果真的进行这交易,那我简直亏大发了……除非在那大爆炸发生前,熔炉提前一步将所有‘遗产’交付给我。” Use this way rebirth, return can Furnace also be Furnace?” “不过使用这种方式重生,归来的熔炉还会是熔炉么?” Last thought makes Tang Qi shake the head, in the description according to that silver white metal, he thinks that the return Furnace surely is not present Furnace, will be more like newborn Ten-thousand Spirits that has brand-new memory. 最后一道念头让唐奇摇了摇头,按照那银白金属上的描述,他认为归来的熔炉必定不会是现在的熔炉,更像是一位有着全新记忆的新生万灵 ps: Thanking the book friend Something went wrong, goes home to eat meal is most suitable I, emperor reveres to sob Tathagata, the Guangling relatives three to ask, hitting of miconame to enjoy. ps:感谢书友[Not Found]、回家吃饭才是最适合我的、帝尊泣如来、广陵戚三问、miconame的打赏。
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